Bhat Sahita of Varahamihira Chapter Ni

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Bṛhat Saṃhitā of

(Qualities of the
Actions of the

Translated by
Michael Douglas Neely
In July 2015 I felt confident enough to start translating
the ​Bhagavad Gita​ in order continue increasing my
The Translator and the proficiency in the Sanskrit language while feeling the
Translation excitement of actually reading and comprehending the
Sanskrit of the ​Bhagavad Gita​ and then translating the
I am a mostly self-taught Sanskrit enthusiast. I went to Sanskrit into English. In addition to the ​Bhagavad
a Sanskrit presentation at a yoga studio sometime in Gita​, I have done translation work on the ​Vedanga
the late 1990s. That was my first exposure to any Jyotisha​, ​Panchasiddhantika​, ​Brihat Jataka​, ​Brihat
structured Sanskrit class. The studio arranged a Yatra​, ​Samkhya Karika​, and some principal
second follow-up class, but no one showed up, except Upanishads. In 2017 I also decided to pick up on the
me. I took that as an omen. In 2003 I took two Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra ​work I stopped in
Sanskrit workshops that emphasized learning the 2007.
Sanskrit alphabet and some noun declensions and verb
conjunctions. In 2005 I was able to find a Sanskrit I am not a Sanskrit professor nor do I claim to be an
mentor to teach me Sanskrit until about mid-2006. expert in the Sanskrit language. The main source I
From mid-2006 to mid-2007 I continued my Sanskrit used for this translation was the edition by
studies and Sanskrit to English translations. You can Panditabhushana V. Subrahmanya Sastri and Vidwan
see my translation work during this time period and M. Ramakrishna Bhat. It is available online at the
my current work on my profileŚ following linkŚ
httpsŚ// httpsŚ//
In mid-2007 I lost interest in studying Sanskrit and
stopped studying it. In 2014, my interest in Sanskrit For my Sanskrit language references, most of the time
was rekindled. I felt a calling to come back to it and I consulted the Sanskrit primer ​Devavanipravesika by
started reviewing various Sanskrit primers and Robert and Sally Goldman, ​Sanskrit Grammar ​by
textbooks. William Dwight Whitney, ​Sanskrit Manual by
William Bucknell, and the Academic Room
Sanskrit-English iOS Dictionary app.
The script for this translation was generated from the arrive at a translation that makes sense to him/her. My
Learn Sanskrit websiteŚ mission in all my translations is to provide a very
httpŚ// detailed word for word translation identifying each
word’s grammar and to provide an understandable
The Sanskrit Grammarian website was also translation for everyone. I don’t seek to be the
extensively used to find and confirm noun declensions supreme authority on any translation that I do. No
and verb conjunctionsŚ translation is immune from error.
Some Sanskritists may criticize this book given I am
The online Sanskrit Dictionary website was also not a credentialed Sanskritist in the guise that I made
extensively used to look up various Sanskrit words for certain grammar and translation errors. I am not
their definitions and parts of speechŚ immune to error, but I am definitely confident that I
httpŚ// provide a valuable Sanskrit resource in this
publication. If one feels moved to criticize my work, I
In my prose translations, I tried to be as literal as would appreciate a detailed response in regards to my
possible, not adding anything to the translation that error and not some off the cuff rebuke from on high. I
was not in the original Sanskrit text. If I did add understand society’s tendency to give the benefit of
something, it is clearly indicated. For each verse the doubt to a credentialed person over a
translated, I show the Sanskrit ​Devanagari ​script, the non-credentialed enthusiast, but just be aware that
transliteration of the Sanskrit in the International credentialed and uncredentialed people make errors
Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST) format, all the same.
and the English translation I created. After that, I
broke down each word of the Sanskrit text into its Whenever I translate a Sanskrit text, I do so to
pre-​sandhi​ form and listed the various grammar understand a particular knowledge from its primary
identifiers of each word. When needed, I explain why source and retrace the steps of other translators. I want
my translation is different from other translations and to confirm the accepted understanding of the text.
provide other background information essential to With my detailed Sanskrit to English translations, I
understanding the verses. It is up to each person to also seek to make a bridge between Sanskrit
enthusiasts and the texts I have translated as a vehicle
of education and joy.
Chapter Ninety-Eight
(Qualities of the Actions of
