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Sampling Unit Satellite Droplets

Synonyms Definition

Fluidic multiplexer; Fluidic sequencing circuits One or more small droplets around a main droplet
that are of a smaller size.

Definition Cross-References
A fluidic device performing spatiotemporal con- ▶ Piezoelectric Microdispenser
version of fluid flows in response to a control
signal. It allows only one of the inlet fluid flows
at a time to progress to the outlet.
The essential part of sampling units is an array Saturated Flow Boiling
of microfluidic valves. There are many
advantages in using for the purpose the Definition
no-moving-part valves, but their property of
the flow paths not being separated by a solid Boiling process at the wall while the mean
partition requires a somewhat sophisticated bulk enthalpy of flow is at or above the saturation
design, with the fluid purity ensured by ▶ guard enthalpy corresponding to the local pressure.
flows. Sampling units find an application in
▶ microfluidic systems for combinatorial chem-
istry, where they deliver a sample at a time from Cross-References
several test reactors allowed to flow to the com-
position analysis connected to the sampling unit ▶ Bubble Dynamics in Microchannels

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

▶ Guard Flows
▶ Microfluidic Devices for Combinatorial Material characterization technique where elec-
Chemistry trons emitted from a filament (typically tungsten)

D. Li (ed.), Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5491-5, # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
S 2952 Scanning Probe Microscopy

interact with a material to create secondary elec- To understand how atomic resolution can be
trons. These electrons are collected in a detector achieved, it is necessary to consider the electronic
and used to create an image of the material. The structure of a metal as illustrated in Fig. 1. The
resolution of this technique approaches hundreds electrons of the metal occupy all the available
of angstroms and thus shows a material’s grain energy levels up to the energy EF known as the
structure. Fermi energy (at this level they precisely com-
pensate the positive charge of the metal ions). For
an electron to be able to exit the metal, an addi-
Cross-References tional amount of energy of F above the Fermi
energy is required. This brings the electron up to
▶ Fabrication of Self-assembled Catalytic the vacuum level, at which point it is free to move
Nanostructures away from the metal. The energy F is known as
the work function of the metal.
To allow the electrons to tunnel through the
vacuum, a second conductive object needs to be
placed a small distance d away from the first.
Scanning Probe Microscopy When an electrical voltage V is applied between
the specimen and tip, a net electrical current
David Lee Butler (known as the tunneling current) flows. The cur-
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, rent depends on the tip-surface distance d, the
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore voltage V, and the height of the barrier F. The
relationship is given by Eq. 1.

Synonyms  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 
I ðd Þ ¼ constant  eVexp 2 d (1)
Probe microscopy; Scanning probe measurement

The other quantities in Eq. 1 are the electron

Definition charge and mass e and m and Planck’s constant
h. Equation 1 shows that the tunneling current
Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is the branch obeys Ohm’s law (i.e., I / V). It also depends
of microscopy concerned with the formation of exponentially on the distance d. For a typical
images of a surface using a physical probe that work function value of 4 electronVolts (eV), the
scans the specimen. tunneling current reduces by a factor of 10 for
every 0.1 nm increase in d. Considering a typical
atomic diameter to be 0.3 nm, the tunneling cur-
Overview rent would change by a factor of 1,000 over this
Scanning probe microscopy originated with the The most common and possibly most versatile
invention of the scanning tunneling microscope SPM is the atomic force microscope (AFM). The
(STM) in 1981 by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich AFM relies on the principle of the atomic forces
Rohrer (Nobel Prize for Physics in 1986). The exerted between two objects as they are brought
STM relies on the principle of electrons tunneling close to each other (Fig. 2). At a distance of tens
through the gap between a sharpened tip and the to hundreds of angstroms, the interatomic forces
sample in a vacuum. For tunneling to take place, are attractive (predominantly due to long-range
both the sample and the tip must be conductors or van der Waals forces). On approaching the sur-
semiconductors; STMs cannot image insulated face to a distance of a few angstroms, the force
materials. becomes repulsive. To observe this phenomenon,
Scanning Probe Microscopy 2953 S
a Evac
Force repulsive force

contact Distance
(tip-to-sample separation)
specimen tip

d non-contact

attractive force
E Evac
Scanning Probe Microscopy, Fig. 2 The variation in
Φ interatomic forces in relation to separation distance

EF +eV magnification. However, due to image acquisi-

EF tion by raster scanning, the measurement is
slower and the maximum image size is generally
smaller as well. Table 1 lists some of the more
common applications for SPMs.
specimen tip
vacuum In addition to the STM and AFM, the SPM
family has expanded to include a whole array of
Scanning Probe Microscopy, Fig. 1 Schematic illus-
trating the tunnel phenomena. (a) In a metal, the energy
instruments for detecting various probe-surface
levels of the electrons are filled up to a particular energy interactions. Figure 3 shows a comparison of the
known as the Fermi energy EF. In order for electrons to measurement scale of scanning probe micro-
leave the metal and travel to the other body (in this case scopes in relation to other types of microscopy.
specimen and tip), an additional amount of energy known
as the work function is required. (b) If the distance
d between the specimen and tip is small enough, electrons
can “tunnel” through the vacuum barrier, and with an Basic Methodology
applied voltage between the specimen and tip,
a tunneling current is achieved
A generalized scanning probe microscope is S
shown in Fig. 4. The sample is typically mounted
a sharp tip of a few mm in length with a diameter on a piezoelectric scanner which allows precise
of less than 100 mm is used to probe the surface. movement in the x-, y-, and z-directions. The
The tip is located at the free end of a cantilever image is generated by the sample moving under
(typically 100–200 mm in length). The forces the probe (or vice versa depending on instrument
between the tip and the sample cause the cantile- configuration) in a raster pattern. Typical scan
ver to bend or deflect and this movement is mea- step sizes range from a few angstroms to hun-
sured by a detector. Unlike the STM, the AFM is dreds of nanometers with scan areas ranging from
not restricted to only conducting material. a couple of nanometers to around 50 mm
In comparison with other microscopy tech- depending on the instrumentation.
niques such as optical microscopy or scanning Depending on what physical phenomena is
electron microscopy, SPM offers a number being measured, the probe will either maintain
of advantages in terms of resolution and contact with the surface or remain a fixed distance
S 2954 Scanning Probe Microscopy

Scanning Probe Microscopy, Table 1 Areas of appli- above the surface. This height control is maintained
cation for the scanning probe microscopes by a feedback system which inputs and amplifies
Mineral surface morphology the tunneling current (low voltage) and drives the
Metal surfaces (roughness) piezo scanning tube (high voltage). The shielding
Microfabrication techniques and layout of the feedback control is critical to the
Optical and compact discs performance of the system as a whole.
Ceramic surface structures
Lipid monolayers (as Langmuir-Blodgett films) Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Different layered substances on solids
The STM typically employs a probe, made of
Self-assembly structures at interfaces
tungsten (W) or platinum-iridium (Pt-Ir) alloy,
Solid surfaces
to scan the surface at a distance of 5–10 Å. The
Langmuir-Blodgett films
magnitude of resolution achievable is in the range
Thin-film technology
of a fraction of 1 Å. This is highly dependable on
Interactions at surfaces of ion beams/laser damage
Nanoetching and lithography, nanotechnology
the size and shape of the probe tip which will
Semiconductors determine the lateral resolution.
Catalyses The STM has a number of very real limita-
Surface adsorption (metals, minerals) tions. The instrument probes the electron cloud
Surface manipulation by STM/AFM structure of the surface with great precision; how-
Friction force microscope (FFM) ever, this reveals nothing about other important
Polymers sample properties. As only the electronic struc-
Biopolymers (peptides, proteins, DNA, cells, virus) ture is observed, information such as
Vaccines distinguishing between different elemental
Microsensors atoms within a compound is not achievable.

109 m



1 nm

10−3 pm
Scanning Probe pm nm μm mm m km
Fig. 3 Lateral and vertical
measurement ranges of 10−3 1 103 106 109 1012
various microscopes LATERAL SCALE (nm)
Scanning Probe Microscopy 2955 S
Scanning Probe System to detect vertical
Microscopy, position of tip
Fig. 4 Schematic of
a generalized scanning
probe microscope
Feedback system Probe Tip system to
to control vertical bring probe
position of probe close to

A piezoelectric
scanner to
move sample
(or tip) in a
raster pattern
Computer system to
control measurement &
analyse data

Atomic Force Microscopy Once the AFM has detected the cantilever
Limitations in the STM and its inability to inves- deflection, it can generate the topographic data
tigate nonconducting surfaces led to the develop- by operating one of two modes – constant height
ment of the AFM. Based on similar principles to or constant force. In constant height mode, the
the STM, the AFM can operate on both spatial variation of the cantilever deflection can
conducting and nonconducting surfaces. be used directly to generate the surface data as the
A cantilever scans the surface and the deflec- scanner height is fixed as it scans. In constant-
tion of the cantilever is detected by the reflection force mode, the deflection of the cantilever can be
of a laser beam. The cantilever is typically made used as input to the feedback circuit so that the
of Si3N4 of approximately 200 mm in length and scanner is moved up or down vertically in order
with a spring constant of between 0.2 and 40 N/m. to keep the deflection constant. In general, the
In many AFM instruments, deflections in the AFM operates under a constant-force mode. S
cantilever are measured optically by bouncing For the cantilever, the two most important
a laser off the top of the cantilever; minute characteristics which will affect its performance
changes (as small as 10 Å) in the light path can are the spring constant and the resonant fre-
be measured using a photodiode array. An alter- quency. The spring constant for the cantilever is
native detection technique involves the incorpo- normally measured directly. For a beam with
ration of a piezoresistive element into the a rectangular cross section loaded at one end,
cantilever which generates a small voltage when the spring constant is given by Eq. 2.
As the AFM relies on actual contact to sense kspring ¼ EY wwidth =4 tthickness =llength (2)
the sample surface (as opposed to current flow for
the STM), it can be used on biological molecules, where kspring is the spring constant, EY is the
organic materials, polymers, ceramics, and insu- Young’s modulus, and wwidth, tthickness, and llength
lating materials like diamond or glass. are the respective beam width, thickness, and
S 2956 Scanning Probe Microscopy

Scanning Probe Feedback

Microscopy, Fig. 5 The Electronics
basic components of an Laser
atomic force microscope
showing the stationary
sample configuration with
the tip mounted on the
scanning tube

X, Y Piezoelectric

Photodiode Z

Cantilever & Tip

length. The resonant frequency of the cantilever In addition to the repulsive force between the
will be dependent on which measurement mode tip and sample, two other forces are generally
or AFM variation is employed (these will be present during contact AFM measurement.
discussed in the proceeding sections) and These are a capillary force exerted by the thin
whether a stiff or flexible cantilever is desirable. water layer often present in an ambient environ-
The formula for determining the resonant fre- ment and the force exerted by the cantilever
quency is given by Eq. 3 where m is the mass of itself. The capillary force arises when water
the cantilever. adheres itself to the tip and creates a strong adhe-
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sive force (about 10 N) that holds the tip in
1 kspring contact with the surface. The force exerted by
Resonant frequency ¼ (3) the cantilever on the surface can be likened to
2p m
that of a compressed spring with the magnitude
The AFM has three common modes or regions and force direction dependent on the spring con-
of operation; these are contact, intermittent con- stant. However, as long as the tip is in contact
tact, and noncontact and are shown in Fig. 2. with the surface, the capillary force should
remain constant. The magnitude of the total
Contact Mode force exerted on the sample varies from 10 N to
In contact AFM mode (also known as repulsive the typical operating range of 10 N to 10 N.
mode), the AFM tip makes soft physical contact
with the sample. As the scanner traces the tip Noncontact AFM
across the surface, the contact force causes the Noncontact AFM is one of several vibrating can-
cantilever to bend to accommodate changes tilever techniques in which an AFM cantilever is
in topography. From Fig. 2 it can be seen that vibrated near the surface of a sample. Tip-sample
the slope on the left side of the graph is relatively spacing is in the order of tens to hundreds of
steep suggesting the force increases significantly angstroms (Fig. 5).
for a very small movement towards the Noncontact AFM is desirable where little or
surface. In other words, when the cantilever no contact between the tip and sample is required.
pushes the tip against the surface, the cantilever The total force between the tip and sample is
will bend rather than force the tip against the relatively low at about 10 N which makes it
sample. advantageous for studying soft or elastic samples.
Scanning Probe Microscopy 2957 S
As no contact is made, there are no tip contami- calibration in the vertical direction. Currently
nation issues to consider. used procedures are based on calibration stan-
Cantilever selection differs from that for con- dards consisting of gold samples with one layer
tact mode as they are required to be steps of gold, lipid layer deposited on a Langmuir-
stiffer to prevent being pulled into the sample Blodgett film, or macromolecules with known
surface. dimensions.
In noncontact mode, the system vibrates a stiff
cantilever near its resonant frequency (typically Other Types of SPM
100–400 kHz) with an amplitude in the range of Magnetic Force Microscopy
ten to several hundred angstroms. Any change in Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) images the
resonant frequency or vibration amplitude as the spatial variation of magnetic forces on a sample
tip nears the surface can be detected. The sensitiv- surface. The tip is coated with a thin film of
ity of this technique allows sub-angstrom vertical ferromagnetic material. To obtain the necessary
resolution to be achieved. surface topographic and magnetic information,
a two-pass measurement approach is used. The
Intermittent Contact first measurement pass obtains the topographic
Intermittent contact AFM is similar to the data by either contact or intermittent contact
noncontact AFM mode except that the vibrating mode, while the second pass uses the noncontact
cantilever is brought closer to the sample so mode to detect changes in the resonant frequency
that at the maximum amplitude it makes slight of the cantilever induced by the magnetic field’s
contact with the surface (i.e., “taps” the surface). influence on the tip.
The intermittent contact region is shown
on Fig. 2. As with noncontact measurement, Lateral Force Microscopy
the change in cantilever oscillation amplitude Lateral force microscopy (LFM) measures the
is in response to variation in tip-to-sample lateral deflections in the cantilever that are pre-
spacing. sent from forces on the cantilever parallel to the
In some cases, intermittent contact is preferred plane of the sample surface. Lateral deflections of
as it is less likely to damage the sample than the cantilever are normally attributable to
contact mode as it eliminates lateral forces (i.e., changes in surface friction or changes in slope.
friction or drag) between the tip and sample. The LFM has been used to image variation in
Compared to noncontact measurement, intermit- surface friction which can arise from inhomoge-
tent contact is more effective for imaging larger neity in the surface material.
scan areas that may include greater surface topo-
graphic variation. In recent years, intermittent Force Modulation Microscopy
contact AFM has become a popular tool for cell A further extension to AFM imaging is that of S
biologists as it can measure hydrated biological force modulation microscopy (FMM) which
samples – overcoming the adhesive forces of the characterizes the sample’s mechanical properties
water by vibrating at a sufficiently high while simultaneously obtaining the surface topo-
frequency. graphic information.
In FMM mode, the AFM tip is scanned in
Calibration contact with the sample, while a constant canti-
Due to the measurement range that SPMs work lever deflection is maintained by the feedback
in, calibration is an essential procedure which system. In addition, a periodic signal is
needs to be carried out on a regular basis. The applied to either the sample or the tip. Any vari-
calibration of STM and AFM in the x-y direction ation in the amplitude of cantilever modulation
is carried out using a standard of regular and that results from the applied signal can be attrib-
known structure such as highly oriented pyrolytic uted to a change in the elastic properties of the
graphite or a grid. The real challenge has been sample.
S 2958 Scanning Probe Microscopy

Scanning Probe Microscopy, Table 2 Members of the Future Directions for Research
scanning probe microscopy family
AFM Atomic force microscopy Research in SPMs appears to follow two distinct
EFM Electrostatic force microscopy directions: one as a characterization instrument
FMM Force modulation microscopy and the other as a nanomanipulation instrument.
KPFM Kelvin probe force microscopy In terms of characterization, it has found
LSTM Laser tunneling microscopy use in many areas as described in Table 1;
MRFM Magnetic resonance force microscopy however, there are demands on the performance
NSOM Near-field scanning optical microscopy
of these instruments to allow them to
SICM Scanning ion conductance microscopy
measure larger, rougher samples with greater
SECM Scanning electrochemical microscopy
speed. This has led to new developments in can-
SCM Scanning capacitance microscopy
tilever design as well control systems which is
SNM Scanning noise microscopy
SPotM Scanning potentiometry microscopy
envisaged to continue to satisfy new areas of
SSRM Scanning spreading resistance microscopy
STAP Scanning tunneling atom probe As a tool for nanotechnology, the STM has
SThM Scanning thermal microscopy been well publicized in its ability to “push” or
STM Scanning tunneling microscopy manipulate atoms into specific locations to create
SVM Scanning voltage microscopy nanopatterns. However, this is a relatively slow
process and would not be commercially viable.
A more feasible approach has been undertaken
using the AFM to create nanolithographic pat-
Electrostatic Force Microscopy terns by using the tip to remove material from
Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) works a surface and create the desired pattern.
on the same two-pass measurement technique as
MFM. Rather than measure the magnetic
force, in EFM a voltage is applied between
the tip and the surface. Any deflection in the Cross-References
cantilever can be attributed to locally
charged domains on the sample surface. ▶ Biosensors Using Atomic Force Microscopes
EFM can be used to map electrostatic ▶ Dip-Pen Nanolithography
fields in electronic devices when switched ▶ Enzyme Nanolithography
on and off in a technique known as voltage ▶ Roughness Effect on Microscale Transport
probing. ▶ Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
▶ Surface Modification, Methods
Scanning Thermal Microscopy ▶ Surface Roughness Measurement
The scanning probe-based thermal microscope
(SThM) gives information about the temperature
distributions and allows for quantitative
determination of the local thermal conductivity
in a sample. A resistive probe is employed 1. Samori P (2006) Scanning probe microscopies beyond
which both captures the topographic information imaging: manipulation of molecules and
as well as the temperature/thermal conductivity nanostructures. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
profile with a resolution of a few milliKelvin. 2. Foster A, Hofer W (2006) Scanning probe microscopy:
atomic scale engineering by forces and currents.
Table 2 provides a list of the more established
Springer, New York
members of the scanning probe microscope 3. Morita S, Wiesendanger R, Meyer E (2002)
family. Noncontact atomic force microscopy. Springer, Berlin
Self-Assembly Fabrication 2959 S
Segmented (Droplet-Based) Flow Self-Assembly Fabrication

Definition Zhemin Wu1 and Dongqing Li2

Goldman Sachs, Hong Kong, China
Segmented flow (or droplet-based flow) means Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics
a multiphase flow where the individual phases Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University
are divided in consecutive segments. of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada

Cross-References Synonyms

▶ Pressure-Driven Two-Phase Flows Molecular self-assembly fabrication

Self-Assembled Monolayer
Self-assembly refers to the fundamental principle
Definition which generates autonomous organization of
components into structural patterns or well-
A two-dimensional single layer of molecules defined structure without external instructions or
formed spontaneously upon a surface and orga- human interventions. Molecular self-assembly is
nized into large ordered domains via ▶ covalent the spontaneous organization of molecules under
bonding at an interface. thermodynamic equilibrium conditions into sta-
ble, structurally well-defined aggregates joined
by a number of noncovalent bonds [1].

▶ Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems Overview

As a fundamental natural principle, self-assembly

exists everywhere at all scales from molecules to
Self-Assembly galaxies. Self-assembly describes the spontaneous
association of numerous individual entities into
Definition a structural organization without external inter- S
ventions. It is defined as reversible processes in
Growth method whereby atoms naturally group which preexisting parts or disordered components
together into structures due to energy consider- of a preexisting system form structures of patterns.
ations that may form shapes such as nanorods and Molecular self-assembly is the most well-studied
quantum dots. subfield, which refers to the spontaneous
organization of molecules under thermodynamic
equilibrium conditions into stable, structurally
Cross-References well-defined arrangements through noncovalent
interactions such as hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds,
▶ Fabrication of Self-assembled Catalytic hydrophobic interactions, van der Waals interac-
Nanostructures tions, and water-mediated hydrogen bonds [1–4].
S 2960 Semiconductor Nanoparticles

There are two major types of self-assembly, 6. Philip D, Stoddart JF (1996) Self-assembly in natural
static and dynamic [5]. Static self-assembly and unnatural systems. Angew Chem Int Ed 35:1155
7. Desiraju GR (1989) Crystal engineering: the design of
describes the process that the ordered state occurs organic solids. Elsevier, New York
when the system is in equilibrium and does not 8. Isaacs L, Chin DN, Bowden N, Xia Y, Whitesides
dissipate energy. One special example of static GM (1999) Self-assembling systems on scales from
self-assembly is the formation of atomic, ionic, nanometers to millimeters: design and discovery. In:
Reinhoudt DN (ed) Supramolecular technology.
and molecular crystals [6–8]. In dynamic self- Wiley, New York, pp 1–46
assembly, the process occurs only if the system is 9. Jakubith S, Rotermund HH, Engel W, von Oertzen A,
dissipating energy. The patterns formed in oscillat- Ertl G (1990) Spatiotemporal concentration patterns in
ing chemical reactions are simple examples [9, 10]. a surface reaction: propagating and standing waves, rotat-
ing spirals, and turbulence. Phys Rev Lett 65:3013–3016
In recent years, self-assembly was success- 10. Hess B (2000) Periodic patterns in biology. Naturwis-
fully applied in micrometer-scale structures. senschaften 87:199–211
Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) [11] is the rep- 11. Kumar A, Abbott NA, Kim E, Biebuyck HA, Whitesides
resentative example of self-assembly microfab- GM (1995) Patterned self-assembled monolayers and
meso-scale phenomena. Acc Chem Res 28:219–226
rication, in which surfaces consist of a single layer 12. Aizenberg J, Black AJ, Whitesides GM (1999) Con-
of molecules on a substrate. SAMs can be prepared trol of crystal nucleation by patterned self-assembled
simply by adding a solution of the desired molecule monolayers. Nature 398:495
onto the substrate surface and washing off the 13. Srinivasan U, Liepmann D, Howe RT (2001) Micro-
structure to substrate self-assembly using capillary
excess. The technique was utilized on the metal forces. J Microelectromech Syst 10:17
substrates with PDMS stamps to form the combined
system for controlling of crystal nucleation
[12]. Another example involves a fluidic technique
based on patterned hydrophobic SAMs and capil- Semiconductor Nanoparticles
lary forces to self-assemble micro-fabricated silicon
blocks onto silicon and quartz substrates [13]. Synonyms

Q-dots; Semiconductor nanocrystals


▶ Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Patterning Definition

▶ Materials Used in Microfluidic Devices
▶ Self-Assembled Monolayer Nanoparticles of semiconductor materials. Many
▶ Silicon Micromachining of them absorb light whose energy is larger than
▶ Surface Modification, Methods their bandgap energy and emit fluorescence
whose energy corresponds to their bandgap.
Their bandgap can be tuned according to their
References diameter, composition, and structure, and conse-
quently, fluorescence can also be tuned by these
1. Whitesides GM, Mathias JP, Seto CT (1991) Molecu- properties. Due to their stability and arbitrariness
lar self-assembly and nanochemistry: a chemical in excitation wavelength, they are expected to be
strategy for the synthesis of nanostructures. Science used as fluorescence tags for biomaterials.
2. Lehn JM (1993) Supramolecular chemistry. Science
3. Ball P (1994) Polymers made to measure. Nature Cross-References
4. Zhang S (2003) Fabrication of novel biomaterials through
molecular self-assembly. Nat Biotechnol 21:1171 ▶ Fluorescence Measurements
5. Whitesides GM, Grzybowski B (2002) Self-assembly ▶ Fluorescent Labeling
at all scales. Science 295:2418 ▶ Quantum Dot
Shear Stress Sensors 2961 S
additional stresses known as apparent or Reyn-
SERS olds stresses. Hence, the total shear stresses for
a turbulent flow are the sum of viscous stresses
Definition and apparent stresses. In a turbulent flow, the
apparent stresses may outweigh the viscous
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering. components.

Cross-References Overview

▶ Biosensors Using Surface-Enhanced Raman The wall shear stress is an essential quantity of
Scattering interest in a wall-bounded flow. The time aver-
aged value of wall shear stress can be used to
determine the skin friction drag acting on the
body by the fluid flow. The time-resolved behav-
Shear Flows ior of surface shear stress indicates the unsteady
flow structures responsible for individual
Definition momentum transfer events and turbulence activ-
ities. The instantaneous shear stress values at
Fluid motion that is characterized by velocity distributed locations on the surface can be used
gradients. to feedback control the turbulence events inside
a boundary layer. Shear stress measurement also
helps in assessment and control of power con-
sumption rate and therefore is an important quan-
Shear Stress Sensors tity of interest in various industrial applications.
The importance of shear stress measurement is
Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi even more crucial for small-scale devices, i.e.,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MEMS applications, due to their higher surface
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India to volume ratio. There have been many efforts in
literature for successful shear stress measure-
ments. The success of these efforts primarily
Definition relies on the complexity of the flow, the nature
of solid boundaries, and limitations of the mea-
Fluid flow past a surface or boundary leads to surement techniques. The other drawback of
surface forces acting on it. These surface forces shear stress measurements is its smaller magni- S
depend on the rate at which fluid is strained by the tude, i.e., the estimated value of shear stress of
velocity field. A stress tensor with nine compo- a typical car moving at 100 km/h is about 1 Pa.
nents is used to describe the surface forces on Hence, highly sensitive shear stress measuring
a fluid element. The tangential component of the devices are required for successful measurements
surface forces with respect to the boundary is of surface shear stress, and it is essential to have
known as shear stress. The nature or origin of proper understanding of the various noise sources
shear stress depends on the nature of flow, i.e., that can effect shear stress measurements.
laminar or turbulent. The stress components for Shear stress sensors provide qualitative infor-
a laminar flow are functions of the viscosity of the mation about the flow field, i.e., separation, tran-
fluid and are known as viscous stresses. The tur- sition, reattachment, and proper calibration of
bulent flow has additional contributions known as shear stress sensors is required for quantitative
Reynolds stresses due to velocity fluctuation, i.e., measurement/information. Hence, this entry con-
the stresses of a laminar flow are increased by centrates on the principle of operation, noise
S 2962 Shear Stress Sensors

sources, and calibration of various shear stress Kolmogorov length scale is of the order of
sensors. The spatial and temporal resolution 50 mm. A large-dimension sensor integrates the
requirements for turbulent flow applications and fluctuation due to small eddies over its spatial
the benefit of MEMS sensors are also discussed. extension. Therefore, when measuring fluctuat-
ing quantities, small eddies are counted as mean
Requirements for Turbulent Flow flow and the fluctuating energy is lost. This leads
Turbulence is characterized by the existence of to lower estimated value of turbulence intensity.
numerous length and time scales [10]. The time The other important issue is the spacing between
scale is a measure of the fact that at a given point the sensors, which is primarily determined by the
in a turbulent flow field, distinct patterns get spacing between the coherent structures present
repeated regularly in time. Similarly, distinct pat- in the flow. For the turbulent wall boundary layer,
terns may be repeated in space at a given instant, the spacing between the sensors needs to be less
and the size of the patterns is known as length than the distance between the low-speed streaks,
scales. Different length scales and time scales i.e., the near-wall region coherent structures.
have been defined for characterization of turbu-
lent flow field. The smallest eddy of turbulent
flow is expressed by the Kolmogorov length (l) Basic Methodology
and time scale (t) which is uniquely determined
by dissipation (e) and kinematic viscosity (n): Classification
Various shear stress measurement techniques
 3 14 have been proposed in the literature. Some of
l¼ (1) the principal measurement techniques are Stan-
ton tube, Preston tube, electrochemical tech-
n12 nique, velocity measurements, thermal method,
t¼ (2) floating element sensors, sublayer fence, oil-film
interferometry, and shear stress-sensitive liquid
Using the inviscid assumption for calculation crystal [5].
of the dissipation rate, the nondimensional length The Stanton tube is a rectangular-shaped pitot
scale and time scale respectively reduce to tube located very close to the boundary wall, and
the mean velocity measured from this pitot tube
l pressure difference is directly related to the shear
¼ ðReÞ4
(3) stress. The Preston tube is similar to the concept
of the Stanton tube using a pitot static tube close
t to the surface, and the difference between the
u ¼ ðReÞ2
lS stagnation pressure at the center of the tube
from the static pressure is related to the shear
Here, lS is the characteristic length of the iner- stress. The electrochemical or mass transfer
tial sublayer, u is the characteristic velocity of the probe is flush mounted with the wall, and the
eddy, and Re is the Reynolds number (ulS/n). concentration at the wall element is maintained
Equations 3 and 4 indicate that with an increase constant. The measurement of mass transfer rate
in Reynolds number, the length and time scales of between the fluid and the wall element is used for
eddies decrease. To spatially resolve the small determination of the wall shear stress. One of the
eddies, sensors that are of same size as the Kol- limitations of the mass transfer probe is that at
mogorov length scale for that particular flow are very high flow rates, the mass transfer rate
needed. Hence, smaller sensors are required as becomes large and it may not be possible to
the Reynolds number is increased [9]. For a flat maintain the wall concentration constant.
plate boundary layer with momentum thickness, A detailed discussion on the above three techniques
Reynolds number equal to 4,000, the can be found in Hanratty and Campbell [1].
Shear Stress Sensors 2963 S
These shear stress measurement techniques are not u/k and therefore tw. The difficulty in this
ideal MEMS-based techniques. approach is the validity of the logarithmic region
assumption and the value of the von
Benefits of MEMS-Based Sensors Karman constant, which is approximated to be
MEMS-based shear stress sensors offer many equal to 0.40. For flows with large pressure
advantages over traditional shear stress sensors. gradient, a well-defined logarithmic layer
These are: does not exist. If the wall is flat and in
• MEMS-based shear stress sensors can meet equilibrium situation Clauser proposed
the spatial and temporal requirement of turbu- a relationship as
lent flow due to their small size.
• MEMS-based sensors have low thermal iner- U yu
tia leading to higher dynamic response. 
¼ f ,D (6)
u n
• MEMS-based sensors are less intrusive com-
pared to the traditional sensors due to their where D = jdP/dxj(n/utw) and dP/dx is the pres-
small size and therefore do not affect the sure gradient. Comparison of measured variation
flow significantly. of mean velocity with distance from the wall
• Energy consumption is low for MEMS-based gives the wall shear stress tw.
sensors. The Spalding formula represents a good fit to
• MEMS-based sensors are ideal for distributed the velocity profile in a turbulent boundary layer,
measurements and control, as a large number i.e., from the wall to the end of the log region,
of sensors can be fabricated on the same chip thus including both the linear sublayer and the
in a cost-effective manner. logarithmic region. The Spalding formula is
Due to numerous benefits of MEMS-based given by
shear stress sensors, the following shear stress
measurement techniques having great promise yu 1h þ
for future MEMS applications are discussed in yþ ¼ ¼ uþ þ eku  1  kuþ
n E #
the following sections: velocity measurements, (7)
ðkuþ Þ ðkuþ Þ ðkuþ Þ
2 3 4
thermal sensors, floating element sensors,   
sublayer fence, oil-film interferometry, and 2 6 24
shear stress-sensitive liquid crystal.
where u+ = u/u and E is a constant equal to 8.6.
Velocity Measurements An iterative procedure is carried out for curve
Velocity measurements close to the wall or the fitting the experimental velocity profile to the
velocity profile measurement in the near-wall Spalding formula, and the shear stress is deter-
region can be used to determine the wall shear mined from the best fit. The Spalding formula S
stress. Clauser proposed an approach for shear represents the mean velocity profile in
stress measurement of turbulent flow [1]. Here, a turbulent boundary layer at all pressure gradi-
the mean velocity measurements away from the ents and until about y + = 200.
wall are used
 with the assumption that the mean Optical techniques, i.e., laser Doppler
velocity U varies with the logarithmic distance velocimetry (LDV), particle image velocimetry
from the wall (y), i.e., (PIV), and holographic PIV, have matured as
successful nonintrusive velocity measurement
dU u techniques for large-scale applications. Panigrahi
¼ (5)
dy ky et al. [2] obtained the shear stress from PIV mea-
surements by assuming the validity of law of the
where u = (tw/r)1/2 is the friction velocity and k wall for turbulent flow. In recent years, the m-PIV
is the von Karman constant. The slope of has matured as a successful velocity measure-
a semilogarithmic plot between U and y gives ment technique for MEMS applications [3].
S 2964 Shear Stress Sensors

The PIV techniques provide instantaneous R ¼ R0 ð 1 þ að T  T 0 Þ Þ (8)

velocity field information. The spatial and
temporal resolution of PIV can be controlled where R is the sensor resistance at temperature
with proper selection of lighting source, i.e., T and R0 is the sensor resistance at reference
laser; imaging system, i.e., camera and temperature (T0); T is the temperature of the
frame grabber; and optical arrangements/compo- sensor and a is the temperature coefficient of
nents. The continuous development of this resistance. The heat transfer rate depends on the
hardware in the near future is expected to nature of fluid flow past the sensor leading to
result in very high spatial and temporal resolution drop in temperature of the sensor. The drop in
velocity measurements. Therefore, the m-PIV and sensor temperature affects the sensor resistance
m-holographic PIV techniques will develop leading to imbalance of the Wheatstone bridge
as high-resolution indirect instantaneous circuit. The relationship between the bridge
shear stress measurement techniques in the near circuit imbalances and the heat transfer can
future. be obtained from two approaches: deflection
method and null method. In the deflection
Thermal Sensors method, the change in bridge balance due to the
The operational principle of a thermal sensor is input signal is measured. In the null method, an
based on the relationship between the heat trans- electronic feedback is used to keep the bridge
fer from the sensor exposed to the flowing fluid balanced. The null method is usually preferred
and the shear stress. For the heat transfer to take due to better frequency response. For the elec-
place, the sensor element temperature must differ tronic feedback, there are three possible modes of
from the temperature of the flowing medium, i.e., operation:
the sensor is raised to a temperature above the • Constant current mode (CC). Here, the current
medium temperature. The thermal sensor forms through the sensor is kept constant and the
one of the resistances of a Wheatstone bridge change in current needed to maintain its con-
circuit (see Fig. 1a). The resistance of the thermal stant value is related to the flow signal, i.e.,
sensor is given by shear stress.

Shear Stress Sensors, Fig. 1 (a) Schematic of a hot wire sensor connected to a Wheatstone bridge circuit and (b)
schematic of a flush-mounted thermal shear stress sensor
Shear Stress Sensors 2965 S
• Constant voltage mode (CV). Here, the volt- obtained from the hot wire needs to be corrected
age across the sensor is kept constant and the based on the empirical relationship. The substi-
change needed to keep the voltage constant is tution of this corrected velocity in Eq. 9 provides
related to the shear stress. the wall shear stress. The sensitivity of this
• Constant temperature mode (CT). Here, the approach depends on the wall distance, i.e.,
temperature of the sensor is kept constant there is an optimal wall distance at which the
and the voltage or current change needed to hot wire sensitivity is optimal. In addition to
keep the temperature constant represents the that, the hot wire should be located inside the
wall shear stress. inertial sublayer to satisfy the basic assumption
The thermal sensors for shear stress measure- essential for the shear stress measurement.
ments can have two principal modes of variation:
elevated hot wire probe and surface-mounted hot Surface-Mounted Hot Wire Sensor
wire probe. The principle of operation of these Figure 1b shows a schematic of a flush-mounted
two types of thermal shear stress sensors is thermal shear stress sensor. The sensor element is
discussed in the following sections. either positioned on the top of a substrate or on
a thin diaphragm above a vacuum cavity. As the
Elevated Hot Wire Probe thermal shear stress sensor is flush mounted along
In the elevated hot wire approach, the hot wire is the surface of the wall, this technique is consid-
mounted a small distance away from the wall. ered as nonintrusive with negligible disturbance
The velocity increases linearly with the wall dis- to the mean flow. The ohmic heating (Qohmic) due
tance in the near-wall region of both laminar and to the current flow through the sensor element
turbulent flow. For turbulent flow, this assump- transfers heat to both fluid (Qfluid) and the sub-
tion is valid for the instantaneous velocity profile strate (Qsubstrate), i.e.,
up to the wall normal location y+(yu/n) < 5. The
linear relationship between the shear stress (tw) Qohmic ¼ Qfluid þ Qsubstrate (10)
and the velocity u at distance y from the wall is
given as Figure 2 shows the heat transfer mechanism
from a surface-mounted thermal sensor. The total
rnu heat transfer to the fluid from the thermal sensor
tw ¼ (9)
y (Qohmic) has two components, i.e., the heat trans-
fer to the fluid (Qfluid) and the heat lost to the
The true velocity in the near-wall region deter- substrate (Qsubstrate). The heat transfer to the fluid
mined from the hot wire calibrated in the free has two parts, i.e., direct heat transfer from the
stream is affected due to the heat conduction in sensor element (Qf1) and the indirect heat transfer
the near-wall region. Therefore, the velocity from the substrate heated by the conduction of S

Shear Stress Sensors,

Fig. 2 The flow and heat
transfer mechanism of
a flush-mounted thermal
shear stress sensor
S 2966 Shear Stress Sensors

Shear Stress Sensors, Fig. 3 Schematic of a floating element shear stress sensor: (a) top view and (b) cross-
sectional view

heat from the sensor to the substrate (Qf 2). The The quantitative determination of shear stress
heat transferred to the fluid via the substrate depends on the proper calibration with
affects the temperature distribution near the sen- a reference method. The calibration issues are
sor. This affects the net heat transfer rate from the described in a later section.
sensor element and limits the performance of
thermal shear stress measurement. The effective Floating Element Sensors
length of the thermal sensor is higher than the size Direct measurement of tangential force exerted
of the sensor element thus limiting the spatial by the fluid on the sensor element is possible
resolution of shear stress measurement. There- using floating element shear stress sensors.
fore, effective thermal isolation between the sen- Therefore, the floating element-based shear stress
sor element and substrate is an important issue for sensor is classified as a direct measurement
optimum performance, fabrication, and packag- device. A schematic of a floating element shear
ing of thermal shear stress sensors. For thermal stress sensor is shown in Fig. 3. The floating
isolation, the resistor of the sensor sits on the top element is connected to the substrate by four
of a diaphragm above a vacuum cavity (see tether elements. The movement of the floating
Fig. 2). The presence of the vacuum cavity and element due to the surface force, i.e., shear stress
thin diaphragm reduces the convective and con- acting on it, is sensed by a suitable transducer and
ductive heat transfer to the substrate. Better insu- is related to the shear stress. The movement of the
lation improves the thermal sensitivity of the floating element can be inferred using the capac-
sensor, i.e., higher temperature rise (T  T0) of itive, piezo-resistive and optical detection
the thermal sensor is achieved for a particular schemes. The axial compression and expansion
power input (P). of the tethers due to the imposed shear stress
In experimental aerodynamics, the surface hot cause a change in piezo-resistive effect for
wire probe has proved to be the most successful piezo-resistive sensing element. The change in
standard measurement technique to determine the resistance is a measure of the shear stress magni-
laminar-to-turbulent flow transition, local sepa- tude and direction. In the capacitive scheme, the
ration, and shear stress fluctuations. The flush- sensor element displacement leads to change in
mounted thermal shear stress sensor is one of the capacitance value. In the photodiode-based
the most successful techniques for shear stress scheme, photodiodes are integrated below the
measurement and is available in various forms, floating element at its leading and trailing edge.
i.e., sensor skin, etc. [4], due to the rapid devel- A coherent light source illuminates the sensor
opment of MEMS manufacturing processes. element from above. The differential
Shear Stress Sensors 2967 S
photocurrent generated due to the movement of the above equation relate to the effect of gap
the floating element is related to its displacement height and pressure gradient on the measurement
(see Fig. 3). error respectively. Equation 12 indicates the ben-
No assumption regarding the flow field is efit of MEMS-based shear stress sensors, as both
required for the floating shear stress sensor. The gap height and the floating element thickness can
displacement (d) of the floating element sensor as be maintained at a very small value (1 mm)
a function of shear stress (tw) can be derived from leading to considerable reduction in errors. In
Euler-Bernoulli beam theory as addition, the MEMS-based sensor element results
in high spatial resolution and higher frequency
Le W e Lt 3 2Lt W t bandwidth due to lower effective size and mass
d ¼ tw 1þ2 (11) respectively. Due to the rapid advancement of
4Et W t Le W e
MEMS-based fabrication techniques, it is also
where Lt is the tether length; Wt is the tether possible to place pairs of sensors in close prox-
width; E is the elastic modulus of the tether; t is imity at right angles to each other for detection of
the floating element thickness; Le is the length of both streamwise and spanwise shear stress.
the floating element; We is the width of the float- The capacitive and piezo-resistive sensing-
ing element; and g is the recessed gap of the based floating element sensors may show sensi-
floating element (see Fig. 3). Equation 11 indi- tivity to electromagnetic interference due to the
cates a linear relationship between the displace- impedance of the electronics elements used for
ment of the floating element and the shear stress. detection. The size of the floating element, the
The above linear relationship has been verified misalignment and gaps around the floating ele-
from the static calibration results of floating ele- ment, pressure gradient, sensitivity to accelera-
ment sensors. The flow under the floating element tion, and vibration and thermal expansion are
and the pressure gradient acting on its lip intro- some of the general drawbacks of floating ele-
duce error to the measurement of skin friction. ment sensors. The availability of MEMS fabrica-
This relationship between the effective shear tion techniques has enhanced the capability of
stress (teff) and the actual shear stress (tw) is floating element sensors.
given by
MEMS Skin Friction Fence
g 2t The generic skin friction fence and its principle
teff ¼ 1þ þ tw (12) has been explained by Hanratty and Campbell
h h
[1]. Recently, Schober et al. [6] developed
where h is the channel height of the wind tunnel a MEMS-based skin friction fence (see Fig. 4a).
used for calibration. The second and third term of The surface fence is a fence protruding from the

Shear Stress Sensors, Fig. 4 Schematic of (a) MEMS skin friction fence and (b) its calibration curve between the
bridge voltage (UB) and the shear stress (tw)
S 2968 Shear Stress Sensors

wall. There is a slot below the surface fence with

support at both ends. Two pairs of piezo-resistors
are located at both ends of the fence. These piezo-
resistors are connected to a Wheatstone bridge
circuit. The voltage output of the Wheatstone
bridge circuit is related to the strain acting
on the fence. The strain due to the deflection
of the fence is directly related to the pressure
difference across the fence. Hence, the voltage
output is indirectly related to the shear stress
acting on the fence. The surface fence should
remain inside the viscous sublayer (y+ < 5).
However, there is no requirement on the validity
of the law of the wall for the turbulent boundary
layer. The pressure difference between the front
and back of the fence is related to the
shear stress, i.e.,

DP ¼ Atw þ B tw (13)

where A and B are constants. From Eq. 13, the

measured voltage (Vbr) from the Wheatstone
bridge circuit can be related to the shear stress as

V br ¼ Abr tw þ Bbr tw (14)

where Abr and Bbr are the constants to be obtained

from the calibration. Figure 4b shows the calibra- Shear Stress Sensors, Fig. 5 Schematic showing (a)
tion curve between the bridge voltage and the fringe formation for oil height measurement and (b) an
shear stress of a micro-fence inside a zero pres- experimental setup using oil-film interferometry
sure gradient turbulent boundary layer. It may be
observed that the sensitivity of the micro-fence is
higher at higher shear stress. whose thickness is of the order of 1 mm. The
thickness of the oil film is dependent on the
Optical Sensors shear force acting upon it. Interferometry is
The optical-based shear stress sensor can be clas- used to measure the thickness of the oil film.
sified into two categories based on the measure- Monochromatic light of wavelength l from
ment principle: oil-film interferometry and shear- a light source is incident on the film at an angle
sensitive liquid crystal. These techniques are y (Fig. 5a). The light partially gets reflected from
discussed in the following sections. the oil/air interface. The remainder of the light
passes through the film and reflects from the solid
Oil-Film Interferometry surface and travels back through the oil film.
The oil-film technique is a direct method for skin These two beams interfere constructively and
friction measurement based on the movement of destructively with each other in the image plane
interference fringes of a thin film. In this method, depending on the phase difference between the
an oil film is applied to the smooth solid wall, two leading to formation of bright and dark bands
which spreads out by the flow into a thin layer known as interference fringes.
Shear Stress Sensors 2969 S
The local height of the oil film can be obtained used. It can be used for three-dimensional flow
from the fringe patterns. The height of the oil film situations and provides both magnitude and
at the kth black fringe is given by direction of shear stress. The disadvantage is
that it does not possess any temporal resolution
hk ¼ h0 þ kDh ; k ¼ 0, 1, 2, . . . (15) and therefore cannot be used for fluctuating skin
friction measurements.
where h0 is the height of the zeroth black fringe at
the film edge, i.e., at k = 0, and Dh is the differ- Liquid Crystal Sensors
ence in height between two consecutive fringes Liquid crystal is a phase of matter that exists
given by between the liquid and solid phase. It exhibits opti-
cal properties similar to a solid crystalline material.
l The molecular arrangement of a liquid crystal is a
Dh ¼  1=2 (16)
2 n  sin2 a
2 function of either temperature or shear stress. When
the molecular arrangement is sensitive to tempera-
Here, n is the refractive index of oil and l is the ture, the liquid crystal coating can be used for
wavelength of light. A general oil-film interfer- temperature measurement, and when the molecular
ometry experimental setup is shown in Fig. 5b. arrangement is sensitive to shear stress, the liquid
Here, the light from preferably a He  Ne laser crystal can be used for shear stress measurement.
(wavelength = 632.8 nm) or sodium lamp Shear-sensitive liquid crystal coatings applied
(wavelength = 589 nm) is incident on the thin to a solid surface consist of helical aggregates of
oil film through a beam splitter. A camera collects long planar molecules arranged in layers parallel
the reflected light from the oil film and a portion to the coated surface. This molecular arrange-
of the incident light from the beam splitter against ment is affected by the application of shear stress
a black background. The motion of the interfer- on the thin film of a liquid crystal. Each layer of
ence fringes is collected by imaging through the molecules is rotated relative to the layer above
camera. and below it due to the application of shear stress.
For oil-film interferometry, it is assumed that The incident light on the coating surface selec-
the oil film is so thin that it does not influence the tively scatters at a wavelength proportional to the
flow above it and is driven by the skin friction pitch of the helix. The local pitch of the helical
distribution of the flow. Using a control volume structure is altered due to application of shear
analysis of the thin oil film with its height h in stress relative to the no shear state. The liquid
wall normal (y) direction as a function of crystal selectively scatters the incident white
streamwise (x) and spanwise (z) coordinate and light as a three-dimensional spectrum in color
assuming the shear stress contribution to be dom- space depending on the molecular arrangement.
inant compared to the pressure gradient and sur- The color change observed at a particular direction S
face tension force, the governing equation for the by the imaging device is a function of both shear
thin oil-film flow is stress vector magnitude and direction (see Fig. 6a).
The shear vectors with components directed away
    from the observer exhibits color change responses
@h @ tw, xh2 @ tw, zh2
þ þ ¼0 (17) of the liquid crystal depending on the shear mag-
@t @x 2m @z 2m nitude and direction. At any surface point, maxi-
mum color change occurs when the shear stress
Using the distribution of oil-film height from vector is aligned and directed away from the
interferometry measurements and the integration observer. The location with shear stress directed
of equation 16, the skin friction can be deter- to the observer exhibits no color change response.
mined. The benefit of oil-film interferometry is The above behavior of the shear-sensitive liquid
that no calibration is required for measurement of crystal is used for determination of the shear stress
shear stress and the basic analytical expression is magnitude and direction.
S 2970 Shear Stress Sensors

Shear Stress Sensors, Fig. 6 Schematic showing (a) the principle of shear-sensitive liquid crystal and (b) the
experimental setup for shear stress measurement using shear-sensitive liquid crystal

A sample experimental setup for the applica- Hnot is the hue value of the liquid crystal with-
tion of shear-sensitive liquid crystal is shown in out applied shear stress. The hue value for
Fig. 6b similar to the one proposed by Fujisawa a particular shear stress magnitude and direction
et al. [7]. The off-axis angles of the camera and depends on the camera and lighting angle. There-
the light source with respect to the horizontal are fore, two separate calibration curves for two cam-
a and b, respectively. Two cameras are situated eras in stereo arrangement can be used to
on opposite sides of the axis with an off-axis determine the two unknowns, i.e., the shear stress
angle d. As the color images are acquired at an magnitude and direction. Figure 7a shows the
oblique angle to the test surface, it is important to calibration curve between the relative hue (HR)
convert the images at oblique angle to the normal and the shear stress angle (g) at different shear
observation angle by using a geometrical transfor- stress amplitudes (tw) for a particular camera and
mation technique. The two color cameras are syn- lighting angle. Figure 7b shows the relative hue
chronized with the lighting source. The test section (HR) versus the shear stress angle (g) for two
can be rotated leading to variation of the shear different cameras (left and right).
stress angle (g) for calibration. There are different For quantitative determination of the shear
color formats, i.e., RGB and HIS, for quantitative stress, the two cameras and lighting source are
representation of color. The hue has been observed set at optimum off-axis (d), observation (a), and
to be the best indicator for expressing the change illumination (b) angles, respectively. The calibra-
in color. It can be calculated from tion curve between the relative hue of both the
cameras (left and right), i.e., HRleft(tw, g) and
" ! # HRright(tw, g), with respect to the shear stress
1 2R  G  B
H ¼ p=2  tan pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ p =2p; G > B magnitude (tw) and direction (g) is established
3ðG  BÞ
during the calibration process. The determination
(18) of shear stress magnitude and direction for an
actual measurement is carried out by an iterative
The color change of the liquid crystal depends process. Initially, the shear stress magnitude (tw)
on the illumination and observation angle with and direction (g) are assumed. The corresponding
respect to the liquid crystal coating surface. hue values for both left and right cameras are
Therefore, the calibration of the liquid crystal is determined from the calibration curve. The mea-
carried out by the relative hue sured hue value for both left and right cameras
(HR = Ht  Hnot), where Ht is the hue value (HR  left  M(t, g) and HR  right  M) (t, g)
of the liquid crystal with applied shear stress and are compared with the calibrated hue values.
Shear Stress Sensors 2971 S

Shear Stress Sensors, Fig. 7 (a) The relative hue (HR) stress angle

(g) for two cameras (left, d =  30 ; right,
versus the shear stress angle (g) for different shear stress d = 30 ) at a particular shear stress magnitude
magnitude (tw). (b) The relative hue (HR) versus the shear

The iteration is carried out, i.e., the shear stress I2 R C1=3 2=3
q p k
magnitude (tw) and direction (g) are changed, ¼ ¼ 0:807 1=3 ðrtw Þ1=3 (20)
DT DT L m1=3
until the error (E) between the calibrated hue
and actual hue value for both left and right cam-
where r is the density, k is the thermal conduc-
eras is minimized close to a zero value.
tivity, Cp is the specific heat, L is the length of
heating element, T is the temperature, m is the
E ¼ ðH Rleft ðt, gÞ  HRleftM ðt, gÞÞ2 viscosity of the fluid, and tw is the shear stress.
 2 (19)
þ HRright ðt, gÞ  H RrightM ðt, gÞ Equation 19 for the ohmic heating of the thermal
sensor can be written as
Calibration Procedure
Calibration is one of the important issues for quan- I2 R
titative determination of the shear stress vector ¼ Aðrtw Þ1=3 þ B (21)
from measurement. The suitability of the shear
stress sensor for a particular application is based where I is the heating current and R is the resis-
on the complexity of the calibration procedure. tance of the sensor. The term B represents the heat
The calibration of thermal-based shear stress sen- loss from the substrate and depending on the
sors and the calibration setup required is described design can be more than the heat loss to the fluid,
below. Similar setup can be used for calibration of i.e., the first term of the above equation. The term
other types of shear stress sensors. The calibration A is a weak function of temperature. The length of
process is categorized as static and dynamic. the sensor calculated from the experimentally S
determined value of A is more than the actual
Static Calibration sensor length due to the heat transfer to the fluid
The heat transfer rate from a flush-mounted shear from both substrate and the sensor (see Fig. 2). The
stress tensor depends on the near-wall flow, i.e., forced convection heat transfer assumption is lim-
the magnitude of the velocity gradient. For ited by the effective length of the sensor. It is also
a laminar two-dimensional thermal boundary difficult to satisfy the thermal boundary layer to be
layer developing over the heated sensor with an within the linear velocity profile. Hence, for
approaching linear velocity profile (Fig. 2) and a turbulent flow the above equation is modified as
negligible free convection effect, the heat loss
from the thermal element can be derived from I2 R
¼ AT ðrtw Þ1=n þ BT (22)
the thermal boundary layer equation as DT
S 2972 Shear Stress Sensors

Shear Stress Sensors,

Fig. 8 Schematic of
a static calibration
apparatus: (a) using
a rotating disk and (b) long,
high aspect ratio smooth
channel flow

Here, the constants AT, BT, and n should be consisting of a rotational disk above a bottom
determined empirically from the calibration pro- stationary disk (see Fig. 8a). The gap size (d)
cedure. If the resistance of the heating element is between the disks is very small (0.3 to
held constant and the voltage (E)/current (I) is 0.45 mm) to maintain a small Reynolds number
measured, then the above equation can be (Res = od2/n  5), where o is the rotating disk
rearranged as angular velocity. For small Reynolds number, the
tangential shear stress can be derived as
tw ¼ AT, New E2 þ BT, New (23)

t ¼ mðor=dÞ 1:0 þ ð1=1, 050ÞRe2s þ O Re4s

Equation 23 between shear stress and the volt-
age can also be represented as a polynomial func- (25)
tion as
During calibration, the shear stress sensor is
tw ¼ C0 þ C1 E þ C2 E2 þ    þ Cn En (24) mounted on the stationary plate at various radial
positions with different gap size and rotational
One possible experimental arrangement for speed to achieve a wide range of shear stress
shear stress calibration is a rotational rig values for static calibration.
Shear Stress Sensors 2973 S

Shear Stress Sensors, Fig. 9 Static calibration curve: (a) the bridge output (E) versus shear stress (tw) and (b) the
input power versus (shear stress)1/3 of a thermal shear stress sensor

Another possible setup for the static calibra- around 0.4 in contrast to the laminar value of 0.33
tion uses a wind tunnel (Fig. 8b). The wind tunnel has been observed in many investigations.
test section should be sufficiently long to estab-
lish a fully developed flow. The width over Dynamic Calibration
height ratio of the test section also needs to be The shear stress sensor for turbulent flow needs to
high, i.e., greater than 30, for the flow to be two accurately capture the complete turbulent fluctu-
dimensional. The shear stress values (tw) for this ation spectrum. Therefore, the shear stress sensor
configuration is related to the local pressure gra- should possess a large bandwidth with flat and
dient as minimum frequency-phase relationship. For
direct measurement, i.e., floating point sensors,
dP tw the resonant frequency of the floating element
¼ (26)
dx h and the fluidic damping determines the usable
bandwidth. For the thermal sensor, the thermal
Here, P is the local pressure, x is the inertia of the sensor element and the frequency-
streamwise coordinate, and h is the half height dependent heat conduction to the substrate influ-
of the channel. The pressure gradient can be ence the usable bandwidth. It is complicated to
measured by mounting pressure taps along the analytically predict the frequency response of the
channel before and after the shear stress sensor thermal sensor. Therefore, dynamic calibration is
location. essential to characterize the frequency response
Figure 9a shows one representative calibration of the sensor. S
curve between the Wheatstone bridge output (E) The Stokes-layer excitation in a cylindrical
and the shear stress (tw) of the shear stress sensor duct is one of the effective techniques for
operating in a constant temperature mode. The dynamic calibration of shear stress sensors
same calibration curve has been replotted in [8]. The flow inside the duct is driven by an
Fig. 9b using the heating power (P = E2/R) oscillating pressure gradient generated by a loud
divided by the temperature difference (DT) with speaker (see Fig. 10). The loud speaker driven by
respect to shear stress to one-third (0.33) power. an amplifier generates an acoustic wave. The
A linear variation as expected from Eq. 21 is amplifier receives sinusoidal input from
clearly observed. The laminar value of the expo- a function generator. The microphone and shear
nent (0.33) may change due to the restriction by stress sensor are mounted at opposite locations of
the experimental condition during calibration, the tube. The data acquisition system records the
i.e., wall presence, mounting location, and size signal from the microphone and shear stress
of the sensor element. Hence, the exponent value sensor.
S 2974 Shear Stress Sensors

Shear Stress Sensors,

Fig. 10 The schematic of
a dynamic calibration
apparatus for the shear
stress sensor

The solution of the compressible momentum is the static sensitivity from the static calibration
equation provides the relationship between the of the shear stress sensor. For an ideal sensor the
shear stress and the pressure gradient and the static and dynamic sensitivity should be equal
excitation frequency as leading to a normalized frequency transfer func-
tion (H( f )) of 0 dB at all measurable frequencies.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
p0 e jð2pftkzÞ j2pf m I 1 R j2pf =v
tðz, tÞ ¼   pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Uncertainty and Noise
c r I 0 R j2pf =v For proper design and practical implementation
of shear stress measurement procedure, it is
important to be aware of different sources of
Here, p0 is the magnitude of pressure fluctua- noise and uncertainty during the measurement.
tion, c is the speed of sound, f is the frequency of When using shear stress sensor based on MEMS
acoustic wave, k = 2pf/c is the wave number, z is technology, all circuit elements are located on the
the axial direction, m is the fluid viscosity, r is the substrate surface. Hence, the electronics is one of
density, R is the radius of tube, n is the kinematic the primary sources for drift or noise during shear
viscosity, and I is the Bessel function. The fre- stress measurement. The other important contri-
quency response function H( f ) from Eq. 27 is bution to noise is physical sources, i.e., during
used to determine the frequency response of the low flow velocity situations, the free convection
shear stress sensor as effect disturbs the signal. The packaging and
mounting of the sensor element can generate
V ð f Þ dt offset signals which may change in time due to
Hð f Þ ¼ (28)
tð f Þ dV the change in heat dissipation of the sensor ele-
ment. This influences the frequency response of
Here, V( f ) is the sensor voltage, t( f ) is the the shear stress sensor. The MEMS-based shear
shear stress calculated from Eq. 27 as a function stress sensor can have the following noise
of the pressure fluctuation magnitude, and dt/dV sources: thermal or white noise, shot noise,
Shear-Driven Flow 2975 S
flicker noise, and photon noise. The thermal noise References
is the movement of electrons due to the finite
temperature difference leading to noise in the 1. Hanratty TJ, Campbell JA (1996) Chapter 9: measure-
ment of wall shear stress. In: Goldstein RJ (ed) Fluid
output voltage or current. Shot noise is due to
mechanics measurements, 2nd edn. CRC\Taylor and
the flow of charge carriers past different potential Francis, Washington, DC
barrier sources in the electronic circuits. Flicker 2. Panigrahi PK, Schroeder A, Kompenhans J (2005)
noise or 1/f noise is the low-frequency noise due PIV investigation of flow behind surface mounted
permeable ribs. Exp Fluids 40:277–300
to the flow of charge carriers in discontinuous
3. Nguyen N, Wereley ST (2006) Fundamentals and
medium, i.e., resistors, transistors, thin films, applications of microfluidics. Artech House,
etc. Photon noise is due to the fluctuation in the Norwood
number of quanta or power reaching the photodi- 4. Xu Y, Jiang F, Newbern S, Huang A, Ho CM
(2003) Flexible shear-stress sensor skin and its appli-
ode or CCD element. Photon noise is strongly
cation to unmanned aerial vehicles. Sens Actuators
temperature dependent and can be reduced by A 105:321–329
effective cooling. 5. Naughton JW, Sheplak M (2002) Modern develop-
ments in shear-stress measurement. Progr Aerosp Sci
6. Schober M, Obermeier S, Pirskawetz S, Fernholz HH
Future Directions for Research (2004) A MEMS skin-friction sensor for time
resolved measurements in separated flows. Exp Fluids
Shear stress measurement plays an important role 36:593–599
7. Fujisawa N, Aoyama A, Kosaka S (2003) Measure-
for characterization and control of both macro-
ment of shear stress distribution over a surface by
and microscale flows. There are various existing liquid-crystal coating. Meas Sci Technol
techniques suitable for either steady state or 14:1655–1661
instantaneous nature of the flow. The rapid devel- 8. Sheplak M, Padmanabhan A, Schmidt MA, Breuer
KS (2001) Dynamic calibration of a shear-stress sen-
opment of MEMS manufacturing technology has
sor using Stokes-layer excitation. AIAA
immensely contributed to improvement in spatial J 39(5):819–823
and temporal resolution of shear stress sensors. 9. Fernholz HH, Janke G, Schober M, Wagner PM,
Therefore, turbulent flow control has become fea- Warnack D (1996) New developments and applica-
tions of skin-friction measuring techniques. Meas Sci
sible for many practical applications. However,
Technol 7:1396–1409
the calibration and implementation issues of 10. Löfdahl L, Gad-el-Hak M (1999) MEMS-based pres-
shear stress measurements are not completely sure and shear stress sensors for turbulent flows. Meas
established. Therefore, the implementation proce- Sci Technol 10:665–686
dure for shear stress measurement is problem spe-
cific and requires complete understanding of the
measurement principle. The existing shear stress
measurement technologies have not been Shear-Driven Flow S
implemented over a wide range of microscale
flow problems. Therefore, future research should Definition
concentrate on critical issues relevant to shear
stress measurement in various microflow applica- The shear-driven technique is an alternative flow-
tions. This will contribute towards development of driving principle for the creation of fluidic flows
matured shear stress measurement techniques. through micro- and nanochannels. It is created
when two flat surfaces are translated relative to
each other resulting in a movement of the fluid in
Cross-References between the two surfaces. The fluid flow is char-
acterized by a linear flow profile and is indepen-
▶ Flow Rate Measurements, Methods dent of the channel size.
S 2976 Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics

of minimal sample consumption can become pos-

Shear-Driven Micro- and sible by miniaturizing the analysis systems. Min-
Nanofluidics iaturized fluidic systems can have several
applications, such as amplification, digestion,
Kris Pappaert, David Clicq, Veronika Fekete and and analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Gert Desmet sequences or the separation and analysis of single
Transport Modeling and (Bio)analytical defective cells in order to diagnose specific dis-
Separation Science Group (TMAS2), Vrije eases at early stages. With the completion of the
Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium Human Genome Project, the analysis of gene and
protein functions creates a huge demand for
advanced biotechnological systems. These sys-
Synonyms tems can only be realized using miniaturized
fluid handling systems, which allow the rapid
DNA chips/microarray; Lab-on-a-chip; Micro- and efficient analysis of structures and functions
propulsion; Microscale; Nanofluidic structures; with minimal sample volume. Due to this increas-
Nanoscale; Shear-driven micro- and ing demand, microfluidics has rapidly turned into
nanofluidics; Small volume an interdisciplinary research field equally includ-
ing physics, chemistry, materials science, and
Definition The generation of a stable and controllable
fluid flow in microfluidic devices is a major
The shear-driven technique is an alternative flow issue, and a lot of research work has been put
driving principle for the creation of fluidic flows into optimizing the flow driving methods. Not
through micro- and nanochannels. It is created only conventional methods (derived from macro-
when two flat surfaces are translated relative to scopic applications) like pressure-driven and
each other resulting in a movement of the fluid in electroosmotic flows have been scaled down,
between the two surfaces. The fluid flow is char- but also novel methods like shear-driven flows
acterized by a linear flow profile and is indepen- (SDF) have been introduced. There are several
dent of the channel size. problems associated with the conventional flow
driving methods: pressure-driven flows suffer
from pressure drop limitations, while electroos-
Overview motic flows suffer from Joule heating, fluctua-
tions of flow velocity, and double-layer overlap
During the last decade, miniaturization has been [1]. Therefore, other approaches to evade these
a major issue in analytical and bio-analytical problems and limitations have been proposed
chemistry. Microsystems have generated (centrifugal forces, magnetohydrodynamic
a considerable activity at economic and scientific forces, etc.).
levels, and their importance in our everyday life The shear-driven fluidic approach is based on
is expected to increase considerably over the next a radical modification of the fluidic channel con-
few years. The drive toward miniaturization fol- cept. This recently developed technique for the
lows from an ever-increasing demand (from such transport of fluids in ultrathin channels based on
fields as organic (polymer) synthesis, medical the SDF [2] relies on a very basic hydrodynamic
diagnostics and therapeutics, genomics, etc.) for effect: the viscous drag. This effect is present in
analytical tools capable of identifying and quan- every fluid flow, be it a liquid or a gas flow. In
tifying all compounds within small sample vol- pressure-driven flows, the viscous drag manifests
umes. Furthermore, methods should generate itself in an undesirable manner, as the stationary
more precise results, higher sensitivity, and this column and particle surfaces tend to slow down
in the fastest possible way. An efficient handling the fluid flow. In SDF, the viscous drag effect is
Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics 2977 S
Shear-Driven Micro- and
Fig. 1 Figure showing the
basic concept of a shear-
driven flow apparatus. (a)
The upper wall is kept
stationary, while the lower
wall moves (driven by
a linear translating stage) at
a constant velocity. In this
way, the fluid in the channel
is flown through the
channel. The dimensions of
width, length, and thickness
are not to scale. (b) This
shear-driven flow
technique results in a linear
flow profile inside the
microchannel with an
average fluid velocity that
is half the velocity of the
moving wall

turned into an asset. By conceiving channels with moved (Fig. 1b) relative to the element carrying
a moving wall element, this part of the channel the open channel, a flow is obtained which does
wall no longer acts as a flow resistance but not generate any pressure drop or pressure
instead provides a net source of impulse, drag- buildup. The flow rate is only determined by the
ging along the fluid through the channel without velocity of the moving wall element. As is taught S
the need to apply a pressure or voltage gradient. in nearly every basic hydrodynamic course, the
Instead of considering channels which are her- axial velocity in a laminar flow between two flat
metically sealed along their longitudinal axis, the plates displays a perfectly linear profile, going
channels are axially split into two separate sur- from u = 0 near the stationary wall to u = uwall
faces (Fig. 1a). While one of the surfaces is kept near the moving wall [4]. As the viscous drag
stationary, the other one is translated or rotated effect sustains this so-called shear-driven flow
past the first. A large number of different channel (SDF) at literally each point of the channel axis,
layouts can be used to put this principle into the flow is generated without any pressure drop or
practice. In the “Basic Methodology” section, pressure buildup. This also implies that none of
the more practical side of this technology is the fluid will leak through the axial split, which in
described in more detail. turn implies that the use of axially split channels,
Pure hydrodynamic considerations [3] easily forming the basis of the SDF concept, does not
allow showing that, when the flat wall element is pose any sealing problem. It can be shown [3] that
S 2978 Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics

in a channel with a flat-rectangular cross section generation of an electrical double layer but is
(width w , thickness d), if neglecting the small purely controlled by mechanical means, allowing
regions (width of order d) near the side walls, for much larger fluid velocities, and as the
a flow with a substantially linear radial velocity established velocity field is independent of the
profile (Fig. 1b) is established, with the mean nature of the fluid (3), the system also offers
fluid velocity (um) given by a perfect flow rate controllability and
1 It should be noted that, with the basic principle
um ¼ uwall (1)
2 described above, a large number of column shape
variants for SDF can be conceived. The use of
wherein uwall is the velocity of the moving wall. spiral- or helical-shaped channels to increase the
Since the factor 2 in Eq. 1 can also be consid- path length is such an example.
ered as a geometrical factor, representing the In our group, this type of flow principle has
ratio of the moving channel wall surface to the been researched extensively, and one of the most
total channel wall surface, it should be noted that important applications is situated in the field of
Eq. 1 only holds in a channel with a flat- chromatographic separations [5]. For chromato-
rectangular cross section, wide enough to neglect graphic purposes, SDF creates the possibility to
the surface of the side walls. It also shows that the use longer and thinner separation channels with-
SDF method intrinsically is an open-tubular tech- out any theoretical restriction on the fluid veloc-
nique: the moving wall cannot be used to gener- ity. Other advantages are the perfect
ate a significant flow through a packed bed, as the predictability, reproducibility of the established
stationary surface area in a packed bed is typi- flow rates, and the selection of the solvent or
cally orders of magnitude larger than the surface buffer composition solely on the basis of its abil-
area of the moving wall ever could be. ity to maximize selectivity or detection
The striking difference between Eq. 1 and the [6]. Shear-driven chromatography therefore
pressure-driven case that follows from leads to a high separation efficiency, and numer-
Poiseuille’s pressure drop law ous experimental setups have been used to dem-
onstrate the theoretical expected gain.
um cL SDF has also proven to be a successful tech-
DP ¼ (2)
d2 nique when it comes to enhancing the DNA
hybridization on DNA microarrays. The DNA
is that the fluid velocity is totally independent of microarray technology is a recently developed
the channel diameter (d) and the channel length technique that can be used to study gene expres-
(L), implying that the SDF concept offers an sion, mutation detection, or genome analysis and
intrinsic possibility to get around Poiseuille’s allows the analysis of hundreds of thousands of
pressure drop limitation on d and L. The fact genes or complete genomes in parallel. The
that neither the length and/or the thickness of power and universality of DNA microarrays as
the channels nor the physical properties of the experimental tools are derived from the exquisite
fluid influence the fluid velocity is one of the specificity and affinity of complementary base
most interesting properties of shear-driven pairing of the nucleic acids (the hybridization
flows. The SDF concept also retains all the ben- process). During the past decade, DNA
eficial characteristics of pressure-driven systems microarrays have become an important biological
(same choice of stationary- and mobile-phase tool for obtaining high-throughput genetic infor-
composition, same ruggedness, same possibility mation in studies of human disease states, toxi-
to perform temperature and solvent gradient pro- cological research, and gene expression profiling.
gramming, etc.). However, this technique still suffers from
The advantage with respect to the electroos- a number of inherent shortcomings such as lack
motic flow is that SDF does not rely on the of uniformity and slow hybridization speed.
Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics 2979 S

Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics, 0.7 mm (a–c) and from 5.2 to 1.6 mm (d–f) at the
Fig. 2 Compilation of a series of captured CCD images micromachined step, indicated by the white dashed line.
(20 magnification) of a micro-step separation experi- The relation between the apparent size of the particles and
ment of a mixture of 0.5-mm and 1.0-mm polystyrene cells does not correspond to the actual size ratio, due to the
beads (a–c) (uwall = 100 mm/s) and a mixture of E. coli disproportionately stronger fluorescence of the larger par-
and S. cerevisiae cells (d–f) (uwall = 10 mm/s, pure PBS). ticles and cells (Reproduced from [7])
The channel depth changes respectively from 3.3 to

The main cause for these shortcomings is the fact Staphylococcus aureus and Saccharomyces
that the hybridization process on the microarrays cerevisiae, and mixtures of Saccharomyces
is governed by the slow diffusion process of the cerevisiae and Escherichia coli cells in a micro-
target molecules toward their complementary or nanochannel that is only slightly larger than
probes. Using the SDF technique, this slow dif- the molecules themselves and is narrowed in
fusion process could be circumvented by a stepped structure.
transporting small target volumes over the micro- S
array surface, hence enhancing the hybridization
rate and sensitivity of the hybridization process Basic Methodology
The flexibility of the SDF fluid transport sys-
tem in nano- and micrometer thin channels Shear-Driven Chromatography (SDC)
enables to exploit numerous other possible appli- As it already has been described in the overview,
cations, especially if a high degree of spatial SDC is based on two well-polished surfaces, slid
confinement or an increase in the diffusion trans- one at the top of the other generating a fluid flow
port rates is required. Vankrunkelsven et al. used thanks to the viscous drag. For chromatographic
the SDF system for the size separation of macro- purposes, like in reverse-phase high-performance
molecules and microparticles in nano- and liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), the sample
micrometer-deep channels using micro-steps [7] solution (present in the mobile phase) needs to
(Fig. 2). The separation of 0.5- and 1.0-mm car- flow over a separation surface (the stationary
boxylated polystyrene beads, mixtures of phase) that can adsorb or absorb the sample
S 2980 Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics

molecules that need to be separated. The smallest completed, the motion of the translation stage is
(stationary) plate carries the stationary phase, restarted to perform the actual separation run
while the longer (moving) plate should either be (step 5). Apart from the second step, everything
inert or have an opposite hydrophobicity. Thus is automated. Using a computer-controlled vac-
far, the majority of the conducted separation uum switch (needed in steps 1 and 4) and
experiments have been carried out with mono- a syringe pump (needed in step 4), the entire
layer coatings of C8 and C18. Given the submi- injection process is currently completed in
cron channel heights, these monolayer coatings a couple of seconds [3].
already provide a sufficient retention capacity to The efficiency of chromatographic separations
separate a four-component coumarin dye mixture can be determined by calculating the plate
in the first few mm of a C8-coated nanochannel. heights. For the SDC system, the theoretical
The stationary plate also contains an etched rect- plate height (HETP) can be calculated using
angular nanochannel. These channels are pre- Eq. 3:
pared by deep reactive ion etching (RIE) using
2 1 þ 7k0 þ 16k0
a state-of-the-art etching machine: the AMS Dm
100 SE (Adixen, France). HETP ¼ 2  þ 
ð1 þ k 0 Þ
um 30 2
During the separation, the stationary channel
is placed on top of a well-polished fused silica
plate (Photox Optical Systems, Sheffield, UK). d2 2 k0 d2
 um  þ   u m 
This plate can be translated along the channel Dm 3 ð1 þ k0 Þ2 Ds
direction while the channel is kept in a fixed (3)
position (Fig. 3a). The velocity of the moving
channel part is controlled using an automatic The plate height is calculated using the molec-
translation stage. This translation stage is held ular diffusion coefficient of the mobile phase
in the microscope table. The epifluorescence (Dm), the mean fluid velocity (um), the retention
microscope is equipped with an Hg-vapor lamp factor (k0), the channel depth (d), the molecular
and a UV-1 filter cube set that allows to excite the diffusion coefficient of the stationary phase (Ds),
components at the right wavelength and to detect and the stationary phase thickness (d). In general,
the emitted fluorescent light (Fig. 3b). The pas- higher plate heights will lead to more efficient
sage of the excitation and emission light is separations or the possibility to perform more
ensured via the moving bottom part made of complex separations.
fused silica. The SDC channels are positioned
above the objective lens of the microscope. The Shear-Driven Hybridization (SDH)
emitted fluorescent light is taped by a charge- The system used to perform shear-driven hybrid-
coupled device (CCD) camera. ization (SDH) on microarrays consists of
The actual injection method is semiautomated a circular microchamber (diameter = 2 cm)
and consists basically of five successive steps. In etched in the center of a round, flatly polished
the first step, the inlet of the channel is cleaned, (flatness = l/4 at l = 512 nm) borosilicate glass
and all liquid present in front of the channel is wafer (Radiometer Nederland, the Netherlands)
removed. In the second step, a small drop of the with thickness 6 mm and diameter 5 cm [9]. This
sample mixture is deposited in front of the chan- wafer was subsequently clamped in a home-built,
nel inlet. During the third step, the moving wall is hybridization device (Fig. 4). The wafer is rotated
rapidly displaced over a given prescribed dis- with an automated rotation stage equipped with
tance depending on the injection volume. This a stepper motor (M-060, Physik Instrumente,
movement forces the sample deposited in front Karlsruhe, Germany) and controlled with
of the inlet into the channel. During the fourth NetMove420-software (Physik Instrumente,
step, the non-entered sample is aspirated and Karlsruhe, Germany). The circular PVC holding
replaced by pure buffer solution. When this is cup surrounding the glass wafer makes it possible
Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics 2981 S

Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics, Fig. 3 (a) lamp (a) and a UV-1 filter cube set (b) to excite the four
This figure shows the employed mechanical setup. The coumarin dyes (c) at the right wavelength (375 nm). The
stationary phase is deposited on the bottom surface of detection system consists of the two detectors, a CCD
a rectangular nanochannel [1]. The channel is placed on camera and a PMT device (d–e). The organization of the
top of a well-polished fused silica plate [3] which is employed flow principle is represented, as well as the
moved along the channel direction while the channel is orientation and direction of the light paths of the employed
kept in a fixed position by a homemade holder [2]. (b) The fluorescence detection scheme. The passage of the excita- S
main part of the detection setup is an inverted tion and emission light is ensured via the moving bottom
epifluorescence microscope equipped with a Hg-vapor part made of fused silica (f)

to control the temperature using a Julabo rotation of the glass wafer, the microarray slide
F32-MD Heating (and Refrigerated) Circulator was kept stationary, and a pressure of 1 bar was
(JD Instruments Inc., Houston, TX, USA), set at used to push the microarray substrate and the
T during all the experiments. microchamber against each other. For other
To carry out the hybridization experiments, hybridization experiments (coverslip and
a freshly spotted microarray slide was gently SlidePro), the standard hybridization procedures
deposited (spotted surface facing downward) on of the MicroArray Facility Lab (www.microar-
the top surface of the glass wafer. A volume of were followed. For the coverslip hybrid-
10 mL was applied in the 3.7-mm-deep ization, 30-mL sample was used to hybridize the
microchamber with diameter 2.0 cm. During the microarray slide for an overnight (16 h) period in
S 2982 Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics

Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics, Fig. 4 Bird’s- etched ring (4) made to limit the contact area between the
eye view schematic of the rotating microchamber hybrid- rotating bottom substrate and the microarray slide surface
ization setup, showing the rotation stage (1) and the and the microchamber (5). Finally, the microarray slide
stainless holding shaft (2). The PVC cup (3) is used for (6) seals the entire system
temperature control. The etched glass consists of an outer

an incubator at 42  C. Hybridizations using the Generation III (Amersham Biosciences, Buck-

SlidePro system (GE Healthcare) are performed inghamshire, UK). Image analysis was done
in independently temperature-controlled cham- using Array Vision 7.0-software (Imaging
bers, allowing customized process parameters to Research, ON, Canada) and Spotfire 8-software
be used for each slide. Up to 210 mL can be (Spotfire Inc., Somerville, MA, USA).
injected into each chamber. All experiments were started from 5-mg testis
All hybridization experiments were conducted total RNA and 5-mg lung total RNA per sample.
using conventional microarray procedures and This was first amplified by T7 in vitro transcrip-
made use of the VIB_Mouse_21K_II chip tion, and 5-mg aRNA was used for every labeling
(MicroArray Facility, Leuven, Belgium). As reaction. After labeling with Cy3/Cy5 dye, both
array elements, mouse spleen and heart total samples were mixed, and for every experiment,
RNA was used (BD Biosciences Clontech, Palo identical amounts of sample, i.e., 5-, 20- or
Alto, CA, USA). All different cDNA strands 40-pmol Cy3/Cy5 dye, were applied. The cDNA
were obtained by PCR amplification and were was further dissolved in a solution containing
arrayed on Amersham type 7 star slides 50 % formamide, 25 % buffer, 15 % Mouse
(Amersham Biosciences, Buckinghamshire, COT, and 7.5 % polydT35. This cDNA mixture
UK) using a commercial Generation III Array was then respectively denatured at 96 for 3 min,
Spotter (Amersham Biosciences, Buckingham- set on ice for 2 min, heated to 42 for 5 min,
shire, UK). The array elements were all spotted centrifuged at o = 12,000 rpm for another
at a concentration of 200 ng/mL. The spots 5 min, and subsequently held on ice before apply-
(diameter 100 mm and spaced 20–30 mm apart), ing it on the microarray slide.
situated in the circular spotted area, were grouped
in 2  5 different blocks of 21  44 spots.
Prior to each experiment, the arrays were Key Research Findings
slightly dampened and UV cross-linked at
50 mJ followed by a prehybridization in Shear-Driven Chromatography (SDC)
2SSPE/0.2%SDS at 26 for 30 min. After In our lab, the use of the shear-driven technology
hybridization, the slides were washed three to perform chromatographic separation has been
times for 10 min in, respectively, 1SSC/0.2% investigated since 1999, and the results obtained
SDS, 0.1SSC/0.2%SDS, and 0.1SSC/0.2% thus far are remarkable. Yet there is still room for
SDS at 56 and 1 time for 1 min in 0.1SSC at improvement. Especially the enhancement of the
room temperature. The slides were then scanned detection system and the automation of the injec-
at 532 nm using a commercial Array Scanner tion procedure have been the two main focus
Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics 2983 S
Shear-Driven Micro- and
Fig. 5 Compilation of
a series of subsequent CCD
camera images of the
separation of a mixture of
four coumarin dyes (C440,
C450, C460, and C480)
injected at a concentration
of 10 M in a channel with
d = 280 nm

points. They are considered as the Achilles’ heel detecting in the 300-nm-deep region of the
of this technique. It has already been proven that nanochannel, the detection occurs in a small but
a separation of four coumarin dyes is possible in much deeper region enabling an enhanced detec-
less than 2 s. Figure 5 shows such a separation of tion. An experimental study was carried out in
a mixture of four coumarin dyes (C440, C450, order to proof the efficiency of the detection
C460, and C480) in a 300-nm-deep channel in grooves. A 4.75-mm-deep and 4-mm-wide detec-
1.8 s. The velocity of the moving wall is 2 mm/s tion groove, running perpendicular to the mean
(i.e., far below the optimal flow velocity which is flow direction, was etched (Fig. 6a). This resulted
situated around 10 mm/s) in order to be compat- in a fivefold lower detection limit in
ible with the scan rate of the charge-coupled a 300-nanometer-deep nanochannel. This five-
device (CCD) camera. About 2,000 plate num- fold gain in S/N ratio is however about three
bers per second can be achieved. This offers the times lower than the theoretically expected gain,
possibility to yield over 10,000 plates per centi- based on the ratio of the channel depth outside
meter in a few seconds. A separation at 8 mm far and inside the groove. Measurements performed
from the inlet of the channel does not yield unfor- under stationary conditions indicated that this
tunately the hoped 8,000 plates per second but underachievement is due to scattering light
4,000. The reason of the drop in efficiency is losses. The plate number loss accompanying the
explained by the channel irregularities and the passage of the peaks through the detection groove
use of 10 times more concentrated solutions to in a 1-cm-long and 300-nm-deep channels coated S
allow detecting far from the injection region. with a retentive layer would be of order of 20 %.
The separation experiments with the detection
Detection Enhancement groove were however still insufficient for more
The observation that the SDC technique couldn’t qualitative studies. This can be attributed to the
reach the theoretical predicted efficiency led us to semi-manual injection procedure that is not
find a way to enhance the detection system. reproducible enough. The standard variation of
A very simple idea about locally deepened chan- three consecutive injections can vary from 1 % up
nels was investigated. By creating a small but to 50 % mainly due to the manual handling in this
10–30 times deeper region (detection groove, injection procedure.
Fig. 6a) in the channel structure near the exit,
a 10–30 times more intense fluorescent signal Fully Automated Injection System
can be expected. The groove accumulates the To tackle the injection problems, a new
fluid passing in the channel, and instead of automated injection system was tested (Fig. 6b).
S 2984 Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics

Shear-Driven Micro- and

Nanofluidics, Fig. 6 (a)
Schematic overview of the
detection groove structure.
In the nanochannel structure
(1–2), a deeper groove (3) is
etched to enhance the
detection. With this type of
groove (with a depth of
4.75 mm; see side view),
a fivefold decrease in the
detection limit could be
obtained. (b) Outline of the
automated injection system.
(a) The supply channels in
the PMMA connect to
a cavity above the injection
micro-well. (b) Wyko
(optical profilometry) scan
of the backside of the etched
well, showing the position
of the injection slit in the
channel, together with the
non-etched channel spacer
regions (1, 2) delimiting the
lateral extent of the channel
and the non-etched region
(3) preventing the mobile
phase that is present in front
of the channel to enter the
channel. The flow direction
is indicated by the arrows

An injection slit etched by Bosch avoids any It was experimentally shown that a good
formation of asymmetrically shaped plugs, reproducibility occurred both for the peak width
which typically occurs during loading of the and for the sample concentration (standard devi-
sample in wide channels. The slit is connected ations are max. 4 % and 8 %, respectively),
to a vacuum system and syringes for the supply whereas the plug concentration was 80 % of the
of the analyte and the mobile phase. A CFD original sample concentration. It was also
simulation was first performed to compare observed that with the current setup the lower
different injection well shapes and configurations limit of the peak width was 122 mm. This is
in order to account for less profitable a consequence of the fact that peak width origi-
configurations. nating from convection becomes negligible to the
The main problems related to the contribution of diffusion during filling and flush-
semiautomated injection method (the definition ing. This automated and closed system paves the
of plugs is highly dependent on the dicing quality way for further functionalities in shear-driven
of the substrate, the method is slow which gives chromatography, i.e., gradient elution and
rise to peak broadening by diffusion, reproduc- parallelization.
ibility is bad because of uncontrolled dilution and
manual handling, and no gradient in the mobile- Shear-Driven Hybridization (SDH)
phase composition can be created) could be A second important application of the shear-
resolved by this new method. It would hence driven technology based on the microarray tech-
allow performing complex separations. nique has been investigated as well in our group.
Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics 2985 S
Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics, coverslip and SlidePro, respectively.
Table 1 Comparison of hybridization conditions on the A comparison of these three types of hybridization
shear-driven rotating microchamber system, the diffusion-
driven coverslip system, and the SlidePro (GE Healthcare) systems (Table 1) showed that, compared to the
for a mouse heart and spleen total RNA sample on the results with an automated slide processor
VIB_Mouse_5KI microarray chip (SlidePro, GE Healthcare), the relative intensity
Shear-driven Diffusion SlidePro of the spots increased with a factor 2 for the
hybridization under automated coverslip hybridization and with a factor 4 for
system coverslip hybridization the shear-driven hybridization. Furthermore, the
Amount 40 40 40 total number of spots that could be flagged as
being hybridized rose from 67 % with the SlidePro
(in pmol) system and 80 % under the coverslip to 87 % with
Sample 10 30 210 the SDH system. This significant rise in the num-
volume (in mL) ber of spots points to the great potential of SDH as
Sample 3.00 1.00 0.14 it will be possible to detect a larger number of
hybridized spots with the same amount of sample
(in pmol
Cy3/mL) or detect the same amount of spots with a smaller
Hybridization 2 16 16 sample consumption. An even better gain could be
time (h) obtained by making the shear-driven hybridization
Surface 314 1,000 1,000 last longer than 2 h. All experiments with the SDH
microchamber system lasted 2 h, while the SlidePro and coverslip
(in mm2)
hybridizations lasted for 16 h.
Hybridized 87 % 80 % 67 %
spots Figure 7 shows images of experiments identi-
Relative 396 % 189 % 100 % cal to the ones from Table 1. It was clear from
intensity these images that the overall intensity of the spots
was much greater for the SDH system than for the
coverslip and SlidePro hybridization. For this
Earlier reports show that the most ideal flow series (Fig. 7a) of experiments, the SlidePro
principle for hybridization on the microarrays is hybridization was conducted with a total amount
an intermitting flow mode where the fluid is kept of 40-pmol-incorporated Cy3/Cy5 dyes, while
stationary for a certain period, followed by a short the SDH and coverslip hybridizations were
movement of the fluid. The stationary period is performed with only 20-pmol-incorporated
necessary to allow the target molecules to form Cy3/Cy5 dyes. It is even possible to drop the
hybrids with their complementary probes, while concentration even further to 5-pmol-
the short fluid pulses are necessary to refresh the incorporated Cy3/Cy5 dyes in the sample
target mixture above the microarray spots. (Fig. 7b) and still be able to get good results S
A further evaluation of the efficiency of the with the SDH system, compared to SlidePro,
SDH system consisted of a series of hybridiza- where almost no hybridization occurred.
tions with complex target samples (mouse spleen This report shows how a working prototype
and heart) on slides containing more than 21,000 for microarray hybridizations based on the shear-
cDNA fragments. In order to compare SDH with driven technology has been developed and tested.
other types of hybridization approaches, all The key factor for the success of the SDH method
experiments started from the same amount of was the combination of the mixing, circumvented
genetic material (i.e., 40-pmol Cy3/Cy5-labeled the slow molecular diffusion, and the reduction of
cDNA) (Table 1). sample volume generated more concentrated
As the amount of labeled sample was kept the samples and higher final intensity values of the
same for all experiments, SDH had an immediate microarray spots. The concentration was indeed
advantage as the sample concentration is increased found to be a major factor on the effect of con-
from 3- to 21-fold compared to the conventional vection to reach higher signal intensities.
S 2986 Shear-Driven Micro- and Nanofluidics

Shear-Driven Micro- and

Nanofluidics, Fig. 7 A
series of different
hybridization experiments
done with 20 pmol
(coverslip and SDH) and
40 pmol (SlidePro) of
incorporated Cy3/Cy5 dyes
(a) and with 5 pmol of
incorporated Cy3/Cy5 dyes
(b). All experiments were
done with mouse heart
(Cy3) versus spleen (Cy5)
total RNA sample on the
microarray chip

Future Directions for Research Cross-References

The investigations into the fundaments of the shear- ▶ DNA Microarrays

driven technique and the different applications ▶ Electroosmotic Flow (DC)
(SDC, SDH, etc.) are still ongoing. Fundamentally, ▶ Pressure-Driven Flow
different types of spacer walls are being tested in ▶ Reactive Ion Etching (RIE)
order reduce the channel depth under the 100 nm
boundary. Until now, 100 nm has been the limit of
the shear-driven fluidics. Other channel designs and
etching techniques are now being used to reduce References
even further the channel depths in order to reach
sub-100-nm nanofluidic flows. Also the develop- 1. Bhuiyan LB, Outhwaite CW, Levine S (1979) Chem
ment toward infinite moving wall elements and Phys Lett 66:321
2. Desmet G, Baron GV (2000) Anal Chem 72:2160
high-throughput formats is being studied. 3. Schlichting H (1958) Boundary layer theory. Mc-Graw
For SDC applications, apart from detection Hill, London
enhancement and the automation of the injection 4. Desmet G, Baron GV (1999) J Chromatogr
system, much effort is put into the development A 855:57–70
5. Desmet G, Vervoort N, Clicq D, Baron GV
of novel stationary phases and the application of (2001) J Chromatogr A 924:111
gradient elutions. 6. Clicq D, Pappaert K, Vankrunkelsven S, Vervoort N,
Currently, a novel SDH prototype is being devel- Baron GV, Desmet G (2004) Anal Chem
oped to enable a 100 % coverage of the microarray 76(23):430A–438A
7. Vankrunkelsven S, Clicq D, Pappaert K, Baron GV,
slide, where our current prototype covers only 30 % Desmet G (2004) Anal Chem 76:3005–3011
of the microarray slide. In order to use shear-driven 8. Clicq D, Pappaert K, Vankrunkelsven S, Vervoort N,
convection on standard microarray slides, the proto- Baron GV, Desmet G (2004) Anal Chem
type needs to be redesigned from a rotating to 76(23):430A–438A
9. Vanderhoeven J, Pappaert K, Dutta B, van
a lateral movement or change the standard microar- Hummelen P, Desmet G (2005) Anal Chem
ray slides to microarrays on round disks. 77:4474–4480
Shockwaves in Microchannels 2987 S
discussed in the literature are manufactured
Shockwave through microfabrication techniques, but not

Large-amplitude nonlinear pressure wave pro- Overview

duced in a supersonic field or flow. The fluid
passing through this discontinuity undergoes Since new and more complex microfabrication
a finite decrease in velocity accompanied by techniques became available, scientists have
a marked increase in pressure, density, tempera- been trying to replicate at the microscale techno-
ture, and entropy. logically more advanced systems and devices that
have been available only at the large scale so far.
During this process, it has been discovered that
Cross-References the laws of fluid mechanics and fluid dynamics do
not necessarily scale linearly with the geometric
▶ Shockwaves in Microchannels dimensions. Although in the last 10 years many
questions have been answered regarding the
behavior of fluid flow at the microscale, some
phenomena still remain unclear. Among them is
Shockwaves in Microchannels the phenomenon of shockwave propagation and
compressibility effects inside a microchannel.
Florin Iancu and Norbert M€uller By its nature, the shockwave phenomenon
Michigan State University, East Lansing, happens in the microscale domain since the
MI, USA shockwave normal width is equal to a few mean
free paths (less than a micrometer).

