Paperspace Gradient

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Paperspace Gradient

This is a quick guide to getting started with Deep Learning for Coders on Paperspace
Gradient. With Gradient, you get access to a Jupyter Notebook instance backed by a
free GPU in less than 60 seconds, without any complicated installs or
configuration. Gradient is built on top of Paperspace, a GPU-accelerated cloud

Paperspace recently introduced a Free Tier of free GPU and CPU instances. To
use them, choose Free-GPU or Free-P5000 (recommended) in step 2.6 Create
Note: Additional capacity and more powerful GPUs are available with paid instance
types. Paid instances are billed while they’re running (per second!) and the rate is
dependent on the Instance Type selected. Notebooks must be stopped to end billing.
Consider using new Gradient “preemptible” instances which can save you money
when using paid instances.
Step 1: Create an account
To get started, create an account here and confirm your account by clicking the
verification link in your inbox.

Step 2: Create Notebook

1. Login and select Gradient > Notebooks.
2. Select the Paperspace + Fast.AI base container.

1. Select the type of machine you want to run on.

Important note: remember that you can change the instance type at any time. This
means you can start out running on an inexpensive or free instance, and then,
whenever you want, switch to a much more powerful instance to execute code as
efficiently as possible. Instance type is independent of your notebook. When you return
to work, the instance type should self-select to whatever type you last used. But it’s a
good idea always to check! This will prevent billing and performance surprises.
1. Name your Notebook (optional)
2. Enter your payment details (if using a paid instance type). Even if you have a
promo or referral code, all paid instances require a valid credit card on file.
3. Click Create Notebook
Your Notebook will go from Pending to Running, and will be ready to use 🌟.
Note: When you are using paid instances, clicking Create Notebook will start your
Notebook and your billing session will begin. To stop billing, you must stop your

Step 3 : Update the fastai library

Before you start working you will need to update the fastai library and lesson
notebooks. To do this you will have to access the terminal. You can do this by clicking
in ‘New’, ‘Terminal’.
Once you click on ‘Terminal’ a new window should open with a terminal. Type:

pip install fastai fastcore --upgrade


git pull

Now you should close the terminal window.

Step 4: Start learning!

You should now have a running notebook. It might take a few seconds to
provision, but once it’s running you just have to click “Open” to access your Jupyter

Next from your jupyter notebook, click on ‘fastbook’ and you should look at something
like this:
Go back to the first page to see how to use this jupyter notebook and run the jupyter
notebook tutorial. Come back here once you’re finished and don’t forget to stop your
instance with the next step

Step 5: Stopping your Notebook

Just click stop on the notebook page or notebook list view. This will end the session.

NOTE: When using paid instances, you will be charged for the time that your notebook
is running. You must stop the notebook to stop incurring charges.

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