A3 Geology

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College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department




Submitted by: Rheyland B. Fernandez

CIV 0221-1

Submitted to: Leonardo C. Sawal , ASEAN Engr., ACPE

May 2, 2023

1. What causes earthquakes, and how do they occur?

Tectonic plates, which are enormous pieces of the Earth's crust that float on top of the
molten rock layer below, are what move during an earthquake. These plates have the
potential to separate or grind against one another, which can result in seismic activity and
an earthquake.

A fault line is the location where two tectonic plates collide. Friction created by the rubbing
of the plates causes stress to accumulate along the fault line. The rocks on either side of
the fault line finally yield under the pressure, releasing energy that was previously trapped
in the form of seismic waves that move through the Earth's crust.

2. How are earthquakes measured and monitored?

Earthquakes are detected and monitored using seismometers, which are machines that
detect and record the vibrations or seismic waves created by earthquakes. There are
numerous types of seismic waves, including primary waves (P waves) and secondary
waves (S waves), which travel through the Earth's interior at varying speeds and in
different directions. By examining the arrival times and amplitudes of these waves at
different seismometer stations, scientists may establish the location, magnitude, and
depth of an earthquake. This information is used to generate earthquake maps and other
data that can be used to analyze earthquake hazards and risks, and to develop early
warning systems and mitigation measures.

In addition to seismometers, other monitoring techniques and technologies, such as GPS,

satellite images, and ground motion sensors, are also used to identify and measure
earthquakes and their impacts.

3. What are the different types of seismic waves, and how do they differ?

Body waves are the first waves to arrive at a seismic station after an earthquake. They
travel through the Earth's interior and can be further split into two types:
a) Primary waves, also known as pressure waves, or P-waves, are the earliest and
quickest seismic waves that reach a seismic station. They shift the ground back
and forth in the wave's path as they pass through both solid and liquid substances.

b) S-waves, also known as secondary waves or shear waves, follow P-waves into a
seismic station after a brief delay. They only pass through solid objects and cause
the ground to sway in the wave's opposite direction, up and down or side to side.

After an earthquake, surface waves are the next type of wave to come. They travel only
over the Earth's surface and can be further split into two types:

a) The slower of the two surface waves, Rayleigh waves shift the ground both
vertically and horizontally in the direction of the wave motion.

b) Love waves: Love waves move the earth side to side perpendicular to the direction
of wave action. They are quicker than Rayleigh waves. They have the potential to
seriously harm structures.

4. How does the magnitude of an earthquake relate to the amount of energy released?

The quantity of energy released during an earthquake directly affects the earthquake's
magnitude. The energy emitted increases with increasing magnitude. A seismometer
monitors the amplitude (size) of the seismic waves generated by an earthquake in order
to calculate its magnitude. The energy released by the earthquake is directly proportional
to the amplitude of the seismic waves. To put it another way, larger earthquakes produce
more energy than smaller ones. In joules or calories, an earthquake's energy is quantified.

5. What are the most significant earthquakes in history, and what were their impacts?

a) The Shaanxi earthquake of 1556 is regarded as the deadliest earthquake in

recorded history. Approximately 830,000 people are thought to have died.

b) Lisbon earthquake of 1755 – On November 1, 1755, this earthquake shook

Portugal and parts of Spain. Its magnitude ranged from 8.5 to 9.0, and it caused
tsunamis that wreaked havoc on the North African, Portuguese, and Spanish

c) The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9.1 to 9.3,

was among the deadliest in recorded history. Over 230,000 people were killed by
the tsunamis that the earthquake caused, mostly in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India,
and Thailand, but also in 14 other countries.

d) Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, was extremely near to the epicenter of the 2010
earthquake. Over 200,000 people are thought to have perished as a result of the
7.0 magnitude earthquake.

e) Approximately 200 billion dollars' worth of damage was done as a result of the
1995 Kobe earthquake, which occurred close to the Japanese city of Kobe and
killed over 6,400 people. The quake measured 7.2 on the Richter scale.
6. How do earthquakes impact the Earth's crust and the surrounding environment?

Earthquakes can produce surface ruptures, landslides, liquefaction, tsunamis, and ground
shaking in the short term. These can cause harm to structures, infrastructure, and property
in addition to injuries and fatalities.

Long-term geological processes like mountain development and tectonic plate movement
can also be influenced by earthquakes. They may also alter soil movement, water tables,
and animal and plant habitats, among other aspects of the environment.

Generally speaking, earthquakes have a tremendous impact on how the Earth's surface
and environment are shaped, but they also provide serious threats and difficulties for
human cultures.

7. How do earthquakes contribute to the formation of natural resources such as oil and gas?

Through a process known as faulting, earthquakes can assist in the formation of natural
resources such as oil and gas. In the rock layers beneath the Earth's surface, faults
(cracks or fractures) are produced when tectonic plates move and shift during an
earthquake. Organic elements, such as decaying plant and animal debris, may travel up
via these fractures and get trapped in layers of permeable rock. These biological
compounds can eventually be transformed into fossil fuels like oil and gas by heat and

8. How do scientists use earthquakes to study the interior structure of the Earth?

By examining the seismic waves that are generated when an earthquake happens,
scientists may investigate the internal structure of the Earth. These waves move into the
interior of the Earth, and the path they take and the angles at which they are reflected or
refracted reveal details on the make-up, density, and temperature of the various layers.
Scientists may develop precise models of the Earth's structure, including the core, mantle,
and crust, by closely examining seismic waves from several earthquakes. Seismic data
can also be used to examine plate tectonics and earthquake behavior.

9. What are the most effective ways to predict and prepare for earthquakes?

Here are some ways to predict and prepare for earthquakes:

a) Seismometers are installed in various locations where there is a high danger of

earthquakes to monitor seismic activity. These devices pick up vibrations and
collect information, which is later evaluated to gauge the likelihood of an upcoming

b) Geologists locate earthquake-prone fault zones and plate borders by mapping

faults and their locations. Such communities can take the necessary safeguards
to lessen disaster.

c) Install early warning systems: These systems advise residents of neighboring

areas to take shelter or leave the area in the event of an earthquake.
d) Creating and promoting safety measures like Drop, Cover, and Hold On and
earthquake exercises can help to lower the chance of accidents and fatalities.

10. How do governments and emergency responders handle the aftermath of earthquakes,
and what are the challenges they face?

The aftermath of earthquakes is handled by governments and emergency responders in

a variety of ways, including through search and rescue efforts, the establishment of
shelters for the displaced, the distribution of food, water, and medical supplies, the
cleaning of debris, and the restoration of infrastructure.

The magnitude of the earthquake's devastation, which might make it challenging to swiftly
reach all impacted locations, is one of the major obstacles they must overcome. The
possibility of aftershocks, which could result in additional damage and endanger the
security of first responders and survivors, is another difficulty. The effectiveness of relief
efforts may also be hindered by a lack of infrastructure and resources in the impacted

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