the Nakṣatras) Outline of
Main Concepts
(listed as they appear in the text)
Nakṣatras Number of Lords of the Nakṣatra
List of ​Nakṣatras Stars Nakṣatras Qualities
Pūrv ṣ ḍh 2 Toya Fierce
Uttar ṣ ḍh 8 Vi vas Fixed
Nakṣatras Number of Lords of the Nakṣatra
Abhijit Brahm
Stars Nakṣatras Qualities
ravaṇ 3 Hari Moving
A vinī 3 A vins Swift
Dhaniṣṭh 5 Vasus Moving
Bharaṇī 3 Yama Fierce
atabhiṣ 100 Varuṇa Moving
Kṛtik 6 Dahana Tender-Sharp
Pūrvabhadrapad 15 Ajap da Fierce
Rohiṇī 5 Kamalaja Fixed
Uttarabhadrapad 8 Ahirbudhnya Fixed
Mṛga iras 3 a in Tender
Revatī 32 Pūṣan Tender
rdr 1 ūlabhṛt Sharp
Punarvasu 5 Aditi Moving
Puṣya 3 Jīva Swift
A leṣ 6 Phaṇi Sharp
Magh 5 Pitṛ Fierce
Pūrvaphalguṇī 8 Yoni Fierce
Uttaraphalguṇī 15 Aryaman Fixed
Hast 5 Dinakṛt Swift
Chitr 1 Tvaṣṭṛ Tender
Svatī 1 Pavana Moving
Vi kh 5 akra-Agni Tender-Sharp
Anur dh 4 Mitra Tender
Jyeṣṭh 3 akra Sharp
Mūl 11 Nirṛti Sharp
Stars Assigned to the ​Nakṣatras Corresponding to Nakṣatras ​with Dhruva​ (​Fixed) Qualities (6)
Time (1–2)
From those three Uttaras and from Rohiṇī are the
Three, three, six, five, three, one, five, three, six, five, Dhruva ​nakṣatras. With those one should perform the
eight, fifteen, five, one, one, five, four, three, eleven, commencement of permanent things, seeds, dharma,
two, eight, three, five, one hundred, fifteen, eight, and towns, trees, propitiatory rites, and coronations.
thirty-two. Thus is the sidereal time in due order of
those beginning from A vinī ​nakṣatra. The portion of
time is according to the quantity of the fixed stars. Nakṣatras ​with Tīkṣṇa (​Sharp) Qualities (7)
The lords of Mūla, iva, akra, and Bhujaga
nakṣatras are Tīkṣṇa. Among those they accomplish
Timing of Good or Bad Results for Marriage in striking, mantra, entities that occupy dead bodies,
Years and the Passing of a Fever or Other Illness bondage, murder, and breaking apart associations.
in Days that was Begun in a Certain ​Nakṣatra ​(3)
When a marriage is born of a ​nakṣatra, the good or
bad result comes about in years according to the Nakṣatras ​with Ugras ​(​Fierce) Qualities (8)
quantity of stars and in days for the passing of a fever The Ugras are to be joined with the Pūrvas, Bharaṇī,
or another illness. This is to be declared. Pitrya for the accomplishment in the deceits reaching
destruction, bondage, poison, burning slaughter by
weapon, etc.
Twenty-eight Lords of the ​Nakṣatras ​(4–5)
A vins, Yama, Dahana, Kamalaja, a in, ūlabhṛt,
Aditi, Jīva, Phaṇi, Pitṛ, Yoni, Aryaman, Dinakṛt, Nakṣatras ​with Laghu ​(​Swift) Qualities (9)
Tvaṣṭṛ, Pavana, akra-Agni, Mitra, akra, Nirṛti, Hast ​, vinī, and Puṣya nakṣatras are Laghu (swift).
Toya, Vi vas, Brahm , Hari, Vasus, Varuṇa, Ajap da, Those are indicated as producing success in trade,
Ahirbudhnya, and Pūṣan. pleasure, knowledge, decoration, arts, skilled labor,
medicinal herbs, travel, etc.
Nakṣatras ​with Mṛdu (Tender) Qualities (10) Times Not Suitable for Shaving (13)
The Mṛdu (tender) class consists of Anur dh , Citr , A shave is not suitable for those decorated, prepared
Revatī, and Mṛga iras nakṣatras suitable in friendship to set out on a journey, for a time after bathing, not
matters, sexual union, garments, ornamentation, encamping at the time of combat, having eaten, and
auspiciousness, and song. having been anointed with oil, perfumes, etc. on the
Rikta ​tithi​,​ ​on Saturday, Tuesday, and Sunday, at
night, the twilights, the 9th day from the previous
Nakṣatras ​with Mṛdu-Tīkṣṇa (Tender-Sharp) shave, and even on Viṣṭi karaṇa.
Qualities and ​Nakṣatras ​with Cara (Moving)
Qualities (11)
Kṛtik with Vi kh ​ ​nakṣatra are Mṛdu-Tīkṣṇa Exceptions to the Rule for Prohibitions on Shaving
(tender-sharp) causing mixed results of those. (14)
By order of the lord of the people, when approved by
ravaṇa, Dhaniṣṭha, atabhiṣa, Purnarvasu, and Sv ti a Br hmaṇa at the time of marriage, impurity of the
nakṣatras are suitable in moving actions. dead, liberation of the imprisoned, and the
consecrations of the sacrifices, the action of shaving is
auspicious among all those ​nakṣatras.
Nakṣatras ​and Conditions Auspicious for Shaving
Hasta, Chitra, Sv ti, Mṛga iras, ravaṇa, Dhaniṣṭha, Nakṣatras Auspicious for Masculine Activities (15)
atabhiṣa, Revatī, vinī, Jyeṣṭh , Puṣya, and Hasta, Mūla, ravaṇ , Punarvasu, Mṛga iras, and
Punarvasu ​nakṣatras are suitable in the action of Puṣya nakṣatras. Thus among those indicated as
shaving when those are joined to the rising or ​muhūta masculine to be performed, those are the auspicious
with the Moon and an auspicious star. nakṣatras.
Nakṣatras and Days for Ceremonial Activities (16)
Thus in Hasta, Revatī, Sv ti, Anur dh , Puṣya, Chitra,
and Mṛga iras nakṣatra when partaking in a sacred
ceremony, initiation, vow, investiture with a girdle,
one should perform it on a Thursday, Friday,
Wednesday, and Monday.

