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FERNANDEZ, Rheyland B.

A1-Geology for CE

1. A) How are igneous rocks formed?

- Igneous rocks are formed when a molten rock or magma comes out of the volcano and
becomes a lava and cools down. Igneous rocks are usually seen near a volcano.

B) Name the two types of igneous rock.

- The two types of igneous rocks are the intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.

2. What are sedimentary rocks formed from?

- Sedimentary rocks are formed from particles from other rocks caused mainly by
precipitation and erosion.
3. Describe how metamorphic rocks are formed.
- Metamorphic rocks are formed when existing rocks are altered by heat, pressure, or
tractive fluids.
4. What part does weathering play in the rock cycle?
- Weathering plays in the sedimentation part of the rock cycle because sedimentary
rocks are formed when there are precipitation and erosion which are counted as
5. What part does erosion play in the rock cycle?
- As I said in the previous questions, sedimentary rocks are formed because of erosion.
Therefore, erosion plays in the sedimentation part of the rock cycle.
6. What is mechanical weathering?
- Mechanical is also known as physical weathering. When a rock breaks without the
presence any chemical changes, it can be considered as mechanical weathering.
7. What is chemical weathering?
- Chemical is the counter part of the mechanical weathering. Chemical weathering alters
the composition of the rock material toward surface minerals. It talks about the
chemical composition of an object, in this case, a rock.

8. How are rocks such as limestone broken down by biological weathering?

- Because biological weathering process is caused by living things like lichens and
mosses, which grow on rocks and make them brittle.
9. What is the significant of Engineering Geology in Civil Engineering program?
- The significant of Engineering Geology in our program is that we have to gain
knowledge about rocks and soil there natural resources are the main material and
foundation in making building. In our future projects, we have to know if the soil and
rocks in a specific is safe to create and build an infrastructure.
10. What is the participation of civil engineer in engineering geology projects?
- After an engineering geologists investigate and analyze a possible hazard of an area,
it is the responsibility of a civil engineer to make a building of structures that will be
safe for everyone

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