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Additional Material for Hydropower Calculations - Exam

Important: Please use the default values given for the parameter unless it is stated otherwise. This means:
Rm = 4.5 and j = 2

Default value to be used unless stated otherwise

in the calculation task

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Default value to be used unless stated otherwise
in the calculation task

Pelton efficiency minus 0.03

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 d = m , h = m, Q = m3/s, n = RPM

Friction head losses – closed pipe

hf Default value to be used unless stated

L otherwise in the calculation task
– S is the hydraulic gradient or head loss by linear meter (hf/L).
– L is the length of the penstock [m]
– hf is the head loss due to friction losses in a closed pipe [m]
– Q is the channel discharge [m3/s]
– n is the Manning roughness coefficient or friction coefficient

Friction head losses – open channel

• Where:
– S is the hydraulic gradient or head loss by linear meter (hf/L).
– Q is the channel discharge (m3/s)
– P is the wetted perimeter (m)
– A is cross-sectional area of the channel (m2), and
– n is the Manning roughness coefficient

Trash rack losses

hs = loss of head, m
Ks = screen loss coefficient
t = thickness of bars, m
b = clear spacing between bars, m
v = velocity of approach, m/sec
a = angle of bar inclination, degree

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Specific speed
Nq is the specific speed
Q0.5 N is the speed [rpm]
Nq  N  Q is the (design) flow [m3/s]
H 0.75 H is the net head [m]

Loss of head by sudden contraction or expansion

Loss of head in/out reservoir

For a submerged pipe
discharging in a reservoir –>
For the entrance from a
reservoir to a pipe -> V1=0

Turbine selection

Stephan-Boltzman Law Wien’s Law

Extraterrestial Irradiation Hour angle

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Mounting angle of a fixed collector Annual global Irradiance

Fixed Collector

Concentration ratio

Radiative exchange between the sun and System efficiency

the receiver

Collector Performance

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Maximum concentration ratio Collector efficiency

Optical energy absorbed by the receiver

Thermal energy lost from the receiver

Collector’s thermal performance Fill factor

PV efficiency

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Voltage that produce maximum Effect of temperature and Irradiance
power density

Number of series connected PV


where Vm is the operating voltage of one

Number of parallel PV modules Solar cell temperature

Isc = the short-circuit current

SF is the sizing factor
PSH is peak solar hours
Where G is given in kW/m2 , Tc and Ta are cell and
ambient temperature respectively.

Wind power
Wind speed at hub height

Where U2 = Wind speed at hub height

U1 = wind speed at reference height, i.e. 6 m/s
Z2 = Hub height
Z1 = Reference height, i.e. 10 m.
α = Power law exponent (wind shear)
Vertical variation Power in the wind

Lift calculation

Lift Force

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Rayleigh and Weibull distribution Tip-speed ratio

Primary Production Heating Value

P = yield of dry biomass (t/ha-

C = constant 3.1536
I = average insulation W/m2
≈(184 W/m2)
ηtotal = solar energy capture
efficiency, equal to 7% w=water content (see end of the lecture for definition)
LHVmoist = Lowe Heating hLV=(enthalpy of evaporation of water=2256 kJ/kg water
Value of biomass, MJ/kg

Water content Moisture content

B = biomass B = biomass
W= water W= water
Air ratio

Mass of volatiles Cold gas efficiency (gasifier)

–ηCG = Cold gas efficiency %

–LHVgas = lower heating value of the product gas (MJ/ m3n,)
– gas = normal volume flow of gas (m3n/s)
–LHVmoist =lower heating value of the gasifier solid fuel
– fuel = solid fuel flow (kg/s)

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