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Help One



Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'.
(Rellena los espacios con “Have” o “has”)
Example: I ___________answered the question
Answer: I ___________answered the question
Yo he respondido el cuestionario
1. I________________run in my school marathon.
2. She____________ opened the window.
3. They__________ called us.
4. You__________ carried a box.
5. It _____________rained a lot.
6. We_____________ washed the car.
7. He______________ closed the window.
8. Jenny______________ locked the door.
9. The girls _______________ visited the museum.
10.John and Sophie_____________ helped in the garden.
Help Two
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Conjugating the verbs in participle mode.
Poner los verbos en paréntesis dentro de los espacios. Conjugando los verbos en modo
Example: I _____________ my father's car. (to wash)
Answer: I have washed my father's car.´
Translation: He lavado el auto de mi padre
1) Karen …………………………………….me an e-mail everyday. (to send)
2) Dave and Pat……………………………………the Louvre Museum. (to visit)
3) I…………………………………………at the pet shop. (to be)
4) They ………………….already …………….… dinner. (to eat)
5) Marcus……………………………. an accident. (to have)
6) We…………………… the shopping for our grandmother. (to do)
7) I……………. just …………………… bike. (to clean)
8) Emily ……………………………………her room twice. (to paint)
9) Lisa and Colin…………………. to a concert. (to go)
10) My friends ………………………………………………smoking. (to give up)
Rewrite the following sentences using present perfect
(Reescribe las siguientes oraciones usando el presente perfecto)
John / sell / his car. John has sold his car
Translation: John ha vendido su auto
1. Bob / visit / his grandma _____________________________________
2. Jimmy / play / on the computer ________________________________
3. Sue and Walter / wash / their car ______________________________
4. Andrew / repair / his bike ____________________________________
5. Phil / help / Anne with maths _________________________________
6. Brad and Louise / watch / a film ______________________________
7. Tamara / talk to / her best friend ______________________________
8. Bridgette / draw / a picture ___________________________________
9. Carol / read / a computer magazine ____________________________
10. Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant ____________________________
Help Three
Persona + has / have + NOT + verbo en participio + complemento
Persona + hasn´t / haven´t + verbo en participio + complemento
Sarah has not washed the dishes
Sarah no ha lavado los platos
My friend haven´t given up smoking
Mi amigo no ha dejado de fumar
(Escribe las oraciones negativas en presente perfecto)
Sarah / not / wash the dishes. Sarah has not washed the dishes (Sarah hasn´t washed the
Translation: Sarah no ha lavado los platos
1. Anita / not / clean the kitchen
2. Maureen and Gavin / not / water the plants
3. Joey / not / make his bed
4. David / not / buy milk
5. Lisa / not / be to the baker's
6. Aran and Jack / not / do their homework
7. Jane and Ben / not / tidy up their rooms
8. Alex / not / feed the hamster
9. Hazel / not / empty the bin
Help Four
Has / have + sujeto + verbo en participio + complementos + signo interrogación
Has Alex fed the hamster ?
¿Alex has alimentado al hámster ?
Has / have + not + sujeto + verbo en participio + complementos + signo interrogación
Has not it rained a lot ?
¿No ha llovido mucho ?

Exercise 5
Write questions in Present Perfect Simple.
(Escribe preguntas en presente perfecto simple)
you / answer / the questionnaire. Have you answered the questionnaire?
Answer: Yes, you have / No, you haven´t
Translation: ¿Has respondido el cuestionario?
1. Jenny / lock / the door ________________________________________?
2. Walter / call / us ________________________________________?
3. you / see / the picture ________________________________________?
4. your parents / get / the letter ________________________________________?
5. it / rain / a lot ________________________________________?
6. they / done/ the homework ______________________________________?
7. Maureen / watch / the film _________________________________________?
8. Bob / read / many books ________________________________________?
9. you /ever / be / to London ________________________________________?
Reading 1
Read the following conversation and answer the questions
(Lee la siguiente conversación y responde las preguntas)
On a Business Trip - A Presentation
(En un viaje de negocios – Una presentación)
Betsy: Hi Brian, my name is Betsy
Hola Brian, mi nombre es Betsy.
Brian: Nice meeting you Betsy!
¡Encantado de conocerte Betsy!
Betsy: So, how are you doing? Do you like Boston?
Asi que, ¿Cómo te va? ¿Te gusta Boston?
Brian: Boston is a great city and the weather is great!
Boston es una gran ciudad y ¡el clima es genial!
Betsy: Are you from France?
¿Eres de Francia?
Brian: No, I’m from London, England but I’m living in Paris.
No, soy de Londres Inglaterra, pero estoy viviendo en París.
Betsy: Have you met Frank yet?
¿Ya has conocido a Frank?
Brian: No, I haven't seen him yet but, we have a meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning there
We are going to meet then.
No, aún no le he visto pero, tenemos una reunión mañana a las 10:00 de la mañana, allí nos
vamos a encontrar luego.
Betsy: Have you made your presentation yet?
¿Ya has hecho tu presentación?

Brian: Yes, I made the presentation yesterday afternoon. I was very nervous, but everything
went well.
Si, hice la presentación ayer por la tarde. Estoy nervioso, pero todo ha salido bien.
Betsy: Has management given you any feedback yet?
¿La dirección ya te ha dado su opinión?
Brian: Yes, I've already met with the sales director. We met immediately after the meeting and
he was impressed with our work.
Si, ya me he reunido con el director de venta. Nos encontramos inmediatamente después
de la reunión y él se impresiono con nuestro trabajo.
Betsy: That's great Brian. Congratulations! Have you visited any museums yet?
Eso es genial Brian. ¡felicidades! ¿Ya has visitado algún museo?
Brian: No, I'm afraid I haven't had any time yet. I hope to take a tour around town tomorrow.
No, lo siento aún no he tenido nada de tiempo. Espero dar una vuelta alrededor del lugar
Betsy: I hope you have a great time, see you soon then !

¡Espero que lo pases genial, te veo pronto entonces!

Brian: Thanks, bye!

¡Gracias, chau!

1. Where is Brian?

2. Why is he there?
on holiday
on business
for a performance
3. Has he made the presentation yet?
doesn't say

4. When he is going to meet Frank?

at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning
tomorrow afternoon
at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening

5. Why hasn't he visited any museums yet?

He hasn't had time.
He doesn't want to visit any museums.
He thinks Boston is boring

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