Unit 1

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R Programming Language – Introduction

R is an open-source programming language that is widely used as a statistical software and
data analysis tool. R generally comes with the Command-line interface. R is available across widely
used platforms like Windows, Linux, and macOS. Also, the R programming language is the latest
cutting-edge tool.
It was designed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New
Zealand, and is currently developed by the R Development Core Team. R programming language is
an implementation of the S programming language. It also combines with lexical scoping semantics
inspired by Scheme. Moreover, the project conceives in 1992, with an initial version released in 1995
and a stable beta version in 2000.
Why R Programming Language?

 R programming is used as a leading tool for machine learning, statistics, and data analysis.
Objects, functions, and packages can easily be created by R.
 It’s a platform-independent language. This means it can be applied to all operating system.
 It’s an open-source free language. That means anyone can install it in any organization without
purchasing a license.
 R programming language is not only a statistic package but also allows us to integrate with
other languages (C, C++). Thus, you can easily interact with many data sources and statistical
 The R programming language has a vast community of users and it’s growing day by day.
 R is currently one of the most requested programming languages in the Data Science job market
that makes it the hottest trend nowadays.
Installation for R and RStudio
Step 1 – Install R
1. Download the R installer from https://cran.r- ‐project.org/
2. Run the installer. Default settings are fine. If you do not have admin rights
on your laptop, thenask you local IT support. In that case, it is important
that you also ask them to give you full permissions to the R directories.
Without this, you will not be able to install additional packages later
Step 2 – Install RStudio
Download RStudio: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/

Figure 2. Download RStudio on https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/

1.Once the installation of R has completed successfully (and not before),

run the RStudioinstaller.
2.If you do not have administrative rights on your laptop, step 2 may fail. Ask your
IT Support ordownload a pre- ‐built zip archive of RStudio which doesn’t need
installing. The link for this is towards the bottom of the download page,
highlighted in Image 2.
a.Download the appropriate archive for your system (Windows/Linux only – the
Mac version can be installed into your personal “Applications” folder without
admin rights).
b.Double clicking on the zip archive should automatically unpack it on most
Step 3 – Check that R and RStudio are working
1.Open RStudio. It should open a window that looks similar to image 3 below.
2.In the left hand window, by the ‘>’sign, type ‘4+5’(without the quotes) and hit
enter. An outputline reading ‘[1] 9’ should appear. This means that R and RStudio

are working.If this is not successful, contact us or your local IT support for further

Step 4 – Install R packages required for the workshop

1.Click on the tab ‘ Packages’ then ‘Install’ as shown in Image 4. Or Tools - ‐>
Install packages.
2.Install the following packages: mixOmics version 6.1.0, mvtnorm, RColorBrewer,
corrplot, igraph (see Image 4). For apple mac users, if youare unable to install the
mixOmics imported library rgl, you will need to install the XQuartz software first
3.Check that the packages are installed by typing ‘library(mixOmics)’ (without the
quotes) in the prompt and press enter (see Image 5).
4.Then type ‘sessionInfo()’ and check that mixOmics version 6.1.0 has been
installed(image 6).
Figure 4. Click on Install to install R packages.

Figure 5. Specify the list of packages to be installed

Figure 6. Check that the package mixOmics is installed and has the version
That’s it, let’s get started!

