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An SOS from the ocean

Asha De Vos is one of the first guests, she began by explaining that she did a
project at the university about sperm whales and found how remarkable they sound.
She comments that whales are important to the ecosystem because their poop helps
with nutrients that are limited essentials On the surface it also stimulates the growth
of plankton, which are the base of the marine food chain, as well as their carcasses
are important because they provide food for many species by transporting carbon
and their job is to delay the process of global warming.

The name of the second guest is Ayana Elizabeth Jonson what she talks about is
how the massive fishing affects the purchase of fish in supermarkets. in the united
states, most of the fish has been imported, so we are supporting large industries and
since these products are at the highest of the food chain, damaging the ecosystem
more. she suggests that we buy in local stores.

Alasdair Harris the third guest explained how once again massive fishing also
affects the towns that depend on it. giving the example of the southern coast of
madagascar because it is a place that exports all the fish while there children starve
and also causes marine life to decompose due to overproduction by smaller fish,
smaller shrimp, etc and this biologist makes us realize if we let life grow without
exploiting it, it will grow healthier and bigger, which will help us and them.

And finally, Sylvia Earle tells us about how the sea is alive and how we often think
that it is just a simple ocean and is used for food and oil, without thinking about all the
creatures that live there and that need it, we do not give it the importance it deserves
and we just exploit it. She tells us that we must protect marine life before we kill it off
and make a big mistake that we can't repair.

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