Basic Methodology
Micro-shock tube; Pressure wave
Estimates of pressure drops can be made using
the traditional theory and correlations. However,
Definition accurate prediction of pressure drops in
microchannels for nonslip flows is not possible
Shockwaves are large-amplitude, nonlinear pres- [1]. For better prediction many models have been
sure waves produced in a supersonic field or flow. proposed [2]. Shockwave phenomena in S
The fluid passing through this discontinuity microchannels have been investigated analyti-
undergoes a finite decrease in velocity accompa- cally and numerically, and experimental work is
nied by a marked increase in pressure, density, under way.
temperature, and entropy.
Although the concept of microchannel has Knudsen Number
been in the field literature for some time now, The Knudsen number Kn, defined as the ratio
a clear definition of it has not yet been enunci- between the mean free path of the molecules
ated. However, it is the general understanding and the characteristic length of the system, is
that any channel that has a characteristic dimen- often used to establish the domain level of the
sion is between 1 mm and 1 mm is considered to phenomenon and limits in the model application
be a microchannel. Most of the microchannels ranges. For Kn 1 the usual continuum
S 2988 Shockwaves in Microchannels

modeling is valid. Satisfactory prediction of The microchannel geometric characteristics are

experimental results can be obtained until length (2L) and hydraulic diameter (DH, equal to
Kn = 0.3, but the question is raised as to whether four times the area divided by the perimeter of
it is possible to further extend the continuum a section), shown in Fig. 1a. The model relates the
modeling accounting more correctly for surface efficiency of the compression process to the
phenomena like the reflection law, and the Knud- velocity, pressure, and temperature of the gas at
sen layer, or whether the validity limit of the the entrance of the channel (station 1: u1, p1, T1);
continuum approach is reached here [3]. the pressure ratio across the shock PS; the fric-
tion coefficient f; and channel dimensions.
Analytical Modeling In Fig. 1a, a shockwave is shown that moves in
A one-dimensional mathematical model based on the opposite direction to the flow and is posi-
basic physical background has been created to tioned in the middle of the channel. It can be
investigate the efficiency of shockwave compres- shown that a snapshot evaluation at the mid posi-
sion in microchannels. The model considers the tion is a good representation of the overall results
entropy produced by a single normal shockwave and does not affect the accuracy of the model.
that runs through the channel and by the wall Friction is considered along the lengths L before
friction due to the gas flow through the channel. and after the shock. The frictional effect is
Entry losses are also taken into consideration. modeled as shear stress at the wall acting on
Only heat transfer is neglected, following a fluid with uniform properties over the cross
a recent study [4] that shows no significant effect section.
of heat transfer on the compression efficiency in
silicon microchannels. One-Dimensional Flow with Friction
Focusing on the phenomenon occurring inside Using equations of one-dimensional compress-
a single channel, the normal shockwave is ible flow with friction, and knowing the condi-
modeled by gas dynamics for one-dimensional tions at station 1, the conditions at station 2, just
flow [5]. The model has been presented with air before the arrival of the shockwave, can be
as working fluid modeled as an ideal gas and obtained. Temperature and velocity at station
a friction coefficient that varies along the channel 1 determine the speed of sound (Eq. 1) and the
as a function of gas-dynamic conditions. Mach number (Eq. 2):

0 1 2 3 4
u1, p1, T1, a1 u4, p4, T4, a4
p01, T01 p04, T04,


u2, p2, T2, a2 u3, p3, T3, a3

p02, T02, p03, T03,

Shockwaves in
Microchannels, 0 1 2 3 4
u1, p1, T1, a1 u4, p4, T4, a4
Fig. 1 One-dimensional
p01, T01 p04, T04
model of a microchannel:
(a) with shock traveling in w,Ms,
the direction opposite to the
flow; (b) with shock u2, p2, T2, a2 u3, p3, T3, a3
traveling in the direction of
the flow p02, T02, p03, T03,
Shockwaves in Microchannels 2989 S
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
a¼ gRT (1) M1 2 þ ðg  1Þ  M21
p2 ¼ p1   (7)
M2 2 þ ðg  1Þ  M22
M¼ (2)
2 þ ðg  1Þ  M21
T2 ¼ T1  (8)
The Mach number at station 2 is found, by using 2 þ ðg  1Þ  M22
the sonic condition as it would develop due to
friction, from the state in station 1 through Jump Conditions Across a Moving Shock
station 2, at the virtual distance from station Knowing T2, the speed of sound a2 (Eq. 1) and
1 denoted with L1 (Eq. 3), as can be derived then flow velocity u2 can be calculated. Assum-
from the momentum equation, expressing the ing that the distance between stations 2 and 3 is
shear stress in terms of friction coefficient and negligible, and knowing the pressure ratio across
integrating between station 1 and the point where the shock PS = p3/p2, conditions at station 3 can
M = 1 [5]: be obtained by the normal shock relations (Eqs. 9
and 10):
D 1  M21 g þ 1 ðg þ 1Þ  M21 0 1
L1 ¼ þ  ln gþ1
4  f g  M21 2g 2 þ ðg  1Þ  M21
B g  1 þ PS C
(3) T 3 ¼ T 2  PS  B
A (9)
1þ  PS
The classical theory of laminar flow relates the g1
friction coefficient to be proportional to the
From the three basic Euler equations, the Mach
Reynolds number:
number of the shockwave, MS, can be found:
64 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
f ¼ (4) gþ1
Re MS ¼  ð P S  1Þ þ 1 (10)
The Reynolds number is dependent on density r,
viscosity m, velocity u, and hydraulic diameter Further, the induced velocity of the flow behind
(Eq. 5): the wave up can be calculated:
r  u  DH u
Re ¼ (5) u 2g
m a2 u gþ1
up ¼  ð P S  1 Þ  u (11)
g tg  1
þ PS
Since the same sonic condition develops from gþ1 S
the flow in station 1 and 2, the difference between
the two virtual distances to sonic condition The velocity of the flow at station 3 is a vector
equals the distance L between both station sum of the initial velocity of the flow and the
1 and 2: velocity induced by the moving shockwave:

L ¼ L1  L2 (6) u3 ¼ u2 þ up (12)

Applying Eq. 3 to station 2 and substituting L2 From station 3 to station 4, the same algorithm is
from the Eqs. 6 and 3 can be solved for Mach applied as for the flow traveling from station 1 to
number M2. Pressure and temperature at station station 2.
2 then can be calculated with the continuity equa- Since this is an unsteady process the total prop-
tion in adiabatic conditions, Eqs. 7 and 8, know- erties behind the shock at station 3 are different
ing M2 and all conditions at station 1: from the ones in front of the shock (station 2).
S 2990 Shockwaves in Microchannels

Shockwaves in
Fig. 2 Efficiency of
shockwave compression
process as a function of
entry temperature for
different shock strengths
and for a shock traveling in
the opposite direction to the
flow. Results obtained with
one-dimensional code

The total pressure is calculated using the known been calculated. For the reason that for a laminar
properties of the induced mass motion instead flow at microscale the friction coefficient does
of being directly calculated from the equation not depend linearly on the Reynolds number [6],
of state. a second set of efficiencies for the same range of
The isentropic efficiency of the compression inlet temperatures has been presented using the
process is defined as temperature difference for experimentally obtained dependence of the fric-
an isentropic process versus a real process: tion coefficient on the Reynolds number. Both
sets of efficiency results are represented in
 gairg 1 Fig. 2. The efficiencies obtained with the exper-
DT S p1
1 imentally determined friction coefficient are
C ¼ ¼ (13)
DT T4 about 10 % higher than those obtained using the
T1 theoretical friction coefficient. For each pressure
ratio across the shock, an optimum entry temper-
Analytical Results ature can be found that results in the highest
The model described has been applied to com- shockwave compression efficiency. Another
pressible air flow with Reynolds numbers in the observation that can be made is that the values
range of 500 to 1,500. These values were of efficiency vary only a little with entry temper-
obtained using Eq. 5 that is also valid for ature, justifying the use of a constant friction
shockwave propagation in a narrow channel coefficient determined for the inlet temperature.
[2]. Further, based on the analysis of gas flow This effect is caused by the competing effects of
characteristics in silicon microchannels [6], the the temperature in Eq. 3: higher temperature
friction coefficient f has been found to be approx- leads to lower Mach number for the same inlet
imately 0.04 for a Reynolds number of 500, while velocity, but lower Reynolds number, thus higher
for Reynolds numbers greater than 1,000, the friction coefficient.
friction coefficient becomes less than 0.005. While the length/diameter ratio is an impor-
A variable friction coefficient is introduced tant parameter in shock tube design, its effect on
dependent on Reynolds number and therefore the shock compression efficiency is not very sig-
indirectly dependent on viscosity and tempera- nificant over a wider range. However, at lower
ture. Using Eq. 13, the efficiency results for var- pressure ratios its effect is more considerable. For
ious entry temperatures and shock strengths have a shock strength PS = 1.8, the variation is only
Shockwaves in Microchannels 2991 S
Π=1.5 L/D=5.3
0.95 Π=1.6 L/D=5.9
Π=1.7 L/D=6.7
Efficiency (%)

0.94 Π=1.8

0.93 L/D=11.1

optima line

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Dimensionless length/diameter ratio Shock pressure ratio

Shockwaves in Microchannels, Fig. 3 Efficiency of a shock traveling in the direction of the flow. Results
shockwave compression process as function of microchannel obtained with analytical one-dimensional code
length/diameter ratio for different shock strengths and for

a b
Radial compressor
End Plates Radial wave rotor
LPA port
Channels HPG port
LPG port
LPG HPA port
HPA Radial turbine


Shockwaves in Microchannels, Fig. 4 (a) Active components of conventional axial wave rotor. (b) Radial ultra-
microwave rotor used to enhance a microfabricated gas turbine
3.3 % for a diameter from DH = 30 mm up to that shockwave motion at low Reynolds numbers
100 mm and a 1 mm channel length. Efficiency is governed by convection as well as viscosity,
results are plotted in Fig. 3. The left graphs pre- another one-dimensional model that utilizes the
sent the results versus length/diameter ratio with Reynolds analogy for heat and momentum trans-
shock pressure ratio as parameter, while the fer could be applied to the phenomenon of shock
graph on the right side is like a side view with and detonation attenuation in narrow
the length/diameter ratio as parameter. On the channels [7].
right side the solid line connects the optimum
pressure ratios for maximum efficiency for each Numerical Modeling and Simulation
length/diameter ratio. Numerical Model
While in the application of the above With the goal of simulating as best as possible the
described procedure the influence of heat transfer real-life conditions in a wave rotor channel
has been found negligible, under the presumption (Fig. 4), a two-dimensional numerical model
S 2992 Shockwaves in Microchannels

4.11e+05 a
3.96e+05 2 3
Static pressure (Pa)

3.02e+05 @ time = 0.25

2.56e+05 b
2.40e+05 2 3
@ time = 1.00

Shockwaves in Microchannels, Fig. 5 Static pressure inside a microchannel at two different time steps. Time = 1 is
when a pressure wave reached the end of the channel. Flow moving from left to right

has been presented [8]. The channel modeled is then be seen distributed over more than a half of
1 mm long and 76 mm wide and has a larger inlet the length of the channel (Fig. 5b). This effect
duct (port) and opens into a larger outlet port. The has already been noted in experiments with
mesh size in channels and inlet and outlet ports microscale shock tubes [9], originating from
has been based on the results of a grid sensitivity the stronger influence of the viscous forces at
study. A tetrahedral mesh is used with a 2 mm cell low Reynolds numbers. In the density contour
size for the channel and paved 10 mm cells for the plot (Fig. 6), the existence of the boundary layer
inflow and outflow ports that sequence the flow can be seen clearly, behind the shockwave as
through the channel. Air treated as soon as it has traveled about 20 % of the channel
a compressible ideal gas is used for modeling length.
the flow. Many more CFD simulations at the microscale
exist and the numerical reproduction of the
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Results behavior of pressure-driven flows in
The data trend of the above presented analytical microchannels has been obtained often [2, 10].
study has been verified by computational fluid Some discrepancies have been found between
dynamics (CFD) analysis. Moreover, some numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equa-
microscale-specific effects could be seen: for tions and experimental data obtained in viscosity-
the initial part of the process, the pressure drop dominated shock tube investigations. It was
is confined over a short distance (between sta- noticed that even using fine grid cells of a few
tions 2 and 3 in Fig. 5a); as the shockwave travels micrometers, the solution of the Navier-Stokes
further from the left to the right, the pressure equations still does not match experimental
gradient dissipates more and more continuously data of shockwave reflection transition over a
over a longer range. Instead of a well-defined wedge [2]. It has been pointed out that the solu-
shockwave, a set of compression waves can tion of shockwave motion at low Reynolds
Shockwaves in Microchannels 2993 S
Density (Kg/m3)

2.10e+00 @ time = 0.35
Boundary layer influence

Shockwaves in Microchannels, Fig. 6 Density contours inside a microchannel. Time = 1 is when a pressure wave
reached the end of the channel. Flow moving from left to right

numbers requires the finding of a two- is of the order of a microsecond for a channel
dimensional unsteady solution of the Navier- length of 1 mm.
Stokes equations and doubts are raised that Despite the behavior of shockwave motion in
the inclusion of transport phenomena as pertur- large shock tubes at relatively high Reynolds
bations to a simple shock tube flow would be numbers being extensively investigated in the
adequate for a reliable flow description. 1950s and 1960s [2], little work has been done
Numerical simulation might become a more for low Reynolds number flows, especially at
efficient and economic way to analyze shock small scales. The experimental investigation of
and flow phenomena at the microscale [2]. shock propagation in microchannels could pro-
However, there is still a great need of experimen- vide valuable validation information on
tal results to verify and support all the viscosity-dominated compressible flows.
theoretical assumptions made in CFD and to Two-dimensionality of the flow in channels is
establish reliable numerical models and favorable for any validation effort. However, no
schemes [2, 10]. shock visualization in microchannels has been S
published. Nevertheless, using the schlieren
Experimental Approach method for flow visualization to record the
Although the accuracy of present experiments is shock propagation has been successful down to
still not high enough to fully validate numerical a channel size of 3  3 mm cross section and
models and solution schemes [2], more experi- 42 mm length [11]. Investigations for
mental investigations are needed in order to better microchannels are under way.
understand the physics of shockwaves at the
microscale. A good experiment will focus on try- Single-Channel Experiment
ing to visualize the shock front, but a difficult task, Shockwave Visualization on 3 mm Wide Channels
besides obtaining good clarity, is recording the At the University of Tokyo, the schlieren method
images. Although the geometric dimensions are and a high-speed camera have been used for
scaled down, the shock velocities remain in the capturing images of the flow of a traveling
same high range; thus, the duration of shock travel shockwave in channels of 3  3 mm cross section
S 2994 Shockwaves in Microchannels

Shockwaves in Microchannels, Fig. 7 Silicon microchannels: (a) Top view. (b) Bottom view

and 42 and 168 mm length. The channels were microfabricated die. On the top side, the channels
closed at one end and high-pressure air (250 kPa) and the flow plenums can be observed, and on the
was supplied at the other end by means of rotating bottom side, the access holes and the alignment
ports. The effect of the transient opening was marks can be seen. The quality of the geometry
neglected during preliminary calculations and it resulting from the microfabrication technique is
was observed that it does not affect the shock impressive: even the smallest channel (90 mm in
propagation during the experimental investiga- width) has crisp edges and a well-defined shape.
tions. Shockwave propagation speed has been Figure 8 shows SEM images of the four channels.
reported as 300–400 m/s in both tubes. Interest- In a first experiment with these micro-shock
ingly, no boundary layer effects on the shock tubes, the channels are connected via access
propagation or shockwave dissipation were ports to stainless steel tubing (1.02 mm outer
observed. The wall friction effect seemed not to diameter) to a nitrogen supply tank. A quick
play an important role in the shockwave release valve releases the nitrogen through the
behavior [11]. microchannel. Since the silicon wafer surface is
highly reflective, reflection laser interferometry
Microchannel Experiments in Preparation for is used to capture the passing of the shockwave.
90–720 mm Wide Channels
At Michigan State University a single-channel Microchannel Experiments in Preparation for
experiment has been developed to investigate 10 mm
the wave phenomenon. A set of similar channels A similar experiment is currently being designed
have been designed in order to obtain more infor- at Sherbrooke University [12]. The goal is to
mation on what the characteristic dimension is at build and test a true shock tube with two cavities
which the shockwave behavior starts to deviate filled with gases at different pressures, divided by
from macroscale theory. The channels have the a breakable membrane. The aspect ratio of the
same length/width ratio and same height; the channel is 100 and a pressure ratio of 2 is planned
length and width are varied (90  750 mm2, for a Reynolds number of 100. These conditions
180  1,500 mm2, 360  3,000 mm2, 720  could be achieved in a 5 mm diameter/500 mm
6,000 mm2), while the height is uniformly long tube with pressures of 1 and 2 mbar, respec-
360 mm. The channels are etched in a silicon tively. But the low pressures typically exclude the
wafer and closed on top with glass. The access possibility for flow visualization or measurement.
ports are etched on the bottom side of the silicon Therefore, a more favorable solution is planned
wafer. Figure 7 shows photos of the silicon/glass that will create the same hydrodynamic flow,
Shockwaves in Microchannels 2995 S

Shockwaves in Microchannels, Fig. 8 Different size channels visualized with SEM: (a) 90 and 180 mm wide
channels. (b) 360 and 720 mm wide channels

using a micro-shock tube with a hydraulic diam- Compressibility and Rarefaction Effect
eter of 10 mm, operating at pressures close to With the dominant occurrence of boundary layer
atmospheric conditions. effects in microchannel flow, in gaseous flows
The tube is created with a squared cross sec- considerable decrease in density is observed
tion, 10 mm wide. The driver and driven section with increasing flow length due to viscous dissi-
have equal lengths. The driver and driven sec- pation [14]. This is also referred to as the rarefac-
tions are separated by a membrane, and the test tion effect. Compressibility and rarefaction
section is prefilled with the test gas during fabri- effects have been studied in three-dimensional
cation. The top side of the tube is made of a plate gas flow with Reynolds number varying from
comprising direct-sensing piezoelectric gauges, 0.0001 to 1.2 and pressure ratio varying from
used for timing the arrival of pressure waves. 1.5 to 5.0, with the Knudsen number varying
from 0.001 to 0.06 [3]. It has been found that
the pressure drop for compressible flows exhibits
Key Research Findings an unusual nonlinear behavior as compared to
that for incompressible flows. Especially at high
Microscale Flow Phenomena pressure ratio (or Reynolds number), the com-
The overall conclusion is that while the currently pressibility effect becomes dominant although
available experimental data suggest the presence the Mach number may still be very small. So S
of microscale phenomena, they do not unequivo- typically Knudsen number increases from inlet
cally identify the effects [1, 13]. In general it is to outlet for compressible microchannel flow.
found that the boundary layer effects are domi-
nant at and below the microscale resulting in Isothermal Effect
rarefaction effects in gaseous flow. However, At the microscale the time scales associated with
the no-slip boundary condition appears to hold heat loss mechanisms reduce dramatically. How-
true less and less with smaller scale. The slip-flow ever, the characteristic time scales for heat
effect is seen to result in less frictional pressure release, governed by the deflagration process,
drop than the continuum model predicts. Further remain fairly independent of scale [9]. In long,
it is widely pointed out that sudden increases in non-insulated microchannels, an isothermal flow
pressure (due to a shockwave) dissipate gradually assumption has been found accurate for Mach
when propagating through a microchannel due to numbers M  1= g , where g is the specific
high hydraulic resistance. heat ratio [14]. Values of laminar Nusselt number
S 2996 Shockwaves in Microchannels

y=0 v=0 y=0 v≠0


Shockwaves in Microchannels, Fig. 9 Nonslip versus slip-flow wall velocity

increase with the cross-sectional aspect ratio and single-phase internal flows [1], it has been found
the surface roughness [15]. that the only definitive conclusion that can be
reached from the currently available data is that
Slip Flow gaseous slip-flow data indicate an approximate
With scale in particular, changes in fluid-surface 60 % reduction in f compared to macroscale
interactions, such as the wetting ability of the theory at the same Re (while for laminar nonslip
fluid, can affect the ability of the fluid to water flow f appears to be approximately 20 %
exchange momentum with the surface at the higher than the theoretical predictions). The find-
atomic scale, resulting in a slip velocity vslip at ing for compressible slip flow seems to be
the solid wall as shown in Fig. 9 [16]. The slip supported by a simple analytical correlation
length yslip gives the imaginary location behind with the factor c
0.6 0.05 [3]:
the wall where nonslip condition with zero flow
speed v = 0 would be found. Slip flow has been ðf ReÞslip Dh
¼ (14)
reported for both liquid and gaseous flow. Espe- ðf ReÞnon-slip Dh þ c
cially at Kn < 0.1, the effect of slip flow has been
seen resulting in reduced pressure loss gradient The currently available experimental data for
and hence increased mass flow rate. Deviations other types of flows are inconclusive, as they
from Poiseuille flow predictions are not related to appear both above and below the theoretical pre-
turbulence when Re is too low but to deviations dictions (although data for each researcher are
from the no-slip boundary conditions. Increase in consistently either greater or less than theoretical
the mass flow for given inlet and outlet pressures values). In part, these differences may be
for microchannel flows has been based on attributed to roughness of the channels, to lack
a perturbation expansion of the Navier-Stokes of well-controlled surface structures, and to
equations with a first-order correction of wall uncertainty in the determination of channel
slip [14]. More factors regarding non-continuum dimensions. Some researchers estimate the
effect, compressibility effect, and surface effects entrance effects in determining the microchannel
are presented in [17]. friction factor, while, much better, the measure-
ments should be taken within the microchannel
Friction Factor near the channel entrance and exit. Further,
Discrepancy between the conventional theory preliminarily it has been concluded that, regard-
and the microchannel measurements of friction ing nonslip microchannel flows, f appears
factor f in gaseous flow has been attributed to to increase with surface roughness and this
compressibility [6]. In general it appears that effect seems to intensify with higher surface
fRe for compressible slip flow is less than roughness.
that for the incompressible case [3]. In For Re < 700, global pressure drop has been
a comprehensive study of results of microscale shown to be proportional to Re. For Re > 700, it
Shockwaves in Microchannels 2997 S
deviates from the linear relationship with the dT p ffiffiffiffiffi
¼ 0:975 Pr
deviation dependent on Re. Also it has been d
found that f increases with the cross-sectional
aspect ratio and the surface roughness [15]. Shockwave Phenomena at the Microscale
Dominant viscous and wall effects appear to
Critical Reynolds Number influence considerably shockwave behavior at
There is an ongoing debate regarding the critical the microscale. Sudden increase in pressure (due
Reynolds number Rcr for microfluidics at which to a shockwave) vanishes gradually in time due to
the transition from laminar to turbulent flow hydraulic resistance [18]. So, it has been observed
starts. The determination of Rcr depends very that, subsequent to the arrival of the shocks, the
much on the method used. Rcr varies widely pressure increases continuously which is not con-
from 300 to 2,200 with it being mostly between ventional shock tube behavior [8, 9]. Also the
1,500 and 1,800 [1, 13]. decaying amplitudes of the shocks indicate that
dissipation plays an important role. Therefore,
Entry Lengths and Boundary Layers when waves are generated and propagated into
It is the case that most flow investigations at the ducts of small dimensions, diffusive transport phe-
microscale happen in the laminar flow regime nomena, commonly ignored at conventional
with developing boundary layer (combined scales, can no longer be neglected. Viscous
entry lengths). As for macroscale cases, the stresses at the boundaries lead to the deformation
velocity entry length LE is often simply calcu- of the wave fronts, and heat conduction with the
lated by wall no longer allows the flow to remain adiabatic;
at certain scales, molecular diffusion and adsorp-
LE tion may also lead to important effects.

0:06Re (15)
Dh It has been reported that for a given wave
Mach number at small scales, the resulting parti-
However, also larger factors of 0.08 and 0.09 [9] cle velocities are lower but the pressures are
have been found for microchannels. The thermal higher [9]. Also, it has been shown that at small
entry length LT may be calculated by scales, the weak wave solution is no longer sonic
and isentropic but is isothermal and can be
LT subsonic.

0:05RePr (16)
Dh Further, a model has been introduced that pre-
dicts via molecular diffusion phenomena an iso-
where Pr is the Prandtl number, a measure of thermal bow at small scales and that the minimum
diffusivity. wave velocity can be subsonic. A parameterization
When investigating the boundary layer of the shear stresses and heat flux at the wall has S
thicknesses, the Euler equations lead to led to new jump conditions [9].
specific solutions. The thermal boundary layer Experiments with a miniature shock tube
thickness is using low pressures to simulate the effects of
rffiffiffiffiffiffi small scale have shown qualitative agreement
ax with the proposed model. The effects of scale
dT ðxÞ ¼ 3:6 (17)
u1 are even more pronounced than what has been
predicted by the model. Experimental and numer-
where x is the coordinate along the channel and ical investigations for incident shock Mach num-
u1 is the velocity of the free stream. ber of M = 1.2 have shown significant viscous
The Reynolds analogy between the flow field effects for channel heights below 4 mm even at
and the thermal field provides the relation atmospheric pressure. That shockwaves propa-
between the velocity and thermal boundary gate more slowly at low pressures in a narrow
layer thickness: channel has been confirmed, but they may
S 2998 Shockwaves in Microchannels

propagate faster than in a wide channel because The results of the previously described analysis
compression waves initiated from the entrance of show that the efficiency depends not only on pres-
the channel can strengthen the shockwave [2]. sure gain across the shockwave traveling through
the wave rotor channel but also on the friction
Micro-Shockwave Applications coefficient for the channel geometry. According
Microwave Rotors to the model, shorter wave rotor channels with
The wave rotor is a pressure exchanger that uses larger diameter allow a higher compression effi-
the concept of direct energy transfer between ciency of the wave rotor. The temperature at which
fluids by waves. A basic wave rotor consists of the compression process is initiated also has
a rotating drum with straight channels arranged a considerable influence: higher temperatures
around its axis. The drum lies between two end yield higher efficiencies. Analytical and numerical
plates, each of which has a few ports or manifolds results suggest that a shockwave compression effi-
controlling the fluid flow through the channels. ciency of 70–80 % can be achieved in the chan-
Figure 4 presents a schematic axial wave rotor nels. If the inlet temperature is high enough (about
drum and its end plates and inclusion in 1,500 K), the efficiency is predicted to be even
a microfabricated gas turbine. In the process of higher, up to 90 %. Moreover, the wave rotor, due
recent turbomachinery miniaturization, it has to its geometry, is ideal for microfabrication pro-
been shown that a decrease of the overall thermal cesses. Its mainly two-dimensional shape is easy
efficiency and output and increase of losses are to construct at the microscale, where most of the
severe. While the wave rotor efficiency is based fabrication techniques rely on etching and
on the efficiency of the shockwave compression deposition [4].
inside each channel, the influence of external
losses can be minimal since the wave rotor itself Shock Tube as Vaccine Delivery System
is the only moving part and its rotation is only for A unique form of powder delivery system,
the flow control. External losses are leakage, a biolistic system, has been developed [19]. This
windage, friction in the bearings of the rotor, novel technology accelerates microparticles by
and if microfabricated losses due to sharp bends a gas flow behind a traveling shockwave, so that
in the flow path to the rotor since rounded corners they can attain sufficient momentum to penetrate
are difficult to obtain in the direction of etching. the skin and thus achieve a pharmacological
While all these losses also occur in turbomachin- effect. One of the most recent developments is
ery, they can be lower in a wave rotor, since the a mouse biolistic system, used in immunological
compression process is only controlled but not studies. These studies require powdered vaccine
determined by the rotational speed of the rotor. to be delivered into the epidermis of the mouse
Therefore, high efficiency can be obtained even with a narrow and highly controllable velocity
at relative low rotational speed and relatively low distribution and a uniform spatial distribution.
flow speed, which implies less frictional losses as The preliminary results demonstrate the overall
it becomes very important at small scale. It has capability of a newly designed supersonic nozzle
been shown numerically that while the efficiency to deliver the particles to the skin targets with
of a conventional radial compressor drops to a more uniform velocity and spatial distribution.
about 50 % when scaled down to millimeter CFD has been utilized to characterize the com-
size, the efficiency of shockwave compression plete operation of a prototype mouse biolistic
has values around 70 %. Two effects support this- system.
favorable outcome: shockwave entropy
production is independent of scale and wave Micronozzles
rotors can work with relatively low flow speeds The Mach number near the downstream position
(while the compression is realized by of a micronozzle’s throat is lower than that in
shockwaves that travel at much higher speed a conventional nozzle. In the divergent region of
than the flow speed). the micronozzle, there is a supersonic area
Shockwaves in Microchannels 2999 S
instead of the shockwave that usually occurs in ▶ Microturbines
conventional-scale nozzles. Results of numerical ▶ Micro-Wave Rotor
simulations also show that the position of the ▶ Pressure-Driven Single-Phase Gas Flows
sonic point moves away from the throat towards ▶ Supersonic Micro-Nozzles
the outlet with a decrease in the size of the nozzle.
This particular behavior is attributed to the higher
viscous dissipation in micronozzles as compared
to that in conventional-scale nozzles [20]. References

1. Papautsky I, Ameel T, Frazier AB (2001) A review of

laminar single-phase flow in microchannels. In:
Future Directions for Research ASME international mechanical engineering con-
gress and exposition, New York
2. Sun M, Ogawa T, Takayama K (2001) Shock propa-
Recent medical and industrial applications of
gation in narrow channels. ISSW23, Fort Worth
shockwaves necessitate a better understanding 3. Jain V, Lin CX (2006) Numerical modeling of three-
of shockwave motion at low Reynolds numbers: dimensional compressible gas flow in microchannels.
for example, shock motion in very small tubes J Micromech Microeng 16:292–302
4. Iancu F (2005) Integration of a wave rotor to an ultra-
(r < 1 mm) and micrometer-size particles mov-
micro gas turbine (UmGT). Michigan State Univer-
ing at a supersonic speed [2]. Along with this sity, East Lansing
comes a clear need for additional experimental 5. Anderson JD (2003) Modern compressible flow with
investigations over a wider Re range using historical perspective. McGraw-Hill, New York
6. Ying-Tao D, Zhao-Hui Y, Meng-Yu S (2002) Gas
microchannels with well-characterized dimen-
flow characteristics in straight silicon microchannels.
sions and surface roughness and well-designed Chin Phys 11(9):869–875
experimental methods in order to understand 7. Thomas GO, Brown CJ, Teodorczyk A (2000) Shock
microscale single-phase internal fluid flow and detonation attenuation in narrow channels. Exper-
iments in fluids. Springer, Berlin
[1]. To enhance the accuracy, flow visualization
8. Iancu F, M€ uller M (2006) Efficiency of shock wave
may focus on a local region instead of the whole compression in a microchannel. J Microfluid
test section, and more sensitive and precise pres- Nanofluid 2:50–63
sure transducers for measuring weak shockwaves 9. Brouillette M (2003) Shock waves at micro scale.
Shock Waves 13:3–12
at low initial pressures are necessary [2].
10. Colin S (2005) Rarefaction and compressibility
Wave rotors are a promising technology that effects on steady and transient gas flows in
uses unsteady waves in an instant self-cooled microchannels. J Microfluid Nanofluid 1:268–279
dynamic pressure exchange between fluids. For 11. Okamoto K, Nagashima T, Yamaguchi K (2006)
Propagating shock waves in a narrow tube from the
high-pressure, high-temperature topping cycles,
viewpoint of ultra micro wave rotor design. In: 11th
it results in an engine overall pressure ratio and international symposium on unsteady aerodynamics,
temperature increase which in turn generates aeroacoustics and aeroelasticity of turbomachines, S
higher efficiency and lower specific fuel con- Moscow, 4–8 Sept 2006, pp 421–433
12. Mirshekari G, Brouillette M (2006) Towards
sumption. Further applications are pressure
a microfabricated shock tube. In: 25th international
wave-driven pumps. Most advanced embodi- symposium on shock waves, Bangalore
ments are wave discs engines that do not need 13. Hetsroni G, Mosyak A, Pogrebnyak E, Yarin LP
any other rotating parts beside the wave disc self. (2005) Fluid flow in micro-channels. Int J Heat
Mass Transf 48:1982–1998
They appear to be superior in simplicity and
14. Arkilic EB, Schmidt MA, Breuer KS (1997) Gaseous
power density [21]. slip flow in long microchannels. J Microelectromech
Syst 6(2):167–178
15. Hao PF, He F, Zhu KQ (2005) Flow characteristics in
a trapezoidal silicon microchannel. J Micromech
Cross-References Microeng 15:1362–1368
16. Choi CH, Westin JA, Breuer KS (2003) Apparent slip
▶ Micro- and Nanoscale Gas Dynamics flows in hydrophilic and hydrophobic microchannels.
▶ Microscale Flow Visualization Phys Fluids 15(10):2897–2902
S 3000 Shunt Capacitance

17. Takuto A, Soo KM, Hiroshi I, Kenjiro S (2000) An Isotropic silicon etching; Selective silicon etch-
experimental investigation of gaseous flow characteristics ing; Silicon etching; Surface micromachining
in microchannels. In: International conference on heat
transfer and transport phenomena in microscale, Banff
18. De Bruyker D, Puers R (2001) Experimental charac-
terization of the reference channel of a differential Definition
pressure sensor using pressure shock waves.
J Micromech Microeng 11:390–396
19. Liu Y, Truong NK, Kendall MAF (2004) Numerical Silicon micromachining concerns a process that
studies of contoured shock tube for murine powdered involves the removal of silicon materials using
vaccine delivery system. In: 15th Australasian fluid wet chemical or dry plasma process in order to
mechanics conference, Sydney create 3-D silicon or non-silicon microstructures
20. Hao PF, Ying-Tao D, Zhao-Hui Y, He F (2005) Size
effect on gas flow in micro nozzles. J Micromech for making functional devices such as
Microeng 15:2069–2073 microsensors, microactuators, biochips, etc.
21. Piechna J (2006) Feasibility study of the wave disk
micro-engine operation. J Micromech Microeng 16:

Silicon is a well-known single crystalline semi-

Shunt Capacitance conductor material, which is widely used in inte-
grated circuits (ICs). Silicon possesses excellent
Synonyms mechanical properties, which surpass stainless
steel in yield strength and hardness with good
DC capacitance; Low-frequency capacitance mechanical stability. Silicon also has a high
piezoresistance effect, whose resistivity changes
when mechanical loads or stresses are applied to
it. This makes silicon a good candidate for vari-
ous mechanical sensor applications. By combin-
The capacitance associated with the
ing micromachining technologies, its outstanding
low-frequency response of a system all the way
properties have made silicon a successful mate-
down to direct current (DC).
rial not only for integrated circuits but also for
micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS),
Cross-References microfluidic components, optical devices, and
other applications.
▶ Piezoelectric Microdispenser In general, silicon micromachining technolo-
gies can be classified as follows: wet bulk
micromachining, reactive-ion etching (RIE),
deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE), surface
Silicon Micromachining micromachining, and laser micromachining.
During the micromachining process, only the
Jianmin Miao surface area, which will be etched away, is
Micromachines Centre, School of Mechanical exposed to the etchants, such as wet chemicals
and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang or gases, while the rest of the silicon surface is
Technological University, Singapore protected by the so-called etching masking layer.
Silicon has a diamond cubic crystal structure.
The Miller indices of the main crystallographic
Synonyms planes of silicon are (100), (110), and (111),
respectively. In the wet bulk micromachining,
Anisotropic silicon etching; Deep reactive-ion there are two silicon etching methods: isotropic
silicon etching; Electrochemical etching; (direction-independent) and anisotropic
Silicon Micromachining 3001 S
Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 1 Schematic of cross-
sectional view of
isotropically etched silicon
microchannels using wet
chemical etchants of NHA

(direction-dependent) etching. Wet chemical few micrometers, are the common materials serv-
etching solutions are used in this bulk silicon ing as etching mask layers, which can also be
micromachining technology. used as structure materials for sensors or actua-
In the reactive-ion etching, silicon is tors after silicon bulk micromachining. The
isotropically etched in plasma gases. Its silicon dielectric materials, SiO2 and Si3N4, can be
etch rate is relatively low and orientation deposited either by low-pressure chemical vapor
independent. deposition (LPCVD) or plasma-enhanced chem-
The deep reactive-ion etching technology, ical vapor deposition (PECVD). Additionally,
also called Bosch process, uses the concept of SiO2 thin film can be also grown by thermal
alternate etch and passivation steps to achieve oxidation on the silicon substrate.
high aspect ratio (depth to width ratio of Isotropic etchants etch in all crystallographic
microchannel) silicon deep micromachining. In directions at the same rate; they usually are
this process, silicon can be deeply acidic, such as NHA, and lead to rounded isotro-
micromachined, even through the whole wafer pic features in single crystalline silicon as shown
of few hundred micrometers with aspect ratio as in Fig. 1.
high as 30 to 1, without considering the wafer The basic chemical reaction equation is
orientation. described as follows:

Si þ HNO3 þ 6HF
Basic Methodology ðbubblesÞ

Wet Silicon Bulk Micromachining The etch rate can be as high as 5 mm min1 at
This micromachining technique has been used for room temperature and is very temperature depen-
more than three decades and is the most popular dent. At 50  C, the etch rate is increased to about
fabrication technology for sensors such as pres- 50 mm min1 [2].
sure sensors and accelerometers [1]. In this bulk Anisotropic etchants shape desired micro-
micromachining, chemical etching solutions are structures in single crystalline silicon material
used to shape the microstructures by the removal by etching much faster in one direction than the S
of a large amount of single crystalline silicon others. Anisotropic etching results in geometric
substrate. Thin films, acting either as etching shapes bounded by the slowest etching and per-
mask materials or microstructure materials, are fectly defined crystallographic planes. By using
deposited/grown and patterned on the silicon sub- KOH chemical etching solution, the etch rate in
strate. KOH (potassium hydroxide), EDP the <100> orientation is much higher than that in
(ethylenediamine pyrocatechol), or TMAH the <111> direction, up to 400:1. If holes, mem-
(tetramethylammonium hydroxide) is commonly branes, groove-type microchannels, pits, etc.,
used as chemical etching solution for anisotropic have to be etched in silicon, then wafers are
micromachining of silicon materials, while the taken with surface orientation (100) and (110),
NHA (HFHNO3CH3COOH) solution per- depending on the required shape of the etched
forms the isotropic etching of silicon wafers. structures.
Thin films, such as SiO2 and Si3N4 with Figure 2 shows some etch shapes in these two
a thickness ranging from few ten nanometers to wafers. Parts of the wafers are covered with an
S 3002 Silicon Micromachining

Silicon Micromachining, a <100> surface

Fig. 2 Schematic of cross-
sectional view of
<111> 54.74°
anisotropically etched
microchannels (a) in Si3N4 or SiO2
(100) silicon and (b) in
(110) and (c) of 3-D aerial
view of anisotropically
etched microchannels in
(100) silicon using wet b <110> surface
chemical etchants of KOH,
EDP, or TMAH <111>
Si3N4 or SiO2

c Etching mask

(100) Si

etch mask, and the exposed areas are etched. For circuits, the IC fabricated steps will be processed
wafers of <100> surface orientation, etching first and followed by the wet bulk
proceeds along (100) planes, which intersects micromachining in KOH to create MEMS
the surface along the mask edges. If the mask microstructures.
opening is a square with a side that is small EDP etching solution does not contain sodium
compared to the etching depth, then a pyramidal or potassium, and therefore, it is IC compatible.
pit is formed, which is defined by four EDP has also very high etching selectivity of
(111) planes, i.e., it will virtually stop. The 5,000:1 between Si and SiO2, which is a good
angle between the <100> and <111> directions etching mask for silicon etching. The etch rate
is 54.74 . In <110> wafers, the (111) planes are can reach 1 mm min1 in EDP; however its etch-
vertical, and deep trenches with high aspect ratio ing selectivity of 35–1 between (100) and
can be etched since silicon in the <111> direc- (111) silicon is relatively low. Furthermore,
tion will not be etched. EDP contains pyrocatechol, which is described
The commonly used anisotropic etchants are as a corrosive toxic.
KOH, EDP, and TMAH. KOH added with water TMAH is more compatible with Complemen-
is the most popular silicon anisotropic etchant. At tary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) IC pro-
80  C with 50 wt% KOH, the etch rate of (100) sil- cesses than KOH and also neither toxic nor
icon can achieve 1.4 mm min1 with smooth harmful. The etch rate of (100) silicon in
silicon etching surface. The etching selectivity TMAH can achieve about 0.7 mm min1, but its
between (100) and (111) silicon is up to 400:1. etching selectivity of (100)/(111) silicon is quite
However, the etching selectivity between Si and low, which is between 12.5 and 50.
SiO2 is not very good in KOH, as it etches SiO2 For some applications, especially for the
too fast. So, SiO2 is not a good choice as etching microfluidic devices, the etched surface quality
mask of silicon in KOH. The best candidate as of micromachined microchannels is very impor-
etching mask is Si3N4. One disadvantage of KOH tant. In general, isotropic etching generates
is its incompatibility with IC fabrication pro- smooth etched surface. However, anisotropic
cesses. Therefore, for MEMS with integrated etchants leave rough etched surface. A highly
Silicon Micromachining 3003 S
Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 3 Schematic of cross-
sectional view of highly
boron-doped silicon (a)
cantilever and (b)
membrane. The anisotropic
etching stops at the highly
boron-doped (100) silicon
layer by using wet chemical
etchants of KOH, EDP,

+I Platinum Cathode

Metal contact
n-type silicon Silicon
Etching solution
Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 4 Schematic drawing
of experimental setup for
electrochemical etching of
p-type (100) silicon. The
etching stops at p-type and
n-type silicon interface Si3N4 or SiO2
concentrated KOH is preferred to obtain a smooth membrane, bridge, or cantilever, depending on
surface. In some cases, a post polishing process its shape patterning, as illustrated in Fig. 3.
after KOH etching can be adopted by using slight Such dopant-dependent selective etching tech-
isotropic etching to obtain a smooth surface. niques have led to the development of pressure
If silicon is highly doped, particularly with sensors, accelerometers, and microphones [3]
boron, then silicon will be etched very slowly with great commercial success.
by the previously mentioned wet chemical etch- The most appropriate technique to make
ants such as KOH, EDP, and TMAH. One can use low-doped, single crystalline silicon membrane-
ion implanting or diffusing boron into silicon to type microstructures with well-controlled dimen-
form a thin etch-stop layer. Since non-highly sion and thickness is the electrochemical etch
doped silicon will be etched very fast, this thin stop on a diffusion or an epitaxial layer as
etch-stop layer will stay as a free-standing shown in Fig. 4.
S 3004 Silicon Micromachining

Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 5 Schematic drawing
of a typical reactive-ion
etching (RIE) system

In this silicon micromachining technique, removed or patterned to form the desired shapes
a positive voltage is applied to one n-type side of microstructures.
of a p-n junction of a wafer in an etch bath of By adding small amount of O2 gas, the etch
a strong alkaline solution such as EDP or KOH. A rate can be accelerated. In general, in this
platinum cathode is connected to the negative approach, the etch rate is relatively small and in
voltage and immersed in the etching solution. the range of few nanometers to tens nanometers
The etching proceeds as normal wet chemical per minute. The RIE process is not applicable for
etching until the exposed side of the p-n junction bulk material micromachining, and therefore, it is
is completely etched away, which means that the suitable only to etch thin films with thickness of
etching stops exactly on the n-type silicon layer few micrometers. However, RIE is a suitable pro-
to release the diaphragm. In this case, only a - cess to etch shallow microchannels in silicon
low-doped layer is sufficient for the etch stop. substrate with good etch-depth control.
Compared to the heavily doped layer produced
by purely chemical etching, silicon membranes Silicon Surface Micromachining
micromachined by the electrochemical etching In this technique, thin layers, such as polycrystal-
have much less mechanical stress. line silicon, SiO2, and Si3N4, will be deposited on
the silicon wafer, which serves as a supporting
Reactive-Ion Etching of Silicon substrate and may contain integrated circuits. The
In microelectronic fabrication processes, plasma silicon substrate is protected by the etch-resistant
etching is used to create the patterns of silicon- film, for example, thermal silicon dioxide or
based thin films (silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, LPCVD silicon nitride, grown or deposited on
polysilicon). This etch process is performed in the silicon substrate. A sacrificial layer of
the vacuum chamber. By adding etch gases low-temperature oxide (LTO), phosphosilicate
excited by radio-frequency (RF) power, plasma glass (PSG), or borophosphosilicate glass
is generated in the chamber, where silicon wafers (BPSG) is then deposited and followed by the
are located. The exposed silicon surface is deposition of LPCVD polysilicon, which is used
reacted with plasma gases and then removed as microstructures, typically for comb-drive
layer by layer by this so-called reactive-ion etch- structures, and normally patterned by RIE or
ing (RIE) technique. The schematic diagram of DRIE technology [4].
the RIE system is illustrated in Fig. 5. Since there In this approach, the bulk silicon substrate is
is no wet chemical etching solution to be not etched away, but only the sacrificial layer
involved, this process is also called dry etching between the silicon substrate and the polysilicon
process. Assisted by the energetic plasma ions, microstructures is removed by lateral
fluorine gases, such as SF6, CHF3, and CF4, are underetching using the selective wet etchant of
the etching gases for silicon-based thin films of HF or BOE. Such etching solutions do not have
SiO2, Si3N4, and polysilicon, which are to be any etching effect on the polysilicon film.
Silicon Micromachining 3005 S

Silicon Micromachining, Fig. 6 Fabrication steps of polysilicon, whose shape is etched by DRIE or RIE, and
a polysilicon cantilever using surface micromachining. (b) generation of polysilicon cantilever after removal of
(a) Deposition of SiO2 on silicon substrate, followed by the sacrificial SiO2

Movable beam Movable Tether Anchor

electrode seismic


Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 7 Schematic plan Displacement
view of a MEMS device
with comb-drive structure

Figure 6 illustrates the process steps to fabricate surpass the polysilicon surface micromachining
a polysilicon cantilever. technology for fabricating high-performance
The surface micromachining technique is devices. Figure 8 shows the process steps to fab-
a CMOS-compatible process and has some ricate a comb-drive structure using SOI wafer.
advantages over the bulk micromachining one. The single crystalline silicon device layer,
The most popular microstructure is the so-called whose thickness ranges from few to 100 mm,
comb-drive structures as shown in Fig. 7. Several can be obtained by epi-silicon or fusion bonding
commercially available sensors with integrated on a thin SiO2 insulating layer. The top silicon
circuit on chip have been developed by using device layer can be micromachined by RIE for
this technique such as accelerometers, gyro- thin layer and then followed by wet sacrificial
scopes, microphones, etc. etching of the buried SiO2 layer by BOE for the
Instead of deposition of different thin films, structure release. Microstructures made from
silicon-on-insulator (SOI) micromachining may these single crystalline Si layers result in more
S 3006 Silicon Micromachining

Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 8 Illustration of the
comb-drive structure in
SOI (silicon-on-insulator)
wafer fabricated using
surface micromachining

Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 9 Scanning electron
microscope (SEM)
photograph of comb-drive
structure in SOI (silicon-
on-insulator) wafer
fabricated using DRIE and
surface micromachining

reproducible and reliable sensors and other Laermer and Schilp of Robert Bosch GmbH
MEMS devices. Figure 9 presents a fabricated originally invented a fluorine-based chemistry
comb-drive structure based on SOI surface process [5], which maintains verticality
micromachining. (anisotropy), by using the concept of alternate
etch and passivation steps, which is also called
Deep Reactive-Ion Etching of Silicon the time-multiplexed deep etching (TMDE) [6].
Microchannels and holes can be micromachined The TMDE technique utilizes an etching cycle
using wet chemical etching. However, as geom- flowing only SF6 (steps b and d in Fig. 10), which
etries of micro-device components get smaller, is similar to the normal reactive-ion etching pro-
the requirement to etch silicon microchannels cess, and then switching to a sidewall passivating
with vertical profile becomes important. An cycle using only C4F8 (step c in Fig. 10). During
increase in aspect ratio for microstructures (e.g., the subsequent etching cycle, the passivating film
microchannel) is desirable because more devices is preferentially removed only from the bottom of
can be made from the same size of silicon sub- the trenches due to vertical ion bombardment
strate and also lead to enhanced device while preventing etching of the sidewalls, which
characteristics. are covered by the passivating layer.
Silicon Micromachining 3007 S
Flow Rate


Shallow, isotropic trench Photoresist or SiO2

Etch Passivation Etch Time

a b c d

Silicon Micromachining, Fig. 10 Illustrations of deep following etch cycle, the bottom polymer is removed by
reactive-ion etching process by time-multiplexing etching gas ions. (d) In the remaining etching cycle, sili-
scheme. (a) Silicon is isotropically etched using SF6 etch- con is then further isotropically etched using SF6 etching
ing gas. (b) Polymer is deposited on the trench sidewall gas, forming the scallop sidewall
and bottom using C4F8. (c) At the beginning of the

Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 11 Scanning electron S
microscope (SEM)
photograph illustrating
high aspect ratio and
vertical silicon trenches
etched by DRIE

To achieve a high etch rate, a high-power selectivity up to 150:1 and 400:1, respectively.
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source is used Compared to the wet chemical micromachining
in the DRIE system. The etch rate can now reach of silicon, the DRIE process is direction indepen-
up to 50 mm min1. The etching process is carried dent. Any planar shapes of microstructures can be
out at room temperature. Photoresist and SiO2 created while the wet anisotropic etching can
can be used as etch mask with silicon etching only etch rectangle holes on (100) plane.
S 3008 Silicon Micromachining

Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 12 Scanning electron
microscope (SEM)
photograph illustrating the
DRIE-etched silicon with
sidewall scallops of 50 nm

4000.0 nm

After DRIE etching Roughness: 275 nm

4000.0 nm

After thermal Roughness: 75 nm
4000.0 nm

After removal
Roughness: 14 nm
of SiO2

Silicon Micromachining, Fig. 13 Scanning electron surface roughness of DRIE-etched silicon sidewall by
microscope (SEM) photographs and atomic force micro- thermal oxidation process, (a) after DRIE, (b) after ther-
scope (AFM) measurement results showing the improved mal oxidation, and (c) after removal of oxide layer

Key Research Findings DRIE can easily reach an aspect ratio of 30. With
special recipe and high plasma power, the highest
The aspect ratio of the microtrenches is defined as aspect ratio can reach as high as 100 [7]. The
the ratio of the trench depth to the trench width. smallest feature size is dependent of the
Silicon Micromachining 3009 S
Silicon Micromachining,
Fig. 14 Cross-sectional
scanning electron
microscope (SEM) of
silicon microbeams coated
with thermally grown SiO2

patterning capability. Using the normal optical molds for the polymer, PDMS, or silicone repli-
lithography, 2 mm-high aspect ratio silicon cations. In this case, the sidewall of the small
beams can be deeply micromachined with trenches needs to be coated with a special thin
almost vertical angle as shown in Fig. 11. Asso- layer for easy demolding of microstructures [9].
ciated with the DRIE process, the etch rate is
feature-size dependent, which leads to the
RIE-lag effect. Smaller feature size results in Future Directions for Research
a lower etch rate. Due to the nature of the time
multiplexing of etch-passivation process, rough Silicon micromachining technology is important in
wave-shaped features (called scallops) appear the fabrication of micro- and nanofluidic chips,
on the etched sidewall. The roughness is about MEMS/Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS),
50 nm as observed in Fig. 12. However, if the and other miniaturized devices [10]. Deep reactive-
etch depth is more than 200 mm, the sidewall is ion etching opens new research opportunities for S
much rougher due to the micromasking effect of high aspect ratio silicon-based micro- and
the passivation layer of polymer. The rough nanostructures for various applications. The etch
sidewall surface can be smoothed by the thermal rate needs to be increased to reduce the process
oxidation and oxide removal as indicated in time and costs. Further study should be focused on
Fig. 13. smoothing rough sidewalls of DRIE-etched silicon
Silicon material is not biocompatible. The microchannels in order to reduce the fluidic
microchannels, which are micromachined by resistance. Ultrahigh aspect ratio micromachining
DRIE, RIE, or wet chemical etching, can be technology needs to be further developed to fabri-
coated with silicon oxide by the thermal cate silicon nanostructures. Furthermore, a new
oxidation process as shown in Fig. 14. For bio- challenge will be on how to use surface
chip applications [8], using silicon is not a micromachining, which is a compatible process
cost-effective solution. However, one can use with integrated circuits, for the integrated micro-
micromachined silicon structures as micro and nanofluidic applications.
S 3010 Simulating Migration of Polymer Chains, Methods

Cross-References conference on solid state sensors and actuators and

microsystems transducers ‘05, Seoul,
vol 1, pp 384–387
▶ Anisotropic Etching 8. Chen PJ, Shih CY, Tai YC (2006) Design, fabrication
▶ Anodic Bonding and characterization of monolithic embedded
▶ Bulk Micromachining parylene microchannels in silicon substrate. Lab
▶ Fabrication of 3D Microfluidic Structures Chip 6:803–810
9. Gao J, Yeo LP, Chan-Park MB, Miao J, Yan Y, Sun J,
▶ Impedimetric Biosensors for Nano- and Lam YC, Yue CY (2006) Anti-stick post-passivation
Microfluidics of high aspect ratio silicon molds fabricated by deep
▶ Isotropic Etching reactive ion etching. J Microelectromech Syst
▶ Lab-on-a-Chip (General Philosophy) 15:84–93
10. Madou MJ (2002) Fundamentals of microfabrication:
▶ Laser-Based Micromachining the science of miniaturization. CRC, Boca Raton
▶ Magnetic Pumps
▶ Mechanical Nanosensors
▶ Membrane Actuation for Micropumps
▶ MEMS-Based Biosensor
▶ Microactuators Simulating Migration of Polymer
▶ Microfilters Chains, Methods
▶ Micromolding
▶ Microneedles: Applications and Devices Greg Walker
▶ Nanochannel Fabrication Department of Mechanical Engineering,
▶ Oxidation (of Silicon) Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
▶ Photolithography
▶ Plasma Etching
▶ Powder Blasting Synonyms
▶ Reactive Ion Etching (RIE)
▶ Supersonic Micro-Nozzles Active particle flows; Brownian dynamics; Mac-
▶ Wafer Bonding romolecular transport

References Definitions

1. Petersen KE (1982) Silicon as a mechanical material. Polymer chains are long flexible molecules usu-
Proc IEEE 70:420–457 ally associated with organic molecules such as
2. Schwartz B, Robbins H (1961) Chemical etching of
DNA. Their transport is important to many med-
silicon-III: a temperature study in the acid system.
J Electrochem Soc 108:365–372 ical screening applications and can be described
3. Sessler GM (1996) Silicon microphones. J Audio Eng using Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics
Soc 44:16–22 approaches.
4. Howe RT, Muller RS (1982) Polycrystalline silicon
micromechanical beams. In: Spring Meeting of the
Electrochemical Society, Montreal, pp 184–185
5. Laemer F, Schilp A (1996) Method of anisotropically Overview
etching silicon. Robert Bosch GmbH: US Patent
The motion of large molecules in microfluidic
6. Ayón A, Braff R, Lin CC, Sawin HH, Schmidt MA
(1999) Characterization of a time multiplexed induc- flows is important because the trajectories of
tively coupled plasma etcher. J Electrochem Soc particles in shear flows do not always follow the
146(1):339–349 local flow field. Therefore, a knowledge of the
7. Marty F, Saadany B, Bourouina T, Mita Y, Shibata
fluid dynamics is not sufficient to completely
T (2005) High aspect ratio nano-structures (HARNS)
for photonic MEMS based on vertical DBR architec- describe the motion of the particles. When
ture. In: Digest of technical papers – International a suspended particle does not track the flow, the
Simulating Migration of Polymer Chains, Methods 3011 S
particle is said to be active as opposed to passive. approach is useful only for the smallest
The dynamics of active particles are particularly microfluidic systems because modern compu-
interesting in microfluidic devices because the tational architectures can only handle a few
molecules of polymer chains can million atoms and a single nanoliter of water
approach – and even exceed – the characteristic contains over 1016 atoms.
lengths of the device. Consequently, the devia- 2. Brownian dynamics approximates a molecule
tions between the particle/molecular motion and as a structure with limited degrees of freedom
the fluid motion can be significant. and with continuum forces. This approach is
While active particle dynamics can address useful for multi-scale simulations, which are
the motion of any suspended particle in a fluid, characteristic of the vast majority of
microfluidic researchers are usually interested in microfluidic systems. With this approach we
polymer chains because these structures in gen- no longer have to simulate each individual
eral do not follow the fluid flow, have a high atom, but approximate the force due to
degree of flexibility, and model important biolog- a large group of atoms.
ical subsystems such as DNA and many types of
proteins. If we want to track or manipulate dif- Molecular Dynamics
ferent polymer chains in a microfluidic system, Molecular motion can theoretically be described
we need to understand their dynamics relative to using molecular dynamics. In this context,
the fluid flow. However, not only will the bulk molecular dynamics describes the motion of
motion deviate from what the fluid is doing, but a molecule in a fluid by accurately characterizing
also their conformation or shape can change, the force between any two atoms in the system
which alters the transport properties. In other including the molecules of the surrounding fluid.
words, as polymer chains travel in a fluid system, All forces in the system are summed and New-
the inherent flexibility of the chains allows them ton’s law is applied to each atom to deduce its
to bunch up, stretch out, or tumble in the flow. As individual motion. The motion of the molecule is
the shape of the chain changes, the fluid forces deduced from the motion of its constituent atoms.
imposed on the chain will also change. As Because of its fundamental nature, a molecular
a result, the motion of a flexible chain will vary dynamics approach is often considered ab initio
even if the flow field remains constant. For or “from first principles,” meaning that there are
microfluidic systems designed to sequence or virtually no fitting parameters required to obtain
hybridize DNA, for example, the conformation a physical solution. Nevertheless, the force
can be as important as the trajectory of bulk between atoms, or ▶ interatomic potential, arises
motion of the molecule. from a variety of chemical interactions (van der
Waals force, chemical bonding, electrostatic) and
in general is difficult to characterize. (The discus- S
Basic Methodology sion of the different potential fields and their
application is beyond the scope of this entry, but
The adjective macromolecular is often used to it should be noted that interatomic potentials
describe transport of molecules in systems as often contain approximations and nonphysical
opposed to transport within a molecule. This dis- fitting parameters, so the ab initio designation is
tinction can be important because some of the not always appropriate.)
same methods can be used to treat both systems. Applications for molecular dynamics in
Depending on the size of the system, two general microfluidic systems include protein folding in
methods could be used to describe molecular solution, transport of amino acids in ion channels,
motion in a fluid. and locally driven electroosmotic flows with rigid
1. Molecular dynamics is a fundamental particles. However, these applications do not
approach that requires only the knowledge of involve the bulk motion of a fluid and are
forces between individual atoms. This extremely small, specialized systems. In general,
S 3012 Simulating Migration of Polymer Chains, Methods

the systems that microfluidic researchers con- field of the fluid ui, with the difference scaled by
sider are multi-scale in that they require knowl- the drag coefficient z, giving FD ¼ zðr_i ,  ui Þ.
edge of the bulk fluid motion, far-field boundary The drag coefficient depends on the size of the
conditions, interactions with other molecules, bead. In the case of rods, the local flow field may
walls and fluid structures, and other experimental not be uniform across the rod, which gives rise to
conditions. Consequently, the molecular dynam- moments on the object as well. Because the
ics approach is rarely feasible or even necessary motion of a rod involves an additional angular
for multi-scale systems. Instead, researchers and acceleration, the computations are often more
analysts rely on ▶ coarse-graining techniques to involved.
reduce the degrees of freedom, where tractable
solutions are more accessible. Internal
The internal forces for coarse-grained models can
Coarse-Grained Models be considered elastic (bead/spring) or rigid (bead/
By coarse-graining, the molecular system is rod). Regardless of the method, the force
discretized and treated as a bead/spring system or connecting adjacent beads does not represent
bead/rod system. In the case of the bead/spring interatomic forces, but merely constricts the dis-
system, the molecule is treated as a series of tance between adjacent beads. In general, the
beads with mass and size connected by springs. effect of a shear flow is to stretch the molecule,
In the case of the bead/rod model, the molecule is so an attractive force is applied to keep the mol-
treated a series of massless beads connected by ecule intact. For the springlike model, several
rigid rods. The bead/spring system is simpler, but nonlinear forms of the attractive force have been
can allow the molecule to cross, which is proposed. For more information about the types
unphysical, and is susceptible to computationally and physical basis for the mathematical form of
unstable solutions. The bead/rod model is mathe- these forces, the reader is referred to [1, 2].
matically and computationally more difficult, but Although the rigid model (bead/rod chains)
the motion is often more realistic. In either case, introduces an added level of complexity due to
the discretization or the number of beads used to constraints on the motion, the results obtained
model the chain is somewhat arbitrary but is cho- using the bead/rod model are more accurate for
sen so that the behavior of the chain in a flow a fewer number of beads. Furthermore, for more
matches observations of the motion of actual complex situations such as electric field-induced
chains. In the case of DNA, each base pair could motion and obstacle navigation, the bead/rod for-
be treated as a bead, but even this level of coarse- malism is often considered more robust.
graining is usually far too fine to yield reasonable
computational times and unnecessary to achieve Electrostatic
accurate results. Instead, most simulations use A myriad of conditions could give rise to
anywhere from 5 to 20 sections depending on the nonuniform charge distributions in the fluid. For
complexity of the flow and resulting motion of the example, electroosmotic flows or solutions of
molecule that needs to be captured. electrolytes are often used to manipulate
Besides the reduction in the problem size, microfluidic flows. In these situations, the mac-
another advantage of coarse-graining is that the romolecule may be subject to Coulomb forces.
forces on the beads or rods can be described by There is no general expression to account for
continuum mechanics instead of requiring these forces, but they will depend on the location
interatomic potentials. The forces common to and strength of the charge distribution in the fluid
most simulations include the following. as well as along the molecule.

Drag Image
Drag forces arise from the difference between The force of the wall is modeled as a steep poten-
a bead or rod’s velocity r_i and the local velocity tial near a physical barrier. The force is called an
Simulating Migration of Polymer Chains, Methods 3013 S
image potential because the magnitude is derived 1. Magnetic forces could arise when dealing with
from a phantom particle that is placed on the magnetized particles in conjunction with mac-
perpendicular to the wall and the particle near romolecules, which is often done in drug
the wall. The phantom particle is exactly the delivery and targeting.
same as the particle being repulsed, and the repul- 2. Gravitational forces may be important if trans-
sive force is the force between two neighboring port occurs in a centrifuge.
particles (instead of the wall). This approach 3. Many experiments also track macromolecules
allows one to consider variations in forces that with fluorescent dyes. If the dye molecule is of
arise from the particles without having to treat the the order of the transported molecule, then the
wall differently. dye can introduce additional drag.
4. Hybridization of DNA can provide a force at
Brownian the ends of the macromolecules that tether the
All other forces are essentially continuum forces, molecule to a surface.
i.e., they would be present for a large-scale strand 5. van der Waals forces can arise between polar
of beads and are not specific to molecules. The objects.
Brownian force, on the other hand, is only present Once the forces acting on the molecule are
for very small objects. This force is the result of known, two approaches can be used to solve for
individual atoms and other molecules in the flow the dynamics behavior of the particles.
bumping into the macromolecule to change its Boltzmann-based models (also called Fokker-
conformation. In the continuum limit, enough Planck systems) can predict average quantities
momentum exchange occurs in all directions so through calculation of a distribution function.
that the net force is zero. For small objects, the net
force is some nonzero randomly oriented force @f X @f @f

that goes to zero over long times. However, in ¼ m1 p1 þ Fj
@t i
@r i @pi
some nonequilibrium situations such as near ! (1)
walls, the Brownian force can be nonuniform. XX @ @f
¼ z mj pj f þ kT :
i j
@pi ij @pj
Objects in the wake regions of other objects are
Moments of f result in an average displace-
known to experience different flow characteris-
ment field. This approach has largely been
tics compared to the bulk motion of fluid. There-
supplanted by non-averaging techniques because
fore, some beads in a macromolecule do not
of molecular individualism [3]. In other words,
sample the bulk fluid, but a modified version of
instead of calculating average displacements, the
the bulk fluid because of the proximity of other
behavior of individual molecules is of more inter-
beads in the flow. A great deal of research has S
est in modern macromolecule transport.
gone into developing techniques and approxima-
To determine specific molecular motions, the
tions to attempt to include this effect with varying
Langevin approach is relatively straightforward
degrees of success. The difficulty lies in the
and involves integrating Newton’s second law
attempt to invent a general solution to
a problem that is dependent on geometry,
X d2 x j
discretization of the molecule, and flow charac- Fij ¼ mj aj ¼ mj , (2)
teristics. The discussion of these details is beyond i
the scope of this entry. Instead the reader is
referred to [3]. over time to calculate the displacement (motion)
of each bead. In Eq. 1, i indexes each force acting
Other External on a bead and j indexes the beads in the simula-
Many other forces could conceivably be impor- tion. Tractable solutions to this motion are only
tant in macromolecule flows. For example: possible when time is discretized into tiny steps.
S 3014 Simulating Migration of Polymer Chains, Methods

Over each time step, the forces and acceleration to stiffen the spring for larger displacements,
are assumed constant. The integration scheme which can be approximated as
varies with the discretization of the molecule
and type and magnitude of the forcing functions Gri
Fj ¼  2 (4)
that are present. However, most generally appli-
1  rr0
cable schemes are second-order accurate and
involve some leap-frog technique where veloci-
ties are calculated at the half-time step. The two where G is the spring constant and r0 is the
primary difficulties are including the Brownian relaxed molecule length. For DNA molecules,
force and the hydrodynamic interactions because a wormlike chain model has proven remarkably
these two forces are not independent of the solu- successful, which has several forms that can be
tion, resulting in a nonlinear system of equations. useful.
If we assume that the momentum relaxation is
much faster than the position relaxation of the
Brownian particles, then the resulting equations Key Research Findings
can be simplified with a diffusion tensor that
represents the influence of the Brownian force Research in macromolecular transport using
on average displacement [1]: Brownian dynamics is fundamental in that either
a parameterized class of fluid flow conditions is
! considered or a particular experiment is modeled
X @D0ij D0ij
hDr i i ¼ þ 0
F t, (3) with well-known geometric and fluid conditions.
@r j kT j
In the study of molecular transport and con-
formation in simple flows, results suggest that the
where the summation index spans the particles motion is not very simple. Many polymers have
in three-dimensional space. In the foregoing fairly complex shapes when in a quiescent fluid.
expression, time is assumed to be greater They can be coiled, straight, curved, or
than the momentum relaxation, i.e., t t0 = a combination of different shapes as seen in
mD/kT. The Oseen tensor is often used for Dij Fig. 1. This tendency is important when
[2], but appropriate expression of this diffusion discussing transport in a ▶ shear flow. Both sim-
component is the subject of a great deal of ulations and experiments produce molecular
research. shapes described as coils, dumbbell, linked, half
The prediction of molecular motion is only as dumbbell, straight, and folded, all in a single
good as the effective forces that act between longitudinal shear flow. Moreover, for varying
beads or rods. In the case of rigid rods connected flow parameters, the shape can transition between
by rotating joints, Kramer’s bead chain rod sys- the different forms, and the transition is
tem is the prevailing model. In this approach, unpredictable. Similarly, in linear shear flows,
the total length of the polymer is fixed, which the motion can be characterized as longitudinal
may not be physically realistic in many cases. (perpendicular to the shear direction), tumbling,
Yet, this model prevents the molecular strand or globular. Transition between flows can occur
from crossing itself, which is also physically without changing flow parameters. The transition
unrealistic. The displacement of the beads is usu- rate, however, is usually governed by the strength
ally predicted from an optimization using the of the shear.
inter-bead distance as an internal constraint. For These results suggest that control of a single
the bead/spring models, several different forms polymer chain in a flow is difficult because of the
of inter-bead potentials have been used. The sim- unpredictability of any specific molecule. How-
plest model has a linear spring between each ever, we are usually interested in the motion of
bead. This model tends to allow too much dis- a large number of molecules in a microfluidic
placement, so an inverse Langevin model is used system. Therefore, statistics are collected on
Simulating Migration of Polymer Chains, Methods 3015 S

Simulating Migration of Polymer Chains, Methods, Fig. 1 Conformation of a 30-bead chain in a linear shear flow
at different times. The chain shown will exhibit a periodic tumbling motion if observed for long periods of time

a single molecule given a variety of initial condi- beads. (2) Applied studies focus on how mole-
tions, for example. Then predictions about the cules behave in different systems.
average behavior of certain types of molecules In terms of fundamental studies, modeling of
in certain types of flows can be made. polymer chains is still in its infancy. Although
The nondimensional Weissenberg number there are plenty of instances where experiments
ðWi ¼ gl _ Þ is defined as the product of fluid strain and simulation converge, there is no general pur-
rate ðg_ Þ and the longest relaxation time of the pose, all-encompassing simulation approach that
polymer chain (l). This number provides an works universally. The primary difficulty arises
approximation to the ratio of ability of the flow from resolving the relative strengths of each force
to stretch the polymer chain divided by the acting on the molecule. In isolation, each force
tendency of the chain to resist stretching. For can be described mathematically with a good deal
large Wi, the flow generally results in stretching of rigor. However, the relative magnitude of each
of the molecule; for small Wi, the molecule’s force relies on difficult to characterize free
conformation is dominated by the Brownian parameters. Therefore, simulations still rely on
motion. experiments to provide data for accurate simula-
Other studies of polymer transport focus on tions. A first-principle simulation is simply not
how long molecules behave in a complex flow in possible yet. Consequently, much of the current
the presence of obstacles. For example, one group research is devoted to refining the force models to
has examined how DNA migrates through a field include more physics in simulations.
of posts where the strands straddle the obstacle. In terms of applied studies, different configu- S
Simulations of this type are useful to help predict rations are constantly being addressed to help
the resident time of DNA in a particular region. analyze specific experimental studies and to
This might be important to researchers who are help provide ranges for the free parameters asso-
using microfluidic chambers to produce chemical ciated with the forces.
reactions with DNA, for example. To address both of these concerns, the follow-
ing areas are suggested as immediate research
areas where substantial contributions can be made.
Future Directions for Research
Complex Flows
Two research directions emerge from existing Most fundamental simulations examine simple
studies and needs in the community: (1) Funda- flow situations such as elongation and linear
mental studies focus on the physics governing the shear flows. These flows appear in many
relationship between the forces acting on the microfluidic structures and include a wide range
S 3016 Single Crystal

of effects that molecules might experience. In Cross-References

addition, the flow solution is simple and can be
reliably produced in the lab. Therefore, there is ▶ AC Electro-Osmotic Flow
continued need to investigate these configura- ▶ Dielectrophoretic Motion of Particles and
tions. However, these simple flows do not repre- Cells
sent all situations seen in modern microfluidic ▶ Dissipative Particle Dynamics
devices. For example, stagnation point flow into ▶ Electrokinetic Flow and Ion Transport in
a stationary wall, flow around corners, and flow Nanochannels
mixing are all complex phenomena that affect ▶ Electroosmotic Flow (DC)
polymer chain transport and conformation. ▶ Molecular Dynamics Simulation Method
▶ Multiscale Modeling and Numerical
Overlap Models Simulations
Although the bead spring model appears ade- ▶ Polymer Synthesis Within Microfluidic
quate for many situations, more complex flows Reactor
can cause interaction of a molecule with itself. ▶ Van der Waals Attraction
For bead/spring models, this can be treated by
introducing strong, short-range potentials.
Because of the large gradients, however, simula- References
tions are prone to exaggerated motion when
nonadjacent beads approach each other. The 1. Ermak DL, McCammon JA (1978) Brownian dynam-
ics with hydrodynamics interactions. J Chem Phys
bead/rod model attempts to account for the inter-
action by preventing the coarse-grained model of 2. Yamakawa H (1971) Modern theory of polymer solu-
the chain from crossing itself. This approach can tions. Harper and Row, New York
be relatively complex and a universally agreed 3. de Gennes PG (1997) Polymer physics: molecular indi-
vidualism. Science 276(5321):1999–2000
upon approach has not been established.
4. Marko JF, Siggia ED (1995) Stretching DN-
A. Macromolecules 28(26):8759–8770
Wall Interaction 5. Hur JS, Shaqfeh ESG, Babcock HB, Chu S (2002) Dynam-
Typically a wall is modeled with an image poten- ics and configurational fluctuations of single DNA mole-
cules in linear mixed flows. Phys Rev E 66(011915)
tial. In this case, a virtual particle that is located at
6. Schroeder CM, Shaqfeh ESG, Chu S (2004) Effect of
the mirror location to the real particle provides an hydrodynamic interactions on DNA dynamics in
interaction potential. As such there is often an extensional flow: simulation and single molecule
artificial buffer that prevents the bead from experiment. Macromolecules 37:9242–9256
contacting the wall and migration away from sur-
faces is possible. Even though these interaction
potentials have a short range, they can be strong
to prevent beads from penetrating walls. As Single Crystal
a result, time stepping becomes crucial, and too
large of a time step can result in physically unreal- Definition
istic motion. New methods to treat this artifact are
needed to provide transport in confined channels. Description of the ordered nature of the atoms in
a material. In a single-crystal material, there is
DNA Hybridization only one atomic structure of the crystal.
In the case of DNA transport, the researcher is
often interested in hybridization, which is
a reaction that changes the characteristics of the Cross-References
chain or causes additional forces. Motion in the
presence of interaction particles is complex and ▶ Fabrication of Self-assembled Catalytic
has not received much attention. Nanostructures
Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices 3017 S
of unfertilized eggs (oocytes) as a function of
Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic enzyme activation was evaluated both based on
Devices populations and individual cells. The population
data suggested a graded relationship between the
Luc Charon and Lothar Lilge hormone (progesterone) concentration and
Department of Medical Biophysics, University of enzyme activation, while the single-cell data
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada revealed a sharp all-or-nothing switch. The
single-cell analysis approach can in fact provide
not only complementary information but rather
Synonyms reveal the actual functional interaction of bio-
molecules, thus assisting in understanding com-
Analysis of individual cell contents plex biological systems on the cellular and tissue
structural basis. This kind of biological insight is
required to understand complex systems such as
Definition tissues, organs, and even complete organisms.
While it is obvious that this type of work is useful,
▶ Chemical cytometry is a class of highly sensi- single-cell studies are much more complicated
tive analytical techniques for the analysis of the and time-consuming than their population coun-
chemical contents of single cells. These tech- terparts; in fact, single-cell analyses push the
niques enable the detection and identification of boundaries of conventional techniques.
cell constituents including oligonucleotides, Several single-cell analysis techniques have
small molecules, and proteins, as well as provide been developed, which may be classified in
means to monitor the effects of biochemical and terms of information content (# of elements capa-
enzymatic reactions. ble of being studied simultaneously) and through-
▶ Capillary electrophoresis is an analytical put (# of cells studied in a given time) – this is
technique used to separate chemicals in solution illustrated in Fig. 1. The simplest and most
as a function of their charge and size. Samples are widely used forms of single-cell analysis are
injected into a capillary, a high electric field is fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. In
applied, and the analytes migrate to the end of the microscopy, fluorescence from small molecule
column, where they are detected. reporters, immunochemical labels, or transfected
fluorescent proteins within cells is observed with
subcellular localization. While this technique
Overview enables the measurement of time-dependent
changes in response to stimuli of individual
The cell is a complex biochemical factory, capa- cells as well as cell-cell interaction studies, it is S
ble of proliferation, differentiation, and commu- an inherently low-throughput method if used with
nication. The cell also interacts with its high magnification. Conversely, flow cytometry
microenvironment, comprised of other cells, tis- is a high-throughput technique that can be used to
sue matrix, and interstitial vascular, lymphatic, analyze up to several tens of thousands of cells
and nonbiological compartments. Yet most of per second but is limited in the type of assays for
what is known about the correlation between which it can be used and does not provide sub-
behavior, function, and genotype of biological cellular resolution. Multiple wavelength analysis
cells comes from average measurements of cell schemes have been developed, but the number of
populations. While useful, these studies are parameters which can be measured simulta-
unfortunately incapable of assessing the response neously is intrinsically limited by the finite spec-
and interaction of individual cells within tral bandwidth of the detectors and the increasing
a heterogeneous population. As an illustration, complexity of using multiple fluorophores, exci-
a recent study [1] of hormone-induced maturation tation sources, and/or detectors. These two
S 3018 Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices

Single-Cell Analysis in
Microfluidic Devices,
Fig. 1 Chart comparing
single-cell bioanalytical Flow Cytometry ?
techniques in terms of
information content and

throughput Microfluidic-
based chemical

Microscopy Chemical Cytometry

Information Content

techniques therefore are classified in the region of In recent years, microfluidics has become
low information content space in Fig. 1. a popular technology for applications in the life
In order to achieve a more comprehensive sciences. The continued development of new
analysis of individual cells, methods that microfabrication techniques has permitted the
incorporate chemical separations have been integration and scaling down of several
developed to increase the number of parameters bioanalytical procedures into a single device,
capable of being studied simultaneously. from which emerged the concept of lab-on-a-
These techniques, termed chemical cytometry chip or micro total analysis system (mTAS).
by Dovichi and coworkers [2], are used to detect Microfluidic devices have several advantages
and identify various components of single over conventional bioanalytical techniques: low
cells such as oligonucleotides, small molecules, reagent and power consumption, low cost, and
and proteins, as well as to monitor enzyme the potential for mass production and massively
activity. Capillary electrophoresis (CE), laser- parallel scale analysis. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the
induced fluorescence (LIF), and electrochemistry application of microfluidics to chemical
are the tools which are used in chemical cytometry may result in a solution to the
cytometry; this entry deals with capillary low-throughput problem of capillary-based
electrophoresis implemented in microfluidic chemical cytometry techniques, forming a new
devices. class of methods with high throughput and infor-
CE-based chemical cytometry can be used to mation content.
evaluate many cell constituents simultaneously Several good reviews have been recently
and is thus, as shown in Fig. 1, categorized as published covering the potential of microfluidics
a high information content technique. This comes for applications involving cells [3, 4].
at a cost, however, as the cell injection schemes Microfluidics has been applied to microscopy,
and use of a single capillary make the technique flow cytometry, and chemical cytometry, among
extremely low throughput. Ideally, the contents others. As microscopy and flow cytometry are
of hundreds of cells could be individually ana- discussed in detail in other entries in the encyclo-
lyzed for statistical evaluation of the heterogene- pedia (▶ Flow Cytometer Lab-on-Chip Devices,
ity of a population; in practice, however, the ▶ Confocal Microscopy, Detection), we focus
arduous and time-consuming nature of chemical here on chemical cytometry. In what follows,
cytometry typically limits it to a few cells (i.e., we discuss the state of the field and challenges
<10) per analysis. remaining to be solved in the areas of fabrication,
Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices 3019 S
cell selection/transportation, cell lysis/treatment, a single microfluidic platform (please refer to
and analysis, from the standpoint of microfluidic the following entries: ▶ Fabrication of 3D
method development for high-throughput chem- Microfluidic Structures, ▶ On-Chip Wave-
ical cytometry. guides, ▶ Pneumatic Valves, ▶ Thermome-
chanical Valves, ▶ Thermopneumatic Valve).
Integrating multiple components on a single
Basic Methodology device dramatically increases the complexity of
the final product and introduces compatibility
Fabrication Considerations problems in the various integrated functions.
There are many well-established microfab- For example, surfaces designed to promote or
rication techniques which can be used to con- prevent cell adhesion (for cell manipulation) are
struct microfluidic devices. Each has strengths often different than surfaces best suited for elec-
and weaknesses, but the choice of fabrication trophoretic separations. These engineering chal-
technique ultimately depends on cost, availability lenges are a bottleneck in the development of
of the facility, and, most importantly, compati- multifunctional microfluidic devices and must
bility with the desired application. This is espe- be addressed for the development of high-
cially important for chemical cytometry, where throughput chemical cytometry.
the fabrication process must be versatile enough
to form devices capable of implementing the Macro-to-Micro Interface
many necessary functions. Key considerations A key concern for all microfluidic devices is the
for fabrication of chemical cytometry include macro-to-micro interface. The complexity of the
material, integration, and macro-to-micro interface depends on the number of integrated
interface. functions (see ▶ Packaging (and Wire Bonding)).