Features of R Programming Language

Statistical Features of R:
 Basic Statistics: The most common basic statistics terms are the mean, mode, and median.
These are all known as “Measures of Central Tendency.” So using the R language we can
measure central tendency very easily.
 Static graphics: R is rich with facilities for creating and developing interesting static graphics. R
contains functionality for many plot types including graphic maps, mosaic plots, biplots, and the
list goes on.
 Probability distributions: Probability distributions play a vital role in statistics and by using R we
can easily handle various types of probability distribution such as Binomial Distribution, Normal
Distribution, Chi-squared Distribution and many more.
 Data analysis: It provides a large, coherent and integrated collection of tools for data analysis.
Programming Features of R:
 R Packages: One of the major features of R is it has a wide availability of libraries. R has
CRAN(Comprehensive R Archive Network), which is a repository holding more than 10, 0000
 Distributed Computing: Distributed computing is a model in which components of a software
system are shared among multiple computers to improve efficiency and performance. Two new
packages ddR and multidplyr used for distributed programming in R were released in November
Advantages of R:
 R is the most comprehensive statistical analysis package. As new technology and concepts
often appear first in R.
 As R programming language is an open source. Thus, you can run R anywhere and at any time.
 R programming language is suitable for GNU/Linux and Windows operating system.
 R programming is cross-platform which runs on any operating system.
 In R, everyone is welcome to provide new packages, bug fixes, and code enhancements.
Disadvantages of R:
 In the R programming language, the standard of some packages is less than perfect.
 Although, R commands give little pressure to memory management. So R programming
language may consume all available memory.
 In R basically, nobody to complain if something doesn’t work.
 R programming language is much slower than other programming languages such as Python
Applications of R:
 We use R for Data Science. It gives us a broad variety of libraries related to statistics. It also
provides the environment for statistical computing and design.
 R is used by many quantitative analysts as its programming tool. Thus, it helps in data importing
and cleaning.
 R is the most prevalent language. So many data analysts and research programmers use it.
Hence, it is used as a fundamental tool for finance.
 Tech giants like Google, Facebook, bing, Twitter, Accenture, Wipro and many more using R
R and Python both play a major role in data science. It becomes confusing for any newbie to choose
the better or the most suitable one among the two, R and Python. So take a look at R vs Python for
Data Science to choose which language is more suitable for data science.
Basic Syntax in R
There are two ways to write code in RStudio:- first, in the command prompt and, second, in the R
script file. We will go through both one by one.
Hello World Program in R
 Launch RStudio
 In the command prompt window, type the following and press Enter

