Practice #5

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Practice #5

Microsoft Excel. Elementary calculations

Target. To master and apply in practice the elementary features
of Microsoft Excel.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to study independently using
the Internet the topic "Conducting elementary calculations in Microsoft Excel" and
give answers to the following questions.
Questions for self-study
1. Basic terms and concepts of spreadsheets
2. Launch Excel
3. Ways to move the table cursor
4. Entering data into a cell
5. Data types in a cell
6. Copy using fill handle
7. AutoFit Column Width
8. Autofit line height
9. AutoSum function
10. Table header formatting
11. Table Formatting
12. Insert rows into a formatted table
13. Saving and saving under a different workbook name
14. Exit Excel

Task 1. Prepare a table in Excel and carry out elementary calculations in it.
1. Open Excel.
2. In cell A1, write the heading of the table "An example of elementary
3. In cell A2, write the heading of column A "Number".
4. In cell A3, write the number 1. In cell A4, write the number 2. Using the fill
marker, fill in cells A5 - A12 with numbers.
5. In cell B2 write the heading of column B "Date text".
6. In cell B3 write the date "November 24, 2015". Fill in cells B4 - B12 with the
dates using the fill marker.
7. In cell C2, write the heading of column C "Date number".
8. In cell C3, write the date "11/24/15". Use the fill marker to fill cells C4 - C12
with dates.
9. Select cells C3-C12 and perform group formatting for them.
10. In cell D2, write the heading of column D "Number".
11. Fill in cells D3 - D12 with the following numbers.

12. In cell E2 write the heading of column E "Number D*2".

13. In cell E3, write down the calculation formula of the following form =E3*2.
14. Using the fill marker, fill in cells E4 - E12 with formulas.
15. In cell F2, write the heading of column F "Number E-10".
16. In cell F3, write down the calculation formula of the following form =E3-10.
17. Using the fill handle, fill cells F4 - F12 with formulas.
18. In cell G2, write the heading of column G "number F^3".
19. In cell G3, write down the calculation formula of the following form =F3^3.
20. Using the fill handle, fill cells G4 - G12 with formulas.
21. In cell H2, write the heading of column H "number F^2-number G^3".
22. In cell H3, write down the calculation formula of the following form =F3^2-
23. Using the fill marker, fill cells H4 - H12 with formulas.
24. In cell I2 write the heading of column I "sum of numbers".
25. In cell I3, using autosum, write the calculation formula of the following form:

27. Using the fill marker, fill in cells I4 - I12 with formulas.
28. In cell B13 write the heading of line 13 "TOTAL".
29. In cell D13, using autosum, write down the calculation formula of the
following form = SUM (D3: D12).
30. Using the fill marker, fill in cells E13 - I13 with formulas.
31. In cell B14 write the heading of line 14 "AVERAGE".
32. In cell D14, using autosum, write down the calculation formula of the
following form.
33. Using the fill marker, fill in cells E14 - I14 with formulas.
Task.2. Perform formatting and formatting of the table prepared in Excel.
1. Merge and place in the center of cells A1-I1. Font size 14. Text is bold.
2. Format the text in cell B2 vertically.
3. Select cells B2 - I2 and perform group formatting for them. Font size 13. Text is
bold. Vertical alignment is centered.
4. Select cells C3-C12 and perform group formatting for them. Apply the format
for these cells - Date, Long Date Format.
5. Select all the cells of the table filled with numbers and present them in the
format - Numeric, 3 decimal places, Separator of groups of digits.
6. Select all filled cells in the table and enable the All borders option.
7. In line 13, perform group formatting of cells. To do this, select cells B13 - I13.
Font size 13. Text is bold. The fill is light grey.
8. In line 14, perform group formatting of cells. To do this, select cells B14 - I14.
Font size 13. Text - bold, dark green. The fill is light green.
Save the completed work on the desktop with your last name, send it to the

WhatsApp group and show it to the teacher 😊

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