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Effective Communication for Supervisors

► supervisors
Must be good people persons which means
they must have good interpersonal skills for
dealing with a wide variety of people

► managers
who want to be good listeners must listen not
only to what is being said but also to how its
being said and why it is being said , staying
alert for thr feelings behind the words
Types of business communication

► Upward
Information passing from lower levels to higher
► Downward
Information passing from higher levels to lower
► Lateral
Information passing from people at the same levels
► External
Information passing from an outsource
Communication myths

► Only when we want to

Words mean the same to everyone
We communicate chiefly with words
Nonverbal communication is silent communication
► Communication barriers
Poor timing
Personality differences
Personal biases communication
First impressions
Halo or pitchfork effects
Contrast effects

► Speaking skills for presentations

Plan (body, introduction)
Know your audience (values, need)
Presentation environment (equipment, visuals)
Presentation delivery tips (posture, movement)
► Listening skills
► Obstacles (passive)
Personal thoughts
Focusing on one word
Tuning out
Too many notes
Lack of desire or determination
► Listening model (active)
Summarizing & useless disclosure
Questioning or clarifying
Open ended questions
► Non-verbal communication
Body language
-facial expressions
-posture and body movement
► Business writing techniques
Specific reader/audience in mind
Know the objective
What information is essential
How to present the info
Short and concise
Recruitment and
Selection Procedures

► Define Recruiting.
The systematic process of identifying candidates for current or future
position (vacancies).
► What is the Purpose of Recruitment?
-Activities that will identify potential employees, communicate job,
& organizational attributes to them and convince them to apply.
-Key to success is finding qualified individuals who have knowledge,
skills, and abilities (KSA)/(competencies) to do the job.
-Effective recruiting will free managers to spend more time & effort
on other management activities.
*[Recruitment (consist of pool of candidates)=>Screen=>Selection]
► What steps are involved in the Recruitment Process?
1.Decide on the objective for the recruiting process.
2.Identify the best sources for recruiting.
3.Craft the recruitment message.
4.Familiarize oneself with the job duties & requirements of
the position.
► Differentiate the Recruitment Process between Small
and Large Businesses.
-In small businesses, managers are involved in all stages.
-In large businesses, recruiters take the lead.
► What are the Factors that Affect Recruiting Efforts?
-Legal constraints
-Economic constraints
-Industry constraints
-Organizational constraints
-Position constraints
► Define Unemployment Rate.
A government statistic that measures the percentage of
workers who are not employed, but who are seeking work.
-The unemployment rate is defined as the # of persons in a
community, or other designated area, expressed as a
percentage of the defined area's entire labor force.
► What is Internal Recruitment?
-Gives opportunities for promotion for employees.
-Word of mouth is simplest, but not always most effective.
► Define Job Posting.
It is the most common formal method for recruitment: posting note on the bulletin
board, note in the company newsletter, or on company intranet.
► What are the Pros of Internal Recruitment?
-Can be initiated very quickly
-Most cost-effective
-Existing employees already familiarize with company
-Employees motivated by opportunities for advancement
-Managers have access to applicants' past performances
-Improves the probability of making a good selection
-Looked upon favorably by the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission)-(like a chance to be promoted/move up in organization).
► What are the Cons of Internal Recruitment?
-Sometimes companies want new ideas
-Need for diversity
-Resentment among employees
-Increased recruitment and training efforts will result because the position vacated
by the promoted employee must also be filled with a new staff member.
► What is External Recruitment?
-Source should be dictated by nature of the job, location,
and skill level needed.
► What are the Pros & Cons of External Recruitment?
-More costly than Internal Recruitment
-May upset existing employees if internal applicants don't get
the job
-Give firm the opportunity to bring in employees with fresh
new perspective
-Allow company to target specific competencies that current
employees may not possess.
► Define Selection.
Systemic process of choosing an individual for a current or
future position (vacancy).
► Define Initial Screening.
Involves viewing the info provided by the applicants to
decide which applicants are worthy of consideration.
-Applications & resumes reviewed to determine which
applicants meet minimum job requirements(education,
previous experience, etc.)
► Define Final Screening.
Taking a more in-depth look at applicants, reviewing
references, conducting background checks.
► Define Application.
At will (employment).
-an employment relationship in which either party can, at any
time, terminate the relationship with no liability.
► Define Panel Interview.
Several people interviewing the applicant at the same time.
► Define Unstructured Interview.
Interviewers will ask job-related questions, but without define
format and uses different questions with different applicants.
► Define Structured Interview.
More accurate means of comparing responses across
applicants, same questions are asked to all applicants.
► Define Situational Questions.
Interviewer poses hypothetical situations and ask how
candidate will respond.
► Define Behavioral Questions.
Interviewers asks how candidate has handled a situation in the
► What are the Guidelines for Application Questions?
-Keep questions job-related
-Ask questions about:
-Relevant past work experiences
-Goals & Interests
-Don't ask personal questions
ex's: Are you married? or What year did you graduate from high school?
► What consists of (Pre) Employment Testing?
1.Skills Test
2.Psychological Test
3.Drug screening Test
-Work sample test requires applicant perform a sample of work representative of the job.
-Knowledge tests measure applicant's mastery of subject matter to do the job.
-Physical ability tests measure endurance, strength, or general fitness.
-Personality inventories identify extent to which applicant possesses certain characteristics needed to be
successful in the job.
► What is the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988?
Requires Federal contractors to develop policies to ensure workers are drug-free.
-Drug testing has decreased in recent years due to cost.
► Are Medical Exams required during part of the Recruitment and Selection process?
Medical Exams can only be required after an offer of employment has been made.
► Define Reference Checks.
Potential employer can contact applicant's references to verify information.(applicants should release form
granting permission.)
► Define Defamation.
False statements that cause someone to be held in contempt, lowered in the estimation of the community, or to
lose employment status or earnings, or otherwise suffer a damaged reputation.
► Define Background Checks.
Verifying information provided during the application process or to obtain additional information.
-Criminal History
-Credit Report
-Driving Records
-Academic Credentials and Licenses
► Define Negligent Hiring.
Failure on the part of an employer to exercise reasonable
care in the selection of employees.
► Define Negligent Retention.
Retaining an employee after the employer became aware
of an employee's unsuitability for a job, thereby failing to
act on that knowledge.
► Define Employment Agreement.
The terms of the employment relationship between an
employer and employee that specify the rights and
obligations of each party to the agreement.
► Define Offer Letter.
A proposal by an employer to a prospective employee
that specifies the terms of employment. A legally valid
acceptance of the offer will create a binding employment

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