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• Trauma • Aging
• Smoking • Genetics
• Excess body weight
• Driving often
• Sedentary lifestyle Degenerative changes in nucleus pulposus
• Physically demanding jobs

Decreased in proteoglycan contents

Less able to take up water (dehydration)

and swelling pressure to the tissue

Decrease shock absorbing capacity

Nucleus pulposus become brittle

Cracks and fissures are formed

Mechanical loading compresses or tears

the annulus fibrosus

Nucleus pulposus protrudes through a

weakened or torn annulus fibrosus

Nerve compressions

Posterolateral Disc Herniation Central Disc Herniation Lateral Disc Herniation

Protruded disc usually A protruded disc above 2nd Nerve root compression
compresses next lower nerve vertebra may compress the happens above the level of
as the nerve crosses the level of spinal cord herniation.
disc in its path to its foramen.

Neck/back pain Nerve Damage

Numbness or tingling Cauda Equina Syndrome

sensation in the
shoulder, back, arms,
hands, legs and feet Urinary retention

Muscle weakness Urinary and/or fecal


Saddle anethesia

Weakness or paralysis
of usually more than
one nerve root.


Sexual dysfunction

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