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Endurance test

25-5-2023 Propulsion engines

Universidad Autónoma de Baja

Facultad de Ingeniería Mexicali

Dasaev Campos Castañeda 1168284

An endurance test is a rigorous and comprehensive procedure used to evaluate the
performance, durability, and reliability of an engine over an extended period of time,
typically involving hundreds or thousands of hours of operation. The test is designed
to simulate the engine's expected operating conditions, including airflow,
temperature, and pressure, as well as the mechanical and electrical loads that the
engine would experience during normal operation.

Figure# . General Electric endurance test.

The purpose of an endurance test is to identify any potential issues with the engine's
design or materials that may cause it to fail or degrade over time. By running the
engine for an extended period under simulated operating conditions, engineers can
observe the engine's performance and measure various performance metrics, such
as thrust, fuel consumption, and temperature, to ensure that the engine meets the
required performance and safety standards.
Endurance tests are typically conducted in controlled environments, such as test
cells or engine test facilities, to ensure that the operating conditions are consistent
and can be carefully monitored and controlled. The Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) regulates and oversees the testing of aircraft engines, including endurance
tests, to ensure that all safety and regulatory requirements are met.
To conduct an endurance test, an engine is installed on a test rig that simulates the
engine's operating conditions. The test rig is equipped with sensors and instruments
to measure and monitor various performance metrics throughout the test. The
engine is then run continuously for the required duration, typically with periodic
shutdowns for maintenance or inspections.
After the test is complete, the engine is disassembled and inspected for signs of
wear, damage, or other issues. The data collected during the test is also analyzed
to identify any performance trends or issues, which can help manufacturers refine
their designs and ensure that the engines meet the required performance and safety
Overall, endurance testing is a critical part of the engine development process, as it
helps ensure that engines are safe, reliable, and durable over an extended period of

The first predecessor of the endurance test is in 1927, this procedure indicates to
maintain 50 hours of work, 5 of them should be in “throttle wide open” and the
following 45 were working in a maintained speed and horsepower. In 1930 the
manufacturers started a new procedure, with 100 hours of work, 50 hours at 100%
and 50 hours at 75%.

Figure1. Craftshaft engine.

Additional indications were also added, in those indications the procedure was
restricted, because determined limit temperatures in cylinders, to maintain a safety
factor, another important point is the time of work, where only was possibly make a
success test if is made in consecutive days and every run of the procedure should
be at least 5 hours long. This procedure also included the take-off test, where the
engine needs to work at the declared power of take-off 10 hours, this also could be
made in lapses of 5 hours, the procedure includes the maximum operation condition
and explained that the engine should been working 5 minutes at least in this
condition in every run, the procedure allow a difference in speed range of +-3% of
In 1940 the procedure changed, the test time of 100 hours was increased, and
eliminated the Commercial Altitude test. The new test was longer in the take-off
testing, increasing the time of test in this part a 10%. The tolerance of +-3% in
velocity variation was reduced. The test included 50 hours working in the maximum
except critical power, 50 hours in the most critical cruise condition, 40 hours at the
91% takeoff power and 10 hours in the declared take off power. The test had to be
in the same order, and the test couldn’t be less than 30 minutes.
Another change had happened in 1952, in that change the test was divided into 5
blocks of 30 hours, each block is dedicated in specific work conditions, the following
list is a general description of each one:
“a. 60mins of alternating 5mins at max takeoff power/thrust and
5mins at idling power/thrust (6 cycles). (as part A of current 14CFR
33.87 test)

b. 30mins at 91% of max takeoff power/ thrust (Similar to part B of

current test – power between max Continuous and max Takeoff)

c. 90mins at max continuous power/thrust (As part C of current

14CFR 33.87 test)

d. 60mins at 90% of maximum continuous power/thrust

e. 30mins at 75% of maximum continuous power/thrust

f. 30mins of alternating accels to Maximum takeoff power for

30secs followed by approximately 5mins at idling power/thrust (5
cycles) (Similar to Part E of the current 14CFR 33.87 test)”
The engine also had to complete 75 starts, of which 30 had to be after 2 hours shut
down. The engine also needs to demonstrate starting, idling, accelerations, transient
overspeed, propeller function and ignition.

Figure2. J47 turbojet test

The critical condition involves all ground operations involving taxi, takeoff, and
landing, and all other flight operations below 10,000.