Accomplishment in All Undertakings (17)

With those pure (with benefics and without malefics)
12th, 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, and 8th houses and with the
malefics situated in the 3rd, 6th, 11th houses, or if
Jupiter or Venus are situated in the angles from the
lagna​, or even when a benefic is to be reckoned in the
rising zodiac or even the ingress to be entered into a
rising zodiac sign that is fixed and rural, there is
accomplishment of the result in all undertakings.
6. From those three Uttaras and from Rohiṇī are the
Dhruva ​nakṣatras. With those one should perform the
Chapter 98 Verses commencement of permanent things, seeds, dharma,
1. Three, three, six, five, three, one, five, three, six, towns, trees, propitiatory rites, and coronations.
five, eight, fifteen, five, one, one, five, four, three,
eleven, two, eight, three... 7. The lords of Mūla, iva, akra, and Bhujaga
nakṣatras are Tīkṣṇa. Among those they accomplish
2. ...five, one hundred, fifteen, eight, and thirty-two. striking, mantra, entities that occupy dead bodies,
Thus is the sidereal time in due order of those bondage, murder, and breaking apart associations.
beginning from A vinī ​nakṣatra. The portion of time
is according to the quantity of the fixed stars. 8. ​The Ugras are to be joined with the Pūrvas,
Bharaṇī, Pitrya for the accomplishment in the deceits
3. When a marriage is born of a ​nakṣatra, the good or reaching destruction, bondage, poison, burning
bad result comes about in years according to the slaughter by weapon, etc.
quantity of stars and in days for the passing of a fever
or another illness. This is to be declared. 9. ​Hasta, vinī, and Puṣya nakṣatras are Laghu
(swift). Those are indicated as producing success in
4. A vin, Yama, Dahana, Kamalaja, a in, ūlabhṛt, trade, pleasure, knowledge, decoration, arts, skilled
Aditi, Jīva, Phaṇi, Pitṛ, Yoni, Aryaman, Dinakṛt, labor, medicinal herbs, travel, etc.
Tvaṣṭṛ, Pavana, akra-Agni, and Mitra...
10. The Mṛdu (tender) class consists of Anur dh ,
5. ... akra, Nirṛti, Toya, Vi vas, Brahm , Hari, Vasus, Citr , Revatī, and Mṛga iras nakṣatras suitable in
Varuṇa, Ajap da, Ahirbudhnya, and Pūṣan. Thus are friendship matters, sexual union, garments,
the lords of the ​nakṣatras. ornamentation, auspiciousness, and song.
11. Kṛtik with Vi kha nakṣatra are Mṛdu-Tīkṣṇa 15. Hasta, Mūla, ravaṇ , Punarvasu, Mṛga iras, and
(tender-sharp) causing mixed results of those. Puṣya nakṣatras. Thus among those indicated as
ravaṇa, Dhaniṣṭha, atabhiṣa, Purnarvasu, and Sv ti masculine to be performed, those are the auspicious
nakṣatras are suitable in moving actions. nakṣatras.

12. Hasta, Chitra, Sv ti, Mṛga iras, ravaṇa, 16. Thus in Hasta, Revatī, Sv ti, Anur dh , Puṣya,
Dhaniṣṭha, atabhiṣa, Revatī, vinī, Jyeṣṭh , Puṣya, Chitra, and Mṛga iras nakṣatra when partaking in a
and Punarvasu ​nakṣatras are suitable in the action of sacred ceremony, initiation, vow, investiture with a
shaving when those are joined to the rising or ​muhūta girdle, one should perform it on a Thursday, Friday,
with the Moon and an auspicious star. Wednesday, and Monday.

13. A shave is not suitable of those decorated 17. With those pure (with benefics and without
prepared to set out on a journey for a time after malefics) 12th, 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, and 8th houses and
bathing, not encamping at the time of combat, having with the malefics situated in the 3rd, 6th, 11th houses,
eaten, and been anointed with oil, perfumes, etc. at the or if Jupiter or Venus are situated in the angles from
tithi ​on Saturday, Tuesday, and Sunday, the twilights, the ​lagna​, or even when a benefic is to be reckoned in
Rikta ​tithi​, the 9th day from the previous shave, and the rising zodiac or even the ingress to be entered into
even on Viṣṭi karaṇa. a rising zodiac sign that is fixed and rural, there is
accomplishment of the result in all undertakings.
14. By order of the lord of the people, when approved
by a Br hmaṇa at the time of marriage, impurity of
the dead, liberation of the imprisoned, and the
consecrations of the sacrifices, the action of shaving is
auspicious among all those ​nakṣatras.
Chapter 98 Title
Chapter 98 Detail: Chapter
on the Qualities of the न कमगण
ु ा यायः ९८
Actions of the ​Nakṣatras nakṣatrakarmaguṇ dhy yaḥ 98

nakṣatra = nakṣatra
karman = action
guṇa = qualities
adhy ya = chapter
nakṣatrabal dhy yas (stem formŚ nakṣatrabal dhy ya)
(masculine, nominative, singular) = Chapter on the
Qualities of the Actions of the ​Nakṣatras

Chapter on the Qualities of the Actions of the

ikhi = three
Verse 1 guṇa = three
rasa = six
indriya = five
श खगण
ु रसि यानलश श वषयगण
ु प
ु चवसप
ु ाः anala = three
a in = one
वषयकच भत
ू ाणवाि न ाि ववसद
ु हनाः १ viṣaya = five
guṇa = three
ikhiguṇarasendriy nala a iviṣayaguṇarttupañcavasup ṛtu = six
pañcan = five
-akṣ ḥ vasu = eight
pakṣa = fifteen
viṣayaikacandrabhūt rṇav gnirudr vivasudahan ḥ ikhiguṇarasendriy nala a iviṣayaguṇarttupañcavasup
-akṣ s (stem formŚ
1 ikhiguṇarasendriy nala a iviṣayaguṇarttupañcavasup
-akṣa) (masculine, nominative, plural) = three, three,
six, five, three, one, five, three, six, five, eight, and
Three, three, six, five, three, one, five, three, six, five, fifteen
eight, fifteen, five, one, one, five, four, three, eleven,
two, eight, three...
viṣaya = five
eka = one Verse 2
candra = one
bhūta = five
arṇava = four भत
ू शतप वसव वा श
ं च त तारकामानम ्
agni = three
rudra = eleven मश ऽि व याद नां काल तारा मानन २
a vin = two
vasu = eight bhūta atapakṣavasavo dv triṃ acceti t rak m nam
dahana = three
viṣayaikacandrabhūt rṇav gnirudr vivasudahan s krama o' viny dīn ṃ k last r pram nena 2
(stem formŚ
viṣayaikacandrabhūt rṇav gnirudr vivasudahana)
(masculine, nominative, plural) = five, one, one, five, ...five, one hundred, fifteen, eight, and thirty-two.
four, three, eleven, two, eight, and three Thus is the sidereal time in due order of those
beginning from A vinī ​nakṣatra. The portion of time
is according to the quantity of the fixed stars.
bhūta = five t r = fixed star
ata = one hundred, pram ṇa = quantity
pakṣa = fifteen t r pram ṇena (stem formŚ t r pram n) (masculine,
vasu = eight instrumental, singular) = by the quantity of the fixed
bhūta atapakṣavasavas (stem formŚ stars
bhūta atapakṣavasu) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
five, one hundred, fifteen, eight