Material Cell Manipulation and Transportation

The materials used for the fabrication of most One of the most critical steps in single-cell anal-
microfluidic chips include glass, silicon, quartz, ysis is selection of predetermined individual cells
and plastics (▶ Materials Used in Microfluidic and transportation through the device
Devices) In addition to cost and optical, electric, (▶ Manipulating Cells, Techniques,
and physical properties, careful consideration ▶ Microfluidic Sample Manipulation). The
must be given to the surface chemistry of the manipulation and transport techniques used for
material (▶ Surface Modification, Methods). In chemical cytometry should be multiplexed, have
fact, surface chemistry plays a major role in the potential for automation, and, depending on
chemical cytometry, as protein adsorption to the the assay, should have minimal biological or
channel walls can degrade the separation perfor- chemical impact on the cell(s) to be transported. S
mance and make the electroosmotic flow Techniques fitting this description include cell
unreproducible. sorting and integrated flow cytometry (▶ Cell
Sorting, ▶ Flow Cytometer Lab-on-a-Chip
Integration of Multiple Components Devices). Several micromanipulation techniques
The functionality and versatility of microfluidic based on mechanical, electric, and optical means
devices for chemical cytometry require the have been developed for cell-based assays in
combination of several cell manipulation, microfluidic devices.
processing, and analysis steps. These tech-
niques, discussed in detail in the next section, Mechanical Manipulation
rely on device components such as microstruc- While micromanipulators and micropipettes are
tures, optical windows, electrodes, embedded routinely used for in vitro fertilization studies,
waveguides, and valves and pumps, each of they are bulky, suffer from low throughput, and
which must be miniaturized and integrated on are not amenable to integration with a sealed
S 3020 Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices

microfluidic device. Other mechanical manipula- Particles. Another alternative in optical manipu-
tion techniques include microfilters, dams, and lation is laser-guided direct writing, in which
sandbag structures. We note that these tech- a weakly collimated or converging beam pushes
niques are often used to capture, dock, or sort cells to desired locations [7]. This technique has
many cells simultaneously without specificity been used to transport cells at 88 mm/s over sev-
and thus are limited in their use for single-cell eral millimeters. A similar transportation tech-
analysis where selecting a particular cell is nique was developed using evanescent waves
a key goal. from integrated waveguides to manipulate
micron-sized particles [8]. While these two tech-
Electrical Manipulation niques suffer from lack of cell selectivity, they
The electric charge or polarity of cells (and cell could potentially be automated to increase
contents) may also be used for manipulation and throughput in chemical cytometry by strategi-
transportation within microfluidic devices. In cally positioning the integrated waveguides
contrast to mechanical methods, the use of elec- within the microfluidic device.
tric field-based approaches such as electrokinet-
ics and dielectrophoresis are well suited for Cell Lysis/Treatment
microfluidics as they permit flexibility, control- In conventional population cell-based assays,
lability, automation, and high-throughput capa- sample preparation involves several steps,
bility. We note, however, that these kinds of including lysis, filtration of non-solubilized cel-
techniques can produce undesired biological lular material, labeling of the analytes of interest,
stress such as protein migration and clustering and sample purification. However, to prevent
within the cells and, in high fields, cells may dilution of the extremely small samples in
even lyse (i.e., die). For more information, please single-cell analysis, filtration and purification
refer to the following encyclopedia entries: are not typically integrated in chemical
▶ Dielectrophoretic Motion of Particles and cytometry methods. This section briefly describes
Cells, ▶ Electrokinetic Motion of Cells and the various cell lysis techniques which have been
Nonpolarizable Particles, ▶ AC Dielectro- implemented in microfluidics; for more detail,
phoresis Lab-on-Chip Devices. please see ▶ On-Chip Cell Lysis.
In CE-based chemical cytometry, the quality
Optical Manipulation of the information is ultimately determined by the
Optical micromanipulation techniques use lasers manner in which the cells are lysed and their
to apply piconewton forces on micro-sized parti- contents injected into the capillary. The tech-
cles and have been demonstrated to be useful for nique employed to perform this task must be
cell transportation in microchannels. One of the carefully designed to enable high-quality,
most popular optical techniques is optical trap- reproducible electrophoretic separations. Dilu-
ping (or optical/laser tweezers), which is tion of the contents of the cell prior to application
implemented by focusing a laser to a diffraction- of the electric field must be reduced to maximize
limited spot by a high numerical aperture (N.A.) sensitivity and resolution of the separated
microscope objective. Although optical trapping analytes. Lysis should occur in a manner
can be used to select particular cells accurately, such that the biochemical contents of the cell
its slow translational speed (20–30 mm/s) [5] are not altered, for example, by the activity of
makes it a low-throughput cell manipulation proteases that are usually kept partitioned
technique. We note that some have used away from free cellular proteins. The technique
diffractive optical elements (DOEs) and spatial must also address capillary clogging issues
light modulators to create multiple optical traps which result from the presence of insoluble
simultaneously, thus improving throughput cell debris. Finally, the lysis technique must
[6]. These techniques are described further in be able to function in parallel for high-
▶ Optical Tweezers for Manipulating Cells and throughput applications. There are three
Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices 3021 S
categories of cell lysis techniques: electric, dodecyl sulfate (SDS) permit a greater number
mechanical, and chemical lyses. of proteins to be analyzed due to the capacity to
solubilize membrane proteins and lipids, chemi-
Electrical Lysis cal lysis reaction times are relatively slow (tens of
When a large electric field is applied across a cell, seconds). Therefore, this technique may not be
the transmembrane potential is disrupted and ideal for applications in which desired biological
pores are formed on the surface of the membrane. events take place on time scales of seconds or less
This phenomenon is called electroporation and is (e.g., metabolite concentrations can change by
often used for gene transfection. As convention- a factor of 10 within 1 s [17]) or when diffusion
ally implemented, the process is reversible, and of the cellular content within the microfluidic
when the electric field is terminated, the pores chip structure cannot be suppressed.
close. The phenomenon can also be used to cause
permanent disruption of the membrane, effec- Analysis
tively lysing the cell. There have been several While an array of analytical techniques has been
reports on the use of electric lysis techniques in developed to study various aspects of cells
microfluidic devices [9–11]. Of particular inter- (please see ▶ Cell Assays in Microfluidics), this
est, fast lysis of individual cells (33 ms) by entry is focused on chemical cytometry. As men-
electric pulses for chemical cytometry was dem- tioned above, chemical cytometry refers to
onstrated in a microfluidic platform [12]. These methods in which intracellular constituents of
extremely rapid lysis methods which minimize a single cell are analyzed by means of
unwanted effects of slow lysis (that may bias the a chemical separation. Such methods typically
results) make these techniques favorable for pro- employ capillary electrophoresis for separations,
tein analysis when compared to chemical lysis combined with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
techniques. One drawback of electric lysis is or amperometry for detection. We refer readers to
that much of the cell membrane, subcellular other entries for detailed descriptions of other
structures, and the nucleus may remain intact methods used to evaluate the contents of cells
and thus can clog the channel or adhere to the (▶ Patch Clamp Measurements On-Chip,
surface, affecting the separation and limiting the ▶ Mass Spectrometry on a Chip).
capacity for reuse. In capillary-based chemical cytometry, a cell is
injected into a capillary, where it is lysed, and then
Mechanical Lysis its contents are separated by electrophoresis. The
Typical lysis techniques based on mechanical separating contents are detected at or near the end
forces such as sonication and bead milling are of the capillary, as the analytes migrate past the
not amenable for integration in a microfluidic detection zone. Microfluidic devices are well
device; however, in recent work, cells were suited to replace capillaries for chemical S
lysed in microchannels by mechanical shearing cytometry. The channel dimensions (5–100 mm)
on nanostructured filter-like nano-knives and planar geometry allow for very efficient dissi-
[13]. This method had the additional advantage pation of Joule heat produced from large electric
of aiding subsequent analysis steps by filtering field gradients. The capacity to apply high fields
out cellular debris thus preventing clogging and (e.g., 500–1,000 V/cm) dramatically reduces sep-
sample fouling. aration time and minimizes band diffusion. Most
importantly, the small channel dimensions can
Chemical Lysis handle injection volumes ranging from nanoliters
The most common macroscale cell lysis methods to hundreds of femtoliters [18] and thus result in
make use of chemical agents; as a result, minimal dilution of sample.
several research groups have used similar tech- The level of expression of protein species
niques to lyse cells in microfluidic devices within a single cell ranges between several mil-
[14–16]. While detergents such as sodium lions and under ten copies, requiring that
S 3022 Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices

extremely sensitive detection techniques be during the process. After each cell was lysed,
employed. LIF is particularly well suited for fluorescently labeled contents (amino acids and
this task as it is capable of achieving mass con- proteins) were separated by electrophoresis and
centration detection limits of a few tens of mole- detected with LIF.
cules and even single-molecule detection [19]. McClain et al. [12] also developed
Amperometry has also been used frequently due a microfluidic device that integrated cell han-
to its high sensitivity. A more detailed look at dling, lysis, and electrophoresis, as shown in
these two techniques can be found elsewhere Fig. 2b. The device was evaluated with T cells
(▶ Fluorescence Measurements, ▶ Amperomet- loaded with fluorogenic dyes which were sepa-
ric Techniques). rated and detected by LIF. Cell transport and lysis
were accomplished using electric fields. In order
to reduce Joule heating, lysis was effected by
Key Research Findings superimposing AC fields on the DC fields used
for separations. This technique enabled separa-
Over the past few years, several groups have tion to be maintained throughout the process;
attempted to integrate all of the critical processes lysis was completed within 33 ms, and a through-
for chemical cytometry on a single microfluidic put of 7–12 cells/min was achieved with
platform. Various combinations of cell manipu- a separation efficiency ranging from 2,300 to
lation, cell lysis, and analysis strategies were used 4,000 theoretical plates.
to obtain high content information with the goal As an alternative to using AC fields, to prevent
of maintaining analysis in a high-throughput for- excessive Joule heating, Wang et al. [21]
mat. Some methods were optimized for analysis designed a microfluidic device with channels
of small molecules and proteins, while others having variable cross sections which modulated
were developed for genetic assays, evaluating the local electric field strengths. Chinese hamster
DNA or RNA content. ovary cells labeled with calcein AM were used to
test the device. The cells were driven to the
Protein or Small-Molecule Analysis T-junction by hydrodynamic flow generated by
Fang and coworkers [9] developed a glass a syringe pump. Once at the junction, the cells
microfluidic chemical cytometry device with were lysed and the contents were separated by
a simple cross-shaped channel design. Derivatized electrophoresis and detected.
glutathione (GSH) in single human erythrocyte To increase throughput and eliminate sample
cells was separated and detected by LIF. Cells cross contamination, which is common when
were transported from the reservoir to the analyzing cells sequentially, Munce et al. [22]
T-junction by hydrodynamic flow, which was con- developed a microfluidic device with four paral-
trolled by adjusting the amount of liquid in the lel CE channels. Calcein-labeled acute myeloid
four reservoirs; fine positioning was performed by leukemia cells were selected and transported with
applying a series of voltages to dock the cell. Once optical tweezers to injector structures at the
positioned, each cell was electrokinetically lysed. entrance of each channel, as shown in Fig. 3a.
This technique yielded a throughput of approxi- Once loaded, the cells were lysed by the com-
mately 15 cells/h. bined action of an applied electric field and the
Hellmich et al. [20] designed a PDMS device reduction in channel cross section (Fig. 3b). The
comprising a cross junction integrated with other injector design also enabled stepwise lysis of the
microscale features as shown in Fig. 2a. cell, shown in Fig. 3c, where only the cytoplas-
GFP-transfected insect cells were selected and mic material (containing calcein AM in green)
transported to the intersection using optical twee- was injected into the capillary, while the nucleus
zers. After positioning, the cells were lysed with (stained blue with Hoechst 33342) remained in
SDS; the microstructures acted as a physical cell the injector structure. This selective lysis is espe-
trap, preventing the cell from moving away cially useful to separate the cytoplasm from the
Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices 3023 S

Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices, surfactant, SDS, to lyse the cell (Image reproduced from
Fig. 2 (a) PDMS single-cell microfluidic device with [20]). (b) Design for high-throughput chemical cytometry;
T-junction and integrated cell trap, formed from micron- this method uses a combination of AC and DC electric
sized posts. The cell is transported with optical tweezers fields for cell lysis and electrophoresis (Image reproduced S
(OT) to the intersection, followed by the delivery of the from 12)

nucleus and finally the membrane particularly if and a picopipette for reagent delivery. The sys-
protein signalling is the focus of the application. tem, depicted in Fig. 4a, allows for individual
The injector structures also prevented extracellu- cells to first be isolated in a closed chamber and
lar debris from entering the channels. Once then be combined with an aliquot of lysis and
loaded in the capillary, the analytes were sepa- fluorescent derivatization reagents, delivered by
rated and detected with LIF. The throughput was the picopipette. After lysis and derivatization, the
estimated to be 24 cells/h; however, this could be valves are opened and voltage is applied to sep-
increased with additional separation channels. arate the derivatized amino acids. Figure 4b
Wu et al. [23] designed a PDMS microfluidic shows an electropherogram collected from
device for chemical cytometry, consisting of inte- a single Jurkat T cell compared to one generated
grated valves which formed a reaction chamber from a population of cells with off-column lysis
S 3024 Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices

Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices, Fig. 3 cell. The cytoplasmic material (labeled in green) is loaded
(a) Four parallel laser-etched injector structures in into the electrophoresis channel, while the nucleus
PMMA. (b) Sequence of fluorescent images of two (labeled in blue) remains in the injector structure
calcein-labeled AML cells being lysed and injected into (Images reproduced from [22])
two separation channels. (c) Stepwise lysis of an AML

and derivatization. With the pneumatic valves, coworkers [25]. Apoptotic DNA fragments from
70-picoliter reaction chamber, and picopipette, individual cells were electrophoretically separated
this device simultaneously addresses the prob- and detected by LIF. The device consisted of
lems of fluid control and reagent delivery without a simple cross channel design; cells were injected
affecting sample dilution. This system could also into the device and transported by pressure-driven
be implemented in parallel to increase flow by application of a vacuum. Cell lysis was
throughput. achieved by activating an electric field across the
As an alternative to LIF, Xia et al. [24] used T-junction, which was filled with a 2 % solution of
amperometry to detect the contents of single linear polyacrylamide.
wheat callus cells. In this work, cells were Quake and coworkers [16] developed a PDMS
transported electrokinetically to a double microfluidic device (shown in Fig. 4c) for nucleic
T-junction and docked, after which they were acid purification from a small number of bacterial
lysed by a DC electric field. Ascorbic acid and or mammalian cells. This multilayer device
other analytes were separated by electrophoresis contained fluidic channels and a system of
and detected by means of an amperometric membrane-actuated pneumatic valves and
detector. pumps, which enabled precise control of buffers,
lysis agents, and cell solution and also allowed
DNA Analysis for parallel processing. Bacterial cells, dilution
A study of doxorubicin-induced apoptosis buffer, and lysis buffer are first introduced into
(programmed cell death) in individual the chip and then transferred into the rotary
cardiomyocytes was performed using mixer. Once mixed, the lysate is flushed over
a microfluidic device created by Horky and a DNA affinity column and drained. The DNA
Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices 3025 S

Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices, Fig. 4 generated from a population of cells with off-column
(a) 70-picoliter reaction chamber chemical for cytometry derivatization (dotted line) (Images in a and
comprising a 3-state valve, a 2-state valve, and b reproduced from [23]). (c) Multilayered PDMS
a picopipette. The sequence illustrates the isolation and microfluidic device with integrated pneumatic valves
lysis of a single cell, as well as fluorescent derivatization and pumps. The sequence illustrates the steps for cell
of amino acids in the lysate. (b) Electropherogram col- isolation, lysis in a rotary mixer, and DNA purification
lected from a single Jurkat T cell (solid line) generated in and harvesting (Image reproduced from [16] ◀)
the microfluidic reaction chamber compared to one
S 3026 Single-Cell Analysis in Microfluidic Devices

is recovered from the chip with an elution buffer ▶ Surface Modification, Methods
for further analysis. We note that this is the only ▶ Techniques for Manipulating Cells
microfluidic chemical cytometry device to use ▶ Thermomechanical Valves
a separation method other than solution-phase ▶ Thermopneumatic Valve
electrophoresis (i.e., solid phase extraction).

Future Directions for Research
1. Ferrell JE, Machleder EM (1998) The biochemical
basis of an all-or-none cell fate switch in xenopus
This entry has outlined the challenges inherent in
oocytes. Science 280:895–898
chemical cytometry, i.e., the separation and 2. Dovichi NJ, Hu S (2003) Chemical cytometry. Curr
detection of the contents of a single cell. Opin Chem Biol 7:603–608
Microfluidics is a promising technology in the 3. El-Ali J, Sorger PK, Jensen KF (2006) Cells on chips.
Nature 442:403–411
goal of developing high-throughput chemical
4. Yi CQ, Li CW, Ji SL, Yang MS (2006) Microfluidics
cytometry techniques, which require robust and technology for manipulation and analysis of biologi-
repeatable means for cell transportation, lysis, cal cells. Anal Chim Acta 560:1–23
and analysis applied in parallel (or very rapidly 5. Grover SC, Skirtach AG, Gauthier RC, Grover CP
(2001) Automated single-cell sorting system based on
in series). The current methods have established
optical trapping. J Biomed Opt 6:14–22
proof of principle; however, much work remains 6. Ferrari E, Emiliani V, Cojoc D, Garbin V, Zahid M,
to be done, especially related to scaling up for Durieux C, Coppey-Moisan M, Di Fabrizio E (2005)
parallel analysis. Biological samples micro-manipulation by means of
optical tweezers. Microelectron Eng 78–79:575–581
7. Odde DJ, Renn MJ (2000) Laser-guided direct writing
of living cells. Biotechnol Bioeng 67:312–318
Cross-References 8. Gaugiran S, Getin S, Fedeli JM, Colas G, Fuchs A,
Chatelain F, Derouard J (2005) Optical manipulation
of microparticles and cells on silicon nitride wave-
▶ AC Dielectrophoresis Lab-on-Chip Devices
guides. Opt Express 13:6956–6963
▶ Amperometric Techniques 9. Gao J, Yin XF, Fang ZL (2004) Integration of single
▶ Cell Assays in Microfluidics cell injection, cell lysis, separation and detection of
▶ Cell Sorting intracellular constituents on a microfluidic chip. Lab
Chip 4:47–52
▶ Chemical Cytometry
10. Lee SW, Tai YC (1999) A micro cell lysis device.
▶ Confocal Microscopy, Detection Sens Actuators A 73:74–79
▶ Dielectrophoretic Motion of Particles and 11. Lu H, Schmidt MA, Jensen KF (2005) A microfluidic
Cells electroporation device for cell lysis. Lab Chip
▶ Electrokinetic Motion of Cells and
12. McClain MA, Culbertson CT, Jacobson SC,
Nonpolarizable Particles Allbritton NL, Sims CE, Ramsey JM
▶ Fabrication of 3D Microfluidic Structures (2003) Microfluidic devices for the high-throughput
▶ Flow Cytometer Lab-on-a-Chip Devices chemical analysis of cells. Anal Chem 75:5646–5655
13. Di Carlo D, Jeong KH, Lee LP (2003) Reagentless
▶ Fluorescence Measurements
mechanical cell lysis by nanoscale barbs in
▶ Mass Spectrometry on a Chip microchannels for sample preparation. Lab Chip
▶ Materials Used in Microfluidic Devices 3:287–291
▶ Microfluidic Sample Manipulation 14. Irimia D, Tompkins RG, Toner M (2004) Single-cell
chemical lysis in picoliter-scale closed volumes using
▶ On-Chip Cell Lysis
a microfabricated device. Anal Chem 76:6137–6143
▶ On-Chip Waveguides 15. Wheeler AR, Throndset W, Whelan RJ, Leach AM,
▶ Optical Tweezers for Manipulating Cells and Zare RN, Liau YH, Farrell K, Manger I, Daridon
Particles A (2003) Microfluidic device for single cell analysis.
Anal Chem 75:3581–3586
▶ Packaging (and Wire Bonding)
16. Hong JW, Studer V, Hang G, Anderson WF, Quake
▶ Patch Clamp Measurements On-Chip SR (2004) A nanoliter-scale nucleic acid processor
▶ Pneumatic Valves with parallel architecture. Nat Biotechnol 22:435–439
Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels 3027 S
17. Berridge MJ (1993) Inositol trisphosphate and cal- molecules with the wall becomes as frequent as
cium signaling. Nature 361:315–325 intermolecular collisions. This type of flow is
18. Swanek FD, Ferris SS, Ewing AG (1997) Capillary
electrophoresis for the analysis of single cells. In: known as rarefied gas flow. Typically, in
Electrochemical, mass spectrometric and radiochem- macrochannel boundary conditions, gas velocity
ical detection handbook of capillary electrophoresis, and temperature that are applied to fluid flow and
pp 495–521 heat transfer equations are equivalent to the
19. Johnson ME, Landers JP (2004) Fundamentals and
practice for ultrasensitive laser-induced fluorescence corresponding values at the wall. On the other
detection in microanalytical systems. Electrophoresis hand, these conditions do not hold for rarefied
25:3513–3527 gas flow in microchannels. The Knudsen number
20. Hellmich W, Pelargus C, Leffhalm K, Ros A, Anselmetti (Kn) is used to represent the rarefaction effects. It
D (2005) Single cell manipulation, analytics, and label-
free protein detection in microfluidic devices for systems is the ratio of the molecular mean free path, l, to
nanobiology. Electrophoresis 26:3689–3696 the characteristic dimension of the flow, L (i.e., the
21. Wang HY, Lu C (2006) Electroporation of mamma- channel hydraulic diameter). The mean free path is
lian cells in a microfluidic channel with geometric defined as the average distance traveled by
variation. Anal Chem 78:5158–5164
22. Munce NR, Li JZ, Herman PR, Lilge L (2004) a molecule before colliding with another mole-
Microfabricated system for parallel single-cell capil- cule. As Kn values increase – due to a higher
lary electrophoresis. Anal Chem 76:4983–4989 molecular mean free path caused by reduced pres-
23. Wu HK, Wheeler A, Zare RN (2004) Chemical sure or a smaller flow dimension – rarefaction
cytometry on a picoliter-scale integrated microfluidic
chip. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101:12809–12813 effects become more significant. The Kn is an
24. Xia FQ, Jin WR, Yin XF, Fang ZL (2005) Single-cell important parameter that explains how gaseous
analysis by electrochemical detection with flows effect the surfaces in microchannels specif-
a microfluidic device. J Chromatogr A 1063:227–233 ically when determining the pressure drop and the
25. Kleparnik K, Horky M (2003) Detection of DNA
fragmentation in a single apoptotic cardiomyocyte heat transfer coefficient. At high Kn, scattering
by electrophoresis on a microfluidic device. Electro- becomes significant and gas molecules increase
phoresis 24:3778–3783 their chances in colliding with the wall as com-
pared to the collision between other molecules.
The continuum flow assumption is only valid
when Kn < 103. As Kn increases, the flow enters
Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in the slip-flow regime (103 < Kn < 101), transi-
Microchannels tion flow regime (101 < Kn < 10), and eventu-
ally the free-molecular flow regime (Kn > 10). At
Yildiz Bayazitoglu and Jami F. Tullius these flow regimes, velocity slip and temperature
Department of Mechanical Engineering and jump become more prominent at the boundaries.
Materials Science, Rice University, Houston, These four regimes are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Mean Free Path
Mean free path is the average distance a particle
Synonyms travels until it collides with a second particle and
is used to define the flow characteristics of the
Gaseous flow; Microchannel; Molecular flow; fluid. If a gas was represented as a hard sphere at
Slip boundary; Transition flow thermodynamic equilibrium, the mean free path
can be defined as [1, 2]

Description and General Definitions for 1 kB T

l ¼ pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi 2 (1)
Gaseous Flows 2pnd 2
2pd P

When gases are at low pressures, or are flowing where n is the number density of the scatter such
past small geometries, the interaction of the gas as phonons and defects (n = d3), d is the mean
S 3028 Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels

Single-Phase Gaseous 10–3 10–1 10

Flows in Microchannels,
Fig. 1 Flow regimes Knudsen
identified by the Knudsen Number
number Continuum Continuum & Transition Molecular Flow
Flow Slip Boundary Flow

molecular spacing, and d is the mean molecular important in microdevice development and
diameter. In the second definition, P is pressure, design. Although several contradictory results
T is temperature, and kB is the Boltzmann con- are published related to pressure drop and heat
stant (kB = 1.38  1023 JK1). A type of gas is transfer coefficients, a few experiments were also
characterized by the ratio of the mean molecular performed to verify the theoretical results, and
spacing over the mean molecular diameter. some arguments are also made to explain those
For d/d > 7 or d/d < 1, it is considered a dilute gas discrepancies.
where most of the intermolecular interactions are
binary collisions. Otherwise, the gas is dense [2–4]. Continuum Regime
The velocity, density, pressure, and other
Rarefaction and Compressibility Effect properties of the fluid are all defined at every
Both the rarefaction and compressibility effects are point in space and time and the solutions of
a function of the Kn that determines the degree of fluid flow in the continuum regime are obtained
nonequilibrium of the gas flow. For the continuum by using the Navier–Stokes equations. For an
flow regime, thermodynamic equilibrium has to incompressible flow with constant properties,
be maintained which means that the mean free we have
path must be smaller than the characteristic length Conservation of mass:
(Kn ¼ lL □1). Typically, in order to obtain a stable
estimation of the macroscopic properties, the ratio,
L/d > 100, should be satisfied. For gas microflows, @r
þ ∇  ðrvÞ ¼ 0 (3)
the effects of compressibility and rarefaction are @t
linked and tend to conflict with each other. The Kn
is also related to the Reynolds number, Re, and the Conservation of linear momentum:
Mach number, Ma, with the relation
rffiffiffiffiffiffi @v
l gp Ma r þ v  ∇v ¼ rg  ∇P þ m∇2 u (4)
Kn ¼ (2) @t
L 2 Re

where g is the ratio of specific heats of gas, Conservation of energy:

g = Cp/Cv, Cp is specific heat of constant pres-
sure, and Cv is specific heat of constant volume.  
The compressibility effect is significant when the rcp þ v  ∇T ¼ k∇2 T þ F (5)
Ma number is approximately 1 [3, 4]. Colin [3]
suggested that the compressibility effects are not
neglected for Ma > 0.2. where v, t, m, k, g, and r are velocity, time,
viscosity, thermal conductivity, gravity, and den-
sity, respectively.
Overview of Characteristics at Different The fluid velocity and temperature in this
Flow Regimes regime are equivalent to the corresponding wall
conditions. The boundary layer approximations
Gaseous flow in micro- and minichannels has for a two-dimensional fluid flow in the Cartesian
been extensively investigated which is very coordinates (x, y) are given below
Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels 3029 S
Single-Phase Gaseous
Flows in Microchannels,
Fig. 2 Schematics of the
first-order slip velocity

@u @u @u @u words, the magnitude of the slip is calculated

u >>> u >>> , , (6a)
@y @x @x @y from the velocity gradient evaluated at y = l.

Velocity Slip Boundary Conditions

@T @T
>>> (6b) The commonly used slip boundary conditions are
@y @x
called Maxwellian boundary conditions [5]. The
first-order approximation for the velocity slip
The Nusselt number (Nu) for laminar, fully within the Knudsen layer, which does not take
developed flow is constant and independent of into account thermal creep, is given by
the Re, the Prandtl number (Pr), and the axial
location of the channel. 2  Fm du
us  uw ¼ l (7)
Fm dy
Slip-Flow Regime
Slip flow refers to when the velocity of the fluid at where Fm is the momentum accommodation
the wall is not that same as the wall velocity. coefficient. The momentum accommodation
When the Kn reaches values past the continuum coefficient is based on the Maxwell velocity dis-
limit, the nonequilibrium effects are dominate at tribution due to the way the molecules are
the boundary. The gaseous slip flow in reflected from the solid surface. To simplify the
microchannels stipulates that although the con- equation, bu = (2  Fm)/Fm. Thermal creep is
tinuum assumption is no longer valid within the a molecular transport phenomenon that occurs
slip region, Navier–Stokes equations are still when two isopressure containers at different tem-
applicable with some boundary modifications. peratures are connected by a channel whose
The continuum model will apply at the core of diameter is close to the gaseous mean free path.
the flow and a modified molecular/continuum At this condition, gaseous molecules start to flow
boundary condition at the boundaries. That is, from the cooler container to the hotter container. S
the Navier–Stokes equations are applicable Thus, a positive temperature gradient along the
except in the layer, known as the Knudsen layer, flow direction tends to increase the mass flow
next to the surface where velocity slip and tem- rate, while a negative temperature gradient
perature jump are prominent. This is caused by tends to reduce the mass flow rate. The inclusion
the higher collision frequency of the molecules at of the thermal creep effect in the slip boundary
the surface than the intermolecular frequency condition is given in terms of pressure and the
within the Knudsen layer [4]. In the Knudsen specific gas constant, R, by the following
layer, the region roughly one mean free path formula:
away from the boundary, the Maxwellian veloc-
ity slip boundary condition approximates the true du 3 mR dT
u s  u w ¼ bu l þ (8a)
gas velocity at the boundary by the velocity that dy 4 P dt
the molecules would have if a linear velocity
gradient existed as shown in Fig. 2. In other or
S 3030 Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels

@u 3 @y du d2 u
us  uw ¼ bu Kn þ ðg  1ÞKn2 Re us  uw ¼ bu1 l þ bu2 l2 2 (11)
@ 2p @z dy dy
Cercignani and Lorenzani [12] and Lorenzani
When there is a wall curvature, the [13] provide accurate values for bu1 and bu2
tangential shear stress needs to be accounted according to the accommodation coefficient, Fm.
for; therefore, the derivative of the normal veloc- Zhang et al. [14, 15] developed a new slip
ity, dv/dt, is added. The previous equation can be model that considered the effect of relative posi-
extended to tion on the slip surface in the Knudsen layer:

  1  ð1  CZ ÞFm
du du 3 mR dT us  uw ¼
us  uw ¼ b u l þ þ (9) Fm
dy dt 4 P dt    2 
du l2 d u
l þ ð1  Cz Þ
dy 2 dy2
van Rij et al. [6] analytically and numerically
evaluated the thermal creep of a two-dimensional (12)
microchannel with a constant heat flux and slip
boundary conditions. They found that the creep
velocity effects are significant in the slip-flow
regime and are dependent on the degree of rare- CZ ¼ , ðCZ ½0, 1 Þ (13)
faction and the magnitude of the heat flux. The l
additional of this term should also be considered This corrected second-order boundary condition
in microchannels with significant surface rough- was used to the Navier–Stokes equations for con-
ness providing multiple velocity components at fined fluids at the micro- and nanoscale.
the wall [7, 8].
A slip boundary model in microflows Temperature Jump Boundary Conditions
accounting for external body forces was derived Another characteristic of rarefied gas flow is that
by To et al. [9]. The boundary condition based on there is a finite difference between the fluid tem-
Maxwell’s collision theory between gas mole- perature at the wall and the wall temperature.
cules is Temperature jump is first proposed to be
g du @T
us  uw ¼ bu l C u þ (10) T s  T w ¼ cjump (14)
c dy @y

where Ts is the temperature of the molecules

where gu is the molecular acceleration in the
approaching the surface and Tw is the temperature
direction of the flow and c is the thermal speed
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi of the wall. Similarly to the velocity slip, the way
of the gas c ¼ 2kB T =m , m is the molecular
the molecule reflects off the surface is captured
mass, and C is a factor that accounts for the
using the thermal accommodation coefficient.
differences between the idealized conditions and
The thermal accommodation coefficient, which
the real conditions for the slip-flow model. This
is the exchange on energy from gas molecule
constant is close to unity.
reflecting off the wall surface, is defined as
Since they are first order in accuracy, other Qr
extended boundary conditions are proposed by FT ¼ QQiQ , where Qi is the energy of the imping-
i w

[10]. The accuracy of the equation can be ing stream, Qr is the energy carried by the
improved in order to increase the Kn range of reflected molecules, and Qw is the energy of the
applicability of the slip-flow regime. For flow molecules leaving the surface at the wall temper-
over a flat plane, the general form is [11]. ature. When Qr = Qw, the reflection is diffuse,
Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels 3031 S
and when the Qr = Qi, it describes specular generalized integral transform. The compressibil-
reflection. Let us assume that the temperature of ity effects in the slip flow were included in
the approaching molecules is Ts. The energy dif- [19–21] and the results agreed with the previous
ference of these molecules can be written as the experimental results. It was found that compress-
contribution of the incoming molecules (the sum- ibility effect is significant for high Re and rare-
mation of the kinetic energy and internal energy faction is significant for low Re. Exact, analytical
and conduction) minus the energy of the outgoing solutions for flows in circular, rectangular, paral-
molecules at the wall is as lel plate microchannels were given by Tunc and
Bayazitoglu [22, 23]. The neglected frictional
cu ðT s  T w Þðg þ 1ÞP 1 @T heating effects in low velocity gaseous flows of
Qi  Qw ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ k (15)
2 2pRT 2 @y macrochannel flows are found to be significant
for microchannel flows. Both Lorenzini et al. [24]
where R = cp  cv and k is the thermal conduc- and Turner et al. [25] experimentally tested the
tivity. The net energy carried to the surface, effects of friction of compressible flows through
Qi = Qr, is equal to the heat flux at the wall, a microtube for different diameters. They too
found that for small diameters at low Re, the
@T friction factor plays a significant role.
Qi  Qr ¼ k (16)
@y Bayazitoglu and Kakac [26] reviewed the flow
regimes, and Bayazitoglu et al. [27] reviewed
Using Eqs. 15 and 16 and the equation for thermal mathematical solutions to gaseous slip flows.
accommodation coefficient, the temperature Hong et al. [28] applied slip-flow boundary con-
jump in Eq. 14 is derived to be [16] ditions for gaseous flow through concentric
micro-annular tubes with a constant heat flux.
2  FT 2g l @T Ghodoossi and Egrican [29] developed an empir-
Ts  Tw ¼ (17)
FT g þ 1 Pr @y ical formulation for the Nu when considering
a microchannel with a uniform slip temperature
Equation 17 gives the first-order approximation and a constant axial heat flux along the walls as
to the temperature jump, and it is assumed that a function of the aspect ratio, wall temperature,
the temperature gradient at the wall is the same as and the rarefaction. The correlation results
that at y = l. For simplicity bT ¼ 2F T 2g 1
FT gþ1 Pr. The
matched data from [18]. Khadem et al. [8] studied
same approach is applied to obtain the second- the effects of rarefaction and compressibility on
order velocity slip equation [10]. This results in gaseous flow through a roughened microchannel.
More summaries of slip-flow analysis can be
  found in reviews by Colin [7] and Zhang et al. [4].
Kn @y
y s  y w  bT (18) S
ð1  aKnÞ @ 0
Slip-Flow Nusselt Number for Different
where y ¼ T reference
and a is a variable. The steady-state heat convection between two
The gaseous flow heat transfer problem in the parallel plates and in circular, rectangular, and
slip-flow region has been solved by both analyt- annular channels with viscous heat generation
ical and numerical means. Larrode et al. [16] for both thermally developing and fully
solved the problem for microcircular tubes with developed conditions is solved. Both constant
constant wall temperatures. Beskok et al. [17] wall temperature and constant heat flux boundary
presented computational results in the slip-flow conditions are considered. The velocity and
region for Kn less than 0.3. Yu and Ameel [18] the temperature distributions are derived from
studied laminar, fully developed, slip-flow, the momentum and energy equations, and the
forced convection, heat transfer through rectan- proper slip-flow boundary conditions are
gular microchannels by applying a modified considered.
S 3032 Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels

Heat Transfer in Circular Microchannels with an increased velocity slip and a decreased
Many researchers have analytically and numeri- temperature jump, there is an increased
cally studied the heat transfer through circular Nu. Therefore, in most cases, as the rarefaction
microchannels. For a hydrodynamically and ther- increases, the Nusselt number is normally
mally developed flow through a microtube with reduced [7].
uniform wall heat flux in the slip-flow regime at For a hydrodynamically and thermally devel-
radius, ro, and no viscous heating, an expression oped flow through a microtube with uniform wall
for the Nu can be written as [7, 30] temperature in the slip-flow regime and no vis-
cous heating, several studies have been
conducted [30]. They have found that a decrease
Br 11 þ 64xr þ 96xr 2
Nuð’wÞ ¼ þ (19) in the Nu is expected as rarefaction effects
2 48ð1 þ 4xr Þ2 increase.
To have a better understanding of the viscous
In this equation, the dimensionless coefficient for heating effects, the following parameter that
slip is combines the effects of the Brinkman number
(Br) is used. These equations where there is
2  Fm l l a constant heat flux Br’ and uniform wall tem-
xr ¼ or xr ¼ bu (20)
Fm r o ro perature Br are

and the dimensionless temperature jump distance

is Br’ ¼ (23)
2’w r o
2  FT 2g 1 l l
Br ¼ or Br ¼ bT (21) and
FT g þ 1 Pr r o ro
should there be no rarefaction effects, both Br ¼ (24)
z, =B, =0. The Nu in terms of the Kn, where k ðT o  T w Þ
Kn = l/2ro, is expressed as
respectively. u is the mean velocity, and ’w is the
!1 uniform heat flux at the wall transmitted to
11 þ 128bu Kn þ 384bu 2 Kn2 the fluid. The Nu number correlation considering
Nuð’w Þ ¼ bT Kn þ
48ð1 þ 8bu KnÞ2 viscous dissipation for constant wall heat flux is
(22) given as [31]

48C1 2
Nuð’ , Br’ Þ ¼ 2     (25)
C1 6C1 2 þ 4C1 þ 1 þ 48C1 2 C2 þ 8Br’ 2C1 2 þ 3C1 þ 1

where C2 ¼ (27)
C1 ¼ 1 þ 8Knbu (26)
For a heated surface, the increase in viscous heat
leads to a decrease in Nu, whereas, for a cool
and surface, the opposite is true [7]. The Nu
Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels 3033 S
considering a constant wall temperature and vis- where
cous dissipation is [31]
2  Fm l
48C3 xh ¼ ¼ 4Knbu (31)
NuðT , BrÞ ¼ (28) Fm h
1 þ 4C3 þ 48C2 C3

C3 ¼ 1 þ 8Kn (29) 2  FT 2g 1 l
Bh ¼ ¼ 4KnbT (32)
FT g þ 1 Pr h
Heat Transfer in Parallel Plate Microchannels
Similarly, Nu correlations were developed for For a symmetry (i.e., both walls heated), the Nu
flow between two parallel plates for both constant expression is [33]
wall heat flux and uniform wall temperature with
and without viscous dissipation. For constant heat !1
flux on one heat wall without viscous dissipation Bh 17 þ 84xh þ 105xh 2
between parallel plates, the Nu expression is [32] Nuð’w Þ ¼ þ (33)
4 140ð1 þ 3xh Þ2
Bh 26 þ 147xh þ 210xh 2
Nuð’w Þ ¼ þ When viscous dissipation for a symmetry model
4 140ð1 þ 3xh Þ2 is included, Jeong and Jeong [34] obtained the
(30) following analytical equation:

420C4 2
Nuð’ , Br’ Þ ¼ 2     (34)
C4 35C4 2 þ 14C4 þ 2 þ 420C4 2 C2 þ 4Br’ 42C4 2 þ 33C4 þ 6

where NuðT , BrÞ ¼ (36)
1 þ 7C4 þ 140C2 C4
C4 ¼ 1 þ 12Knbu (35)
Heat Transfer in Microchannels
Hadjiconstantinou and Simek [35] investigated Different shaped cross sections of microchannels S
the case for fully developed flow with uniform with slip flow have also been extensively studied
wall temperature. They found that Eqs. 7 and 17 both analytically and computationally for both
with both Fm = 1 and FT = 1 were adequate in constant wall heat flux and uniform wall temper-
determining the physics in this slip-flow problem. ature with and without viscous heating. Flow at
They compared their results with the direct sim- slip flow has been extensively studied consider-
ulation Monte Carlo method. They concluded ing many scenarios. Review of convective heat
that slip-flow models neglecting viscous dissipa- transfer in the slip-flow regime is done by Colin
tion, expansion cooling, and thermal creep were [7] and Zhang et al. [4]. Using the integral trans-
adequate in describing the heat transfer. How- form method, Yu and Ameel [18] solved for Nu
ever, when considering viscous dissipation, the for flow in a rectangular microchannel subject to
Nu expression becomes [34] the constant temperature and slip-flow boundary
S 3034 Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels

conditions. They did not include viscous dissipa- equation to model gaseous flows at low speeds
tion in the work; however, they did include var- over a microcircular cylinder and a microsphere.
iable thermal accommodation coefficients. Lilley and Sader [38] used the Boltzmann equa-
Similar to [22], they concluded that the Kn, Pr, tions with diffusely reflecting surface and hard-
aspect ratio, velocity slip, and temperature jump sphere molecules to capture the non-Newtonian
can all cause the Nu to deviate from the conven- nature of the dilute gaseous flow near the surface.
tional value. Shokouhmand and Bigham [36] The Boltzmann equation can be solved by the
investigated developing fluid flow and heat trans- particulate methods – the molecular dynamics
fer through a wavy microchannel while account- (MD) and the direct simulation Monte Carlo
ing for viscous effects. They too found that the (DSMC) method – or by deriving higher-order
Nu and the friction coefficient are greatly fluid dynamics approximations beyond
affected by the Kn. Also observed was that the Navier–Stokes, also known as Burnett equations.
effects of viscous dissipation are significant These methods take into account the
through microchannels and grow with increasing intermolecular potentials that measure the attrac-
Kn. Overall it is found that the heat transfer tive and repulsive forces which govern the colli-
coefficient is strongly influenced by variation sion process between molecules. The
of Kn. intermolecular vary with distance between the
two molecules. Being a deterministic approach,
Transition and Free-Molecular Flow Regime MD simulation may require a very large domain
In the transition regime, the rarefaction effects for gaseous flows, while the DSMC is a stochastic
dominate and the intermolecular collisions need approach and is simulated more efficiently. MD
to be taken into account. For the free-molecular simulations are best suited for dense gases, while
flow, intermolecular collisions can be considered DSMC is more efficient for dilute gases. The
negligible when compared to the probability of DSMC method also requires a large number of
the molecule colliding with the wall surface. As particles, which makes it expensive in terms of
the flow enters the transition flow regime and computational time and memory requirements
continues into the free-molecular flow regime, [1]. Prabha and Sathain [39] modeled three-
the Kn becomes significant enough that the dimensional Poiseuille flow through nanosize
molecular approach has to be utilized. Thus, the channels using MD simulations. With this
Boltzmann equation method, they verified the first- and second-order
slip models stated in the previous questions.
@f @f @f Dongari et al. [40] used the same particle-based
þ ui þ Fi ¼ Qðf , f eq Þ (37)
@t @xi @xi method to model the flow behavior of gases in
high-speed rarefied conditions. Barisik and
should be considered to capture atomic motion of Beskok [41] also using MD developed a shear-
gaseous flows. The Boltzmann equation denotes driven gas flow model in nanochannel to under-
vi as the velocity, Fi as the forcing function, and stand surface interactions with the fluid in the
f as the particle velocity distribution function in transition and free-molecular flow regimes. In
space, velocity, and time, while Q( f, f eq) recent years, DSMC has been used to predict
describes the intermolecular collisions. The den- gaseous flow through microchannels. Xue
sity can be obtained by integrating f over time and et al. [42] modeled the gaseous flow through
space. The integration of the product of the den- a microchannel in transition flow regimes
sity and the velocity will provide the mass veloc- [43, 44], all provided some modification to the
ity. The Maxwellian distribution, also known as first-order slip coefficient presented in the previ-
the equilibrium particle distribution function, ous section. Zade et al. [45] computed the slip/
f eq, is the simplest distribution as it is the jump boundary conditions using the
zeroth-order approximation of the Boltzmann Navier–Stokes and the DSMC method for mod-
equation. Morinishi [37] used the Boltzmann erate Kn ranges. Ejtehadi et al. [46] modeled
Single-Phase Gaseous Flows in Microchannels 3035 S
a rarefied gas flow between two parallel, moving the use of diffuse boundary conditions [55–59].
plates with uniform temperature. White et al. [47] Meghdadi Isfahani and Soleimani [55, 56]
used the DSMC to understand gas flow charac- modeled micro- and nanochannels using
teristics in a microchannel with bends. More a modified LBM to accurately model the temper-
recently, the DSMC is being used to understand ature and velocity distributions for a Kn ranging
the effects of the mean free path of rarefied gas for slip, transition, and molecular regimes. Reis
molecules in nonplanar geometries [48, 49]. and Dellar [57] modeled a microchannel with
The Burnett equations, Navier–Maxwell slip boundary conditions in
order to capture the tangential velocity to the
f ¼ f ð0Þ þ Kn f ð1Þ þ Kn f ð2Þ þ    (38) strain rate at the wall surface achieving second-
order accuracy. Zhang et al. [58] and Lopez et al.
are the second-order approximation of the [60–61] used the LBM to accurately model the
Chapman–Enskog solution of the Boltzmann Knudsen layer in micro- and nanochannels for
equations. This method is very efficient in model- transition flow regimes.
ing gaseous flow for slip and early transition flow The large surface-to-volume ratio in
regimes through micro-/nanochannels microchannels tends to enhance several factors
[50]. Weng and Chen [51] used the that were neglected in macroscale flow and heat
Maxwell–Burnett slip law to improve the transfer, such as surface friction, compressibility,
second-order slip equations for rarefaction surface roughness, viscous, channel surface geom-
effects in the transition regime. Lockerby etry, surface electrostatic charges, axial wall heat
et al. [52, 53] proposed a higher-order boundary conduction, and measurement errors. Velocity slip
condition based on Maxwell’s general equations flow has been widely studied accurately to model
in the previous section using the Burnett rela- the characteristics of gas flow in the Knudsen layer
tions. These conditions are suitable for all surface for all flow regimes. A review of the slip velocity
geometries. can be found in Zhang et al. [4].
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54. Cornubert R, d’Humieres D, Levermore D (1991) conditions of a thin double layer or a large chan-
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Adv Mater Res 403–408:5313–5317 a vacuum and the relative dielectric constant,
S 3038 SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination

respectively. Zeta potential is represented by z, access to more than three million SNPs (roughly
and m is the solution viscosity. The proportional- 1 every 100–300 bases) and opened up exciting
ity constant (ez/m) is often referred to as the new capabilities for associating individual SNPs,
electroosmotic mobility. haplotypes, and linkage disequilibrium with
disease states and pharmacological responses.
The first of these associations represents the
Cross-References simplest of cases, where the SNP alleles are the
actual sequence variants that result in differences
▶ Temperature Effects on the Zeta Potential in gene function (by inducing sequence errors
in the expressed protein or the exons it contains)
or regulation (as a result of the SNP occurring
within a promoter region). In general however
SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics the vast majority of SNPs fall into one of the
for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism latter two categories in that they do not contribute
Discrimination directly to disease states, but can serve as
genetic markers that can be used to find func-
David Erickson tional SNPs as a result of associations
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace between the two. In such cases many SNPs
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, (in exons, introns, and other noncoding regions)
NY, USA may all be associated with a disease state or
phenotype though only a single one may have
a direct effect.
Synonyms To make good use of SNPs for finding genes
related to disease and studying their function, for
Nucleic acid detection genotyping them in many individuals, for finding
their frequencies in pooled samples, and for dis-
cerning haplotypes, better and cheaper techno-
Definition logical methods are needed for discovering
SNPs. At present the technology is not yet
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are cheap enough for studies that would genotype
single-base-pair differences in individuals where thousands of individuals for hundreds of thou-
the less common variant occurs in only sands of SNPs across the genome in order to see
a small portion of the total population. Detection which variants are most closely associated with
of these SNPs is proving to be a useful a disease phenotype [2]. The purpose of this entry
technique for the diagnosis of a variety of will be to introduce some of the ways micro- and
genetic diseases and disorders. In this entry nanofluidic technology is making progress
microfluidics-based techniques for SNP discrim- towards addressing this issue. The first “Basic
ination are explored. Methodology” section will introduce some of
the existing chip-based techniques for interrogat-
ing SNPs with a focus on surface phase hybridi-
Overview zation techniques as being the most
commercially viable. The “Key Research Find-
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms ings” section will then describe how these tech-
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are niques are being implemented in microfluidic
single-base-pair differences in DNA among indi- formats. In the final section a discussion regard-
viduals where the less common variant occurs in ing how these technologies can or should be
at least 1 % of the total population [1]. The extended to handle future analytical needs will
decoding of the human genome has given us be provided.
SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination 3039 S
Basic Methodology (due to diffusion-limited reaction kinetics) and
complicated washing steps demanding strict tem-
Techniques for SNP Screening perature and buffer salt-content control. In addi-
All allele-specific SNP discrimination techniques tion, microarray hybridization and washing
suitable for high-throughput genetic analysis can manipulation is conducted on centimeter-scale
be categorized as either being either primer glass substrates thereby requiring that large quan-
extension, oligonucleotide ligation, invasive tities of DNA target sample be used. While
cleavage, or hybridization based [3]. There are numerous techniques have been identified for
numerous variants on the primer extension tech- amplifying the signal, recently even to the point
nique however all are based on the ability of where SNP identification can be performed with-
DNA polymerase to incorporate specific deoxy- out the need for target amplification (via PCR),
ribonucleotides that are complementary to the such processes require complex and, often,
sequence of the template DNA [4]. An entire expensive labeling steps. The main difficulty
class of techniques based on electrophoretic sep- with such devices however relates to the infra-
aration has also been developed and include the structure/sensitivity trade-off whereby either
following: heteroduplex analysis (HA), single- a large expensive tabletop optical apparatus
strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), (often con focal) is used to perform ultrasensitive
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis detection or a smaller footprint (though still rela-
(DGGE), temperature gradient gel electrophore- tively large) laser scanner is used to perform
sis (TGGE), allele-specific PCR amplification, much more rapid analysis; however the detection
and ligase chain reaction/ligase detection reac- sensitivity is significantly lower. Such post-
tion (LCR/LDR). reaction scanning systems typically also lack the
Of all these, the technique that has shown the ability to monitor reaction kinetics. Based on
most commercial promise has been surface phase these limitations the requirements outlined in
DNA microarray technologies, involving large- Fig. 1 are proposed as requirements for next-
scale DNA sequence detection based on hybridi- generation SNP discrimination techniques.
zation between complementary DNA sequences
on a solid support. In recent years a number of
DNA microarray and DNA chip type devices
have been developed and commercialized Next generation SNP discrimination
(examples include LabCard by ACLARA Bio techniques should...
Sciences, GeneChip by Affymetrix, NanoChip 1. Have high throughput capabilities, enabling
by Nanogen). Such devices enable parallel DNA multiplexing of both interrogated SNPs and
or RNA analysis to be carried out in a format that (less importantly) patient samples on the
same device.
typically includes some functional microfluidic S
2. Minimze the total amount of time and
technology which serves to increase the rate at handling required to perform a multiplexed
which targets are delivered to the region of inter- reaction.
est (either by increasing the probability of target- 3. Enable either disposability or reusability
surface collisions through physical confinement functionality
near the probe site or direct electro-active attrac- 4. Be sufficiently sensitive to so as to work with
tion). Though broadly useful to study, a number raw, unamplified samples.
of different target-probe binding systems, such as
chips, are commonly used gene expression anal- SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single-
ysis or single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination,
discrimination applications. Fig. 1 Requirements for next-generation single-
nucleotide polymorphism screening technologies.
Such high-throughput DNA microarray tech-
A technique which meets the above requirements is
nologies can simplify SNP analysis, but most required to perform the large-scale population screening
methods require several hours for hybridization studies
S 3040 SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination

SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination, Fig. 2 Integrated
microfluidic devices for (a) parallel polymerase chain reaction and (b) DNA hybridization (From Erickson and Li [5])

These conditions will be revisited in the “Future to investigate the integration of multiple
Directions” section of this entry. microfluidic-based technologies into single micro-
scale platforms with the goal of developing inte-
grated technologies for performing nucleic acid
Key Research Findings analysis. Designs included paramagnetic or glass
bead-based devices, poly(methylmethacrylate)
As mentioned above, this section will review the (PMMA) chips exploiting universal zip code
state of the art in microfluidics-based SNP dis- arrays, and polycarbonate (PC) chips designed to
crimination with the goal of providing as broad of be credit card sized, all of which proved successful
an overview of the existing technology as possi- in accelerating and automating detection of
ble. As this review by necessity is somewhat hybridization events (see Erickson and Li [5] for
cursory, it will be followed up with a more a more comprehensive review of these devices).
detailed description of a particular electroki- Commonly, a necessity for obtaining maxi-
netically based on-chip SNP discrimination tech- mum discrimination between fully matched
nique. The overall thrust of this section will be to target-probe complexes and those containing
determine to what degree exiting microfluidic a single-base-pair mismatch in a microfluidic
technology can be used to address the next- chip is accurate control of the thermal conditions
generation needs described in Fig. 1. at the reaction site (whether it be in solution or at
a surface). This has been largely accomplished
State of the Art in Integrated Microfluidic through the integration of external heaters and
Devices for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism thermal sensors (e.g., RTDs) on chip thereby
Discrimination adding an additional level of device complexity
As described throughout this encyclopedia, to that required for simple hybridization detec-
microfluidic (Lab-on-a-Chip) technologies tion. Figure 2 illustrates recently developed
enable processing small liquid volumes in devices for PCR (Fig. 2a) and surface phase
a rapid and controlled manner which has proven DNA hybridization (Fig. 2b) which incorporate
especially useful for analysis in life sciences. In such functionality. PCR amplification was one of
the early 2000s several researcher groups began the first on-chip applications which required this
SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination 3041 S
type of control. In what were some of the first accomplished using numerous different tech-
prominent examples Kopp, deMello, and Manz niques, a few of which include the following:
[6] used a copper heating block for continuous- traditional pressure-driven (pneumatic) flow,
flow PCR in a microfluidic channel, while others electrokinetic transport, buoyancy, magnetohy-
such as Lao et al. [7] used high thermal conduc- drodynamics, capillarity, electrowetting, and
tivity silicon-based devices to achieve precise thermocapillarity (see Stone et al. [11] for
temperature control and rapid cooling in a comprehensive overview). While electrokinetic
cycling-based device. As for devices specifically means can greatly simplify species transport in
devices for SNP detection, Buch et al. [8] microfluidic systems (see the section “▶ Electro-
reported a TGGE method based on the presence osmotic Flow”), an effect commonly considered
of a controllable temperature gradient on a significant drawback is the internal heat gener-
a polymer microfluidic chip. Platforms for high- ation caused by current flow through the buffer
throughput on-chip temperature gradient assays solution. To maintain uniform and controlled
were also developed by Mao et al. [9] who dem- system temperatures required for SNP discrimi-
onstrated discrimination of fully complementary nation, devices must have the ability to rapidly
DNA strands from those containing a single T-G reject this heat to the surroundings. This problem
or C-A mismatch. This was also done using is enhanced as a result of the recent shift towards
SYBR Green I intercalating dye and was reported low-cost polymeric microfluidic systems (which
for parallel and combinatorial measurements. As will be discussed in greater detail in the final
described above these devices required the incor- section) fabricated from such low thermal con-
poration of temperature control units, external ductivity polymeric materials as poly(dimethyl-
heaters, and thermal sensors on the microfluidic siloxane) (PDMS) and poly(methylmethacrylate)
chips, making it possible to control and rapidly (PMMA) as opposed to traditional materials such
change the temperature in order to produce spa- as glass or silicon. The primary attractiveness of
tial temperature gradients. In a recent work, these materials is that they tend to involve sim-
Blazej et al. [10] developed what they term pler and significantly less-expensive manufactur-
a microfabricated bioprocessor which integrated ing techniques while still being amenable to
all three steps involved in Sanger sequencing surface modification and probe functionalization.
(viz., thermal cycling, sample purification, and The low thermal conductivities inherent in these
capillary electrophoresis). Using this device materials (0.18 W/mK for PDMS which is an
they demonstrated a 99 % read accuracy over order of magnitude lower than that of glass)
556 bases. The device presented in that work retards the rejection of internally generated heat
represents one of the most integrated microfluidic during electroosmosis.
systems developed at time of publication incor- As mentioned above we have recently devel-
porating such elements as pneumatic microvalves oped a novel on-chip electrokinetically based S
and electrokinetic flow control elements and low microfluidic technique for SNP discrimination
dispersion turns in addition to thermal control and (see Erickson et al. [12] for details). The tradi-
monitoring elements. Of note is that in the major- tional advantages in terms of flow and sample
ity of these devices, hydrodynamic pumping handling afforded by electrokinetic transport
techniques have been relied upon for performing described in the electroosmotic flow section of
the majority of the primary transport operations the entry were extended to include thermal con-
(the exception of course being those which rely trol through online manipulation of the Joule
on an electrophoresis step). heating conditions. Precise control of the thermal,
shear, and electrical conditions at the probe sites
Electrokinetically Based Single-Nucleotide were shown to enable discrimination of single-
Polymorphism Discrimination base-mismatch SNP sample targets on the chip by
On the length scales relevant to microfluidic exploiting differences in denaturation energetics.
devices, fluid flow and species transport can be This technique is expanded on in this entry as it
S 3042 SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination

a b R=2mm
Thermal 4 3
30 mm

8 mm
150 μm 120 μm
1 2

Probesite Array

c 12
SMN 1A Target
SMN 2A Target
IMatch / IMismatch

100 200 300 400 500 600
Potential Gradient [V/cm]

SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single- with eight individual probe sites shown as SMN1 and
Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination, SMN2 in the figure. For the purposes of this work, the
Fig. 3 Electrokinetically based SNP discrimination tech- same probes were used for each spot in the individual
nique. (a) Schematic describing electrokinetically based regions for DNA hybridization chip. Input ports labeled
SNP discrimination technique applying an electrokinetic as (1) sample port, (2) waste port, (3) buffer port, and (4)
driving potential allows for precise manipulation of the auxiliary port. (c) Optimal discrimination for both
thermal (through Joule heating), shear (through electroos- SMN1A and SMN2A target. Data points show ratio of
motic flow), and electrical (through electrophoresis) average intensity over the matched probe site to the aver-
forces enabling the SNP to be discriminated. (b) H-type age intensity of the mismatched probe site. Peak repre-
channel structure probe site layout for electrokinetically sents point where ratio of match intensity to mismatch
based single-nucleotide polymorphism discrimination. intensity is greatest
Four regions were robotically spotted onto the chip each

uniquely demonstrates how detailed understand- discrimination difficult. Applying an electroki-

ing of fluid dynamics and thermal transport on the netic driving potential allows for manipulation
micro- and nanoscales can be exploited to control of the thermal (through Joule heating), shear
reaction specificity without the need for incorpo- (through electroosmotic flow), and electrical
rating additional device functionality. (through electrophoresis) forces above the micro-
A schematic of the discrimination technique is array. To demonstrate the clinical utility of the
shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen under standard technique, the detection of single-base-pair muta-
conditions (or at low applied voltage) both the tions in the survival motor neuron gene, associ-
fully matched hybrid and that with a single-base- ated with the childhood disease spinal muscular
pair mismatch remain hybridized making atrophy, was performed. Specifically the
SNP on Chip Micro- and Nanofluidics for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Discrimination 3043 S
technique was applied to the detection of the detection/scoring infrastructure. Devices which
common C ! T mutation in the SMN1 gene rely on what have classically been more serial
resulting in what is known as SMN2 (and is technologies (e.g., capillary electrophoresis) can
found in all SMA patients). Such mutations lead have many analytical advantages over binding
to the loss of alpha-motor neurons and subse- assays (such as enabling Sanger-type sequencing
quently the wasting of voluntary muscles. as discussed above) but are likely to face
To determine the optimal conditions for SNP parallelity roadblocks in the future unless more
discrimination, a series of incrementally increasing cost-effective multiplexing technologies can be
voltages were applied during the discrimination developed.
step, ranging from 100 to 600 V/cm within the The second requirement for next-generation
hybridization array. Figure 3c compares the flores- technologies pertains to minimizing the time
cence intensity of the matched probe sites with that and handling required to perform a complete
of the mismatched probe sites for both SMN1A and assay. Great advances have been made along
SMN2A targets. While the intensity ratios remained these lines in the past 2–3 years largely thanks
constant at lower voltages, a clear optimum in the to the development of multilayer soft lithography
discrimination existed for each different target- [14]. This technology has enabled the incorpora-
probe complex, at 460 and 525 V/cm, respectively. tion of pneumatic pumps, valves, and other flow
The difference in the optimal potential gradient control elements on chip with relative ease. Given
between these two cases can be attributed to the that, much of the effort in the field is therefore
slightly larger change in the thermodynamic stabil- directed towards pushing the analytical technol-
ity associated with the SMN1A-SMN2 hybrid. ogy upstream towards processing real patient sam-
ples or at least minimizing the number of manual
processing steps. Almost inevitably however
Future Directions for Research incorporation of additional on-chip functionality
increases the final cost-per-chip and thus a trade-
In the preceding two sections, an overview of off has to be made between how much manual
microfluidics-based SNP discrimination technol- processing the customer is willing to tolerate in
ogy has been presented, and thus when defining order to keep total device costs down. In a research
future directions for research, it makes sense to environment, where tests are likely to be
compare these devices with each of the needs as conducted by a technician or graduate student
expressed in Fig. 1. Continuing the theme from with a relatively sophisticated level of expertise,
above here, we focus more on technology devel- this tolerance level is likely to be relatively high.
opment rather than clinical applications (for more For point-of-care applications, the requirements
details on the latter of these readers are referred to are much more stringent.
Motsinger et al. [13]). The third condition relates to disposability or S
The first condition for next-generation tech- reusability of devices. In general disposability is so
nology outlined in Fig. 1 relates to the develop- ingrained in the medical community that even if
ment of highly multiplexed devices that enable washing technologies were developed to the point
simultaneous screening of multiple samples that the potential for cross contamination could be
against multiple SNPs. While most of the surface effectively eliminated, it seems unlikely that reus-
phase binding-based chips described above have able devices are likely to have a significant com-
generally targeted a small number of specific mercial impact. As alluded to above this suggests
SNPs for demonstrative purposes, the extension that development efforts should be focused on
to the kind of parallelity used in microarray for- polymer devices, where device fabrication can be
mats is relatively easy. This is as a result of the done using relatively simple and inexpensive cast-
numerous microfluidic technologies have been ing or hot embossing techniques. This simplifica-
developed for dispersing samples over relatively tion of the fabrication steps tends to conflict with
large interrogation areas and the well-developed the requirements mentioned above for the basic
S 3044 Soda-Lime Glass

thermal control (that facilitates SNP discrimina- 8. Buch JS, Kimball C, Rosenberger F, Highsmith WE,
tion) let alone some of the desired additional DeVoe DL, Lee CS (2004) DNA mutation detection in
a polymer microfluidic network using temperature gra-
upstream functionality. Since fabrication technol- dient gel electrophoresis. Anal Chem 76(4):874–881
ogy is reasonably well developed, research directed 9. Mao HB, Holden MA, You M, Cremer PS (2002) Reus-
towards the development of techniques that can able platforms for high-throughput on-chip tempera-
perform the desired analytical operations without ture gradient assays. Anal Chem 74(19):5071–5075
10. Blazej RG, Kumaresan P, Mathies RA
the need for additional on-chip functionality (such (2006) Microfabricated bioprocessor for integrated
as the electrokinetic SNP discrimination technique nanoliter-scale Sanger DNA sequencing. Proc Natl
described above) is certainly warranted. Acad Sci USA 103(19):7240–7245
Most of the existing technologies discussed 11. Stone HA, Stroock AD, Ajdari A (2004) Engineering
flows in small devices: microfluidics toward a lab-on-
above require some sort of upstream PCR ampli- a-chip. Annu Rev Fluid Mech 36:381–411
fication step to bring the target concentration up 12. Erickson D, Liu XZ, Venditti R, Li DQ, Krull UJ
to detectable levels. This step requires additional (2005) Electrokinetically based approach for single-
time, requires more functionality to be incorpo- nucleotide polymorphism discrimination using
a microfluidic device. Anal Chem 77(13):4000–4007
rated onto a chip, and limits the degree of 13. Motsinger AA, Ritchie MD, Dobrin SE (2006) Clini-
multiplexing. For the reasons discussed above, cal applications of whole-genome association studies:
therefore it would be desirable if this step could future applications at the bedside. Expert Rev Mol
be eliminated in favor of sensor systems which Diagn 6(4):551–565
14. Unger MA, Chou HP, Thorsen T, Scherer A, Quake SR
have sufficient sensitivity and specificity to detect (2000) Monolithic microfabricated valves and pumps by
relatively minute quantities of a target in its multilayer soft lithography. Science 288(5463):113–116
unamplified state. Achieving this task in
a multiplexed format requires research that
takes an overall systems view of device develop-
ment looking at the coupling of sensitivity, spec-
ificity, transport, and repeatability in the context Soda-Lime Glass
of a whole device, as opposed to a component
view as is commonly done at present. Synonyms

Sodium glass; Sodium silicate glass


1. Brooks L (2003) Single nucleotide polymorphisms. Definition

In: Kwok P (ed) SNPs: why do we care? Humana
Press, Totowa
2. Risch N, Merikangas K (1996) The future of genetic
Soda-lime glass is the kind of glass that is most
studies of complex human diseases. Science widely used for various purposes. Soda-lime
273(5281):1516–1517 glass is a multicomponent mixture of SiO2
3. Kwok PY (2001) Methods for genotyping single (72.8 %), Na2O (13.7 %), CaO (8.8 %), MgO
nucleotide polymorphisms. Annu Rev Genomics
Hum Genet 2:235–258
(4.0 %), and small amounts of Fe2O3 (0.12 %)
4. Sobrino B, Brion M, Carracedo A (2005) SNPs in and Al2O3 (0.1 %). Adding sodium carbonate
forensic genetics: a review on SNP typing methodol- lowers the melting point of the glass, thus lower-
ogies. Forensic Sci Int 154(2–3):181–194 ing the energy required to heat it, but also making
5. Erickson D, Li DQ (2004) Integrated microfluidic
devices. Anal Chim Acta 507(1):11–26
it soluble in water. Calcium carbonate or calcium
6. Kopp MU, de Mello AJ, Manz A (1998) Chemical oxide is added to counter this.
amplification: continuous-flow PCR on a chip. Sci-
ence 280(5366):1046–1048
7. Lao AIK, Lee TMH, Hsing IM, Ip NY (2000) Precise
temperature control of microfluidic chamber for gas
and liquid phase reactions. Sens Actuators Phys
84(1–2):11–17 ▶ Bulk Micromachining
Sol–Gel Technique 3045 S
orthosilicate (TEOS). The side product of the
Sol–Gel Technique reaction is the corresponding alcohol (Fig. 1).
Once the tetrahydroxy silane has been formed,
Dominic S. Peterson the silica will condense to form larger silica mol-
Materials Science & Technology Division, ecules and oligiomers (Fig. 2). This formation of
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, the sol (or small colloidal silica particles) can be
NM, USA controlled to produce particles that have
a particular size or size distribution.
Once the sol has been formed, they will cross-
Definition link to form a gel structure. This formation of
a gel from the sol gives the materials the name
The sol–gel synthetic technique is used to fabri- sol–gel (Fig. 3). This cross-linking is achieved
cate a porous structure composed of transition through a polycondensation step. This step is the
metal alkoxides. These structures most com- same as the condensation step, except that it
monly utilize a siloxane (SiO) to form the back- results in a structure that is highly cross-linked.
bone structure. The synthesis of these sol–gels The size and amount of cross-linking is depen-
involves a hydrolysis of a silicone monomer dent on the pH of the system and also the pres-
followed by the condensation of the silica into ence (and amount of) any other alkyl groups in
a porous structure with a three-dimensional the silica monomers (SiOR). It should also be
networked structure. The physical structures of noted that a wide range of chemical functionali-
these sol–gels can be tailored to produce struc- ties can be incorporated into the eventual sol–gel
tures with a wide range of useful properties and by the use of monomers that have useful alkyl
the chemical surface chemistry can be modified groups incorporated into the structure. Alterna-
to produce various surface interactions. tively, it is possible to modify the sol–gel after it
has been formed by the condensation of
a functional silane onto the sol–gel surface.
Overview The relative rates of reaction between the
hydrolysis, condensation, and polycondensation
Sol–gel chemistry is a versatile tool that can be directly affect the type and quality of sol–gel
used to produce organic and inorganic produced. For instance, in base-catalyzed sol–gel
hybrid materials that have properties that can be synthesis, the rate of the hydrolysis reaction is
difficult to obtain from only inorganic or organic much slower than the polycondensation step,
synthetic approaches. The synthetic approach which tends to form a polymeric structure that is
involves the polycondensation of sol–gel active highly branched with relatively large particles. In
molecules to form a macromolecular network contrast, in acid-catalyzed sol–gel synthesis, the S
structure. rate of the hydrolysis reaction is much faster than
the polycondensation step, which favors the for-
mation of linear polymers. This also tends to form
Basic Methodology much smaller particles that the gel is composed
of, which results in materials with much higher
The synthesis of a sol–gel follows three primary porosities and higher surface areas than is formed
steps [1]. First, the transition metal monomers are with sol–gels formed in base-catalyzed reactions.
hydrolyzed to form a tetrahydroxy alkoxide. Therefore, acid-catalyzed synthesis tends to pro-
Because most sol–gels are formed from silica duce materials that have properties that are pref-
monomers, the remainder of the discussion will erable for microfluidic applications.
focus on silica sol–gels. The hydrolysis step for Another process that is essential to the prop-
silica sol–gels typically involves the use of either erties of the sol–gel produced is aging. When the
tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS) or tetraethyl gel that is formed is maintained in liquid, its
S 3046 Sol–Gel Technique

