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Learning Outcomes:

Social Emotional Learning and Values:

Unit Number Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Start Date Finish Date


General Information
Grade: 1st Subject: English School: Teacher´s name:
Learning Outcomes:
 Use basic colors to describe toys and objects of his/her surrounding in different communicative contexts.
 Use color vocabulary to ask and answer yes/no questions following adjective position patterns in oral activities.
Social Emotional Learning and Values: Environmental culture

Unit Number Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Start Date Finish Date

 The student identifies toys 1 toy: doll, truck, kite,
 Unit IV: My yo-yo, teddy bear, ball
vocabulary through audios and      
toys - 12 hours 2. Colors: red, green,
visual aids. yellow, blue, black,
white, pink, purple
Learning Outcomes:
Social Emotional Learning and Values:

Unit Number Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Start Date Finish Date


Learning Outcomes:
Social Emotional Learning and Values:

Unit Number Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Start Date Finish Date

Learning Outcomes:
Social Emotional Learning and Values:

Unit Number Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Start Date Finish Date


Learning Outcomes:
Social Emotional Learning and Values:

Unit Number Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Start Date Finish Date

Learning Outcomes:
Social Emotional Learning and Values:

Unit Number Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Start Date Finish Date


Learning Outcomes:
Social Emotional Learning and Values:

Unit Number Performance Indicator Contents Assessment Criterion Start Date Finish Date


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