dv triṃ at (stem formŚ dv triṃ at) (cardinal number,

feminine, nominative, singular) = thirty-two

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

iti (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus

t rak m nam (stem formŚ t rak m na) (neuter,

nominative, singular) = sidereal time

krama as (adverb) (indeclinable) = in due order

a vinī = A vini ​nakṣatra

di = et cetera
a viny dīn m (stem formŚ a viny di) (masculine,
genitive, plural) = of those beginning from A vinī

k las (stem formŚ k la) (masculine, nominative,

singular) = portion
nakṣatra = nakṣatra
Verse 3 ja = born
mudv ha = marriage
न जमु वाह फलम द तारका मतः सदसत ् nakṣatrajamudv he (stem formŚ nakṣatrajamudv ha)
(masculine, locative, singular) = when a marriage is
दवस वर य नाश याधर य य वा वा यः ३ born of a ​nakṣatra

nakṣatrajamudv he phalamabdaist rak mitaiḥ phalam (stem formŚ phala) (neuter, nominative,
singular) = result
abdais (stem formŚ abda) (masculine, instrumental,
divasairjvarasya n o vy dheranyasya v v cyaḥ 3 plural) = comes about in years

t ra = star
When a marriage is born of a ​nakṣatra, the good or k mita = desired (quantity)
bad result comes about in years according to the t rak mitais (stem formŚ t rak mita) (neuter,
quantity of stars and in days for the passing of a fever nominative, plural) = according to the quantity of stars
or another illness. This is to be declared.
sat = good
asat = bad
sadasat (stem formŚ sadasat) (neuter, nominative,
singular) = good or bad

divasais (stem formŚ divasa) (masculine, instrumental,

plural) = in days

jvarasya (stem formŚ jvara) (masculine, genitive,

singular) = of a fever
n as (stem formŚ n a) (masculine, nominative, Verse 4
singular) = passing

vy dhes (stem formŚ vy dhi) (masculine, genitive, अि वयमदहनकमलजश शशल

ू भद
ृ द तजीवफ ण पतरः
singular) = of a illness
य ययम दनकृ व टृपवनश ाि न म ा च ४
anyasya (stem formŚ anya) (masculine, genitive,
singular) = of another a viyamadahanakamalaja a i ūlabhṛdaditijīvaphaṇipit

v (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or -araḥ

v cyas (2nd class verb rootŚ vac) (past passive yonyaryamadinakṛttvaṣṭṛpavana akr gnimitr ca 4
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = to be
A vin, Yama, Dahana, Kamalaja, a in, ūlabhṛt,
Aditi, Jīva, Phaṇi, Pitṛ, Yoni, Aryaman, Dinakṛt,
Tvaṣṭṛ, Pavana, akra-Agni, and Mitra...
a vin = A vins yoni = Yoni
yama = Yama aryaman = Aryaman
dahana = Dahana dinakṛt = Dinakṛt
kamalaja = Kamalaja tvaṣṭṛ = Tvaṣṭṛ
a in = a in pavana = Pavana
ūlabhṛt = ūlabhṛt akra = akra
aditi = Aditi agni = Agni
jīva = Jīva mitra = Mitra
phaṇi = Phaṇi yonyaryamadinakṛttvaṣṭṛpavana akr gnimitr s (stem
pitṛ = Pitṛ formŚ yonyaryamadinakṛttvaṣṭṛpavana akr gnimitra)
a viyamadahanakamalaja a i ūlabhṛdaditijīvaphaṇipit (masculine, nominative, plural) = Yoni, Aryaman,
-aras (stem formŚ Dinakṛt, Tvaṣṭṛ, Pavana, akra, Agni, Mitra
a viyamadahanakamalaja a i ūlabhṛdaditijīvaphaṇipit
-ara) (masculine, nominative, plural) = A vins, Yama, ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
Dahana, Kamalaja, a in, ūlabhṛt, Aditi, Jīva, Phaṇi,
akras (stem formŚ akra) (masculine, nominative,
Verse 5 singular) = akra

nirṛtis (stem formŚ nirṛti) (feminine, nominative,

श नरृ त त यं व व मा ह रवसव
ु णः singular) = Nirṛti
अजपाद ऽ हबु यः पष
ू ा चती वरा भानाम ् ५ toyam (stem formŚ toya) (neuter, nominative,
singular) = Toya
akro nirṛtistoyaṃ vi ve brahm harirvasurvaruṇaḥ
vi ve (stem formŚ vi va) (pronoun, 3rd person,
ajap do'hirbudhnyaḥ pūṣ cetī var bh n m 5 masculine, nominative, plural) = Vi vas

brahm (stem formŚ brahman) (masculine,

... akra, Nirṛti, Toya, Vi vas, Brahm , Hari, Vasus, nominative, singular) = Brahm
Varuṇa, Ajap da, Ahirbudhnya, and Pūṣan. Thus are
the lords of the ​nakṣatras. haris (stem formŚ hari) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = Hari

vasus (stem formŚ vasu) (masculine, nominative,

singular) = Vasus

varuṇas (stem formŚ varuṇa) (masculine, nominative,

singular) = Varuṇa

ajap das (stem formŚ ajap da) (masculine,

nominative, singular) = Ajap da
ahirbudhnyas (stem formŚ ahirbudhnya) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = Ahirbudhnya Verse 6
pūṣ (stem formŚ pūṣan) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = Pūṣan ी यु रा ण त य र ह य च नव
ु ा न तः कुयात ्

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and अ भषकशाि तत नगरधमबीज वव

ु ार भान ् ६

iti (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus trīṇyuttar ṇi tebhyo rohiṇya ca dhruv ni taiḥ kury t