Sol–Gel Technique, Fig. 1 Hydrolysis of tetramethyl orthosilicate to silanol

Sol–Gel Technique, Fig. 2 Condensation of two silanols into a dimer

Sol–Gel Technique,
Fig. 3 Schematic of
conversion of the sol into
a gel structure

structure and properties continue to change after temperatures. Coarsening is the decrease in sur-
the gel has been formed. There are three pro- face area through dissolution and reprecipitation
cesses that continue to change the properties of of dissolved material within the gel network. Due
the sol–gel during aging. These include polycon- to the solution microenvironment, this precipita-
densation, syneresis, and coarsening. Polycon- tion of material is irreversible. The overall aging
densation reactions continue to occur within the process is affected by several parameters includ-
gel as long as silanol groups are close enough to ing time, pH, temperature, and inclusion of
one another to react with one another. This con- organic solvents in the gel system. Through the
tinues to increase the connectivity within the gel control of the aging process, it is possible to
network. Syneresis is the shrinkage of the gel and produce sol–gels with specific porous structure
the expulsion of liquid from the pores of the gel. including the particular surface area that is
This shrinkage is attributed to the formation of needed for specific applications.
new bridging siloxane bonds through condensa- The preparation of sol–gels is a simple and
tion, which causes the gel to contract. The straightforward process. Because the precursor
amount of shrinkage will increase with higher sol has a low viscosity, it is easy to place it into
concentrations of silica in the gel and at higher any mold (including a microfluidic channel) and
Sol–Gel Technique 3047 S
then form the gel. The primary limitation on the filling the capillary with the sol solution. After
mold is that it needs to avoid adhesion of the sol this, the gel step is performed and the sol–gel is
solution, and it must not lead to the formation of formed in situ. After the sol–gel is formed, there
bubbles during filling or during the gelation is typically a rinsing step that is used to remove
process. un-reacted sol and to fill the column with
a solution that is more suitable for electrophoretic
operations. The other approach to sol–gel col-
Key Research Findings umns is the preparation of open tubular columns
in which the sol–gel is coated on the interior
In the past decade there has been intense interest surface of the capillary. The greatest difficulty
in the use of sol–gels for use in microfluidic and in preparing open tubular columns is in preparing
nanofluidic applications. The most widespread sol–gel coatings which are relatively thick, sta-
use of sol–gels in microfluidic systems has been ble, reliable, and reproducible. There have been
for capillary electrochromatography (CEC). CEC many examples of sol–gel CEC columns, and
is a separation technique in which an electrical they have been shown to enable separations that
potential is applied across a capillary (containing have high efficiency and are quite reproducible.
a packing material) and the ionic functionalities The preparation of open tubular CEC sol–gel
generate bulk flow through the capillary through columns first involves the pretreatment of the
electroosmosis. The separation of nonionic capillary and the preparation of the sol. The gel
analytes can then be achieved as the analytes step for open tubular columns is allowed to pro-
will partition between the mobile phase and the ceed for only a short period of time (i.e., 20 min).
packing stationary phase. Sol–gels have provided This short time allows the gel to begin to form;
an excellent method to make CEC columns, as typically silanol-containing groups will begin to
they are simple to prepare within the capillary react with other silanols in the immediate vicin-
and they easily cross-link with the silica surfaces ity. This includes the sol reacting with the silanol
of the capillary, thus immobilizing them. Further- groups at the surface of the silica capillary. When
more, in addition to using functionalized silica the non-reacted sol is rinsed out of the capillary,
monomers in the preparation of a CEC sol–gel all of the sol–gel that is not covalently attached to
column, it is also possible to modify the silica the wall of the capillary will be rinsed out. This
surface with functionalized siloxanes. This will leave a layer of the sol–gel on the interior of
enables the column to have higher thermal and the capillary.
solvent stability. The sol–gel process for prepar- While the use of sol–gels in capillaries has
ing CEC columns enables the surface chemistry been extensive, their use in microchannels on
to be controlled, and the selectivity of the column chips has been more limited, due to the difficulty
to separate different compounds can be adjusted of fabricating sol–gels within the chip materials. S
for specific applications. The primary difficulty is in preparing the sol–gel
There are two types of preparation that are in the region of the chip that it is needed, while
used to make CEC columns [2]. The first excluding it from the areas where it is not needed.
approach involves fully filling the capillary with One method that has been introduced to fabricate
the sol–gel solution. This method produces the sol–gel in a particular area of a chip is to use
a sol–gel that fully fills the capillary and thus a photoinitiation step to cause the gelation to
produces the maximum amount of surface area form in a specific area [3]. This process first
for separation processes. However, fully filling involves preparing a sol from a siloxane
the column with a sol–gel leads to a higher rate of containing an organic monomer, such as
bubble formation under the high voltage condi- a methacrylate. Once the sol had been prepared,
tions utilized for CEC separations. The prepara- it was placed into a UV transparent capillary or
tion of filled CEC sol–gel columns involves chip. The organic functionalities on the sol were
pretreating the capillary, preparing the sol, and then reacted utilizing a UV active initiator under
S 3048 Sol–Gel Technique

a UV lamp, which causes the sol to become cross- the active enzyme on top of the glass slide. The
linked through the organic functional linker. enzyme kinetics of the encapsulated proteins can
Because this reaction is activated using light, it then be studied in detail by changing the concen-
is possible to cause the sol to polymerize only in trations of substrate and inhibitor and using dif-
a specific region of interest. The un-reacted sol is ferent temperatures. This enables rapid detailed
then rinsed out of the channel. This approach analysis of the behavior of the enzyme. The activ-
allows the sol–gel to be placed into a very specific ity of the immobilized enzyme was similar to the
portion of the chip or capillary with no residual free enzyme, which demonstrates that the activity
sol–gel remaining in other portions of the chan- is maintained even in the sol–gel matrix. Each
nel. The primary disadvantage to this approach is microwell requires only 50 mg of enzyme. These
that it requires that the sol–gel that is fabricated assays have been demonstrated with dozens of
be imparted with very specific organic function- enzymes, which further demonstrates the robust-
alities in order to enable the photopolymerization ness of the method.
step to proceed with high efficiency. In addition to microwell bioreactors for
Another approach that has been used to intro- screening of enzymatic activity, enzymes have
duce a sol–gel functionality into a microchip has also been encapsulated into sol–gels for flow-
been to either imbed the sol–gel into the micro- through systems. For instance, trypsin has been
chip or to coat a microchip channel with fabricated into a sol–gel on a microchip to form
a sol–gel. The method to imbed sol–gel function- a device that performs both digestion and separa-
ality into a chip involved preparing a PDMS chip tion on the same device [6]. Because of the pro-
with silica nanoparticles homogeneously distrib- teolytic activity of the trypsin, proteins that are
uted throughout the PDMS [4]. This approach passed through the device are digested into con-
produced a chip that was more hydrophilic than sistent peptide fragments. The amount of trypsin
normal PDMS. In addition, when these chips that was incorporated into the sol–gel was varied
were used for capillary electrophoresis analysis, between 0.1 % and 10 % depending on the size of
the electroosmotic flow was much higher than in the analyte that needed to be digested and thus the
other PDMS chips. amount of activity that was needed to adequately
Another application to which sol–gels have digest the sample. For sample introduction
been applied is in assays involving various bio- the driving force for introducing the analyte to
catalytic reactions. It has been demonstrated sev- the bioreactor was electroosmotic flow. Once the
eral times that proteins can be easily immobilized protein was digested, it was then separated using
within a sol–gel and then used for a variety of the same electrophoretic forces that are used to
applications. Once the proteins are incorporated introduce the protein to the bioreactor. Because
into the sol–gel structure, they still retain their the protein will be digested into fragments of
enzymatic activity. This enables a wide array of different sizes, the different fragments (which
enzymatic reactors to be prepared including oxi- are charged) will migrate at different speeds and
dases, lipases, and proteases. Enzymes and even be separated in the microchip. The overall time
whole cells can be incorporated into the gels to that was required for the digestion of the protein
enable flow-through reactors to be simply and the subsequent separation is much faster than
constructed. The incorporation of proteins into other methods have been.
sol–gels can also be combined with CEC separa- Protein encapsulation has also been used to
tions to enable the separation of enantiomers. prepare sol–gel columns for CEC separations
Sol–gels with encapsulated enzymes have [7]. This involved incorporating a protein that
been demonstrated for high-throughput screening has a chiral center such as bovine serum albumin
of catalytic activity [5]. This involved fabricating or ovomucoid. Because these proteins have
an array of sol–gel microstructures on a glass a chiral center, it is possible to use the hybrid
slide. This was accomplished by using a PDMS protein/sol–gel column to separate enantiomers.
template and then synthesizing the sol–gel with In these separations, the amount of protein that
Sol–Gel Technique 3049 S
was encapsulated was critically important in is normally observed in silica capillaries. This
resolving the enantiomers, and protein concentra- enables specialized separations to be performed
tions generally needed to be above 5 %. Even at on the sol–gel CEC column compared to that
these levels, the total amount of protein loaded which would be normally achievable.
was in the range of tens of micrograms.
Pre-concentration of analytes is another appli-
cation that sol–gel materials have been applied Future Directions for Research
to. Pre-concentration steps are critical in
microfluidic analytical systems because the Sol–gel technology is a very mature technique
small volumes used require that the concentration with a wide variety of methods that are known
be relatively high to allow analytes to be and are widely used. However, there are many
detected. The pre-concentration step typically opportunities that still exist to expand the sol–gel
involves loading the analyte onto the sol–gel in technique to microfluidic applications. One of the
one solvent or solution. The analytes are later most important areas of future research involves
released from the sol–gel utilizing another sol- developing microfluidic systems that incorporate
vent in which the analyte is more soluble than the multiple functionalities. For instance, a device
sol–gel. A wide variety of functional interactions for proteomic determinations may involve
can be utilized to pre-concentrate an analyte. a sol–gel bioreactor to digest proteins, a sol–gel
These can include ion-exchange, hydrophobic, pre-concentrator to enrich the peptide fragments,
and hydrophilic interactions. One major diffi- and a CEC separation phase to separate the pep-
culty of these types of pre-concentrators is that tides prior to detection. Incorporating multiple
it is very difficult to change solvents from one to functionalities will require several additional dif-
the other in a microfluidic system. Also, the load- ficulties to be overcome. In addition to placing
ing and release solvents must be miscible, which the sol–gel in a specific portion of a microchip, it
limits the solvents that may be used for will be necessary to prepare multiple columns on
pre-concentration operations. An example of a chip without adversely affecting the structure or
sol–gels being used for pre-concentration is in functionality of the other sol–gel devices on the
the enrichment of DNA [8]. This process involves chip. This may be accomplished by using multi-
first adsorption of the DNA onto the silica in the ple interconnected channels and placing each
presence of a salt. The containments are then sol–gel into its channel individually. It may also
washed off using an alcohol/water solution, and require some careful selection of the sol–gels to
finally the DNA is eluted utilizing a buffer solu- be prepared so that the preparation can be
tion. The DNA that is eluted is suitable for further achieved while not disturbing the other devices.
PCR amplification, which adds to the utility of The other area that is ripe for further research is to
the process. utilize sol–gels for other functional devices in S
Sol–gels can also be used for more than one microfluidics. This could involve making electro-
application at the same time. For instance, it has kinetic pumps from sol–gels, which would
been shown that a sol–gel column can be pro- involve fabricating sol–gels with high ionic load-
duced that enables both pre-concentration and ing so that a current can be used to cause the
separation of amino acids [9]. The column was sol–gel to act as a pump with no moving parts.
prepared with a quaternary ammonium function- It has been demonstrated that a variety of biological
ality, which gives the sol–gel a positive charge. proteins can be easily encapsulated into sol–gels.
This unique functionality in the sol–gel enabled This should be expanded so that other functionali-
amino acids to be pre-concentrated and separated ties can be included in microfluidic devices. Other
on the column with high enrichment and effi- pre-concentration approaches could also be fabri-
ciency. Furthermore, the use of a positively cated using sol–gels. Pre-concentration will be
charged surface for the silica surface enables the a critically important step in microfluidics since
electroosmotic flow to be reversed to that which the concentrations required for detection is
S 3050 Solution Reservoirs on Chips

relatively large. It should be possible to make

pre-concentrators that would release the analytes Solution Reservoirs on Chips
in response to other stimuli, such as heat or light,
which would simplify the injection of the analytes Definition
into the system.
Solution reservoirs on chips are small vials
connected to the ends of microchannels and can
store buffer or sample solutions.
▶ Bead-Based Microfluidic Platforms
▶ Capillary Filling
▶ Chromatographic Chip Devices
▶ Electrokinetic Flow in Porous Media
▶ Transferring Samples to Chips, Techniques
▶ Lab-on-a-Chip Devices for Chemical Analysis
▶ Lab-on-Chip Devices for Separation-Based
▶ Liquid Chromatography
Soret Coefficient
▶ Microfluidic Systems for High-Throughput
▶ Stationary Phases in Microchannels
The Soret coefficient is the ratio of the thermal
References diffusion coefficient and the normal diffusion
coefficient; it is a measure of the degree of sepa-
1. Hench LL (1998) Sol-gel silica. Noyes Publications, ration of the species in ▶ thermophoresis.
2. Malik A (2002) Advances in sol-gel based columns for
capillary electrochromatography: sol-gel open-tubular
columns. Electrophoresis 23:3973–3992
3. Dulay MT, Quirino JP, Bennett BD, Kato M, Zare RN Space Charge
(2001) Photopolymerized sol–gel monoliths for capil-
lary electrochromatography. Anal Chem 73:3921–3926
4. Roman GT, Hiaus T, Bass KJ, Seelhammer TG,
Culbertson CT (2005) Sol–gel modified poly
(dimethylsiloxane) microfluidic devices with high Nonequilibrium diffuse charge; Nonequilibrium
electroosmotic mobilities and hydrophilic channel electrical double layer
wall characteristics. Anal Chem 77:1414–1422
5. Park CB, Clark DS (2002) Sol–gel encapsulated
enzyme arrays for high-throughput screening of bio-
catalytic activity. Biotechnol Bioeng 78:229–235 Definition
6. Kato KS, Kato M, Toyo’Oka T (2003) Creation of an
on-chip enzyme reactor by encapsulating trypsin in
Space charge refers to the extended diffuse
sol–gel on a plastic microchip. Anal Chem 75:388–393
7. Kato M, Kumiko SK, Matsumoto N, Toyo’oka T (2002) charge in an electrical double layer, which is
A protein-encapsulation technique by the sol–gel method passing a superlimiting current.
for the preparation of monolithic columns for capillary
electrochromatography. Anal Chem 74:1915–1921
8. Wolfe KA, Breadmore MC, Ferrance JP, Power ME,
Conroy JF, Norris PM, Landers JP (2002) Toward a - Cross-References
microchip-based solid-phase extraction method for
isolation of nucleic acids. Electrophoresis 23:727–733 ▶ Electrical Double Layers
9. Li W, Fries DF, Alli A, Malik A (2004) Positively
▶ Electrophoresis of the Second Kind
charged sol–gel coatings for on-line preconcentration
of amino acids in capillary electrophoresis. Anal Chem ▶ Nonlinear Electrokinetic Phenomena
76:218–227 ▶ Superlimiting Current
Spectral Methods 3051 S
Specific Impulse
Spectral methods are used to numerically solve
Definition boundary value, eigenvalue, and time-dependent
problems, and these methods involve
The impulse delivered by a propulsion system per a completely different approach from finite-
unit of propellant consumed; the quantity can be element and finite-difference methods. In spec-
described either per unit mass or per unit weight tral methods, instead of representing
of propellant. It is a measure of the efficiency of a function by its values at grid points, one
the propulsion system. would approximate the function by a series
expansion in terms of spectral basis functions as
follows (in the case of one-dimensional

Spectral Methods X
uð x Þ
uN ð x Þ ¼ an fn ðxÞ, (1)
Sangmo Kang and Yong Kweon Suh n¼0
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A
University, Busan, South Korea where u(x) and uN(x) denote, respectively,
a function and its approximation and fn(x) and
an, respectively, the nth basis function and its
Synonyms corresponding coefficient. N is the degree of the
series expansion. The basis functions are infi-
Spectral analysis; Spectral approximation nitely differentiable nonlocal functions defined
over a whole domain. In addition, they should
have a lot of appropriate properties, such as
easy computation, rapid convergence, and
Definition completeness (a basis set is said to be complete
for a given class of functions if all the functions
Spectral methods are a class of techniques used in within the class can be represented to
applied mathematics and scientific computing to arbitrary high accuracy as a sum of
numerically solve certain differential equations a sufficiently large number of basis functions)
using the method of weighted residuals. In spec- [1]. The typical examples are the trigonometric
tral methods, the solution is approximated as an functions and the Chebyshev and Legendre
expansion in terms of spectral basis functions. polynomials. The trigonometric functions, or S
Here, the basis functions are infinitely Fourier series, are used for the periodic boundary
differentiable global (nonlocal) functions defined conditions, whereas the Chebyshev and
over a whole domain, e.g., trigonometric Legendre polynomials are used for the Dirichlet
functions, Chebyshev polynomials, Legendre conditions. It means that the coefficient, an,
polynomials, and so on, making the spectral influences the function, uN(x), and its derivative,
methods different from the finite-element and duN(x)/dx, over a whole domain and, thus,
finite-difference methods. Spectral methods spectral methods are completely global.
have an excellent property of very high Note that finite-element and finite-difference
spatial accuracy for well-behaved problems, methods are local because the function
and, thus, they are appropriate for the numerical value at a grid point has influence only near that
simulation of accurately predicting flows with point.
a broad range of dynamically significant scales When the spectral series (Eq. 1) is substituted
of motion. into the differential equation
S 3052 Spectral Methods

LuðxÞ f ðxÞ, (2) In the Galerkin method, on the other hand, the
test function is given as
where L is the differential operator, the result is
the so-called residual function defined as wi ðxÞ fi ðxÞ: (8)

Rðx; a0 , a1 , . . . , aN Þ LuN ðxÞ  f ðxÞ: (3) This choice of test function is successful
because any well-chosen set of basis functions
Since the residual function, R(x;an), is identi- would have all the properties desired by
cally equal to zero for the exact solution, the ulti- weighting functions, including linear indepen-
mate goal in spectral methods is to choose the dence and completeness. The main difference
spectral coefficients, an (n = 0,1, . . . , N), so that between the pseudospectral and Galerkin
the residual function is minimized. The different methods is as follows. In pseudospectral
kinds of spectral methods differ mainly in the min- methods, some of the calculations are carried
imization strategies. out in terms of the spectral coefficients, an, and
The basis functions, fn(x)(n = 0,1, . . . , N), some in terms of the values of u(x) at certain grid
should be already determined such that each of points, whereas in the Galerkin methods, all the
them satisfies the corresponding boundary condi- computations are carried out in terms of the spec-
tion. Here, the application of the method of tral coefficients, an.
weighted residuals [2] determines the coeffi- Micro- and nanoflows involve a relatively
cients, an, by imposing the (N + 1) conditions: broad range of dynamically significant scales of
motion. Thus, highly accurate numerical methods
ðwi , R½x; a0 , a1 , . . . , aN Þ ¼ 0, i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , N are required for exactly capturing these dynam-
(4) ics. High spatial accuracy is achieved by spectral
methods, which thus may be very effective in
for some suitable test functions, wi(x). The inner simulating micro- and nanoflows. However,
product for any two functions, u(x) and v(x), is most micro- and nanoflows involve complex
defined as wall-bounded geometries, that is, the flow geom-
ð etry is complex or particular regions need to be
ðu, vÞ rðxÞuðxÞvðxÞdx (5) resolved. Note that spectral methods cannot be
O readily applied to such cases without any special
for a given nonnegative weight function, r(x), Spectral domain-decomposition methods are
where O denotes the whole domain. suggested as an efficient way of resolving the
There are two basic types of spectral methods: limitation of conventional spectral methods. The
pseudospectral methods and Galerkin methods. basic idea behind the methods is to partition the
In pseudospectral methods, or spectral colloca- whole domain into several subdomains and then
tion methods, the test function is given as to simultaneously solve the differential equations
wi ðxÞ dðx  xi Þ, (6) in each subdomain and appropriate matching
conditions on each interface. These methods
where xi is each collocation point and d(x) the have very attractive features, such as rapid con-
Dirac delta function (1 for x = 0 and 0 otherwise). vergence, geometric flexibility, and suitability to
The substitution of Eq. 6 into Eq. 4 results in the parallel implementation. Thus, they are appropri-
algebraic equations ate when particular regions need to be resolved or
  when flows in complex geometries are to be
a0 , a1 , . . . , aN ¼ LuN ðxi Þ  f ðxi ¼ 0, simulated.
i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , N In general, two classes of spectral domain-
decomposition methods have been proposed in
at the collocation points. the literature: patching methods and variational
Spectral Methods 3053 S
methods. The difference is in the way how the Rðx; a0 , a1 , . . . , aN Þ ¼ LuN ðx  f ðx
interface conditions are imposed. To solve  2 
d uN
second-order partial differential equations as an ¼  2 þ luN  f :
example, the interface condition is typically
enforced by requiring that the solution and its
first normal derivative be continuous on each Since the residual is zero, if uN(x) is the exact
interface. In patching methods, the continuity solution of Eq. 9, it follows that the goal of all
conditions on each interface are discretized by numerical methods is to choose the undetermined
enforcing them at selected points and thus are coefficients, an, so as to make R(x;an) as small as
satisfied exactly by any approximation. In varia- possible. The different kinds of spectral methods
tional methods, on the other hand, the continuity differ mainly in the minimization strategies.
conditions are enforced implicitly or variation- There are two basic types of spectral methods:
ally with differential equations at all points, pseudospectral methods and the Galerkin
including all the subdomains and interfaces. methods.
Patching methods are based on spectral collo- In pseudospectral methods, the following
cation methods first developed by Orzag (N + 1) algebraic equations are derived from
[3]. They are useful in exploiting the efficiency Eq. 7:
of spectral collocation methods. On the other
hand, the spectral element methods first devel-  
Ra0 , a1 , . . . , aN ¼ LuN ðxi Þ  f ðxi
oped by Patera [4] are a kind of variational  2 
methods. These methods are a high-order d uN ð x i Þ
¼  þ luN ðxi Þ
weighted residual technique that combines the dx2
accuracy and rapid convergence of spectral  f ðxi Þ ¼ 0,
methods with the generality and geometric flexi- i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , N:
bility of finite-element methods. (11)

In other words, pseudospectral methods define

Basic Methodology the “minimization” of the residuals as “zero at
a set of (N + 1) collocation points, xi.”
Pseudospectral and Galerkin Methods In the special case where the differential oper-
In order to simply explain the basic principle ator, L, is linear, Eq. 11 converts the differential
behind spectral methods, consider Eq. 9 into the following linear matrix problem:
one-dimensional linear Helmholtz equation as
an example: La ¼ f , (12)
d2 uð x Þ where the elements of the matrices are
LuðxÞ ¼  þ luðxÞ ¼ f ðxÞ in O, (9)
dx2  2 
 d f n ðxi Þ
L in ¼ L½fn ðxi Þ ¼  þ lf n ð x i Þ ,
where l is a nonnegative constant. The same  dx2
basic principle can be readily extended to more a n ¼ an ,

complex differential equations and more dimen- f i ¼ f ðxi Þ:
sional problems. (13)
The function, u(x), in Eq. 9 can be approxi-

mately written as a series expansion in terms of Thus, the inth element of the matrix, L in, is the
spectral basis functions, fn(x), as in Eq. 1. When approximate value of the differential operator, L,
the spectral series (Eq. 1) is substituted into Eq. 9, of the nth basis function (where n is the column
the resultant residual function can be written as index) evaluated at the ith collocation point
S 3054 Spectral Methods

(where i is the row index). If L is a nonlinear The pseudospectral and Galerkin methods are
operator, on the other hand, then the algebraic very different in appearance. However,
Eq. 11 are nonlinear, too. In such a case, they pseudospectral methods are efficient only if the
should be solved by iteration methods such as the collocation points are distributed so that the
Newton-Raphson method. residual is not merely zero at the collocation
The alternatives to pseudospectral methods points themselves but also very small everywhere
are the Galerkin methods. The Galerkin methods in between. It turns out that, for all the canonical
distribute the residual so that the expansion of the basis sets, the optimum choice of collocation
residual function as a series of the basis functions, points is to employ the Gaussian quadrature
fn(x), contains no component with respect to the points which are used to evaluate the integral
test function, fi(x) (i = 0,1, . . . , N). The combi- inner product associated with the basis set
nation of Eqs. 4 and 8 gives the following (N + 1) [1, 5]. From this, one could show that
algebraic equations: the Galerkin and pseudospectral methods
are equivalent if the integrals are evaluated by
ð f i , a0 , a1 , . . . , aN Þ (N + 1)-point Gaussian quadrature.
ð  2
 d uN ðxÞ To summarize, pseudospectral algorithms are
¼ rðxÞfi ðx 
O dx2 (14) easier to program. On the other hand, the
þ luN ðxÞ  f ðxÞÞdx ¼ 0, Galerkin methods are more accurate for small
N and are easier to understand and manipulate
i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , N:
for theoretical purposes such as perturbation the-
In the special case where L is a linear operator, ory. Perhaps, the Galerkin methods are more
the Galerkin methods give the linear matrix robust for difficult problems. For numerical pur-
problem poses, however, there is not much to choose
between them [1].
L~a~ ¼ f~, (15)
Choice of Basis Function Set (Fourier Series
where the elements of the matrices are and Chebyshev Polynomials)
When the solution has spatially periodic bound-
 ary conditions, one uses the following Fourier
L~ in ¼ ðfi , Lfn Þ
ð  2  series as a basis function set:
d f n ðxÞ
¼ rðxÞfi ðxÞ  þ lf n ðx Þ dx,
 O dx2
a~ n ¼ an , X
1  X1 
ð u ð x Þ ¼ a0 þ an cos ðnx þ bn sin ðnx ,

f i ¼ ðfi , f Þ ¼ rðxÞfi ðxÞf ðxÞdx: n¼1 n¼1
O x½p, p ,
(16) ðp
a0 ¼ uðxÞdx,
In some cases, the orthogonality of the spectral p
basis function set may be important because the ðp
coefficients of the expansion of an arbitrary func- an ¼ uðxÞ cos ðnx dx,
tion, u(x), in terms of an orthogonal basis function p
set are given as 1 
bn ¼ uðxÞ sin ðnx dx:
ðu, fn Þ p
uðxÞ ¼ un ðxÞfn ðxÞ , un ¼ : (17)
ðf n , f n Þ (18)

If L is a nonlinear operator, then the algebraic Since each Fourier term is individually peri-
Eq. 14 are nonlinear, too. odic with a period 2p, the solution, u(x),
Spectral Methods 3055 S
automatically satisfies the periodic conditions, each subdomain and appropriate matching con-
independent of the spectral coefficients, an and bn. ditions on each interface. In general, two classes
On the other hand, if the domain is finite, but of spectral domain-decomposition methods have
the function is not periodic, for example, u been proposed in the literature: patching methods
( 1) = 0, the Chebyshev polynomials are best. and variational methods.
The Chebyshev polynomials of degree n are In order to simply explain the basic principle
defined as of patching and variational methods, consider
one-dimensional linear Helmholtz equation sub-
T n ðxÞ ¼ cos ½narccosðxÞ : (19) ject to zero Dirichlet boundary condition as
It can also be calculated directly via the fol-
lowing three-term recurrence relation: d2 uð x Þ
LuðxÞ ¼  þ luðxÞ ¼ f ðxÞ in O,
T 0 ðxÞ 1, (22)
T 1 ðxÞ x,   (20)
T nþ1 ðxÞ ¼ 2xT n ðx  T n1 ðx , n  1: uðxÞ ¼ 0 on @O (23)

To impose the Dirichlet boundary conditions, where @O is the boundary of the whole domain.
u( 1) = 0, one defines the spectral basis func-
tions to be linear combinations of the Chebyshev Patching Methods
polynomials, which vanish at the boundaries, Patching methods [1, 5], first developed by Orzag
such as [3], are useful in exploiting the efficiency of
 spectral collocation methods. Suppose that the
f2n ðxÞ ¼ T 2n ðx  1, whole domain, O, is decomposed into
f2nþ1 ðxÞ ¼ T 2nþ1 ðx  x, n ¼ 1, 2, . . . M subdomains, Os (s = 1, . . . , M). Ns denotes
the degree of polynomials used to approximate
The fact that fn( 1) = 0 for each n follows u(x) in the sth subdomain, and N N1 + N2 + . . . +
from the trigonometric definition of the NM is the total number of degrees of polynomials
Chebyshev polynomials, which implies in the whole domain. The numerical solution is
Tn( 1) = ( 1)n. denoted by uN(x), while us(x) indicates the
There are many exceptions: the basis set can restriction of the numerical solution to the sth
be generally determined by the flow geometry subdomain.
and boundary conditions. Therefore, the inter- In patching methods, the Helmholtz equation
ested readers may refer to the literature for more and the corresponding boundary condition are
details. satisfied in each subdomain as follows: S
Spectral Domain-Decomposition Methods   !
 s  d2 us xsi  s
Most of spectral methods have been developed Lus xi  f ðxi ¼ 
þ lus xi
paying attention to simple geometries, and, thus,  s
one would suffer from many difficulties in apply-  f xi ¼ 0 in Os ,
ing them to more complex geometries. Recently, i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , N s , s ¼ 1, 2, . . . , M
there have been a number of developments on the (24)
use of spectral schemes in more complex geom-
etries, for example, the advent of spectral us ¼ 0 on @O \ Os : (25)
domain-decomposition methods. The basic idea
behind these methods is to partition the whole On the other hand, the solution and its first
domain into several subdomains and then to normal derivative should be continuous across
simultaneously solve differential equations in the interface:
S 3056 Spectral Methods

us ¼ usþ1 on Gs , (26) domain, O. The solution to the Eq. 29 is approx-

imated by a function uN(x) satisfying
dus dusþ1
¼ on Gs , (27) M ð  N 
dx dx X dus dfi XM
þ luNs fi dx ¼ hf , fi is :
dx dx
where Gs [s = 1,2, . . . , (M  1)] denotes the s¼1 Os s¼1

interface between two adjacent subdomains, (30)

Gs = Os \ Os+1. If the order of a certain differen-
For each s, h f , fi is is a convenient approxi-
tial equation is d (2), the solution and all the ð
normal derivatives less than d should be continu- mation of the integral, f fi dx: Equation 30 is
ous across the interface. Os
To summarize, in patching methods, the alge- a variational formulation with trial and test func-
braic equations (24) are solved, together with the tions which are continuous across the interface
boundary condition (25), in each subdomain, and (element boundary).
simultaneously the interface matching conditions
(26) and (27) are satisfied on each interface. The
same principle can be readily extended to more Key Research Findings
dimensional problems.
Since micro- and nanoflows involve very low
Variational Methods Reynolds numbers, the convection effects may
Variational methods [5] are a class of high-order be neglected in simple geometries. However, in
weighted residual techniques that combines the complex geometries with abrupt turns, the effects
high spatial accuracy and rapid convergence of are substantial [6], and, thus, more accurate and
spectral methods with the generality and geomet- efficient numerical schemes such as spectral
ric flexibility of finite-element methods. Consider methods may be necessary in handling such
a variational method on O for one-dimensional flows. Up to now, there have been a vast number
Helmholtz Eq. 22. A variational formulation of of numerical studies on micro- and nanofluidics.
this problem is that u(x) should be the solution to Therefore, few conspicuous numerical studies
 2  using spectral methods have been performed,
Ð d uð x Þ except Karniadakis’ research group.
O  dx2 þ luðxÞ fi ðxÞdx Karniadakis and Beskok [6] developed a code
ð (28)
 m Flow with implementation of spectral element
¼ f ðxÞfi ðx dx:
O methods. They employed both the Navier-Stokes
(incompressible and compressible) and energy
Equation 28 can be converted into another equations in order to compute the relative effects
form, using integration by parts and zero natural of compressibility and rarefaction in gas micro-
boundary condition: flow simulations. In addition, they also consid-
ered the velocity slip, temperature jump, and
Ð duðxÞ dfi ðxÞ thermal creeping boundary conditions in the
O þ luðxÞfi ðxÞ dx
ðdx dx code m Flow. The spatial discretization of m
Flow was based on spectral element methods,
¼ f ðxÞfi ðx dx,
O which are similar to the hp version of finite-
element methods. A typical mesh for simulation
where fi(x) is the trial (or test) function which of flow in a rough micro-channel with different
vanishes on @O and which is integrable over O types of roughness is shown in Fig. 1. The
together with its first derivative. In addition, it is two-dimensional domain is broken up into ele-
a continuous function of piecewise polynomials ments, similar to finite elements, but each ele-
defined on the decomposition of the whole ment employs high-order interpolants based on
Spectral Responsivity 3057 S
Up to now, a vast number of studies on micro-
and nanofluidics have been performed based on the
theoretical, numerical, and experimental approaches.
For the numerical analysis, however, finite-volume
or finite-difference schemes have been mostly used.
In the future, spectral methods will contribute more
to the studies on micro- and nanofluidics that require
numerical methods with high spatial accuracy, for
example, electrokinetic and capillary effects.

Spectral Methods, Fig. 1 A typical mesh in a rough Cross-References

micro-channel for the spectral element method
▶ Finite Volume and Finite Difference Methods
for Modeling and Simulation
the Legendre polynomials. The N points that
determine the interpolant correspond to the max-
ima locations of the Legendre polynomials and
the end points. For smooth solutions, the spatial
discretization error decays exponentially to zero 1. Boyd JP (2001) Chebyshev and fourier spectral
(spectral or p-convergence). This means that if methods. Dover, New York
we double N, the error would decay by two orders 2. Finlayson BA (1973) The method of weighted resid-
of magnitude. This is a much faster decay than in uals and variational principles. Academic, New York
3. Orszag SA (1980) Spectral methods for problems in
standard second-order methods which yield an complex geometries. J Comput Phys 37:70–92
error reduction by a factor of only four. In 4. Patera A (1984) The spectral element method for fluid
MEMS simulations, spectral element methods dynamics: laminar flow in a channel expansion.
can be used efficiently by exploiting the dual J Comput Phys 54:468–488
5. Canuto C, Hussaini MY, Quarteroni A, Zang TA (1988)
path of convergence allowed by the method. For Spectral methods in fluid dynamics. Springer, Berlin
example, in regions of geometric complexity, 6. Karniadakis GE, Beskok A (2002) Micro flows: funda-
a finite-element-like discretization (low-N and mentals in simulation. Springer, New York
small-sized elements) can be employed, whereas
in regions of homogeneous geometry with steep
gradients, a spectral-like discretization (high-N
Spectral Responsivity
and large-sized elements) can be employed. In
particular, the boundary conditions for MEMS
flows, for either gases (Knudsen effects) or liq- S
uids (electrokinetic effects), can be resolved very
Spectral response

Future Directions for Research
Spectral responsivity refers to the electrical signal
Spectral methods have been a promising tool for
generated by a photodetector when irradiated with
simulating micro- and nanoflows as well as
a known radiant flux of a specific wavelength.
macro-flows because they have excellent proper-
ties of high spatial accuracy and rapid conver-
gence. Therefore, they can capture a broad range Cross-References
of dynamically significant scales of motion very
effectively. ▶ Lab-on-a-Chip Devices for Chemical Analysis
S 3058 Spectrophotometric Analysis

Spectrophotometric Analysis Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices

for Cell Separations
Nivedita Nivedita1, Jian Zhou2 and Ian
Spectral analysis; Spectrophotometric measure- Papautsky2
ment; Spectrophotometry Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computing Systems, BioMicroSystems Lab,
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Definition Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computing Systems, University of Cincinnati,
Spectrophotometric analysis is the study of the Cincinnati, OH, USA
interaction of electromagnetic radiation with
chemical compounds. This analytical technique
can be used to determine the structure of a new Synonyms
compound, identify a specific compound, deter-
mine the activity of a specific enzyme, and deter- Cell separation; Inertial focusing; Inertial
mine the concentration and/or amount of microfluidics; On-chip cell sorting
a particular compound in body fluid samples. It
is one of the most commonly used analytical
techniques for body fluids analysis in clinical Definition
Spectrophotometric analysis by optical Inertial microfluidics is a rapidly emerging subfield
absorption is based on the absorption of electro- of microfluidics with applications in cell sorting.
magnetic radiation that is proportional to the The approach relies on hydrodynamic forces that
amount of the element, ion, compound or mole- act on cells (or particles) to position them within
cule being analyzed in the sample. Absorbance flow leading to size-based separations. The addition
detection is covered under a separate title. of curvature in spiral inertial devices introduces
rotational Dean drag which permits manipulation
of cell focusing positions within the flow. Such
Cross-References devices can be small in size (<1 in2) and exhibit
high separation efficiency (~95 %) and high
▶ Lab-on-a-Chip Devices for Chemical Analysis throughput (up to one million cells per minute).
▶ Lab-on-Chip Devices for Protein Analysis


Speed of Sound Cell analysis (sorting and counting) is

a challenging yet critical task in many biological
Definition and biomedical applications, including identifi-
cation and isolation of tumor cells from tissue
The speed at which an infinitesimal pressure per- biopsies, or enrichment of stem cells from cul-
turbation propagates in a quiescent medium. ture, or blood cell sorting. Inertial microfluidics is
a rapidly emerging subfield of microfluidics
aimed at integrating cell analysis on-chip. The
Cross-References approach has the potential to reduce costs and
the labor involved in cell sorting. This separation
▶ Supersonic Micro-nozzles approach relies purely on microchannel
Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separations 3059 S
dimensions and geometry-induced forces for sep- et al. [4]. While negligible away from the wall,
aration, offering the ability to perform separation FO is significant at the channel wall and explains
in a continuous, flow-through manner with high the asymmetric equilibrium positions in rectan-
efficiency. This entry discusses the fundamentals gular microchannels.
of inertial focusing and shows how spiral The introduction of a rotation-induced lift
microchannels can be used to effectively separate force leads to a more complex model of inertial
cells. migration at finite Re. Both shear- and wall-
Inertial migration of neutrally buoyant parti- induced lift forces dominate particle migration
cles was first discovered in capillaries by Segré toward channel walls. Once the initial equilib-
and Silberberg in the 1960s [1]. They observed rium is reached, near channel walls particle
that particles, uniformly dispersed in motion is dominated by the rotation-induced lift
a suspension, migrate to form a narrow annulus force. As a result, particles migrate to the center
at 0.2D from the channel wall in a circular points of walls (Fig. 1a). This two-stage model of
channel of diameter D. This migration behavior inertial focusing developed by Zhou et al. [4] is
is believed to be caused by the balance of lift generally applicable to rectangular
forces arising from the curvature of the parabolic microchannels of any aspect ratio at finite Re
velocity profile (the shear-induced lift, FS) and and can be used to aid design of inertial
the interaction between particles and the channel microfluidic systems as shown next.
wall (the wall-induced lift, FW). With the advent Taking advantage of both stages of inertial
of microfluidics, observations of the same phe- focusing, Zhou et al. [6] demonstrated
nomenon were confirmed in microchannels in a microfluidic system for complete separation of
recent years [2, 3]. Early theoretical investiga- cells by manipulating the inertial equilibrium
tions into inertial migration of particles have positions through modulation of the
identified that for particles of diameter a in microchannel aspect ratio (MARCS system)
a channel of diameter D, the net lift force scales (Fig. 1b). This system offers high purity
as FLa4 [2, 3]. As discussed below, this strong (>90 %) and ultrahigh separation efficiency
dependence of the lift forces on particle size (>99 %) with operational flows 100 mL/min.
offers a powerful opportunity for separating par- The inertial forces in straight channels can also be
ticles or cells of different size. manipulated by expanding the microchannel
While the balance of the two lift forces can geometry, leading to the formation of
successfully explain particle focusing in microvortices which can selectively isolate and
a capillary, square and rectangular microchannels trap particles or cells from a mixture. Isolation
present a more complex situation due to radial and enrichment of both extremely low concentra-
asymmetry. Since the shear-induced lift causes tion (1 particle /mL, enrichment factor of 105)
particles to migrate away from the channel cen- and extraordinarily high selectivity (1:105) were S
ter, down the shear gradient toward the channel successfully demonstrated in trapping particles/
wall, one would expect particles to equilibrate cells [7] but with a low throughput (Fig. 1c).
along the perimeter of the channel (including Nevertheless, despite success in development
corners) to achieve force balance. However, of straight microfluidic channels for cell sorting,
work in microfluidic channels has identified a number of challenges remain. Multiple focus-
four distinct focusing positions centered at each ing positions present in straight microchannels
face in square microchannels [4]. The absence of make it difficult to extract sorted cells or particles
particles in corners suggests that additional lat- when mixtures contain more than two different
eral migration effects take place near channel types. For sorting complex cell mixtures with
walls that cause the particle migration toward high throughput and efficiency, it is desirable to
wall centers. Indeed, a rotation-induced lift reduce the number of focusing positions for each
force FO was proposed in the early work by cell types to one such that a planar outlet design
Saffman [5] and recently confirmed by Zhou can extract cells easily without compromising
S 3060 Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separations

Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separa- polystyrene particles in a straight microchannel system
tions, Fig. 1 (a) Inertial focusing in rectangular employing modulation of aspect ratio for complete sepa-
microchannels based on the two-stage model [4]. In ration (MARCS) [6]. (c) Schematic of particle trapping in
a low-aspect-ratio microchannel at moderate Re, micro- rectangular microchannels with trapping chambers and
particles first migrate from the channel bulk toward equi- the inset show a fluorescent image illustrating traces of
librium positions near walls under the influence of the trapped particles [7]. (d) Schematic of a spiral
shear-induced lift force Fs and the wall-induced lift force microchannel and the superimposed fluorescent images
Fw. Then, particles migrate parallel to channel walls into illustrating distribution and position of the 20 mm-
wall-centered equilibrium positions under the influence of diameter (pseudo-colored orange), 15 mm-diameter
the rotation-induced lift force FO. (b) Demonstration of (pseudo-colored green), and 10 mm-diameter (pseudo-
a complete separation of 20 mm and 9.94 mm in diameter colored purple) particles at the inlet and the outlet

their viability. Further, the high-aspect-ratio efficiencies exceeding 80 % [2]. This concept
nature of straight microchannels makes their fab- has also been used by Seo et al. [8] to sort parti-
rication challenging. Implementing devices as cles in a Fermat spiral with >90 % efficiency at
low-aspect-ratio channels can offer ease of fabri- high flow rates of 92 mm/s. Similarly, Han et al.
cation and ultimately improve fabrication yields [9] used an Archimedean spiral with trapezoidal
and reduce device costs. Spiral microfluidic channel cross section to sort polymorphonuclear
channels are ideally suited to address these needs. leukocytes (PMNs) and mononuclear leukocytes
Spiral microfluidic channels for continuous (MNLs) from diluted human blood (1–2 %
size-based separation of particles/cells are based hematocrit) with high efficiency (>80 %).
on the interaction of Dean drag and hydrody- Microchannel curvature can be used to disrupt
namic forces. These devices rely on the balance the hydrodynamic force equilibrium to modify
of net hydrodynamic forces and Dean drag aris- focusing positions of particles and cells as
ing due to the channel curvature to separate cells discussed in the subsequent sections.
according to their size. The result of this new
force balance is a single focusing position near
the inner channel wall (Fig. 1d). Spiral devices Basic Methodology
based on Archimedean spiral design have been
used by us [2] to demonstrate to sorting of neu- Cell sorting in curved microchannels is attributed
roblastoma cells from C6 glioma with to the combination of inertial forces and Dean
Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separations 3061 S

Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separa- distribution at the inlet where the flow is laminar and the
tions, Fig. 2 (a) Schematic illustrating flow behavior in curvature has not yet been introduced. (c) CFD-ACE+
a curved rectangular channel. The two counterrotating simulation of a curved rectangular channel, illustrating
vortices are caused by the effect of the centrifugal (FCF) velocity and pressure distribution at the center of the curved
and the centripetal (FCP) forces acting on the parabolic channel. A shift of the center of maximum velocity toward
velocity profile. (b) CFD-ACE + simulation of a curved the concave wall is clearly visible. (d) Streamlines showing
rectangular channel, illustrating velocity and pressure the onset of the counterrotating primary Dean vortices

drag. The balance between these two forces increase in pressure gradient from the concave
causes the cells to focus in a single focusing wall or outer channel wall toward the convex wall
position based on the size of cells or particles, or the inner channel wall (Fig. 2b). The local
allowing multiple cell types to be separated in velocity near the channel walls is not significant
a planar low-aspect-ratio microchannel. It is enough to provide complete balance of the pres-
important to understand the concept of focusing sure gradient. This gives rise to Dean instability
of cells in spiral channels to optimize and char- which leads to the development of a secondary
acterize the devices for maximum efficiency and vortex flow from the concave wall to the convex
throughput. wall of the channel (Fig. 2d).
Dean introduced a dimensionless number to
indicate the strength of secondary flows in curved
Theory channels. The Dean number De is a control param-
eter for the secondary flow which directly repre-
In spiral, rectangular channels, cells and particles sents the Dean force due to the secondary flow in
experience Dean drag forces in addition to iner- curved channels [2, 3, 10–12]. It is defined as
tial lift forces. The first conclusive research to S
analyze flow in curved channels was done by rffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffi
Dh rVDh Dh
Dean in 1927 [10]. He showed that in curved De ¼ Re ¼ (1)
channels/pipes, the plane Poiseuille flow is dis- 2R m 2R
turbed by the presence of centrifugal force (FCF),
and in this condition, the maximum point of where Re is the Reynolds number, Dh is the
velocity distribution shifts from the center of the hydraulic diameter of the channel, R is the radius
channel toward the concave wall of the channel of the curvature of the convex surface of the
(Fig. 2a). This shift causes a sharp velocity gra- curved channel, r is the fluid density, V is the
dient to develop near the concave wall between mean velocity of the fluid, and m is the dynamic
the point of maximum velocity and the outer viscosity of the fluid. Hence, the strength of the
concave channel wall where the velocity is zero. secondary flow is strongly dependent on the
This causes decrease in the centrifugal force on dimensions of the channel, the radius of curva-
the fluid near the concave wall which leads to ture, and the flow velocity.
S 3062 Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separations

The secondary Dean flow manifests as two directly proportional to ap3 which permits
counterrotating vortices, which is illustrated in size-dependent migration and focusing of cells
Fig. 2d as a numerical simulation (ESI near the inner channel wall of the spiral
CFD-ACE+) of a rectangular microchannel. Gen- microchannel. As discussed above, there are two
eration of these vortices from minor corner vor- major counterrotating Dean vortices in a spiral
tices and growth of their strength are highly microchannel which are used to manipulate the
dependent on the channel De. From the definition focusing position of the cells (Fig. 3b). These vor-
of the De, the most effective way of controlling tices displace the cells from the multiple focusing
the Dean flows is through the Dh, since it scales as positions due to the imbalance between the net
DeaDh1.5. Another approach is to introduce Dean force and the net lift force (Fig. 3c). The
a tighter curvature with lower R, since De scaling cells focus in a single stream near the inner channel
is inverse. However, it is difficult to vary wall depending on their size, with the largest focus-
microchannel dimensions post fabrication, and ing closest to the inner wall [2, 3, 11, 12].
thus, the most practical approach is to vary The size dependence of the ratio of inertial lift
input flow (i.e., flow Re). The next section will forces and Dean drag forms the basis of the
examine the interaction between the inertial lift design of spiral devices for size-based separation
forces and the Dean force in spiral microchannels of particles and cells. Fig. 3d illustrates the focus-
more closely. ing mechanism in a 500  100 mm Archimedean
A cell suspended in a spiral microchannel spiral device [11, 12]. The intensity line scan
experiences a transverse Dean drag force due to indicates the subsequent focusing of a sample
the two major Dean vortices and the inertial lift containing 20 mm-diameter polystyrene particles.
forces due to the rectangular cross section. The At 900 mL/min flow rate, particles focus in
Dean force experienced by the cells or particles a tighter, nearly single-particle-wide stream by
while traveling through a spiral channel can be the time the particles reach loop 4. The calcu-
derived assuming Stokes drag [2, 3]: lated FWHM (full width at half maximum) at
loop 1 was ~340 mm which indicates distribution
FD ¼ 3pmU D ap ¼ 5:4  104 pmDe1:63 ap (2) of particles almost across the entire width of the
channel. As the particles move downstream,
where UD is the average Dean velocity they experience Dean drag along with the iner-
(UD = 1.8  104De1.63, a numerically derived tial lift forces, causing them to progressively
correlation for low-aspect-ratio spiral geometry focus closer to the inner channel wall. By loop
[3]) and ap is the diameter of the particle. Since 4, the FWHM reduces to 24 mm, indicating
most of the spiral devices use low-aspect-ratio focusing in a single stream, one particle after
channels, the rotational lift force can be the other [11]. As cells focus in a single stream
neglected, and it can be assumed that the inertial near the inner channel wall, with the largest
focusing stays in transition between the first and being closest to it, an optimal bifurcation of the
second stage of the two-stage migration model in outlet system aides the collection of the sepa-
straight channels. Hence, the net lift force (FL) rated cells. Experimental methods and the opti-
that interacts with the Dean drag is given by mization techniques used to characterize these
spiral devices for cell sorting are critical for
FL ¼ rG2 CL ap 4 (3) obtaining high sorting efficiency and are
discussed next.
where ap is the particle/cell (or particle) diameter,
CL is the lift coefficient, and G is the ratio of
average flow velocity and hydraulic diameter/char- Experimental Methods
acteristic length [2, 3]. Thus, both the lift force
and the Dean force exhibit a strong dependence The spiral design was optimized by Nivedita
on cell size. The ratio of the two forces (FL/FD) is et al. to have one input port and innermost radius
Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separations 3063 S

Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separa- particles/cells sorted according to their sizes [3, 11, 12].
tions, Fig. 3 (a) Image of the PMMA spiral device (d) Intensity plot of 20 mm-diameter particles across the
reported recently for blood sorting [11]. (b) Fluorescent width of the channel at the end of each loop in the spiral
image of the cross section of the spiral channel showing (loop 1 being the innermost loop and loop 4 being the
the formation of counterrotating vortices when fluorescein outermost). The two inset figures show the fluorescent
is injected along with DI water to detect the presence of images of the 20 mm polystyrene particles at the innermost
Dean vortices [11]. (c) Schematic illustrating the effect of loop (loop 1) of the spiral device (500 mm  110 mm) and
curvature on the focusing positions. Larger particles focus at loop 4 focused in a single stream near the inner
in a single position closer to the inner channel wall and an channel wall
appropriate outlet system can enhance the collection of the

as 2 mm, which was chosen due to the size of the 1”/3” glass slide using corona discharge. Outlet
input port [11, 12]. As the spiral is an Archime- systems are very critical to the design as they
dean spiral, the basic design equation used is R = govern the efficient collection of the sorted cells
a + by where a is the innermost radius, b = s/2p after the cells are focused in a stream in the
(where s is the spacing between adjacent channel channel. A three-outlet system for the spiral
centerlines), and y is the angle between each point device for plasma isolation (250  75 mm) and S
where “R,” radius of the loop, is calculated. The a four-outlet system for the device for blood cell
Archimedean type of spiral was chosen to ensure sorting (500  110 mm) are used here as exam-
the gradual development of the secondary flow ples [11]. A single-syringe pump (New Era Pump
vortices and to ensure the maintenance of the two Systems) is used to control the flow rate, and the
counterrotating dean vortices. syringes are usually interfaced with clear FEP
To characterize the devices and use them for tubing (1/1600 diameter) using standard Luer con-
applications like cancer stem cell sorting and nector and a union body.
blood cell sorting, standard soft lithography was The general approach for optimization of flow
used to fabricate devices in PDMS. An SU-8 parameters includes injecting fluorescently labeled
photoresist master was used to cast PDMS polystyrene particles of the sizes and sample dilu-
(polydimethylsiloxane). The patterned PDMS tion depending on the type of cells being sorted.
was sealed with 1”/3” glass slide using corona For instance, for sorting blood cells, the polysty-
discharge. The patterned PDMS was sealed with rene particles used were ~7.32,10, 15, and 20 mm in
S 3064 Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separations

Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separa- illustrating the distribution of the bigger ~15 mm-diameter
tions, Fig. 4 (a) Photograph of the 5-loop spiral SH-SY5Y cells (pseudo-colored green) and the smaller
microchannel with two inlets and eight outlets fabricated ~8 mm-diameter C6 glioma cells at the inlet and the first
in PDMS [3]. (b) Bright-field and epifluorescent images two outlets of the spiral microchannel (scale bar 100 mm)

diameter with optimal dilution and at flow rates sorting and throughput. They have recently been
within the range of 1–3 mL/min. The distribution optimized to an area of 1 in.2 which not only
of particles across the channel was observed using makes them cost-effective and small enough to
an inverted fluorescence microscope (IX-71, be integrated on lab-on-chip analysis systems but
Olympus). The images captured by the 12-bit also makes them more pliable for fabrication in
CCD camera (Retiga EXi, QImaging) were various materials like PMMA and COC. Bhagat
Z-stacked (~100 images) using ImageJ software. et al. demonstrated sorting of SH-SY5Y neuro-
After determination of optimal conditions and blastoma and C6 glioma cells [2]. Based on the
definitive flow parameters, the devices were tested size of these cells, the mixture was separated in
with cells. While conducting experiments with a 120 mm-high microchannel at De ~ 11.8 to
cells, it is required to determine the dilution of collect the bigger ~15 mm-diameter cells from
the sample especially in case of blood cell sorting. outlet 1 and the smaller ~8 mm-diameter cells
This is required because the design of the device is from outlet 2 in an eight-outlet system (Fig. 4)
based on the assumption that the behavior of the [2]. This separation was achieved with >80 %
fluid is Newtonian and whole blood being efficiency and 90 % cell viability. The devices
non-Newtonian fluid has to be diluted. The sam- were further optimized for size reduction (1/10)
ples collected at the outlet were centrifuged and higher efficiency of sorting (>95 %), espe-
at 1,000 rpm for 10 min. The centrifuged samples cially for applications like sorting blood
were stained with appropriate dye to identify the cells [11].
type of cells collected (e.g., Wright-Giemsa stain To sort blood cells (RBCs and WBCs), poly-
to identify the type of blood cells collected). The styrene particles were first used to confirm focus-
staining was done as per the standard procedure of ing positions and flow parameters for efficient
the use for each cell type. The stained cells were sorting. At the flow rate of 1.8 mL/min, 10, 15,
then counted using hemocytometer. and 20 mm-diameter particles were eluted in the
first outlet and the 7.32 mm-diameter particles
eluted in the second and third outlets. Hence,
Key Research Findings when 500 diluted blood sample (~0.1 % hct)
was run through spiral devices with 500 mm
Spiral devices have been used for sorting  100 mm channel cross section (Fig. 5a, b) at
a variety of cell types with high efficiency of 1.8 mL/min, WBCs focused closer to the inner
Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separations 3065 S

Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separa- focusing position of particles (x is the distance of the
tions, Fig. 5 (a) Image of the spiral sorting device focused stream from the inner channel wall, and w is the
[11, 12]. (b) Bright-field image of the outlet system. (c) width of the channel) as function of De [11]. (f) Bright-
At 1.8 mL/min flow rate (F1), two focused streams are field images of the stained samples after they were col-
observed, the narrow stream in the middle of the channel lected from each outlet of the design 2 and centrifuged.
is formed by 7.32 mm particles, and the broad stream near Inlet has all the cells present. Arrows indicate the white
the inner channel wall is the composite of three streams of blood cells [11]. (g) Outlets 2 and 3 have RBCs and
10, 15, and 20 mm particles. Particles in the range of platelets [11]. (h) Outlet 1 has majority of WBCs
10–20 mm are obtained out of the first outlet, and the (neutrophils, eosinophil, and monocyte), some platelets,
7.32 mm particles are obtained from the second and third and very little RBCs [11], and (i) outlet 4 has only diluted
outlets [11]. (d) Fluorescent image of the focused streams plasma and platelets [11]. (j) Fluorescent image of the
of all three particles, 10, 15, and 20 mm in diameter, at the focused streams of HPET cells. Phase-contrast images of
flow rate of 2.2 mL/min (F2) [11]. (e) Normalized HPET cells at outlets 2 and 3 (k) and outlet 1 (l)

channel wall owing to their larger size and RBCs equivalent to a throughput of 3.6 mL/min of
focused closer to the center of the channel, whole blood (45 % hct) [11]. Similar results
allowing the collection of the cells by the use of have been demonstrated by Han et al. [9] who
the four-outlet system [11]. The cells collected achieved >90 % efficiency in sorting leukocytes
from the first outlet had 95 % of WBCs and 6 % of from diluted human blood (1 % hct).
RBCs, with a few platelets (Fig. 5f–i)[11]. The Spiral devices have also been used to success-
sample collected from the second and third outlet fully sort cancer stem cells, such as human pros-
had 94 % RBCs [11]. The fourth outlet had only tate epithelial (HPET) cells. The larger tumor
platelets floating in diluted pale yellow liquid or cells (>20 mm diameter) eluted in the first outlet
plasma. These devices have the separation effi- closest to the channel inner wall. The smaller
ciency of ~95 %, with a high throughput epithelial cells (~15 mm) eluted in the second
(~107RBCs/mL and ~105cells/WBCs). This is outlet, and the smallest ~10 mm cells eluted in
S 3066 Spiral Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Cell Separations

the third outlet from the inner wall (Fig. 5j–l) types is yet to be explored. Further optimization
[12]. Because these cells are highly fragile, the of these devices can enable a WBC differential
flow rate was optimized to prevent lysing in with minimal sample volume and, on integration
the device, leading to high ~100 % viability at with an on-chip cell counter, can potentially pro-
the output. The devices were also used to separate vide a CBC on-chip. Blood dilution is one of the
other cell lines, including DU-145 (derived from challenges that need to be further addressed.
brain metastasis) and LNCaP (derived from left Although >100 dilution has been reported in
supraclavicular lymph node), from HPET cells the experiments discussed, blood dilution can be
[12]. Hence, spiral devices have been effectively as low as 20 if very high efficiency of sorting is
used for sorting a variety of cell types including not a requirement. This option of variable dilu-
cancer stem cells (CSCs) from tissue biopsies, tion allows the use of these devices in not only
blood cells for point-of-care devices for blood commercial but laboratory platform. Due to pas-
analysis, and neuroblastoma cells. Their planar sive mechanism of separation, simple planar
and low-aspect-ratio design reduces fabrication structure, and cost effectiveness, these devices
time and does not create clogging issues, which are easy to use and disposable. Ultimately, it is
are a main concern in high-aspect-ratio channels. believed these devices offer a pathway toward
These devices provide both higher sorting effi- development of a “blood-on-a-chip” point-of-
ciency and higher throughput as compared to care system with high efficiency, low cost, and
other passive microfluidic sorting techniques. reduced analysis time.
For example, leukocyte extraction by dielectro-
phoresis (DEP) [13] has efficiency of ~92 % but
throughput of only 0.8 mL/min. Alternatively, Cross-References
hydrodynamic filtration [14] offers 29 enrich-
ment of leukocytes but a throughput of 20 mL/min ▶ Characterization of Microfluidic Devices
with 10 dilution of whole blood. Another pop- Using Microparticles
ular technique, pinched flow fractionation [15],
also has high sorting efficiency (>90 %) but has
lower throughput (<50 mL/h). The same is true
for another technique – magnetophoresis References
[16] – which has efficiency of 97 % but through-
1. Segré G, Silberberg A (1961) Radial particle dis-
put only up to 0.33 mL/min. Ultimately, most of
placements in Poiseuille flow of suspensions. Nature
today’s microfluidic separation techniques suffer 189:209–210
from the trade-off between efficiency and 2. Kuntaegowdanahalli SS, Bhagat AAS, Kumar G,
throughput. The spiral inertial microfluidic Papautsky I (2009) Inertial microfluidics for continu-
ous particle separation in spiral microchannels. Lab
devices address this shortcoming and hence can
Chip 9:2973–2980
be used as a sorting platform for point-of-care 3. Bhagat AAS, Kuntaegowdanahalli SS, Papautsky
blood analysis devices. I (2008) Inertial microfluidics for continuous particle
separation in spiral microchannels. Lab Chip
4. Zhou J, Papautsky I (2013) Fundamentals of inertial
Future Directions for Research focusing in microchannels. Lab Chip 13:1121–1132
5. Saffman PG (1965) The lift on a small sphere in
Spiral devices can be fabricated in flexible a slow shear flow. J Fluid Mech 22:385–400
6. Zhou J, Giridhar PV, Kasper S, Papautsky I (2013)
PMMA using roll-to-roll processing and can be
Modulation of aspect ratio for complete separation in
used for sorting different cell types. The cascad- an inertial microfluidic channel. Lab Chip.
ing of spiral systems to sort more than 4–5 cell doi:10.1039/C3LC50101A
Sputter Yield 3067 S
7. Zhou J, Kasper S, Papautsky I (2013) Enhanced size- Cross-References
dependent trapping of particles using microvortices.
Microfluid Nanofluid. doi:10.1007/s10404-013-
1176-y ▶ Ferroelectric
8. Seo J, Lean MH, Kole A (2007) Membrane-free ▶ Non-Centrosymmetric
microfiltration by asymmetric inertial migration. ▶ Piezoelectric
Appl Phys Lett 91:033901 (1–3)
9. Guan G, Wu L, Bhagat AAS, Li Z, Chen PCY,
Chao S, Ong CJ, Han J (2013) Spiral microchannel
with rectangular and trapezoidal cross-sections for
size based particle separation. Sci Rep 3:1475 (1–9) Sputter Etching
10. Dean WR (1928) The streamline motion of fluid in
a curved pipe. Philos Mag Ser 7 5:673–695
11. Nivedita N, Ligrani P, Papautsky I (2013) Continuous Synonyms
separation of blood cells in spiral microfluidic
devices. Biomicrofluidics 7, 054101 Physical etching
12. Nivedita N, Giridhar PV, Kasper S, Papautsky
I (2011) Sorting human prostate epithelial (HPET)
cells in an inertial microfluidic device. In: Proceed-
ings of the 15th international conference on miniatur- Definition
ized systems for chemistry and life sciences
(MicroTAS), Seattle A purely physical process caused by surface bom-
13. Han KH, Frazier AB (2008) Lateral-driven continu-
ous dielectrophoretic microseparators for blood cells bardment with high-energy ions; ▶ anisotropic
suspended in a highly conductive medium. Lab Chip etching; also with poor selectivity, high surface
8(7):1079–1086 damage, and low etching rates.
14. Yamada M, Seki M (2005) Hydrodynamic filtration
for on-chip particle concentration and classification
utilizing microfluidics. Lab Chip 5(11):1233–1239
15. Yamada M, Nakashima M, Seki M (2004) Pinched Cross-References
flow fractionation: continuous size separation of par-
ticles utilizing a laminar flow profile in a pinched ▶ Anisotropic Etching
microchannel. Anal Chem 76(18):5465–5471
16. Han KH, Frazier AB (2006) Paramagnetic capture ▶ Isotropic Etching
mode magnetophoretic microseparator for high effi- ▶ Plasma Etching
ciency blood cell separations. Lab Chip 6:265–273 ▶ Reactive Ion Etching (RIE)
▶ Silicon Micromachining

Spontaneous Polarization
Sputter Yield S
Polarization that exists within a material in the
absence of the application of an external field. It The number of sputtered atoms from a given
requires nonenantiomorphic polar symmetry. It is target per incident ion.
usually used in the context of electric fields and
electrical polarization. Materials that exhibit
spontaneous polarization and are piezoelectric Cross-References
are able to retain an ionic polarization and there-
fore said to be ▶ ferroelectric. ▶ Sputtering for Film Deposition
S 3068 Sputtering for Film Deposition

to deposition, sputtering can also be used for

Sputtering for Film Deposition etching, surface cleaning, and surface layer
Alexander Iles and Nicole Pamme Sputtering has been used for many years to
Department of Chemistry, The University of produce the chromium-coated ▶ photomasks
Hull, Hull, UK that are often used in the production of glass
microdevices. Recently, sputtering has become
a common technique for the deposition of thin
Synonyms films in microfluidic and nanofluidic devices. For
most applications, it is used as a convenient
Cathode sputtering; Impact evaporation; Physical means for the production of patterned electrodes.
vapor deposition However, as will be shown below, sputtering
can be used to achieve far more than this. In the
not so distant future, it is likely that the enormous
Definition versatility of this technique will be exploited for
the fabrication of miniaturized fluidic devices
The verb to sputter originates from sputare with greatly enhanced functionality that would
(Latin, to emit saliva with noise). Sputtering is be difficult or impossible to produce by other
the ejection of atoms from a surface following means.
bombardment by suitably energetic atomic parti- The sputtering process is governed by a range
cles. Typically, these bombarding particles are of different parameters. These parameters can be
ions generated by an electrical discharge in a manipulated to alter the properties of the depos-
low-pressure gas. This process can be utilized as ited film. In DC sputtering systems, the maximum
a thin-film deposition technique by allowing energy (E) of the atoms ejected from the target is
atoms sputtered from a target to impinge on determined by the applied voltage. Accelerating
a substrate. The process is widely used to deposit a singly charged ion through a potential differ-
films less than 1 mm thick for microelectronic ence of 1 V imparts a kinetic energy of 1 eV to the
component fabrication, the formation of optical ion. For a given voltage, atoms are sputtered from
coatings, and the production of decorative parts. the target with a broad distribution of energies.
The sputtered atoms impinge on the substrate
with maximal energies that are typically
Overview 100 times greater than those achieved during
film deposition by evaporation. The applied volt-
The process of sputtering was first reported by age also governs a parameter called the ▶ sputter
W. R. Grove in 1852. He observed the formation yield (S), which is the number of target atoms
of metallic deposits on the inner wall of a glass removed divided by the number of incident ions.
discharge tube during an investigation into the For applied voltages below a certain threshold
electrical conductivity of gases using direct- value, the ions have insufficient energy to
current (DC) glow discharges. This observation overcome the surface binding energy (U0) of the
has led to the development of an extremely target material and so atoms are not ejected. This
versatile thin-film deposition technique that is threshold level usually occurs between 0 and
utilized in numerous different fields. A vast 100 eV. For ion energies between 100
range of different materials can be deposited and 1,000 eV, atoms are ejected from the target
using sputtering, including pure metals, alloys, and the sputter yield increases with increasing
semiconductors, and insulators. The deposition applied voltage. For ion energies within this
process can also be used for the formation range, the sputter yield can be estimated by
of films with novel properties in terms of stoichi- assuming that energy transfer occurs by binary
ometry and crystalline orientation. In addition collisions:
Sputtering for Film Deposition 3069 S
Sputtering for Film
pump anode
Fig. 1 Schematic of a DC
sputtering system gas substrate
supply e−
argon Ar + T plasma


Sputtering for Film pump anode
Fig. 2 Schematic of a DC gas substrate
magnetron; a magnetic supply argon Ar + T
field is generated by an DC
assembly of magnets
beneath the target. This N N
magnets N
leads to the confinement of
electrons in the immediate
vicinity of the target cathode

3a 4mi  mt E The rate of sputtering and the properties of the

S¼   (1)
4p2 ðmi þ mt Þ2 U 0 deposited film are also significantly influenced by
the sputter gas type and pressure. In most
where mi and mt are the masses of the incident ion instances, it is not desirable for the sputter gas
and the target atom, respectively; a is a function to react with the target, and so noble gases tend to
of the ratio mt/mi. This increases from 0.17 for mt/ be used. Xenon and krypton have larger atomic
mi = 0.1 to 0.28 for mt/mi = 1 to 1.4 for mt/ masses than argon and generally give higher sput-
mi = 10. ter yields. However, argon is most often used as it
For ion energies greater than 1,000 eV, the is cheaper and more readily available.
probability of ions being implanted into the surface The gas pressure dictates the average distance
of the target becomes significant. The sputter yield the sputtered atoms travel before they interact
no longer increases linearly with increasing ion with gas atoms. This is called the mean free
energy. Eventually, the sputter yield becomes path (l), and it is inversely proportional to the
almost constant, and at very high energies, it begins gas pressure. A short mean free path means that
to fall as ▶ ion implantation becomes the dominant the sputtered atoms will be subjected to many S
process. As a consequence of this, in DC systems, collisions with gas atoms before being deposited
applied voltages between 100 and 1,000 V are most on the substrate. This can affect the porosity of
widely used for the sputter deposition of thin films. the deposited film and also its crystallinity and
The rate of sputtering is determined primarily surface morphology. Hence, it is often desirable
by the sputter current density. For most systems, to sputter at low pressure so that l is as large as
this is generally between 0.1 and 10 mA/cm2. possible. For simple DC gas-discharge systems
Increasing the current density increases the rate (Fig. 1), relatively high pressures are used, typi-
of deposition. However, a faster rate of arrival of cally 30–120 mTorr. This is because it is difficult
material on the surface of the substrate means that to maintain the gas discharge at lower pressures.
there is less time for the occurrence of processes DC magnetron systems (Fig. 2) can be operated at
such as surface diffusion and agglomeration on lower pressures (105 to 10 Torr) since the mag-
existing growth sites or nucleation with other netic fields around the target increase the number
growth sites. of collisions between electrons and neutral
S 3070 Sputtering for Film Deposition

sputter gas atoms. Sometimes, a reactive gas such of the target. Therefore, radio frequency
as oxygen or nitrogen is added to the sputter gas (RF) excitation is used to sputter insulating tar-
so that oxide or nitride films can be deposited. gets. RF excitation reverses the surface polarity
Not surprisingly, different target materials of the target typically at a rate of 13 MHz, and this
sputter at different rates. Periodicity is observed prevents the target from becoming charged.
when sputter yields are plotted against target The distance between the target and the sub-
atomic number. This is related to the surface strate dictates the mean number of collisions that
binding energy (U0) of the target materials. For occur once the sputtered atoms leave the target
the transition metals, sputter yields increase and travel through the sputter gas to the substrate.
between Ti and Cu and then decrease sharply. Varying this distance can influence the porosity,
Sputter yields increase again between Zr and Ag crystallinity, and surface morphology of the
before decreasing to another minimum at deposited film.
Hf. Yields increase once more, reaching another Film adhesion is strongly dependent on the
maximum at Au. Hence, Cu, Ag, and Au are the cleanliness of the substrate, the chemical nature
transition metals that sputter most readily. The of the substrate relative to the film and the surface
orientation and crystal structure of the target rel- morphology of the substrate. Surface contami-
ative to the incident sputter ions can also affect nants may increase or decrease adhesion,
the sputter yield and the angular distribution of depending on how they influence the adsorption
sputtered atoms. Sputter yields tend to increase energy of the deposited material. Often it is desir-
with increasing angle of incidence reaching able to have a very clean surface and so sputter
a maximum between 60 and 80 from the target cleaning of the substrate is performed prior to
normal. For larger angles of incidence, the sputter film deposition. Certain metals do not adhere
yield decreases rapidly. At the optimal angle of well to substrates such as glass. Adhesion can
incidence, the target atoms are sputtered predom- be improved by increasing the kinetic energy of
inantly in the forward direction with the maxi- the incident atoms or by increasing the number of
mum of their distribution occurring between nucleation sites on the substrate. Alternatively, an
10 and 30 from the target normal. If the target adhesion layer could be applied to the substrate
is made of a monocrystalline material, then the prior to deposition. For example, chromium is
angular dependence and sputter yield will vary frequently used as an adhesion layer for the depo-
according to the orientation of the crystallo- sition of gold onto glass.
graphic planes relative to the angle of incidence. During sputtering, the substrate is bombarded
This is because the surface binding energy (U0) by a wide range of species. Some of these species
varies slightly in accordance with the ▶ anisot- are charged. Hence the properties of the depos-
ropy of the crystal structure. ited film can be influenced by applying a ▶ bias
Different metals sputter at different rates. How- voltage to the substrate. This is typically between
ever, when an alloy target is sputtered, the depos- 100 V, and it is used to repel or attract electrons
ited film develops the same composition as the or ions. Substrate biasing can exert a great influ-
target material, as long as the target temperature ence on the physical and electrical properties of
is below that required for thermal diffusion. This is the deposited film, including dielectric constant,
because the faster ejection of one element leads to porosity, surface morphology, hardness, and etch
the enrichment of the target’s surface with ele- resistance. The polarity and magnitude of the
ments that have lower sputter rates. Hence, differ- optimal bias voltage will depend on the target
ences in sputter rates are counteracted, and the and substrate materials and the desired properties
deposited film obtains the same stoichiometry as of the deposited film.
the target. As with most vacuum deposition techniques,
DC systems cannot be used to sputter insulat- film growth on the substrate occurs according to
ing targets. This is because an electrical discharge the following sequence: atom arrival and physical
in such a system would result in the charging up adsorption, migration on the surface or
Sputtering for Film Deposition 3071 S
reevaporation, formation of atom pairs, nucle- Sputtering for Film Deposition, Table 1 Advantages
ation of islands, island growth, coalescence, and and disadvantages for film deposition using sputtering
finally continuous film formation. Clearly, the Advantages of sputtering Disadvantages of sputtering
temperature and crystallinity of the substrate No melting of target
will have a significant effect on the growth material required
behavior of the film. Higher substrate tempera- Deposited film has same Vacuum required
stoichiometry as target
tures impart higher mobilities to the atoms on the material
surface. This leads to larger grain sizes and Sputtering does not require Many variables to optimize,
smoother films. Hence, in many sputtering sys- evaporation, can sputter complexity to produce high-
tems, the substrate is placed on a heated stage. materials with high quality films
evaporation temperature
However, the sputtering process itself can lead to
Versatility (type of Dedicated instruments are
significant substrate heating. Excessive heating
materials, instrumental expensive and require clean
is undesirable and so substrate cooling may be parameters) room facilities
necessary. The use of polycrystalline substrates Formation of novel Contamination (increased
will generally lead to the formation of a polycrys- materials possible porosity, pinholes, gas
talline film. However, if a monocrystalline sub- incorporation into film)
strate is used at a suitable temperature, then it is Long target lifetime Often slower than other
possible to form an ▶ epitaxial film. Substrates
Simple DC systems can be
may also be chosen with specific crystallographic built easily from primitive
orientations so that deposited films acquire par- materials
ticular orientations.
The advantages and disadvantages of
sputtering for film deposition are summarized in
Table 1. 120 mTorr. A high voltage is applied to the elec-
trodes and an electrical gas discharge is initiated.
Generally, a constant current power supply is
Basic Methodology used so that the sputter current can be adequately
controlled. The spacing between the target and
The simplest of sputtering systems is the DC the substrate is usually set at about 10 cm, and the
gas-discharge diode as shown in Fig. 1. This sputter current is adjusted to deposit a film at
apparatus consists of a vacuum chamber a suitable rate. Deposition rates are usually
containing two planar electrodes. One electrode between 10 and 200 nm per minute, although
is the cathode, to which the target is connected. this will vary significantly depending on the tar-
This is usually water cooled to prevent it from get material.
overheating. The substrate to be sputtered is The main advantage of DC diode sputtering S
placed onto the other electrode, which forms the systems is that they can be extremely simple and
anode. This may also be water cooled if can be constructed at low cost using readily avail-
necessary. able components [1]. However, the quality of the
Prior to sputtering, the chamber is evacuated films deposited with such systems is relatively
to remove as much oxygen and moisture as pos- poor. This is mainly due to the high operating
sible. The level of vacuum that is achieved will pressure that must be used to maintain the elec-
depend on the effectiveness of the pumping sys- trical discharge. A widely used technique to
tem and the desired quality of the sputtered film. lower the sputter gas pressure is to utilize mag-
For high-quality film production, the netic fields to confine the electrical discharge to
pre-sputtering vacuum should be in the region the region around the target (Fig. 2). Sputtering
of 107 Torr. Once this has been achieved, sput- systems that utilize assemblies of magnets around
ter gas (typically argon) is admitted to the cham- the target are referred to as DC magnetrons. With
ber to raise the pressure to between 30 and these systems, the sputter gas pressure can be as
S 3072 Sputtering for Film Deposition

Sputtering for Film

Deposition, Fig. 3 The vacuum
principle of a radio pump
frequency (RF) sputtering gas substrate generator
system e−
supply argon Ar + T plasma
target network

blocking capacitor

low as 10 Torr and very high quality films can be sputtered material in the appropriate areas. Sub-
produced at deposition rates that match those sequently, the structure is bonded to a sealing
obtained by ▶ evaporation deposition techniques. layer so that the channel structure is enclosed.
Unfortunately it is difficult to use DC systems
and DC magnetron systems to sputter magnetic
materials or insulators. For such targets, it is more Key Research Findings
common to use radiofrequency (RF) excitation to
ionize the gas in the sputtering chamber (Fig. 3). Sputtering is a standard process in materials sci-
A circuit is employed to match the ▶ impedance ence and it has required fairly minor adaptation
of the power supply to the impedance of the for its use in fluidic device fabrication. Hence,
sputtering chamber. A blocking capacitor is few papers specifically deal with sputtering for
placed in series with the target so that it is nega- microfluidics; most authors mention sputtering as
tively biased during excitation. The sputter gas a technique employed in a rather brief manner.
pressure is typically 1 mTorr. RF sputtering sys- A non-exhaustive overview of different
tems can also be fitted with magnet assemblies; sputtering applications is given in Table 2.
such systems are referred to as RF ▶ magnetrons. Many more metals, alloys, semiconductors, and
A major disadvantage of RF sputtering is that insulators can be sputtered than are listed in this
substrate heating is more problematic than with table; however, they are beyond the scope of this
DC magnetron systems. article.
Generally, sputtering systems are fitted with Sputtering is an excellent method for produc-
a shutter so that the target can be sputter cleaned ing photolithographic mask blanks and for fabri-
before deposition. Other refinements include cating integrated electrodes, heating elements,
facilities for substrate biasing and for substrate sensors, and catalysts. Sputtering can also be
sputter cleaning. Some sputtering systems are used to deposit sacrificial layers for nanochannel
fitted with multiple targets so that different mate- fabrication or for channel surface treatment and
rials can be sputtered simultaneously or sequen- modification. In addition to this, when micro-
tially without breaking the vacuum. structures are subjected to scanning electron
For micro- and nanofluidic devices, sputtering microscopy (SEM) analysis, sputtering is often
is usually performed after channel fabrication. used to deposit a conducting layer prior to exam-
Areas that do not require sputter coating are ination to prevent the structure from charging up
masked off using a lift-off layer. This could be when it is exposed to the electron beam.
a specially fabricated photoresist layer, or it could Chromium is the most widely sputtered material
just be the chromium mask leftover from the for ▶ photomask fabrication. It sputters easily and
channel etching step. The structured substrate is it adheres well to glass. This high level of adhesion
placed into the sputtering chamber where it is can be attributed to its ability to form a metal
sputtered with the desired material. Then it is suboxide interface layer on glass. The exposed
removed and the lift-off layer dissolves, leaving surface of the chromium is often oxidized to reduce
Sputtering for Film Deposition 3073 S
Sputtering for Film Deposition, Table 2 Selected examples of sputtering as used for the fabrication of mircrofluidic
and nanofluidic devices (n.s. = not specified)
Metal Substrate layer Layer thickness Application Reference
Silicon Ti 20 nm Ti, 20 nm Pt Catalysis [2]
Pt Pyrex glass Ti 20 nm Ti, 200 nm Pt Microelectrodes, impedance sensor [3]
PDMS Ti 30 nm Ti, 320 nm Pt Microelectrodes [4]
Glass Ti 50 nm Ti and Au Thiol binding, SPR sensor [5]
Au Borofloat glass Cr, Ti 100 nm Au Temperature sensor [6]
PMMA None 40 nm Au Current collector [7]
Pyrex None 300 nm Microheater [8]
Al Pyrex None 200 nm Heater and electrodes [9]
Polymer None 100 nm Masking layer [10]
Cr Fused silica None 1 mm Masking layer [11]
Ta Glass n.s. n.s. To enable anodic bonding [12]
Pt, Pd, Ru Glass Cr n.s. Catalysis [1]
Tb40Fe60, Silicon and None (7 nm, 9 nm)  100 GMR sensors [13]
Fe50Co50 molybdenum
SLBTLO Glass Cr 30 nm Cr, 120 nm Pt, pH-sensing electrodes [14]
on Pt 100 nm-sensing layer
ITO and Ag Pyrex glass None 100 nm Microheater [15]
TiNi Silicon None 3 mm Micropump, shape memory effect [16]
C (graphite) Silicon None 1–7 mm Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films [17]
as microchannel material

its reflectivity. Aluminum is also sometimes used This produces a porous oxide deposit with
as a mask material, although it is more difficult to a high surface area that can be reduced back to
sputter and has a higher reflectivity than oxidized the metallic form after bonding. Alternatively,
Cr. This can be problematic for photomask the catalytic metal can be co-sputtered with alu-
applications. minum. The aluminum acts as an adhesion pro-
On-chip electrodes have been fabricated from moter and also forms an intermetallic oxide with
a number of metals including Al, Pt, Au, indium the metal catalyst when the device is bonded.
tin oxide (ITO)-Ag, and Cu. Sometimes these This method creates a robust and highly active
electrodes have been used as low thermal mass catalyst.
integrated heating elements. The great versatility Channel surface passivation or modification
of sputtering is ideal for the creation of integrated can also be performed using sputtering. Exam- S
on-chip sensors. These sensors range from simple ples include the deposition of SiO2, SiC, or even
thermocouples to pH sensors and even to multi- ▶ diamond-like carbon (DLC). In addition to
layer oxide materials for giant magnetoresistance this, sputter deposited Ta has been used to pro-
(GMR) sensors. mote ▶ anodic bonding for device fabrication.
Sputtering has been used to incorporate Many sputtered metals do not adhere partic-
a number of catalytic metals into microreactor ularly well to typical device substrate materials
devices. Examples include Pt, Zr, Mo, Pd, Ru, such as silicon, glass, and polymers. For exam-
Rh, or alloys such as Pt-Ru. It is a convenient ple, noble metals such as Au can only rely on van
fabrication technique, although some researchers der Waals’ forces for adhesion, and these forces
argue that the active surface area of the deposited are relatively weak. Metals such as Cr, Al, and
catalyst is unsatisfactory. For many metals this Ti readily form a suboxide interface layer on
problem can be overcome by sputtering using an glass and so they are often used as adhesion
oxygen-rich sputter gas rather than Ar alone. layers.
S 3074 Sputtering for Film Deposition

There is extensive knowledge of sputtering on sophisticated integrated devices with pumps,

Si and glass substrates that is available from the valves, electrodes, sensors, amplifiers, and pro-
microelectronics and the electro-optics industries. cessors all placed on a single chip. The immense
Far less is known about sputtering onto more del- versatility of sputtering will lead to its use in the
icate substrates such as the polymers used for fabrication of devices with novel, nanostructured,
fluidic chip fabrication. Polymers are much more multicomponent materials. An infinite variety of
sensitive than glass and silicon to high tempera- composite nanomaterials can be deposited using
tures and to being bombarded by charged particles sputtering. These materials can be engineered by
and atoms. Conditions must be carefully opti- sputter etching of surfaces, sputtering using reac-
mized and the polymer substrate may even have tive sputter gases, and sputtering with
to be protected by a layer of aluminum deposited multicomponent targets (in combination or alter-
by evaporation prior to sputtering. Great care must nately to produce layers), by using angular depen-
be taken when sputtering onto flexible polymers dence sputtering and by using oriented crystal
such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), since substrates. Such materials will have extremely
bending may lead to cracking of the deposited interesting catalytic and magneto-electro-optical
film. This can be avoided by placing the polymer properties, and they will be utilized in many dif-
substrate onto a glass wafer or another rigid mate- ferent areas of fluidics research. As can be seen
rial. The adhesion of certain films to PDMS can from this brief introductory article, the combina-
be problematic. It has been found that ▶ plasma tion of sputtering with micro- and nanofluidics is
oxidation is sometimes helpful in improving film at a relatively primitive stage of development. Far
adhesion. more remains to be discovered.
Sputtering is usually undertaken before the
fluidic device is bonded, and it is necessary to
ensure that the deposited film does not interfere Cross-References
with the ▶ chip bonding process. This can be
done by using a lift-off layer in the regions that ▶ Anisotropy
must be clear of sputtered material. Chip bonding ▶ Anodic Bonding
can have detrimental effects on the deposited film ▶ Bias Voltage
and this must be taken into account, especially ▶ Chip Bonding
where the device must be heated to a high tem- ▶ Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC)
perature. After bonding, it is generally the case ▶ Epitaxial
that catalysts deposited by sputtering must be ▶ Evaporation Deposition
activated before they can be used. This is often ▶ Impedance
achieved by heating under a reducing ▶ Ion Implantation
atmosphere. ▶ Magnetron
▶ Photomask
▶ Plasma Oxidation
Future Directions for Research ▶ Sputter Yield
▶ Torr
Relatively few researchers in the field of micro-
and nanofluidics have investigated the applica-
tion of sputtering to their work. Hence, the poten- References
tial of sputtering in device fabrication has been
far from fully explored. In the future it is highly 1. Iles A, Wootton RCR, Habgood M et al (2005). In:
likely that sputtering techniques will play an Jensen K (ed) Proceedings of microTAS conference.
important role in blurring the distinctions 2. Cui TH, Fang J, Zheng AP et al (2000) Fabrication of
between electronic and fluidic devices. This will microreactors for dehydrogenation of cyclohexane to
be driven by the desire to produce ever more benzene. Sens Actuators B Chem 71:228–231
Stability 3075 S
3. Hong JG, Yoon DS, Kim SK et al (2005) AC 18. Wasa K, Hayakawa S (1992) Handbook of sputter
frequency characteristics of coplanar deposition technology, principles, technology and
impedance sensors as design parameters. Lab Chip applications. Noyes Publications, Park Ridge
5:270–279 19. Stuart RV (1983) Vacuum technology. Thin films
4. Al Mamun NH, Dutta P (2006). Patterning of and sputtering – an introduction. Academic,
platinum microelectrodes in polymeric New York
microfluidic chips. Journal of Microlithography
Microfabrication and Microsystems. 5(3):039701–1
to 039701–6
5. Kurita R, Yokota Y, Sato Y et al (2006) On-chip
enzyme immunoassay of a cardiac markerusing a
microfluidic device combined with a portable surface Stability
plasmon resonance system. Anal Chem
78:5525–5531 Synonyms
6. Easley CJ, Legendre LA, Roper MG et al (2005)
Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometry for Noncontact
Temperature Control of Nanoliter-Volume Enzy- Numerical stability
matic Reactions in Glass Microchips. Anal Chem
7. Chan SH, Nguyen NT, Xia ZT et al (2005) Develop- Definition
ment of a polymeric micro fuel cell containing laser-
micromachined flow channels. J Micromech
Microeng 15:231–236 Stability is a desirable property of dynamic sys-
8. Östman P, Marttila SJ, Kotiaho T et al (2004) Micro- tems in general and numerical algorithms in par-
chip Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization ticular. The precise definition of stability depends
Source for Mass Spectrometry. Anal Chem
76:6659–6664 on the context, but it is generally related to the
9. Shin WC, Besser RS (2006) A micromachined thin- accuracy of the algorithm. It is sometimes
film gas flowsensor for microchemical reactors. observed that different ways of doing a single
J Micromech Microeng 16:731–741 calculation yield different results as they have
10. Holland A, Cher C, Rosengarten G et al (2006)
Plasma etching of thermoset polymer films for different levels of numerical stability.
microchannels. Smart Mater Struct 15:S104–S111 A numerical algorithm is called robust if it has
11. Steingoetter I, Fouckhardt H (2005) Deep fused silica good numerical stability.
wet etching using an Au-free and stress-reduced sput- In the context of ▶ the numerical solution of
ter-deposited Cr hard mask. J Micromech Microeng
15:2130–2135 the Boltzmann equation and the numerical solu-
12. Kawamura Y, Ogura N, Yahata T et al (2005) Mul- tion of ▶ partial differential equations, stability
ti-layered microreactor system with methanol ensures that roundoff and other errors in the cal-
reformer for small PEMFC. J Chem Eng Japan culation are not amplified to cause the calculation
13. Ludwig A, Quandt E (2000) Giant magnetostrictive to blow up. An algorithm for solving an evolu-
thin films for applications in microelectromechanical tionary (e. g., a time-dependent) ▶ partial differ-
systems. J Appl Phys 87:4691–4695 ential equation is stable if the numerical solution S
14. Lin CF, Lee GB, Wang CH et al (2006) Microfluidic at a fixed time remains bounded as the time
ph-sensing chips integrated with pneumatic
fluid-control devices. Biosens Bioelectron stepsize goes to zero. An important theorem in
21:1468–1475 mathematics, the so-called Lax equivalence the-
15. Yen TH, Shoji M, Takemura F et al (2006) orem, states that an algorithm converges if it is
Visualization of convective boiling heat consistent and stable.
transfer in single microchannels with different shaped
cross-sections. Intern J Heat Mass Transf
16. Benard WL, Kahn H, Heuer AH et al (1998) Thin-film Cross-References
shape-memory alloy actuated micropumps.
J Microelectromech Syst 7:245–251
17. Mousinho AP, Mansano RD, Massi M et al (2003) ▶ Finite Volume and Finite Difference Methods
Micro-machine Fabrication Using Diamondlike Car- for Modeling and Simulation
bon Films. Diamond Relat Mater 12:1041–1044 ▶ Meshless Methods
S 3076 Stagnation Conditions

Stagnation Conditions
A stationary phase is a solid material, thin film, or
Definition gel that remains motionless relative to the flow of
buffer, ions, or current in a microchannel during
For a compressible flow, this is the thermody- microchip chromatography, electrochroma-
namic state that would exist if a flow were tography, or electrophoresis.
brought to rest isentropically. In practice, this
would correspond to the thermodynamic state of
a very low-speed flow entering the nozzle inlet Overview
from an upstream combustion chamber or
a pressurized reservoir. For this reason, stagna- Chromatographic separations frequently rely
tion conditions are also sometimes referred to as upon interactions between analytes in a flowing
“chamber” or “reservoir” conditions. liquid or gas stream (or mobile phase) and a solid
surface which remains motionless. In traditional
forms of chromatography, the motionless solid
Cross-References surface, or stationary phase, might be porous
particles of a polar material like silica
▶ Supersonic Micro-nozzles (a normal-phase chromatographic support),
hydrophobically modified or coated silica
(a reversed-phase chromatographic support), or
a thin polysiloxane film on the inner lumen of
a capillary (for capillary gas chromatography).
Standard Deviation These common forms of stationary phase are
sometimes employed for miniaturized versions of
Definition chromatographic separations on microfluidic
devices, although achieving uniform packing of
Standard deviation describes the statistical spread porous particles in a planar chip can be difficult,
of a bunch of random values to their typically requiring some form of on-chip frit.
arithmetic mean. It can be calculated with the Furthermore, localizing particles to a single por-
root mean square of the values from their tion of a multifunctional device is challenging,
arithmetic mean. requiring some form of on-chip valving or other
strategy to isolate the chromatography column
from the rest of the chip.
An alternative strategy which is sometimes
employed is to fabricate a polymeric stationary
Stationary Phases in Microchannels phase in situ, often combined with
photopatterning to localize the stationary phase
Anup K. Singh in a particular region of the chip. As an example,
Biosystems Research Department, Sandia phase-separation polymerization using a variety
National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, USA of acrylate monomers, along with
a photoinitiator, cross-linker, and porogenic sol-
vent, can be used to define porous polymer mono-
Synonyms liths within microchannels. In this approach, the
monomers are initially soluble in the porogenic
Cast-in-place polymeric media; Cross-linked solvent, but as polymerization proceeds, the
gels; Hydrogels; In situ polymerized materials; growing chains have decreased solubility, and
Photopatterned materials; Polymer monoliths eventually phase-separate or precipitate. Surface
Stokes Shift 3077 S
properties and pore size can be tailored by choice Microfluidic immunoassays as rapid saliva-based clin-
of monomer and solvent, with possibilities for ical diagnostics. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
hydrophobic, polar, or charged surfaces, and 3. Ro KW, Nayalk R, Knapp DR (2006) Monolithic
microscale or nanoscale pores. Polymerization media in microfluidic devices for proteomic. Electro-
can be initiated by flood illumination through phoresis 27:3547–3558
a photomask, or using shaped laser light to local- 4. Throckmorton DJ, Shepodd TJ, Singh AK (2002)
Electrochromatography in microchips: reversed-phase
ize monoliths to certain regions of the chip, with separation of peptides and amino acids using photo-
well-defined boundaries. Porous polymer mono- patterned rigid polymer monoliths. Anal Chem
liths created in this fashion have been used for 74:784–789
on-chip liquid chromatography and electrochro-
matography of proteins, peptides, and other bio-
molecules and are suitable for interfacing with
mass spectrometry.
The term stationary phase can also be applied Stokes Approximation
to a variety of cross-linked gels or hydrogels that
can be fabricated within microchannels to act as Definition
sieving media for electrophoresis. Polyacryl-
amide gel is a typical stationary phase for elec- A simplifying approximation often made in fluid
trophoretic separations and has been used for mechanics, where the terms arising due to the
sieving separations of native proteins and inertia of fluid elements is neglected. This is
immunocomplexes, SDS-denatured proteins, justified if the Reynolds number is small,
and single- and double-stranded DNA. Sieving a situation that arises, for example, in the slow
electrophoresis, particularly for DNA, is also fre- flow of viscous liquids such as when pouring
quently performed using semi-dilute solutions of honey over toast.
non-cross-linked polymers. Cross-linked gels,
like porous polymer monoliths, can be
photopatterned in situ and localized to certain
regions of the device with good spatial resolution, Cross-References
which can be an important advantage in complex,
integrated microfluidic devices. ▶ Electrokinetic Flow and Ion Transport in


▶ Electrophoresis S
Stokes Shift
▶ Liquid Chromatography
▶ Photo-patterning

For fluorescent molecules that are illuminated by

References incident light, the shift in wavelength of the fluo-
resced light relative to the absorption wavelength
1. Fintschenko Y, Kirby BJ, Hasselbrink EF, Singh AK,
Shepodd TJ (2003) Monolithic Materials: Miniature is referred to as Stokes shift.
and Microchip Technologies. In: Svec F, Tennikova
TB, Deyl Z (eds) Monolithic materials: preparation,
properties and applications. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
pp 659–686
2. Herr AE, Hatch AV, Throckmorton DJ, Tran HM,
Brennan JS, Giannobile WV, Singh AK (2007) ▶ Fluorescent Thermometry
S 3078 Stotz-Wien Effect

Stotz-Wien Effect Streaming Current and

David Brutin
Field-dependent electrophoretic mobility; Mechanical Engineering Department, Aix-
Nonlinear electrophoresis Marseille University, IUSTI UMR 7343 CNRS,
Marseille, France

The Stotz-Wien effect refers to the dependence of
the ▶ electrophoretic mobility of a charged polar- Electroviscous effects
izable particle on the field strength due to
induced-charge electroosmotic flow.