>print(“Hello, World!”)
R Programs are usually written in R scripts and then executed in the console window
Create a new R script file
Write the following code, select the block of code you want to run, and then press Ctrl+Enter or click
on ‘Run’
mystring = “Hello, World!”
Variables in R Programming
A variable is a name given to a memory location, which is used to store values in a computer program.
Variables in R programming can be used to store numbers (real and complex), words, matrices, and
even tables. R is a dynamically programmed language which means that unlike other programming
languages, we do not have to declare the data type of a variable before we can use it in our program.
For a variable to be valid, it should follow these rules
 It should contain letters, numbers, and only dot or underscore characters.
 It should not start with a number (eg:- 2iota)
 It should not start with a dot followed by a number (eg:- .2iota)
 It should not start with an underscore (eg:- _iota)
 It should not be a reserved keyword.
Reserved Keywords in R
Following are the reserved keywords in R
for in repeat while function
if else next break TRUE
NA_integer_ NA_real_ NA_complex_ NA_character_ …
NA:– Not Available is used to represent missing values.
NULL:- It represents a missing or an undefined value.
NaN:– It is a short form for Not a Number(eg:- 0/0).
TRUE/FALSE: – These are used to represent Logical values.
Inf :– It denotes Infinity(eg:- 1/0).
If else, repeat, while, function, for, in, next, and break:– These are Used as looping statements,
conditional statements, and functions.
… :- It is used to pass argument settings from one function to another.
NA_integer_, NA_real_, NA_complex_, and NA_ character _:- These represent missing values of other
atomic types.
For example:
x = 15 implicitly assigns a numeric data type to the variable ‘x’.
mystring = “Hello, World!”
Constants in R
The entities whose values are fixed are called constants.
There are two types of constants in R:
 Numeric Constants: All numeric values such as integer, double, or complex fall under this
category. Numeric constants followed by ‘L’ and ‘i’ are considered as integer and complex
respectively. And, numeric constants preceded by 0x/0X are treated as hexadecimal numbers.
 Character Constants: These constants are represented by single (‘) or double (“) quotes called
Data Types in R Programming
The fundamental or atomic data types in R Programming are as follows:
 Numeric
 Integer
 Complex
 Character
 Logical
Numeric Data Type
In R, if we assign any decimal value to a variable it becomes a variable of a numeric data type.
For example, the statement below assigns a numeric data type to the variable “x”.
x = 45.6
And, the following statement is used to print the data type of the variable “x”:
Integer Data Type
To create an integer variable in R, we need to call the (as.Integer) function while assigning value to a
For example:-
e = as.integer(3)
Another way of creating an integer variable is by using the L keyword as follows:
x = 5L
Complex Data Type
The values containing the imaginary number ‘i’ (iota) are called complex values.
The following code gives an error when run:
Output:[1] NaN
Warning message:
In sqrt(−1) : NaNs produced
To overcome this error, we coerce the value (−1) into a complex value and denote it as ‘i’.
Character Data Type
This data type is used to represent strings.
For example:
str1 = "Sam"
Output: [1] "character"
We can also use the as.character() function to convert objects into character values.
For example:
x = as.character(55.7)
Output:[1] "55.7"
Output:[1] "character"
Logical Data Type
A logical data type stores either of the two values: TRUE -/FALSE. A logical value is often generated
when two values are compared.
For example:-
Three standard logical operations,i.e., AND(&), OR(|), and NOT(!) yield a variable of the logical data
For example:-
x= TRUE; y = FALSE
REvery– Objects
programming language has its own data types to store values or any information so that the
user can assign these data types to the variables and perform operations respectively. Operations
are performed accordingly to the data types.
These data types can be character, integer, float, long, etc. Based on the data type,
memory/storage is allocated to the variable. For example, in C language character variables are
assigned with 1 byte of memory, integer variable with 2 or 4 bytes of memory and other data types
have different memory allocation for them.
Unlike other programming languages, variables are assigned to objects rather than data types in R
Type of Objects
There are 5 basic types of objects in the R language:
Vectors- Atomic vectors are one of the basic types of objects in R programming. Atomic
vectors can store homogeneous data types such as character, doubles, integers, raw, logical, and
complex. A single element variable is also said to be vector.
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
y <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
z <- 5
# Print vector and class of vector
Lists-List is another type of object in R programming. List can contain heterogeneous data types
such as vectors or another lists.
# Create list
ls <- list(c(1, 2, 3, 4), list("a", "b", "c"))
# Print
To store values as 2-Dimensional array, matrices are used in R. Data, number of rows and columns
are defined in the matrix() function.
matrix(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
# Create matrix
mat <- matrix(x, nrow = 2)
Factors-Factor object encodes a vector of unique elements (levels) from the given data
# Create vector
s <- c("spring", "autumn", "winter", "summer",
"spring", "autumn")
Arrays-array() function is used to create n-dimensional array. This function takes dim
attribute as an argument and creates required length of each dimension as specified in
the attribute.
array(data, dim = length(data), dimnames = NULL)
arr <- array(c(1, 2, 3), dim = c(3, 3, 3))
Data Frames
Data frames are 2-dimensional tabular data object in R programming. Data frames consists of
multiple columns and each column represents a vector. Columns in data frame can have different
modes of data unlike matrices.
# Create vectors
x <- 1:5
y <- LETTERS[1:5]
z <- c("Albert", "Bob", "Charlie", "Denver", "Elie")
# Create data frame of vectors
df <- data.frame(x, y, z)
# Print data frame
– Operators- Operators are the symbols directing the compiler to perform
kinds of operations between the operands. Operators simulate the various
mathematical, logical, and decision operations performed on a set of Complex Numbers,
Integers, and Numericals as input operands.
Types of the operator in R language
 Arithmetic Operators
 Logical Operators
 Relational Operators
 Assignment Operators
 Miscellaneous Operator
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operations simulate various math operations, like addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and modulo using the specified operator between operands,