ī var s (stem formŚ ī vara) (masculine, nominative, abhiṣeka ntitarunagaradharmabījadhvuv rambh n

plural) = lords
bh n m (stem formŚ bha) (masculine, genitive, plural)
= of the ​nakṣatras
From those three Uttaras and from Rohiṇī are the
Dhruva ​nakṣatras. With those one should perform the
commencement of permanent things, seeds, dharma,
towns, trees, propitiatory rites, and coronations.
trīṇi (stem formŚ tri) (neuter, nominative, plural) = abhiṣeka = coronation
three nti = propitiatory rites
taru = tree
uttar ṇi (stem formŚ uttara) (neuter, nominative, nagara = town
plural) = Uttara ​nakṣatras dharma = dharma
bīja = seed
tebhyas (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, ablative, plural) dhruva = permanent things
= from those rambha = commencement
abhiṣeka ntitarunagaradharmabījadhruv rambh n
rohiṇyas (stem formŚ rohiṇī) (feminine, ablative, (stem formŚ
singular) = from Rohiṇī nakṣatra abhiṣeka ntitarunagaradharmabījadhruv rambha)
(masculine, accusative, plural) = commencement of
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and permanent things, seeds, dharma, towns, trees,
propitiatory rites, and coronations
dhruv ni (stem formŚ dhruva) (neuter, nominative,
plural) = Dhruvas (fixed) ​nakṣatras

tais (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, instrumental,

plural) = with those

kury t (8th class verb rootŚ kṛ) (optative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = one should
mūla = Mūla
iva = iva
Verse 7 akra = akra
bhujaga = Bhujaga
adhipa = lord
ू शवश भज
ु गा धपा न ती णा न तषु स यि त mūla iva akrabhujag dhip ni (stem formŚ
mūla iva akrabhujag dhipa) (neuter, nominative,
अ भघातम वतालब धवधभदस ब धाः ७ plural) = lords of Mūla, iva, akra, and Bhujaga
mūla iva akrabhujag dhip ni tīkṣṇ ni teṣu sidhyanti
tīkṣṇ ni (stem formŚ tīkṣṇa) (neuter, nominative,
abhigh tamantravet labandhavadhabhedasambandh ḥ plural) = Tīkṣṇa (sharp)
7 teṣu (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, locative, plural) =
among those
The lords of Mūla, iva, akra, and Bhujaga sidhyanti (4th class verb rootŚ sidh) (present
nakṣatras are Tīkṣṇa. Among those they accomplish indicative, parasmaipada, 3rd person, plural) = they
striking, mantra, entities that occupy dead bodies, accomplish
bondage, murder, and breaking apart associations.
abhigh ta = striking
mantra = mantra Verse 8
vet la = an entity that occupies a dead body (e.g.
goblin, demon, vampire)
bandha = bondage उ ा ण पव
ू भरणी प या यु सादनाशशा यषु
vadha = murder
bheda = breaking apart य या न ब ध वषदहनश घाता दषु च स य ८
sambandha = association
abhigh tamantravet labandhavadhabhedasambandh s ugr ṇi pūrvabharaṇīpitry ṇyuts dan a ṭhyeṣu
(stem formŚ
abhigh tamantravet labandhavadhabhedasambandha) yojy ni bandhaviṣadahana astragh t diṣu ca siddhyai
(masculine, nominative, plural) = striking, mantra,
entities that occupy dead bodies, bondage, murder, 8
and breaking apart associations
The Ugras are to be joined with the Pūrvas, Bharaṇī,
Pitrya for the accomplishment in the deceits reaching
destruction, bondage, poison, burning slaughter by
weapon, etc.
ugr ṇi (stem formŚ ugra) (neuter, nominative, plural) bandha = bondage
= Ugras viṣa = poison
dahana = burning
pūrva = Pūrva astra = weapon
bharaṇī = Bharaṇī gh ta = slaughter
pitrya = Pitrya di = et cetera
pūrvabharaṇīpitry ṇi (stem formŚ pūrvabharaṇīpitrya) bandhaviṣadahana astragh t diṣu (stem formŚ
(neuter, nominative, plural) = Pūrvas, Bharaṇī, Pitrya bandhaviṣadahana astragh t di) (masculine, locative,
plural) = in bondage, poison, burning slaughter by
uts dana = destruction weapon, etc.
a = reaching
ṭhya = deceit ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
uts dan a ṭhyeṣu (stem formŚ uts dan a ṭhya) siddhyai (stem formŚ siddhi) (feminine, dative,
(masculine, locative, plural) = in the deceits reaching singular) = for accomplishment

yojy ni (7th class verb rootŚ yuj) (future passive

participle, neuter, nominative, plural) = those to be
laghu (stem formŚ laghu) (neuter, nominative,
Verse 9 singular) = Laghu (swift)

hasta = Hasta ​nakṣatra

लघु ह ताि वनपु याः प यर त ानभष
ू णकलासु vina = belonging to the A vins ( vinī ​nakṣatra)
puṣya = Puṣya nakṣatra
श प षधयाना दषु स धकरा ण द टा न ९ hast vinapuṣy s (stem formŚ hast vinapuṣya)
(masculine, nominative, plural) = Hasta, vinī, and
laghu hast vinapuṣy ḥ Puṣya nakṣatras
paṇyaratijñ nabhūṣaṇakal su paṇya = trade
rati = pleasure
ilpauṣadhay n diṣu siddhikar ṇi pradiṣṭ ni 9 jñ na = knowledge
bhūṣaṇa = decoration
kal = arts
Hasta, vinī, and Puṣya nakṣatras are Laghu (swift). paṇyaratijñ nabhūṣaṇakal su (stem formŚ
Those are indicated as producing success in trade, paṇyaratijñ nabhūṣaṇakal ) (feminine, locative,
pleasure, knowledge, decoration, arts, skilled labor, plural) = in trade, pleasure, knowledge, decoration,
medicinal herbs, travel, etc. and arts

ilpa = skilled labor

auṣadha = medicinal herbs
y na = travel
di = et cetera
ilpauṣadhay n diṣu (stem formŚ ilpauṣadhay n di)
(masculine, locative, plural) = in skilled labor,
medicinal herbs, travel, etc.
siddhi = success
kara = producing Verse 10
siddhikar ṇi (stem formŚ siddhikara) (neuter,
nominative, plural) = the producing success
ृ व
ु ग ऽनरू ाधा च ाप ण दवा न म ाथ
pradiṣṭ ni (6th class verb rootŚ pradi ) (past passive
participle, neuter, nominative, plural) = those सरु त व धव भष
ू णम गलगीतषु च हता न १०
mṛduvargo'nūr dh citr pauṣṇaindav ni