A forced ionic liquid flow generated by a pressure

Cross-References gradient in a microchannel induces an electrostatic
field, and the current induced by the displacement
▶ AC Electroosmotic Flow of the heterogeneous charges in the flow is called
▶ Aperiodic Electrophoresis the streaming current. Due to the electric neutrality
▶ Electrical Double Layers of the fluid inside the microchannel, a conduction
▶ Electrokinetic Motion of Heterogeneous current, IC, appears to equilibrate the streaming
Particles current, IS. The physical and electrical properties
▶ Electrokinetic Motion of Polarizable Particles of the fluid such as density, viscosity, electrical
▶ Electroosmotic Flow (DC) conductivity, and permeability are influenced by
▶ Electrophoresis concentrations of cations and anions. A forced
▶ Nonlinear Electrokinetic Phenomena ionic liquid flow with a surface potential induces
a charge accumulation near the surface. Due to the
concentration of charges, the fluid viscosity near
the surface is modified locally. This phenomenon
of a change in apparent viscosity due to the pres-
Streaming Current ence of charges in an electrical field with a Lorentz
force is also called electroviscosity.

A forced ionic liquid flow generated by a pressure Chemical and Physical Principles
gradient in a microchannel induces an electro-
static field, whereas the current induced by the Calculation of Streaming Current
displacement of the heterogeneous charges in the Streaming current and electroviscosity can only
flow is called the streaming current. appear with an ionic fluid and a microchannel
with a nonconductive inner surface such as
fused silica. The surface charging mechanism
with a liquid can have several origins [1]. One is
Cross-References the ionization and dissociation of a chemical
group and another is ion adsorption, also called
▶ Streaming Current and Electroviscosity ion binding, on a surface which has a low charge
Streaming Current and Electroviscosity 3079 S
velocity at the center of the microtube is maxi-
mum and null on the microtube surface. The
charges in the fluid of opposite sign to that of
the surface accumulate near the silica surface
(SiO2) and thus are transported at a lower speed
than other charges far from the surface. These ion
concentration laws are obtained by solving the
Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation. Due to this
differential transport phenomenon, an electric
disequilibrium appears between the entrance
and exit of the microtube in order to keep the
total charge density constant. A current called
a conduction current appears to counter the trans-
port of charges by the fluid (streaming current).
Without surface charges, no charge gradient
appears in the cross section; thus neither
Streaming Current and Electroviscosity,
Fig. 1 Hydration and ionization of a fused silica surface a streaming nor a conductive current appears.
by H2O Considering that the Lorentz force (Eq. 2a)
applies on each charge, the balance between pos-
itive and negative charge is null at the center of
or no charge initially. Whatever the wall charging the microtube, and thus the resulting force is null.
mechanism, the final surface charge must be However, this disequilibrium induces a nonzero
equilibrated by opposite sign charges accumu- Lorentz force which has a maximum near the
lated in the fluid near the surface. The capacity surface. This force decreases far from the surface
of the wall to store charges is a function of its as the excess charge density ϱ(r) decreases.
dielectric permittivity. For the purpose of this The fluid potential f(r,z), written according to
entry, the surface material is assumed to be Eq. 2b, is a superposition of two potentials: the
fused silica (SiO2). Water molecules hydrate the surface one c(r) due to the EDL on the r-axis and
silica surface to create groups on the surface the streaming one on the z-axis due to the differ-
(Fig. 1). The physical mechanisms involved are ential transport phenomena of charges in the
the protonation and de-protonation of the SiO streaming field EZ:
groups after hydration. The mechanism depends
on the H+ concentration given by the pH (Fig. 2): Fðr Þ ¼ ϱðr ÞEZ eZ (2a)

Si  O þ Hþ $ Si  OH, (1a) fðr, zÞ ¼ f0 ðr, zÞ  EZ  z þ cðr Þ (2b) S

Si  OH þ Hþ $ Si  OHþ
2: (1b) @fðr, zÞ
EZ ¼  : (2c)
If a pressure gradient is imposed on the fluid,
a flow which contains charges appears and thus The surface potential generates the charge gradi-
generates an electrostatic field due to the charge ent along the radius of the microtube according to
displacement. The electrostatic potential that is an exponential law, whereas the streaming field
derived from this field is called the streaming induces a potential gradient along the microtube
potential. Without a pressure gradient, the fluid on the z-axis. As soon as ions are positioned
can be moved using an electrical field; hence an radially, the pressure gradient induces
electroosmotic flow appears. The fluid velocity a displacement on z. The total Lorentz force is
profile which develops without the electric thus on z. Its orientation is always in the direction
double-layer (EDL) effect is parabolic; the of the flow. This phenomenon, in opposition to
S 3080 Streaming Current and Electroviscosity

Streaming Current and Electroviscosity, Fig. 2 Fluid charge distributions, electrostatic field orientations, force
orientations, and intensities for positive and negative surface charges

the fluid flow, occurs whatever the surface charge current which characterizes the electron dis-
sign, as presented below: placement is directed from the microtube
• If the surface is negatively charged, positive entrance to the exit in the direction opposite
charges are attracted near the surface of the to that of the electrical field. The local force
microtube, and thus a leak of these charges F(r) which is based on the excess charge den-
appears in the diffusive layer. The conduction sity (here positive charges: +e) is applied on
Streaming Current and Electroviscosity 3081 S
a field EZ oriented following –eZ (from the exit ϱðr Þ ¼ ½nþ ðr Þ  n ðr Þ ze, (4a)
to the entrance). F(r) is therefore oriented
along –eZ and acts in opposition to the flow. zeCðr Þ
• If the surface is positively charged, negative ϱðr Þ ¼ 2n0 zesinh (4b)
kB T
charges are attracted near the surface of the
microtube and thus a leak of these charges where n+ and n are, respectively, the positive
appears in the diffusive layer. The conduction and negative ion concentrations. The excess
current which characterizes the electron dis- charge density is expressed as a function of the
placement is in the direction opposite to that of electrostatic potential.
the electrical field from the microtube exit to The Poisson equation gives the relationship
the entrance. The local force F(r) which is between the electrostatic potential c(r) and the
based on the excess charge density (here neg- charge density ϱ(r). In a circular geometry, the
ative charges: e) is applied on a field EZ relation is
oriented along eZ (from the entrance to the
exit). F(r) is therefore oriented parallel to –eZ  
1 d dCðr Þ 4p
and also acts in the direction opposite to that of r ¼ ϱðr Þ, (5a)
r dr dr ee0
the flow.
The formulation used in this entry is based on  
1 d dCðr Þ 4pn0 e2 R2
the EDL theory detailed by Israelachvili [1]. The r ¼ rðr Þ: (5b)
r dr dr ee0 kB T
surface potential used for further calculations is
denoted by c0. The compact layer near the sur- For further calculations we define
face has a thickness of only a few atoms (about nondimensional parameters such as r, ϱðr Þ, and
1 nm) whereas the diffusive layer can reach 1 mm.
Cðr Þ:
The interfacial potential between these layers is
called the zeta potential (z). In further computa- r
tions we assume z  c0. Assuming a negatively r¼ , (6a)
charged surface, which is the case corresponding
to our material, positive charges are attracted to
the surface and there is a leak of negative charges. ϱ¼ , (6b)
n0 e
To calculate the local density of ions and co-ions,
we need to make the chemical potential (mC)
balance on each species using the equations eC
C¼ (6c)
given below, where z is the ion valence, kB the kB T
Boltzmann constant, T the average fluid temper-
ature, and e the proton charge: rðr Þ ¼ 2sinhCðr Þ: (7) S

miC ¼ zec þ kB Tlogni , (3a) When Eq. 7 is included in Eq. 5b, the PB
equation is obtained. k is the electrokinetic length
  (usually called the Debye-H€uckel length). The
zeCðr Þ
n ðr Þ ¼ n0 exp i
: (3b) definition of d depends on the geometry studied
kB T
because whatever the geometry, k = dR consti-
tutes the right term of the equation before
Considering that this potential is conserved,  
the chemical potential can be written for a radius sinh Cðr Þ . In the literature, d in planar geome-
and at the microtube center where the electro- try differs slightly from d in circular geometry:
static potential is null: cr = 0 = 0 where the dcirc ¼ 4pdplan . The boundary conditions for
fluid charge density is the bulk density (n0). The this nonlinear ordinary differential equation of
ion concentration is given by second order are given below:
S 3082 Streaming Current and Electroviscosity

1 d dCðr Þ To solve the PB equation, we consider two
r ¼ k2 sinhCðr Þ, (8a) zones in the microtube. Thus the hyperbolic
r dr dr
sinus function is dissociated into two functions:
8pn0 z2 e2  
k ¼ dR ¼ R, (8b) Cðr Þ  1 ) sinh Cðr Þ
Cðr Þ, (11a)
ee0 kB T

dCðr Þ   1
r¼0 ) ¼ 0, (8c) Cðr Þ 1 ) sinh Cðr Þ
eCðrÞ : (11b)
dr 2

ec0 Equation 11a is used for the central zone of the

r ¼ 1 ) C ð 1Þ ¼ c 0 ¼ : (8d) microtube for low potentials (c0 < 25 mV or
kB T
Cð1Þ < 1) whereas Eq. 11b is used for the zone
The surface potential is related to the surface near the surface with high surface potentials
charge density through the charge balance, also (c0 > 25 mV or Cð1Þ > 1).
known as the Grahame equation: Thus, we build a potential function consisting
of two branches matched at r ¼ b. Both functions
X X s2 are written C1 ðr Þ for r < b and C2 ðr Þ for r > b.
ϱ0i ¼ ϱ1i þ (9) The matching condition is required for the func-
i i
2ee0 kT
tion and their first derivate equality at r > b. The
where s is the charge density in Cm2 and ϱ is the boundary conditions for the potential function are
volumic density of charges in m3. Physically, given below:
the surface charge is constant for a given fluid
while the surface potential is thereby a function dC1 ðr Þ dC2 ðr Þ
¼ (12a)
of the charge fluid density. The glass-water sur- dr r¼b dr r¼b
face potential is negative [2]. This is due to the
H3O + ion adsorption from the water dissociation. C1 ðbÞ ¼ C2 ðbÞ (12b)
The authors performed measurements for glass
surfaces with KCl solutions and showed for a 3 
dC1 ðr Þ
10 M solution a surface charge of 0.8 mCcm2. r¼0) ¼0 (12c)
For a higher pH of, say, 8.5, the measured surface dr
charge reaches 1.75 mCcm2.
For example, with a 1:1 electrolytic solution r ¼ 1 ) C2 ð1Þ ¼ c0 : (12d)
(z = 1) with a concentration varying from 10 to
1 moll1 and a low surface charge of The continuity condition on the first derivative
0.2 mCcm2, we obtain the relation between the is used to access b which cannot be obtained
surface charge and the surface potential function analytically. At this stage it is necessary to solve
of the ion concentrations (C): the problem using a mathematical solver. The
method for the solution of the ordinary differen-
  ffi tial equation is given by Levine et al. [3].
C ec0
s ¼ 8eekBT 1, 000 N a sinh (10) The momentum balance equation is applied
0 2 2kB T for our situation with a volumic force due to the
heterogeneous presence of charge excess. The
where Na is the Avogadro number, e the relative geometry considered is a one-dimensional circu-
fluid permittivity, and e0 the absolute fluid lar one with an incompressible liquid flow on
permittivity. the z-axis:
Streaming Current and Electroviscosity 3083 S
m d dU Z ðr Þ dP PZ ¼ 4tW
r  þ FZ ¼ 0: (13) (16)
r dr dr dz D:

For the sake of simplicity, we use the follow- Equation 15a is transformed into
ing notations. FZ is expressed as a function of the   
excess charge density (ϱ(r)) and EZ is the electro- 1 d d K 2 ES
r U 2 C þ K 1 ¼ 0 (17a)
static field given by EZ = ES/L, where ES is the r dr dr k
electrical field:
then spatially integrated twice to obtain U ðr Þ
dP given by
PZ ¼ (14a)
K1   K 2 xES C ðr Þ
FZ ¼ EZ ϱð r Þ (14b) U ðr Þ ¼ 1  r2  1  :
4 k2 x
UZ (17b)
U¼ : (14c)
The velocity profile is a function of the elec-
Thus we obtain the following ordinary differ- trostatic potential function. For information, the
ential equation to solve reference velocity profile is given by
1 d dU ðr Þ K 2 ES 1 d dCðr Þ U ref ðr Þ ¼ 2 1  r 2 (17c)
r þ K1  2 r ¼0
r dr dr k r dr dr
(15a) and will be used in the following sections for
where K1, K2, and ES are defined as The electrostatic potential is solved as
a function of r for both differential Eqs. 18a and
P Z R2 18b in the two separated zones:
K1 ¼ (15b)
1 d dC1 ðr Þ
2n0 exR 2 r ¼ k2 C1 ðr Þ 8r½0, b (18a)
K2 ¼ (15c) r dr dr
mU 0 L
1 d dC2 ðr Þ k2
ES ¼
: (15d) r ¼ eC2 ðrÞ 8r½b, 1 : (18b)
x r dr dr 2

K1 is the classical force ratio between pressure The solution of Eq. 18a can easily be obtained S
and the viscous forces. With a difference of one and is given below, where Bessel I0 is the modi-
coefficient, K1 is the classical definition of the fied Bessel function of the first kind zero order:
Poiseuille number.
Without the presence of the EDL, it is possible Bessel I 0 ðkr Þ
C 1 ðr Þ ¼ : (19)
to relate K1 to the wall shear stress by creating Bessel I 0 ðbkÞ
a force balance on the perimeter of the microtube.
Thus, we obtain the relation between the classical The validity range for the integration of
Poiseuille number (Po) and K1 which is Eq. 18a is the microtube cross section (r½0, 1 ),
K1 = Po/8. With the EDL, an additional term and thus we obtain the solution for the assump-
must be accounted for. This is the first space tion of low potentials (<25 mV). This solution is
integration of the EDL force in the cross section: called LP for “low potentials”:
S 3084 Streaming Current and Electroviscosity

Bessel I 0 ðkr Þ Now we need to determine ES from the elec-

Cðr ÞLP ¼ c0 : (20)
Bessel I 0 ðkÞ trical charge balance inside the microtube.
A forced ionic liquid flow generated by
It will be compared with the full solution for a pressure gradient induces an electrostatic field
high potentials (HP) in the following sections. ES. The current induced by the charge displace-
According to Levine et al. [3] in the case ment in the flow is called the electrostatic current
P < 0 the solution of Eq. 18b is given by IS; its expression is
0 1
C2 ðr Þ ¼ lnB
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
I S ¼ 2p Uðr Þϱðr Þrdr: (24a)
1 0
k2 r 2 cos2 Q þ P ln r
(21a) After a classical nondimensioning of the
governing equations on U(r) and ϱ(r), the expres-
where sion of I S is

Bessel Ið0, bkÞ2  e1 b2 k2 (21b) ð1

IS ¼ ¼ 4p U ðr ÞCðr Þrdr: (24b)
and U 0 R 2 n0 e
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! 0
Q ¼ cos 1 : (21c) Applying the electric neutrality of the fluid
ec0 k2
inside the microtube, a conduction current (IC)
The electrostatic potential variation is solved occurs in order to equilibrate the streaming cur-
for both zones as defined by rent due to the charge displacement. The follow-
ing equation gives the expression of the
Bessel I0 ðbkÞ conduction current:
if r  ½0, b 0 1
C2 ðr Þ ¼ lnB  C IC ¼ 2prme½nþ ðr Þ þ n ðr Þ dr
@ 1 p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi A: 0 ð
k2 r 2 cos2 Q þ P ln r E S l0 R
2 ¼ 2pr cosh Cðr Þdr
if r  ½b, 1 L 0

where l0 is the electrical fluid conductivity which
Thus, it is possible to obtain the velocity pro- can be calculated using
file as given by
8 l0 ¼ F2 z2i vi ci
> K1   (26)
> U 1 ðr Þ ¼ 1  r2
> 4 !
> 2
> K c E C ð r Þ where ni is the ion mobility, ci is the ion concen-
2 S
> k2 tration, zi is the charge, and F is the Faraday
> c0
if r½0, b constant.
U ðr ÞHP ¼ K1   :
> ð Þ ¼  2 Using a nondimensional form with Eq. 27c,
> U 2 r 1 r
> 4 ! we obtain Eq. 27a where S1 is a pure numerical
> 2
> K 2 c ES C 2 ðr Þ integration:
>  1
> k2
if r½b, 1 IC ¼
¼ 2p ES LS1 (27a)
(23) l0 Rc0
Streaming Current and Electroviscosity 3085 S
ð1 To calculate electroviscosity, we first define
S1 ¼ r cosh Cðr Þdr (27b) the volumic flow rate using

L ðR
L¼ : (27c) QV ¼ U ðr Þ2prdr: (33)
R 0

Using Eq. 28, the balance is written for both To use the previous results of the fluid velocity
currents: profile, we require a nondimensional form of the
volumic flow rate:
I S þ I C ¼ 0: (28)
QV ¼ 2pR2 U0 rU ðr Þdr: (34)
Thus we obtain ES which is given by 0

ð1 The expression of the fluid velocity has

K3 K 1 S3 already been calculated in the previous
ES ¼ 2 rUðr ÞCðr Þdr ¼
S1 0 2S1 4K 2 c0 S4 section (Eq. 23). For calculation purposes,
þ we use the following writing simplification
K3 k2
(29) (i = 1 if r < b, i = 2 if r > b):

where K3 is given by K1   K 2 c0 ES Ci ðr Þ
U i ðr Þ ¼ 1r 
1 :
4 k2 c0
n0 eLU 0
K3 ¼ (30) (35)
l0 c 0
By replacing the fluid velocity expression,
and we extract the expression of the volumic flow
S3 ¼ r 1  r 2 C ðr Þ (31) " ð1 !#
0 K 1 K 2 c0 ES C i ðr Þ
QV ¼ 2pR U 0
 r 1 :
! 24 k2 0 c0
C ðr Þ (36)
S4 ¼ r 1 Cðr Þ: (32)
0 c0
The expressions of K1 and K2 (Eqs. 15b and
15c) are introduced into Eq. 36 to reveal the fluid
Using the nondimensional electrostatic poten- viscosity:
tial expression in the velocity profile expression, S
we obtain the Poiseuille number expression. K3 is ð1 !
the nondimensional ratio between the convection pR4 4pR4 n0 exc0 ES C i ðr Þ
QV ¼ PZ  r 1 :
current and the conduction current. 12m mLk2 0 c0
Theory The apparent fluid viscosity (ma) can be
The net effect of the charge forces close to the deduced by assuming the classical relation
wall is a diminished flow in the main flow axis. between volumic flow rate and pressure drop:
The fluid appears to exhibit an enhanced viscosity
if its flow rate is compared with the flow without
the EDL effects. This increase in apparent vis- pR4
QV ¼ PZ (38)
cosity of a fluid is the electroviscous effect [4–6]. 12ma
S 3086 Streaming Current and Electroviscosity

Streaming Current and

Fig. 3 Electroviscosity as
a function of microtube
radius for a pure deionized
water flow with an
electrical surface potential
of 57 mV

ma 1 water with a total ionic concentration of 2 

¼  2 ð1 !:
m 32ES c0 ee0 C i ðr Þ 10 M and consequently an electrical conductivity
1 r 1 of 4.1  10 Sm1. The inner capillary surface is
pR2 PZ L c0
slightly charged at 50 mCm2, with a 1:1 electro-
(39) lytic solution (z = 1). We obtain the relation
between the surface charge and the surface poten-
Volumic flow rates which are identical are tial function of the ion concentrations with
identified and enable us to find the Eq. 10. The surface potential (c0) which is cal-
electroviscosity. culated by deduction is 57 mV.
Equation 39 gives the electroviscosity in Figure 3 presents the variation of the
a microtube with an inner charged surface at electroviscosity for a fluid flow of pure deionized
the potential c0. The reduced forward water in a microtube with a radius ranging from
volumic flow rate observed experimentally is 1 to 24 mm. The increase in electroviscosity in
interpreted as an increased apparent viscosity. a microtube is not perceptible for diameters
Using the expressions of K1, K2, ES, and K3 above 15 mm. Below 15 mm the increase becomes
(respectively, Eqs. 15b, 15c, 29, and 30), it is perceptible with a maximum of 25 % for
possible to evidence that ma/m is a function of a microtube with a diameter of 2 mm. The
neither the average fluid velocity (U0) nor the model previously described and the mathematical
pressure gradient (PZ) but only a function of the assumptions are correct since the radius of the
microtube diameter and the electrokinetic microtube is greater than the electrokinetic dis-
parameters. tance, which is about 1 mm for pure water. Exper-
The case of two parallel plates has been stud- iments with microtubes smaller than the
ied by Mala et al. [6] and will not be presented electrokinetic distance have not as yet been
here. The electroviscosity equation obtained dif- reported in the literature.
fers slightly from Eq. 39 due to the geometry. Figure 4 presents the variation of the
electroviscosity for a KCl solution with an ionic
Example concentration ranging from 3  10 to 10 M. As the
Let us consider a capillary tube with a radius ionic concentration increases, the electrokinetic dis-
ranging from 1 to 24 mm, which corresponds to tance (1/d) decreases according to Eq. 8b. The
commercial fused silica microtubes used in gas surface potential is constant at 40 mV and the
chromatography. The fluid is pure deionized diameter of the microtube is 1 mm. The largest
Streaming Current and Electroviscosity 3087 S
Streaming Current and
Fig. 4 Electroviscosity as
a function of fluid ionic
concentration in
a microtube with a diameter
of 1 mm and an electrical
surface potential of 40 mV

electrokinetic distance is about 0.2 mm for the low- experimentally significant electroviscous effects
est ionic concentration based on two kinds of ions: for dilute solutions flowing through microchannels
K+ and Cl for a total number charge (n0). The with hydraulic diameters of 14.1, 28.2, and
electroviscosity is almost the classical fluid viscos- 40.5 mm. They elaborated a model for
ity for solution concentrations higher than a microchannel between two plates which con-
10 M. For lower concentrations up to 3  10 M siders the deficit of counterions and the surplus of
the apparent viscosity increases to reach + 50 % for co-ions outside the EDL. They obtained a nonzero
a 3  10 M concentration, which is close to the ion electrical potential gradient and a net charge den-
concentration of pure water (total ion concentration sity near the middle plane of the microchannel. The
of 2  10 M with H3O+ and OH). highest fluid velocity and the transport of the net
charge at the center of the microchannel result in
a higher streaming potential.
Key Research Findings

The experimentally observed differences in the Cross-References

literature for fluid flow in microchannels can have
many explanations. Some deviations can be rap- ▶ AC Electro-Osmotic Flow
idly explained by the use of microducts which ▶ Electrokinetic/ElectroHydrodynamic Flow
have not been well calibrated. The four main Instability S
effects proposed to explain these observed devi- ▶ Electroosmotic Flow (DC)
ations are the micropolar fluids theory, electroki- ▶ Nonlinear Electrokinetic Phenomena
netic effects, heat viscosity dissipation, and the ▶ Surface Conductivity Measurement
wall continuity condition. Among all these ▶ Temperature Effects on the Zeta Potential
effects electrokinetic flow has been more widely ▶ Zeta Potential Measurement
investigated in the literature; ion interaction with
water is of great importance in biological and
chemical applications for MEMS technology.
Electroviscous effects on fluid flow for ionic References
fluids in microchannels have been evidenced
1. Israelachvili JN (1991) Intermolecular and surface
over the last decade experimentally [7–9] and forces. Academic, London
are still a subject of widespread theoretical 2. Schweiss R, Welzel PB, Werner C, Knoll W (2001)
research [4, 10]. Ren et al. [5] found Interfacial charge of organic thin films characterized
S 3088 Stroke

by streaming potential and streaming current mea-

surements. Colloids Surf 195:97–102 Stroke Volume
3. Levine S, Marriott JR, Neale G, Epstein N (1975)
Theory of electrokinetic flow in fine cylindrical cap-
illaries at high zeta-potentials. J Colloid Interface Sci Definition
4. Bowen WR, Jenner F (1995) Electroviscous effects in In a ▶ positive-displacement pump, a moving
charged capillaries. J Colloid Interface Sci
173:388–395 boundary changes the volume of a pump cham-
5. Ren CL, Li D (2004) Electroviscous effects on ber. The stroke volume is the difference between
pressure-driven flow of dilute electrolyte solutions in the maximum and minimum chamber volumes.
small microchannels. J Colloid Inferface Sci
6. Mala GM, Li D, Dale JD (1997) Heat transfer and Cross-References
fluid flow in microchannels. Int J Heat Mass Transf
7. Ren L, Qu W, Li D (2001) Interfacial electrokinetic ▶ Compression Ratio
effects on liquid flow in microchannels. Int J Heat ▶ Dead Volume
Mass Transf 44:3125–3134 ▶ Electrostatic Valves
8. Brutin D, Topin F, Tadrist L (2003) A transient
▶ Magnetic Pumps
method for the liquid laminar flow friction factor in
microtubes. AIChE J Fluid Mech Transp Phenom ▶ Membrane Actuation for Micropumps
49(11):2759–2767 ▶ Microactuators
9. Brutin D, Tadrist L (2003) Experimental friction fac- ▶ Peristaltic Pumps
tor of a liquid flow in microtubes. Phys Fluids
▶ Piezoelectric Valves
10. Vainshtein P, Gutfinger C (2002) On electroviscous ▶ Pneumatic Valves
effects in microchannels. J Micromech Microeng ▶ Positive Displacement Pump
12(2):252–256 ▶ Thermomechanical Valves
▶ Thermopneumatic Valve

Stroke Subcooled Flow Boiling

Synonyms Definition

Throw Boiling process at the wall, while the mean bulk

enthalpy of flow is below the saturation enthalpy
corresponding to the local pressure.
In an actuator that produces linear translation,
stroke refers to the maximum amplitude of the ▶ Bubble Dynamics in Microchannels

Subdynamic Regime
▶ Membrane Actuation for Micropumps
▶ Microactuators Laminar fluid flow regime in which inertial
▶ Peristaltic Pumps effects become negligible compared with fric-
▶ Positive Displacement Pump tional damping.
Supersonic Micro-nozzles 3089 S
This regime exists at very low values of
the Reynolds number, usually below Re ’10. Supersonic Micro-nozzles
In the true subdynamic regime, the character
of the flow ceases to depend on the Reynolds William F. Louisos1 and Darren L. Hitt2
number, and the flow field becomes self-similar. Mechanical Engineering Program, School of
Microfluidic devices are rarely, if at all, employed Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington,
in the subsonic regime—usually, the inertial VT, USA
effects remain noticeable in them. The regime, Mechanical Engineering Program, School of
however, serves as a useful reference asymptotic Engineering, The University of Vermont,
state. Burlington, VT, USA


Superlimiting Current MEMS-nozzle; MEMS-thruster; Microthruster

A superlimiting current in an electrolyte is an
ionic current large enough to exceed diffusion The fundamental purpose of any nozzle is the
limitation, which depletes the bulk salt concen- acceleration of a flow field via the conversion of
tration and leads to the formation of extended available pressure and/or internal energy into
▶ space charge. kinetic energy. For compressible fluids (gases),
it is possible to accelerate the flow from subsonic
to sonic speeds – and ultimately supersonic
speeds – with sufficiently high inlet pressure
ratios. Supersonic nozzles typically consist of
three distinct regions: a subsonic converging por-
▶ Electrical Double Layers
tion at the inlet, followed by a “throat” where the
▶ Electrophoresis of the Second Kind
cross-sectional area is minimum and finally
▶ Nonlinear Electrokinetic Phenomena
a supersonic diverging section (“expander”).
▶ Space Charge
Micro-nozzles are uniquely defined by their
small length scales (throat diameters typically
below 100 mm) and the low Reynolds numbers
of the flow (Re < 1,000). S

Definition Overview

Perhaps the most frequent engineering applica-

Superparamagnetism characterizes materials that
tion of nozzles is in propulsion systems for air-
have a susceptibility typical of ferromagnetism
and a reversible magnetization like paramagnetic craft or spacecraft; however, other important
applications exist as well (e.g., spray nozzles
and fluid atomization). Initial acceleration of
a flow at subsonic speeds occurs in the conver-
Cross-References gent section, and for sufficiently high pressure
ratios and nozzle area contraction, it is possible
▶ Magnetic Field-Based Lab-on-Chip Devices to accelerate a flow to sonic conditions at the
S 3090 Supersonic Micro-nozzles

nozzle throat. The addition of a divergent section systems to provide the extremely low levels of
downstream of the throat enables further acceler- thrust/impulse necessary for orbital maneuvering
ation of the flow through supersonic expansion and precise station-keeping. With the character-
(i.e., a de Laval nozzle). It is the ability of the istic length scales being considered for these new
convergent-divergent nozzle to fully and effi- propulsion systems being on the order of microns
ciently extract pressure/internal energy from a to millimeters, the corresponding Reynolds num-
low-speed inlet flow and produce supersonic bers within the supersonic nozzles are
exit velocities that make it such a vital component Re  1010, and hence, viscous effects can no
in high-speed aerospace propulsion. In the pre- longer be ignored. The scenario of low Reynolds
sent entry, we shall restrict our focus to super- number, supersonic flow represents a very
sonic nozzle behavior within the context of unusual flow regime and one that has not been
propulsion physics and engineering. extensively examined in the fluid dynamics liter-
In most aerospace propulsion applications, the ature. In this regime, there is the usual thermo-
combination of high speeds and moderate-to- fluidic complexity of a supersonic flow
large length scales results in very high Reynolds superimposed with subsonic viscous boundary
numbers – sufficiently large – that viscous effects layers extending from solid surfaces. At these
can be largely ignored and inviscid analyses low Reynolds numbers, the viscous layer can
employed as a first approximation. However, occupy a sizable fraction of the divergent nozzle
the importance of viscous effects in supersonic cross section and, as a consequence, substantially
flows is emerging in light of recent trends within impact the performance of the nozzle (e.g., thrust
the aerospace community linked to the design of production). Aside from viscous forces, other
next-generation miniaturized spacecraft. Most important effects such as heat transfer and flow
commonly known as “nano-sats” (the names rarefaction may also be present on the micro-
“micro-sats” and more recently “pico-sats” are scale. The former becomes a concern as the ther-
also used, and to a certain degree, they can be mal mass of the flow is reduced and the surface
regarded as interchangeable with nano-sat; at area-to-volume ratio increases on the microscale.
present there exists no formalism to distinguish The latter introduces additional complications
the specific mass range that defines a micro-/ since gas kinetic (non-continuum) effects begin
nano-/pico-sat other than being successfully to emerge as the characteristic length scales begin
smaller than each other), these spacecraft will to approach molecular mean-free paths.
feature masses <20 kg and be capable of operat- In this entry, we provide an overview of the
ing in distributed networks (“formation flying”) various engineering issues and challenges sur-
and performing mission objectives not currently rounding the modeling, design, and fabrication
achievable with traditional satellite architectures. of micropropulsion systems and supersonic
Over the past decade, numerous and diverse micro-nozzles in particular. From this, it is our
micropropulsion initiatives for nano-sats have hope and intent that the reader will develop an
been undertaken by governments, industry, and appreciation for the unique aspects of supersonic
academia throughout the world. The various nozzle behavior on the microscale.
approaches, all of which tend to have their unique
benefits, have included both liquid/solid chemi-
cal propellants and electric propulsion concepts; Basic Methodology
many of these options require supersonic micro-
nozzles as an integral part of the design. For the Design Considerations and Specifications
interested reader, a comprehensive survey of cur- Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) tech-
rent micropropulsion concepts is given by niques offer great potential in satisfying future
Mueller [1]. mission requirements for the next generation of
As a result of the dramatically reduced size, small-scale spacecraft being designed by the
nano-sats require miniaturized propulsion aerospace community. Owing to the substantially
Supersonic Micro-nozzles 3091 S
reduced size, nano-sats have unique propulsion Quasi-1D Flow Approximation and Analysis
requirements, including extremely low thrust A supersonic micro-nozzle consists of a micro-
levels and/or extremely low minimum impulse machined channel with a varying cross-sectional
requirements for orbital maneuvers and attitude area A(x), where the +x-direction coincides with
control. Nano-satellites will be launched from the the flow direction within the channel. Under the
Earth in a consolidated manner via a single “quasi-one-dimensional” (quasi-1D) flow
rocket. Once in orbit, they will be subsequently approximation, all flow variables are assumed to
deployed and operate in a distributed network vary only with the streamwise position x (and
performing simultaneous, multipoint observa- time if the flow field is unsteady). Variations
tions and communication. The Magnetospheric across a given cross section are considered neg-
Constellation (MagCon) is an example of one ligible. Such an approximation is valid provided
mission currently being designed by the NASA that the rate of area variation dA/dx is sufficiently
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) that will small. The quasi-1D model is, of course, only an
utilize the unique characteristics of nano- approximation of an actual 3D flow; however, it
satellites to monitor the Earth’s magnetosphere. greatly simplifies analyses and often yields sur-
This type of space mission is not feasible with prisingly good results in predicting basic nozzle
traditional satellite architectures. Nano-satellite behavior. An overview of the quasi-1D nozzle
technology demands highly accurate and model and its limitations can be found in most
extremely precise control of the spacecraft to gas dynamics references (e.g., Anderson [3]).
maintain pattern formation. The primary method The governing equations for the flow are
of attitude control is spin axis precession. In order obtained by one-dimensional approximations of
to correct for perturbations such as solar radiation conservation laws for mass, momentum, and
pressure or gravitational nonuniformities, the energy. Often the additional assumptions of
propulsion system must operate by firing low inviscid, adiabatic flow are invoked, and as
thrust and precise and controlled impulse “bits.” a consequence, the flow is regarded as isentropic
As a result of the spacecraft’s reduced size and throughout. From the conservation laws, one may
mass, the ability to perform spin axis precession derive an important relation between the cross-
and very small station-keeping maneuvers will sectional area, the velocity, and the local Mach
require the development of radically new propul- number:
sion systems.
As an illustrative example, NASA/GSFC dA  2  du
¼ M 1 (1)
has designed a prototype monopropellant A u
microthruster, shown in Fig. 1, for the purpose
of nano-satellite attitude control and station- Here M = u/a is the Mach number and a is the
keeping maneuvers [2]. The supersonic micro- isentropic speed of sound defined by S
nozzle has been outlined in the figure for clarity.
A listing of target design specifications for this a2 ¼ gRT (2)
prototype is given in Table 1. The NASA/GSFC
prototype is based on catalytic decomposition of where T is the static temperature, R is the gas
a liquid monopropellant, specifically hydrogen constant, and g = Cp/Cv is the ratio of the specific
peroxide (H2O2) or hydrazine (N2H4). heats.
Chemical-based propulsion schemes, on the The area-velocity relation provides an impor-
whole, are attractive in several regards: they fea- tant insight regarding the behavior of a quasi-1D
ture relatively high energy densities and efficien- compressible flow in a channel of varying cross
cies; the propellants can be stored at low sections. It states that for a subsonic flow
pressures thus alleviating leakage concerns; and (M < 1) to increase velocity, a decrease in
they offer the ability to throttle and control the cross-sectional area is required. This is an intui-
rate of thrust production via transient operation. tive and familiar result similar to incompressible
S 3092 Supersonic Micro-nozzles

Supersonic Micro-
nozzles, Fig. 1 (Top)
A photograph of the
based microthruster etched
into a silicon wafer and
placed on top of a US penny
for purposes of scale.
(Bottom) A scanning
electron microscopy (SEM)
image of the NASA/GSFC
microthruster with the
supersonic micro-nozzle
outlined for clarity (See
Hitt et al. [2] for details)

flow theory. In contrast, acceleration of isentropic flow which relates the local Mach
a supersonic flow (M > 1) requires an increase number to the local area,
in area: a counterintuitive result when viewed
 2   gþ1
from an incompressible flow perspective. This A 1 2 g  1 2 g1
¼ 2 1þ M (3)
relation also indicates that sonic velocity A M gþ1 2
(M = 1) can only occur at a nozzle throat where
the area is a minimum. It thus follows that for where A* is the area of the nozzle throat where
a gas to expand from subsonic to supersonic sonic conditions exist. For a prescribed nozzle
velocities, it must flow through a convergent- profile A(x), this “area-Mach relation” yields the
divergent channel arrangement. corresponding variation in the Mach number
An alternative and extremely useful form of along flow direction. Further, for isentropic
the area-velocity relation Eq. 1 can be derived for flow, it can be shown that the local
Supersonic Micro-nozzles 3093 S
Supersonic Micro-nozzles, Table 1 Design parameters thrust and impulse. A control volume analysis of
for the NASA/GSFC MEMS-based monopropellant the nozzle indicates that the thrust produced at
supersonic micro-nozzle
any moment in time can be approximated by the
Design parameter Value/range exit conditions according to
Target thrust level 10–500 mN
Maximum specific impulse 180 s
F¼ ruðunÞdA
mV_ exit (7)
Specific impulse efficiency 80 % Aexit
Steady-state inlet pressure 250 kPa
Mass flow rate 0.015 kg/s where m_ ¼ rexit V exit Aexit is the mass flow rate
Throat area 9,000 mm2 through the nozzle and Vexit is the average veloc-
Expansion ratio 6.22 ity at the nozzle exit plane. For transient opera-
Inlet Mach number 0.05 tion, the total impulse during a single firing cycle
Exit Mach number 2.5–3.0 of the thruster is given by
Reynolds number <1,000
Impulse bit 1–100 mNs Ztb
I¼ Fdt (8)

where tb is the total burn time or thrust duration of

thermodynamic properties (T, p, r) may be a single micro-nozzle firing. Under the quasi-1D
uniquely determined by the local Mach number approximation, all force generated is necessarily
according to the following: in the axial direction (i.e., thrust). In actual 2D or
3D flows, this will generally not be the case, and
T0 g1 2
¼1þ M (4) there will be performance reductions resulting
T 2 from transverse velocity components at the exit.
 g Thus, exit flow alignment is yet another consid-
p0 g  1 2 g1 eration that is part of the overall supersonic noz-
¼ 1þ M (5)
p 2 zle design.
r0 g1 2 Continuum Versus Rarefied Flows
¼ 1þ M (6) The preceding discussion has implicitly assumed
r 2
that the flow conditions are such that the contin-
Here, the subscript “0” indicates the stagna- uum assumption remains valid within the micro-
tion conditions (M ! 0) corresponding to nozzle. The usual metric cited in arguing for
a specific flow state. In practice, these are the (or against) the continuum assumption is the
conditions of the gaseous products of chemical Knudsen number (Kn), defined by Kn = L/L S
decomposition or combustion that exist upstream where L is the mean-free path of the fluid particle
of the nozzle inlet and, therefore, may be and L is a characteristic length scale. For
regarded as known states for the purposes of the converging–diverging nozzles, the throat dimen-
nozzle modeling. sion is commonly chosen as the characteristic
In summary, for a prescribed nozzle profile length scale. An alternative version of the Knud-
A(x) and inlet conditions, the area-Mach relation sen number which is of particular use in investi-
Eq. 3 and isentropic flow relations Eqs. 4, 5 and 6 gating supersonic flows is given by
are sufficient to completely determine the nozzle rffiffiffiffiffi
flow field under the quasi-1D model. gp M
Kn ¼ :
2 Re
Thrust and Impulse
The ultimate deliverable for a supersonic nozzle While Kn ! 0 is the formal requirement for
in a propulsion application is the production of a continuum flow, in practical terms gas flows for
S 3094 Supersonic Micro-nozzles

which Kn remains below a threshold value can be accuracy required in the modeling of the
safely regarded as being within a continuum plume region is really a “matter of interest.”
regime. The exact value of Kn at which rarefac- For example, if the interest lies in the chemical
tion effects begin to appear remains a matter of signatures of exhaust plumes or perhaps the inter-
some controversy and generally depends upon action of the plume with a spacecraft’s solid
the specifics of the flow under consideration; surfaces, then flow rarefaction cannot be ignored.
however, Kn  0.01–0.1 is a representative On the other hand, if thrust production by
range of values. At these and higher Kn numbers, the nozzle is the key item of interest, then the
the breakdown in the continuum assumption is specifics of the supersonic plume are of no real
first manifested at the boundaries with the appear- import.
ance of velocity and (if applicable) thermal “slip” It is possible that the supersonic portion of the
wherein a discontinuity occurs between the flow micro-nozzle may also experience some degree
and the solid boundary where they interact. Math- of rarefaction, depending on the specifics of the
ematically, these modified boundary conditions flow. However, the extent of the rarefaction is
take the form: usually minor and, if needed, can be reasonably
managed by augmenting a continuum model with
@u @T slip boundary conditions to yield more precise
uslip ¼ Kn T  T wall ¼ Kn
@n @n estimates of thrust production.

The flow within a typical converging/diverg- Micro-nozzle Geometry

ing supersonic micro-nozzle – and its Area Ratios and Physical Nozzle Dimensions
plume – may span a wide range of Knudsen The driving constraint of a micro-nozzle design is
numbers encompassing continuum flow, highly the target thrust level, which is determined by the
rarefied flows, and all intermediate states in nozzle exit conditions (velocity, thermodynamic
between. A key determinant, however, rests state, and area) as given by Eq. 7. It is important
with the value of the ambient back pressure at to note that there is not a unique flow state for
the nozzle exit. For cases where there is very low a specific thrust, and thus, other design con-
back pressures (e.g., low Earth orbit or space), straints or conditions must be imposed in order
a significant portion of the flow field may be to determine a specific solution. Such consider-
influenced by rarefaction effects. Conversely, at ations might include the ambient back pressure at
more modest back pressures (e.g., atmospheric the nozzle exit, the maximum allowable size of
operation), it may be that the flow field can safely the nozzle, or the maximum mass flow rate m_ that
be regarded as remaining within the continuum the system can deliver. For micro-nozzles that are
regime. components of miniaturized propulsion systems,
In most high altitude or space applications, the size may be the overriding concern, and hence,
nozzle flow will be underexpanded, and the exter- the exit area may provide the necessary addi-
nal plume will experience the greatest flow rare- tional constraint. Once the desired nozzle exit
faction. Depending on the circumstances, the conditions have been identified, the nozzle area
rarefaction can be quite severe, extending beyond expansion ratio (A/A*) is fixed by the area-Mach
the slip regime and bordering on the free molec- relation Eq. 3; moreover, the values of all the
ular regime. In such cases, modeling efforts remaining thermodynamic variables (T/T0, p/p0,
require the use of gas kinetic schemes such as r/r0) are fixed by the isentropic flow relations
direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) or even Eqs. 4, 5 and 6. Note that the state of the gaseous
molecular dynamics (MD). The discussion of products of decomposition or combustion
these methods is beyond the scope of this entry, upstream of the nozzle inlet establishes the stag-
and the interested reader is encouraged to refer to nation values T0, p0, and r0.
the classic monograph by G. Bird [4]. It is impor- As an illustrative example, the NASA/GSFC
tant to note that, for supersonic flow, the level of micro-nozzle described in Hitt et al. [2] is
Supersonic Micro-nozzles 3095 S
designed to produce a thrust level in the range of Microfabrication Techniques
10–500 mN. This prototype featured a throat Many MEMS-based micro-nozzles are created
dimension of 90 mm and an exit area expansion from 2D planar patterns which are transferred to
ratio Aexit/A* 6 which produce an exit Mach a substrate material (typically Si) via
number of 3.4. a photolithographic masking process. The nozzle
is fabricated within the substrate by selectively
Nozzle Profile and 3D Effects removing the substrate material from unmasked
The idealized nozzle profile A(x) is one which regions; commonly this is accomplished via
provides the required area expansion ratios for reactive-ion etching (RIE) or “deep” reactive-
supersonic flow and, concurrently, aligns the flow ion etching techniques. Whereas the RIE method
in the axial direction at the nozzle exit. This flow is acceptable for etching depths on the order of
alignment minimizes losses in thrust production 10 mm, the DRIE method enables etching depths
associated with unwanted transverse velocity in excess of 100 mm. Chemical wet etching is also
components. The traditional “bell-shape” possible but is becoming less common because of
contoured nozzle accomplishes this task while its inherent limitations compared to RIE tech-
maintaining isentropic flow conditions through- niques. An alternative approach, and one which
out the nozzle. Note that the profile of the isen- is becoming more widely available, is the use of
tropic bell nozzle cannot be obtained by quasi-1D “focused ion beams” (FIB) to mill out the pattern
theory. Rather, it is determined through the solu- on the substrate. Regardless of the method, high
tion of expansion and compression wave propa- precision is required in the fabrication process to
gation in the supersonic portion of the ensure proper geometry is produced, including
nozzle – typically this is done using the method smooth nozzle walls. The nozzle is typically
of characteristics (e.g., Anderson [3]). While sealed by bonding a cover surface (e.g., Pyrex to
a bell-shape profile may be the ideal case, linear provide optical access) to the substrate. Often
nozzles are also commonly used in thruster pro- anodic bonding is used to produce a permanent
pulsion systems. A linear nozzle features bond which can withstand a wide range of oper-
a supersonic section with a fixed expansion rate ating temperatures. To date, there has been little
dA/dx characterized by a divergence angle y. effort experimentally to provide for thermal insu-
Linear nozzle designs are attractive primarily lation of the nozzle within the substrate. This may
for their geometric simplicity and the associated be an important area for future work given the
advantages in the fabrication process. This has potential significance of heat transfer during noz-
proven to be an important consideration for zle operation, as will be described later.
microscale fabrication of nozzles over the past
decade; however, microfabrication techniques
continue to improve, and the likely future trend Key Research Findings S
will be a return to the more efficient bell-shape
nozzles. Steady Flow
Regardless of the profile, one key difference Much of the current research is focused on exam-
between micro-nozzles and their macroscale ining the interaction of viscous forces and nozzle
counterparts is their inherent 3D nature. geometry in an effort to better understand and
Owing to the method of microfabrication quantify performance characteristics. The major-
(see below), the nozzles are ducts with rectangu- ity of the research literature has dealt with 2D
lar cross sections. Conversely, all macroscale steady-state flow conditions. Given the experi-
nozzles are conical in nature, and thus, the mental challenges associated with microscale
flows are 2D axisymmetric. The 3D nature supersonic flow interrogation, virtually all ana-
of the flow can have substantial effects on the lyses have been computational in nature. While
supersonic nozzle performance on the some experimental works have also been
microscale. reported, most of these have reported only thrust
S 3096 Supersonic Micro-nozzles


Subsonic Layer Thickness (% of Exit Plane)


H2O2 Thrust Output

Normalized Thrust Output

N2H4 Thrust Output

0.84 H2O2 Subsonic Layer
N2H4 Subsonic Layer

0.8 Thrust

Max Thrust Region

10 20 30 40 50
Micronozzle Expander Half–Angle (degrees)

Supersonic Micro-nozzles, Fig. 2 Performance results Results are shown for expander half angles ranging from
for the NASA/GSFC supersonic microthruster nozzle with 10 to 50 (Note that the expander angle exhibiting the
decomposed H2O2 and decomposed N2H4 as the working maximum thrust production does not directly coincide
monopropellants. Thrust production, as shown on the left with the minimum subsonic layer thickness. This is
axis, has been normalized by the theoretical quasi-1D a direct result of the competing effects of viscous forces
inviscid value. The percentage of the micro-nozzle exit and micro-nozzle geometry. The optimum expander angle
plane occupied by the viscous subsonic layer is also shown is the result of this trade-off)
on the right axis for both monopropellants of interest.

measurements without corresponding flow microthruster system described in Hitt [2]. While
field data. the data is somewhat case specific, the findings
Within the aerospace literature, Bayt and and issues that arise are germane to most micro-
Breuer [5] were among the first to examine scale nozzles. Numerical models of
micro-nozzle flow and to identify the key role monopropellant-based supersonic flows have
that viscous effects can play. In short, the low been developed for varying micro-nozzle geom-
Reynolds numbers of these flows permit the etries including linear and bell-shaped expander
growth of relatively thick viscous layers within sections. For the linear micro-nozzles, which will
the nozzle expander – these layers can occupy be of primary focus, expander half angles have
a significant portion of the nozzle exit, effectively been examined within the range of y = 10–50
restricting the flow and reducing thrust produc- (Fig. 2). For the present analysis, adiabatic nozzle
tion. In an effort to mitigate the growth of viscous walls are assumed. The supersonic flow field is
layers, propulsion researchers have considered characterized by Reynolds numbers typically less
increasing the expansion angle of the diverging than 1,000.
section of the nozzle; however, as will be shown, Referring to Fig. 2, a rapid and drastic reduc-
doing so introduces geometric losses linked to tion in thrust output is observed as the expander
increased non-axial exit velocity components. half angle is increased above 30 . This is a direct
The results that follow are based on numerical consequence of expander geometry. For large
simulations of the operation of the NASA/GSFC expander angles, the flow follows the walls in
Supersonic Micro-nozzles 3097 S
the expander, and thus, a sizeable component of decomposed N2H4. For cases of smaller expan-
the velocity vector exits the nozzle in the trans- sion angles, the corresponding length of the
verse direction. This results in a significant reduc- expander increases allowing the subsonic layer
tion of axial momentum flux and a corresponding to grow as the flow moves further downstream.
decline in thruster performance. This scenario is directly responsible for the
For small expander angles, transverse velocity reduction in performance of the micro-nozzle at
components due to expander geometry are small divergence angles. For larger expander
reduced, but at the expense of increased nozzle angles, the subsonic layer thickness again
length in order to maintain the desired area increases proportionally. Here the flow is forced
expansion ratio. As the expander angle is to turn sharply at the throat as it enters the micro-
decreased below 30 , viscous forces acting over nozzle expander section. The high-speed bulk
the lengthened expander section begin to domi- flow is unable to turn efficiently, and a thick
nate nozzle performance. The subsonic layer acts subsonic layer results near the wall boundary.
to restrict the flow and reduce the effective exit However, owing to the low Reynolds number
area. Because the viscous boundary layer at the regime, no flow separation is observed.
exit plane is subsonic, the ambient back-pressure It is clear that the interplay between viscous
conditions can communicate with the flow effects and micro-nozzle geometry is complex
upstream within the nozzle expander near the and must be fully understood for the efficient
walls. As a result, the flow inside the expander design of high-performance MEMS-based noz-
will respond in order to match ambient back zles. In summary, with the flow conditions spec-
pressure. The flow exiting the micro-nozzle is ified for the microthruster nozzle, trade-offs
inherently underexpanded in a space environ- between the size of the subsonic layer and geo-
ment, and, as such, premature flow turning occurs metric losses due to non-axial flow components
via an expansion fan originating within the noz- result in an optimal linear expander half angle of
zle. Thus, a portion of the exit momentum is approximately 30 with decomposed H2O2 as the
vectored into the transverse direction which monopropellant. This value is significantly larger
results in a further reduction in micro-nozzle (2) than half angles of around 15 typically
performance. These factors combine to represent used in macroscale conical thrusters [7]. While
a performance trade-off between viscous and the N2H4 monopropellant thruster does not
geometric effects as described further in Louisos exhibit a distinct maximum thrust output
and Hitt [6]. corresponding to an optimal geometry, it is clear
To provide additional insight into the nature of that the most effective half angle is in the range of
the viscous effects, the subsonic boundary layer 25 and less.
in the nozzle expander can be examined. Figure 3
shows the viscous subsonic boundary layer in the Transient Flow S
30 expander half angle for both decomposed Supersonic micro-nozzles are intended to provide
H2O2 and decomposed N2H4. Forming at the station-keeping and attitude control for nano-
throat, the viscous subsonic layer grows as the sats. This is accomplished through the applica-
axial distance progresses toward the exit. The tion of discrete impulse “bits” resulting from the
subsonic layer thickness also scales with the transient firing of the microthruster. The ability to
fluid viscosity, as is evident for the two different precisely predict and control the impulse bit
monopropellants shown in Fig. 3. The steady- delivered during a firing is evidently of great
state subsonic layer thickness at the nozzle exit importance from an operations standpoint. The
has been quantified as a function of expander half thruster firing for a chemical-based system essen-
angle in Fig. 2. As the expander angle is tially involves three phases: start-up, a period of
decreased, the subsonic layer grows to occupy steady-state operation, and finally a shutdown
a larger percentage of the nozzle exit area, up to sequence. Currently, typical micro-valve actua-
15 % for decomposed H2O2 and up to 8.5 % for tion of the propellant flow is on the order of
S 3098 Supersonic Micro-nozzles

Supersonic Micro-
Fig. 3 Visualization of the
Subsonic all
viscous subsonic boundary Boundary rW
layer in the 30 half-angle nd
Layers pa
micro-nozzle expander Ex
section as shown by Mach Throat
contours <1.0 for both

Exit Plane
decomposed H2O2 (top)
1.00 H2O2
and decomposed N2H4 0.96
(bottom) at an inlet to exit 0.93
pressure ratio of 10:1 across 0.87
the micro-nozzle (Note that 0.84
the size of the H2O2 0.81
subsonic layer is larger 0.75
compared to the N2H4 0.72
subsonic layer owing to the 0.66
fact that decomposed H2O2 0.63
has approximately a 38 % 0.57
greater viscosity over the 0.54
operating temperature 0.48
range within the micro- 0.45
nozzle) 0.42
0.30 r
0.27 n de
0.24 Ex
0.21 Throat

Exit Plane
0.06 N2H4


milliseconds. Because of viscous effects on the For a typical microthruster firing, the micro-
microscale, the use of inviscid theory in deter- valve is initially closed, and there is no flow
mining flow actuation and micro-nozzle perfor- through the nozzle. As the valve opens,
mance can lead to inaccurate predictions. This a pressure gradient is established across the noz-
may be present in the form of “residual” thrust zle, and the corresponding mass flow through the
and impulse resulting from the viscous impact on nozzle begins to generate thrust. Initially the
nozzle response. There has been little in the liter- pressure ratio is small and the flow at the exit is
ature on transient operations. Here we describe overexpanded, and thus, free boundary shock
results for a simulated firing of the NASA/GSFC reflection is observed in the exhaust plume.
micro-nozzle prototype. Transient micro-nozzle With elapsed time the micro-valve continues to
simulations have been performed with diver- open, and the pressure gradient across the nozzle
gence half angles ranging from 10 to 50 with increases as does thrust production. The size of
decomposed H2O2 as the gas. the exhaust plume increases in tandem. As the
Supersonic Micro-nozzles 3099 S
micro-valve opens to its maximum position, the output. In this sense, viscous forces aid the shut-
flow transitions from overexpanded through per- down sequence through dissipation.
fectly expanded and finally to underexpanded The transient results can be summarized by
flow at a steady state; at this point a sizable examining the total impulse over one duty cycle
expansion fan develops at the nozzle exit. This for a single micro-nozzle firing. The results are
sequence is then repeated, in reverse order, dur- shown in Fig. 6; also shown are the results from
ing the shutdown process of the micro-nozzle quasi-1D inviscid theory for comparison pur-
duty cycle. The flow field evolution at selected poses. As expected, the total impulse from the
time steps is shown in Fig. 4. A single typical simulations is less than that predicted by inviscid
thruster firing, which includes start-up, steady theory – this difference can be directly attributed
state, and shutdown, occurs on the order of to the integrated effect of viscous and geometric
a few milliseconds. losses incurred during the transient process. The
Numerical simulations of transient micro- “optimal” angle for a linear micro-nozzle in
nozzle flows have shown a lag in thrust produc- the transient case is seen to be the same as for
tion and performance response during the start-up the steady-state operation.
sequence of the duty cycle [8]. For the reduced
pressure gradient across the nozzle during start- Heat Transfer Effects
up, viscous effects dominate and the flow Micro-nozzles are typically fabricated into much
throughout the entire expander section is larger, thermally conducting substrates. In an
subsonic. As the pressure gradient increases operational setting, these substrates will be ther-
with time, the flow locally attains supersonic mally linked with the remainder of the spacecraft
velocities in a region extending downstream and will experience major temperature variations
from the throat but then decelerates to over a single orbit due to alternating day/night
subsonic speeds by the nozzle exit. This is seen conditions. It is thus expected that significant heat
in Fig. 5 which shows the extent of the viscous transfer is possible between the micro-nozzle and
subsonic layer in the expander section at the substrate and, in turn, may impact the flow. As
various times during the start-up process. As the a first approximation, one may argue that the
micro-valve continues to open and larger pres- substrate can be regarded as a thermal sink
sure gradients are established, the flow is able to (or source) of constant temperature for the nozzle
overcome viscous forces and establish wide- flow. This argument is based on a comparison of
spread supersonic conditions in the expander the relative thermal masses of the flow and
section. a typical substrate; indeed, a lumped capacitance
A finite time “lag” is observed during the start- analysis of the NASA/GSFC micro-nozzle indi-
up which results from viscous effects. The lag in cates that only a 5 % temperature increase would
thrust production during start-up is most pro- be realized within the substrate under a typical S
nounced in the 10 and 50 expander half angles firing sequence involving a “cold” nozzle.
owing to the fact that these geometries feature for From a modeling perspective, then,
the largest subsonic layers. It is interesting to note a reasonable first approximation of heat transfer
that the flow does not exhibit a lag in response to effects is the imposition of isothermal boundary
micro-valve closure during the shutdown conditions on the micro-nozzle walls. The partic-
sequence of the micro-nozzle [8]. Owing to the ular wall temperature would reflect the thermal
fact that viscous effects tend to reduce flow state of the spacecraft as a whole based on its
through frictional forces, the shutdown process orbital location with respect to the Sun. To dem-
is in fact facilitated by the existence of the sub- onstrate the effect of heat transfer, we present
sonic layer. As the pressure ratio across the findings obtained from numerical simulations of
micro-nozzle is reduced during shutdown, the the NASA/GSFC linear micro-nozzle for expan-
subsonic layer grows into the bulk of the flow sion angles of 15 and 30 and isothermal wall
field and thus promotes the reduction of thrust temperatures ranging from 50 to 1,000 K.
S 3100 Supersonic Micro-nozzles

Supersonic Micro- a b
nozzles, Fig. 4 The
evolution in time of the Transient
micro-nozzle flow field as Micronozzle
shown by Mach number Flow
contours for the 30
expander half angle during
transient operation of the
microthruster. As the
pressure ratio across the
micro-nozzle increases
during start-up, the exhaust
plume grows in size and the 4.80
flow transitions from 4.65
overexpanded through
perfectly expanded flow to
underexpanded conditions.
A typical microthruster 3.90
firing is on the order of c d
milliseconds, and the 3.60
simulation depicted here 3.45
has a total actuation time of 3.30
1.7 ms. The results 3.15
normalized by the actuation 3.00
time are characterized as 2.85
follows: (a) t* = 0.16 2.70
overexpanded start-up, (b) 2.55
t* = 0.176 overexpanded 2.40
start-up, (c) t* = 0.188 2.25
perfectly expanded start-up 2.10
flow, (d) t* = 0.206 1.95
underexpanded start-up, (e) 1.80
t* = 0.5 steady-state 1.65
underexpanded, and (f) 1.50
t* = 0.82 overexpanded 1.35
shutdown flow. As 1.20
expected, free boundary 1.05 e f
shock reflection occurs in 0.90
the case of overexpanded 0.75
flow, while an expansion 0.60
fan can be seen near the exit 0.45
of the micro-nozzle for 0.30
underexpanded flow 0.15


The thrust production (normalized with respect to Cases with heat loss are seen to outperform com-
quasi-1D inviscid theory) as a function of isother- parable simulations with adiabatic walls. From
mal wall temperature is shown in Fig. 7. For a performance standpoint, as the wall tempera-
comparison, the adiabatic results are also given. ture is increased, the thrust output decreases and
Supersonic Micro-nozzles 3101 S
Supersonic Micro-
nozzles, Fig. 5 Shown in
the figure are transient
sonic lines (M = 1) which
indicate the maximum
extent of the viscous
subsonic layers from the
micro-nozzle wall during
the start-up sequence of the
micro-nozzle. The time
t has been normalized by
the total actuation cycle
time of 1.7 ms (Note that
for t < 0.082, the flow is
initially supersonic in the
vicinity of the throat before
viscous forces impede the
flow and thus cause it to
revert back to entirely
subsonic conditions at the
nozzle exit)

Supersonic Micro-nozzles, Fig. 6 A plot of the total velocity components at the micro-nozzle exit. The bell-
impulse generated during a single actuation cycle for contoured expander here initially has a 30 half angle in
a range of expander half angles as compared to quasi- the vicinity of the throat, and the contoured walls align the
one-dimensional inviscid theory. Maximum total impulse flow along the nozzle axis. As anticipated, the contoured
occurs at a micro-nozzle half angle of 30 . For expander expander outperforms the linear nozzle owing to the
half angles <30 , viscous effects are responsible for the straightening of the flow and lack of transverse velocity
reduction in performance, while at larger expander angles, associated with the bell profile
performance decreases as a result of significant transverse
S 3102 Supersonic Micro-nozzles

the subsonic layer grows nonlinearly. A large Non-continuum Effects

subsonic layer has already been shown to greatly Alexeenko et al. [9, 10] have performed
reduce micro-nozzle performance. non-continuum direct simulation Monte Carlo
The observed effects of heat transfer on the (DSMC) analyses of milli-/micro-nozzle flows
flow in micro-nozzles are readily explained as in order to examine the influence of rarefaction
follows. From compressible Rayleigh flow, it is effects on performance. The DSMC method is
known that removing heat from a supersonic flow a statistical approach to the solution of the
acts to accelerate the flow. At steady-state, the Boltzmann equation, the governing equation for
bulk of the flow in the micro-nozzle expander is rarefied gas dynamics. Their work has found that
supersonic, and thus, heat transfer acts to further for Knudsen numbers of Kn  0.1, gas-surface
accelerate the supersonic flow. Concurrently, as interactions have a strong influence on the flow in
the flow is cooled, the exit density r increases. both the converging and diverging sections of the
The overall effect is an increase in thrust. Heat nozzle. Owing to the fabrication process of
extraction from the flow into the substrate MEMS devices, the surfaces have a significant
increases performance from the subsonic layer degree of roughness at the molecular scale and
point of view as well. For low nozzle wall tem- thus result in inelastic diffusive collisions of
peratures, the local sonic velocity is diminished a molecule with the surface. As such, a large
and the near-wall Mach number increases. This portion of the flow remains subsonic along the
phenomenon is the force driving the reduction in nozzle expander walls. This causes an overall
subsonic layer size for micro-nozzle flows with reduced Mach number at the nozzle exit and
heat removal. In fact, with sufficient heat extrac- decreased thrust production.
tion from the flow, the subsonic layer can be Comparisons have also been made between
reduced to the point where the competing effects predicted velocity fields obtained by DSMC and
of viscous forces and nozzle geometry cause the Navier–Stokes continuum models for
optimum expander half angle to be shifted from a supersonic converging–diverging micro-nozzle
30 to a more traditional expander half angle of [9]. It was observed that the two solutions exhibit
15 . This is demonstrated in Fig. 7 for isothermal strong agreement within the micro-nozzle and
wall temperatures less than 700 K. that differences between the two methods were

Supersonic Micro-
nozzles, Fig. 7 Steady-
state micro-nozzle 15° Expander
performance including heat 0.9 30° Expander
Thrust (μN / μm thruster depth)

transfer through an
Normalized Thrust Output

isothermal wall. A reduced

wall temperature is used to
model heat losses from the 15.2
flow field into the silicon 0.89
micro-nozzle substrate
acting as a thermal sink. As
heat is removed from the
expander, the supersonic 0.88 15
flow is further accelerated,
subsonic layer size is
reduced, and performance
as measured by thrust
output increases (Note that 0.87
the adiabatic results nearly
coincide with the 900 K
isothermal wall values as 200 400 600 800 1000
indicated) Isothermal Wall Temperature (K)
Supersonic Micro-nozzles 3103 S
confined to the vicinity of the exhaust plume, propulsion system configurations, geometries,
specifically the corners of the nozzle exit. This and operating conditions. As experimental proto-
is due to the rapid expansion of the gas and high type nano-sats and propulsion systems begin to
flow rarefaction that is difficult to capture by appear in greater numbers – and the design con-
continuum methods. Minor differences were figurations and typical operating conditions start
reported in the size of the subsonic layers in the to take shape – more detailed heat transfer ana-
expander section owing to the difference in the lyses will be warranted. Indeed, the solution of
wall boundary conditions (i.e., no slip vs. slip). the conjugate heat transfer problem will be an
However, comparison of the velocity distribu- important part in future design optimization pro-
tions along the nozzle centerline region shows cess for supersonic micro-nozzles.
only a small difference between the two methods.
Rarefied analyses of thermal coupling Three-Dimensional Geometric Effects
between the micro-nozzle with the surrounding Much of the modeling efforts to date have focused
substrate have also been reported [10]. In this on 2D planar geometries, owing largely to the 2D
work, steady low Reynolds number gas flows nature of patterning associated MEMS-based fab-
were again modeled by the DSMC approach, rication procedures. To a lesser degree, 2D
and the substrate transient thermal response was modeling has also been invoked as a simplifica-
governed by the heat conduction equation. It was tion to reduce computational resources required
shown that propulsive efficiencies of the micro- for numerical simulations. In reality, MEMS-
nozzle decreased with higher nozzle wall temper- based supersonic nozzles will have rectangular
atures and vice versa. These results are in agree- cross sections as a result of reactive-ion etching
ment with the continuum-based heat transfer or milling performed in the fabrication process.
results previously discussed. Further, the depth dimension may be substantially
smaller than the nozzle width at the exit plane.
One could posit that viscous boundary layer
Future Directions for Research growth from the upper and lower boundaries of
the nozzle will be of equal, if not greater, signif-
We close this entry with a brief discussion icance than the boundary layers studied in the 2D
concerning future research opportunities and simulations. The presence of the upper and the
needs for supersonic micro-nozzle flow within lower boundaries also provides substantial, addi-
the context of micropropulsion applications. In tional surface areas for heat loss from the nozzle
some instances preliminary work has been flow, and thus, the consequences may well be
reported in various forms within the aerospace more severe than those previously discussed in
literature; however, comprehensive and detailed 2D models. In all, it is clear that there is a very real
studies have not yet appeared. need for the pursuit of 3D models for the super- S
sonic micro-nozzle flow. It is, however, also
Conjugate Heat Transfer in Prototype important to note that the additional computa-
Devices tional resources required for full 3D simulations
As described previously, heat transfer from the will be significant, particularly in cases of tran-
micro-nozzle to its surroundings can have sient flows and flows with rarefaction.
a significant impact on the supersonic flow
within. Most of the studies to date, however, Multiphase Flow
have been based on models featuring simplified One unique aspect of supersonic micro-nozzles is
and somewhat artificial thermal boundary condi- the potential for the occurrence of multiphase
tions rather than a full conjugate heat transfer flow, particularly in the expansion section.
analysis with the domain surrounding the micro- There are two primary mechanisms by which
nozzle. This shortcoming is a consequence of a liquid phase could be present within the flow.
incomplete knowledge of actual nano-sat The first scenario would involve sufficiently high
S 3104 Surface Conductivity

levels of heat loss through the nozzle walls References

resulting in gas condensation near the solid
boundaries; this situation would most likely 1. Mueller J (2000) Thruster options for
microspacecraft: a review and evaluation of the
occur in the supersonic expansion section of the
state-of-the art and emerging technologies. In:
nozzle. The probable impact of condensation Micci M, Ketsdever A (eds) Micropropulsion for
would be a reduction in thrust and micro-nozzle small spacecraft: progress in astronautics and aero-
performance. A second scenario involves nautics, vol 187. AIAA, Reston
2. Hitt DL, Zakrzwski CM, Thomas MK (2001) MEMS-
a multiphase inlet that could be the result, for
based satellite micropropulsion via catalyzed hydro-
example, of incomplete chemical decomposition gen peroxide decomposition. J Smart Mater Struct
(catalysis) of a monopropellant or incomplete 10:1163–1175
combustion of bipropellants upstream of the noz- 3. Anderson JD (2003) Modern compressible flow
with historical perspective, 3rd edn. McGraw-Hill,
zle (e.g., Hitt et al. [2]). Such problems could arise
in chemical monopropulsion, for example, over 4. Bird GA (1994) Molecular gas dynamics and the
time with degradation/fouling of catalysts in direct simulation of gas flows. Oxford University
micro-reactors. In this case, the multiphase sub- Press, Oxford
5. Bayt RL, Breuer KS (2001) System design and per-
sonic flow would likely affect the critical condi-
formance of hot and cold supersonic micro-jets.
tions required for sonic conditions to occur at the AIAA paper 2001–0721
nozzle throat. Regardless of the particular sce- 6. Louisos WF, Hitt DL (2005) Optimal expander angle
nario, there is a definite need for modeling efforts for viscous supersonic flow in 2-D micro-nozzles.
AIAA paper 2005–5032
in this area – be it analytical, computational, or
7. Humble RW, Henry GN, Larson WJ (1995) Space
both – to provide predictive capabilities for micro- propulsion analysis and design. McGraw-Hill, New
nozzles under these multiphasic conditions. York
8. Louisos WF, Hitt DL (2006) Viscous effects in super-
sonic micro-nozzle flows: transient analysis. AIAA
Rarefaction Effects for Realistic Gases
paper 2006–2874
Much of the micro-nozzle literature dealing with 9. Alexeenko AA, Levin DA, Gimelshein SF, Collins RJ
rarefied flows has focused on so-called “cold-gas” (2002) Numerical modeling of axisymmetric and
propulsion mechanisms. A cold-gas system fea- three-dimensional flows in microelectromechanical
systems. AIAA J 40(5):897–904
tures a single, inert gas (typically N2) as
10. Alexeenko AA, Levin DA, Fedosov DA, Gimelshein
a propellant and, consequently, offers a great SF (2005) Performance analysis of microthrusters
modeling simplification for gas kinetic simulations based on coupled thermal-fluid modeling and simula-
utilizing DSMC or MD approaches. The fact that tion. J Propul Power 21(1):95–101
all molecules are identical within the flow sim-
plifies the treatment of molecular collisions; in
contrast, for multi-gas flows the treatment of col-
lisions between molecules of different sizes and Surface Conductivity
number densities becomes considerably more
complicated. In practice, many propulsion Synonyms
schemes feature gas mixtures (e.g., decomposed
H2O2 or decomposed N2H4 monopropellant Surface conductance; Surface electric
schemes), and as such, there remains a significant conductance
void in the micro-nozzle literature concerning the
effects of flow rarefaction in these cases.