Engine procedures
14 CFR 33.49 —Reciprocating Aircraft Engines
The endurance engine has two sections un the part 33, those sections are divided
in 49 and section 87, the first section is for reciprocating engines, it determines that
the craft shaft engines must complete 150 hours of testing and 35 hours working at
maximum continuous power.
The craftshaft rotational speed only can had a speed deviation of 3% in both
directions, and the oil temperature only allow a deviation of 10 F° in each
direction, also the section include that all the engines must include all the
accessories that involve the normal work of the engine.
The test order is divided in different types of engines, those are:
• Unsupercharged engines and engines incorporating a gear-driven single-
speed supercharger.
• Engines incorporating a gear-driven two-speed supercharger.
• Helicopter engines (Turboshaft).
• Turbosupercharged engines.
Unsupercharged engines and engines incorporating a gear-driven
single-speed supercharger.
A 30-hour run consisting of alternate periods of 5 minutes at rated
takeoff power with takeoff speed, and 5 minutes at maximum best
economy cruising power or maximum recommended cruising

A 20-hour run consisting of alternate periods of 11 ⁄2 hours at rated

maximum continuous power with maximum continuous speed, and
1 ⁄2 hour at 75 percent rated maximum continuous power and 91
percent maximum continuous speed.

A 20-hour run consisting of alternate periods of 1 1 ⁄2 hours at

rated maximum continuous power with maximum continuous
speed, and 1 ⁄2 hour at 70 percent rated maximum continuous
power and 89 percent maximum continuous speed.

A 20-hour run consisting of alternate periods of 1 1 ⁄2 hours at

rated maximum continuous power with maximum continuous
speed, and 1 ⁄2 hour at 65 percent rated maximum continuous
power and 87 percent maximum continuous speed.

A 20-hour run consisting of alternate periods of 1 1 ⁄2 hours at

rated maximum continuous power with maximum continuous
speed, and 1 ⁄2 hour at 60 percent rated maximum continuous
power and 84.5 percent maximum continuous speed.

A 20-hour run consisting of alternate periods of 1 1 ⁄2 hours at

rated maximum continuous power with maximum continuous
speed, and 1 ⁄2 hour at 50 percent rated maximum continuous
power and 79.5 percent maximum continuous speed.

A 20-hour run consisting of alternate periods of 2 1 ⁄2 hours at

rated maximum continuous power with maximum continuous
speed, and 21 ⁄2 hours at maximum best economy cruising power
or at maximum recommended cruising power.
14 CFR 33.87 -Turbine Aircraft Engines
In 1957 was crated the actual procedure of testing in engines, the test has a total
minimum of 150 hours, divided in 25 starts and 6-hour tests each one. The test
indicates the following main points:
1. The runs order must be decided by FAA according to the type of motor.
2. The automatic controls of the motor must be working in all the test.
3. The engine must operate at 100 percent level in rotor speed, thrust, gas
temperature and if is required the surface temperature simultaneously.
4. The fuel, lubricant and hydraulic fluid must be the same that in a normal
working operation.
5. In one-fifth runs must be working the bleed system, considering the engine
and aircraft requirements.
6. Each accessory drive and mounting must be loaded.
a. Each accessory must be considered in the maximum loads of the
b. The endurance test of each accessory must be accomplished
separately in validated ways.
c. If the accessory doesn’t affect the work of the engine can be omitted,
but only when this is approved by the FAA.
7. The oil inlet and gas temperature always must be working in the limiting
temperature, and the oil, fuel, hydraulic fluid pressure must be tested in the
minimum and maximum limits at least one run each one.
8. If the rotor over torque, rotor overspeed, and gas temperature is limited, the
FAA determine the number of accelerations that must be made, if is not limited
the number of accelerations must be half number of total accelerations.
9. Special requirements for supersonic aircraft engine.
a. For change in settings the engine must change from initial work
positions to final position at least in one second.
b. The hydraulic fluid must be maintained at limiting temperature.
c. During simulated runs the air intake air and fuel temperature may not
be less than limiting temperature.
d. The endurance test must be conducted with the fuel burning thrust
augmentor installed, with the primary and secondary exhaust nozzles
installed, and with the variable area exhaust nozzles.
e. In maximum thrust runs the inlet distortion must be the corresponded
to that configuration.
Figure 3. Supersonic plane
For engines that aren´t in the special requirements the steps to follow in a normal
block of test are:
1. Take off and idling: In one hour the motor should change from take-off
condition to idling in alternate periods of 5 minutes.
2. Rated maximum continuous and take off power and thrust: In 15 of the 25
runs thirty minutes must be at the maximum continuous power, the last 10
must be at take-off power.
3. Rated maximum continuous power or thrust: One hour and 30 minutes at
rated maximum continuous power or thrust.
4. Incremental cruise power or thrust: In two half hours, the engine thrust must
be divided at least in 15 sections, starting in the lower to the highest.
5. Acceleration and deceleration run: The engine must be accelerated 30
seconds to take off level and 4:30 minutes of idle condition, six times in 30
6. Starts: One hundred starts must be made, of which 25 starts must be
preceded by at least a two-hour engine shutdown. There must be at least 10
false engine starts.
7. OEI: In some cases, the engine must be test one hour in the OEI conditions.