mitr rthe

suratavidhivastrabhūṣaṇamaṅgalagīteṣu ca hit ni


The Mṛdu (tender) class consists of Anur dh , Citr ,

Revatī, and Mṛga iras nakṣatras suitable in friendship
matters, sexual union, garments, ornamentation,
auspiciousness, and song.
mṛdu = Mṛdu ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
varga = class
mṛduvargas (stem formŚ mṛduvarga) (masculine, hit ni (5th class verb rootŚ hi) (past passive participle,
nominative, singular) = Mṛdu (tender) class neuter, nominative, plural) = those suitable

anūr dh = Anur dh
citr = Citr
pauṣṇa = Revatī
aindava = Mṛga iras
anūr dh citr pauṣṇaindav ni (stem formŚ
anūr dh citr pauṣṇaindava) (neuter, nominative,
plural) = Anur dh , Citr , Revatī, and Mṛga iras

mitra = friend
rtha = matter
mitr rthe (stem formŚ ) (masculine, locative, singular)
= in friendship matters

suratavidhi = sexual union

vastra = garments
bhūṣaṇa = ornamentation
maṅgala = auspiciousness
gīta = song
suratavidhivastrabhūṣaṇamaṅgalagīteṣu (stem formŚ
suratavidhivastrabhūṣaṇamaṅgalagīta) (masculine,
locative, plural) = sexual union, garments,
ornamentation, auspiciousness, and song
hautabhujam (stem formŚ hautabhuja) (neuter,
Verse 11 nominative, singular) = related to Agni (Kṛtik
ह तभज
ु ं स वशाखं मद
ृ त
ु ी णं त व म फलका र sa = with
vi kha = Vi kha
वण यमा द या नल च चरकम ण हता न ११ savi kham (stem formŚ savi kha) (neuter,
nominative, singular) = with Vi kha ​nakṣatra
hautabhujaṃ savi khaṃ mṛdutīkṣṇaṃ
mṛdutīkṣṇam (stem formŚ mṛdutīkṣṇa) (neuter,
tadvimi raphalak ri nominative, singular) = Mṛdu-Tīkṣṇa (tender-sharp)
ravaṇatrayam dity nile ca carakarmaṇi hit ni 11 tad = that
vimi ra = mixed
phala = result
k rin = causing
Kṛtik with Vi kha nakṣatra are Mṛdu-Tīkṣṇa tadvimi raphalak ri (stem formŚ
(tender-sharp) causing mixed results of those. tadvimi raphalak rin) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
ravaṇa, Dhaniṣṭha, atabhiṣa, Purnarvasu, and Sv ti causing mixed results of those
nakṣatras are suitable in moving actions.
ravaṇa = ravaṇa nakṣatra
traya = three-fold
ravaṇatrayam (stem formŚ ravaṇatraya) (neuter,
nominative, singular) = three-fold from ravaṇa,
( ravaṇa, Dhaniṣṭha, and atabhiṣa nakṣatras)
ditya = ditya (Purnarvasu ​nakṣatra)
anila = Wind (Sv ti ​nakṣatra) Verse 12
dity nile (stem formŚ dity nila) (neuter, nominative,
dual) =Purnarvasu and Sv ti ​nakṣatra
ह त यं मग
ृ शराः वण यं च पष
ू ाि वश गु भा न
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
ु वसु च
cara = moving
karman = action र तु कम ण हता यद
ु य ण वा यु ता न च डुप तना
carakarmaṇi (stem formŚ carakarmaṇin) (neuter,
locative, singular) = in moving action शभ
ु तारया च १२

hit ni (5th class verb rootŚ hi) (past passive participle, hastatrayaṃ mṛga ir ḥ ravaṇatrayaṃ ca
neuter, nominative, plural) = those suitable
pūṣ vi akragurubh ni punarvasu ca

kṣaure tu karmaṇi hit nyudaye kṣaṇe v yukt ni

coḍupatin ubhat ray ca 12

Hasta, Chitra, Sv ti, Mṛga iras, ravaṇa, Dhaniṣṭha,

atabhiṣa, Revatī, vinī, Jyeṣṭh , Puṣya, and
Punarvasu ​nakṣatras are suitable in the action of
shaving when those are joined to the rising or ​muhūta
with the Moon and an auspicious star.
hasta = Hasta ​nakṣatra ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
traya = three-fold
hastatrayam (stem formŚ hastatraya) (neuter, kṣaure (stem formŚ kṣaura) (neuter, locative, singular)
nominative, singular) = three-fold from Hasta (Hasta, = in shaving
Chitra, and Sv ti ​nakṣatra)
tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but
mṛga ir s (stem formŚ mṛga iras) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = Mṛga iras nakṣatra karmaṇi (stem formŚ karman) (neuter, locative,
singular) = in action
ravaṇa = ravaṇa nakṣatra
traya = three-fold hit ni (5th class verb rootŚ hi) (past passive participle,
ravaṇatrayam (stem formŚ ravaṇatraya) (neuter, neuter, nominative, plural) = those suitable
nominative, singular) = three-fold from ravaṇa,
( ravaṇa, Dhaniṣṭha, and atabhiṣa nakṣatras) udaye (stem formŚ udaya) (masculine, locative,
singular) = in the rising
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
kṣaṇe (stem formŚ kṣaṇa) (masculine, locative,
pūṣan = Revatī singular) = in a ​muhūta​ (48 minutes)
a vin = vinī
akra = Jyeṣṭh v (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
guru = Puṣya
bha = ​nakṣatra yukt ni (7th class verb rootŚ yuj) (past passive
pūṣ vi akragurubh ni (stem formŚ participle, neuter, nominative, plural) = those joined
pūṣ vi akragurubha) (neuter, nominative, plural) =
Revatī, vinī, Jyeṣṭh , and Puṣya nakṣatras ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

punarvasus (stem formŚ punarvasu) (masculine, uḍupatin (stem formŚ uḍupati) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = Punarvasu ​nakṣatra instrumental, singular) = with the Moon
ubha = auspicious Verse 13
t r = star
ubhat ray (stem formŚ ubhat r ) (feminine,
instrumental, singular) = with an auspicious star न