Cross-References Surface conductivity is the excess electric con-

ductivity tangential to a charged surface and orig-
▶ Microrockets inates from the excess counterions’
▶ Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) concentrations in the electrical double-layer
Surface Conductivity Measurement 3105 S
region near the solid–liquid interface. The Overview
corresponding electrical conductivity is called
the surface conductivity, ls, which is considered Generally, surface conductivity usually is referred
as the electrical conductivity of a sheet of mate- to the electrical conductivity through a thin liquid
rial of negligible thickness with the unit O1m1. layer near the solid-liquid interface where there is
Specific surface conductivity values are of the a net charge accumulation due to the charged
order of 109  108 for water in glass solid-liquid interface. Zeta potential is considered
capillaries. as an electrokinetic potential at the shear plane
near a solid-liquid interface where the liquid
velocity is zero. The zeta potential and the surface
conductivity are very important interfacial electro-
kinetic properties to a huge number of natural
phenomena, such as electrode kinetics,
▶ Electrical Double Layers
electrocatalysis, corrosion, adsorption, crystal
▶ Electroosmotic Flow (DC)
growth, colloid stability, and flow characteristics
▶ Streaming Current and Electroviscosity
of colloidal suspensions and electrolyte solutions
▶ Surface Conductivity Measurement
through porous media and microchannels. In elec-
▶ Zeta Potential Measurement
troosmotic flow or pressure-driven flow through
fine capillary tubes, the zeta potential and the
surface conduction will critically influence the
velocity or flow rate. In many cases, knowing the
Surface Conductivity Measurement surface conductivity is a must in order to evaluate
the zeta potential and other electrokinetic proper-
Dongqing Li ties correctly. Measurement of the surface conduc-
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics tivity, therefore, is important in the studies of
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University electrokinetic phenomena. Two methods to mea-
of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada sure the surface conductivity, one involving
pressure-driven flow and the other electroosmotic
flow, will be reviewed in this entry.
Synonyms It is well-known that most solid surfaces carry
electrostatic charges, i.e., an electrical surface
Surface conductance; Surface electric potential. If the liquid contains a certain amount
conductance of ions (for instance, an electrolyte solution or
a liquid with impurities), the electrostatic charges
on the solid surface will attract the counterions in S
Definition the liquid. The rearrangement of the charges on the
solid surface and the balancing charges in the
The surface conduction is the excess electric con- liquid is called the electrical double layer (EDL)
duction tangential to a charged surface and origi- [1–3]. Immediately next to the solid surface, there
nates from the excess counterions’ concentrations is a layer of ions which are strongly attracted to the
in the electrical double layer region near the solid- solid surface and are immobile. This layer is called
liquid interface. The corresponding electric con- the compact layer, normally about several Ang-
ductivity is called the surface conductivity, ls, that stroms thick. From the compact layer to the uni-
is considered as the electric conductivity of a sheet form bulk liquid, the net charge density gradually
of material of negligible thickness, with a unit reduces to zero. Ions in this region are affected less
O1 m1. Specific surface conductivity values by the electrostatic interaction and are mobile.
are of the order 10  10 for water in glass This region is called the diffuse layer of the EDL.
capillaries. The thickness of the diffuse layer is dependent on
S 3106 Surface Conductivity Measurement

the bulk ionic concentration and electrical proper- 2zeno zec
ties of the liquid, usually ranging from several ∇ c¼
sinh (4)
e kB T
nanometers for high ionic concentration solutions
up to several microns for pure water and pure When a liquid is forced through a capillary
organic liquids. The boundary between the com- under an applied hydrostatic pressure, the ions
pact layer and the diffuse layer is usually referred in the diffuse layer (mobile part) of the EDL are
to as the shear plane. The electrical potential at the carried towards the downstream end, resulting in
solid-liquid surface is difficult to measure directly. an electrical current in the pressure-driven flow
The electrical potential at the shear plane is called direction. This current due to the transport of
the zeta potential, B, and can be measured experi- charges by the liquid flow is called the streaming
mentally [1–3]. In practice, the zeta potential is current. Corresponding to this streaming current,
used as an approximation to the potential at the there is an electrokinetic potential called
solid-liquid interface. the streaming potential. This flow induced
The ion and electrical potential distributions in the streaming potential is a potential difference that
electrical double layer can be determined by solving builds up along the capillary. This streaming
the Poisson-Boltzmann equation [1–3]. According to potential acts to drive the ions in the diffuse
the theory of electrostatics, the relationship between layer of the EDL to move in the direction oppo-
the electrical potential c and the local net charge site to the streaming current, i.e., opposite to the
density per unit volume re at any point in the solution pressure-driven flow direction. The action of the
is described by the Poisson equation streaming potential will generate an electrical
current called the conduction current. The con-
∇2 c ¼  (1) duction current will produce a liquid flow in the
e opposite direction to the pressure-driven flow.
The overall result is a reduced flow rate in the
where e is the dielectric constant of the solution.
pressure drop direction.
Assuming the equilibrium Boltzmann distribution
The zeta potential can be determined from the
equation is applicable, which implies uniform
measured pressure drop and the measured
dielectric constant, the number concentration of
streaming potential along a single capillary
the type-i ion in a symmetric electrolyte solution
tube. In the absence of an applied electric
is of the form
field, when a liquid is forced through
  a channel under hydrostatic pressure, the
zi ec
ni ¼ nio exp  (2) excess counterions in the diffuse layer of
kB T the EDL are carried by the liquid to flow to the
downstream, forming an electrical current, i.e.,
where nio and zi are the bulk ionic concentration the streaming current. The streaming current is
and the valence of type-i ions, respectively, e is given by
the charge of a proton, kB is the Boltzmann con-
stant, and T is the absolute temperature. The net ð
volume charge density re is proportional to the Is ¼ vre dAc (5)
concentration difference between symmetric cat- Ac
ions and anions via
  where Ac is the cross section of the capillary, v is
zec the local velocity of the liquid, and re is the local
re ¼ zeðnþ  n Þ ¼ 2zeno sinh (3)
kB T net charge density. For a liquid flowing
through a cylindrical capillary tube of
Substituting Eq. 3 into the Poisson equation radius R at a steady state, the liquid local velocity
leads to the well-known Poisson-Boltzmann v(r) is given by the solution of the Poiseuille
equation. equation
Surface Conductivity Measurement 3107 S
DP R2  r 2 same liquid (with the same electrolyte concentra-
v ðr Þ ¼ (6) tion). This problem was solved later by consider-
ing the surface conduction, i.e., the electrical
where r is the radial variable measured from the conduction through a thin layer at solid-liquid
central of the capillary, DP is the pressure drop interface. Generally, the surface conduction is
along the capillary,  is the viscosity of the liquid, the excess conduction tangential to a charged
and L is the length of the capillary. The local net surface and originates from the excess counter-
charge density re(r) in Eq. 5 can be replaced by ions’ concentrations in the EDL region near the
the Poisson equation, Eq. 1. Realizing that local solid-liquid interface [4]. Particularly in the cases
net charge density re(r) is not zero only in the of low bulk ionic concentrations, the surface con-
EDL, i.e., only in a thin region near the channel duction will have a significant contribution to the
wall, and that the EDL potential at the channel total conduction current through the capillary
wall is approximated to be the zeta potential z, tube. Usually, the surface conductivity, ls, is
one can show that the streaming current is considered as the conductivity of a sheet of mate-
given by rial of negligible thickness, with a unit O1 m1.
Specific surface conductivity values are of the
eB 2 DP order 109  108O1 m1 for water in glass
Is ¼  pR (7) capillaries. The surface conductivity is expected
to have a significant effect on the zeta potential in
As explained above, the streaming potential capillaries smaller than 1 mm in diameter at con-
generates a conduction current in the reversed centrations below 1  103 M.
direction. For a cylindrical capillary, the conduc- Briggs [5] suggested a simple procedure to
tion current is given by correct Eq. 9. This method requires the measure-
ment of the actual electrical resistance of the
pR2 lb Es liquid in the capillary, Rexp, and the comparison
Ic ¼ (8) of this value with calculated electrical resistance
where lb is the bulk liquid electrical conductivity at high concentration, Rcal, where the surface
and Es is the streaming potential. At a steady conduction is expected to be negligible. The
state, the net electrical current should be zero, modified Eq. 9 becomes
i.e., Is + Ic = 0. Using this condition, one obtains
the following: Es eB Rexp
¼ (10)
DP lb Rcal
Es eB
¼ (9)
DP lb Briggs’ method does not give explicit infor-
mation on surface conduction. Two modern S
As seen from Eq. 9, by measuring the stream- methods of determining the zeta potential and
ing potential and the pressure drop and knowing the surface conductivity will be summarized
the liquid properties, the zeta potential can be below.
Generally, for a given solid-liquid system at
a given temperature, the zeta potential is consid- Basic Methodology
ered as a constant, this is because the nature of the
material, its surface charge, and the nature and Streaming Potential Method
the concentration of the electrolyte determine the Theory
electrokinetic potential. However, early studies Rutgers [6] was first to rigorously consider the
found that zeta potential determined from Eq. 9 surface conductance effect on the zeta potential
depends on the size of the capillary tubes for the and solved the problem of zeta potential depen-
same solid material (the capillary wall) and the dence on capillary size. By considering the
S 3108 Surface Conductivity Measurement

surface conductance, the conduction current for measures the pressure drop and the streaming
a cylindrical capillary is given by potential of the same solid (capillary wall)-liquid
system for different capillary radii and plot the
pR2 Es lb 2pREs ls data according to Eq. 13, the zeta potential z and
Ic ¼ þ (11) the surface conductivity ls can be determined
from the intercept and the slope of the line.
In the above equation, the first term accounts In additional to cylindrical capillary tubes,
for the conduction through bulk liquid, and the another type of capillary with a simple cross-
second term accounts for the surface conduction. sectional shape is the slit capillary, i.e.,
Using Eqs. 7 and 11, and the steady state condi- a channel formed between two parallel plates.
tion, Is + Ic = 0, we have For an electrolyte solution flowing through a slit
capillary, it can be shown that, in analogy to
Es eB Eq. 13,
¼ (12)
DP ðlb þ 2ls =RÞ  
er e0 DP 1 2ls 1
¼ þ (14)
Realize e = ere0, where er and e0 are the dielec- lb Es B Blb h
tric constant of the liquid and the permittivity of
vacuum, respectively, the above equation can be where h is the height of the slit channel.
rearranged into the following form: The key in the streaming potential method is to
  measure the streaming potential and pressure
er e0 DP 1 2ls 1 drop of the same solid-liquid system for different
¼ þ (13)
lb Es B Blb R capillary radii. Figure 2 illustrates an experimen-
tal setup for such measurements [3, 7]. The cap-
For a given solid-liquid system, er, , lb, and z illary used in the test may be a single capillary
are constant. Equation 13 clearly shows that the tube or a bundle of capillary tubes of the same
term ere0DP/lbEs is a linear function of 1/R. If dimensions or a slit channel formed between two
we plot ere0DP/lbEs versus 1/R, as shown in parallel plates. The capillary tube is placed in
Fig. 1, the intersection of the line given by a two-part symmetrical Plexiglas assembly to
Eq. 13 with the vertical axis is 1/B, and the slope form a test cell as shown in Fig. 2. For a given
of this line is (2ls/Blb). This implies that if one capillary tube and a given electrolyte solution, the
precision pump is set to maintain a constant flow
rate. The pressure drop across the capillary tube is
1/h (m−1) monitored and recorded by a differential pressure
0 transducer ( 0.5 % FS accuracy, Validyne Eng.
1 Corp.) and a computer data acquisition system.
ς 2λs The flow was considered to have reached a steady
tanα = −
ςλb state when the readings of the pressure drop do
ε r ε 0 Δ P −1 not change any more. Such a constant pressure
(V )
ηλ b Es drop value corresponds to the DP in Eqs. 13 or 14.
At this steady state, two electrodes (e.g.,
Ag/AgCl electrodes, Sensortechnik Meinsberg
GmbH) and a high-resistance electrometer
(Keithley Instruments Inc.) are used to measure
Surface Conductivity Measurement, Fig. 1 The lin- the streaming potential. The streaming potential
ear relationship of ere0DP/lbEs versus 1/h for a slit cap- measured at this steady state corresponds to the
illary (or 1/R for a cylindrical capillary) by using Eq. 14
Es in Eqs. 13 or 14. It should be emphasized that
(or Eq. 13) to determine the zeta potential and the surface
conductivity by the streaming potential method such a streaming potential measurement should
experimental not last more than 60 or 100 s (depending on the
Surface Conductivity Measurement 3109 S
Surface Conductivity
Measurement, Data Acquisition System
Fig. 2 Schematic of an
experimental setup used for
measurements of the Conductivity
streaming potential and the Sensor
pressure across a capillary
tube or a microchannel
microchannel Flowmeter Submicron
microchannel Electrode
Testing Liquid

electrolyte concentration and the flow rate) to As an example, the results of glass surface-
avoid the polarization of the electrodes. In addi- NaCl solution systems are replotted here [7] in
tion to the problem of electrode polarization, it Figs. 3 and 4. The measurements were done by
should also be noted that there are no two identi- using a slit channel formed by two parallel glass
cal electrodes due to the material and the plates separated by two strips of a plastic shim of
manufacturing process. Therefore, in order to uniform thickness [7]. In Fig. 3, each data point
obtain more reliable and repeatable results, represents an average value of several measure-
under the same flow rate, the flow is switched in ments as described above for the same channel
an opposite direction after the previous streaming height. For a given channel height, the three data
potential measurement. When the flow reaches points represent the measurements for three dif-
the steady state again, the above-described pres- ferent flow rates. Figure 4 shows the measured
sure drop and streaming potential measurement zeta potential and the surface conductivity as
are repeated. Usually, for one flow rate, the oper- functions of the NaCl concentration. This method
ation described above should be repeated several can also be used to study the effects of tempera-
times to ensure the repeatability and good aver- ture, pH, different electrolytes, and surfactants on
age values of the pressure drop and the streaming zeta potential and surface conductivity.
potential. It is recommended to repeat the above It should be pointed out that Eqs. 13 or 14 is
measurements for several different flow rates. derived on the basis of Eq. 6 (or the equivalent
As explained previously, in order to determine form for a slit channel), the solution of the clas- S
the zeta potential and the surface conductivity by sical Poiseuille equation. The Poiseuille equa-
using Eqs. 13 or 14, one must measure the pres- tion, however, does not consider any EDL or
sure drop and the streaming potential of the same electrokinetic (e.g., electroviscous) effect on the
solid-liquid pair for different capillary sizes. liquid flow. For small capillaries, the
Therefore, the above-described measurements electroviscous effects on flow may be significant
should be conducted for cylindrical capillary and have to be considered [3]. The Eqs. 13 or 14
tubes with different radii or slit channels is no longer valid for small capillaries and may
with different heights. Finally, by plotting cause a significant error when used to evaluate
ere0DP/lbEs versus 1/R (or 1/h) as illustrated in the zeta potential and the surface conductivity
Fig. 1, one can determine the zeta potential [8]. Since the electroviscous effect on flow is
and the surface conductivity from the negligible for flow through a capillary with
intercept and the slope of the best-fitted line to a hydraulic diameter larger than 50 mm, it is
the experimental data points. recommended that the above-described method
S 3110 Surface Conductivity Measurement

Surface Conductivity Measurement, Fig. 4 Variation

of the bulk conductivity and the surface conductivity with
NaCl concentration

the channel by viscous force. This electrokinetic

process is called electroosmosis. The effect of the
electrical force to generate the flow is dependent
on the local net charge density within the liquid,
which in turn is dependent on the electric double
layer field and hence the zeta potential, z. On the
other hand, the surface conduction will influence
the bulk liquid’s share of the applied electrical
field and hence will influence the electroosmotic
flow. Therefore, electroosmosis also depends on
Surface Conductivity Measurement,
both the zeta potential and the surface conductiv-
Fig. 3 Experimental data for glass surface with (a)
deionized ultrafiltered water and (b) 103 M aqueous ity. The following will describe a method of
NaCl solution determining both the zeta potential and the sur-
face conductivity by measuring the electrical cur-
rent in electroosmotic flow through a capillary
should be used with capillary tubes of a hydraulic [8–10].
diameter larger than 50 mm.
Zeta Potential
Electroosmosis Current Method Consider an electroosmotic flow of an aqueous
Within the diffuse layer of the EDL, the local net solution in a cylindrical capillary tube with
charge density, re, is not zero. If an electric field a radius R as a fully developed, one-dimensional
is applied such that it is tangential to the EDL, an flow at steady state. The momentum equation for
electrical body force is exerted on the ions in the such a case is given by [3]
diffuse layer of the EDL. The ions will move  
under the influence of the applied electrical field 1 d du
 r ¼ Ex re (15a)
to form a conduction current, pulling the liquid r dr dr
with them and resulting in an electroosmotic
flow. The liquid movement is carried through to where r is the radial variable. The corresponding
the rest (beyond the EDL region) of the liquid in boundary conditions are
Surface Conductivity Measurement 3111 S
rr ¼ R : u ¼ 0 (15b) potential, zguess, may be obtained by invoking the
Debye-Huckel approximation, as described
where u is the liquid velocity,  is the viscosity, below.
Ex is the applied electrical potential gradient, and The Debye-Huckel approximation assumes
re is the local net charge density. In order to solve that the value of c is small (c  25 mV) or the
the above flow equation, the local net charge following approximation can be made:
density re(r) must be known. The local net charge
density re(r) can be determined by the Boltzmann zec zec
equation: kB T kB T

  If the above approximation can be made, the

zecðr Þ
re ðr Þ ¼ zeðnþ  n Þ ¼ 2zen0 sinh following exact solutions for the local net charge
kB T density distribution and the velocity profile can
(3) be obtained analytically:

The EDL potential c(r) can be determined by I 0 ðkr Þ

the solving the well-known Poisson-Boltzmann rDH ðr Þ ¼ z (19)
I 0 ðkRÞ
equation for cylindrical capillary:
    e r e 0 Ex z I 0 ðkr Þ
uDH ðr Þ ¼ 1 (20)
1 d
(16a)  I 0 ðkRÞ
r dr dr er e0 kB T
where I0 is the zero-order modified Bessel func-
with the following boundary conditions: tion of the first kind and k is the so-called Debye-
Huckel parameter, defined by
rr ¼ R : c ¼ B (16b)
2z2 e2 n0
Once the EDL potential c(r) is known, the k¼ (21)
er e0 k B T
local net charge density re(r) is determined
according to Eq. 3. Finally, the equation of As shown in Eq. 17, the average velocity can
motion, Eq. 15a, can be solved numerically to be found by integrating the local velocity over the
find the velocity u(r). The average velocity can cross-sectional area of the capillary tube. Thus,
then be determined as follows: with the Debye-Huckel assumption, zDH can be
expressed as an explicit function of the radius
ðR ðR through the average velocity equation, such that
1 2
uav ¼ uðr ÞdAcross ¼ 2 uðr Þ  r  dr if the average velocity is known, then the initial S
Across R
0 0 guess for the zeta potential z can be determined as
(17) 2R 31
uav R2  4 I 0 ðkr Þ
where Across is the cross-sectional area of the Bguess ¼ BDH ¼ r 1 dr 5
2ee0 Ex I 0 ðkRÞ
capillary tube. 0
It should be realized from the above procedure (22)
that the velocity u(r) and hence the average
velocity uav are implicit functions of the zeta Using this zDH value as the initial guess for
potential, z (in the boundary condition, zguess in Eq. 17 to calculate uav and comparing the
Eq. 16b). If the average velocity can be measured result to the known (measured) value of uav,
directly, the zeta potential z can be determined by a new zguess is obtained. This procedure can be
solving Eq. 17 by using an iterative technique. In continued until the calculated and the known
this process, an initial guessing value of the zeta values of uav converge.
S 3112 Surface Conductivity Measurement

Evaluation of the Specific Surface Conductivity The above equation should be modified to
When considering the transport of an electrolyte account for the changes in ionic concentration
solution, one must consider the motion of mobile within the double layer near the wall. The varia-
ionic species in addition to the considerations of tion in ionic concentration is accounted for in the
traditional fluid mechanics. The transport of ions conduction current component by using the fol-
in a capillary results in an electrical current. In lowing equation:
electroosmotic flow, the total current is a result of
three physical processes:
I cond, bulk ¼ lb Ex coshcðr ÞdA (26)
1. The bulk conductivity of the electrolyte
solution, resulting in a conduction current,
Thus, Eq. 26 becomes
2. The surface conductivity, resulting in
a secondary conduction current, Icond,surf ð
3. The electroosmotic flow, resulting in I total  lb Ex coshcðr ÞdA
a convection current, Iconv A
ls ¼ (27)
Generally, the convection current is several 2pREx
orders of magnitude smaller than the other two
components of the current. Neglecting the contri- If z is known, the electrical field potential c(r)
bution of Iconv results in the following equation can be determined by solving the Poisson-
for the total current, Itotal: Boltzmann equation. The surface conductivity
ls, therefore, can be determined by using the
I total ¼ I cond, bulk þ I cond, surf measured Itotal and Eq. 28.
¼ lb Across E þ Lsurface ls E
For the case of a cylindrical capillary with an The experimental setup [9, 10] shown in Fig. 5a
electrical field E applied in the axial direction can be used to measure the average velocity by
only, Itotal is given by monitoring the current in electroosmosis. In the
experiment, the reservoir 2 will be filled with an
I total ¼ pR2 lb Ex þ 2pRls Ex (24) electrolyte solution at a desired concentration.
The capillary tube and reservoir 1 will be filled
In general, the surface conductivity ls is with the same electrolyte solution at
unknown. Since the radius of the capillary tube, a concentration lower than the concentration in
R, and the bulk liquid conductivity, lb, can be reservoir 2. For example, the capillary tube and
measured accurately, they can be treated as reservoir 1 are filled with an electrolyte solution
known, and Ex is applied electrical field strength at a concentration that is 95 % of the concentra-
and is known. Since the total current Itotal can be tion in reservoir 2. Immediately after connecting
measured, the above equation can be rearranged the two reservoirs by the capillary tube, a voltage
to solve for the surface conductivity, ls, such that difference between the two reservoirs is applied
by setting reservoir 1 at ground potential and
I total  lb pR2 Ex reservoir 2 to a high-voltage power supply unit
ls ¼ (25)
2pREx (CZE1000R, Spellman, NY) via platinum
As seen from Eq. 26, by measuring the total The applied electrical field results in an elec-
current during a steady electroosmotic flow, the troosmotic flow in the capillary tube. During
bulk conductivity, the applied electrical field, and electroosmosis, the higher-concentration electro-
the capillary size, the surface conductivity can be lyte solution from reservoir 2 gradually displaces
determined. Generally, this is a relatively simple the lower-concentration electrolyte solution in
method with a reasonable accuracy. the capillary tube (it can in the opposite way
Surface Conductivity Measurement 3113 S
Surface Conductivity
Fig. 5 Schematic diagram
illustrating experimental
setup and varying
resistances (a) for
measuring the current
variation and the complete
displacement time of
a two-concentration
system; (b) for measuring
the total current of a single-
concentration system

depending on the polarity of the applied electrical using a similar setup [9, 10], as shown in Fig. 5b,
field). As a result, the overall electrical resistance may be used to measure the total current, Itotal,
of the liquid and hence the current in the capillary during electroosmosis. In these cases, reservoir 1,
tube changes, as illustrated in Fig. 5a. An reservoir 2, and the capillary tube will be filled
L-DAS8 data acquisition chip (Kieffley) was with an electrolyte solution of the same
used to record the voltage (kV) and current (mA) concentration.
as a function of time (s). Once the lower-
concentration solution in the tube is completely
replaced by the higher-concentration solution Key Research Findings
from reservoir 2, the current will reach
a maximum and constant value. The measured Generally, the value of specific surface conduc-
time for the current to reach such a plateau value tivity depends on the molecules of the solid sur-
is the time required for the solution from reser- face, the surface charge, and the electrokinetic
voir to travel through the entire capillary tube. properties of the liquid (e.g., type of ions, S
The average velocity of the liquid flow can then valance, the ionic concentration, pH). Typical
be calculated by using values of specific surface conductivity are of the
order 109  108 for water in glass capillaries.
L The electroosmotic current method described
uav, exp ¼ (28)
Dt in the above sections was used to evaluate the
zeta potential and the surface conductivity for
where L is the length of the capillary and Dt is the polyamide-coated silica capillary tubes with
time required for the higher-concentration elec- KCl solutions [9]. In the experiments,
trolyte solution to completely displace the lower- polyamide-coated silica capillary tubes of vari-
concentration electrolyte solution from the ous diameters (Polymicro Technologies Inc.,
capillary tube. Phoenix, AZ) were cut to 10 cm. lengths and
For the purpose of evaluating the specific sur- connected to the reservoirs. The electrolyte solu-
face conductivity, a second set of measurements tion was prepared by using KCl (Anachemia
S 3114 Surface Conductivity Measurement

Surface Conductivity Measurement, Fig. 6 A typical

result of current versus time for setup A. For the specific
case of capillary diameter D = 100 mm, Ex = 3,500 V/
10 cm. KCl concentration in reservoir 1 is
C95% = 0.95104 M. KCl concentration in reservoir 2 is
C100% = 10 M

Science, Quebec) and deionized ultrafiltered

(DIUF) water (Fisher Scientific, Ontario). The
amount of KCl was measured by using
a precision scale (Mettler). The bulk liquid con-
ductivity of the prepared solutions was measured
using a high-precision conductivity meter
(Mettler Toledo). In the experiments, each mea-
surement was repeated at least three times for
Surface Conductivity Measurement, Fig. 7 Specific
a given set of conditions. All experiments were surface conductivity, ls, versus the applied voltage and the
conducted at room temperature (22  C). capillary diameter, for a 10 cm long capillary tube, for (a)
Figure 6 shows a typical variation of current C = 104 M KCl, (b) C = 103 M KCl
versus time for a KCl solution with a 100 mm
diameter silica glass capillary and an applied
electrical field of 350 V/cm. The concentration for single-concentration systems is required to
in reservoir 2 is C100% = 10 M, and the concen- determine the specific surface conductivity ls
tration in reservoir 1 is C95% = 0.95  104 M. according to Eq. 26. In a more rigorous treatment,
Linear regression was used to smoothen the using the measured total current and the deter-
experimental data and determine Dt. The current mined zeta potential, the specific surface conduc-
increases with time as the higher-concentration tivity ls can be calculated by using Eq. 28.
(C100%) electrolyte solution displaces the lower- Figure 7a, b are plots of ls versus the applied
concentration (C95%) electrolyte solution in the voltage and the capillary size for the two KCl
capillary. The increase in current continues until concentrations, C = 10 M and C = 10 M,
the capillary is completely filled with the C100% respectively. From the results, there is clearly
electrolyte solution, at which time the current a relationship between the size of the capillary
reaches a steady value, which continues until and the specific surface conductivity. Comparing
the applied voltage is removed. the ls values between Fig. 7a, b, ls appears
The average velocity of the liquid during elec- to have no significant dependence on the ionic
troosmosis is determined by Eq. 28. Using the concentration. This may be understood as the K+
measured average velocity data, the method and Cl are not the potential determining ions in
described earlier can be used to calculate this system and are not adsorbed on the solid
the zeta potential z. The measured total current surface.
Surface Modification, Methods 3115 S
Future Directions for Research 9. Arulanandam S, Li D (2000) Evaluation of zeta
potential and surface conductance by measuring
electro-osmotic current. J Colloid Interface Sci
Surface conductance is important in micro- and 225:421–428
nanoscale flow and transport processes, espe- 10. Ren L, Escobedo C, Li D (2002) A new method of
cially when the channel size is small and the evaluating the average electro-osmotic velocity in
ionic concentration of the bulk solutions (bulk microchannels. J Colloid Interface Sci 250:238–242
liquid conductivity) is low. More experimental
data of surface conductivity are needed for Further Reading
Hunter RJ (1981) Charge and potential distribution at
various liquid-microchannel systems. With the interfaces. In: Hunter RJ (ed) Zeta potential in colloid
rapid development of nanofluidics, it is highly science: principle and applications. Academic, Lon-
desirable to develop new theoretical models, don, pp 11–55
experimental methods, and the experimental Lyklema J (1995) Electric double layers. In: Lyklema
J (ed) Solid-liquid interfaces. Fundamentals of inter-
data for surface conductance of nanochannels. face and colloid science, vol 2. Academic, London,
pp 3.2–3.232


▶ Electrical Double Layers Surface Evolver

▶ Electroosmotic Flow (DC)
▶ Streaming Current and Electroviscosity Definition
▶ Surface Conductivity
▶ Zeta Potential Measurement An interactive tool to study the equilibrium sur-
face shapes of liquids subject to surface tension
and other energies under various constraints by
evolving the surface toward a minimal-energy
References state by the gradient descent method.
1. Hunter RJ (1981) Charge and potential distribution at
interfaces. In: Hunter RJ (ed) Zeta potential in colloid
science: principle and applications. Academic, Lon- Cross-References
don, pp 11–55
2. Lyklema J (1995) Electric double layers. In: Lyklema
▶ Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems
J (ed) Solid-liquid interfaces. Fundamentals of inter-
face and colloid science, vol 2. Academic, London,
pp 3.2–3.232
3. Li D (2004) Electrokinetics in microfluidics. Aca-
demic, London S
4. Lyklema J (1995) Electrokinetics and related phenom- Surface Modification, Methods
ena. In: Lyklema J (ed) Solid-liquid interfaces. Funda-
mentals of interface and colloid science,
vol 2. Academic, London, pp 4.31–4.36 Sushanta K. Mitra1 and Auro Ashish Saha2
5. Briggs DK (1928) The determination of the Mechanical Engineering Department,
z-potential on cellulose – a method. J Phys Chem University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
32:641 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian
6. Rutgers AJ (1940) Streaming potentials and surface
conductance. Trans Faraday Soc 36:69 Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
7. Gu Y, Li D (2000) The zeta potential of glass surface
in contact with aqueous solutions. J Colloid Interface
Sci 226:328–339 Synonyms
8. Sze A, Erickson D, Ren L, Li D (2003) Zeta-potential
measurement using Smoluchowski equation and the
slope of current-time relationship in electroosmotic Surface change; Surface transformation; Surface
flow. J Colloid Interface Sci 261:402–410 treatment
S 3116 Surface Modification, Methods

Definition The surfaces of devices often exhibit different

wettability characteristics, depending on the
Surface chemistry is of great importance in manufacturing approach adopted. Surface modi-
micro-/nanofluidic devices, especially in the fication techniques can be used to alter the wet-
case of miniaturized and integrated systems, tability behavior of microfluidic devices. This
owing to the high surface area-to-volume ratio. difference in wettability can be used to control
Surface properties play a vital role in a number of the flow rate in devices. There are many other
microfluidic devices through hydrophobic and benefits of hydrophilic surface treatments,
electrostatic interactions. Protein and cell adhe- including the ability to increase adhesion and
sion at surfaces can occur because of hydropho- capillary effects [2]. Irrespective of the material
bic and electrostatic interactions, which is used in the device, the primary requirement that
undesirable in bioanalytical applications. Control a material needs to fulfill is biocompatibility in
of surface properties is thus an indispensable various applications. Therefore, it is also neces-
prerequisite in microfluidic systems. The sary to use surface modification techniques to
approach generally adopted is to modify the sur- render materials biocompatible. It is believed
face chemistry of the device to make it more that future devices of increasing sophistication
useful for various applications. will often require programmable surface proper-
ties, including control of the spatial distribution
of charge and polarity [3].
Overview Conventional polymers do not always possess
the combination of desired bulk and surface prop-
Microfluidic devices have been fabricated from erties for a specific application. The polymer
a wide range of materials, such as silicon, fused materials used for microfluidic devices are
silica, borosilicate glass, elastomers (poly innately hydrophobic, low-surface-energy mate-
(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)), resins (SU-8), and rials and thus do not adhere well to other mate-
thermoplastics (poly(methyl methacrylate) rials brought into contact with them. This
(PMMA), polystyrene, polycarbonate (PC), necessitates their surface modification/treatment
cyclic olefin copolymer, and poly(ethylene tere- to render them adhesive. This has prompted the
phthalate glycol) (PETG)). The fabrication of development of a variety of polymer modification
glass- or silicon-based devices relies on techniques, with the aim of developing new mate-
established technologies such as those of micro- rials from known and commercially available
electronics and is often considered to be time- polymers that have desirable bulk properties
consuming and very expensive. Glass, in partic- (elasticity, thermal stability, permeability, etc.)
ular fused silica, is a very attractive material for in conjunction with newly tailored surface prop-
microfluidic chips owing to its excellent erties (adhesion, biocompatibility, optical reflec-
optical properties, good insulating properties, tivity, etc.).
and inertness towards a variety of different Currently, the methods used for surface mod-
solvents. Although silicones have been used ification of polymers are dynamic coating and
mostly as soft-tissue substitutes, serious permanent surface modification [4]. Dynamic
problems have occurred when silicone devices coating is considered to be the easiest way to
have been implanted for a long time [1]. In con- perform surface modification. In this coating pro-
trast, microfluidic devices fabricated from cess, surface-active coating materials or surface
polymer materials have simpler manufacturing modifiers are introduced into the buffer, which is
procedures and are cheaper. Furthermore, then forced through the channel at a constant
channels with high aspect ratios are much easier speed. The coating materials are strongly
to produce from polymer materials than from adsorbed onto the channel surface via physical
glass, which is often advantageous for optical interactions. Permanent surface modification
detection. involves specific chemical reactions which
Surface Modification, Methods 3117 S
SiO2 Surface Silane


SiO2 + H3CO Si CH2 NH2


Modified Surface After Reaction


Si O Si CH2 NH2

Surface Modification, Methods, Fig. 1 Surface modification with 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane

permanently modify the chemical composition of onto silica surfaces using, primarily,
the surface by the application of high-energy methacrylate-terminated intermediates. Success-
sources such as radiation, flames, coronas, ful polymer films prevent both electrostatic and
plasmas, electron beams, and ion beams to acti- hydrophobic attractions at the wall by presenting
vate the surface before chemical bonding. an uncharged polar surface to the fluid [3]. Sur-
For silicon-based microdevices, most of the face modification of silicon-based devices with
surface modification approaches rely on polyethylene glycol (PEG) can be performed by
silanization chemistry (Fig. 1), where the silanol physical adsorption, covalent immobilization
groups on the surface are derivatized using vari- such as grafting and chemical coupling, or
ous silanes. Silica surfaces must typically be gas-phase treatment (plasma treatment or deposi-
coated to effect permanent changes in their prop- tion) [5]. Although surface modification efforts
erties [3]. A wide variety of techniques have also have proved successful, however, they do not
been developed around surface functionalization guarantee conformal coating and long-term sta- S
using self-assembling monolayers (SAMs) for bility. As in the case of modified PDMS, the
coatings on silicon surfaces. Monolayers have surfaces have shown to slowly recover their orig-
been deposited on silica surfaces, primarily inal hydrophobicity. It is known that an oxidized
using chemicals consisting of a hydrocarbon PDMS surface recovers its hydrophobicity.
backbone terminating in a polyfunctional Dynamic coating appears to be especially
alkoxysilyl moiety. Hydrolysis and condensation attractive for plastic microchips, as established
of these alkoxy groups attaches the hydrocarbon surface chemistry such as silanization is often
backbone to the silica surface via a siloxane bond. not applicable to polymeric materials. Permanent
SAMs have been patterned using UV lithogra- coatings are often regarded as the most effective
phy, microcontact printing, scanned probe lithog- way to perform surface modification in order to
raphy, and electron beam lithography. Polymers reduce analyte-wall interactions and to modify
including polyethylene glycol, polyacrylamide, electroosmotic flow (EOF). Permanent surface
and hydroxypropyl cellulose have been grafted modification is, however, often more laborious
S 3118 Surface Modification, Methods

in the production process and might, accordingly, emerging applications such as heterogeneous
be less attractive for disposable devices. immunoassays and cell-based bioassays. These
Dynamic coating methods are applied not only new modification techniques are powerful
to control EOF and reduce analyte adsorption but because they impart biospecificity to the
also to make a hydrophobic surface more com- microchannel surfaces and reduce protein
patible with a hydrophilic separation medium. adsorption [8]. To decrease the hydrophobicity
of PDMS, low-pressure oxygen plasma,
UV/ozone, indirect corona, or oxygen-rich
Basic Methodology butane gas flame treatment is often used to acti-
vate the surface and render it
The chemical modification of the surfaces of hydrophilic. Oxygen plasmas have been the
polymers is of increasing importance in many most popular of these techniques. During plasma
diverse aspects of modern technology, with treatment, the surface of PDMS is subjected to
applications which include solid-phase chemical high-energy species, including electrons, pho-
synthesis related to drug discovery, chemical tons, ions, and radicals. The surface is oxidized
catalysis, biocompatible medical implants and owing to exposure to the plasma and it becomes
prostheses, diagnostic devices, and surface- oxygen-rich and carbon-lean. However, the sur-
modified fabrics, among many others. In biolog- face of oxidized PDMS recovers its hydrophobic-
ical analysis, it is necessary to make polymer ity after oxidation in a very short time. The
surface properties meet requirements regarding recovery in hydrophobicity is caused by the
wettability, biocompatibility, and nonspecific migration of PDMS chains to the surface. It is
adsorption [6]. Introducing biological samples, believed that continuous storage of oxidized
such as plasma or whole blood, into PDMS in water stabilizes electroosmotic flow.
microsystems needs far more consideration of High-energy treatments make the surface hydro-
surface modification compared with working philic and thus able to support electroosmotic
with buffer samples of adjusted pH containing flow; they also help in the binding of molded
cells in the form of polymeric beads. Blood- PDMS to flat PDMS or other substrates. How-
material contact most often initiates surface- ever, it should be noted that permanent surface
mediated reactions that lead to cell activation modification techniques cannot be directly
and blood clotting. applied to rigid polymeric materials, owing to
A wide array of surface modification tech- the more challenging microfabrication proce-
niques, ranging from simple to sophisticated, dures required for those materials.
wet to dry, and vacuum to nonvacuum, are avail- Some commercially available protein-inert
able for a host of polymeric materials. They polymers commonly used in microfluidic
include plasma surface treatment; laser surface applications, all of which require permanent sur-
treatment; corona, flame, UV, ozone, UV/ozone, face modification, are polyacrylamide, poly
photochemical, photografting, chemical grafting, (N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide), poly(N,N0-
and chemical methods of surface modification; dimethyl acrylamide) (PDMA), polyvinylpyr-
and modification of polyamide surfaces by rolidone (PVP), poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA),
microorganisms [7]. hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), and
The surface modification of PDMS is often hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC). To per-
found to be difficult because the material is manently attach protein-resistant materials to the
inert. Polymer surface modification is required channel surface, high-energy sources, special
for applications such as biomedical assays, chemistries, or even strong physical adsorption
microfuel cells, and lipid-based immunoassay have been employed to introduce reactive func-
chips. Many surface modifications have been tionalities. After activation, protein-resistant
made to PDMS for electrophoretic separation, polymers can be anchored via UV-initiated free-
but new modifications are being made for radical polymerization. Polymeric materials
Surface Modification, Methods 3119 S
usually do not have good solvent and heat resis- The sulfonated PC has shown improvement in
tance compared with inorganic materials, and both surface wettability and electroosmotic
hence it is necessary to take precautions during mobility. As an alternative to coating the PC
surface treatment to avoid serious damage to the surface forming the wall, UV and excimer laser
microstructure or alteration of the physical prop- (at a wavelength of 248 nm) treatment of the PC
erties of the bulk material. surface has also been used for surface modifica-
One successful method for PDMS surface tion. PETG is another plastic material used for the
modification is ultraviolet polymer grafting. In preparation of microchips. Its surface can be
this method, PDMS is immersed in an aqueous modified easily by NaOH treatment, resulting in
solution of NaIO4, benzyl alcohol, and ester hydrolysis and the appearance of carboxylic
a monomer (acrylic acid, acrylamide, dimethyl groups on the surface.
acrylamide, hydroxyethyl acrylamide, or Dynamic wall coatings for surface modifica-
PEG-monomethoxy acrylate) under uniform tion can be applied to glass substrates owing to
exposure to a 200 W mercury lamp. NaIO4 scav- the presence of silanol groups on the channel
enges oxygen in the polymerizing mixture, and surface. PDMA can be used simultaneously as
benzyl alcohol facilitates chain transfer during a sieving matrix and a wall coating for a glass
polymerization. The graft density increases with microchip. Several other polymers, including
the irradiation time and also with the concentra- PEG, PVP, HEC, and epoxy poly(dimethyl acryl-
tion of benzyl alcohol. When individual polymers amide), are applicable as coatings on a glass chip.
are compared, the highest graft density is Several dynamic coatings can be applied to
achieved with polyacrylamide, whereas the low- PDMS chips to make the channel surface more
est is obtained with poly(PEG-monomethoxy hydrophilic. An n-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside (DDM)
acrylate) [9]. coating minimizes protein adsorption on PDMS
One of the earliest methods for modification of surfaces [10]. DDM is an alkyl polyglucoside,
a PMMA surface for medical applications is which belongs to a family of very mild nonionic
based on chemical conversion of the wall rather surfactants. It adsorbs strongly on hydrophobic
than on addition of a new layer [9]. The conver- surfaces and forms a monolayer. This monolayer
sion of PMMA consists of reesterification of coverage causes the surface to become hydro-
PMMA with polyfunctional hydroxyl com- philic and nonionic, thus reducing the interaction
pounds, such as ethylene glycol, glycerol, man- between the protein and the surface. Several
nitol, or saccharose. First, the PMMA surface is dynamic coatings have been tried for modifying
covered with ethylene glycol or another polyal- PMMA surfaces [9] of microchip channels used
cohol, which is allowed to diffuse inside the with 1-aminopyrene-3,6,8-trisulfonate-labeled
polymer body. Then the surface is treated with oligosaccharides. However, low-molecular-
hot sulfuric acid to perform reesterification and weight compounds, including monoethylamine, S
replace the methanol in PMMA with ethylene diethylamine, and triethylamine, and surfactants,
glycol. After neutralization with sodium bicar- such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, cetyltrimethy-
bonate, a hydrophilic, transparent layer is formed lammonium bromide, and dodecyltrimethy-
on the surface of the PMMA. lammonium chloride, do not adequately
Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic material used suppress the adsorption of analytes on the chan-
in many applications, including microchips. The nel wall. A significant improvement is observed
aromatic rings in the polycarbonate structure when hydrophilic neutral polymers, including
offer a relatively easy way to modify the PC PEG, HEC, HPMC, and methylcellulose, are
surface by a direct sulfonation reaction. After applied to PMMA walls.
cleaning with isopropyl alcohol, the polycarbon- The surface properties of many materials may
ate surface is modified by reaction with sulfur be tailored, for example, for adhesion promotion,
trioxide at 50  C for 10 min. Then it is rinsed nonstick properties, or chemical activation, by
with water and dried in a stream of nitrogen. coating with silanes. From a general point of
S 3120 Surface Modification, Methods

view, silanization of hydroxyl-terminated sub- Chemical modification of microchip surfaces

strates is an effective and frequently used proce- with SAMs has been used to prevent or minimize
dure for the modification of the chemical and the deposition of proteins on channels. SAMs are
physical properties of a substrate, as well as for ordered molecular assemblies that are formed
covalent immobilization of a variety of com- spontaneously by the adsorption of a surfactant
pounds. Surfaces bearing oxides are well known with a specific affinity of its headgroup to
to be of potential interest for chemical modifica- a substrate. Immersing an oxidized silicon wafer
tion with silanes. Silane coatings serve in in a solution of an organosilicon derivative forms
a number of applications such as protective coat- the SAM. The formation of a compact monolayer
ings and adhesion promoters on metal surfaces, results in a drastic reduction of the surface
adhesives in industrial paints, selectively binding wettability.
surfaces for tethering biological molecules in
biosensor and DNA chip design, scanning probe
microscopy (SPM) studies of biomolecules, and Measurement Techniques
chemical force microscopy studies (where they
serve as probe-functionalizing agents). Silanes In order to understand the behavior of surfaces
have also been grafted onto plastic and elasto- after surface modification, it is essential to exam-
meric microchannels. Silanes have the general ine their surface composition and structure in
formula RSiX3, where R is an organofunctional detail. A large number of techniques are avail-
group, selected according to the desired surface able, and it is often desirable to combine several
properties, and X is a hydrolyzable group, typi- of these methods. The techniques used to monitor
cally an alkoxy group, which is capable of surface properties include scanning electron
reacting with the substrate. The silanes are nor- microscopy (SEM), optical profilometry, atomic
mally hydrolyzed at some stage in the coating force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron
process, allowing interaction with the substrate spectroscopy (XPS), infrared (IR) spectroscopy,
via either hydrogen bonds or covalent bonds. imaging ellipsometry, and water contact angle
The surfaces of glasses contain silanol groups. measurements.
The presence of silanol groups on the surface of SEM is a tool for measuring surface topogra-
a glass microchip makes reaction with silanol the phy and morphology. SEM functions by focusing
first choice for modification of glass surfaces. In and scanning a relatively high-energy electron
one approach, after the channels have been beam (usually 15–30 keV) on an electrically
flushed with NaOH, the channels are first filled conducting specimen. The measurement of
with g-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane in nonconducting samples is difficult owing to
diluted acetic acid and/or acetonitrile for an charging effects. Often, the sample preparation
hour. In a second step, an aqueous solution of step introduces difficulties. Transmission elec-
acrylamide together with ammonium persulfate tron microscopy (TEM) or scanning transmission
and 1,2-bis-(dimethylamino)ethane (TEMED) is electron microscopy (STEM) can also be
then pumped into the channels and polymerized employed in surface characterization.
at room temperature. The channels are then Optical profilometry equipment is used for the
flushed with water and dried under vacuum. In measurement of surface texture, which includes
another approach, channels in borofloat glass features such as roughness, waviness, and lay.
chips are coated with thermally immobilized The methods of measurement available can be
PVA. A 1 % aqueous solution of PVA is repeat- further classified into contact and noncontact
edly pumped into the channels, and then the methods, and three-dimensional (area) and
channels are emptied by a nitrogen flow. The two-dimensional (profile) procedures.
chip is flushed with a nitrogen flow at 70  C for AFM is a tool for measuring surface topogra-
60 min, followed by heating at 160  C for 10 min phy on a nanometric scale. The principle is sim-
without any flow. ilar to that of contact profilometry with
Surface Modification, Methods 3121 S
a nanometric tip. AFM has made significant con- fluid interface. At any point on the perimeter of
tributions to biomaterials research in areas deal- a liquid drop on a solid surface, three surface
ing with structure, properties, dynamics, and tension components (solid-liquid, solid-vapor,
manipulation. Interface phenomena such as pro- and liquid-vapor) are balanced and control the
tein adsorption, conformational changes, and wetting behavior. Both static and dynamic
subsequent interactions with cellular components (advancing/receding) measurements can be
can be observed with AFM. Study of the mecha- performed.
nisms of these phenomena can help in explaining
why a particular surface treatment may exhibit
a performance superior to another. Key Research Findings
The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
technique is used to identify chemical species on Surface modification using vapor-phase deposi-
the surfaces of materials. XPS uses tion is very promising for some biomedical
a monochromatic, low-energy X-ray beam. The nanodevices and has advantages over liquid-
interaction between the incident beam and the phase deposition, since the vapor phase has the
atoms of the material causes emission of photo- ability to permeate more efficiently into silicon
electrons from within a few micrometers of the nanochannels. A vapor-phase deposition system
surface. The kinetic energy of the electrons is described by Bhushan et al. [11] used conformal
measured and provides information about the fluorosilane self-assembled monolayer films on
nature and environment of the atoms in the silicon and PDMS surfaces. Different
surface. perfluorosilane films were deposited onto three
Infrared-based techniques are used to identify different substrates: piranha-cleaned silicon,
molecules on the surface. IR radiation is used to oxygen-plasma-treated silicon, and oxygen-
excite vibrational modes in molecules in the gas plasma-treated PDMS. The films were character-
phase or adsorbed on a surface. The transmitted ized by means of a contact angle analyzer for
or reflected IR spectrum can be analyzed in hydrophobicity, an ellipsometer for film thick-
a spectrometer. Considerable improvement in ness, and an atomic force microscope for surface
the sensitivity can be achieved by use of roughness. The surfaces modified by the
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. fluorosilane films consistently exhibited dramat-
Attenuated total reflection (the ATR-FTIR ically higher water contact angles and lower
method) inside a crystal (germanium) of high adhesive forces than did the unmodified silicon
refractive index can be used to further enhance surfaces.
the surface sensitivity (using the evanescent A pulsed UV excimer laser [4] has been used
field). to modify the surface chemistry and surface
Ellipsometry is a nondestructive, label-free charge of a previously imprinted microchannel S
optical method for determining film thicknesses in PMMA, without changing the physical dimen-
and optical properties. Imaging ellipsometry sions of the channel. This surface modification
combines the power of ellipsometry with micros- technique was used to reduce the band-
copy and has an x-y resolution of approximately broadening effects that occur owing to the elec-
1 mm. It measures the change in the polarization trokinetic flow in bends. The electroosmotic
state of light reflected off the surface of the film. mobility was shown to increase by an average
Fast ellipsometry methods, both single wave- of 4 % with UV-modified surfaces compared
length and multiwavelength, have been used for with nonmodified surfaces without any change
monitoring film growth in situ, allowing the pre- in the channel morphology. UV exposure was
cise control of film deposition processes. demonstrated to spatially modify the surface
The contact angles and surface tension are charge and to create the desired electrokinetic
connected via Young’s equation, based on the flow profiles, without the use of wall coatings or
thermodynamic energy balance at a fluid/solid/ the need to change the channel dimensions.
S 3122 Surface Modification, Methods

PDMS surface modification using graft poly- like PEG chains on PMMA microfluidic channel
merization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate surfaces was reported by Bi et al. [6]. A copoly-
(HEMA) induced by a CO2 pulsed laser was mer of butyl methacrylate (BMA) and poly(eth-
demonstrated by Khorasani et al. [1]. The CO2 ylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate
pulsed laser generated radicals on the PDMS (PEGMA) was synthesized to deposit a dense
surface, which react with oxygen to form hydro- PEG molecular, brush-like coating on the
gen peroxide through hydrogen abstraction from PMMA microchannel surfaces via the anchoring
the PDMS chains. The PDMS surface was then effect of the hydrophobic BMA units. The addi-
graft polymerized with the water-soluble HEMA tion of hydrophilic PEG chains to microchip sur-
monomer by thermal cleavage of hydroperoxide faces overcomes the limitations caused by the
groups. In vitro assays showed that the addition hydrophobicity of PMMA. The modified
of poly(HEMA) to hydrophobic PDMS provided microchannel surfaces showed good wettability,
a suitable surface for reducing platelet adhesion low nonspecific adsorption, and better biocom-
and allowed activation of the surface, unlike the patibility and enhanced the electroosmotic
unmodified sample. It was also observed that the mobility compared with the mobility in the native
laser-treated samples without any graft polymer- state. The modified surface also showed excellent
ization became almost superhydrophobic, with blood compatibility, with low protein and platelet
a contact angle of 170 . It was shown that these adhesion.
superhydrophobic PDMS films had higher blood Recently, a new method has been developed to
compatibility than the hydrophilic PDMS and the modify the hydrophobic and hydrophilic nature
untreated PDMS. of silicon surfaces by the use of
Photopatterned surface modification has been 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-10,15,20-tetra(p-tolyl)por-
demonstrated by Kirby et al. [3] for the purpose phyrin self-assembled monolayers [12]. The bare
of arbitrary control of the surface charge and SiO2 substrate exhibited a contact angle of
hydrophobicity of silica-based microfluidic 33 2 , showing the hydrophilic nature of the
structures. The microchannels were globally surface. In the presence of a hydroxyphenyl-
coated with an acrylate-terminated SAM porphyrin SAM, the contact angle was found
followed by localized polymerization of poly- to increase to up to 75 3 , indicating the hydro-
acrylamide, resulting in photopatterning of the phobic nature of the surface due to the formation
surface charge and polarity. The photopatterning of a self-assembled monolayer on the SiO2 sur-
technique enabled the researchers to pattern iso- face. Hydrophilic surface modification of PDMS
lated regions in the device. The performance of using an atmospheric plasma has recently been
the coating was evaluated by performing zeta reported by Hong et al. [2]. PDMS stamps
potential measurements, cell adhesion studies, were shown, by measurement of the water
and micellar electrokinetic chromatography contact angle and XPS and AFM analysis, to
(MEKC) separation. The tests indicated exhibit surface hydrophilicity after the plasma
a reduction in cell adhesion and wall charge. treatment.
The coatings showed good stability under biolog- The hydrophilic stability of surface-modified
ical pH conditions but degraded under extreme PDMS was described by Bodas et al. [13]. Three
pH conditions. It was also shown that the SAM different modification processes, namely, con-
coating protocol had only a marginal effect ventional oxygen-plasma treatment, two-step
on the electrokinetic performance of silica modification using O2 + C2F6, and chemical mod-
microchannels. ification using HEMA, were considered in the
PEG chains have been added to polymer sub- study. All of the surfaces were characterized
strates as a means of minimizing nonspecific using static contact angle measurements and
protein adsorption because of their low interfacial ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Oxygen-plasma modi-
energy, nonadhesive properties, and high mobil- fication resulted in hydrophilic stability for about
ity. A simple method for the deposition of brush- 2 days. The hydrophobic recovery in this case
Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors 3123 S
was due to the migration of low-molecular- 5. Kim P, Jeong HE, Khademhosseini A, Suh KY
weight species from the surface to the bulk of (2006) Fabrication of non biofouling polyethylene
glycol micro and nanochannels by ultraviolet assisted
PDMS. HEMA-modified PDMS showed the low- irreversible sealing. Lab Chip 6:1432–1437
est contact angle and retained its hydrophilicity 6. Bi H, Meng S, Li Y, Guo K, Chen Y, Kong J, Yang P,
for over 10 days. The wettability in this case was Zhong W, Liu B (2006) Deposition of PEG onto
attributed to carbonyl groups. The (O2 + C2F6)- PMMA microchannel surface to minimize
nonspecific adsorption. Lab Chip 6:769–775
modified PDMS did not show a much lower con- 7. Mittal KL (1996) Polymer surface modification: rel-
tact angle, but its hydrophilic stability was much evance to adhesion. VSP, Leiden
higher than that of the O2-plasma-treated sample. 8. Makamba H, Kim JH, Lim K, Park N, Hahn JH
This high stability was attributed to stable, hydro- (2003) Surface modification of poly(dimethyl-
siloxane) microchannels. Electrophoresis
philic CF groups on the surface. 24:3607–3619
9. Dolnik V (2004) Wall coating for capillary electropho-
resis on microchips. Electrophoresis 25:3589–3601
Future Directions for Research 10. Huang B, Wu H, Kim S, Zare RN (2005) Coating of
poly(dimethylsiloxane) with n-dodecyl–bD-maltoside
to minimize nonspecific protein adsorption. Lab Chip
Surface treatments and surface interactions are the 5:1005–1007
challenges ahead for the research community in 11. Bhushan B, Hansford D, Lee KK (2006) Surface mod-
relation to the development of advanced, sophisti- ification of silicon and polydimethylsiloxane surfaces
with vapor-phase-deposited ultrathin fluorosilane
cated microfluidic devices. Surface modification films for biomedical nanodevices. J Vac Sci Technol
techniques need to be optimized for various appli- A 24(4):1197–1202
cations and particularly for disposable microfluidic 12. Nayak K, Kulkarni PD, Deepu A, Sitaraman VR,
devices. PDMS will be a popular material for Punidha S, Saha AA, Ravikanth M, Mitra SK,
Mukherji S, Rao VR (2007) Patterned microfluidic
future microfluidic devices, and some issues asso- channels using self-assembled hydroxy-phenyl por-
ciated with most of the currently employed treat- phyrin monolayer. In: Proceedings of 7th IEEE inter-
ments, such as the hydrophobic recovery of PDMS national conference on nanotechnology (in press)
surfaces, need to be adequately addressed. 13. Bodas D, Malek CK (2006) Formation of more
stable hydrophilic surfaces of PDMS by plasma and
chemical treatments. Microelectron Eng

▶ Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Patterning

Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors
References David Erickson
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace S
1. Khorasani MT, Mirzadeh H, Sammes PG
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca,
(1999) Laser surface modification of polymers to
improve biocompatibility: HEMA grafted PDMS, NY, USA
in vitro assay – III. Radiat Phys Chem 55:685–689
2. Hong SM, Kim SH, Kim JH, Hyang HI (2006) Hydro-
philic surface modification of PDMS using atmo- Synonyms
spheric RF plasma. J Phys Conf Ser 34:656–661
3. Kirby BJ, Wheeler AR, Zare RN, Fruetel JA, Shepodd
TJ (2003) Programmable modification of cell adhe-
sion and zeta potential in silica microchips. Lab Chip
4. Johnson TJ, Ross D, Gaitan M, Locascio LE Definition
(2001) Laser modification of preformed polymer
microchannels: application to reduce band broaden-
ing around turns subject to electrokinetic flow. Anal Surface plasmons are electromagnetic waves that
Chem 73:3656–3661 occur at metal/dielectric interfaces. The
S 3124 Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors

a Metal/Dielectric b c
Fixed position
Tunable Tunable
Monochromatic Goniometer light light
light source source source

PMT particles
Metal Sensing PMT PMT

Plasmon resonance


θ λ λ

Prior to binding RXN Prior to binding RXN Prior to binding RXN

Surface Plasmon
After to binding RXN After to binding RXN After to binding RXN

Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors, Fig. 1 Variations on surface plasmon resonance detection: (a) angular SPR,
(b) spectral SPR, and (c) nanoparticle or local SPR. Details on each of the above techniques are provided in the text

conditions for exciting these optical modes are Basic Methodology

extremely sensitive to the dielectric environment
very near this interface. As a result, surface In this section, we introduce the most popular
plasmon resonance (SPR) is one of the most surface plasmon resonance biosensing architec-
commonly exploited label-free optical tures in use today. In each case, the operating
biosensing techniques in use today. principle has been outlined, and whenever possi-
ble, the advantages and disadvantages of the
given approach have been discussed both in the
Overview context of the competing SPR architectures and
other biosensing techniques.
This entry introduces the essentials of surface
plasmon resonance biosensing. The “Basic Meth- Angular Surface Plasmon Resonance
odology” section focuses on describing the Biosensing
experimental techniques involved and some of The attenuated total reflection surface plasmon
the advantages and disadvantages of the various resonance (ATR-SPR), approach using the
implementations that are in common use today. Kretschmann geometry shown in Fig. 1a, repre-
In the “Key Research Findings” and “Future sents the most common SPR configuration in use
Directions for Research” sections, the limitations today. In this arrangement, transversely polarized
of the current state of the art in SPR biosensing light is incident on a metal/dielectric interface
will be discussed in the context of future through a coupling prism. Under most conditions,
analytical needs and the promise of other the incident light is nearly completely reflected
unlabeled biosensing technologies. For more from the surface and very little loss in optical
detailed information, readers are referred to power is observed at the detector (PMT in
some of the recent reviews of the subject by Fig. 1a). At a particular angle of incidence, ysp,
Homola et al. [1]. a momentum matching condition exists and
Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors 3125 S
a certain amount of the incident energy is coupled microfluidic delivery system). Should the solu-
into a surface plasmon mode resulting in tion contain the compliment to the surface probe,
a reduction in the reflected power. The incident a positive binding event will occur and the aver-
angle for this plasmon excitation is described in age dielectric constant in the sensing layer will
Eq. 1 below: further increase and another shift in ysp will be
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ATR-SPR has numerous inherent properties
1 em ðlÞes
sin ysp ¼ (1) that have made it one of the most popular
np em ðlÞ þ es biosensing techniques in use today. The primary
advantage is that it represents a label-free tech-
where np is the refractive index of the prism; nique in that since the transduction signal is based
em(l) is the dielectric constant of the metal film on changes in local refractive index, the targets
which varies as a function of the excitation wave- do not require tagging (e.g., a fluorescent label).
length, l; and es represents the dielectric constant Because measurements of ysp can be made
of the sensing layer (see the inset in Fig. 1a for dynamically, quantitative information on the
details of the geometric arrangement). At fixed reaction kinetics, such as the bioaffinity con-
wavelength, em is constant and thus from Eq. 1, it stants, can also be obtained. In addition,
is apparent that ysp is only a function of the ATR-SPR also exhibits extremely high sensitiv-
dielectric constant in the sensing region. The ity compared with other biosensing techniques.
plasmon wave decays exponentially into the Most systems have angular resolutions on the
sensing layer over a spatial distance on the order order of 104 and bound mass sensitivities on
of a few hundred nanometers and thus only the the order of ng/cm2 (nanograms per square cen-
near field of the sensing region is probed. In the timeter) which correspond to average near-field
cases of interest here, this metal/dielectric inter- refractive index changes on the order of
face consists of a thin metal film deposited either Dn = 105. As a specific example, for many
directly on the prism surface or on a microscope nucleic acid-based biomolecular recognition sys-
slide that is refractive index matched to the prism. tems, an adsorbed mass on the order of
Gold is most often used as it is inert to the atmo- 700 ng/cm2 is required for an SPR shift of 1 .
sphere, can be modified by appropriate surface A significant disadvantage of SPR, however, is
chemistry to provide active sites for bonding of that this sensitivity is strongly dependent on the
organic molecules, and exhibits a pronounced spatial distance of the added mass from the sensor
surface plasmon effect in the visible and near- surface. Since the plasmon decays exponentially
infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. into the solution phase, bound mass which is
A subtle variation on the above geometry uses farther away from the surface has an increasingly
a grating coupler to excite a plasmon wave at the lesser effect on the average refractive index and S
interface [2]. results in a smaller shift in the SPR angle. This
In a typical biosensing experiment, the metal represents a significant limitation on the types of
layer is functionalized with a series of systems which can be investigated through SPR.
biorecognition agents (referred to as probes Figure 2 demonstrates the use of the angular
herein) specific to a solution phase target of inter- SPR method for the detection of cancer antigens
est. The addition of these probes to the surface in human sera as performed in Campagnolo
increases the average dielectric constant in the et al. [3]. In this case, the patient sera are being
near field of the sensing layer and a change in screened for the presence of antibodies specific to
ysp is observed. Following functionalization, the NY-ESO-1 which is a cancer/testis antigen
a solution which may or may not contain targets expressed in a number of malignant neoplasms
specific to the immobilized biorecognition agents (see the above reference for more details). In
is introduced to the surface (for most commercial these experiments, a nickel-nitrilotriacetic
systems, this is done using some form of (Ni-NTA) surface chemistry is applied to the
S 3126 Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors

a b
Relative Response (PU)

Relative Response (PU)

Injection: 250
Serum 200 Injection:
200 sample A Serum
150 150
sample D
100 100
50 50
0 0
−50 1000 2000 3000 4000 −50 1000 2000 3000 4000
Injection: Time (s) Injection: Time (s)

Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors, Fig. 2 SPR CO-38 antibody. Both serum samples were dilute 1:15 in
sensorgram for the interaction of surface-immobilized PBS buffer. Triangles indicate the injection of analyte;
His-tagged NY-ESO-1 with (a) a serum sample (labeled inverted triangles indicate the injection of running buffer
A) which contains the anti-NY-ESO-1 antibody and (b) (Figure and caption reprinted with permission from
a serum sample (labeled D) which contains the anti-NY- Campagnolo et al. [3])

gold sensor surface to serve as the immobilization resonant wavelength condition can be determined
chemistry. When His-tagged NY-ESO-1 antigen from Eq. 1 given a knowledge of the incident
is flown over the functionalized surface, a change angle ysp and the em(l) relationship. The appara-
in the SPR angle, Dysp, on the order of 1.15 is tus is similar to the angular approach described
observed. Introduction of the antigen is done earlier, the only significant difference being that
through a simple microfluidic flow cell. Note the experiment is conducted at fixed incident
that this is quantified in the figure axis in units angle and a tunable excitation source is used to
of PU or Pixel Units which are equivalent to sweep over the wavelengths of interest as illus-
a change of 0.0038 in the SPR angle. After trated in Fig. 1b. Alternatively, a broadband exci-
washing with the run buffer, Dysp reduces to tation source could be used and the spectrum of
0.15 (40PU) suggesting that some the reflected light is recorded. Analogous to the
nonspecifically absorbed tumor antigen has been angular SPR case, by monitoring the change in
removed from the surface, leaving only the chem- the resonant wavelength with time, information
ically immobilized probes. When Sample on the reaction kinetics and bioaffinity constants
A (Fig. 2a) is then flown over the surface, a signif- can also be obtained.
icant increase in the SPR angle is observed indi- The spectral technique has two advantages
cating the presence of binding between the over the traditional angular approach:
immobilized antigen and its compliment and a simplification of the experimental apparatus
suggesting anti-NY-ESO-1 activity within the for multiplexed SPR imaging and increased
patient sample. When Sample D (Fig. 2b) is inherent sensitivity. As described by Otsuki
flown over the surface, only a slight change in et al. [4], the spectral approach lends itself to
Dysp is observed (due to nonspecific adsorption), imaging-based data collection techniques which
indicating that the sample does not contain any are more amenable to high-throughput screening
anti-NY-ESO-1 activity. applications (this is expanded on in the “Key
Research Finding” findings section of this
Spectral Surface Plasmon Resonance entry). The latter of these relates to the relatively
Biosensing weak dependence of em on wavelength as
A variation on the above approach, termed spec- outlined in detail by Homola et al. [5]. Despite
tral SPR (e.g., Otsuki et al. [4]), exploits the these advantages, the angular SPR approach is
wavelength dependence of em to interrogate the generally preferred to the spectral approach due
surface plasmon-coupling conditions. This to added expense of the tunable illumination
Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors 3127 S
source or the added complication of extracting As an implementation example of this tech-
the reflected spectrum. nique, consider the system shown in Fig. 3, which
shows a schematic of the optofluidic integration
Local Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing architecture used to couple the microfluidic
As an alternative to the traditional SPR biosensing delivery system with a nanohole array as
approaches, local SPR (LSPR) has recently been presented by De Leebeeck et al. [8]. In this case,
developed for surface phase geometries. LSPR the nanohole array was fabricated in a 100 nm
surfaces comprise of dielectric substrate with thick gold film on a transparent glass substrate
arrays of sub-wavelength-scale metallic nanopar- using a focused ion beam milling technique,
ticle, nanostructure, or nanohole features. Local- enabling the creation of feature sizes on the
ized surface plasmon resonances occur when light order of 150 nm as shown in Fig. 3b. The
is absorbed or scattered by oscillating electric plasmonic resonance of each array is governed
dipoles within those nanostructures. These stand- by the spatial periodicity of the holes. In this
ing oscillations represent a slightly different mech- experiment, a grouping of nanohole-based arrays
anism from the propagating surface plasmon of varying periodicity constitutes an array of
polaritons associated with the architectures unique SPR sensors. Such a platform could facil-
discussed above, though the term plasmon reso- itate both a spatial and spectral multiplexed for-
nance is commonly used to refer to both. When mat. The microfluidic chip is fabricated in PDMS
illuminated, these surface arrays exhibit using soft lithography and then reversibly bonded
a characteristic change in the transmitted or to the gold substrate. As shown in Fig. 3a, optical
reflected power at a specific resonant wavelength interrogation of the system is accomplished by
that is strongly dependent on the local dielectric shining a broadband halogen light source from
environment. As such, binding events are detected above and coupling the transmitted light into
by observing the change in this resonant wave- a fiber spectrometer. In Fig. 4a, the transmission
length using a similar technique to the spectral spectra obtained with the device through an array
SPR technique described above. Though the spe- of holes with 550 nm periodicity for solutions of
cifics are dependent on the geometric properties of varying refractive index are shown. As can be
the nanostructure, the relationship between the seen, the increased refractive index caused by
change in the resonant wavelength and the dielec- the introduction of the sugar solution cases
tric constant of the surrounding medium is often a redshift of the transmission spectrum particu-
reported to be close to linearly proportional to the larly at the 625 nm peak. This is better quanti-
change in refractive index. The well-cited charac- fied in Fig. 4b which plots the shift in peak
terization study by Haes et al. [6] provides details transmission through a 450 nm periodicity
of the experimental apparatus and a nanosphere nanohole array (which showed three transmission
lithography technique for surface preparation and peaks at 604, 644, and 674 nm) as a function of S
functionalization. The sensitivity limits reported the refractive index of the glucose solution. The
in some of the earlier works using this approach sensitivity of this device is reported as 333 nm per
were much lower than those for traditional SPR; refractive index unit, or RIU [8].
however, recently, Dahlin et al. [7] described
a technique for improving the instrumentation Solution Phase Nanoparticle LSPR
and data analysis techniques for this architecture The final example to consider here is solution
in the end reporting limits of detection on the order phase colloidal nanoparticle LSPR. Such systems
of 100 pg/cm2. One of the major strengths of the comprise of metallic particles (typically spheri-
LSPR techniques is that the excitation angle can be cal, but elongated rods have also been used) dis-
normal or near normal to the surface, significantly persed in solution. As with the surface phase
simplifying the overall setup and facilitating LSPR techniques, the nanoparticles are
extension to large area two-dimensional functionalized with a biorecognition element spe-
multiplexing. cific to a target of interest. A sample is then added
S 3128 Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors

a b
Light input from halogen source 25.4 mm

Fluidic connections


Top plate (Acrylic) 20 μm

Microfluidics layer (PDMS)
Optics layer
(gold-on-glass substrate)
Arrays of
nanoholes Translation stage
350 450 550 650 750 850
Fiber optic

Translation stage

Light output to spectrometer

2 μm 150 μm 2 μm

Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors, Fig. 3 (a) architecture of the microfluidic chip with embedded
Schematic of a typical optical configuration and the fluidic nanohole arrays at relevant centimeter-, micrometer-,
connections employed with a transmission mode LSPR and nanometer-length scales (Figure and caption reprinted
device. (b) Schematic and images illustrating the from De Leebeeck et al. [8])

Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors, Fig. 4 Sample and again for water. (a) Sample transmission spectra plot-
sensitivity measurements using solutions of different ted together. (b) The relative redshift in peak wavelength
refractive indices made using the nanohole SPR device for three SPR peaks (at wavelengths 606, 644, and
shown in Fig. 2. Transmission spectra were obtained 674 nm) exhibited by the array as a function of refractive
through a 450 nm periodicity array for the cases of pure index (Figure and caption reprinted from De Leebeeck
water, sucrose solutions with increasing refractive index, et al. [8])
Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors 3129 S
to the nanoparticle solution and the presence of index, radius, and complex dielectric constant of
a positive binding event results in a shift in the the particle (see Link and El-Sayed [9] for more
measured adsorption peak (for measurements details). For smaller particles when the dipole
done in transmission mode). Solution phase SPR oscillations are dominant, Eq. 2a can be simpli-
methods have several advantages over surface fied to
phase techniques. The most significant of these
" #
being the relative ease with which an assay and 9o 3=2 e2
be prepared and detection feedback received. sext ¼ e V (3)
c s ðe1 þ 2es Þ2 þ ðe2 Þ2
Since the assay is carried out in solution, the
additional effort required to immobilizing the par-
where o is the angular frequency, es is the dielec-
ticles or fabricate structures on the surface directly
tric constant of the sensing medium, V is the
is not required. With regard to feedback, since the
volume, and e1 and e2 are the real and imaginary
wavelength shifts can, in principle, be quite large,
components of the dielectric constant of the par-
it is sometimes possible to detect the presence of
ticle (i.e., eparticle = e1 + ie2) which are typically
a binding event with relatively inexpensive spec-
functions of o. Given that e2 typically shows
trographic equipment (in some cases, the shift can
a much weaker dependence on o than e1,
even be observed by eye). An additional advantage
a maximum in the extinction coefficient occurs
is that time required for solution phase targets to
when the magnitude of the real part of the dielec-
diffuse to its complementary probe is significantly
tric constant of the particle (which is negative for
lower (i.e., the diffusion timescale for a target to
a metal) is double that of the surrounding media.
reach the nearest nanoparticle is much lower than
that required to reach the surface) and therefore the
overall reaction time is reduced. The most signif-
icant disadvantages of solution phase approach are Future Directions for Research
that multiplexing is a challenge, typically only one
reaction can be monitored at a time, and that in Though numerous label-free refractive index-
general, relatively large amounts of target are based optical biosensor technologies exist, SPR
required in order to ensure relatively uniform bind- has evolved as likely the most popular technique
ing on all nanoparticles. for monitoring surface phase binding reactions
The theory which ties the observed macro- largely due to its relatively good inherent sensi-
scopic observation of plasmons to electromag- tivity and ease of implementation/use. Since
netics involves an expansion of the involved challenges related to reaction specificity and
electromagnetic fields into a series of partial nonspecific adsorption are general to all optical
waves to obtain biosensors, they will not be discussed in detail
here (this is not meant to diminish their impor- S
2p X
1 tance). Rather, we focus here on listing some of
sext ¼ ð2L þ 1Þ  ReðaL þ bL Þ (2a) the challenges and limitations of the technology
jkj2 L¼1
itself and outline some of the general trends of
  current research.
2p X
sscat ¼ ð2L þ 1Þ  jaL j2 þ jbL j2 The high sensitivity of many other optical
jkj2 L¼1 detection technologies relates to the relatively
(2b) large interaction lengths of the incident excitation
field with the sample. As such, a large number of
where sext and sscat are the extinction and scat- binding events are required in order to induce
tering coefficients, respectively, k is the a relatively small overall change in refractive
wavenumber, and aL and bL are the coefficients index, and rare target identification therefore
relating a series of Riccati-Bessel functions becomes significantly more difficult. This is to
involving particle size, medium refractive say that while they are very sensitive to bulk
S 3130 Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors

measures such as refractive index, the absolute architectures, the probability of a collision
mass sensitivity can be quite poor. In ATR-SPR, between a given solution phase target and a
the reaction site can in principle be as small as the surface-bound probe is exceedingly small (for
propagation distance of the plasmon wave, which practical time limits). Developing an integrated
is typically on the order of 20 mm. As reported system which can address this challenge repre-
above, most ATR-SPR systems operate with sents a significant challenge.
refractive index resolutions on the order of One limitation of existing SPR devices has
Dn = 105, though values on the order been the degree to which the assays could be
of Dn = 108 have been reported, and limits of multiplexed (i.e., with SPR typically only a few
detection on the order of ng/cm2. Given the reactions are monitored at a time, compared with
plasmon propagation distance value listed microarrays where thousands of binding reac-
above, a crude estimate for the bulk mass limit tions can be monitored in parallel). Relatively
of detection for ATR-SPR can be calculated as recently, a number of commercial SPR biosensor
being on the order of 10 attograms (10 g). The developers have introduced multiplexed versions
LSPR technologies discussed were largely devel- of their existing platforms (e.g., Spreeta from
oped as an attempt to improve on this value since Texas Instruments and Flexchip from Biacore)
the optical energy is concentrated over a smaller based on SPR-imaging techniques. Of those that
spatial distance, thereby significantly reducing which contains the highest degree of parallelity is
the probed surface area. As such, the presence the Flexchip platform. This chip uses grating
of significantly fewer binding events can have coupling mechanisms and a mechanical scanning
a larger effect on the effective refractive index technique to image as many as 400 reactions over
and by extension the resonance shift. Using sin- the course of 3 h (which is still orders of magni-
gle silver nanoparticle, Riboh et al. [10] demon- tude lower than microarray-based assays). In
strated wavelength shifts on the order of 38 nm these multiplexed systems however, the sensitiv-
for adsorption of 100 antibiotin molecules. ity is reduced to that available from a standard
Extrapolating then, it can be argued that, assum- microarray (see Usui-Aoki et al. [11]). As such,
ing a molecular mass of 150 kDa for antibiotin, there remains a significant need for the develop-
the total mass per particle is on the order of ment of platforms which can maintain the
20 zeptograms (2.1017 g). Although the technol- extreme sensitivity available from SPR while
ogy for optically probing these ultrasmall sys- pushing the limits of parallelity into the 1,000 s
tems is reasonably well developed, the practical or tens of 1,000 s of binding reactions.
implementation of such low mass limit of detec-
tion systems implies an ability to independently
functionalize each nanostructure (or at least Cross-References
a small number of them) with different capture
agents. One potential way to do this is to increase ▶ Optofluidics: Applications
the spatial distance between nanostructures to the
resolution achievable with traditional spotting
techniques and then applying a functionalization References
chemistry specific to the metallic structures and
not the base substrate. Increasing this spatial dis- 1. Homola J, Yee SS, Gauglitz G (1999) Surface
plasmon resonance sensors: review. Sens Actuators
tance however increases the total surface area B 54(1–2):3–15
over which the sample must be delivered. This 2. Unfricht DW, Colpitts SL, Fernandez SM, Lynes MA
poses significant reagent delivery techniques in (2005) Grating-coupled surface plasmon resonance:
order to ensure that all targets from a sample have a cell and protein microarray platform. Proteomics
the opportunity to be interrogated by each probe
3. Campagnolo C, Meyers KJ, Ryan T, Atkinson RC,
site. With traditional transport mechanisms such Chen YT, Scanlan MJ, Ritter G, Old LJ, Batt CA
as diffusive transport or simple microfluidic (2004) Real-time, label-free monitorine, of tumor
Surface Roughness Measurement 3131 S
antigen and serum antibody interactions. J Biochem a physical surface. This is in contrast to larger-
Biophys Methods 61(3):283–298 scale variations such as form and waviness which
4. Otsuki S, Tamada K, Wakida S (2005) Wavelength-
scanning surface plasmon resonance imaging. Appl are typically part of the geometry of the surface.
Opt 44(17):3468–3472
5. Homola J, Koudela I, Yee SS (1999) Surface plasmon
resonance sensors based on diffraction gratings and Overview
prism couplers: sensitivity comparison. Sens Actua-
tors B 54(1–2):16–24
6. Haes AJ, Van Duyne RP (2002) A nanoscale optical In recent years the importance of surface texture
biosensor: sensitivity and selectivity of an approach has gained attention in many fields. In particular the
based on the localized surface plasmon resonance surface roughness is an important factor in deter-
spectroscopy of triangular silver nanoparticles. J Am
Chem Soc 124(35):10596–10604 mining the satisfactory performance of a workpiece
7. Dahlin AB, Tegenfeldt JO, Hook F (2006) Improving in areas as diverse as tribology, surface coatings,
the instrumental resolution of sensors based on local- microfluidics, and biocompatibility.
ized surface plasmon resonance. Anal Chem Surface roughness measurement can be char-
8. De Leebeeck A, Kumar LKS, de Lange V, Sinton D, acterized using either quantitative or qualitative
Gordon R, Brolo AG (2007) On-chip surface-based methods. Qualitative techniques include optical
detection with nanohole arrays. Anal Chem appearance such as the reflectivity of a surface or
79(11):4094–4100 the strength of the machining lay as well as drag-
9. Link S, El-Sayed MA (2000) Shape and size dependence
of radiative, non-radiative and photothermal properties ging a thumbnail across the surface as a crude
of gold nanocrystals. Int Rev Phys Chem 19(3):409–453 tactile sensor. Quantitative analysis has evolved
10. Riboh JC, Haes AJ, McFarland AD, Yonzon CR, Van from simple two-dimensional profilometry to
Duyne RP (2003) A nanoscale optical biosensor: real- more advanced three-dimensional area analysis
time immunoassay in physiological buffer enabled by
improved nanoparticle adhesion. J Phys Chem where information regarding surface structure
B 107(8):1772–1780 can be easily obtained.
11. Usui-Aoki K, Shimada K, Nagano M, Kawai M, Koga The two-dimensional quantitative approach
H (2005) A novel approach to protein expression has been in existence since the early 1930s
profiling using antibody microarrays combined with
surface plasmon resonance technology. Proteomics when the need to better understand the
5(9):2396–2401 manufacturing process necessitated the desire to
characterize the surface. More recently, with the
advances in computing and data storage, three-
dimensional quantitative analysis has gained
popularity. Three-dimensional measurement is
Surface Roughness Measurement more suited for noncontact measurement tech-
niques due to the speed of data acquisition.
David Lee Butler S
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Basic Methodology

In order to quantify a surface profile, it is essential

Synonyms to remove the unnecessary wavelength compo-
nents and establish a datum from which the
Surface texture; Surface topography parameters can be calculated.