Example: GE90 Series

The engines GE90 is a powerful engine, tested in different conditions in the General
Electric test facilities. The engine has limitations, these limitations are test to prove
that the engine can work in these conditions.
According to the European Union Aviation Safety Agency the critical conditions for
these types of engines are:
In case of this engine cording to the Federal Aviation Administration the order for the
test must be made in the general conditions, with the FADEC working all the time.
The test must complete at least one run in the 100 percent of rotor speed, thrust and
air temperature, this mean that the engine must run at 2261 RPM, with 360kN of
thrust and an exit temperature of 980°C. The engine must use the same type of fuel,
oil and hydraulic fluid, also in the same quantities. One-fifth of the runs must be made
with the bleed air system operative.
In the part of the accessories, the engine must be tested with the VSCF (Variable
Speed Constant Frequency), IDG and the hydraulic pump working.
The oil must be always under 124°C and the exit gas temperature under 980°C. To
test the pressure limits of the engine the engine must work one time with an oil
pressure of 69 kPa, for the fuel must do 2 runs, the first one with a fuel pressure of
34.5 kPa and the last one of 382.6 kPa, being the minimum and maximum pressure
A normal block of 6 hours the engine must work one hour alternating between idling
condition(70kN) to take off condition(360kN). 30 minutes of maximum continuous
power(335kN) or take off power (360kN) in a constant thrust. The engine must be
working at least 10 minutes in idling condition, increasing the thrust 19.33 kN each
10 minutes until reach the take-off power. The engine also has to be accelerated to
take off condition in 30 seconds, and has to be deaccelerated 4:30 minutes, until
reach 30 minutes. The engine doesn’t present OEI special requirements, and this is
the reason why the engine doesn’t do these runs.

The endurance test plays a vital role in the development of every engine. It serves
as a critical step to ensure the safety and reliability of the engine. Through the
endurance test, companies and stakeholders gain confidence that the engine is
capable of withstanding the intended operating conditions without failure or
degradation. This test helps prevent any potential unfortunate situations, such as in-
flight engine failures or operational issues that could compromise safety
The endurance test is essential in verifying the accuracy and adequacy of the engine
specifications. It allows safety agencies, manufacturers, and engineers to evaluate
whether the engine performs as intended under prolonged operating conditions. By
subjecting the engine to extended periods of simulated real-world operation, any
performance deviations, weaknesses, or potential areas of improvement can be
identified. This enables necessary adjustments to the engine's specifications to
ensure optimal performance and compliance with safety standards.
The inclusion of accessories in the endurance test is crucial to evaluate the engine's
performance in conjunction with associated components. Engines are designed to
work seamlessly with various accessories such as fuel systems, electrical systems,
cooling systems, and more. By incorporating these accessories during the
endurance test, engineers can assess how well the engine interacts and operates in
conjunction with these components. This helps verify that the engine functions
properly in a complete system, ensuring compatibility, efficiency, and overall

Federal Aviation Administration.(2023). 14 Part 33 AIRWORTHINESS
Federal Aviation Administration. (2021). Airplane Flying Handbook. U.S. Department
of Transportation.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency.(2023). GE90 Series Engines. Cincinnati,
Fluctus.(March 13, 2023). The crazy process of testing the world's most powerful jet
engines. [Video]

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