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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

for Grade 7
Prepared by Christine Joy B. De Guia

I. Learning Competency

• Use imperative and prepositions when giving instructions.

II. Objectives

At the end of the session, students should be able to:

a. identify the use of imperative and prepositions in a sentence,

b. perform the imperatives and prepositions in giving instruction through a

role-play activity; and

c. value the importance of the use of imperative and prepositions when

giving instructions by creating a dialogue.

III. Subject Matter

Topic: Imperative and Preposition when giving instructions

Reference: English7_012_Lesson. (n.d.).


Materials: Visual aids, student handouts and grading rubrics.

IV. Procedure

Teachers’ Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparation

1. Prayer
“Let us all stand up for our morning
prayer. “(call a student for a prayer)

2. Greetings

“Good morning, class!” “Good morning, teacher!”

“How are you this morning?” “We are feeling great, teacher!”

“I am happy to know that you are all

feeling great today.”

3. Attendance

“Who is absent for today?”

“Nobody’s absent for today, teacher.”
“Very good! Keep it up!”

4. Classroom Rules

“Before we start with our discussion, let us

remind ourselves with our classroom

“What is our first rule? “

“Our first rule is to sit down properly.”

Sit down properly. Sit down properly.

“How about the second rule?”
“Our second rule is to raise your hand if
you want to speak.”

Raise your hand if you want to speak. Raise your hand if you want to speak.

“How about the third rule?”

“Our third rule is listen to the teacher.”

Listen to the teacher. Listen to the teacher.

“What are you going to do with these

classroom rules?”
“We will follow our classroom rules,
“Very good!”

B. Motivation

“Before we start with our discussion, let’s

first have an activity called “Think-Pair-
Share” activity. Are you all ready?”

“Yes teacher!”
“Find your partner first.”
“Okay, teacher!”
“Do you have partners now?”
“Yes teacher!”

“Here is the instruction, write two

sentences in giving commands, request or
order and another two sentences about
showing directions. Write it in a ½ sheet
of paper, crosswise. And after you’ve done
with your task, you need to submit it in
front and sit quietly. I’ll give you 10
minutes to do it.

Your time starts now.”

“Time is up!”

“Now I will pick one paper in here and the

pair that would be chosen would present
their answer in front and I would ask
them some questions.

Okay, we have Miss Anna and Mr.

Andrew.” (The chosen students will present their

“Why do you think the sentence that

you’ve wrote here tells someone what to
do or it shows direction?”
“We think that the sentence that we wrote
tells someone what to do because it has the
preposition like and, to, of, above and below
that indicates a position of directions.

And for the command or request we use a

word like please to show a request.”

“Okay, very good! For the second question,

why do you think the sentences are called
“We think that these sentences are
imperative because it gives commands or
requests from one person to another
“Very good!”

C. Presentation

“Based on the activity we had earlier, what

do you think is our lesson for today?”

“Teacher, I think our lesson for today is

all about imperatives and prepositions.”

“You’re right!

So, our topic for today is all about using

imperative and prepositions when giving

D. Discussion

Objectives Objectives
At the end of the session, students should At the end of the session, students
be able to: should be able to:

a. identify the use of imperative and a. identify the use of imperative

prepositions in a sentence, and prepositions in a
b. perform the imperatives and
prepositions in giving instruction b. perform the imperatives and
through a role-play activity; and prepositions in giving
instruction through a role-
c. value the importance of the use of play activity; and
imperative and prepositions when
giving instructions by creating a c. value the importance of the
dialogue. use of imperative and
prepositions when giving
instructions by creating a

“But before anything else, let’s first

define what is imperative and instruction.

Everyone, please read.”

Imperative are sentences that either give Imperative are sentences that either
a command, order, warning, advice or give a command, order, warning,
request. advice or request.
Instruction is a statement or list of Instruction is a statement or list of
statements that either describes the statements that either describes the
process of doing an idea describes the process of doing an idea describes
intended activity of a person giving the intended activity of a person
instruction. giving instruction.

“So, anyone who can explain this?”

“Me ma’am.”
“Yes, Anna.”

“When we say imperative, it is the

sentence that gives command and
order, warning, advice or request.
While the instruction is the
statement of the command from a
person of what he or she want to be

“Yes, your right! When we say imperative,

it is the command while instruction it is a
statement or direction that describes the
activity that the instructors wants to

It can be a command or a tool of It can be a command or a tool of

demonstration, for example please read demonstration.
1. Put notebooks on my table. For example:
2. Come back on Friday. 1. Put notebooks on my table.
2. Come back on Friday.

