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1. What is your current grade level?

a) Grade 11

b) Grade 12

2. How often do you use technology for academic purposes (e.g., online research, completing
assignments, communicating with teachers and classmates)?

a) Almost every day

b) Few times a week

c) Rarely

d) Never

4. Do you think technology has improved your academic performance?

a) Yes, significantly

b) Yes, somewhat

c) No, not really

d) No, not at all

4. Have you experienced any technical difficulties while using technology for academic purposes?

a) Yes, frequently

b) Yes, occasionally

c) No, never

5. Do you think technology has made learning more engaging and interactive?

a) Yes, significantly

b) Yes, somewhat

c) No, not really

d) No, not at all

6. Have you experienced any negative effects of technology on your academic performance (e.g.,
distraction, addiction)?

a) Yes, frequently

b) Yes, occasionally

c) No, never

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