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and नातमा गमन मख

ु भू षतानाम य तभु तरणकाल नरा

-सनानाम ्

स या नशाश नकुजाक तथ च र त रं हतं न

नवमऽि न न चा प व याम ् १३


sn tam tragamanonmukhabhūṣit n mabhyaktabhukta

raṇak lanir san n m

sandhy ni anikuj rkatithau ca rikte kṣauraṃ hitaṃ

na navame'hni na c pi viṣṭy m 13
A shave is not suitable for those decorated, prepared na (particle of negation) (indeclinable) = not
to set out on a journey, for a time after bathing, not
encamping at the time of combat, having eaten, and sn ta = bathing
having been anointed with oil, perfumes, etc. on the m tra = for a time
Rikta ​tithi​,​ ​on Saturday, Tuesday, and Sunday, at gamana = set out on a journey
night, the twilights, the 9th day from the previous unmukha = prepared to
shave, and even on Viṣṭi karaṇa. bhūṣita = decorated
sn tam tragamanonmukhabhūṣit n m (1st class verb
rootŚ bhūṣ) (past passive participle, masculine,
genitive, plural) = of those decorated, prepared to set
out on a journey, for a time after bathing

abhyakta = anointed with oil, perfumes, etc.

bhukta = eaten
raṇa = combat
k la = time
nir sana = not encamping
abhyaktabhuktaraṇak lanir san n m (stem formŚ
abhyaktabhuktaraṇak lanir sana) (masculine,
genitive, plural) = of those not encamping at the time
of combat, having eaten, and been anointed with oil,
perfumes, etc.
sandhy = junction ahni (stem formŚ ahan) (neuter, locative, singular) =
ni = night on day
ani = Saturday
kuja = Tuesdays na (particle of negation) (indeclinable) = not
arka = Sunday
tithi = ​tithi ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
sandhy ni anikuj rkatithau (stem formŚ
sandhy ni anikuj rkatithi) (masculine, locative, api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even
singular) = on the ​tithi​,​ ​on Saturday, Tuesday, and
Sunday, at night, or at the twilights viṣṭy m (stem formŚ viṣṭi) (feminine, locative,
singular) = on Viṣṭi karaṇa
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

rikte (7th verb rootŚ ric) (past passive participle,

neuter, locative, singular) = on Rikta ​tithi

kṣauram (stem formŚ kṣaura) (neuter, nominative,

singular) = shaving

hitam (5th class verb rootŚ hi) (past passive participle,

neuter, nominative, singular) = suitable

na (particle of negation) (indeclinable) = not

navame (stem formŚ navama) (ordinal number, neuter,

locative, singular) = on the ninth
nṛpa = lord of the people
Verse 14 jñ = order
nṛp jñay (stem formŚ nṛp jñ ) (feminine,
instrumental, singular) = by order of the lord of the
ृ ा या ा मणस मत च ववाहकाल मत
ृ सत
ू कच people
ब ध यम तद
ु णासु सवषु श तं ुरकम भषु १४ br hmaṇa = Br hmaṇa
sammata = approved by
nṛp jñay br hmaṇasammate ca viv hak le br hmaṇasammate (stem formŚ br hmaṇasammata)
(masculine, locative, singular) = when approved by
mṛtasūtake ca Br hmaṇa
baddhasya mokṣe kratudīkṣaṇ su sarveṣu astaṃ ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
kṣurakarma bheṣu 14 viv ha = marriage
k la = time
viv hak le (stem formŚ viv hak la) (masculine,
By order of the lord of the people, when approved by locative, singular) = at the time of marriage
a Br hmaṇa at the time of marriage, impurity of the
dead, liberation of the imprisoned, and the mṛta = dead
consecrations of the sacrifices, the action of shaving is sūtaka = impurity
auspicious among all those ​nakṣatras. mṛtasūtake (stem formŚ mṛtasūtaka) (masculine,
locative, singular) = at the impurity of the dead

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

baddhasya (9th class verb rootŚ bandh) (past passive
participle, masculine, genitive, singular) = of the Verse 15

mokṣe (stem formŚ mokṣa) (masculine, locative, ह त मल

ू ं वणा पन
ु वसम
ु ग
ृ शर तथा पु यः
singular) = in the liberation
ंु ि तषु काय वता न शभ
ु ा न ध या न १५
kratu = sacrifice
dīkṣaṇ = consecration hasto mūlaṃ ravaṇ punarvasurmṛga irastath
kratudīkṣaṇ su (stem formŚ kratudīkṣaṇ ) (feminine,
locative, plural) = among the consecrations of the puṣyaḥ
puṃsañjñiteṣu k ryeṣvet ni ubh ni dhiṣṇy ni 15
sarveṣu (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, locative, plural)
= among all
Hasta, Mūla, ravaṇ , Punarvasu, Mṛga iras, and
astam (1st class verb rootŚ aṃs) (past passive Puṣya nakṣatras. Thus among those indicated as
participle, neuter, nominative, singular) = masculine to be performed, those are the auspicious
auspiciousness nakṣatras.

kṣura = shaving
karma = action
kṣurakarma (stem formŚ kṣurakarman) (neuter,
nominative, singular) = action of shaving

bheṣu (stem formŚ bha) (neuter, locative, plural) =

among the ​nakṣatras
hastas (stem formŚ hasta) (masculine, nominative, et ni (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, nominative, plural)
singular) = Hasta n​ akṣatra = those

mūlam (stem formŚ mūla) (neuter, nominative, ubh ni (stem formŚ ubha) (neuter, nominative,
singular) = Mūla ​nakṣatra plural) = those auspicious

ravaṇ (stem formŚ ravaṇ ) (feminine, nominative, dhiṣṇy ni (stem formŚ dhiṣṇya) (neuter, nominative,
singular) = ravaṇ nakṣatra plural) = ​nakṣatras

