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Essay About Merits and Demerits of a Mobile Phone in the


Mobile phone is a must have device for this new generation. That’s the only way for them to
communicate with their friends and family and keep them socially active. As we know that everything
has its merits and demerits depending upon the way of using it.

If we talk about the merits that can be taken with this electronic device would be like, keeping your
classroom details and lectures schedule handy with you all the time. One can use a mobile phone for
study purposes as well by having pdf version of different books in his/her phone which can use be
used for comparative studies with different books. As we know already that different books have to be
assigned as a reference to complete the learning outcomes of a particular subject and it is not
possible for a student to keep all those books at a time, so mobile phone is a very helpful electronic
device which is quite handy to keep and use. To learn and improve communication skills, one can
keep different dictionaries in his/her phone and grades can be improved in that way because most of
the brilliant students could not keep up good grades just because of the bad communication skills and
low vocabulary. Mobile phone is a kind of portable computer for us on which we can use different
application for study purposes and one can keep notes during the lectures and can also make a
scheduled for important assessments. A mobile phone can work as a reminder for us as well in which
we can put a reminder for an important assignment which needs to be submitted on specific date and

On the other hand, if we talk about the demerits and negative points of using a mobile phone while in
the classroom, can easily outnumbered the ratio of students who have become victims of these bad
habits of mobile phone abuse. Students are very much involved on social media websites and always
wants to stay active even during the lectures. Mobile phone is a quite handy device for them to keep
with them and stay active on social media websites and they also play games during the lectures.
Some students used to listen the music during the lectures because as per them lecture is not
interested or not that much informative. Students keep themselves busy in chatting with their friends
and just because of all these reasons they lost interest in the lectures and they could not keep up
good grades.

I think that in order to control excessive mobile phone use, teachers should be interactive enough with
students that students don't even think about using their cell phone in class. Instead of forcing the
students not to bring their phones in the classroom or not to use it while in the classroom, we should
implement this rule on the students that all students have to put their phone on desk in front of them
and reference book of selected subject should be opened in that phone. By putting their phone on the
desk makes it visible for the teacher as well and students will be feeling slight hesitation while trying to
misuse it.

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