which may be either scalar values, complex numbers, or vectors. The operations are
performed element-wise at the corresponding positions of the vectors.
Addition operator (+):
The values at the corresponding positions of both the operands are added. Consider the
following R snippet to add two vectors:
Input : a <- c (1, 0.1)
b <- c (2.33, 4)
print (a+b)
Output : 3.33 4.10
Subtraction Operator (-):
The second operand values are subtracted from the first. Consider the following R snippet
to subtract two variables:
Input : a <- 6
b <- 8.4
print (a-b)
Output : -2.4
Multiplication Operator (*):
The multiplication of corresponding elements of vectors and Integers are multiplied with
the use of the ‘*’ operator.
Input : B= matrix(c(4,6i),nrow=1,ncol=2)
C= matrix(c(2,2i ),nrow=1, ncol=2)
print (B*C)
Output : 8+0i -12+0i
The elements at corresponding positions of matrices are multiplied.
Division Operator (/):
The first operand is divided by the second operand with the use of the ‘/’ operator.
Input : a <- 1
b <- 0
print (a/b)
Output : -Inf
Power Operator (^):
The first operand is raised to the power of the second operand.
Input : list1 <- c(2, 3)
list2 <- c(2,4)
Output : 4 81
Modulo Operator (%%):
The remainder of the first operand divided by the second operand is returned.
Input : list1<- c(2, 3)
# the use of Arithmetic operators
vec1 <- c(0, 2)
vec2 <- c(2, 3)
# Performing operations on Operands
cat ("Addition of vectors :", vec1 + vec2, "\n")
cat ("Subtraction of vectors :", vec1 - vec2, "\n")
cat ("Multiplication of vectors :", vec1 * vec2, "\n")
cat ("Division of vectors :", vec1 / vec2, "\n")
cat ("Modulo of vectors :", vec1 %% vec2, "\n")
cat ("Power operator :", vec1 ^ vec2)
Logical Operators
Logical operations simulate element-wise decision operations, based on the specified
operator between the operands, which are then evaluated to either a True or False
boolean value. Any non-zero integer value is considered as a TRUE value, be it a complex
or real number.
Element-wise Logical AND operator (&):
Returns True if both the operands are True.
Element-wise Logical OR operator (|):
Returns True if either of the operands is True.
Element-wise Logical OR operator (|):
Returns True if either of the operands is True.
Logical AND operator (&&):
Returns True if both the first elements of the operands are True.
Logical OR operator (||):
Returns True if either of the first elements of the operands is True.
# the use of Logical operators
vec1 <- c(0,2)
vec2 <- c(TRUE,FALSE)
# Performing operations on Operands
cat ("Element wise AND :", vec1 & vec2, "\n")
cat ("Element wise OR :", vec1 | vec2, "\n")
cat ("Logical AND :", vec1 && vec2, "\n")
cat ("Logical OR :", vec1 || vec2, "\n")
cat ("Negation :", !vec1)
Relational Operators
The relational operators carry out comparison operations between the corresponding elements of
the operands. Returns a boolean TRUE value if the first operand satisfies the relation compared to
the second. A TRUE value is always considered to be greater than the FALSE.
Less than (<):
Returns TRUE if the corresponding element of the first operand is less than that of the second
operand. Else returns FALSE.
Less than equal to (<=):
Returns TRUE if the corresponding element of the first operand is less than or equal to that of the
second operand. Else returns FALSE.
Greater than (>):
Returns TRUE if the corresponding element of the first operand is greater than that of the second
operand. Else returns FALSE.
Greater than equal to (>=):
Returns TRUE if the corresponding element of the first operand is greater or equal to that of the
second operand. Else returns FALSE.
Not equal to (!=):
Returns TRUE if the corresponding element of the first operand is not equal to the second operand.
Else returns FALSE.
# R program to illustrate
# the use of Relational operators
vec1 <- c(0, 2)
vec2 <- c(2, 3)
# Performing operations on Operands
cat ("Vector1 less than Vector2 :", vec1 < vec2, "\n")
cat ("Vector1 less than equal to Vector2 :", vec1 <= vec2, "\n")
cat ("Vector1 greater than Vector2 :", vec1 > vec2, "\n")
cat ("Vector1 greater than equal to Vector2 :", vec1 >= vec2, "\n")
cat ("Vector1 not equal to Vector2 :", vec1 != vec2, "\n")
Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assigning values to various data objects in R. The objects may
be integers, vectors, or functions. These values are then stored by the assigned variable names.
There are two kinds of assignment operators: Left and Right
Left Assignment (<- or <<- or =):
Assigns a value to a vector.
Right Assignment (-> or ->>):
Assigns value to a vector.
# R program to illustrate
# the use of Assignment operators
vec1 <- c(2:5)
c(2:5) ->> vec2
vec3 <<- c(2:5)
vec4 = c(2:5)
c(2:5) -> vec5
# Performing operations on Operands
cat ("vector 1 :", vec1, "\n")
cat("vector 2 :", vec2, "\n")
cat ("vector 3 :", vec3, "\n")
cat("vector 4 :", vec4, "\n")
cat("vector 5 :", vec5)
Miscellaneous Operators
These are the mixed operators that simulate the printing of sequences and assignment of vectors,
either left or right-handed.
%in% Operator:
Checks if an element belongs to a list and returns a boolean value TRUE if the value is present else
Colon Operator(:):
Prints a list of elements starting with the element before the colon to the element after it.
%*% Operator:
This operator is used to multiply a matrix with its transpose. Transpose of the matrix is obtained by
interchanging the rows to columns and columns to rows. The number of columns of the first matrix
must be equal to the number of rows of the second matrix. Multiplication of the matrix A with its
transpose, B, produces a square matrix.
# R program to illustrate
# the use of Miscellaneous operators
mat <- matrix (1:4, nrow = 1, ncol = 4)
print("Matrix elements using : ")
product = mat %*% t(mat)
print("Product of matrices")
cat ("does 1 exist in prod matrix :", "1" %in% product)
Accepting Input- Developers often have a need to interact with users, either to get data
or to provide some sort of result. Most programs today use a dialog box as a way of asking the
user to provide some type of input. Like other programming languages in R it’s also possible to
take input from the user. For doing so, there are two methods in R.
 Using readline() method
 Using scan() method
Using readline() method
In R language readline() method takes input in string format. If one inputs an integer then it is
inputted as a string, lets say, one wants to input 255, then it will input as “255”, like a string. So one
needs to convert that inputted value to the format that he needs. In this case, string “255” is
converted to integer 255. To convert the inputted value to the desired data type, there are some
functions in R,
 as.integer(n); —> convert to integer
 as.numeric(n); —> convert to numeric type (float, double etc)
 as.complex(n); —> convert to complex number (i.e 3+2i)
 as.Date(n) —> convert to date …, etc