“Do you think this shows imperative

instruction class?”
“Yes ma’am!”

“Why? Anyone who can explain?”

“Me ma’am, because it commands a person

to do such things like to put the notebook
on the table and come back on Friday.”
“Yes! Exactly! So, it is an instruction
because it instructs something to happen.
Like for example our first example, it can
be the teacher or classmate telling
someone to put the notebook on the table.
And the other one is letting someone to
come back on Friday. So, it instructs and
commands something to happen or to be

“Did you understand class?”

“Yes ma’am!”

“So, now let’s move on to the preposition,

please read Amanda.”

Preposition is used to express Preposition is used to express

relationship between nouns or pronouns relationship between nouns or
and other words in a sentence. pronouns and other words in a
Types of preposition
• Location Types of preposition
• Time • Location
• Association • Time
• Time or location • Association
• Compound preposition • Time or location
• Compound
Time During, for, since, till, until Time During, for, since, till, until
Location Above, across, along, amid, Location Above, across, along, amid,
behind, below, down, behind, below, down,
inside inside
Time and location In, on, at, before, beyond, Time and location In, on, at, before, beyond,
between, past within between, past within
Association About, against, among, Association About, against, among,
between, besides, but, between, besides, but,
except, despite, for, like, except, despite, for, like,
throughout, with, without throughout, with, without
Compound According to, aside from, Compound According to, aside from,
preposition as to, because of, by name preposition as to, because of, by name
of, for the sake of, in place of, for the sake of, in place
of, in spite of on account of, of, in spite of on account of,
prior to prior to

“Thank you, Amanda.”

“So, when we say preposition it is a

group of words that is also used
before a noun, pronoun, or noun
phrase to show direction, time,
place, location, spatial relationship
or to introduce an object.”

“It has types of prepositions we

have time, location, time and
location, association, and
compound prepositions.”

“Basically, the following types are

used in composing a sentence in an
imperative manner. Proper usage
and misused of this following have
a great impact in the meaning of
the instruction. Did you
understand, class?”

“Yes ma’am!”
“So, we have here an example of
giving instruction in prepositions.”

Example: Example:
1. Write a short essay about 1. Write a short essay
teenage pregnancy. about the teenage
“So, class what do you think is
the type of preposition being
used in this sentence? Anyone?”
“Me ma’am!”

“Yes Allan?”
“The preposition that is being used in that
imperative sentence instruction is
preposition of association because it uses
the preposition about.”

“Very good! Please give him a two

clap everyone, in one two three
(everyone clapped)

“We have here our second

2.Be quiet in the class.
2. Be quiet in the class.

“What do you think is the

type of preposition being
used in this sentence? “Me ma’am!”

“Yes Andrew.”
“The type of preposition that is being used
in giving the instruction is preposition of
“Very good! Because it uses
preposition in that modify a

It is important to
understand the proper use
of preposition in giving
clear instructions.

A slight misuse of
preposition can change the
meaning of a given

“Do you agree class?”

“Yes ma’am!”


“Because every type of preposition should

modify a proper usage of its specific

“Okay very good! Because

just like for example, your
asking someone to go in the
classroom and you tell him
or her in this way “Go
because of classroom” so it
is not proper right?”

“Yes ma’am.”
“You should use the
preposition for location
such as “in or to” we should
say “Go to your classroom”.
Are we clear?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“So, now that you already
understand the usage.

Let’s get deeper and move

on to some examples of
commonly misused Some examples of
prepositions.” commonly misused
In to for
On of by In to for
Into onto from On of by
At between Into onto from
Since among At between
Since among

Prepositions (in, on at)

“We can use in, on and at when referring to both Prepositions (in, on at)
locations and time. And here are the tips to
remember when using prepositions.” location time
at Exact Clock time
location time address; small
at Exact Clock time places like
address; small restaurants;
places like point of
restaurants; location
point of in Enclosed Years,
location spaces, seasons,
in Enclosed Years, geographic months,
spaces, seasons, regions, seconds
geographic months, continents,
regions, seconds countries,
continents, towns, inside
countries, something
towns, inside on A street, road, Exact dates or
something on the surface days of the
on A street, road, Exact dates or week
on the surface days of the

“So, we should be aware enough in using proper


For example. For example.