Cutoff and Filtering

Definition Typically, a surface consists of many wave-
lengths all superimposed on each other. The
Surface roughness measurement is the measure- wavelengths are generally classified into three
ment of the small-scale variations in the height of groups, form, waviness, and roughness, with the
S 3132 Surface Roughness Measurement

last mentioned being the shortest wavelengths for example, a surface with a regular triangular
and the first mentioned being the longest. To wave profile could have the same Ra value as
separate the waviness and form from the rough- a random surface. Over the years, a considerable
ness, a cutoff filter is employed. Depending on array of parameters has been developed to pro-
which information is to be retained, it is possible vide greater insight into the surface and its func-
to select from high- or low-pass filters as well as tion. These parameters are typically grouped
a band-pass filter which extracts surface data depending on what surface attribute they are
within a specified bandwidth. The selection of concerned with such as height or spatial features
cutoff length is laid down in international stan- or a combination of both (hybrid). An additional
dards [1, 2]. group which is derived from the amplitude
A number of filter types have been used over distribution function of the profile provides infor-
the years, each having its own unique frequency mation regarding the surface shape and its sharp-
response. The oldest standard filter is the 2RC ness [3].
filter and consists of two sets of a resistor and Table 1 provides a list of some of the more
capacitor in series; however, it is subject to large commonly used surface parameters with the
errors when the surface profile direction changes appropriate standards as reference. The R prefix
abruptly. It has now been replaced with digital is used for parameters based on the roughness
filters which no longer have to rely on physical component of the surface, while P refers to the
components. The most common digital filters original unfiltered profile and W is the waviness
are the phase-correct 2RC filter and the Gaussian component.
filter – the latter applies a weighting function For areal parameters, the main difference is
to the surface data to establish the profile that the reference datum is based on a mean plane
mean line. and all parameters are calculated from that. The
Once the surface data have been filtered and prefix S is used to denote these parameters and to
the mean line (or plane in the case of three- distinguish them from the R, P, and W prefixes
dimensional measurements) has been deter- used for profile measurement. A number of the
mined, it is possible to quantify the surface fea- areal parameters are direct three-dimensional
tures. Figure 1 shows a ground surface separated equivalents of their profile counterparts such as
into the roughness and waviness components Sq(Rq) and Sku(Rku), while others take advantage
after applying a Gaussian filter and a 0.8 mm of the structural information available to deter-
cutoff length. mine the texture direction of the surface and the
The oldest and most commonly used surface strength of the surface lay.
parameter is the average roughness (Ra) which is Although the application of a single parameter
also known as arithmetic average (AA) and cen- for surface roughness can be used to indicate
ter line average (CLA) and more mathematically a change in a manufacturing process, it is not
as the arithmetical mean deviation of the profile. sufficiently discriminating to pinpoint where the
The average roughness is the area between the changes in the process have occurred. Using an
roughness profile and its mean line or the integral array of simple parameters rather than just one
of the absolute value of the roughness profile may still not provide the level of discrimination
height over the evaluation length, as shown in required. With the development of random pro-
Fig. 2 and defined in Eq. 1: cess analysis, new capabilities arose with the use
of autocorrelation and power spectra functions.
ðL These are functions rather than numbers such as
Ra ¼ jZ ðxÞjdx (1) the average roughness (Ra) of the profile and so
0 can reveal more of the underlying statistics of the
surface. The autocorrelation function is particu-
However, the main limitation of Ra is that it larly useful for looking at random surfaces and
provides no information about the surface shape; the power spectrum is more useful for looking at
Surface Roughness Measurement 3133 S
Alpha = 124⬚ Beta = 33⬚ μm
5.18 μm 3.8
3 mm 1
3 mm 0.6

Roughness Waviness

Alpha = 30⬚ Beta = 50⬚ μm Alpha = 62⬚ Beta = 48⬚ μm

4.5 0.7
5.21 μm 4 0.6
0.767 μm 0.5
2.5 0.4
2 0.3
1.5 0.2
1 2.10 mm 0.1
2.10 mm 2.10 mm 0.5
2.10 mm
0 0

Surface Roughness Measurement, Fig. 1 A ground and a 0.8 mm cutoff length; note the loss of area due to the
surface being separated into its respective roughness and filtering window
waviness components after application of a Gaussian filter

Surface Roughness
Fig. 2 The graphical
definition of Ra where the
absolute height variations
from the mean line are
S 3134 Surface Roughness Measurement

Surface Roughness Measurement, Table 1 Common lateral structure, namely, spatial information,
2D surface parameters whereas contact methods examined heights in
Parameter Name Standards Related the plane perpendicular to the surface. More
Height parameters recently, optical techniques have been developed
Ra Roughness average (Ra) 1, 2 Pa, Wa which can provide height information as well.
Rq Root mean square 1, 2 Pq, Wq A more general form of categorization would be
(RMS) roughness
to classify the instruments as either contact or
Rt Maximum height of the 1, 2 Pt, Wt
noncontact. The lateral and vertical resolutions
Rpm Average maximum 1
of the various contact and noncontact techniques
profile peak height are shown in Fig. 3.
Rz Average maximum 1, 2 Pz, Wz,
height of the profile Rtm Contact Instruments
Rc Mean height of profile 2 Pc, Wc The contact method involves the dragging of
a diamond stylus whose tip dimension is such
Rz(iso) Roughness height 2
that it can penetrate the detailed geometry of the
Wt, W Waviness weight 1, 2 Rt, Pt
surface. The stylus is mounted onto an arm
Spacing parameters
with a transducer at the other end as shown in
Sm, RSm Mean spacing of profile 1, 2 PSm,
irregularities WSm Fig. 4. Any change in height of the stylus due to
Pc Peak count (peak 1 the surface features corresponds to a change in
density) the signal detected and amplified by the
HSC High spot count transducer and the subsequent electronics. The
Hybrid parameters most common type of transducer is based on
Da Average absolute slope 1, 2 PDa, the inductance principle and offers a large
range-to-resolution as well as being of robust
Dq Root mean square 1, 2 PDq,
(RMS) slope WDq
Amplitude distribution function parameters The main limitation of the stylus approach is
Rsk, Sk Skewness 1, 2 Psk, the need for contact to be made between the
Wsk probe and the surface which deems it unsuitable
Rku Kurtosis 1, 2 Pku, for soft materials and where contamination
Wku may be an issue. The actual tip dimensions
also act as mechanical filter removing features
smaller than the tip radius from the
periodic surfaces. The autocorrelation function is measurements.
obtained by simply plotting the correlation coef-
ficient between the surface profile and the same Noncontact Instrumentation
profile shifted in space by a set amount. The A wide range of techniques can be used to capture
power spectrum is the Fourier transform of this. the surface roughness of a component using
noncontact methods. Some of the more common
Instrumentation instruments used to capture topographic data
The earliest ways of measuring surfaces were by include confocal microscopy, laser triangulation,
using the thumbnail as a tactile sensor or the eyes. focus detection, and optical interferometry.
Both techniques are highly effective but are A relatively recent branch of microscopy known
completely subjective. Demand for quantitative as scanning probe microscopy (SPM) yields over
results led to the development of two distinct 20 other instruments which are defined based on
branches of instrumentation, one following the what probe-surface interaction they are monitor-
tactile approach the other mimicking the eyes. ing. The SPM family is described in more detail
Both techniques evolved to measure different elsewhere in this book and will be briefly men-
surface features. Optical methods looked for tioned in this article.
Surface Roughness Measurement 3135 S
Surface Roughness
Fig. 3 Lateral and vertical
measurement ranges of
various microscopes 109 m

Optical microscope

Vertical scale (nm)

106 mm

Stylus instuments

103 μm
Scanning electron

1 nm
Scanning probe
10−3 pm nm μm mm m km

10−3 1 103 106 109 1012

Lateral scale (nm)

Primary coil 10khz carrier


Secondary coil
Surface Roughness
Fig. 4 Schematic of an Stylus tip pivot
inductance transducer-
based stylus

Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy scanning over a regular raster (i.e., a rectangular S
Confocal laser scanning microscopy is a valuable pattern of parallel scanning lines) in the speci-
tool for obtaining high-resolution surface images men. The thickness of the focal plane is defined
and enabling three-dimensional reconstruction of mostly by the square of the numerical aperture of
the surface. In contrast to a conventional optical the objective lens and also by the optical proper-
microscope which floods the entire specimen ties of the specimen and the ambient index of
with light, confocal microscopy relies on point refraction. This technique has found widespread
illumination. A pinhole in an optically conjugate use for biological and semiconductor
plane in front of the detector ensures that out-of- applications.
focus information is eliminated and thus only
light within the focal plane is detected resulting Focus Detection System
in a much higher-quality image. As only one The optical focus system or optical profilometer
point is illuminated at a time in confocal micros- system is based on the dynamic focusing princi-
copy, two- or three-dimensional imaging requires ple of a confocal microscope. These systems
S 3136 Surface Roughness Measurement

work on the detection of the focus position of probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line
reflected light from the surface. Any change in by line, and recording the interaction between
the focus position of the light relates to a change the probe and the surface as a function of
in the surface height, and by refocusing the lens, the position. A wide range of interactions can be
it is possible to determine the height value. It is observed depending on which phenomenon is
widely used in applications where surface dam- being observed; they include atomic force,
age is an issue for concern. tunnel current, magnetic force, and electrostatic
Optical Interferometry
Optical interferometers work on the principle of
exposing the surface to be characterized to mono- Future Directions for Research
chromatic or white light and observing the inter-
ference fringes produced using an optical flat Current research in surface roughness measure-
tilted through a small angle. The fringe patterns ment is directed at both the hardware and the
are produced by splitting the light beam and the software. Established filtering techniques
interference patterns are produced due to inter- such as Gaussian filtering do not satisfy all
ference between reflections from the tilted optical applications, and research is currently being
flat and the surface to be measured. The fringe undertaken to develop filters based on the
patterns are analyzed by a computer program wavelet principle. Instrumentation is currently
incorporating the appropriate algorithms to give being developed to overcome the limitations of
an unfiltered representation of the surface. The current contact and noncontact techniques,
data may be statistically processed and filtered to for example, measuring the sidewalls of
provide parametric values. a microchannel. This has led to the development
of more specialized probes which can sense topo-
Laser Triangulation graphic changes in more than one direction at the
The principle of laser triangulation is essentially same time.
the measurement of range by location of three
points forming a triangle. A laser spot is focused
onto the sample surface, and as the surface height
changes, the position of the reflected beam onto Cross-References
a position-sensitive detector is also shifted. This
shift in the reflected beam can, using the triangu- ▶ Roughness Effect on Microscale Transport
lation principle, be related back to the surface ▶ Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
height deviation. ▶ Scanning Probe Microscopy
As with most optical-based systems, a number ▶ Surface Modification, Methods
of limitations exist which include the need for the
specimen to possess some degree of reflectivity,
a limitation on the maximum surface slope which
can be detected and the effect of surface color References
change on the fidelity of the data.
1. B46.1 (2002) Surface texture, surface roughness, wav-
iness and lay. ASME, New York
Scanning Probe Microscopy 2. ISO 4287 (1997) Geometrical Product Specifications
Scanning probe microscopy is a branch of (GPS) – surface texture: profile method – terms, defi-
nitions and surface texture parameters
microscopy that forms images using a physical
3. Whitehouse DJ (1994) Handbook of surface metrol-
probe that scans the surface of the specimen. An ogy. Taylor Francis, Institute of Physics Publishing,
image is obtained by mechanically moving the London
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle 3137 S
forces between the liquid molecules and the sur-
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and rounding gas or another immiscible liquid. In the
Contact Angle bulk of a liquid, each molecule is pulled equally,
on average, in all directions by neighboring liquid
Kamran Mohseni molecules, resulting in a net zero force. However,
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace the situation is different at the surface of the
Engineering and Department of Electrical and liquid where the liquid molecules are pulled
Computer Engineering, University of Florida, more effectively by other liquid molecules,
Gainesville, FL, USA resulting in a net inward force. As a result of
higher molecular attraction between the mole-
cules of the same liquid than the attraction to
Overview molecules of another fluid, the surface of the
liquid tends to contract inward. This net inward
Surface tension is important in daily life and force can be mechanically modeled by assuming
many engineering applications. Surface tension an apparent elastic surface under tension. In this
plays a major role in many applications such as case, the force per unit length along the interface
washing and cleaning procedures, in lubricants between the two immiscible fluids is called sur-
such as those used in automobiles and cosmetics, face tension. Surface tension can also be
and in the formation of rain drops. It is even the interpreted as the storage of energy at the surface
phenomenon that allows the water strider to walk of a liquid: energy per unit area. Therefore, g is
on water. This introductory review presents some the work required to create a unit area of interface
of the basic concepts associated with surface (see Fig. 2). This is a more thermodynamic defi-
tension and capillarity. First, we consider the nition for surface tension. In this case, in order to
mechanical and thermodynamic definition of sur- increase the surface area of a liquid by dS, an
face tension. This is followed by capillarity, con- amount of work equal to gdS is required. The SI
tact angle, governing interface equations, units for surface tension are N/m (force per
relevant nondimensional numbers with surface length) or J/m2 (energy per area).
tension effects, capillarity rise, temperature and Water at 20 has a surface tension of
surfactant effects of surface tension, and dynamic 72.9 mN/m in contact with air compared with
contact angles. Techniques for measuring surface 35 mN/m for SAE 30 oil and 486.5 mN/m for
tension and contact angle then follow. Control- mercury. Surface tension values of common liq-
ling the wettability of a surface is then presented uids are listed in Table 1.
in order to create surfaces with superhydrophobic
properties. Example applications of surface ten- Contact Point and Line
sion and capillarity are briefly presented at The line that delimits the wetted portion of S
the end. a surface by a liquid is called the contact line. In
two-dimensional flows the contact line reduces to
a point (see Fig. 3). For a static droplet, the angle
Chemical and Physical Principles of the interface between the liquid and the solid
surface is called the static contact angle y.
Surface Tension
Surface tension, often represented by s or g, is Capillarity
a property of liquids arising from an imbalance in Capillary actions or capillarity is a scientific topic
molecular cohesive forces at the surface of the concerning the equilibrium shape of interfaces in
liquid (see Fig. 1). The attractive forces between contact with a solid wall, in particular, in thin
molecules of a liquid are often stronger than tubes or capillaries. For instance, for water in
S 3138 Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle

weight of the water column. As a result, since

the weight of water in a narrow tube is less than
that in a thicker one, the water will climb higher
in a narrow tube. The curved free surface of the
liquid in a capillary is called the meniscus.
Capillary action has major biological and
engineering implications. For example, capillary
actions are responsible for providing nutrients
and oxygen and removing wastes and carbon
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle, dioxide from cells wherever blood flow is avail-
Fig. 1 Adhesive and cohesive forces on molecules of able. It is also the mechanism which distributes
a liquid close to an interface and away from it
water and nutrients from plant roots to plant

Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces

The strength of the capillary effect can be quan-
tified by the contact angle. The rise or fall of
a liquid in a small-diameter tube inserted into
a liquid pool can be determined by the value of
the contact angle. The contact angle for water in
a glass tube is less than 90 (wetting the wall) and
is more than 90 for mercury in a glass tube. In
general, a nonwettable surface where the contact
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle,
Fig. 2 Surface tension can be considered as the work angle is greater than 90 is termed
required for creating a unit surface area. In this case, the hydrophobic. Conversely, a contact angle less
work is equal to gdS for a force equal to gl and moving than 90 characterizes a wettable or hydrophilic
a distance dx. The increment in surface area is dS = l dx surface. Surfaces with contact angles greater than
150 are called superhydrophobic. This is some-
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle, times referred to as the “lotus effect” after the
Table 1 Surface tension values for some common liquids
self-cleaning property of lotus plants. Water
at 20  C
droplets roll off the leaves and cannot make
Interface Surface tension (mN/m)
them wet.
Water-air 72.9
Mercury-air 486.5
Methanol-air 22.5
Key Research Findings
Ethanol-air 22.4
Benzene-air 28.9
Water-mercury 415
Young’s Equation
SAE 30 oil-air 35 The contact angle, as seen in Fig. 3, is set by the
Soap solution-air 25 balance of surface tension forces in the horizontal
Glycerin-air 63 direction:
Blood-air 58
gLG cos y ¼ gSG  gSL : (1)

a thin glass tube, the strong hydrogen-bonding This is known as Young’s equation where gLG,
interactions between the water molecules and gSG, and gSL are the surface tension between the
air at the surface of the glass cause the water to liquid and gas, solid and gas, and solid and liquid,
climb up in the tube. These new intermolecular respectively. Young’s angle is a result of thermo-
interactions must balance the gravity and the dynamic equilibrium of the free energy at the
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle 3139 S
Surface Tension,
Capillarity, and Contact
Angle, Fig. 3 A droplet
on a hydrophobic surface.
The static contact angle, y0,
is set by the balance of
surface tension forces in the
horizontal direction

contact point. This equation was derived by

Young in 1805 shortly before its independent
publication by Laplace. The same equation was
also derived by Gibbs in 1906 through an energy
minimization approach. By using Young’s equa-
tion, one can define a wetting coefficient k as

gSG  gSL
k¼ ¼ cos y: (2)

Note that k has a value between 1 and 1. For

hydrophilic surfaces, 0 < k < 1 or equivalently
0 < y < p/2 and the solid is said to be wetted by
the liquid. For hydrophobic surfaces, 1 < k
< 0 or p/2 < y < p and the solid is not wetted Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle,
Fig. 4 Free body diagram of forces on a droplet cut
by the liquid. in half

Young-Laplace Equation
A curved interface is an indicator of a pressure
jump across the interface with higher pressure on The resulting equation is known as the Young-
the concave side. This can be easily seen in the Laplace equation
case of a spherical droplet or bubble. For exam-
ple, consider the free body diagram of a droplet DP ¼ kg: (3)
with radius R cut in half, as depicted in Fig. 4.
The uniform surface tension along the circumfer- S
ence of the droplet is balanced by the pressure In the absence of viscous forces, this equation
acting on the projected area pR2. The balance of provides a relationship for the change in pressure
forces in the horizontal direction results in across a curved interface. It should be noted that
(2pR)g = (pR2)DP, or DP = Pi  Po = 2g/R pressure jumps across a fluid interface can only
where Pi and Po are the equilibrium pressures sustain normal stress jumps; they do not result in
inside and outside of the droplet, respectively. a tangential stress jump. Therefore, tangential
In the case of a bubble, one obtains DP = Pi  surface stresses can only be balanced by viscous
Po = 4g/R since there are two layers of surface stresses associated with fluid motion. Conse-
tensions: one in contact with the outside gas and quently, in the absence of other effects, it is not
one in contact with the gas inside the bubble. This possible to have a static system in the presence of
simple relation can be extended to any surface surface tension gradient. A flow induced by
with a mean curvature k = 1/R1 + 1/R2, where a gradient in the surface tension is called
R1 and R2 are the principal radii of curvature. Marangoni flow.
S 3140 Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle

Nondimensional Numbers The Weber number, We, represents an index

Surface tension is a dominant force for liquid of the inertial forces to surface tension forces and
handling and actuation at microscales. Surface it is important in analyzing thin films and the
tension forces scale with a characteristic length formation of bubbles and droplets. The Bond
scale L as compared with body forces (e.g., grav- number is often used when considering static
ity) that scale as L3 and pressure forces that scale surface tension effects, while the Weber number
as L2. As a result, modifications of surface tension is more relevant in unsteady and moving systems.
and other methods with similar scalings are much The Froude number, Fr, compares inertial and
more effective for microdroplet transport than gravitational forces. Note that all the
simple pressure-driven flow. nondimensional numbers involving surface ten-
Consider a fluidic system with surface tension sion are boundary-related phenomena and they
effects. The characteristic scales for length and enter the governing equations through boundary
velocity are L and U. The physical parameters conditions. On the other hand, the Reynolds num-
are density r, viscosity n, gravity g, and surface ber is directly introduced through the Navier-
tension g. By using the Buckingham P theorem, Stokes equations.
one can obtain three independent nondimensional
groups from these six variables. An option for a set Capillary Rise
of three independent nondimensional numbers is The rise or fall of a liquid interface in a capillary
can be easily calculated by writing the balance of
UL inertial forces forces on a cylindrical column of height H (see
Re ¼ ¼ (4)
n viscous forces Fig. 5). The water at the bottom of the tube,
leveled with the free surface of the liquid, is at
rgL2 gravitational forces atmospheric pressure. The hydrostatic pressure
Bo ¼ ¼ (5)
g surface tension forces drop just below the meniscus is balanced by the
vertical component of surface tension at the wall.
rnU viscous forces
Ca ¼ ¼ (6)
g surface tension forces

where Re is the Reynolds number, Bo is the Bond

number, and Ca is the capillary number. The
Reynolds number expresses the relative magni-
tude of inertial forces in the system to viscous
forces. Transitions from laminar to turbulent
flows are characterized by the Reynolds number.
The Bond number is a measure of gravitational
forces compared to surface tension forces, while
the capillary number determines the ratio of vis-
cous forces to surface tension forces.
Two other relevant nondimensional numbers
can be defined as

rU 2 L inertialforces
We ¼ Ca  Re ¼ ¼
g surfacetensionforces
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle,
2 Fig. 5 Capillary rise in a tube. The weight of the liquid
We U inertial forces
Fr ¼ ¼ ¼ (8) column is supported by the vertical component of surface
Bo gL gravitational forces tension forces on the tube wall
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle 3141 S
Therefore, 2pRgcos y = rg (pR2H). Hence, the most metals and g0 is another constant that
capillary rise is given by depends on the liquid under consideration. Note
that in both equations the surface tension
2g d2 approaches zero at the critical temperature.
H¼ cos y ¼ 2 c cos y (9) The surface tension of a material can also be
rgR R
greatly affected by the presence of impurities,
where dc ¼ g=rg is the capillary length. For particularly surfactants. Surfactants are surface-
nonwetting liquids y > 90 which results in active agents that contain hydrophilic polar
a negative H. The capillary length also expresses groups on their heads and hydrophobic groups
the characteristic length of a meniscus; it is deter- on their tails. As a result, they are soluble in
mined by the interplay between the Laplace and both water and organic solvents. In general, sur-
the hydrostatic pressure across an interface. factants reduce the surface tension of a liquid. For
example, surface tension of water can be greatly
Surface Tension Variation reduced by addition of soap or other detergents.
Surface tension values can be affected by tem- This is used in washing processes in order to
perature change, by addition of impurities or sur- enable the liquid to penetrate cavities between
factants, and, to a lesser extent, by variation in fibers for more effective washing. Solutes,
pressure and surface curvature. depending on their structure, can have different
Considering that surface tension is the result effects on surface tension. For example, sugar has
of cohesive forces between molecules of the same no effect on surface tension of water, while inor-
liquid, it would not be surprising to observe that ganic salts increase surface tension, and alcohols
by increasing the temperature (in other words, by decrease it. Surfactants will only decrease surface
increasing the random kinetic energy of the liquid tension to a set limit and after that they will have
molecules), the surface tension is decreased. In no more effect. This can be explained as follows.
fact, at the critical temperature, this kinetic The equilibrium value of surface tension can be
energy is enough to break all the cohesive bonds decreased as the number of surfactant molecules
between the liquid molecules and separate the accumulating at the surface increases. This pro-
molecules to form a gas. cess continues until the surface is completely
The surface tension of many liquids decreases, covered by surfactant molecules. At this point,
almost linearly, with increasing temperature. In if the surfactant concentration is further
other words, the quantity dg/dT is negative and increased, the extra surfactant molecules will
almost constant for most pure materials. A well- accumulate within the solution and form aggre-
known relation is the Eötvös rule gates, what are called micelles. The concentra-
tion of the surfactant at which the surface is
g ¼ V 3 k ðT c  T Þ (10) completely occupied by surfactant molecules is S
called the critical micelle formation
where V is the molar volume, k is a constant equal concentration.
to 2.1 erg/K for most liquids, and Tc is the critical
temperature. Another relationship suggested by Dynamic Contact Angles
van der Waals and further developed by If a droplet is not in static equilibrium, the contact
Guggenheim is line might move, so too the dynamic contact
angles. Figure 6 shows the dynamic contact
g T n angles for a droplet moving on an inclined plate.
¼ 1 (11) Depending on the direction of the liquid move-
g0 Tc
ment, different contact angles may be observed.
where n is a constant equal to 11/9 for most The contact angle measured when the contact line
organic liquids but may be closer to unity for is in movement by wetting the solid is called the
S 3142 Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle

advancing contact angle, yA. On the other hand, (pinning the contact line) and can be manifested
the contact angle observed when the liquid is in regions with different contact angles from the
withdrawn over a pre-wetted surface is called surrounding area.
the receding contact angle, yR. The advancing Surface roughness can also generate contact
contact angle is always larger than or equal to angle hysteresis by actual microscopic variations
the receding contact angle. in the slope of the surface.
If the contact angle is a function of the speed
of the contact line relative to the solid surface, Techniques for Measuring Contact Angle and
one needs to consider viscous stress forces among Surface/Interfacial Tension
other effects. In fact, the viscous stresses show Correct analysis of capillary and wetting prob-
singular behavior at the contact line [1]. The con- lems requires accurate knowledge of surface ten-
cept of contact line is a continuum concept. This sion values and contact angles. In this section we
concept breaks down near the surface and one will provide a brief review of methods for mea-
requires molecular considerations in the vicinity suring surface tension and contact angles. The
of the contact line. basic methods for measuring these quantities
The difference between the advancing can be divided into two categories: methods for
(maximum) and receding (minimum) contact measuring dynamic quantities and methods for
angles is called the contact angle hysteresis. Hys- measuring geometrical quantities. Another clas-
teresis can be used to characterize surface hetero- sification for measuring contact angles of
geneity, mobility, and roughness. If the surface is nonporous solids is goniometry and tensiometry.
not homogeneous, some regions might present In the goniometry method, the shape of a sessile
a barrier to the movement of the contact line drop on a solid substrate is analyzed. In the ten-
siometry method, the interaction forces between
a solid in contact with the test liquid are

The Du Nouy Ring Method

A ring with perimeter L is immersed in to a liquid
and then lifted up. The maximum pull exerted on
the ring by the surface tension forces is measured
(see Fig. 7a). At the maximum pull the force
vector will be exactly parallel to the direction of
motion and the contact angle will be zero. The
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle,
surface tension is then calculated from g = Fm/L,
Fig. 6 A droplet rolling down on an inclined surface. where Fm is the maximum force during the lift
The advancing and receding contact angles are depicted off. A correction for the weight of the volume of

Surface Tension,
Capillarity, and Contact
Angle, Fig. 7 Surface
tension measurement. (a)
Du Nouy ring method. (b)
Wilhelmy plate method
Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle 3143 S
liquid lifted beneath the ring could significantly Pendant or Sessile Drop Method
improve the accuracy of this method. The surface tension can be easily measured by
analyzing the shape of a drop. This is often done
The Wilhelmy Method by optical means. Assuming that the drop is axi-
This is a technique that can be used for both ally symmetric and in equilibrium (no viscous
surface/interfacial tension and contact angle and inertial effects), the only effective forces are
measurements (Fig. 7b). To measure the surface gravity and surface or interfacial forces. In this
tension, a plate with known perimeter P is case, the Young-Laplace equation relates the
attached to a balance. The plate is brought into shape of the droplet to the pressure jump across
contact with the test liquid and the force due to the interface. Surface tension is, then, measured
wetting is measured. The upward force of the by fitting the drop shape to the Young-Laplace
surface tension must be equal to the weight of equation. Either a pendant or a sessile drop can be
the meniscus measured by the balance. This used for surface tension measurement. The pen-
results in F = gPcos y. This equation provides dant drop approach is often more accurate than
a method to measure the vertical component of the sessile drop approach since it is easier to
surface tension. However, this provides one satisfy the axisymmetric assumption. Similar
equation with two parameters: g and y. By inten- techniques can be used for measuring surface
sive cleaning or by roughening, a platinum tension in a bubble.
plate one could achieve an almost zero contact
angle. This results in a single measurement for Drop Weight Method
calculating the surface tension. If the surface The drop weight, or Tate’s, method is yet another
tension is known, one can employ the same equa- technique for determining surface tension. This
tion to calculate the contact angle in the same approach relies on dripping of a liquid in a gas
fashion. from a capillary and measuring the combined
volumes of the primary and satellite drops that
Capillary Rise Method are formed. In this case one can write Tate’s law
In this approach a capillary tube is immersed for the weight of the drop
into the liquid. The surface tension is calculated
by measuring the liquid height in the capillary rgV ¼ 2pRg (12)
tube via Eq. 9. The capillary rise is also
a measure of the vertical component of surface where r is liquid density, g is the gravitational
tension. acceleration, V is the volume of the drop, and R
is the drop radius. By measuring the drop
Tilted Plate Method volume and radius, one can calculate the surface
This is a method for measuring contact angle. In tension. S
this approach, a plate is immersed in the test
liquid until the liquid meniscus becomes horizon- Bubble Pressure or Drop Weight Method
tal at the point of contact. The contact angle is In this approach, surface tension is calculated
then equal to the angle of the Plate. A tilted plate from the measurement of pressure inside the bub-
can also be used for measuring dynamic ble or from the weight of the drop when it
contact angles. In this case, a plate with a sessile detaches from an orifice. The gas bubble can be
drop on top is slowly tilted until the drop begins introduced into a liquid through a capillary with
to move. At this time, the uphill angle will be the known radius. The maximum pressure pm during
receding contact angle and the downhill angle this process is recorded and used to calculate the
will be the advancing contact angle. The mea- surface tension. At the maximum pressure, the
surement should be done immediately before the gas bubble radius is the same as the capillary with
actual droplet motion in order to avoid the gas bubble forming an exact hemisphere. If
dynamic effects. the hydrostatic pressure is p0 and the inner radius
S 3144 Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle

Surface Tension, Capillarity, and Contact Angle, structures. (b) Cassie-Baxter model where water does not
Fig. 8 Effect of surface structures on wetting behavior. wet the surface between the structures
(a) Wenzel model where the liquid penetrates between the

of the capillary is R, the surface tension is calcu- very high contact angles. Furthermore, the gas
lated from the equation trapped below the drop homogenizes the solid
surface and results in very low contact angle
pm  p0 hysteresis. Superhydrophobic windshields are
g¼ R (13)
2 nowadays used for better visibility during
rainy conditions. The water-repellent coated
After the maximum pressure measurement, glass enables windshields to shed rain
the bubble radius increases, while the pressure without the need for windshield wipers. If the
drops. The bubble finally detaches from the cap- spatial scale of the roughness is small compared
illary and rises to the surface. to the wavelength of light, the texture does
not affect the optical transparency of the
Superhydrophobicity windshield.
Controlling the wettability of a surface is crucial In the Wenzel model, the apparent contact
in many industrial applications. Surfaces with angle yW is obtained by correcting the Young’s
water contact angles above 150 are called contact angle y with a roughness correction
superhydrophobic. Such surfaces are important factor r
because they could have anti-contamination,
anti-sticking, and self-cleaning properties. In gSG  gSL
cos yW ¼ r : (14)
nature, superhydrophobic surfaces are observed gLG
in lotus leaves, Cicada orni wings, and water
strider legs. Water droplets easily roll off such The roughness factor is defined by the actual
surfaces at a small sliding angle and hereby surface area divided by the projected surface
remove contaminants from the surface. area. Therefore, for a rough surface, r > 1. Fol-
The high contact angle in superhydrophobic lowing Wenzel equation, surface roughness
surfaces is often called the apparent contact angle results in enhancing both hydrophobicity and
since it does not represent the actual contact angle hydrophilicity depending on the nature of the
value of the droplet on a flat surface. The corresponding flat surface. Therefore, for a truly
superhydrophobic surfaces are usually covered hydrophobic surface yW > y > 90 and for
with micro- or nanoscale roughness. As depicted a truly hydrophilic surface yW < y < 90 . For
in Fig. 8, the water can penetrate the gap between surface roughness factors greater than 1.7, the
the spikes on a surface (Wenzel state) or stay in droplet will have a hard time to wet all the
a suspended state above the spikes (Cassie- grooves and the system switches from a Wenzel
Baxter state). In either case a higher contact model to a Cassie-Baxter model. In this case, the
angle is observed than that observed on a flat droplet is suspended on top of the grooves, where
surface. In the case where the liquid does not the gas is trapped. The apparent contact angle can
enter the roughness, a drop is supported on be calculated from Cassie’s law for a liquid on
a patchwork of solid and gas, which leads to a composite surface
Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques 3145 S
cos yC ¼ f 1 cos y1 þ f 2 cos y2 (15) tension also plays a significant role in applica-
tions where the formation of jets and drops are
where y1 is the Young’s contact angle for com- considered.
ponent 1 with surface fraction f1 and y2 is the
Young’s contact angle for component 2 with sur-
face fraction f2. Note that f1 + f2 = 1. For a
Further Reading
two-component system consisting of an air com-
Some general references for surface and interfa-
ponent with a contact angle of 180 , the equation
cial phenomenon are the books by Adamson and
is reduced to
Gast [2] and Hiemenz and Rajagopalan [3]. An
interesting scientific background to molecular
cos yC ¼ f ð cos y þ 1Þ  1 (16)
and macroscopic properties of soap films and
after dropping the second index. This equation bubbles is provided in [4]. The fluid dynamics,
implies that it is possible to create surfaces with heat transfer, and mass transfer of single bubbles,
very large apparent contact angles if the surface drops, and particles are covered in [5].
has small f and large true contact angle y. The
lotus effect is based on this principle. Note that References
for a given surface with a true contact angle y, the
apparent contact angle in the Cassie-Baxter 1. de Gennes PG (1985) Wetting: statistics and dynamics.
model is a function of f only. Rev Mod Phys 57(3):827–863
2. Adamson AW, Gast AP (1997) Physical chemistry of
surfaces, 7th edn. Wiley, New York
3. Hiemenz PC, Rajagopalan R (1997) Principles of col-
Examples of Applications loid and surface chemistry, 3rd edn. Dekker, New York
4. Isenberg C (1992) The science of soap films and soap
bubbles. Dover, New York
Some of the industrial applications of surface/
5. Clift R, Grace JR, Weber ME (2005) Bubbles, drops,
interfacial tension and capillarity are as follows: and particles. Dover, New York
in soil mechanics where the penetration of liquids
into porous rocks are considered; in antifog, anti-
frost, or anti-stain treatment of glass for enhanced
visibility in harsh environments; in the chemical Surface-Charge Patterning
industry for uniform spreading of paints, insecti- Techniques
cides, ink, and coloring ingredients; in the con-
struction industry for waterproofing of concrete; Winky L. W. Hau
and in creating fuel spray in internal combustion IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg,
engines. In life sciences, applications of surface/ Germany S
interfacial tension and capillarity are as follows:
the locomotion of insects on water surfaces, the
rise of sap in plants, the adhesion of parasites on Synonyms
wet surfaces, and wetting of the eye (an eye is
normally wet, while the cornea is by nature Electroosmosis with patterned surface charge;
hydrophobic). Surface tension is also Polyelectrolyte patterning technique; Surface
a dominant force at the microscale. To this end, chemistry technique
surface tension and its manipulation play a major
role in most microfluidic and lab-on-a-chip
devices. Capillarity is a significant part of capil- Definition
lary liquid chromatography, capillarity electro-
phoresis, and flow cytometry. Micropipettes The surface-charge patterning technique is
work based on the same principle. Surface a surface chemistry process to make both
S 3146 Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques

positively charged and negatively charged pat- a O O

terns on a glass/silicon dioxide surface.

Si Si Si Si
b O− O− O− O−
In microfluidic systems, liquid flow control is
very challenging because of the large flow resis-
tance. As such, electroosmotic flow (EOF), a Si Si Si Si
surface-driven flow phenomenon, is an alterna-
tive to pressure-driven flow (PDF), in order to Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques, Fig. 1 (a)
Schematic chemical structure of a glass (or silicon diox-
overcome the flow resistance problem. Since the ide) surface. (b) Glass surface carries negative charges in
velocity of EOF depends on the surface charge of contact with aqueous solution
the channel wall, the surface-charge patterning
technique has thus been developed to control
liquid flow in a very confined space. several variations in soft lithography but the prin-
ciples are the same – to mask the predesigned
Surface Chemistry pattern on the glass surface [3, 4]. To illustrate the
Glass (or silicon dioxide) naturally carries nega- general idea, one soft-lithography technique
tive charges on its surface. When a glass surface which makes use of molding is presented,
is in contact with an aqueous solution, ionization followed by a discussion of the photolithography
occurs in the surface chemical group [1], leaving technique.
the chemical group with negative charges
(Fig. 1). However, the surface-charge density of Soft Lithography with Micromolding
such a natural process is low. The mold used is made of a thin polydimethyl-
The surface-charge patterning technique can siloxane (PDMS) membrane attached to a rigid
be considered as a two-step process. Firstly, the plate of glass as shown in Fig. 3 [4]. The plate has
negative charges on the glass surface are holes to introduce the polymer solution and to
enhanced by chemical processing with alkali connect to vacuum. The valve to vacuum is
and acid. The purpose is not only to make closed while the polymer solution is applied at
a negatively charged surface but also to prepare several inlets. The ESA process takes place on the
for the second step. In the second step, part of the glass surface when the capillaries are filled with
glass surface, i.e., the predesigned pattern, is the polymer solution. Finally, the vacuum is
masked by a very thin polymer coating or poly- released and the mold is removed. As a result,
mer structure. Then the whole glass surface is a polymer which has the same pattern as the mold
submerged in or flooded with a positively charged is obtained.
polymer solution called a polyelectrolyte. Owing
to the glass surface and the polyelectrolyte having Photolithography with Lift-Off
opposite charges, the polyelectrolyte is bound to Photolithography is a standard patterning tech-
the glass surface by electrostatic force, forming nique in the fabrication process of integrated cir-
a thin polymer coating of the order of nanometers cuits (ICs) in the semiconductor industry. In fact,
in thickness, as illustrated in Fig. 2. This binding many silicon-based microfluidic devices are fabri-
process is termed an electrostatic self-assembly cated by photolithography. Photolithography is
(ESA) process [2]. combined with the lift-off technique to make
The positively charged patterning process in surface-charge patterns [5]. A photoresist (PR), a
the second step can be accomplished by soft UV-curable polymer used in photolithography, is
lithography or photolithography. There exist patterned on a glass substrate which is submerged
Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques 3147 S
Patterning Techniques,
Fig. 2 Electrostatic self-
assembly (ESA) process.
(a) A glass substrate with
negative charges on its
surface is submerged in
a positively charged
polymer solution. (b) The
polymer binds to the glass
surface due to electrostatic

To Vacuum

Rigid Plate

PDMS Membrane
Outlets Gasket


PDMS Mold and Rigid Plate
with Holes

Surface-Charge S
Patterning Techniques,
Fig. 3 Schematics of the
setup for micromolding that
creates polymer surface- Substrate
charge pattern on a glass

in a polymer solution, as shown in Fig. 4a. The Application in Microfluidics

ESA process takes place (Fig. 4b). The unnecessary The surface-charge patterning technique com-
polymer is lifted off by removing the PR under- bined with EOF is, in principle, able to create
neath. Finally, a predesigned pattern containing numerous flow patterns at the microscale. In
both positive and negative charges is obtained. experiments, several simple flow patterns have
S 3148 Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques

Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques, ESA takes place. (c) The unnecessary polymer is lifted off
Fig. 4 Schematics of surface-charge patterning by the by removing the photoresist underneath, leaving the
photolithography method. (a) A glass substrate with pat- desired surface-charge pattern
terned photoresist is submerged in a polymer solution. (b)

a A b

Section A - A⬘

Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques, Fig. 5 (a) bidirectional shear flow. (b) A cross section A-A0 of the
Schematic plan view of longitudinal (i.e., parallel to the microchannel showing symmetric patterns on top and
electric field set up by the electrodes at both ends) surface- bottom of the channel walls
charge patterns in a microchannel which generates

a b

B B⬘ Section B - B⬘

Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques, Fig. 6 (a) generates out-of-plane vortices. (b) A cross section B-B0
Schematic plan view of transverse (i.e., perpendicular to of the microchannel showing asymmetric patterns on top
the electric field set up by the electrodes at both ends) and bottom of the channel walls
surface-charge patterns in a microchannel which

been demonstrated, namely, bidirectional shear A promising application is continuous mixing

flow (Fig. 5) [5, 6], out-of-plane vortex (Fig. 6) between two liquids or particle-laden liquids
[6, 7], and in-plane vortex (Fig. 7) [8]. These because liquid flow at the microscale is
basic flows are studied so that more complex always laminar which does not favor mixing.
flows can be understood and designed. It has already been demonstrated that the
Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems 3149 S
a b

C⬘ Section C - C⬘
Surface-Charge Patterning Techniques, Fig. 7 (a) vortices. (b) A cross section C-C0 of the microchannel
Schematic plan view of chessboard-like surface-charge showing symmetric patterns on top and bottom of the
patterns in a microchannel which generates in-plane channel walls

mixing efficiency can be significantly enhanced 7. Hau WLW, Trau DW, Sucher NJ, Wong M, Zohar
by EOF in a surface-charge patterned Y (2002) Micro flow patterns on demand using
surface-chemistry technology. In: Proceeding of
microchannel [9, 10]. MEMS 2002, Las Vegas, 20–24 Jan 2002
8. Lee LM, Hau WLW, Lee YK, Zohar T (2006)
In-plane vortex flow in microchannels generated by
Cross-References electroosmosis with patterned surface charge.
J Micromech Microeng 16(1):17–26
9. Biddiss E, Erickson D, Li D (2004) Heterogeneous
▶ AC Electro-Osmotic Flow surface charge enhanced micromixing for electroki-
▶ Electroosmotic Flow (DC) netic flows. Anal Chem 76:3208–3213
▶ Liquid-Liquid Stratified Flow in 10. Hau WLW, Leung PK, Lee LM, Lee YK, Zohar
Y (2005) Electrokinetically-driven micro mixer with
Microchannels a novel surface-charge pattern. In: Proc IEEE Robio
▶ Photolithography 2005, Hong Kong, 29 Jun–3 Jul 2005
▶ Photoresist Reflow
▶ Photoresist SU-8
▶ Self-Assembly Fabrication Surface-Directed Capillary Flow
References Michael J. Swickrath1, J. Adin Mann2 and Gary
E. Wnek3
1. Hunter RJ (2001) Foundations of colloid science. 1
Energy, Environment, and Material Sciences,
Oxford Univ Press, New York
2. Whitesides GM, Grzybowski B (2002) Self-assembly Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH, USA S
at all scales. Science 295(5564):2418 Department of Chemical Engineering, Case
3. Liu Y, Fanguy JC, Bledsoe JM, Henry CS Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
(2000) Dynamic coating using polyelectrolyte multi-
layers for chemical control of electroosmotic flow in 3
capillary electrophoresis microchips. Anal Chem Department of Macromolecular Science and
72(24):5939–5944 Engineering, Case Western Reserve University,
4. Jeon NL, Choi IS, Xu B, Whitesides GM Cleveland, OH, USA
(1999) Large-area patterning by vacuum-assisted
micromolding. Adv Mater 11(11):946–950
5. Hau WLW, Trau DW, Sucher NJ, Wong M, Zohar Synonyms
Y (2003) Surface-chemistry technology for
microfluidics. J Micromech Microeng 13:272–278 Capillary-based microfluidics; Hydrophobic/
6. Stroock AD, Weck M, Chiu DT, Huck WTS, Kenis
PJA, Ismagilov RF, Whitesides GM (2000) Patterning
hydrophilic microfluidics; Surface tension-
electro-osmotic flow with patterned surface charge. confined microfluidics; Wetting on structured
Phys Rev Lett 84(15):3314–3317 substrates
S 3150 Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems

Definition inexpensive microfluidic device is very attractive

with regard to point-of-care diagnostics. Further-
Generating surface tension gradients such as more, many more novel platform configurations
Marangoni stresses or discontinuities in surface and fabrication methods are currently being
energy, through either ▶ chemical patterning or investigated resulting in stand-alone microfluidic
▶ topographical manipulation, facilitates the systems. Specifically, spontaneous surface-
control of wettability of fluids upon that surface. directed capillary pumping of fluids with appro-
Surface-directed microfluidics is the exploitation priate surface tension and viscosity is enabled by
of this phenomenon to encourage fluid transport patterning energetic discontinuities or topograph-
through capillary interactions upon a surface- ical features upon a surface.
modified platform. Consequently, the need for However, before surface-directed
extraneous pumping components is eliminated. microfluidics can be employed toward solving
These techniques demonstrate a great capacity problems in chemistry, biology, and medicine,
to automate fluid transport providing alternative a thorough understanding of the underlying phys-
manufacturing methods for microfluidic platform ics must be established. This task becomes
development. nontrivial as fluidic miniaturization results in
dramatic changes to the fundamental physics
manifested at small length scales. For example,
Overview mass transport within microfluidic devices is
a challenge as viscous effects dominate at small
The field of microfluidics promises the capacity length scales rather than inertial effects [1]. Con-
to automate sophisticated laboratory analyses sequently, utilizing scaling arguments through
into a diminutive platform that can be dimensional analysis, the nonlinear terms in the
implemented by a user with minimal analytical Navier-Stokes equations can be neglected in
experience. Often an analogy is drawn toward the most microfluidic systems. Although the lack of
integrated circuit revolution which facilitated the inertia at small length scales seems to indicate
automation of large-scale computation. Simi- analysis of microfluidic platforms is straightfor-
larly, a great deal of optimism exists that ward, quite the opposite is true. Other nonlinear
microfluidics may have such an impact on chem- phenomena that may not be as familiar at the
istry, biology, and medicine, resulting in a drastic macroscale become apparent as surface area-to-
decrease in the amount of expensive reagent or volume ratios increase [1]. In particular,
invasive fluid samples required while enabling surface ▶ curvature and three-phase boundaries
higher degrees of throughput and must be taken into account making the analysis of
▶ parallelization. surface-directed flows substantially more
Such microfluidic devices have been success- difficult.
fully developed. However, many microfluidic With regard to surface-directed microfluidics,
devices require multiple components to imple- patterning discontinuities in surface energetics
ment fluid transport. This entry describes alterna- results in deformation of the solid–liquid contact
tive platform design to mitigate the line. Such deformations can either promote or
aforementioned problems resulting in a fully impede capillary breakup. Consequently, discon-
autonomous micro-device capable of promoting tinuous energetics serves as a mechanism to har-
capillary flow. An example of commercial ness for autonomous fluid transport. Furthermore,
microfluidic device exploiting capillarity other implications arise as a result of the capacity
includes the OneTouch ® testing strip developed to manipulate interfacial curvature at the micro-
by LifeScan, Inc. The test strip imbibes micro- scale. As the surface area-to-volume ratio expe-
volumes of blood which is introduced to a blood rienced within microfluidic devices is rather
glucose meter facilitating fast and accurate substantial, the overall shape and stability of
results. The autonomous nature of this boundaries and interfaces can be dramatically
Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems 3151 S
affected by minute amounts of surface or fluid fluid volumetric flow rate to a ratio of pressure
contaminants. Accordingly, surface-directed drop per resistance, R, in a fluid channel as devel-
microfluidic devices warrant proper surface oped by Washburn circa 1921 [2] where Acs rep-
cleaning protocols, storage procedures, and resents cross-sectional area of a fluid duct
reagent preparation to ensure reproducible and (assumed to be constant) and x represents the
reliable device function. Moreover, since time-dependent location of the ▶ meniscus
reagents may necessarily contain surface-active position:
components, adsorption dynamics may be an
important factor in capillary pumping. dx DP
Acs ¼ (1)
The breadth of this entry seeks to address dt R
a review of fabrication techniques, characteriza-
tion, and analysis of microfluidic devices Considering capillary dynamics, the pressure
implementing the surface-directed approach. drop term is often described by the Laplace equa-
Furthermore, key research findings will be expli- tion, DP = 2gH, where g represents liquid sur-
cated along with aspects of this approach requir- face tension and H represents the mean curvature
ing future investigation. As a result, the of the liquid–gas interface associated with all
methodology to implement the surface-directed curves, Ci, passing through the surface. Further-
approach will be established along with a suitable more, the character of a sufficiently smooth
record of pertinent literature regarding this novel surface is through the invariant from differential
technique. However, before doing so, a brief geometry, the principal curvature of each
diversion into the treatment of fluid physics for curve, ki. The radii of curvature are the inverse
systems exhibiting high surface area-to-volume of each principal curvature, ki = 1/ri. Consider-
ratios may lend much insight in developing ing the maximum and minimum radii of
a robust understanding and appreciation of curvature at a point on a three-dimensional sur-
capillary-driven microfluidic flow. face, the mean curvature can be calculated
explicitly (see “Appendix” for more
Surface-Directed Capillary Physics thorough derivation of the mean curvature
As previously mentioned, the analysis of parameter):
microfluidic systems can be rather difficult for  
a variety of reasons. The direct implementation 1 1 1
H¼ þ (2)
of the Navier-Stokes equations toward surface- 2 r1 r2
directed microfluidic systems requires careful
attention when considering the advection of the Curvature is usually assumed to follow
free surface and the associated curvature of this geometries that can be fit to a circle (or sphere
surface. Consequently, sophisticated computa- in the three-dimensional case) in the S
tional fluid dynamics software packages are Laplace equation; this is not typically the case
required for a comprehensive three-dimensional but usually results in a decent approximation.
analysis of the fluid transport within surface- Further, for straight paths, r2 can be
directed microfluidic devices. However, a time- considered as infinite, and approximations can
consuming comprehensive analysis may be be made for r1 [3]:
beyond the requirements of designing and
manufacturing functional surface-directed h
r1 ¼ (3)
microfluidic platforms. Consequently, empirical 2 cos yI
approximations and scaling arguments are com-
monly used in the characterization of In Eq. 3, yI indicates the contact angle at the
microfluidic physics. three-phase interface.
One common approach to treating capillary Moreover, resistance terms exist for common
microfluidic phenomena entails equating the geometries such as rectangular ducts [4]:
S 3152 Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems

" !#1 number is a measure of inertial to viscous forces

12mx h 192 X 1
tanh 2nþ1pw
RD ¼ 1 2h
[1] and is dependent upon fluid density r and
wh3 w p5 n¼0, 1, 2 ð2n þ 1Þ5
viscosity m, as well as characteristic velocity
(4) U and characteristic length scale L which can be
written as follows:
Here w represents channel width, h represents
channel height, and m represents the viscosity of rLU
Re (6)
the fluid. In the case where w h, the bracketed m
term can be neglected while maintaining suffi-
cient accuracy through the approximation. Characteristic length scales chosen depend on
By substituting Eq. 3 into Eq. 2 and subse- system geometry. For example, diameter is com-
quently utilizing modified Eqs. 2 and 4 with the monly chosen for cylindrical systems, while the
general Washburn equation, one finds that hydraulic diameter, DA = 4A/P, may be chosen
capillary dynamics tend to follow Eq. 5 with for Cartesian geometries (such as a microfluidic
a general geometry-dependent characteristic duct) in which A denotes cross-sectional area and
length scale, L [1]: P is the perimeter of the cross section. As men-
tioned earlier, the lack of turbulence in
gL cos y microfluidic devices indicates inertial effects are
x t (5) minimal. Consequently, viscous forces dominate.
Reynolds numbers characteristic of microfluidic
Consequently, the time-dependent fluid front devices are generally on the order of O(10) to
position in a surface-directed microfluidic device O(10) [1]. Furthermore, the transient time
tends to be dependent on system geometry, intrin- required to achieve this laminar flow goes
sic fluid properties, fluid-substrate interactions, according to t  rL /m. Consequently, one can

and the square root of time. This dependency see that flow in microfluidic devices tends to be
has been derived theoretically and observed for rather devoid of turbulence.
a number of capillary-driven microfluidic sys- Another relevant number in the analysis of
tems such as the ▶ v-groove geometry [5, 6]. Not- microfluidic devices in general is the Péclet num-
ing that the ratio g/m is a characteristic ber, which yields the ratio of convective transport
capillary velocity, Uc, enables the rearrangement to diffusive transport where D represents the dif-
x  (UcL cos yt)1/2. This relation perhaps leads fusion constant of a molecule within a particular
to a more tangible description of fluid-specific fluid:
capillary transport. The scaling of distance with
the square root of time has been theoretically U
Pe (7)
derived and experimentally validated in numer- D=L
ous studies [5–9].
Outside of the capillary dynamic approach, As already indicated, flow is laminar in
scaling arguments and dimensionless analysis microfluidic devices which results in great
can provide valuable insight into fluid physics difficulty in attaining adequate mixing for chem-
on the micro-/nanoliter scale. An exhaustive ical reaction processes. Scales for the general
review of these approaches has been conducted time (t  w /D) and length (z  Uw /D) to
2 2

for a variety of microfluidic techniques [1]. How- achieve mixing in low Péclet number
ever, for this article, we will strictly consider devices are known considering a channel of
scaling metrics and dimensionless numbers per- width w [1].
tinent to the surface-directed approach. An additional dimensionless number particu-
First, we will consider perhaps the most often larly important to surface-directed microfluidics
applied dimensionless number toward fluid trans- is the capillary number utilized to measure vis-
port, the Reynolds number. The Reynolds cous to interfacial forces:
Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems 3153 S
U Initial investigations focused on the relation-
Ca (8)
g=m ship between fluid morphology and surface
energy. Gau et al. investigated the shape instabil-
Surface forces tend to be inherently important ity that liquids undergo when an appropriate
for capillary-driven microfluidic devices as sur- amount of liquid is adsorbed on a hydrophobic
face area-to-volume ratios are rather high and surface patterned with hydrophilic microstripes
surface tension-induced interfacial curvature is [10]. Hydrophilic stripes were deposited via ther-
significant enough to promote capillary wicking. mal vapor deposition of MgF2 (stripe thickness
For chemically patterned devices depending on 20 nm) upon hydrophobic silicone rubber or
hydrophobic/hydrophilic confinement in particu- thiolated gold substrates. The patterned surface
lar, the capillary number must be sufficiently low was then exposed to sufficiently humid air and
(i.e., Ca  1) in order to maintain fluid confine- cooled to force the condensation of liquid upon
ment within intricate geometry implying DP  the surface. The results indicate that initially,
g/w [1]. water adsorbs forming a structure with
The above analyses lend insight into the a cylindrical cross section; however, when an
behavior of fluids within surface-directed adequate amount of water is adsorbed, instability
microfluidic devices. Now that an intuitive can occur resulting in bulge formation. This
framework of the fluid physics within instability is quite different from the classical
microfluidic platforms has been established, the Rayleigh instability; rather it is a bifurcation in
contemplation of successful platform fabrication two different morphologies of constant mean cur-
techniques and their associated applications is vature [10]. A linear stability analysis indicates
worthy of consideration. that the cylinder is locally stable so long as the
wavelength of the shape deformation l exceeds
a critical value lc, based upon the hydrophilic
Basic Methodology path width a and advancing contact angle y:

Several approaches exist to manufacture surface- " #12

directed microfluidic platforms. Examples of rel- lc ¼ 2
 p 2 a (9)
evance to this article include the chemical pat- y 
2 sin y
terning of regions exhibiting drastic and
abrupt disparity in surface energies and the Consequently, Gau suggests that it is in fact
manipulation of surface topography to influence feasible to build two-dimensional microfluidic
mean curvature. Furthermore, some alternative devices through chemical patterning techniques.
techniques will be discussed as potential applica- These results were also independently con-
tions to surface-directed microfluidics such as firmed by other groups [11]. Darhuber S
thermal actuation and passive gate fabrication et al. developed disparities in hydrophilicity on
with coatings that enable contact angle mediation [001]-oriented p-type doped silicon wafers
via photochemical reactions or the presence coated with a ▶ self-assembled monolayer of
of water. octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS). In all of the stud-
ies [10, 11], the experimental results were found
Chemical Patterning to be in good agreement with theoretically deter-
The concept of chemical patterning generally mined surface morphology through the ▶ surface
involves the deposition of hydrophobic “curbs” evolver software package. The surface evolver
upon an otherwise hydrophilic substrate. Conse- software package is an interactive tool to study
quently, capillarity can be exploited to promote the equilibrium surface shapes of liquids subject
autonomous fluid transport eliminating the to surface tensions and other energies under var-
requirement to integrate pumping equipment ious constraints. The surface evolver evolves the
into the microfluidic platform. surface toward minimal energy by a gradient
S 3154 Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems

descent method. The surface evolver software This inexpensive patterning technique, through
package is a powerful tool for the theoretical judicious patterning strategies, was shown to sup-
investigation of static surface structures of port passive micromixing and on-chip reac-
surface-directed microfluidics enabling the deter- tion [14]. Similarly, Watanabe et al. have
mination of surface curvature and quantification employed ink jet printing to pattern glass sub-
of the Laplace pressure. Most often, gravity can strates to support directed capillary transport
be neglected in the surface evolver analysis [15–19]. This technique was used to support
as indicated by the low Bond number experienced on-chip liquid-liquid extraction and reactions
in microfluidic devices (i.e., Bo  1). Specifi- [18, 19]. In other studies, the parallel plate
cally, the Bond number is a measure of body microfluidic configuration was used to separate
forces (i.e., gravity) per surface forces (i.e., cap- polar/nonpolar active agents used to treat cardio-
illarity) where Dr indicates the change in vascular and cerebrovascular diseases from
density across a surface, g is the gravitational Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza [20]. The combination
constant, L is a characteristic length of the capil- of inexpensive fabrication processes and capabil-
lary cross section, and g is the surface tension of ity to support on-chip separations and reactions
the fluid: demonstrate the utility of this microfluidic
DrgL2 Results from the development of these parallel
Bo (10)
g plate surface-directed microfluidic have resulted
in optimal device geometry recommendations.
These findings were later extended toward the The optimal aspect ratio, defined as width
development of autonomous microfluidic plat- per height of the device, has been determined
forms employing surface-directed fluid transport. through free energy considerations [3]. To ensure
Several studies indicate that microfluidic plat- spontaneous capillary flow, the aspect ratio
forms can be manufactured by chemically pat- must follow Eq. 11 which indicates that the
terning substrates in combination with height of the device b must always be less than
correspondingly patterned (or in some cases the width of the device a, and the capacity to
unpatterned) lids in a parallel plate arrangement promote fluid flow is subject to the
[7, 12, 13]. Figure 1 demonstrates the approach magnitude of the advancing contact angle of the
utilized to develop such devices. Figure 1a and b hydrophilic path. The development of Eq. 11
demonstrates the configuration of a device fabri- follows arguments based upon the ▶ Laplace
cated with hydrophobic commodity polymers pressure drop associated with interfacial
patterned on both bottom and top substrates curvature [3]:
with a hydrophilic silica sol-gel material
[12]. Figure 1c exhibits the fluid front, deter- b
 cos y (11)
mined through computational fluid dynamics, of a
a device (Fig. 1d) where the bottom substrate is
composed of a hydrophilic borosilicate wafer Consequently, as the advancing contact angle
patterned with hydrophobic plasma-polymerized increases toward the 90 limit for spontaneous
hexafluoropropene barriers developed photolith- flow, the capacity of the device to promote capil-
ographically. The top substrate in Fig. 1c and d is lary flow diminishes drastically.
indiscriminately hydrophobic. Furthermore, devices have been developed
In recent investigations, chemically patterned demonstrating reactions and passive valves with
parallel plate devices have been made using tech- self-assembled monolayers of OTS via either
nologies amenable to mass production. For multi-stream laminar flow or photolithography
example, Swickrath and colleagues have used [12, 13]. The pressure-sensitive valves were dem-
screen-printing techniques to pattern cellulose onstrated with silane solutions and water with
acetate on a polyvinyl chloride substrate [8, 14]. trace amounts of rhodamine-B for visualization
Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems 3155 S
Surface-Directed a
Capillary Flow Systems,
Fig. 1 Surface-directed inlet
microfluidic device
fabricated via sol-gel
processing (a) with
a demonstration of the
configuration of device and
(b) the implementation of
the device with colored fluid
for visualization [12]. spacers
(c) Computational fluid
dynamic representation of
the fluid front of a device
fabricated with a patterned
bottom substrate and inlet
hydrophobic top substrate.
(d) The implementation of
the device with an
unpatterned top substrate [7]

c hydrophilic hydrophobic

liquid mensicus

500 μm

purposes. The maximum pressure experienced 2g  p

DPMax ¼ sin yN  (12)
based on capillarity was determined for these b 2
devices dependent upon device geometry, liquid
surface tension g, and the advancing contact Furthermore, an application requiring a large
angle for the nonpolar hydrophobic region yN interfacial surface area is demonstrated with an
[12, 13]: acidified gas and phosphate buffer neutralization
S 3156 Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems

in the presence of indicator. This investigation approach may be advantageous for applications
also presents conditions for critical width and requiring uninhibited gas exchange such as tissue
curve radius that fluid can make under spontane- engineering.
ous flow conditions [13]. Furthermore, through Lastly, the surface-directed approach is not
energy minimization considerations, Lam without limitations. Due to the inherent simplic-
et al. independently derive and demonstrate ity associated with these devices, flow control
Eq. 11 is in excellent agreement between theoret- and mixing become an issue. Moreover, paths
ical and experimental results [12]. Consequently, with bifurcations pose a challenge to flow control
Eq. 11 can be derived through an alternative but as fluid does not discriminate between paths to
equally valid approach. flow across. Specifically, preferentially control-
An additional method regarding the fabrica- ling which path a particular fluid travels across is
tion of surface-directed microfluidic devices difficult, at best. In addition, flow within
entails chemically pattering plasma-polymerized microfluidic devices tends to be laminar render-
hexafluoropropene coating photolithographically ing turbulent mixing is difficult to achieve, at best
upon a hydrophilic borosilicate wafer [7]. Conse- [1]. However, one may be able to overcome this
quently, such a drastic differential in wettability predicament by strategically patterning resis-
is established that only one patterned substrate is tance upon the device surface although this has
required and can be coupled with a hydrophobic yet to be employed within a two-dimensional
top substrate. The advantage of this approach is chemically patterned platform.
that it eliminates the tedious necessity for proper Although much work still exists before chem-
alignment for top and bottom substrates. The ically patterned devices provide novel solutions
investigators of this approach present to problems in chemistry, biology, and medicine,
a theoretical model to predict fluid front position many of the reports discussed are encouraging
versus time based upon a conservation of regarding the capacity of surface-directed
momentum approach and discuss the similarities microfluidic devices to support autonomous
between their model and an analogous model chemical processes.
derived for cylindrical capillaries:
Topographical Manipulation
d2 ðx2 Þ 12m dðx2 Þ 2g½2a  bð cos y1 þ cos y2 Þ An alternative paradigm to facilitating capillary
þ 2 þ ¼0
dt2 ra dt rab wicking via the surface-directed technique
(13) includes deliberately manipulating the topography
of a device to control interfacial curvature. This
In this relation, x denotes the fluid front posi- approach to surface-directed microfluidics gener-
tion as a function of time t, system architectures ally exploits the fact that capillary-based flow can
a and b, and intrinsic material properties includ- occur where the corners meet as a consequence
ing contact angles of the fluid upon the hydro- of the diminishing radius of curvature at the
philic and hydrophobic materials y1 and y2, intersection [21]. However, for this flow to occur
respectively. The solution to this second-order spontaneously, the Concus-Finn condition must be
ordinary differential equation with respect to fulfilled considering the advancing contact angle
meniscus position squared can be solved rela- y, as well as the corner half-angle a [22]:
tively easy through numerical techniques. The
solution determined by the investigators of this p
y< a (14)
approach is in excellent agreement with experi- 2
mental results [7]. Furthermore, the investigators
demonstrated that confluent monolayers of cells This technique has been rigorously studied for
could be cultured in their apparatus and proteins the determination of equilibrated liquid morphol-
could be selectively adsorbed upon the device ogy on structured surfaces such as rectangular
surface [7]. Consequently, the surface-directed channels and in v-grooves [5, 6]. In the case of
Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems 3157 S
Surface-Directed a
Capillary Flow Systems, D F+ F−
Fig. 2 Demonstration of
equilibrated liquid structure
based on system geometry
and advancing contact
angle. Characteristic
X = 0.15, θ = 75 X = 0.3, θ = 75 X = 0.55, θ = 48
features include droplet
(D), filament (F), pinned
wedges (pW), and corner F+/pW F−/pW F−/cW
wedges (cW). The +/
signs indicate whether the
▶ Laplace pressure
associated with each
morphology is positive or
X = 0.1, θ = 40 X = 0.3, θ = 25 X = 0.35, θ = 35
negative, respectively [23]

b 100
80 F+
contact angle θ [deg]

60 D/pW

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
aspect ratio X

rectangular channels, a map has been constructed Fig. 3b demonstrates the experimental platform
enabling the a priori determination of ultimate used to conduct the studies [5, 6]. Two models
liquid morphology based upon the contact angle were developed characterizing the capillary
of the substrate and aspect ratio of the duct cross dynamics. The first model considers
section [23]. Figure 2 illustrates this morpholog- a hydrodynamic approach where the driving
ical dependency on fluid properties and system force is a result of pressure drop across a curved S
architecture. The associated syntax addresses interface. The second model depends strictly
features characteristic of each morphological upon the total interfacial energy change while
regime. Results were calculated theoretically neglecting the shape of the curved interface. In
with the surface evolver software package and both cases, flow was demonstrated to always
were found to be in good agreement with exper- follow a relation of the following form where
imental results investigated through AFM [23]. K(a, y) is a geometric parameter dependent on
Furthermore, the v-groove morphology has system geometry and contact angle:
been thoroughly investigated, and relations for g 1
capillary dynamics have been developed [5, 6]. x ¼ K ða, yÞh0 t2 (15)
Several alcohols with g/m ratios ranging from
46 to 970 cm/s were studied in grooves of varying The results of these analyses demonstrate that
geometry machined into a copper substrate. Fig- the three-phase contact line location follows the
ure 3a illustrates the groove geometry, while square root of time. Coumarin fluorescent dye
S 3158 Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems

Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems, Fig. 3 Illustration of v-groove experiments (a) with the demonstration of
system architecture and (b) the experimental platform utilized in the study [6]

was utilized in small quantities to develop suffi- capillary flow. However, an unwanted artifact
cient contrast of the three-phase line under UV resulting from the inherent simplicity of these
irradiation for the comparison of experimental devices is that flow modulation is particularly
data to the models. The investigators of this difficult. This drawback is especially hindering
approach conclude that exhaustive solutions to for systems requiring the controlled introduction
the capillary flow model can be realized; how- and the selective guidance of fluids across intri-
ever, approximations via Eq. 15 can be employed cate geometry. This section intends to introduce
for sufficiently accurate predictive models [5, 6]. several techniques that have been or could be
As demonstrated through the referenced liter- employed to guide fluids in specific directions.
ature, topographical manipulation provides the One such mechanism to control flow direc-
capacity to induce capillary wicking through tionality or rate includes manipulating
interfacial curvature modulation. As a result, ▶ thermocapillary shear stresses at the liquid-air
one can exploit techniques such as photolithog- interface upon a substrate with a temperature gra-
raphy, chemical etching, and even three- dient to facilitate fluid transport [24]. This tech-
dimensional machining to produce features pro- nique has been demonstrated through patterning
moting curvature management. Consequently, a SiO2 wafer with hydrophobic strips of
the approach of topographical manipulation is octadecyltrichlorosilane and coupling this sub-
yet another straightforward but viable technique strate with a heater array to induce temperature
to produce surface-directed fluid transport. gradients [24]. The driving force for such
thermocapillary-induced flow is through local
Flow Modulation Techniques heating that can reduce the liquid surface tension
As already established in previous sections, the producing thermocapillary shear stress [24]:
surface-directed approach to microfluidic system
fabrication produces autonomously functioning et ^
n ¼ ∇g ¼ ∇T (16)
devices with little rigor associated regarding
implementation. This is a direct implication of For liquids, @g/@T is essentially temperature
the fact that the driving force for flow exploits independent indicating that the driving force
capillary interactions producing spontaneous is ∇T. This effect induces fluid transit from
Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems 3159 S

Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems, through a 1,000 mm wide intersection (elapsed time =
Fig. 4 (a–e) Thermal-induced division of a drop of 104 s). (j–l) Dodecane drop thermally guided across
dodecane on a selectively wetting strip 1,000 mm wide a 90 angle in a 1,000 mm wide intersection (elapsed
(elapsed time = 8.5 s). (f–i) Dodecane drop propelled time = 164 s) [24]

warmer areas to cooler areas of a substrate. yielding a more hydrophobic surface when wet
Figure 4 demonstrates the capacity to control [25]. This mechanism has been found to be revers-
fluid progression utilizing this technique. As ible and could potentially serve as method to
demonstrated, fluid can be directionally guided design passive gates between aqueous and
down required pathways and even across nonaqueous solutions. This material could also
90 angles. Furthermore, models have been be utilized to selectively pattern regions to impede S
developed with a lubrication equation approach fluid flow rate.
and found to be in good agreement with the Another example of a coating technique
experimental results [24]. presenting a feasible solution to developing wet-
Other techniques provide the potential to pro- tability modulation includes employing light-
duce wettability modulation upon chemically pat- sensitive compounds such as spiropyrans. These
terned substrates. For example, ▶ contraphilic photoisomerizable compounds can undergo an
polyurethane materials exist exhibiting an 83 11–14 reversible decrease in contact angle
contact angle when dry but a 108 contact angle when light is switched from the visible region to
in the presence of water [25]. The proposed mech- ultraviolet [26]. This photocapillary modulation
anism is that amide inter-/intramolecular hydrogen technique could be utilized to control the Laplace
bonding occurs in the dry and moderately hydro- pressure, and therefore the flow rate, in
philic state, while surface-confined amide-water a microfluidic channel coated with spiropyran
hydrogen bonding releases semifluorinated groups compounds.
S 3160 Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems

While the surface-directed approach to root of time and is dependent upon fluid-substrate
manufacturing microfluidic platforms leads to properties and system geometry as demonstrated
straightforward and inexpensive chips, its wide- in Eq. 5. Interestingly, Mann et al. [5, 6] found
scale application is somewhat limited since chip that a dynamic contact angle was not required to
materials, geometry, and fluid properties physi- fit their experimental data to theoretical predic-
cally fix flow rate and pressure drop since these tions. Furthermore, surface-directed microfluidic
are characteristics of capillarity. Consequently, platforms can adequately be characterized as
the surface-directed technologies need to be aug- exhibiting low Reynolds, Péclet, capillary, and
mented to support more complicated assays and Bond number flow. Subsequently, flow in
reactions. Xing et al. have developed bidirec- surface-directed devices tends to be rather lami-
tional pumps to integrate with these technologies nar with transport being dominated by diffusion
to provide a means to manipulate fluid flow with surface forces outcompeting body forces
[27]. Hong and Pan developed a single-step lith- such as gravity, respectively.
ographic process to generate microfluidic chips Chemical patterning and topographical
with superhydrophobic boundaries in which manipulation techniques have successfully pro-
analog-to-digital stereo flow is used to provide duced autonomous devices for fluid transport. In
spatiotemporal flow control [28, 29]. Chao and some cases, reaction processes have been inte-
Meldrum have exploited Marangoni effects to grated within these devices. However, this field is
create oscillatory flow in a surface-directed ripe with opportunity regarding the implementa-
microfluidic chip [30]. These efforts represent tion of surface-directed platforms toward devel-
significant advances in modulating capillary oping platforms that conduct reactive and
flow. However, the field of flow modulation in diagnostic analyses. Preliminary diversion into
surface-directed microfluidics is currently still theory has provided some relations that can be
emerging, and novel flow control methods are utilized for intelligent device optimization; how-
a necessity before integrating complex reaction ever, a great deal of investigation needs to be
processes into an on-chip format can be realized. addressed before a comprehensive understanding
of device function is established.
Surface-directed microfluidic devices are
Key Research Findings inherently simple. Consequently, flow modula-
tion is a concern. Methods have been employed
As demonstrated within this entry, the surface- to gain more control over flow such as mechani-
directed microfluidic approach offers a simple cal actuation and thermocapillary induction.
method for fabrication and implementation of Moreover, material coatings provide the potential
microanalytical systems. This burgeoning field for the development of flow rate impediment and
offers great opportunity to resolve problems asso- passive gate introduction through contraphilism
ciated with more complicated microfluidic sys- or light mediation.
tems. Though this approach is rather new, several
findings have already been established which
may be of particular importance to investigators Future Directions for Research
initiating research in this field.
From a fluid physics perspective, rigorous The surface-directed microfluidic approach pre-
solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are not sents a manufacturing methodology involving
immediately realizable as a consequence of the minimal rigor. Furthermore, surface-directed
poor understanding of slip velocities associated devices are devoid of extraneous mechanical/
with boundary conditions in microfluidic sys- electrical components which can lead to compo-
tems. However, alternative approaches toward nent malfunction and overall device failure. As
developing dynamic flow models indicate menis- a consequence of the inherent simplicity of
cus position progresses according to the square surface-directed microfluidic devices,
Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems 3161 S
implementation of the platform is straightforward at a constant composition and temperature is as
and requires limited analytical experience. How- follows:
ever, before wide-scale deployment of surface-
ð ð
directed microfluidic devices can be realized, pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
O  O0 ¼ ½p xðt, x, yÞ adxdy þ adxdy
a more comprehensive understanding of the Ao Ao
underlying physics needs to be conducted. Cer- (17)
tain phenomena play a larger role in fluid physics
as liquid samples approach the nanoliter scale. where [p] is the pressure drop (DP) across the
For example, long-ranged intermolecular interac- interface and a is a geometric parameter:
tions, thermal fluctuations such as capillary
 2  2ffi
waves, and the influence of the molecular struc-
@x @x
ture of the fluid all inherit a greater capacity to a¼ 1þ þ (18)
affect fluid physics as surface area-to-volume @x @y
ratios decrease. To realize greater degrees of
parallelization and high throughput, a better the- Considering that the surface x(t, x, y) is arbi-
oretical framework is a necessity regarding trary and the associated derivatives are small, the
microfluidics as a whole encompassing the free energy function is simplified:
surface-directed technique. Lastly, fluid sample ð
pretreatment techniques are of great consider- O  O0 ¼ ½p xdxdy
ation to ensure reproducible and reliable function Ao
ð "    #
of devices as only minimal amounts of contami- 1 @x 2 1 @x 2
nants are required to influence capillary dynamics þ g 1þ þ dxdy
Ao 2 @x 2 @y
in surface-directed devices. A comprehensive lit-
erature review exists as a basis for microfluidic (19)
sample pretreatment [31]; however, these find-
Let d be the variational operator and consider
ings need to be extended to the surface-directed
that x(t, x, y) and the derivatives of x(t, x, y) are
approach to enhance platform reliability.
equal to zero on the boundary, @Ao, over which
Addressing such concerns may expedite the
the variation function is determined. Moreover, it
application of the surface-directed microfluidics
is implicitly assumed that d[p] = 0 and dg = 0:
toward current problems in chemistry, biology,
and medicine. ð
dO ¼ ½p dxdxdy
Cross-References @x @dx @x @dx
þ g þ dxdy (20)
Ao @x @x @y @y S
▶ Capillary Filling
▶ Capillary Force Valves Utilizing integration by parts on the second
▶ Surface-Tension-Driven Flow integral further simplifies the variation in free
▶ Thermocapillary Pumping energy:
▶ Wetting and Spreading
ð 2 ð
@ x @2x
dO ¼ ½p dxdxdy  g þ dxdxdy
Appendix Ao Ao @x2 @y2
Considering a Monge surface of area Ao in Car-
tesian coordinates, x(t, x, y), the change in free Because Ao is arbitrary and dx is small, but an
energy required to curve this surface with respect otherwise arbitrary variation, an explicit pressure
to a flat surface with a reference free energy, O0, drop dependence becomes apparent:
S 3162 Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems

@2x @2x 15. Watanabe M (2009) Formation of a water-xylene
0 ¼ ½ p  g þ (22) interface in a microchannel without sidewalls. Anal
@x2 @y2 Chem 81(19):8213–8218
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pressure, DP = 2gH, the mean curvature of the 9(8):1143–1146
17. Watanabe M (2010) Microfluidic devices easily cre-
Monge surface can be reconstructed leading ated using an office inkjet printer. Microfluid
directly to the result in Eq. 2. Nanofluid 8(3):403–408
18. Watanabe M (2011) An inkjet-printed microfluidic
device for liquid–liquid extraction. Analyst
References 19. Watanabe M, Eiwa Y, Tokunaga S (2011) Suitable
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Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 3163 S
Considering an electromagnetic field oscillating
Surface-Enhanced Raman with the frequency o0, i.e., E = E0 cos o0t, and
Spectroscopy a molecule vibrating with the frequency oR, as
well as the dependency of the polarizability from
Dana Cialla-May1,2, Anne M€arz1 and the nuclear motion q of the molecule, Eq. 1 can be
J€urgen Popp1,2 remodeled:
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Abbe Center  
of Photonics, Friedrich–Schiller–University 1 @a
m ¼ a0 E0 cos o0 t þ q E0 cos ðo0  oR Þt
Jena, Jena, Germany 2 @q 0 0
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology 1 @a
þ q E0 cos ðo0  oR Þt
(IPHT), Jena, Germany 2 @q 0 0

Synonyms with a0 being the polarizability at the equilibrium

geometry and q0 the amplitude of the molecular
SERS; Surface-enhanced Raman scattering  
vibration q, and @a
@q describes the change of the
polarizability with respect to the nuclear
Definition coordinate.
The first part of Eq. 2 a0E0 cos o0t represents
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) the Rayleigh scattering – the elastic scattering of
is a highly sensitive optical detection technique light at a molecule. Rayleigh scattering is char-
in which lasers are used to excite vibrational acterized by the fact that the frequency of the
transitions in a molecule adsorbed on or close to incident electromagnetic field E is equal to the
a nanostructured plasmonic metal surface. As frequency of the scattered light. The other two
a result of large optical fields due to the excitation parts in Eq. 2 represent the inelastic light scatter-
of plasmonic resonances, the Raman cross sec- ing, where the scattered frequency differs from
tion for a molecule on a surface is enhanced by the frequency of the incident light o0. The case of
factors of 104–1010. a decreased scattered frequency (o0oR) is
called Stokes Raman scattering. The increased
scattering frequency (o0 + oR) is called anti-
Overview Stokes Raman scattering. While this classical
description of the Raman scattering process
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) provides a general understanding, a quantum
is based on the amplification of the Raman mechanical picture is required for a quantitative S
effect – the inelastic scattering of light at characterization. Quantum mechanically Raman
molecules – at nanostructured metal surfaces. If scattering is diagrammed as inelastic light scat-
light is scattered at molecules, a dipole moment tering of photons from a quantized system (see
m is induced to the molecule by an incident elec- Fig. 1). An incident photon with the frequency
tromagnetic field E as described in Eq. 1. Here, o0 brings a molecule into a virtual state – short-
a represents the polarizability of the lived eigenstate of the whole system (molecule
molecule – a measure to what extent the electric and photon) – either from the vibrational ground
field E is able to disturb the electron density of state Ei (Stokes) or an excited vibrational state Ef
a molecule out of its equilibrium configuration: (anti-Stokes). In case of Stokes scattering,
the molecule returns into an excited vibrational
m ¼ a  E (1) states Ef.
S 3164 Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

enhancement of the Raman signal intensity as the

intensity shows a dependency to the fourth power
of the frequency. A third option is to utilize the
frequency dependency of the polarizability a. In
case of an electronic resonant excitation, i.e., the
Raman excitation wavelength that falls into an
electronic absorption band is increased which
leads to an enhancement of the Raman signal by
up to six orders of magnitude. This Raman signal
enhancement approach is called resonance
Raman spectroscopy. SERS enhancement is
based on the increasing incident intensity I0 and
the polarizability a. In doing so, I0 is increased by
inducing an enhanced electromagnetic field at
a nanostructured metal surface. This enhance-
ment mechanism is called the electromagnetic
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,
Fig. 1 Schematic scheme for process of Stokes and enhancement mechanism (vide infra). The polar-
anti-Stokes Raman scattering izability can be increased due to molecule-metal
interactions, which is called the chemical
enhancement mechanism (vide infra). The over-
Thus, a Stokes scattering process leads to all enhancement of SERS is between 104 and
inelastically scattered photons with lower fre- 1010. The electromagnetic enhancement contrib-
quencies as compared to the incident photons. utes much more to the overall enhancement as
For the anti-Stokes case, the scattered photons compared to the chemical enhancement. The
exhibit higher frequencies compared to the inci- chemical enhancement features an enhancement
dent laser light as the molecules end up in the of approximately 102. The electromagnetic and
vibrational ground state Ei. Comparing both chemical contributions to the total enhancement
effects of Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman scatter- are hard to separate. The SERS effect is observed
ing, it has to be mentioned that the anti-Stokes with nanostructured noble metals. The most com-
Raman effect is much weaker than the Stokes as mon metals are silver, gold, and copper.
the population of excited vibrational states at The difference of Raman spectroscopy and
room temperature is rather low according to the SERS is highlighted in Fig. 2. On the left side,
Boltzmann law. Overall Raman scattering is an Raman spectra of the antibiotic ampicillin are
intrinsically weak effect since just one out of 106 shown. The Raman spectrum of the solid sub-
photons is scattered inelastically. For further stance exhibits molecular information of ampi-
explanation, we just consider the Stokes Raman cillin. If a Raman spectrum of an aqueous
scattering. The intensity of the Stokes Raman solution of ampicillin with a concentration of
scattering can be expressed by the following 0.1 mol/l is detected, no significant fingerprint
equation: information of the molecule can be seen any-
more. For the detection of SERS spectra, silver
IStokes ¼ const: • I0  ðo0  oR Þ4 • jaj2 (3) nanoparticles can be added to the analyte solu-
tion, allowing for the recording of SERS spectra
From Eq. 3, different possibilities to enhance the of an aqueous ampicillin solution with concen-
weak Raman scattering intensity can be deduced. trations down to 106 mol/l (see Fig. 2, right
The first option would be increasing the incident side). This nicely demonstrates the enhancement
laser intensity I0. Secondly, an increase of the of the Raman scattering sensitivity by utilizing
Raman excitation frequency o0 would cause an the SERS effect.
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 3165 S
Raman Spectroscopy,
Fig. 2 Raman spectra and
molecular structure of
ampicillin (left) and SERS
spectra of ampicillin (right)

