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Name: Andrea Lynn D. Carreon

Role/s: Member of the Program Committee and Marketing Committee

Duties and responsibilities:

No one was appointed as the leader nor head of the program committee but the heavy

responsibility of creating one, ensuring that what I had made was aligned with the event head,

and asking constantly the information to insert are what felt as if I had taken the role instead.

Nonetheless, I gave the assurance that my other classmate in the program committee was

doing the same tasks as I was given. I created the program flow from then on, modifying

alterations and changing the set-up of the program each time. It took 4, maybe 5 of the

program flow to finally be settled and ready for printing. At the very end, I created the

sequence guide which took quite more time than the program because of the intricate details

that needed to be inserted as it required more information than the program for our event

members to use as a guide throughout the entirety of the event. The committees of multiple

heads in the provided event helped by giving us the information we needed as subtle changes

were changed at the last minute due to some problems occurred which were eventually


Under the marketing committee, there were voluntary edits I have constructed are as follows:

 The event company logo ideas (which at the time was voted off of mine but was

eventually changed)

 The event’s tagline ideas (which one I have fabricated was chosen). Furthermore,

the mission, vision, and objectives of the event company.

Diary-like explanation about your experiences:

To be quite frank, I had absolutely no idea where to begin with the program, how I

would construct it, what I would do with the little information in the meantime given to me

and have it checked with the event head and the event adviser. But as an independent person,

I learn without anyone telling me or showing me what to do so I figured it out all by myself

and went with what I learned with the internet’s help. It kept getting rejected as the

background was apparently too simple; that it should be fun, colorful, and festive. I may or

may not have aimed at creating a more minimalistic idea towards the program flow but still

added more touches of colors in instilling the color palette of our event. Until it was changed

almost at the last minute and a lot of alterations were made. Alas, amidst the continuous

changes, I understood why the need to have multiple changes, for this event was not only for

us (as the event organizer) but for our participants, and skills coaches, and judges as well;

means we’re not the only one to see the program I have made.

What are the challenges you have encountered and what did you do to overcome them?

Never would I have thought I’d have the chance to be part of organizing an event. I’ve

always imagined how stressful it must’ve been for the actual event organizers to conduct one

and provide the assurance that everything is under control, well-monitored and going as

planned. I was not expecting a perfect event, sure some changes are expected but what was

not was the fact that during the event, on the first day, it proved to be hectic and chaotic in a

nutshell. As part of the program committee, I was trying to see how each category of our

event was holding on and if the time is served correctly, and if everything is settled and in

place. And it was, but the sudden changes and all of a sudden appearance made quite the time

move a bit, which was understandable, given the circumstances but it was dreadful to watch

as almost some categories were bombarded with giant strides, and yet regardless, my fellow

event organizers pulled through and finished their part of the event.
Did you experience a hard time dealing and communicating with your event’s head, leader,

or members? Explain.

Speaking with a genuine intention, mind, and soul. I did not have any difficult time

communicating with everyone. They all had their own tasks and responsibilities to

accomplish for them to stress me out. We all were focused and head straight to our given

categories and committees for there were a lot to handle and I understood the long-time-span

of them providing me information to insert in the program flow as there were replies yet to be

responded, confirmation to be approved and plenty more.

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