Put your toys on the box. Put your toys on the box.
Put your toys in the box. Put your toys in the box.

“Can anyone tell me what is the difference

between the two?”
“Me ma’am!”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“So, the first example means that the toys

should be put in the top of the box while the
“Very good! so, the first example means that the second example must be put inside the box.”
toys should be put in the top of the because it
uses preposition on that means it is in the
surface, while the second example must be put
inside the box because it uses preposition in that
means it must be enclosed surface

Do you understand class?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“So, now let’s move on to prepositions in, into,

on and onto.”

“Please read everyone.”

Into and onto differ from in and on as they Preposition in, into, on, onto
involve movement and result. Into and onto differ from in and on as they
involve movement and result.

Example: I walked into the room. Example: I walked into the room.
I climbed onto the roof. I climbed onto the roof.

“When we say into it indicates movement

towards middle or inside of something. While the
onto, it indicates movement towards particular
place and usually in a surface.”

“Just like in the example “I walk into the room.” so

it is inside of the surface or inside the room so,
it uses into, while the second example is “I
climbed onto the roof.” which is it is in the surface
so, it uses onto.”

“Did you understand class?”

“Yes, ma’am!”
“Now, let’s move on to the preposition since and
for. Please read (call a name)”

Since and for

We use since when talking about the starting
point of an action while we use for when talking
about the duration of an action.

Wait for me here for 10 minutes.
He has lived here since 2001.

“Kindly explain these examples.” (call a name)

“So, the first example uses for because it

talks about the duration of the action, like
waiting in 10 minutes. While the second
example is using the preposition since
because it talks about the starting point,
which is living in a place since the year
“Very good! “

Now let’s move on to the preposition to, from, Preposition to, from, of and by
of and by. Please read everyone. To- used to indicate movement towards
something or someone.
To- used to indicate movement towards
something or someone. From- used to indicate the origin of an
action, person or object.
From- used to indicate the origin of an action,
person or object. Of- used to indicate possession, topic, idea,
reference, connection or amount or number.
Of- used to indicate possession, topic, idea,
reference, connection or amount or number. By- indicates ownership of an idea; means
or way to get something; located beside
By- indicates ownership of an idea; means or way something; movement past something; and
to get something; located beside something; not later than a specific time.
movement past something; and not later than a
specific time.
“So, preposition to, from, of and by is indicating
different roles in usage so we should always be
aware and guided of this following usage of

“To understand more, we have here an example.

Please read (call a name)”

To and form
Send this letter from the university to Mr. Andre’s

“So, the preposition from indicates the? (call a

name)” “Origin of the letter ma’am.”

“Yes, very good! And the preposition to indicates

the person to whom the letters must be? (call a

Of and by
Read the book by Nick Joaquin and write an essay
about his idea of the American legacy in the

“So, the preposition by indicates the author or

owner of the idea in the book. While the
preposition of indicates the topic of the author’s
idea. Did you understand class?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“So now let’s proceed to the last preposition that
we had the between and among. Kindly read

Between and among Between and among

“So, when we say between, we must use it in Between is referring to two people, places
referring to two people, places or things. While or things. While among is referring to three
the among it is referring to three or more people, or more people, places or things.
places or things.”
Example: 1. He stood between his mother and
1. He stood between his mother and father. father.
2. The old temple is hidden among the trees.
2. The old temple is hidden among the

“Who can explain this example class?”

“Me ma’am.”

“Okay, go ahead.”
“The first example uses between because it
is referring to two people and the second
example is it uses among because it is
referring to three or more trees that the old
temple is hidden.”

“Very good! So, have you understood class? Do

you have any questions?” “Yes ma’am.”

“Okay, so this time please prepare for an activity.”

E. Application

“We will be having a role-play. So, I’ll

group you into two groups, this would be
group one and this would be group two. I
have here two topics for your role-play
and I need one representative from each
group to pick the topic here in front.”

“So now that you have your topics. Here is

the instruction.”