var1 = readline(prompt = “Enter any number : “);
var1 = readline(“Enter any number : “);
# taking input with showing the message
var = readline(prompt = "Enter any number : ");
var = as.integer(var);
Taking multiple inputs in R
Taking multiple inputs in R language is same as taking single input, just need to define
multiple readline() for inputs. One can use braces for define multiple readline() inside it.
var1 = readline(“Enter 1st number : “);
var2 = readline(“Enter 2nd number : “);
var3 = readline(“Enter 3rd number : “);
var4 = readline(“Enter 4th number : “);
var1 = readline(“Enter 1st number : “);
var2 = readline(“Enter 2nd number : “);
var3 = readline(“Enter 3rd number : “);
var4 = readline(“Enter 4th number : “);
# taking multiple inputs
# using braces
var1 = readline("Enter 1st number : ");
var2 = readline("Enter 2nd number : ");
var3 = readline("Enter 3rd number : ");
var4 = readline("Enter 4th number : ");
# converting each value
var1 = as.integer(var1);
var2 = as.integer(var2);
var3 = as.integer(var3);
var4 = as.integer(var4);
# print the sum of the 4 number
print(var1 + var2 + var3 + var4)
Taking String and Character input in R
To take string input is the same as an integer. For “String” one doesn’t need to convert the
inputted data into a string because R takes input as string always. And for “character”, it needs to
be converted to ‘character’. Sometimes it may not cause any error. One can take character input
as same as string also, but that inputted data is of type string for the entire program. So the best
way to use that inputted data as ‘character’ is to convert the data to a character.
var1 = readline(prompt = “Enter your name : “);
var1 = readline(prompt = “Enter any character : “);
var1 = as.character(var1)
var1 = readline(prompt = "Enter your name : ");
# character input
var2 = readline(prompt = "Enter any character : ");
# convert to character
var2 = as.character(var2)
# printing values

