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Name: Harold Justin Marasigan

Section: 3BSA-A

Course Title: RIZ101

Assessment 1: Lesson 1 The Patriotic Objectives of Rizal Law (RA 1425)

1. Why do we need to study works and Life of Rizal?

- As we all know, Rizal was a vital part of the Philippine history. As his writing influenced
many people that lead to the independence of the said country. Also, through his novels
and other writings. It helped us on understanding what happened on the past and know
how Filipinos overcome their struggles during the Colonization of the Spanish people.
Lastly, to gain inspiration from them as they promote patriotism that is definitely
needed by each country.

2. What is Republic Act 1425?

- Based from the official government website of the Philippines, RA 1425 is an act to
include in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges and universities courses
on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli me tangere and
El filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and distribution thereof, and for other

3. Who are the notable persons who tried to block the approval of RA 1425?
- Sen. Decoroso Rosales, Sen. Mariano Cuenco, and Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo

4. Who are the notable persons who fought for its approval?
- Sen. Jose P. Laurel, Claro M. Recto, and Other Illustrious nationalist
5. Give at least 2 Intentions/Reasons of person who blocked the approval of Rizal bill
- There is a need for a rededication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our

heroes lived and died

- There is a need to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience and to teach
the duties of citizenship.
6. Who are the persons responsible for the approval of RA 1425?
- Senator Claro M. Recto.
7. What are your insights? / What have you learned for RA 1425?
- RA 1425 helps and made us Filipinos to lookback and appreciate the sacrifices of our
national hero. And to give honor and gratitude as they fought with dignity, pride and
patriotism. As what a Filipino must be this days.

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