Instructions: Make a role play applying Instructions: Make a role play applying our
our lesson of today’s discussion which is lesson of today’s discussion which is
imperative and preposition when giving imperative and preposition when giving an
an instruction. Be creative enough in instruction. Be creative enough in making
making your scripts and make use of your scripts and make use of correct
correct prepositions in each line. You will prepositions in each line. You will be graded
be graded according to the criteria. You according to the criteria. You are given 10
are given 10 minutes to prepare. minutes to prepare.
Criteria: Criteria:
Categ 5 4 3 2 1 Categ 5 4 3 2 1
ory ory
Conte The Most The The The Conte The Most The The The
nt script of the imper conte imper nt script of the imper conte imper
or script ative nt of ative or script ative nt of ative
lines is and the and lines is and the and
are relate prepo script prepo are relate prepo script prepo
relate d to sition in the sition relate d to sition in the sition
d to the is not prese is d to the is not prese is
the topic well ntatio appli the topic well ntatio appli
topic and appli n ed. topic and appli n ed.
and appli ed in rarely and appli ed in rarely
the ed in the apply the ed in the apply
imper the script the imper the script the
ative prese of the imper ative prese of the imper
and ntatio prese ative and ntatio prese ative
prope n. ntatio and prope n. ntatio and
r n. prope r n. prope
prepo r use prepo r use
sition of sition of
is prepo is prepo
appli sition. appli sition.
ed. ed.
Coord All Most Only Only
Only Coord All Most Only Only
inatio mem of the a few three
one inatio mem of the a few three
n bers mem of the or mem n bers mem of the or mem
have bers mem less
ber have bers mem less
partic have bers memwell partic have bers memwell
ipate partic partic bers
partic ipate partic partic bers
d in ipate ipate have
ipates d in ipate ipate have
the d. d. partic
in the the d. d. partic
in the
prese ipate
prese prese ipate
ntatio d. ntatio ntatio d. ntatio
n. n. n. n.
organ The The The The The organ The The The The The
izatio flow flow prese prese prese izatio flow flow prese prese prese
n of the of the ntatio ntatio ntatio n of the of the ntatio ntatio ntatio
prese prese n’s n n is prese prese n’s n n is
ntatio ntatio flow rarely disor ntatio ntatio flow rarely disor
n is n is is a show ganiz n is n is is a show ganiz
well slight little s ed. well slight little s ed.
organ ly bit organ organ ly bit organ
ized. organ disor izatio ized. organ disor izatio
ized. n. ized. n.
ganiz ganiz
ed. ed.
creati The The The The The creati The The The The The
vity prese prese prese script prese vity prese prese prese script prese
ntatio ntatio ntatio of the ntatio ntatio ntatio ntatio of the ntatio
n is n is n is prese n is n is n is n is prese n is
origin uniqu creati ntatio poor origin uniqu creati ntatio poor
al and ely vely n is in al and ely vely n is in
very prese prese some creati very prese prese some creati
creati nted. nted. what vity. creati nted. nted. what vity.
ve. creati ve. creati
ve. ve.


Rubric score score Rubric score score
19-20 100 19-20 100
17-18 95 17-18 95
15-16 90 15-16 90
13-14 85 13-14 85
11-12 80 11-12 80

“You may meet with your group now.”

“Time is up. Each representative please

come here and pick a number for the
order of your presentation.”

“Who had picked the number 1?”

“Me ma’am from group 2.”

“Okay, group 2 you may start now.”

(The group 2 are presenting their role play)

“Let’s give them a big round of applause!

Now let’s proceed with group 1.”
(The group 1 are presenting their role play)

“Thank you so much group 1! Let’s give

them a round of applause!”

“Everyone, please settle down now.

Congratulations everyone! “
“Here’s my feedback about your

“I’ll start from group 1, so, very good I’ve

given you 5 points for your creativity,
content, and organization and 4 points for
your coordination because I saw that, not
all of the members participated in the
group. So, a total of 19 points that still
equivalent to 100%.”

“And for group 2, I’ve given you 5 points in

content and organization. While 3 points
for coordination and creativity. It’s
because I’ve seen that only few members
have participated in the presentation and
I’m looking more for creativity in your
presentation. Overall a total of 16 points
that equivalent to 90%.”

“Congratulations everyone!”

F. Generalization

“Again everyone, what is imperative or

instruction?” (call a name)
“When we say imperative, it is the
command while instruction it is a statement
or direction that describes the activity that
the instructor wants to happen.”

“Very well said!”

“Why is it important to use a proper

preposition when giving an instruction?”
“It is important to use proper prepositions
when instructing because misused of these
prepositions can change the meaning of the
instructions. It can lead to
misunderstanding or the follower of the
instructions may not get the command and
not be able to follow correctly.”