my.name <- readline(prompt="Enter name: ")

my.age <- readline(prompt="Enter age: ")
# convert character into integer
my.age <- as.integer(my.age)
print(paste("Hi,", my.name, "next year you will be", my.age+1, "years old."))

Important Built-in functions

Functions are useful when you want to perform a certain task multiple times. A function
accepts input arguments and produces the output by executing valid R commands that are inside
the function. In R Programming Language when you are creating a function the function name and
the file in which you are creating the function need not be the same and you can have one or more
function definitions in a single R file.
Types of function in R Language
 Built-in Function: Built function R is sq(), mean(), max(), these function are directly call in the
program by users.
 User-defined Function: R language allow us to write our own function.
Function Definition
An R function is created by using the keyword function. The basic syntax of an R function definition is
as follows –
function_name <- function(arg_1, arg_2, ...) {
Function body
Function Components
The different parts of a function are −
 Function Name − This is the actual name of the function. It is stored in R environment as an
object with this name.
 Arguments − An argument is a placeholder. When a function is invoked, you pass a value to
the argument. Arguments are optional; that is, a function may contain no arguments. Also
arguments can have default values.
 Function Body − The function body contains a collection of statements that defines what the
function does.
 Return Value − The return value of a function is the last expression in the function body to be
Built-in Function
R has many in-built functions which can be directly called in the program without defining them
first.Simple examples of in-built functions are seq(), mean(), max(), sum(x) and paste(...) etc. They are
directly called by user written programs.
# Create a sequence of numbers from 32 to 44.
# Find mean of numbers from 25 to 82.
# Find sum of numbers frm 41 to 68.
Here we will use built-in function like sum(), max() and min().
# Find sum of numbers 4 to 6.
# Find max of numbers 4 and 6.
# Find min of numbers 4 and 6.
User-defined Functions in R Programming Language
R provides built-in functions like print(), cat(), etc. but we can also create our own functions. These
functions are called user-defined functions.
# whether x is even or odd
evenOdd = function(x){
if(x %% 2 == 0)
Single Input Single Output
Now create a function in R that will take a single input and gives us a single output.
Following is an example to create a function that calculates the area of a circle which takes in
the arguments the radius. So, to create a function, name the function as “areaOfCircle” and the
arguments that are needed to be passed are the “radius” of the circle.
# area of a circle
areaOfCircle = function(radius){
area = pi*radius^2
Multiple Input Multiple Output
The functions in R Language takes multiple input objects but returned only one object as output,
this is, however, not a limitation because you can create lists of all the outputs which you want to
create and once the list is created you can access them into the elements of the list and get the
answers which you want.
Let us consider this example to create a function “Rectangle” which takes “length” and “width” of
the rectangle and returns area and perimeter of that rectangle. Since R Language can return only
one object. Hence, create one object which is a list that contains “area” and “perimeter” and return
the list.
# area and perimeter of a rectangle
Rectangle = function(length, width){
area = length * width
perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
result = list("Area" = area, "Perimeter" = perimeter)
resultList = Rectangle(2, 3)
Inline Functions in R Programming Language
Sometimes creating an R script file, loading it, executing it is a lot of work when you want to just
create a very small function. So, what we can do in this kind of situation is an inline function.
To create an inline function you have to use the function command with the argument x and
then the expression of the function.
# demonstrate the inline function
f = function(x) x^2*4+x/3
Passing arguments to Functions in R Programming Language
There are several ways you can pass the arguments to the function:
 Case 1: Generally in R, the arguments are passed to the function in the same order as in the
function definition.
 Case 2: If you do not want to follow any order what you can do is you can pass the arguments
using the names of the arguments in any order.
 Case 3: If the arguments are not passed the default values are used to execute the function.
# passing arguments to a function
Rectangle = function(length=5, width=4)
area = length * width
# Case 1:
print(Rectangle(2, 3))
# Case 2:
print(Rectangle(width = 8, length = 4))
# Case 3:

Creating Vectors
Vectors in R are the same as the arrays in C language which are used to hold multiple data values
of the same type. One major key point is that in R the indexing of the vector will start from ‘1’ and
not from ‘0’. We can create numeric vectors and character vectors as well.
Vector Creation-Single Element Vector
Even when you write just one value in R, it becomes a vector of length 1 and belongs to one of the
above vector types.
# Atomic vector of type character.
# Atomic vector of type double.
# Atomic vector of type integer.
# Atomic vector of type logical.
# Atomic vector of type complex.
# Atomic vector of type raw.
Accessing Vector Elements
Elements of a Vector are accessed using indexing. The [ ] brackets are used for indexing. Indexing
starts with position 1. Giving a negative value in the index drops that element from
result.TRUE, FALSE or 0 and 1 can also be used for indexing.
# Accessing vector elements using position.
t <- c("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thurs","Fri","Sat")
u <- t[c(2,3,6)]
# Accessing vector elements using logical indexing.
# Accessing vector elements using negative indexing.
x <- t[c(-2,-5)]
# Accessing vector elements using 0/1 indexing.
y <- t[c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)]
Operations on Vectors
Vector arithmetic (Operations on Vectors)
Two vectors of same length can be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided giving the
result as a vector output.
# Create two vectors.
v1 <- c(3,8,4,5,0,11)
v2 <- c(4,11,0,8,1,2)
add.result <- v1+v2
sub.result <- v1-v2
multi.result <- v1*v2
divi.result <- v1/v2

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