punarvasus (stem formŚ punarvasu) (masculine,

nominative, singular) = Punarvasu ​nakṣatra

mṛga iras (stem formŚ mṛga iras) (masculine,

nominative, singular) = Mṛga iras nakṣatra

tath (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus

puṣyas (stem formŚ puṣya) (masculine, nominative,

singular) = Puṣya nakṣatra

puṃs = masculine
sañjñita = indicated
puṃsañjñiteṣu (stem formŚ puṃsañjñata) (masculine,
locative, plural) = among those indicated as masculine

k ryeṣu (8th class verb rootŚ kṛ) (future passive

participle, masculine, locative, plural) = among those
to be performed
s vitra = Hasta ​nakṣatra
Verse 16 pauṣṇa = Revatī nakṣatra
anila = Sv ti ​nakṣatra
maitra = Anur dh ​nakṣatra
सा व प णा नलम त य वा तथा च डुगणा धप tiṣya = Puṣya nakṣatra
tv ṣṭra = Chitra nakṣatra
सं कारद ा तमखला द कुया गरु शु बध
ु दय
ु ु त s vitrapauṣṇ nilamaitratiṣyatv ṣṭre (stem formŚ
१६ s vitrapauṣṇ nilamaitratiṣyatv ṣṭra) (neuter, locative,
singular) = in Hasta, Revatī, Sv ti, Anur dh , Puṣya,
s vitrapauṣṇ nilamaitratiṣyatv ṣṭre tath and Chitra ​nakṣatra
coḍugaṇ dhiparkṣe tath (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus
saṃsk radīkṣ vratamekhal di kury dgurau ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
ukrabudhenduyukte 16 uḍugaṇ dhipa = lord of the stars (the Moon)
rkṣa = nakṣatra
uḍugaṇ dhiparkṣe (stem formŚ uḍugaṇ dhiparkṣa)
Thus in Hasta, Revatī, Sv ti, Anur dh , Puṣya, Chitra, (masculine, locative, singular) = in the ​nakṣatra of the
and Mṛga iras nakṣatra when partaking in a sacred Moon (Mṛga iras nakṣatra)
ceremony, initiation, vow, investiture with a girdle,
one should perform it on a Thursday, Friday,
Wednesday, and Monday.
saṃsk ra = sacred ceremony
dīkṣ = initiation Verse 17
vrata = vow
mekhal = girdle
ad = partaking शु द वादशक नधनगह
ृ ः पापि ष ठायगल न
saṃsk radīkṣ vratamekhal di (stem formŚ क गतऽथवा
saṃsk radīkṣ vratamekhal d) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when partaking sacred ceremony, सरु गरु द य पू यऽ प वा
initiation, vow, or investiture with a girdle
सवार भफल स ध दय राश च कतःु शभ

kury t (8th class verb rootŚ kṛ) (optative, सं ा यि थरभ दय च
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = one should
perform भवनं काय वस ऽ प वा १७

gurau (stem formŚ guru) (masculine, locative, uddairdv da akendranaidhanagṛhaiḥ

singular) = on Thursday
p paistriṣaṣṭh yagairlagne kendragate'thav
ukra = Friday
budha = Wednesday suragurau daityendrapūjye'pi v
indu = Monday
yukta = joined sarv rambhaphalaprasiddhirudaye r au ca kartuḥ
ukrabudhenduyukte (verb rootŚ yuj) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when ubhe saṃgr myasthirabhodaye ca bhavanaṃ k ryaṃ
joined to Friday, Wednesday, and Monday
praveso'pi v 17
With those pure (with benefics and without malefics) uddais (stem formŚ udda) (masculine, instrumental,
12th, 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, and 8th houses and with the plural) = with those pure (with benefics and without
malefics situated in the 3rd, 6th, 11th houses, or if malefics)
Jupiter or Venus are situated in the angles from the
lagna​, or even when a benefic is to be reckoned in the dv da a = 12th
rising zodiac or even the ingress to be entered into a kendra = angles (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th)
rising zodiac sign that is fixed and rural, there is naidhana = 8th
accomplishment of the result in all undertakings. gṛha = house
dv da akendranaidhanagṛhais (stem formŚ
dv da akendranaidhanagṛha) (masculine,
instrumental, plural) = with those 12th, 1st, 4th, 7th,
10th, and 8th houses

p pais (stem formŚ p pa) (masculine, instrumental,

plural) = with malefics

tri = 3rd
ṣaṣṭha = 6th
ya = 11th
ga = situated
triṣaṣṭh yagais (stem formŚ triṣaṣṭh yaga) (masculine,
instrumental, plural) = with those situated in the 3rd,
6th, 11th houses

lagne (1st class verb rootŚ lag) (past passive participle,

neuter, locative, singular) = in the ​lagna
kendra = angles (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses) sarva = all
gata = situated in rambha = undertaking
kendragate (1st class verb rootŚ gam) (past passive phala = result
participle, neuter, locative, singular) = when situated prasiddhi = accomplishment
in the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses) sarv rambhaphalaprasiddhis (stem formŚ
sarv rambhaphalaprasiddhi) (masculine, nominative,
atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = if singular) = accomplishment of the result in all
v (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
udaye (stem formŚ udaya) (masculine, locative,
suragurau (stem formŚ suraguru) (masculine, locative, singular) = in the rising
singular) = when Jupiter
r au (stem formŚ r i) (masculine, locative, singular)
daitya = demon = in the zodiac sign
indra = lord
pūjya = venerable ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
daityendrapūjye (stem formŚ daityendrapūjya)
(masculine, locative, singular) = when the venerable kartus (8th class verb rootŚ kṛ) (infinitive)
lord of the demons (Venus) (indeclinable) = to be reckoned

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even ubhe (stem formŚ ubha) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when the benefic
v (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
saṃgr mya = rural
sthira = fixed
bha = zodiac sign
udaya = rising
saṃgr myasthirabhodaye (stem formŚ
saṃgr myasthirabhodaya) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when the rising zodiac is fixed and rural

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

bhavanam (stem formŚ bhavana) (neuter, accusative,

singular) = zodiac sign

k ryam (8th class verb rootŚ kṛ) (past passive

participle, neuter, accusative, singular) = to be entered

prave as (stem formŚ prave a) (masculine,

nominative, singular) = ingress

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even

v (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

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