“Very good!”
“What are the types of prepositions?”
“The types of preposition are location, time,
association, time or location, compound

“Very good!”

“Do you have questions?”

“None ma’am.”

“Very good!”

V. Evaluation

This time, you are going to make a dialogue that Make a dialogue that contains our topic
contains our topic which is imperative and which is imperative and preposition when
preposition when giving an instruction. You giving an instruction. You should be creative
should be creative enough in creating the story of enough in creating the story of your
your dialogue. You are free to choose your topic dialogue. You are free to choose your topic
or concept. Write it on a short bond paper. Your or concept. Write it on a short bond paper.
dialogue would be graded according to the Your dialogue would be graded according to
rubrics. the rubrics.

Assessment Rubric: Dialogue writing Assessment Rubric: Dialogue writing

Criteri 4 3 2 1 Criteri 4 3 2 1
a a
Writin Eviden Eviden Eviden No Writin Eviden Eviden Eviden No
g ce of ce of ce of evidenc g ce of ce of ce of evidenc
proces outstan good some e of proces outstan good some e of
s ding plannin plannin plannin s ding plannin plannin plannin
plannin g and g but g and plannin g and g but g and
g and prepar not prepar g and prepar not prepar
prepar edness. sufficie edness. prepar edness. sufficie edness.
edness. nt for edness. nt for
the the
task. task.
Adhere Excelle Good Fair, More Adhere Excelle Good Fair, More
nce to nt purpos tends focus nce to nt purpos tends focus
topic purpos e and to on the topic purpos e and to on the
e and clear at wonder purpos e and clear at wonder purpos
clear at the . clear at the .
all same e all same e
times. time. needed. times. time. needed.
Gramm No Only Multipl Many Gramm No Only Multipl Many
ar spelling few e spelling ar spelling few e spelling
spell, mistak spelling spelling mistak spell, mistak spelling spelling mistak
punctu es, mistak , es, punctu es, mistak , es,
ation, excelle es and punctu punctu ation, excelle es and punctu punctu
vocabu nt use good in ation ation vocabu nt use good in ation ation
lary of use of and and in lary of use of and and in
langua punctu punctu languag languag langua punctu punctu languag languag
ge ations ations e e usage. ge ations ations e e usage.
usage. and and mistak usage. and and mistak
languag languag es have languag languag es have
e. e. been e. e. been
made. made.
Conver The Some More Not Conver The Some More Not
sation topic creativi creativi creativ sation topic creativi creativi creativ
creativ has ty has ty e or creativ has ty has ty e or
ity been inbeen needed enterta ity been inbeen needed enterta
a shown. and ining at a shown. and ining at
creativGood only all. creativGood only all.
e way charact see e way charact see
and erizatio little and erizatio little
outstann. And charact outstann. And charact
ding shows erizatio ding shows erizatio
charactmore n and charactmore n and
enterta enterta erizatio
enterta enterta
n. inment inment n. inment inment
value. s value. value. s value.
Applica The The Needs The Applica The The Needs The
tion of topic/l lesson/ more topic is tion of topic/l lesson/ more topic is
the esson is topic is applica never the esson is topic is applica never
lesson. excelle applied tion of applied lesson. excelle applied tion of applied
nt in the the in the nt in the the in the
applied dialogu lesson/ dialogu applied dialogu lesson/ dialogu
in the e. topic. e. in the e. topic. e.
dialogu dialogu
e. e.

VI. Assignment
“For your assignment, kindly answer this one in a
½ crosswise and pass it tomorrow during our

Choose the right preposition from the table.
Answers key:
1. Between
Between With 2. In
By From 3. With
Beside Since 4. Under
During Over 5. Beside
Under in 6. Since
7. Over
8. From
9. By
10. during
1. The pencil fell ______the books
2. I have a friend who lives ____ Spain.
3. He succeeded ______a little help.
4. The ball is ______the table.
5. A man is ________the boy.
6. I have liked that song _____1969.
7. Put the sandwich ______there.
8. I got a package ______a friend.
9. She put the flowers ______the window.
10. The teacher said no talking _______class.

“Do you have questions, clarification or

violent reactions?”
“None ma’am!”

“Okay, that’s all for today. Goodbye class!”

“Goodbye and thank you, ma’am Christine!”

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