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Art Therapy Catablog

Art therapy: [ahrt ther-uh-pee](n.) 1. the blending of art-making with psychology. 2. based upon the
belief that engaging in a creative process is restorative and life-enhancing 3. respects and observes the
symbolic and metaphoric aspects of art-making. Catablog: [kat-uh-blawg](n.) 1. an online catalog of
information, ideas and inspirations. 2. a forum for dialogue and feedback.
Catablog Hanover College Preamble Good Reads Musings Contact

Art therapy interventions for Substance Abusing population Subscribe To

Source: Handout prepared by Marian Lancaster, obtained during presentation in Ethics class
1. Self-using vs. Clean/Sober self
2. Inner-Outer self
3. How I see myself how others see me
4. Paper bag or box: inner-hidden, unshared, parts of self one wants to discard vs. outer-shared, false
5. Masks

Step work
1. First step: Powerlessness (collage helpful during detox)
2. Second step: Higher power, Spirituality
About Me
3. Third step: "Turning over" - Letting go
4. Fourth step: Inventory (cleaning out the refrigerator) Sara Crafton
Madison, IN, United
Bridge Drawing States
From addiction to recovery: Where I've come from and Where I am going/Where I want to be (may
View my complete profile
add expected obstacles)

Road to recovery
Life/experience in treatment Blog Archive

Protection and Gates ► 2016 (7)

Addressing defenses ► 2012 (1)
▼ 2010 (6)
Battle Drawing
Addiction vs. Recovery; Person vs. substance ► October (1)
► September (1)
Garbage Bag or God Bag
Get rid of inside garbage, or turn things over, "Let go, Let God." ► August (1)
▼ February (2)
Favorite Animal
► Feb 16 (1)
Loner or pack animal, defenses, needs for survival, domesticated or wild, how does it relate to self,
safe place for animal ▼ Feb 11 (1)
Art therapy
Worst thing that ever happened when using interventions for
Look at guilt, shame, and forgiveness Substance
Abusing po...
Mood states/mind states, collage, drawings, movement, body work ► January (1)

Boundaries/Trust ► 2009 (8)

round robin drawing, trust walk, awareness of energy in fingers preferably 2 people move their hands
► 2008 (45)
close but not quite touching

Guided Relaxation, guided imagery, stress management techniques

Contributing with Courage
joint projects, survival on an island, quilts, murals, self-symbol in clay shared with other members

*My intention is to expand upon these ideas with a more formal post for each, or at least most,
interventions. I was always digging out this hand-out, though, so I thought I should go ahead and post
it for future convenient referencing.

cori said...
I am currently interning for my CADC at a women's half-way house with the hopes of
Brene Brown
eventually attaining some Art Therapy Certification. Thank you for posting this, and I will
look forward to you adding to more info this!
February 26, 2010 at 7:10 AM

robin said...
I just found your blog while searching for some info on scribbles for my thesis... Thank
you for posting these directives! I sent your blog to other people in my class :)
April 19, 2010 at 6:16 AM

Anonymous said...
did you ever complete this posting?
September 12, 2010 at 9:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Please do expand on these. I really enjoy your blog posts, by the way. It's definitely
July 21, 2011 at 6:42 PM

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