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Student Name :Muhammad Durrani hakim Bin Mohd Fared

Student ID :21001225


Experiment date : 31 /01 / 2023

Session :1

Experiment Objectives: 1. To determine loading resistance using the sensitivity, S of an

analog voltmeter.

2. To measure and compare the loading effects of analog

meters and digital multimeters (DMM) in high-resistance and
low-resistance circuits


1.According to the manual find the internal resistance of the digital multimeter first.

2. An analogue multimeter's internal resistance is typically influenced by the voltage range

being utilised. The manufacturer offered a parameter called the sensitivity, S, with units of
kΩ/V, which may be used to calculate the internal resistance.After that, the internal resistance
is calculated as the sum of sensitivity and the meter's voltage range as:

Rm = S x Vrange

3. Determined and recorded the correct range to measure a voltage of 10 V in Table 1.

Vrange S Rm

4.Used resistor,multimeter and power supply to constructed the circuit.

5. First,connected the DMM directly across the terminals of the variable power supply.
Adjusted the voltage source for exactly 10 V.

6.Find the voltage by connected the DMM at terminal A and B and recorded it three times.

7. Used the formula below to find loading error and percentage of the DMM.
8.Repeated steps 5 and 6 by using analog multimeter and scale of the is the same which is 10
V and find loading error as well as percentage

9. Calculated the analogue meter's internal resistance by using the test circuit and the voltage
value. It could be compared to the nominal value find in the meter handbook.

10.Constructed the circuit below on the breadboard.

11.Find the voltage acrossed each resistor by using voltage divider and named it as “expected

12.Calculated voltage across resistor,R1 and R2 and recorded the loading effect by using
digital multimeter and analog multimeter.

13.Repeated step 11 and 12 by using 6MΩ and 4MΩ.


1.By using DMM ohmmeter, measured the actual resistance of a 5  resistor. Adjusted the
voltage source to 0.3 V when using DMM voltmeter. Calculated the unloaded current for the
circuit shown
2. Constructed the circuit on a breadboard. Use the DMM as an ammeter first and then analog
ammeter to record the current reading.

3.Used the formula to get loading effect.

4. Used the experimental results to Estimate the internal resistance of each meter.\

5. Replaced the 5  resistor with a 50  resistor and adjusted the DC voltage supply to 3 V.
Measured the circuit current using the DMM and analog ammeter separately.

6.Recorded the measurements and calculated the corresponding loading effects of 50.

Results and analysis


Vrange S Rm
10V 20kΩ/V 200kΩ

Meter Unloaded Measured Average(V) Loading Relative

voltage(A-B)(V) error (V) error (%)
M1 M2 M3

DMM 10 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 0.02 2%

Analog 9.5 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 0.05 5%
Meter V1(R1=6.0MΩ) V2(R2=4.0MΩ)
Expected Measured Loading error (V) Expected Measured Loading error
DMM 6.00 V 4.85V 1.15V 4.00V 3.31V 0.69V
Analog 6.00V 0.1V 5.90V 4.00V 0.10V 3.90V

Meter V1(R1=6.2kΩ V2(R2=4.20kΩ)

Expected Measured Loading error (V) Expected Measured Loading error
DMM 5.93V 5.935 V -0.01 4.07V 4.08V -0.01 V
Analog 5.93V 5.60V 0.33 4.07V 3.90 V 0.17V


value Relative
Meter Unloaded (5.8Ω) Average Loading error error
current M1 M2 M3
DMM 51.7mA 19.56mA 21.10mA 19.23mA 19.96mA 31.7mA 61.39%
Analog 51.7mA 5mA 5.5mA 5.5mA 5.333mA 46.37mA 89.69%

Meter Unloaded (51.6Ω) Average Loading error Relative error
current M1 M2 M3
DMM 58.14mA 9.60mA 9.65mA 9.60mA 9.63mA 48.51mA 83.44%
Analog 58.14mA 9.00mA 9.00mA 9.00mA 9.00mA 49.14mA 84.52%


Based on the experiment analog meter got higher voltage loading effect compare to
digital multimeter (DMM) because the measured value of analog meter is lower than DMM
so loading effect will be higher.The loading effect of a voltmeter in a low-resistance circuit is
not similar to the effect of loading effect in a high-resistance circuit. For example,R1 loading
error of low resistance is -0.01 while loading error of high resistance is 1.15V.This same
goes to R2 where loading effect of low resistance -0.01V while loading effect of high
resistance is 0.69V
If wanted to reduce the loading for high resistance circuit,the suitable value of internal
resistance is below 10MΩ which is 9MΩ.

The analog meter has a greater relative error than the DMM, as shown in table 5.
When measuring current (ammeter), it is possible to draw the conclusion that the DMM has a
lower internal resistance than the analog meter because a lower resistance lets more current
flow, making the measurement more precise with a smaller relative error. Additionally, the
DMM can measure an average current of 19.96 mA with its lower internal resistance,
whereas the analog meter can only measure a current of 5.33 mA with its high internal
resistance. From the values recorded in table 5, the relative error for the analog meter
decreased while the relative error for the DMM increased when a 51.6k resistor was replaced
with a 5.8k resistor. The range of the DMM decreases from an average current of 19.96 mA
to 9.63 mA even when having a lower internal resistance than the analog meter, despite the
fact that the analog meter can now measure an average current of 9.00 mA rather than 5.33
mA as the resistor value increases.
If wanted to reduce the loading effect for low-resistance circuit,
range of internal resistance for an ammeter is 10MΩ or above.


The purpose of this experiment was to measure and contrast the loading effects of
analog meters and digital multimeters (DMM) in circuits with high resistance and low
resistance, respectively, using the sensitivity, S, of an analog voltmeter. The first part of the
experiment aims to determine the voltmeter loading effect, while the second part aims to
determine the ammeter loading effect. The DMM and analog meter were the two multimeters
used to measure three distinct circuit configurations. To compare the results of the DMM and
analog meter and investigate the connection between loading effects and the internal
resistance of the multimeter, the resistance values were altered. The first goal of this
experiment was accomplished when table 1 of the first part showed the internal resistance of
the analog voltmeter as a function of the voltage's sensitivity and range. Following that, the
differences in loading effect between a DMM and an analog meter are described in table 2's
results. When using various resistors, the loading effects of the two voltmeters are compared
in tables 3 and 4. In part 2, the correlation between internal resistance and current
measurement is determined using the data in tables 5 and 6. This holds true even when the
resistor value is increased in the same circuit. As a result, the data presented in tables 2
through 6 clearly support the second goal of experiment 1.

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