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Culture Assimilator.

Content: One day, Sheyla decided to invite Kimberly to celebrate their 2 years of

friendship in a Japanese restaurant. When they arrived the place was beautiful and

so elegant but, when they were treated, the lack of attention, waiting times, little

follow-up and poor quality service made the place not look so good and obviously

Sheyla felt bad for inviting Kimberly to a place with such bad customer service, and

Sheyla´s intention was never to do that. Waiting for so long to be served was

perhaps normal for a place so full of people, but the quality of the food and the poor

service given by a specific waitress was totally a disaster. This waitress badly

delivered the food to them and practically threw the food on the table, causing

spaghetti sauce to splatter on Sheyla's clothes. The way she served and the

gestures on her face were like she was disgusted with them.

Is this a problem of cultural awareness or simply just bad customer service?

How should Kimberly and Sheyla have acted in those moments?

Possible Solutions:

1. In this first possible solution, Kimberly should have respectfully called the

waitress's attention to let her know how badly she was acting and what she

had done to sheyla´s clothes. So Kimberly must have asked her name. Then,

once Kimberly knew that the waitress's name was Niza, she should have

called the manager, to let him know about the disgusting situation.

2. The name of the manager is Manny. Since he is a good manager, he listens to

what the client has to say, accepts their responsibility and always reacts

calmly. He tries to create solutions like: giving a discount, giving a plate to

share and be satisfied. Kimberly and Sheyla gladly accept this courtesy and

stay at the restaurant.

3. Possible service improvements could be: train employees well, encourage

effective communication, ensure accurate waiting times, handle complaints

properly, have a good presentation and customer handling. These two girls

should let the manager know what he is supposed to do in his job.

Discussion of the possible solutions:

1. In this first discussion, Sheyla and Kimberly decide to speak with Niza and the

cashier, whose name is Ronald, and say that they are going to give a bad

recommendation of the restaurant so that no one comes back because the

customer service was not adequate. Ronald, the cashier stared at them and

just ignored the problem because it wasn't with him.

2. In this second discussion, Sheyla and Kimberly thought that the manager was

not going to take the matter seriously so they decided to take justice into their

own hands. Sheyla got up from her chair in a loud way so that all the people

inside the restaurant could hear and they started yelling at her and treating

the table badly, then Kimberly also did the same and said that they were not

going to pay for bad service and they both left the restaurant.

3. When Sheyla and Kimberly were going to pay for the food, they asked the

cashier for a discount for the bad treatment, since Ronald is not the one in

charge of making that kind of decision, he proceeded with the protocol and
called Manny. He said that they weren't going to give any royalty or discount

and that the issue is over. An angry Sheyla and Kimberly, paid but threatened

to upload images, videos and information with their experience to social

media, so that other people can see that there is already a precedent and no

one should visit the place.

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