Basic Methodology If an incident laser light E0 interacts with the

metal nanosphere, a collective movement of
Electromagnetic Enhancement the electrons against the atomic cores of the
The electromagnetic enhancement mechanism metals – a so-called surface plasmon – is induced.
features the major contribution to the overall The interaction of the surface plasmons and the
enhancement of SERS. It is based on the genera- incident laser light causes the so-called localized
tion of an electromagnetic field at the surface of surface plasmon polaritons, resulting in an eva-
nanostructured metal surfaces due to the interac- nescent electromagnetic field Een, which is emit-
tion of an incident electromagnetic field and ted from the nanoparticle. The signal intensity
the excitation of localized surface plasmon achieved for SERS depends on the absolute
polaritons. To explain this phenomenon in more square of the emitted field Een, which can be
detail, a simple model can be used. A simple simplified written as follows:
metal nanosphere with a size smaller than the
wavelength of the incident light is considered E2eu ¼ E20 jgj2 1 þ 2 cos2 y (6)
for this purpose. This metal nanosphere is
surrounded by a medium or vacuum with a E0 represents the electromagnetic field of the S
dielectric constant e0, and all appearing processes incident laser light, y is the angle relative to the
are assumed to be quasi-static. The dielectric beam direction, and g is given by
constant inside the metal nanosphere es is inde-
pendent of the size of the sphere and is described es  e0
g¼ (7)
as follows: es þ 2e0

es ¼ n 2 (4) Considering Eqs. 6 and 7, it can be concluded

that there are two aspects significantly influenc-
n ¼ n0 þ ik (5) ing the field intensity: on the one hand, an
angle y of 0 and 180 results in the highest
where n is the refractive index, n0 is the disper- field intensity and, on the other hand, the
sion, and k represents the index of absorption. value of g plays an important role. If g is
S 3166 Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Raman Spectroscopy,
Fig. 3 Schematic scheme
of processes appearing for
the electromagnetic
enhancement mechanism

maximal, high field intensity is achieved. g 2. An electronic resonant excitation of a charge

becomes maximal for the so-called plasmon res- transfer transition between molecule and
onance condition, that is, if the real part of es is nanostructured metal surface can result in
approximately 2e0 and the imaginary part of es a signal enhancement.
is equal to zero. Consequently, this means that the As absorption does not take place in any cases,
excitation wavelength of the incident laser light respectively, as the excitation of the chemical
for SERS experiments has to be resonant to the enhancement does not necessarily overlap with
absorption profile of the nanostructured metal the excitation of the electromagnetic enhance-
substrate under the given experimental ment, there is not always a contribution of chem-
conditions. ical enhancement to the overall SERS
Figure 3 shows a schematic overview of the enhancement.
electromagnetic enhancement: E0.and Een affect
the molecule and a dipole is induced (see Eq. 2).
Selection Rules
The electromagnetic field emitted by the mole-
Significant differences between an SERS spec-
cule due to the induced dipole Edip can reach an
trum of a molecule and a normal Raman or infra-
external detector or is additionally enhanced due
red (IR) spectrum might be observed. On the one
the metal surface in the vicinity to the molecule.
hand, it is possible that bands which are consid-
The sum of Edip and the additionally enhanced
ered as Raman and IR inactive appear within an
dipole field Esc represent the total signal noticed
SERS spectrum. On the other hand, Raman active
by the external detector.
bands do not necessarily appear within an SERS
spectrum. These phenomena can be attributed to
Chemical Enhancement
the complexity of the SERS enhancement mech-
Besides the electromagnetic enhancement,
anism. The selection rules for SERS are changed
a second enhancement mechanism, the chemical
as compared to normal Raman spectroscopy, but
enhancement, has to be considered for SERS.
also additional aspects have to be considered. The
This chemical enhancement contributes with
changing of the selection rules can be explained
two orders of magnitude to the overall SERS
by the interaction of the molecule and the SERS-
enhancement. The chemical enhancement is
active substrate. This interaction might influence
based on the absorption of the molecule onto the
the symmetry of the molecule that is why the
metal surface. Different events can cause an
selection rule for Raman spectroscopy
enhancement for such absorbed molecules on  
the metal surface: @q 6¼ 0 (see Eq. 2) can be fulfilled for modes
1. Chemical interaction of the molecule and usually inactive regarding normal Raman spec-
nanostructured metal in the ground state, troscopy. As SERS is based on an evanescent
which does not include excitation of the sys- field at a nanostructured metal surface, which
tem, can feature a signal enhancement. affects molecules in close proximity to the
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 3167 S
surface, further aspects have to be considered (EF), and the analytical enhancement factor
when interpreting SERS spectra. The evanescent (AEF).
field itself causes differences within the SERS SMEF is applied to account for single-
spectrum as compared to a normal Raman spec- molecule detection, which is reported to be
trum, since for normal Raman spectroscopy, an achievable by SERS. SMEF can be simplified
integrative electromagnetic field acts on the expressed by
whole molecule (field gradient Raman effect).
Furthermore, the field vector of the evanescent I SM
electromagnetic field emitted by the metal SMEF ¼ SERS (8)
nanostructure is perpendicular to the surface.
Hence, just vibrational modes with a contri-
where I SM
SERS represents the SERS
SM  signal intensity
bution perpendicular to the metal surface get
of a single molecule and I RS is the average
excited and appear within the SERS spectrum.
Raman intensity per molecule. This enhancement
These so-called surface selection rules can
factor is difficult to estimate as it depends on
cause, e.g., changes in band ratios in dependence
several aspects: for example, the orientation of
of the analyte concentration. Figure 2 displays
the molecule on the SERS substrate with respect
the SERS spectra of different ampicillin
to the evanescent field as well as the geometry of
concentrations, and it can be seen that the
the SERS substrate with respect to the polariza-
marked bands change its intensity ratio
tion of the incident laser light and its directions at
for different concentrations. Compared to the
the measurement point has to be known. Hence,
band at approximately 1,550 cm1, the band at
the SMEF is mostly considered for theoretical
approximately 1,200 cm1 decreases much more
with decreasing concentration, and the band
The EF which allows one to consider the suit-
ratio reverses. A possible explanation is a
ability of a substrate is widely used as the devel-
reorientation of the analyte molecule at the
opment of novel SERS substrates is of major
surface. For lower concentration, there is more
interest in research. The EF can be described as
space at the metal surface, and a change in the
orientation of the molecule with respect to
the surface is possible. Remembering the fact
I SERS =N Surf
that just vibrations with a perpendicular contri- EF ¼ (9)
bution to the surface are excited, a change in the I RS =N Vol
orientation of the molecule can influence this
contribution and therefore the resulting SERS whereas ISERS is the SERS signal intensity and
spectrum. NSurf is the number of molecules absorbed at the
surface within the scattering volume. For the S
Enhancement Factors comparison with non-SERS (Raman) measure-
The enhancement factor is a measure which ments, IRS represents the average Raman signal
allows a quantification of the signal increase intensity, and NVol is the number of molecules in
when using SERS as compared to normal the scattering volume. For this enhancement fac-
Raman spectroscopy. There are several tor, the estimation of the number of molecules,
different issues that can or have to be considered which are involved and have to be considered,
when determining an enhancement factor. There- can be difficult especially for SERS experiments.
fore, different kinds of enhancement factors, First, the scattering volume has to be estimated.
respectively, and different modes of calculations For SERS, also the density of molecules at the
can be found in the literature. Three common surface must be evaluated. To get a deeper insight
enhancement factors for SERS are the single- concerning these estimations, the reader is
molecule enhancement factor (SMEF), an referred to advanced literature (see section
enhancement factor considering SERS substrates References).
S 3168 Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, of nanosphere lithography, (f, g) nanoparticles arranged

Fig. 4 Overview of the broad diversity of SERS sub- within an optical fiber, and (h) regular patterned gold
strates: (a) aggregates of silver nanoparticles fabricated nanorhomb structures applying electron beam lithogra-
by means of a modified Lee-Meisel protocol, (b) aggre- phy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (a–c, e–h)
gates of gold nanoparticles, (c) enzymatic generated silver and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (d) were
nanoparticles with flowerlike shape, (d) nanosized gold applied to record the images (Reprinted with permission
cores coated by a silica shell for an application as SERS from Cialla et al. Anal Bioanal Chem (2012) 403:27–54.
label, (e) silver nanotriangle structures prepared by means Copyright Springer-Verlag 2011)

The most common enhancement factor is the characterization of a substrates or the comparison
analytical enhancement factor (AEF), which is of different substrates. However, it allows one to
defined as follows: draw a simple and fast conclusion on SERS mea-
surements for specific molecules under given
I SERS =CSERS conditions.
AEF ¼ (10)

where ISERS and IRS represent the SERS signal Key Research Findings
intensity and Raman signal intensity, respec-
tively. CSERS and CRS are the respective concen- Since the discovery of the SERS effect in 1974,
trations of the analyte molecule. The AEF is the the number of publication on this topic increased
most feasible enhancement factor for standard exponentially. Of major interest is the develop-
SERS experiments. For the evaluation of the ment of suitable SERS-active substrates. On the
AEF, the SERS and Raman measurements have one hand, research focuses on the development of
to be carried out under the same conditions reproducible SERS substrates. On the other hand,
concerning laser power, microscope objective, SERS substrates are specifically designed for
excitation wavelength, etc. This is necessary as a particular application. Figure 4 presents differ-
enhancement factors in general depended on sev- ent kinds of SERS-active substrates. Widely used
eral aspects, e.g., on the excitation wavelength, SERS substrates are colloid solutions as shown in
the Raman peak wavenumber applied for the Fig. 4a, b. Figure 4a presents aggregated silver
AEF calculation, and the measured analyte mol- colloid prepared according to Lee and Meisel. In
ecule. However, for the AEF, many dependencies cluster arranged gold nanoparticles are shown in
are ignored. The AEF is not applicable for the Fig. 4b. Colloids are easy to prepare and easy to
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 3169 S
handle. However, the reproducibility is low, and scanning probe microscopy. A single
the SERS enhancement depends on the aggrega- nanoantenna is used to scan a sample surface,
tion of the nanoparticles. Therefore, the develop- and a spatial resolution between approximately
ment of more reproducible preparation 2 and 10 nm is achieved.
procedures and alternative substrates is gaining Another approach of great interest for
importance. Figure 4c presents silver bioanalytics is the combination of SERS with
nanoflowers prepared by enzymatic induced sil- microfluidic devices. This combination features
ver deposition. These nanoflowers are well suited the advantages of high measurement throughput,
as SERS-active substrates due to their unique high reproducibility concerning the SERS mea-
nanostructure. Another possibility for SERS- surements, easy handling of small sample vol-
active substrates is the SERS tags like shown in umes, and the possibility to carry out
Fig. 4d, which are used for labeled SERS detec- monitoring experiments. Microfluidics is applied
tion in bioanalytics. The one shown in Fig. 4d in combination with SERS for the preparation of
consists of a gold core coated with a silica shell. suitable SERS-active substrates as well as detec-
On top of the gold core marker molecules, tion or sample preparation platforms. Here, the
exhibiting large Raman scattering cross sections approach of segmented flow in microfluidics for
are deposited as label. The silica shell protects the SERS application shows great potential.
label molecule. One common approach to utilize
such SERS tags is to cover the tags with biomol-
ecules, e.g., antibodies which result in a specific Future Directions for Research
linkage to an analyte molecule. A lot of effort is
also put in SERS-active substrates prepared by The future direction for the research in this area
lithography. Figure 4e shows a substrate pro- will be focused on the improvement of SERS in
duced via nanosphere lithography resulting in a way to use it as standard analytical detection
regular arranged metallic triangles. The regular method. Here, the combination of SERS with
gold nanorhombs shown in Fig. 4h were pro- microfluidic shows great potential and will be
duced via electron beam lithographic top-down pushed further.
fabrication. These substrates are complex to pre-
pare but highly reproducible. Another advantage
of such substrates is that they can be designed Cross-References
application oriented. A further approach for
SERS-active substrates is the integration of ▶ Biosensors Using Surface-Enhanced Raman
nanoparticles in fibers as shown in Fig. 4f, g. Scattering
Here, nanoparticles are deposited within an opti-
cal fiber working as a template structure. The idea S
behind this approach is the development of an
optical fiber sensor easy to apply for SERS detec-
tion outside the laboratory. The sample is inserted 1. Cialla D, M€arz A, Böhme R, Theil F, Weber K,
in the fiber, and the excitation laser is coupled Schmitt M, Popp J (2012) Surface-enhanced Raman
into the optical fiber for detection. For an on-site spectroscopy (SERS): progress and trends. Anal
application, the enhanced backscattered light Bioanal Chem 403(1):27–54
2. M€arz A, Henkel T, Cialla D, Schmitt M, Popp J (2011)
could be coupled in the fiber and directly guided Droplet formation via flow-through microdevices in
into a spectrometer. Raman and surface enhanced Raman
Besides the effort put into the development spectroscopy – concepts and applications. Lab Chip
of suitable SERS substrates, SERS shows 11(21):3584–3592
3. Schatz GC, Van Duyne RP (2002) Electromagnetic
great potential in combination with other mechanism of surface-enhanced spectroscopy. In:
techniques. Thus, e.g., tip-enhanced Raman Chalmers JM, Griffiths PR (eds) Handbook of vibra-
spectroscopy (TERS) combines SERS with tional spectroscopy, vol 1. Wiley, Chichester
S 3170 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

4. Pettinger B (2010) Single-molecule surface- and than in the gas phase and a consequent stronger
tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Mol Phys intermolecular force of attraction offered by the
5. Jensen L, Aikens CM, Schatz GC (2008) Electronic liquid molecules. Thus, the interface appears to
structure methods for studying surface-enhanced be in a kind of tension. The interface also must
Raman scattering. Chem Soc Rev 37:1061–1073 possess necessary energy that overcomes the net
6. Ru EC, Blackie E, Meyer M, Etchegoin PG (2007) attractive force towards the liquid side and allow
Surface enhanced Raman scattering enhancement
factors: a comprehensive study. J Phys Chem the interface to sustain. This energy per unit
C 111:13794–13803 interfacial area is also known as the surface
7. Campion A, Kambhampati P (1998) Surface-enhanced energy.
Raman scattering. Chem Soc Rev 27:241–250
8. Stiles PL, Dieringer JA, Shah NC, Van Duyne RP
(2008) Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Annu
Rev Anal Chem 1:601–626 Overview

It is well known that as the length scale of

a system is reduced, surface tension effects
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow become progressively more important, as com-
pared to the other forces that are conventionally
Suman Chakraborty dominant over macroscopic length scales. This is
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian primarily because of the fact that the surface
Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, tension force scales down only linearly with the
India length scales, whereas most other forces scale
down with higher powers of the same. Thus,
surface tension, which is a negligibly weak
Synonyms force in the macro domain, may eventually
become a dominant force in the micro and nano
Capillary flow; Wetting phenomenon domains.
From a fluid mechanics viewpoint, the pres-
ence of an interface creates a jump in pressure. To
Definition appreciate the underlying physical picture from
a fundamental viewpoint, let us begin with the
Surface-tension-driven flow concerns the actua- thermodynamic description of a liquid droplet in
tion and control of fluid dynamic transport terms of its free energy, as
through a manipulation of the surface tension
forces. The manipulation, in principle, can be E¼ Aij gij  l8 (1)
hydrodynamic, thermal, chemical, electric, or i6¼j
optical in nature. It is also important to mention
here that there must be a free surface or a liquid- where 8 is the droplet volume and l is a Lagrange
fluid interface in order to have a surface-tension- multiplier to enforce a constant volume con-
driven flow. straint (physically, l is equal to the pressure
Surface tension (g) is a force per unit length drop across the liquid–vapor interface, thermo-
that acts along the interfaces of immiscible dynamically consistent with the definition of free
phases. For illustration, one may refer to the energy of a system). Here Aij is the interfacial
instance of a liquid–gas interface, the molecules area that demarcates the phases i and j, with the
located on which experience a net cohesive force corresponding surface energy being designated
that is directed towards the bulk of the liquid as gij. In this article, the subscripts “l,” “s,” and
and away from the interface, because of the “v” will be employed to represent the liquid,
denser molecular packing in the liquid phase solid, and vapor phases, respectively. It can also
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow 3171 S
Fig. 1 Dimensionless
coordinates for the
description of
thermocapillary flow
around a liquid–vapor

be noted that if Als is increased by some amount, complete wetting. Equation 4, also known as
Asv is decreased by the same amount. The evalu- “Young’s law,” can be interpreted as a balance
ation of free energy of the droplet, in accordance between the horizontal components of all the
with Eq. 1, can be best illustrated through the forces that act on the three-phase contact line
example of a spherical droplet with an equilib- (refer to Fig. 2 of the article on
rium contact angle y (refer to Fig. 1 of the article “▶ Electrocapillary”). The vertical component
on “▶ Electrocapillary”), for which one can of this resultant force, on the other hand, is bal-
write: Asl = pR2sin2y, Alv = 2pR2(1  cos y), anced by the normal stress in the rigid solid
8 ¼ pR3 23  34 cos y þ cos123y : Thus, for substrate. Further, substituting the value of cos y
a spherical droplet, from Eq. 4, one may calculate a value of the
parameter l(= Dp), as
E ¼ pR2 sin2 yðgls  gsv Þ þ glv 2pR2 ð1  cos yÞ
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} @f =@y 2glv
Dp ¼ ¼ : (5)
9 @g=@y R
> >
<   >
2 3 cos 3y For a droplet of a more general shape, Eq. 5
l pR 3
 cos y þ k
> 3 4 12 >
can be generalized as
:|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} >
> ;
1 1
(2) Dp ¼ glv þ , (6)
r1 r2
where k is the volume of the droplet. For minimi-
where r1 and r2 are the two principal radii of the
zation of E, one must have @E/@y = 0 and
curvature of the droplet surface. It is important to
@E note here that the Eqs. 4 and 6 are the two neces-
¼ 0, which implies sary conditions for equilibrium but not sufficient,
@R (3)
@f @g @f @g since in addition, the second variation of E must
¼ : also be positive for a minimization of the same. In
@y @R @R @y S
fact, in the presence of complex surfaces, certain
Performing the necessary algebra and simpli- morphologies may, indeed, result in unstable
fying, it follows from Eqs. 3 and 4 that droplets, even though the necessary conditions
gsv  gsl of equilibrium are satisfied.
cos y ¼ : (4) The celebrated Young’s equation, as
described by Eq. 4, is somewhat restricted in
When 0  y  90 , the liquid is termed as nature in a strict sense, since it neglects the bulk
partially wetting, or equivalently, the solid sub- internal forces within the droplet that might gen-
strate is characterized as hydrophilic. When erate due to gravity, electric field, etc. In an effort
y > 90 , the liquid is non-wetting and the sub- to generalize the underlying mathematical
strate is termed as hydrophobic. The case y = 0, description, one may note that, for equilibrium
a very special one, represents a theoretically of a spherical droplet,
S 3172 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

dEðR, yÞ ¼ 0, (7) number (Bo), which essentially compares

the square of the system length scale (R)
which implies with the square of a characteristic
length scale, ls, that depicts the relative
@E @E contributions of surface tension and gravity
dR þ dy ¼ 0: (7a)
@R @y influences, as ls = glv/rg. For Bo  10,
  gravity effects can safely be neglected as
Further, since 8 ¼ pR3 23  34 cos y þ cos 3y
12 , appropriate to many of the microscale
the condition of d8 = 0 implies that transport processes.
The preliminary understanding of pressure
dR  Rf 1 ðyÞdy ¼ 0, (8) jump across a static meniscus with constant sur-
face tension effects (refer to Eq. 6) can be more
where fundamentally extended to write a generalized
expression for the interfacial condition on
2 cos2 y2 cos y2 a mobile phase boundary, as [1]
f 1 ð yÞ ¼ : (8a)
2 þ cos y
1 1
p ð 2Þ  p ð 1Þ þ g þ ni
Substituting Eq. 8a in Eq. 7a, one finally gets r1 r2
" ! !#
ð 2Þ ð 2Þ ð 1Þ ð 1Þ
@ui @u @ui @u @g
@E @E ¼ mð2Þ þ k  m ð 1Þ þ k nk 
Rf 1 ðyÞ þ ¼ 0: (9) @xk @xi @xk @xi @xi
@R @y
Incorporating the effects of gravitational
where p(1,2), m(1,2), ui(1,2), uk(1,2) are the pressures,
potential energy in the expression for E, one can
viscosities, and velocity components, respec-
tively, in phases 1 and 2, ni(i = 1, 2, 3) are

the components of the unit vector normal to
E ¼ R2 2pglv ð1  cos yÞ þ p sin2 yðgls  gsv Þ
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} the interfaces and directed into the interior of
contribution from interfacial terms
  phase 1, and a summation over the repeated
2p 6 y index, k, is assumed. To account for the
þR 4
rgð3 þ cos yÞ sin :
3 2 effects of surface-active elements (surfactants),
contribution from gravity the right-hand side of Eq. 12 may be
(10) provided with phenomenological source terms
of the form
Utilizing the above expression for E in Eq. 9,
one can arrive at a more generalized form of the ðsÞ
@ 2 uk
Young equation incorporating gravity effects, as ms dik (13)
@xi @xk

gsv  gsl rgR2 cos y3  cos 2y 1 where dik is the Kronecker delta, uk(s)are the
cos y    ¼ 0:
glv glv 12 4 components of surface motion velocity, and
(11) ms is the so-called surface viscosity
(a phenomenological constant), which
From Eq. 11, the following two important characterizes the dynamical elasticity of the
observations may be carefully noted: insoluble surface film. In a strict sense, Eq. 13
1. With gravity effects, y depends on R, unlike accounts for the energy dissipation in the surface
the case without gravity. layer due to irreversibilities associated with the
2. If rgR2/glv is small, gravity effects can safely viscous motion of adsorbed particles on the
be neglected. This ratio is known as the Bond surfaces.
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow 3173 S
Basic Methodology the wall with constant film thickness (say, b) and
(II, III) two sections of constant curvature hemi-
Marangoni Effects and Thermocapillary spherical caps in the front and in the back, which
Motion are connected to the constant film-thickness
Fundamental principles associated with surface- region through two transient regions at the two
tension-driven flows rely on the motion induced ends (IV, V) over which the curvature smoothly
by the variation of surface tension from point to varies from zero to a constant value. A small
point on a mobile phase boundary, giving rise to Reynolds number (Re = rauba/m) assumption
tangential strains on the same. According to the allows one to use a lubricating film assumption
boundary condition given by Eq. 12, the presence in the transition regions. With small capillary
of tangential strains at the interface is accompa- numbers, it is also implicit that there are no sig-
nied by fluid motion. Fluid motion induced by the nificant fluid dynamic forces in the regions near
tangential gradients of surface tension is classi- the hemispherical caps (since surface tension
cally known as the Marangoni effect. As an illus- forces dominate over viscous forces, which in
tration specific to microflow actuations with the turn dominate over inertia forces for low Reyn-
aid of thermally activated surface tension gradi- olds numbers). For the section of the bubble
ents, we consider the steady thermocapillary parallel to the wall (section I), one can obtain
migration of a gas bubble [2] of fixed volume in the maximum velocity at the edge of the thin
a tube of radius a, filled with a liquid of viscosity film of thickness b, analogous to the situation of
m, surface tension g, density r, thermal diffusivity a shear-driven Couette flow, as
a, and temperature coefficient of surface tension
gT = dg/dT. The viscosity and conductivity of gT bb
the gas are neglected in comparison to those of UT ¼ (14)
the liquid, and the length of the bubble is taken to
be much larger than the radius of the tube. The
where the shear stress, t, is balanced by the
temperature gradient imposed on the tube wall is
Marangoni stress due to temperature gradient
a constant, say b. The variation of interfacial
(i.e., @g/@x = (@g/@T)(@T/@x) = gTb). The
tension as a function of temperature generates
velocity UT, however, is unknown, since the
a thermocapillary shear stress, inducing the bub-
film thickness (b) is not known a priori. In the
ble motion at a steady speed towards the hotter
transition region, the governing equations of fluid
region. The liquid is taken to be perfectly wetting.
flow, in a reference frame fixed with the bubble,
A thin layer of liquid separates the bubble from
can be written as
the tube wall. The three important
nondimensional numbers characterizing the bub-
@ 2 u 1 @p
ble motion are the Bond number (Bo = rga2/g), ¼ (15) S
Péclet number (Pe = Re  Pr, where Re is the @y2 m @x
Reynolds number and Pr is the Prandtl number),
subject to the following boundary conditions:
and capillary number (Ca = mub/g), where ub is
the characteristic axial speed of the bubble. For
the mathematical analysis, all these u ¼ U b at y ¼ 0 and t ¼ m
nondimensional numbers are taken to be small.
A small Bond number implies that the gravity ¼ gT b at y ¼ hðxÞ (15a)
effects are negligible and the bubble is symmet-
rically located within the tube. A small Péclet where u is the liquid velocity in the moving
number implies that the advective in the temper- reference frame, x is the axial direction of motion,
ature variations is negligible. For small Ca, one y is the transverse direction, and h(x) is the film
can subdivide the flow around the bubble in five thickness. A solution for Eq. 15 can be obtained
different regimes, namely, (I) a section parallel to as
S 3174 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

1 @p 2 1 @g @p with specified sets of initial conditions. When  is
uðx, yÞ ¼ y þ  h y  Ub :
2m @x m @x @x very close to unity, Eq. 19 can be linearized to
(16) obtain

The pressure gradient is related to g by setting d3 

the right-hand side of Eqs. 12 to zero, and ¼ ð 1 þ U  Þ ð   1Þ (20)
substituting the expressions of radii of curvature
in terms of the geometrical parameters of the
surface profile (noting that which has the following general solution [2]:
h   i32
2 2
R1 ¼ dx2 = 1 þ dx
1 d h dh
, where the denominator
 ¼ 1 þ Aexpðð1 þ U ÞzÞ
can be neglected relative to the numerator for   pffiffiffi 
small curvature, and R2 ! 1), one obtains 1 
þ Bexp  ð1 þ U Þz cos
ð1 þ U Þz
2 2
@p d3 h   pffiffiffi 
¼ g 3 : (17) 1 3
@x dx þ Cexp  ð1 þ U Þz sin ð1 þ U Þz
2 2
The differential equation for the free surface (21)
location can be derived by noting that the flux
across any cross section needs to be a constant,
where A, B, and C are constants of integration.
The asymptotic behavior of the solution as
which mathematically implies uðx, yÞdy ¼ 0  ! 1 can be used by applying the perturbation
b theory over Eq. 21 to yield [2]
in the moving reference frame. Also noting that
¼ 0 at y = b, one can utilize Eqs. 16 and 17 1 U
@x ¼ C0 z2 þ C1 z þ C2  ðzlnjzj  zÞ
to evaluate the above integral and obtain 2 C0
U 2 U C1 U 
2 3

g 3 d3 h g T b  2  þ 3 ln jzj þ  2 lnjzj
h 3
 h  b2  U b ðh  bÞ ¼ 0: 2C0 2C30 C0
3m dx 2m
(18) ln jzj
þO :
It is interesting to note that Eq. 18 explicitly z
takes care of the fact that h ! b when the film (22)
becomes flat, or in other words, it takes care of an
asymptotic matching of the solution in the constant The coefficients C0, C1, and C2 are determined
film-thickness region. For an asymptotic matching from the numerical solution for large values of z.
with the hemispherical cap, one may use a new set The constant C0 (related to the curvature of
of dimensionless coordinates (refer to Fig. 1) such the end caps) can be determined as the limiting
that  = h/b, z ¼ x=bð3CaÞ3 . These rescalings
value of the second derivative for large . When
cast Eq. 18 in a modified Landau-Levich form, as U* = 0, the asymptotic form simplifies to
C0 = 0.643 [2]. In general, C0 is
d3  U   2  a monotonically increasing function of U*, as
3 3
   1  ð   1Þ ¼ 0 (19)
dz 2 can be obtained numerically. Another
matching condition can be obtained by noting
where U* = UT/Ub = gTbb/mUb, which is an that the mean curvature of the caps equals 2/a
unknown parameter. However, given a value of for the leading order approximation for small Ca,
U*, it is possible to integrate Eq. 19 numerically, which implies
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow 3175 S
1 ð3CaÞ3 1
move faster. The solutions presented above, how-
, or zz
: (23) ever, are rather approximate and are valid for
a b a
vanishingly small capillary numbers only.
From the above considerations, one gets
Electrocapillary Flow
b b Similar to the thermocapillarity (where tempera-
, or C0 ðU  Þ
: (24)
ture gradient creates the driving surface tension
force), one can also exploit the effects of
Further, from the considerations of global electrocapillarity or electrowetting, in which
mass balance, one may note that the rate of vol- electric potentials can be employed to alter the
ume of fluid pumped by the Marangoni stress, Q1, surface tension and thereby cause a fluid motion.
must be the same as the rate of volume displaced Compared to the thermocapillary flows,
by the moving bubble, Q2. Since b  a, one can electrocapillary flows are much more energy effi-
neglect O(b/a) terms and approximate Q1 as cient, with a much faster speed of operation
(speeds more than 100 mm s1 have been suc-
Z a
cessfully achieved by electrowetting action, in
pgT ba b2
Q1 ¼ 2p U T ða  r Þr dr
: contrast to a typical speed of only about
m a2
ab 1 mm s1 in thermocapillary flows). The
(25) electrocapillary principles are all based on the
fact that the surface tension occurs to be
Similarly, a strong function of the electric potential acting
across an interface. As a consequence, the appar-
Q2 ¼ pU b ða  bÞ2
pU b a2 : (26) ent contact angle, y, gets modified from its value
at zero voltage, y0, in the following form:
Since Q1 = Q2, one may write
cV 2
2 cos y ¼ cos y0 þ (29)
mU b gT ba b 2glv
Ca ¼ ¼ : (27)
g g a2
where c is the capacitance of the interface per unit
Equation 27 can be used with Eq. 24 to express area and V is the interface potential. Based on this
C0(U*) as a sole function of b/a in the asymptotic fundamental principle, one can design various
matching condition. With C0(U*) already being flow actuating mechanisms such as continuous
obtained numerically, the ratio of b/a can there- electrowetting (employing liquid-metal droplets
fore be obtained from Eq. 24, for a given value of in a filler liquid and exploiting the electric double
Dg* = Dg/g = gTba/g (which is the ratio of the layer potential to alter the liquid/liquid interfacial S
thermocapillary force to the mean surface tension tension), electrowetting (employing liquid drop-
force). The numerical results can be fitted with lets in a vapor medium and exploiting the electric
the following power law expression [2]: double layer potential to alter the solid/liquid
interfacial tension), and electrowetting on dielec-
¼ 13:591Dg
(28a) trics (employing liquid droplets in a vapor medium
a and exploiting the potential across a dielectric
and layer to alter the liquid/liquid interfacial tension),
the details of which are outlined in the article on
Ca ¼ 184:715Dg :
(28b) “▶ Electrocapillary.” It is important to note here
that Eq. 29 can be obtained as a generalization
One can observe from Eq. 28b that higher of Young’s equation, by noting that there is an
temperature gradients may cause the bubble to additional electrostatic contribution (Eel) to the
S 3176 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

free energy, which, for the case of electrowetting Solutal-Gradient-Originated Surface-

on dielectrics as an example, can be written as Tension-Driven Flow
Other than due to the imposed gradients of tem-
1 ed 2 perature and electric potential, surface tension
Eel ¼  V Asl (30) gradients can spontaneously originate as
2 d
a consequence of droplet splitting or coalescence,
where ed is the permittivity of the dielectric layer mixing of samples, or chemical reactions. Typi-
and d is its thickness. For a spherical droplet, cally, surface tension gradients generated during
Asl = pR2sin2 y. Thus, the total interfacial energy the contact of dissimilar liquids are much larger
for this case is given as than those obtained as a consequence of
thermocapillary variations. Deposition of biolog-
ical liquids containing surface-active elements
EðR, yÞ ¼ R2 p sin2 yðgls  gsv Þ
onto a liquid film with higher glv generates
ed V 2 (31)
 þ 2pglv ð1  cos yÞ : Marangoni stresses, which can cause rapid thin-
2d ning and rupture of films. For an interface
containing surface-active molecules, the surface
Minimizing E(R, y) for a constant droplet vol- tension is likely to vary with the local concentra-
ume, one can arrive at the Young-Lippman tion, giving rise to a tangential stress, t, as
t ¼ ∇s glv ¼ ∇s G (34)
gsv  gsl ed V 2 dG
cos y ¼  : (32)
glv 2glv d
where G(x, t) is the surfactant surface concentra-
tion, which is governed by the following
It is important to note here that although fairly
advection–diffusion equation:
general, the above analysis is not strictly valid for
apolar liquids (e.g., silicone oil at the top of @G
a conducting solid substrate). In such cases, the þ ∇s • ðGus Þ þ Gð∇s • nÞðu • nÞ ¼ Ds ∇2s G:
droplet may be modeled as an insulator with (35)
a permittivity of el. The electric energy stored in
that case can be estimated as 1/2elR3(V/R)2ade(y), The flux of the surfactant depends on the tan-
gential component of the surface velocity,
where ade(y)is a shape factor which cannot be  
computed analytically but can be numerically us ¼ I  nn :u ; the mean curvature of the
fitted as [3] interface, ∇s • n; and the surfactant surface dif-
fusion coefficient, Ds. Soluble surfactants require
ade ðyÞ
0:0592 þ 0:0012y the specification of the interfacial adsorption/
þ0:0022 tan ð1:71  yÞ: desorption kinetics relating the surface concen-
tration, G, to the bulk concentration, C, for which
In this situation, a generalized Young equation the governing transport equation is as
can be arrived at by applying the energy minimi-
zation principle to obtain @C
þ u • ∇C ¼ DB ∇2 C (36)
gsv  gsl e1 V 2 2 þ cos y
cos y  þ where DB refers to the bulk diffusion coefficient.
glv 2glv R 2p sin y
(33a) Further, for thin film flows on a flat substrate, the
dade variation of liquid thickness is determined from
ade ðyÞf1 ðyÞ þ ¼ 0:
dy the following equation:
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow 3177 S
@h h3 h2
 ∇• ¼ ∇p  ∇glv ¼ 0: (37)
@t 3m 2m

Equations 35, 36, and 37 can be combined

together to depict the dependence of the
surface tension on the surfactant concentration
and the surface velocity, us = (h∇glv/
m)  h2∇p/(2m).

Capillary Spreading
Another variant of the surface-tension-driven
flow that is of potential interest to the
microfluidics research community is the Surface-Tension-Driven Flow, Fig. 2 Geometrical fea-
capillary-spreading phenomenon. Of particular tures pertinent to the liquid spreading in a V-microgroove
interest can be the spreading of liquids on rough
homogeneous substrates or on heterogeneous
substrates with hydrophobic and hydrophilic where 1/R(x) = sin(a  y)tan a/h(x, t). Follow-
stripes. For smooth homogeneous substrates, the ing a quasi one-dimensional analysis, the flow
radial advancement of a liquid of volume 8 has rate can be obtained as [5]
been observed by Tanner [4] as
 1 h4 ðx, tÞ @p
g 3 10 Q¼ Gðy, aÞ (40)
r ðtÞ  8 t (38) m dx
which shows a rather weak dependence on time.
However, careful analysis has revealed that a thin "_ #12
hc ðy, aÞ 3 A ðy, aÞ
precursor film advances at a rate proportional to
pffi Gðy, aÞ
Gða, aÞ : (40a)
h0 cos a
t, following standard diffusion dynamics.
To illustrate the flow behavior during capillary
spreading in non-smooth surfaces, one may refer In Eq. 40a, hc is the height of the fluid at the
to the classical example of liquid spreading in middle of the groove and is given by
V-shaped microgrooves (see Fig. 2 for the geo-
metrical features of the cross section of the cos ða  yÞ  1
hc ðy, aÞ ¼ h0 1 þ cos a : S
groove). For low capillary number, the pressure sin ða  yÞ
drop across the groove is given by (40b)

g The parameter G(a, a) can be analytically

Dp ¼ pðxÞ  pð0Þ ¼  (39)
Rð x Þ approximated as

1 cot3 a þ 3:4 cot4 a þ cot5 a

Gða, aÞ
: (40c)
6 1 þ 3:4 cot a þ 4 cot2 a þ 3:4 cot3 a þ cot4 a
S 3178 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

Also, the function A ðy, aÞ in Eq. 40a is related _
to the cross-sectional area A(x, t) of the liquid Aðx, tÞ ¼ h2 ðx, tÞ A ðyðx, tÞ, aÞ (40d)
inside the groove, as

_ sin2 ða  yÞ tan a  ða  yÞ þ sin ða  yÞ cos ða  yÞ

A ðy, aÞ ¼ : (40e)
tan2 a sin2 ða  yÞ

The evolution of the height of the liquid inside diffusion dynamics dominate for the capillary
the groove is derived from the continuity and the filling of microgrooves, and the leading edge
momentum conservation equation as (spreading front) propagates as

@h2 ðx, tÞ D @ 2 @hðx, tÞ x0 ðtÞ ¼ 0 ðy0 , aÞ Dt: (43)
¼ h ðx, tÞ (41)
@t h0 @x @x
Thus, spreading increases with the depth of
where D is the diffusion coefficient, given by the groove, since D / h0. The similarity
solution also implies that free surface of the
gh0 liquid spreading remains self-similar
D¼ : (41a)
mkðy0 , aÞ downstream.
By following an approach analogous to the
In Eq. 41a above, Darhuber et al. [6] studied the dynamics
of capillary spreading along hydrophobic
Gðy0 , aÞ sin ða  y0 Þ tan a microstripes. The smooth surface was processed
kðy0 , aÞ ¼ : (41b) chemically to create narrow hydrophilic stripes
ð y0 , aÞ
on a hydrophobic background. The equation
It is interesting to note here that the value of governing the self-similar solutions, in that case,
D is positive if a > y0, which is equivalent to can be described as
having a concave-free surface. For a < y0, on the  
other hand, no capillary wicking takes place. d 3 df  df
f þ ¼0 (44)
Equation 41 has been solved in the literature [5] d d 2 d
under various conditions. In the simple case of h
(0, t) = h0, a similarity solution can be attempted
pffiffiffiffiffi where the similarity variables are defined simi-
with h(x, t) = h0f(), where  ¼ x= Dt . An larly as before. An approximate solution in this
approximate solution, in that case, can be case is given by
obtained as
1 1
fðÞ ¼  0 ð  0 Þ  ð  0 Þ2 fðÞ
1  (45)
2 2 0
1 (42)
 ð   0 Þ þ   
1080 where 0
0.87. Thus,
pffiffiffiffiffi the spreading front
advances as xðtÞ / Dt , where D = 64gh03/
where 0 is the location where the solution goes 35mw2, w being the width of the microstripe.
to zero and stays at zero. A major physical con- The average streamwise speed, u , scales as
sequence of the above analysis is that the u  gw4 =mx.
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow 3179 S
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow in 3rpr 3
Microchannels m0
: (48)
Surface-tension-driven flows not only take place
in open conduits such as microgrooves but are The above is equivalent to the introduction of
also quite common in capillary tubes and an additional term in the left-hand side of Eq. 56,
microchannels. In a generic form, one can write in the form 3rr€ z=8, which eliminates the predic-
the equation of motion describing the capillary tion of an unrealistic initial burst as t ! 0+.
advancement as Equation 47, with the modifications intro-
duced by Eq. 48, physically represents a rather
d X simplified situation. In reality, a number of other
ðMV c Þ ¼ F (46)
dt complicating factors may be present, resulting in
further modifications in the equation of capillary
where M is the fluid mass being transported, Vc is advancement. For example, the capillary walls
the velocity of its center of mass, and F = can adsorb surfactants from the bulk solution,
Fsurfacetension + Fviscous + Fgravity. To illustrate leading to a continuous variation in the surface
the use of the above equation in simple forms, tension coefficient. The adsorption of the surfac-
one may consider the viscous, incompressible, tant, Glv, can lead to an axial gradient of surface
and Newtonian flow against the direction of tension, following the Gibbs equation:
gravity along a long cylindrical capillary of
radius r. For this case, one may first assume CZðz, tÞ

that M = rpr2z, V c ¼ z,_ Fsurfacetension = 2prgcos g ¼ g0  RT Glv dlnC (49)

y, Fviscous ¼ 8pmzz_ (assuming fully C¼0
developed flow), and Fgravity = rgz, where
z is axial displacement of the capillary front. where C is the surface concentration of the sur-
This leads to the following equation of capillary factant. Phenomenologically, one may carry out
motion: an approximate analysis by posing an exponen-
tially decaying time dependence of the second

2 8 term appearing in Eq. 49, such that
z þ z_2 ¼ g cos y  2 mzz_  rgz:
r z€ (47)
r r
g ¼ g0  DgfB ðtÞ (50)
Equation 47 suffers from a fundamental draw-
back that as t ! 0, M ! 0 (since z ! 0), giving where
rise to an ill-posed problem with infinite initial
Dg ¼ g0  g1 , fB ðtÞ ¼ 1  expðbtÞ: (50a)
acceleration. This ambiguity can be physically
resolved by referring to the equation of Here g0 is the initial surface tension, g1 is the S
continuity, based on which it can be inferred equilibrium surface tension, and b is a relaxation
that in the onset of the capillary rise, the liquid constant. This effect can be introduced in Eq. 47
present in the dipped portion of the capillary and by first differentiating the same with respect to
the bulk reservoir to which it is connected also time, neglecting the terms containing the prod-
starts moving at the same time. This additional _z and z€
ucts z€ _z in the quasi-steady limit, to set
mass of fluid inducted into the motion initially is
known as the added mass, m0. This added mass 2bDg cos y 8m

can be approximated by executing a potential  expðbtÞ ¼ 2 z_2 þ z€

z þ rgz:
r r
flow analysis for an incoming spherical liquid (51)
element of radius r that moves with a velocity z. _
Executing this analysis, one can obtain, for Typical numerical solutions of Eq. 51, follow-
a cylindrical tube [7], ing Zhumud et al. [8], are presented in Fig. 3.
S 3180 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

complicated than what is depicted by Eq. 47. First

of all, the viscous resistance terms need to be
modeled more carefully. In reality, as the fluid
enters the microchannel, the flow passes through
a short entrance region, followed by a fully devel-
oped region. A third region, namely, the menis-
cus traction region, also comes into play, because
of the influence of the free surface of the menis-
cus on the flow. This can alter the velocity pro-
files significantly, and the predicted drag force
can appear to be significantly different from that
obtained from the considerations of a fully devel-
oped Poiseullean velocity profile. These effects
have recently been taken into account for analyz-
ing the surface-tension-driven flow of blood in
microfluidic channels. Details of the underlying
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow, Fig. 3 Simulated capil- physical principles to model the modified viscous
lary rise dynamics for aqueous solutions of surfactants. In drag are presented in the article on “▶ Capillary
the figure, a = rgr2/8zt!1. For obtaining the plots, the Filling” and are not repeated here for the sake of
following data are taken: r = 10 m,  = 10 Pa, brevity. Another interesting and important con-
r = 10 kg m3, y = 0, a = 8.3  102 s1
sideration is the modeling of the dynamic evolu-
A maximum occurs in the characteristic displace- tion of an apparent contact angle, which can
ment curves only when the surface tension relax- effectively represent a gross manifestation of
ation is not as fast as compared to the capillary the sub-continuum picture close to the interfaces
filling. More simplistic scaling estimates in the that cannot be directly resolved in the system-
capillary rise phenomenon can readily be level calculations. It needs to be noted in this
obtained by noting that within certain limits, the context that the capillarity effect within the
capillary rise represents a quasi-steady process, microchannel essentially implies that a fluid-
in which the amount of surfactant adsorbed to the fluid interface and the fluid-solid interface inter-
solid/liquid interface per unit time is equal to that sect to form a common line of contact, or a
transported to the liquid/vapor interface by diffu- tri-junction. In order to model such moving con-
sion, which implies tact lines appropriately, one needs to first quali-
tatively assess the physical phenomena
Cb influencing the capillarity. In this regard, it has
sl dz  pr D pffiffiffiffiffi dt
2prGm 2
Dt been experimentally shown that points on the
interfacial lines arrive at the contact line within
where Gslm is the adsorption capacity of the a finite time span. Therefore, one must pose an
monolayer per unit area and Cb is the bulk con- effective slip law that relieves a force singularity
centration of the surfactant. From Eq. 52, one can condition by ensuring that a finite force is neces-
obtain sary to move the contact lines of a fluid,
irrespective of the no-slip boundary conditions
rCb pffiffiffiffiffi classically being applied at the channel walls. In
zðtÞ  Dt (53)
Gmsl order to mathematically ensure this effect, one
needs to pose a condition on the contact angle y
which physically implies the condition of a as a function of velocity of the contact line.
diffusion-limited capillary advancement. In a physical sense, this departure of contact
The real physical picture of surface-tension- angle from its static equilibrium value is mainly
driven capillary motion appears to be much more due to viscous bending of the interface near the
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow 3181 S
contact lines. Although exact mathematical quan- by invoking an extra term of the same dimension
tification of the dynamic evolution of this contact as that of pressure in the overall force balance,
angle may be somewhat involved, experimental which can be described as A/6pz3, z being the film
studies have revealed that the apparent dynamic thickness. This term is known as the disjoining
contact angle, ya, that the liquid forms with the pressure. Parameter A is called Hamaker’s con-
solid surface is closely described by a universal stant (for a further detailing, see the next subsec-
scaling relationship at low speeds, known some- tion), which is negative for wetting fluids. It is
times as Tanner’s law, which can be mathemati- important to note here that one needs to be
cally stated as extremely careful in introducing intermolecular
forces into a continuum model such as the
ya  Ca3
(54) Navier–Stokes equation. In particular, the surface
tension force, which is due to intermolecular
where Ca = mu/g is the capillary number and u is forces between the gas and liquid phases, cannot
velocity of the contact line. However, in order to be considered separately from the van der Waals
quantify the proportionality constant, one must forces between the gas and the solid phases for
resolve the asymptotic behavior of the thin liquid very thin films. If one introduces a molecular
film in vicinity of the microchannel wall. This length scale Rm as Rm ¼ ðjAj=6pgÞ2, or its dimen-
thin film region can further be divided into two sionless counterpart l = Rm/r, the above-men-
parts, namely, (a) a lubricating film region tioned model for lubricating film is valid if its
followed by (b) a precursor film region as one film thickness is much larger than Rm, i.e.,
moves along the direction of wetting. In the pre- Ca3 l . Since Rm is typically of the order of

cursor film region, one expects the interfacial a few Angstroms, while a typically capillary
length scales to approach molecular scales, as radius is of the order of 10 mm, the lower
intermolecular forces become important. Behind bound on Ca is of the order of 10. Beyond this
the lubricating film, on the other hand, the length lower bound, the continuum model remains
scales are quite large (of the order of r), and valid for the lubricating film. At relatively larger
a potential challenge remains in devising Ca, the intermolecular forces would turn out to
a quantitative expression for dynamic evolution be less effective, so that dependence of Tanner’s
of ya by asymptotic matching from solutions to law on l becomes progressively weaker. For
these regions of widely different length scales. a significantly large Ca, the meniscus speed
For analysis of the same, one may assume negli- may exceed the wetting speed and the meniscus
gible gravitational effects (typically character- may reverse its curvature as the contact angle
ized by a low Bond number, Bo = rgr2/g) and passes through 90 . However, the foregoing
viscosity of the gas phase negligible in compari- analysis assumes that such situations do not
son to that of the liquid phase so that dynamics of occur, and accordingly, it remains valid for S
the two phases are essentially decoupled. In that y < 90 . An asymptotic matching may accord-
situation, the domain of interest can be divided ingly be done between the outer region and the
into two regions, namely: precursor film through the lubricating film at the
• The outer region where the lateral and vertical inner region. At the front of this region, how-
length scales are both O(1) ever, intermolecular forces and a vanishingly
• The inner lubrication region in which  the lat- small film (spread by fast wetting) stipulate
eral and vertical length scales are O Ca3 and
 2 a hyperbolic decay of the film thickness towards
O Ca3 , respectively, as capillary and viscous zero. Accordingly, a universal relationship for
forces balance dynamic evolution of the contact angle can be
Further division of the inner region may be obtained as [9]
necessary when the intermolecular forces
become important at very thin films. In the lubri-
cating film region, this effect can be incorporated j tan ya j ¼ 7:48Ca1=3  3:28l0:04 Ca0:293 (55)
S 3182 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

It can be noted here that l is typically of the In Eq. 57a, q is the ratio of viscosity of the
order of 10 for wetting fluids flowing through liquid and the vapor. Typical values of the factor
a microcapillary channel having hydraulic radius k, as reported in the literature [10], can be of the
of the order of 1 mm. Physically, for very low order of 10–10.
values of Ca, the corresponding correction term
appearing in Eq. 55 may become important, where Molecular Level Modeling of Wetting
intermolecular forces come significantly into play Phenomena
and tan ya diverges slightly away from the asymp- The mathematical descriptions outlined in most
totic behavior characterized by Eq. 54 towards of our preceding discussions represent a
lower values. Mathematically, Eq. 55 has been continuum-based picture of the wetting phenom-
derived from a matched asymptotic analysis that enon and the consequent surface-tension-driven
matches a static outer region to the precursor flow. However, from a more fundamental per-
adhering the wall, through an intermediate lubri- spective, these are strongly influenced by the
cating film. The problem, hence, is characterized underlying molecular picture, more precisely,
by three length scales, namely, the capillary through the intermolecular interaction
radius, film thickness, and molecular length scale potentials (adhesion and cohesion). One may
(l). This interconnection is captured by Eq. 55, quantify the net effect of the interaction poten-
and the outcome is very much analogous to the slip tials on the wetting behavior by considering
model obtained by Hoffman [10], which gives the a liquid film of thickness l on a solid substrate.
variation of ya as a function of slip length as For strong solid–liquid adhesive interactions,
the system can lower its free energy by increasing
k the distance between the solid–liquid and the
gðya Þ ¼ gðya ð0ÞÞ þ Caln (56)
ls liquid–vapor interfaces. This leads to a net
repulsion force per unit area between the
where the slip length scale is given by ls  ld/Ca, solid–liquid and the liquid–vapor interfaces,
ld being of the order of wall roughness and which is called the disjoining pressure, P(l).
k being a slip-model-dependent constant. Exact The disjoining pressure can be related to the
form of g(ya) is available in Hoffman [10], which effective interface potential, V(l), as per the fol-
is as lowing relationship:

Zy dV ðlÞ
gð ya Þ ¼ df½ f ðfÞ 1 (57) PðlÞ ¼  : (58)

The excess free energy of the liquid film,

accordingly, can be estimated as
2 sin fðA þ B þ CÞ
f ðfÞ ¼ (57a)
DþE Es ðlÞ ¼ glv þ gsl þ V ðlÞ: (59)

A fundamental estimate of the excess
  free energy of the liquid film can be provided by
A ¼ q2 f2  sin2 f ,

the density functional theory, which is
B ¼ 2q fðp  fÞ þ sin2 f ,
based directly on the microscopically specified
C ¼ ðp  fÞ2  sin2 f, molecular interactions. In its simplest form,
D ¼ q f2  sin2 f ½ðph fÞ þ sin f cos f
i , the free energy functional, Es, can be represented
E ¼ ðf  sin f cos fÞ ðp  fÞ2  sin2 f : as [11]
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow 3183 S
ES ¼ Ehc ðfrðrÞg, T Þ Phenomenologically, HNL accounts for short-
hard core interactions
range interactions and correlations between the
1   He atoms and involves a spatially averaged den-
þ d3 rd3 r 0 we ðjr  r0 jÞ rðrÞrðr0 Þ  r2b sity, r. One major limitation of expression (61),
2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
long range particle-particle interactions however, is that it is restricted to T = 0, so that it
Z cannot predict the wetting temperature. For wet-
þ d 3 rU ðrÞrðrÞ ting of quantum liquids, an alternative approach
particle-wall interactions was introduced by Cheng et al. [12]. As per this
(60) consideration, under the assumptions of a sharp
interface bounding the wetting layer, the surface
where w ~ ðjr  r0 jÞ is the long-ranged part of the
free energy of the substrate can be approximated
particle-particle interaction potential in the liquid
phase, rb is the particle density far from the wall,
and U(r) is the interaction potential of a fluid Z1
particle with the wall particles. The density pro-
gsl ¼ gsv þ eg sl þ rb U ðzÞdz (62)
file, r(r), can be found by minimizing Eq. 60.
Despite being quite straightforward in principle,
an execution of this task, however, is rather diffi-
where eg sl is the cost of making the liquid density
cult, owing to the slow decay of parts of the
vanish at the substrate and is taken to be equal to
interaction potential. Because of such practical
glv. This simple model also assumes the liquid
constraints, quantitative predictions based on
density in the film to be the same as the bulk
numerical solutions of the full density functional
liquid density. The potential is taken as follows:
theory have been rather limited, except for wet-
ting behavior of simple atoms or molecules (e.g.,
4C33 C3
He) on simple substrates (e.g., Cs) at zero tem- U ðzÞ ¼  (63)
perature [12]. However, for He, quantum effects 27D2 z9 z3
also need to be taken into account while formu-
where C3 gives the amplitude of the van der
lating the density functional, which takes the
Waals interaction between one particle and the
following form [12]:
substrate and D is the well depth of the substrate-
Z adsorbate interaction potential. In addition, if zmin
ℏ2  1
2 is taken to be the minimum of V(l), the wetting
ES ¼ d3 r ∇ r2 ðrÞ
2m |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} transition temperature can be calculated by
quantum kinetic energy solving
þ d3 rUðrÞrðrÞ (61)
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}  13 3:33gðT Þ S
particle-wall interactions C3 D2 ¼ : (64)
rl  rv
short range correlations in the liquid It is important to note here that for wetting
phenomena, an important contribution to the
where the nonlocal Hamiltonian, HNL, is given by disjoining pressure arises from the van der
Waals interaction (w(r) / 1/r6), which includes
Z dipole-dipole, dipole-induced dipole, and
HNL ¼ d3 rd3 r 0 rðrÞrðr0 Þw~ ðjr  r0 jÞ induced dipole-induced dipole interactions.
Z Performing a volume integral over all the mole-
c cules present in the two half-spaces bounding the
þ d 3 rrðrÞ½rðrÞ 1þg :
2 film, one finds a decay of the form P(l)

(61a) A/(6pl3), where A is known as the Hamaker

S 3184 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

constant, which physically gives the amplitude of A close interconnection between the molecular
the interaction. Fundamentally, the Hamaker and the continuum theories of surface-tension-
constant can be calculated in terms of the dielec- driven phenomena can be provided by the equilib-
tric properties of the three phases. For example, rium spreading coefficient, S = gsv  gsl  glv,
one can employ a simple approximation by first which physically represents the surface free
considering the contribution due to dipolar inter- energy difference between partial and complete
actions, given by the zero-frequency permittiv- wetting. When S is negative, it becomes unfavor-
ities of the respective phases, as [13] able to replace the solid-vapor interface by two
others, as pertinent to the partial wetting state. The
3 ðe1  e3 Þðe2  e3 Þ phenomenological theory of Cahn [14] gives an
An¼0 ¼  kB T (65)
4 ðe1 þ e3 Þðe2 þ e3 Þ explicit way to calculate the value of S from
molecular considerations. As per this theory, the
where 1(solid) and 2(vapor) denote the phases in surface free energy functional is given as
the two half-spaces and 3(liquid) is the interme-
diate phase. For nonzero frequencies, on the other Z1 "   #
hand, the contribution comes from the relative drðzÞ 2
Es ¼ fðr Þ þ oðrÞ þ c =4 2
refractive indices of the three phases, as |fflffl{zfflsffl} dz
wall interaction 0 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
liquid-vapour interaction
An>0 ¼  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 2   (67)
16 2 n1 þ n23 n22 þ n23
 2   (66) where o is the grand potential per unit volume,
n1  n33 n22 þ n23
  ffi r(z) is the density profile as a function of the
n21 þ n23 þ n22 þ n23 distance z from the solid surface, and rs = r(0) is
the value of density at the substrate. In principle,
where h is Planck’s constant and nUV Eq. 67 intends to represent a similar physical
2  106Hz) is the UV frequency for which behavior as that depicted by Eq. 60, except for
the relative refractive indices of the phases the fact that long-ranged interactions are not
become identical (close to unity). In practice, included in Eq. 67. The wall-interaction term in
the Hamaker constant is the sum of the two con- Eq. 67 is usually expanded to the second order, as
tributions given by Eqs. 65 and 66. Equation 65
retains the 1/l2 dependence for all distances. fðrs Þ ¼ h1 rs  gr2s =2 (67a)
However, Eq. 66 is subject to retardations, since
interactions between dipoles travel only at the where the parameters h1 and g are referred to as
speed of light. It also follows from Eq. 66 that the short-range surface field and the surface
for two identical phases1 and 2 separated by enhancement field, respectively. The parameter
a dissimilar phase 3, the net effect is an attractive h1 describes the preference of the substrate for
van der Waals interaction (A < 0) between the either the liquid or the vapor and can be taken
two interfaces. In typical situations involving proportional to the difference between the
surface-tension-driven flows, the nature of the substrate-liquid and substrate-vapor interfacial
contribution given by Eq. 66 is dominated by tensions. If h1 > 0, the liquid is preferred at the
the relative refractive index difference between wall, whereas for h1 < 0, the vapor is preferred.
the liquid and the solid, since the refractive index The parameter g (usually a small negative num-
of the vapor would generally be close to unity. If ber) is a measure of the “missing” liquid-liquid
the liquid has a refractive index between that of interactions due to the fact that a liquid molecule
the solid and the vapor, then A > 0 and the for- near the wall has a smaller number of liquid
mation of the wetting layer is preferred (because neighbors than the bulk. The grand potential in
of an effective repulsion between the interfaces). Eq. 67 can be estimated by employing the
Surface-Tension-Driven Flow 3185 S
classical Landau expansion around the critical Certain key issues in practical implementation
point (in units of kBT) in the form of were identified and investigated, including the
problems of material compatibility, electrode
o ¼ a2 r2 þ a4 r4 : (67b) polarization, and electrolysis, as well as the
micromachining process. Based on these under-
Based on this, the spreading coefficient, S, can standings, they demonstrated a liquid
be calculated explicitly as micromotor in the form of an electrolyte and
liquid-metal droplets rotating along

32 2
32  a microchannel loop. Smooth and wear-free rota-
S ¼ cr0 =12 k þ 4ð1 þ wÞ  k þ 4ð1  wÞ
tion of the liquid system was shown at a speed of
þ 3wk=4  4cr30 =3 approximately 40 mm s1, with a driving voltage
(68) of only 2.8 V and a little power consumption
(10–100 W). Chakraborty [18] investigated the
where r0 are the bulk densities, w = h1/cr0 2 breakup of viscous liquid droplets on surface
and k = g/cr0. tension modulation during micro-welding metal
transfer. This study was motivated by the fact that
viscous jets of a molten metal ready to be trans-
ferred into the arc welding pools are inherently
Key Research Findings unstable. From this study, a variation of the time
required for droplet formation was obtained as
Numerous applications of surface-tension-driven a function of the surface tension modulation,
microflows have been presented in the recent corresponding to different instability modes.
literature. Jun and Kim [15] demonstrated the Chan and Yang [19] presented theoretical and
pumping of fluids in microchannels using the experimental studies of the surface-tension-
movement of a single or multiple vapor bubbles. driven, two-immiscible liquid-liquid displace-
The pumping mechanism required no ment in a horizontal capillary. A one-dimensional
micromechanical moving components for actua- mathematical model was developed to describe
tion and essentially operated by utilizing an the capillary displacement of a fixed liquid col-
asymmetric heating that creates a variation in umn by another liquid that continuously flows
vapor pressure and surface tension due to the into the capillary by surface tension. Experiments
heater-induced temperature gradient along the for a water column displaced by silicon oil were
channel. A heat and mass transfer analysis was carried out to examine the underlying dynamics
performed to model the pumping mechanism and in practice. It was found that a faster and longer
to estimate the pumping capability of the device. displacement was achieved for a shorter water
Experimental results were also presented to column in a larger capillary. Their theoretical S
establish the proposition. Chakraborty and Som predictions agreed well with the experimental
[16] theoretically determined the rate of heat results. In a recent study, Chakraborty [20]
transfer in a thin evaporating liquid film flowing devised a novel mathematical approach to ana-
along the walls of a microchannel under the com- lyze the surface-tension-driven flow of blood
bined action of surface tension and gravity. Ana- from a droplet into a microcapillary channel.
lytical solutions of conservation equations, in Special attention was devoted to estimate the
both liquid and vapor phases, were obtained in effects of variable hydraulic resistance over dif-
their study. Lee and Kim [17] demonstrated the ferent flow regimes, influence of suspended RBC
first microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) particulates on the non-Newtonian flow charac-
device that adopts surface tension as the driving teristics, and implications of a dynamically
force by driving a liquid-metal droplet in an evolving contact angle. These studies have sub-
electrolyte-filled capillary and by locally modi- sequently been extended for capillary transport in
fying the surface tension with electric potential. the presence of electroosmotic effects [21]. There
S 3186 Surface-Tension-Driven Flow

have also been other recent applications on 3. Shapiro B, Moon H, Garrel RL, Kim C-J (2003) Equi-
modeling of surface-tension-driven microflows librium behaviour of sessile drops under surface ten-
sion: applied electric fields and material variations.
(for details, please refer to the articles on J Appl Phys 93:5794–5811
“▶ Electrocapillary,” “▶ Capillary Filling,” and 4. Tanner LH (1979) The spreading of silicone
“▶ Droplet Dynamics in Microchannels”), eluci- oil drops on horizontal surfaces. J Phys D
dating comprehensive applications of the under- 12:1473–1484
5. Romero LA, Yost FG (1996) Flow in an open channel
lying theory. capillary. J Fluid Mech 322:109–129
6. Darhuber AA, Troian SM, Reisner WW
(2001) Dynamics of capillary spreading along hydro-
Future Directions for Research phobic microstripes. Phys Rev E 64(1–8):031603
7. Yih CH (1995) Kinetic-energy mass, momentum
mass, and drift mass in steady irrotational subsonic
Future research in the modeling of surface- flow. J Fluid Mech 297:29–36
tension-driven flows can be directed towards the 8. Zhumud BV, Tiberg F, Hallstensson K (2000)
development of integrated multi-scale models Dynamics of capillary rise. J Colloid Interface Sci
that can more effectively represent the 9. Kalliadasis S, Chang HC (1994) Apparent dynamic
sub-continuum (essentially, molecular)-level contact-angle of an advancing gas-liquid meniscus.
transport features in the framework of Phys Fluids 6:16–23
continuum-based descriptions of the surface- 10. Hoffman RL (1975) A study of the advancing inter-
face I. Interface shape in liquid-gas systems. J Colloid
tension-aided microfluidic transport. Interface Sci 50:228–235
11. Schick M (1990) Liquids at interfaces. In: Charvolin
JJ, Zinn-Justin J (eds) Liquids at interfaces. Les
Cross-References Houches Session XLVIII. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
pp 415–497
▶ Boundary Slip of Liquids 12. Cheng E, Cole M, Dupont-Roc J, Saam W (1993)
Novel wetting behaviour in quantum fluids. Rev
▶ Bubble Dynamics in Microchannels
Mod Phys 65:557–567
▶ Capillary Filling 13. Israelachvili J (1992) Intermolecular & surface
▶ Chaotic Flows forces. Academic, London
▶ Digital Microfluidics 14. Cahn J (1977) Critical-point wetting. J Chem Phys
▶ Droplet-Based Lab-on-Chip Devices
15. Jun JK, Kim CJ (1998) Valveless pumping using
▶ Droplet Dispensing traversing vapour bubbles in microchannels. J Appl
▶ Droplet Dynamics in Microchannels Phys 83:5658–5664
▶ Droplet Evaporation 16. Chakraborty S, Som SK (2005) Heat Transfer in an
evaporating thin liquid film moving slowly along the
▶ Droplet Microreactor
walls of an inclined microchannel. Int J Heat Mass
▶ Electrocapillary Transf 48:2801–2805
▶ Electrowetting and Droplets 17. Lee J, Kim CJ (2000) Surface-tension-driven
▶ Electrowetting, Applications microactuation based on continuous electrowetting.
J Microelectromech Syst 9:171–180
▶ Microfluidic Mixing
18. Chakraborty S (2005) Analytical investigations on
▶ Transport of Droplets by Acoustics break up of viscous liquid droplets on surface tension
▶ Transport of Droplets by Thermal Capillarity modulation during welding metal transfer. Appl Phys
▶ Wetting and Spreading Lett 86(1–3):174104
19. Chan WK, Yang C (2005) Surface-tension-driven
liquid-liquid displacement in a capillary.
J Micromech Microeng 15:1722–1728
References 20. Chakraborty S (2005) Dynamics of capillary flow of
blood into a microfluidic channel. Lab Chip
1. Levich VG, Krylov VS (1969) Surface-tension-driven 5:421–430
phenomena. Annu Rev Fluid Mech 1:293–316 21. Chakraborty S (2007) Electroosmotically driven cap-
2. Mazouchi A, Homsy GM (2000) Thermocapillary illary transport of typical non-Newtonian bio-fluids in
migration of long bubbles in cylindrical capillary rectangular microchannels. Anal Chim Acta
tubes. Phys Fluids 12:542–549 605:175–184
Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics 3187 S
heterogeneity is found in the reaction mixture,
Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics resulting in polydisperse particles of various
sizes. These problems can become even more
John S. Mitchell acute when attempting more complex syntheses,
Bioengineering Group, The New Zealand such as the construction of core-shell
Institute for Plant and Food Research Ltd, nanoparticles and quantum dots.
Hamilton, New Zealand Microfluidic systems, where fluid is contained
in channels and reservoirs on the microscale,
enable sizes to be controlled by the dimensions
Synonyms of the fluid handling system and the types of fluid
flow that predominate in such systems. Further-
Microfluidic synthesis; Microparticle synthesis; more, by reducing the volumes of fluid involved
Nanoparticle synthesis; Particle synthesis in the synthesis, one achieves greater control over
the homogeneity of the reaction environment.
Microfluidics also allow for the exclusion of
Definition some interfering contaminants and more precise
control of temperature, residence time in the reac-
The synthesis of particles in microfluidics refers tion chamber, localized pressure and mixing, and
to chemical assembly of particles typically of the use of carefully maintained concentration
micron or nanometer size inside fluid-containing gradients.
channels, chambers, or flow cells of micron scale. There are a variety of different types of parti-
The particles assembled may include polymers, cle that can be synthesized using microfluidics
metal particles, gels, emulsions, and clusters of and the exact fluidic format used defines the flow
smaller particles. The microfluidics typically characteristics of the synthesis environment
operates with very low energy, handles very low which needs to be carefully matched to the syn-
volumes of fluid in the range of mL-fL, and thetic requirements of each particle type. Broadly
involves specific fluid effects only seen in the speaking, the main particle types of interest
micro domain. include monodisperse microgels, metal
nanoparticles and nanocrystals, core-shell parti-
cles, microemulsions, and microcapsules. Typi-
Overview cally these particles should be homogeneous in
size and are composed either of an organic poly-
The synthesis of particles on the micron or nano- mer matrix or a metal or metal mixture at the
meter scale presents specific challenges related to micron or nanometer scale. In addition to these
the need for tightly controlled particle sizes and simple particle architectures, we may also con- S
shapes, carefully moderated growth rates of par- sider more complex particles composed of mul-
ticle assembly, and the need to specifically and tiple layers or components such as core-shell
uniformly functionalize particle surfaces for particles or using a central cavity to encapsulate
chemical interaction with immobilized ligands. small molecules, proteins, or other particles, and
Techniques for the synthesis of micro and these are called microcapsules.
nanoparticles in bulk solvents are well known When synthesizing simple polymer particles,
and include the controlled reduction of metal there are two main approaches used. The first is
salts to produce metal nanoparticles, such as in known as flow projection photolithography and
the case of gold nanoparticles produced by citrate involves passing a polymer solution through
reduction of HAuCl4. However, such simple microfluidic channels and exposing it to UV
particle-forming reactions suffer from significant light as it flows past [1]. In this format,
inconsistencies in particle size when even very a photolithographic mask can be placed between
slight organic or particulate contamination or the channel and the UV source so that only parts
S 3188 Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics

of the polymer precursor solution are irradiated precise control over the residence times and
and polymerized, and thus, one can control the mixing conditions within the reactors. Further-
size and shape of the particles produced [1]. This more, blockage and fouling of the microfluidics
approach relies upon rapid polymerization so that becomes a significant problem [3]. A number of
movement of the polymer stream during poly- reactor designs have been developed to try and
merization does not result in shape deformation overcome these issues. Examples include the use
in the final synthesized particles. It is also desir- of a series of parallel reaction channels to allow
able to minimize the amount of oxygen present in for distributive mixing in the production of metal
the microfluidic channel as oxygen layers can act nanoparticles. This is done to try and optimize
as a localized inhibitor of polymerization mixing efficiency and minimize the risk of back-
[1]. This is a particular issue when the channel flow along the microfluidics. It also results in
is constructed using polydimethylsiloxane narrow particle size distributions with standard
(PDMS). deviations of <5 % [3].
The second approach is to emulsify liquid Another approach to single-phase synthesis is
monomers in an immiscible carrier fluid and to separate the channels in the microfluidics from
polymerize the resulting droplets of monomer the site of particle formation. This can be
[1]. With this approach, a number of different achieved through the use of a microfiltration
microfluidic architectures have been tested to membrane system and dispersion microreactor
produce the microparticle emulsion. These for- and helps to minimize fouling of the fluidics.
mats include the use of a T-junction where the Double-loop micromixers in combination with
phase to be dispersed (the monomer or polymer air microchannels can also be applied to synthesis
precursor) is passed into a microfluidic channel of metal nanoparticles with uniform diameters
containing the continuous phase (the supporting where the reaction time is significantly reduced.
immiscible carrier liquid) at a 90 angle and Another more traditional approach is to sim-
microdroplets break off and flow along with the ply deploy T-junction microreactors, but prob-
continuous phase [1]. Another approach is to flow lems have been encountered with the lack of
the monomer over the edge of a microscale ter- size control and monodispersity in the particles,
race along which the continuous phase flows and with size often being strongly dependent upon the
allow droplets to break off and move along in the residence times and fluid velocities in the
continuous phase. One can also use capillary tips microchannels [3].
to dispense the monomer as droplets into the While a range of different particle geometries
continuous phase that flows around the outside are potentially possible using a microfluidic for-
of the capillary, and these include the so-called mat, by far the most widely studied of these is the
flow-focusing microchannel devices (FFD) production of spherical particles either with
where the dispenser tip is very narrow [1]. a homogeneous internal structure or including
Looking beyond polymer-based particle syn- an internal cavity or a layered structure such as
thesis, one can also consider approaches suitable in core-shell particles. Typically, these particles
for metal micro- and nanoparticle synthesis. In are constructed using a multiphase flow system
many instances, rather than using an emulsion, usually with droplet control utilizing droplet-
one can instead utilize a homogeneous liquid forming tips or capillaries as mentioned above
system where the fluid flows as a single phase. and as shown in Fig. 1. The microfluidic devices
A number of different microfluidic reactor archi- used can be classified as coaxial flow
tectures have been utilized to achieve homoge- microdevices for the production of a double
neous mixing and rapid reaction [2]. The key emulsion, hydraulic focusing devices, and tradi-
difficulty with this simple single-phase approach tional T-junction devices [1, 3].
is that the growth of the particles within the Core-shell microspheres can be synthesized
fluidics can disturb the laminar flow within the using the coaxial approach where three liquids
microchannels and so it is difficult to exert are used: (1) the polymer precursor for the core of
Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics 3189 S
a Middle Fluid Outer Fluid (Q3)


Inner Fluid



Injection Tube Transition Tube Collection Tube

b c

Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics, Fig. 1 The use from Chu L, Utada A, Shah R, Kim J, Weitz D (2007)
of a microfluidic orifice to produce double emulsions Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46:
using a three-phase fluid system (top) and examples of 8970–8974. # 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &
the double emulsion (bottom) (Reprinted with permission Co. KGaA, Weinheim [4])
S 3190 Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics

the particle, (2) the polymer precursor for the Here a critical reactant such as an ion or initiator
shell of the particle, and (3) the carrier fluid. For diffuses from one phase to the other and results in
this approach to work, the first and second fluids a full or partial polymerization or cross-linking in
and the second and third fluids must be immisci- the polymer precursor [3]. This can be useful in
ble. An example of this is encapsulation of encapsulation using alginate [3].
a monomer in silicone oil with an aqueous carrier To ensure optimal control of particle size and
fluid. Critical to the success of this approach is morphology, the microfluidic format employed
careful control of the relative flow rates of the must be carefully matched to the type of particle
fluid phases. This approach is often known as one wishes to produce. The approaches used
a double emulsion technique [3]. either focus on rapid and efficient mixing of par-
To produce microgels that have a very large ticle precursors in a single phase to produce
pore structure with a high internal fluid content, monodisperse and homogeneous micro- and
one can utilize cross-junctions in the nanoparticles or focus on reproducible combina-
microfluidics to encapsulate quantum dot metal tion of two or more phases using capillary tech-
cores into a hydrogel microcapsule with size dis- niques, hydraulic focusing, or microfluidic
tributions typically within 5 %. Using such tech- junctions. In all cases it is important to maintain
niques, it is possible to obtain microgel particles laminar flow as much as possible, minimize foul-
in the size range of 10–1,000 mm [3]. ing and blockage of the fluidics, and maintain
Similar approaches can be used in the constant flow rates and, where needed,
microfluidic synthesis of Janus particles where photopolymerization conditions, to ensure opti-
two compartments are formed within the particle mal particle uniformity. More detailed
that have different compositions. In this case approaches to microfluidic synthesis of
immiscible monomers are passed along microgels, metal particles, and nanoemulsions
microfluidic channels in parallel streams and and microcapsules will be given below.
then subsequently polymerized. This approach
allows precise control over the volumetric frac-
tion of each monomer by controlling the relative Basic Methodology
flow rates of the two monomer streams [3]. Poly-
merization is usually by UV irradiation, and the Microgels and Nanogels
surfaces of each compartment of the Janus parti- Microgels and nanogels are micron- and
cles can be subsequently functionalized or used nanometer-sized particles, respectively, that are
for immobilization of biomolecules. They can formed by the conversion of a precursor mono-
also be loaded with dyes or other small molecules mer or short-chain polymer into a network poly-
to act as colorimetric indicators or in microen- mer structure with an extensive network of pores
capsulation of drugs [3]. interpenetrated by a supporting solvent, often
Related to Janus particles are polymer cap- water. These particles lend themselves particu-
sules which are core shell in nature and are usu- larly well to synthesis in microfluidic channels as
ally produced using a double emulsion with the gelation process can be induced rapidly by
subsequent gelation or polymerization steps. chemical means or by photoirradiation [6]. The
The microfluidic structures employed include rate of gelation can be controlled by careful man-
combining T-junctions with flow-focusing agement of flow rates and residence times.
devices or using capillary-based devices. Repro- A wide range of different polymers can be used
ducible formation of polymer capsules can be to form micro- and nanogel particles, and these
achieved through interfacial polymerization include biopolymers such as high molecular mass
whereby the monomers polymerize at the inter- dextran hydrogels. Emulsification followed by
face between the droplet and the continuous car- gelation is the preferred route to the synthesis of
rier phase [5]. Another approach is to utilize these particles, and this approach can also allow
diffusion control to regulate the gelation reaction. for microencapsulation [6].
Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics 3191 S
Emulsification is achieved by the droplet for- synthesized with consistent shape and is
mation techniques described earlier. Once an a variant on the photolithography techniques
emulsion has formed in the microfluidic chan- mentioned earlier. This approach has also been
nels, a number of different gelation techniques applied to the synthesis of Janus particles, micro-
can be applied. Techniques that have been con- structures that include both oxides and
sidered include changing the temperature of non-oxides, and particles for encapsulating
emulsion using heating devices surrounding the cells. In the case of hydrogels, it has been dem-
microfluidic channel; however, in practice it is onstrated that swelling behavior, mass loss, and
quite challenging to obtain a consistent thermal degradation properties of the hydrogel particles
gradient across the microfluidic device [6]. A can be altered by changing the UV irradiation
more practical approach is to use UV irradiation intensity doses used [7].
to photopolymerize the monomer or polymer pre- Microgels can be produced by the mixing and
cursor emulsion [6], and this can be applied to emulsification of two different polymer solutions
organic polymers that include polyacrylamide that can react to form cross-linked microgel par-
gels. The advantages of this approach are the ticles that are monodisperse and have predictable
rapid gelation of the particles and their high swelling properties [8]. An example of this is the
structural strength. However, as with thermal use of aldehyde and hydrazide-functionalized
gelation, any biomolecules encapsulated inside carbohydrates where heating or UV irradiation
the microgel may be denatured by the setting can be used for gelation.
process. Porosity of the resulting microgel parti- Once formed, microgel particles can be
cle will be affected by the phase separation pro- useful as scaffolds in the construction of other
cess that occurs during polymerization. Given the particles. A useful variant on the emulsification/
much more rapid time scale for UV photopoly- gelation approach to microfluidic synthesis of
merization over thermal gelation, one would particles is the use of double emulsions in which
expect significant differences in porosity between it is possible to carefully adjust the size,
these two gelation techniques. monodispersity, and chemical composition
Another chemical approach is to coalesce within a microfluidic framework [3]. In this
droplets of the polymer precursor and a cross- case, microgel particles may form a structural
linking agent while they flow through the scaffold to shift the relative position of the inner
microfluidics [6]. This can be achieved for algi- droplet in the emulsion and thus help to control
nate microgels using Ca2+ as the cross-linking the morphology of the particles subsequently
agent [6]. Similarly, the cross-linking agent can produced.
be made to diffuse across to the droplet phase There are a number of considerations related
from the continuous phase resulting in conve- to achieving tight ranges of particle size, and
nient in situ gelation. these are mostly concerning the way in which S
The use of the so-called internal gelation has the droplets are formed online. One of these key
been considered as a possibility for use in considerations is the transition between dripping
microfluidics. In this process, a chemical com- and jetting of the droplet phase into the continu-
pound diffuses from the continuous phase into the ous phase [8]. In the former instance, droplets are
droplet phase and triggers the release of the cross- formed at the orifice of a co-flow device, whereas
linking agent. However, studies using an alginate with jetting, a long strand of microgel polymer
system have yielded disappointing results, giving precursor is formed before it finally breaks up
particles that are not stable as colloids and lack into droplets. When the two liquids are pumped
structural rigidity [6]. at constant flow rates, the immiscibility between
A recent innovation in the production of the two fluids creates an interfacial tension and
microgel particles is the use of stop-flow lithog- a droplet grows at the tip of the orifice. As the
raphy [7]. This approach is a single-phase method droplet swells, the pressure in the continuous
where homogeneous microgel particles can be phase increases to a critical point, at which the
S 3192 Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics

droplet is broken off from the tip and carried formation, it is usually necessary to have hydro-
along in the continuous phase [8]. philic microfluidic channel walls as these allow
In the formation of droplets of microgel, the proper flow of the typically hydrophilic continu-
flow rate of the two fluid streams is critically ous phase. When hydrophobic materials such as
important. At too low a flow rate of the continu- PDMS are used, then the walls may need to be
ous phase, the growth of droplets is suppressed by treated either using a hydrophilic coating or
the elevated pressure of the continuous phase, but a plasma treatment [8].
at too high a flow rate, the pressure of the contin- A critical parameter in the use of microfluidics
uous phase does not overcome the interfacial to synthesize microgel particles is the way in
tension and so does not break the inner fluid which the particles flow through the microfluidic
into individual droplets. To achieve droplet for- channels. Generally, researchers consider three
mation, one must work below the critical jetting main factors in examining this flow behavior:
velocity, but low flow rates can be problematic as (1) the velocity of the microgel particles, partic-
they result in a slower rate of droplet and thus ularly as they approach and pass through an ori-
microgel particle formation. Speeding up the fice, (2) how confinement of the particles in
continuous phase while not reducing the droplet channels and reaction chambers of varying
phase speed may help in retaining good control dimensions affects the flow, and (3) how the
over droplet size, but it will result in dilution of microgel particles interact with the walls of
the microgel particles produced [8]. the microfluidic device. The velocity of both the
Viscosity is another key parameter in microgel microgel particles and the continuous phase typ-
droplet formation. If the polymer precursor liquid ically increases as they pass through narrow ori-
is too viscous, then it will jet rather than form fices, though the magnitude of this acceleration
droplets; however, if the viscosity is too low, then can depend upon the surface chemistry of
there is the potential for contamination from the particles. For instance, coating alginate
much smaller droplets of polymer precursor microgels with N-(2-hydroxy)propyl-3-
resulting in polydispersity. These smaller trimethylammonium chitosan substantially
microgel particles are known as satellites slows the passage through narrow orifices.
[8]. There is some debate over the effect of con- While nanogel synthesis is attracting increas-
tinuous phase viscosity on droplet formation, so it ing attention for its potential in drug delivery,
is not clear what effect, if any, this has on synthesis is usually achieved in bulk solution
microgel particle formation. either from polymer precursors or heterogeneous
Polarity of the droplet phase relative to the polymerization from monomers rather than syn-
continuous phase is another important consider- thesis in a nanofluidic or microfluidic channel.
ation for microgel particle size and morphology. However, nanogel particles can be incorporated
Typically one uses a lower polarity droplet phase into the interior of microspheres within
relative to the continuous phase. In this case, a microfluidic environment.
when the polymer precursor polarity increases,
the droplet size decreases, when all other factors Metal Particles and Clusters
are held constant, as the polarity difference A wide range of metal nanoparticle morphologies
between the phases is reduced, and thus there is has been achieved by using a microfluidic syn-
a lower interfacial tension and a lower jetting thesis environment. In a simple arrangement of
speed. The converse is true if the polarity of the two reservoirs and a mixing junction, gold
droplet phase is reduced. Inclusion of salts in the nanoparticles can be synthesized by mixing
continuous phase results in a greater polarity HAuCl4 with NaBH4 as a reducing agent that
difference and thus smaller droplet size [8]. allows nucleation of elemental gold and then
In terms of the quality of the microgel particles particle growth by nucleation. Similar assemblies
produced, the hydrophilicity of the microfluidic can be used to produce different morphologies
channels is important. To get good droplet such as gold nanorods through anisotropic
Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics 3193 S
Synthesis of Particles in Microreactor Inlets
Microfluidics, Fig. 2 The
use of segmented flow to Silicone oil Gold precursor Reductant
produce gold nanoparticles Toluene
in a microfluidic reactor. Mixing Zone
An air/silicone oil feed is
used to separate slugs of
aqueous gold precursor Internal circulation Aqueous slug
mixed with reductant, and
toluene is used as the
continuous phase (top).
Images of the slugs and the
microfluidic format b c Outlet
(bottom) (Reprinted with
permission from Cabeza V,
Kuhn S, Kulkarni A, Jensen
K (2012) Langmuir 28(17): Cold zone
7007–7013. Copyright
2012 American Chemical
Society [9])

Hot zone

growth from the rod-shaped micelles produced to batch to batch variability. Continuous flow
when HAuCl4 is mixed with ascorbic acid as the systems have the ability to change temperature
reducing agent and cetyltrimethylammonium and reagent concentration quickly and set up
bromide (CTAB) [2]. Thermal reduction to pro- temperature and concentration gradients over
duce 9 nm silver nanoparticles is also possible by micron-scale distances. Their main drawbacks
passing silver pentafluoropropionate through in producing metal nanoparticles are that the par-
a tubular microreactor heated by an oil bath ticles often deposit on the walls and there may be
[2]. Copper nanoparticles have also been pro- a need for additional mixers to help ensure nar-
duced in both microreactor and batch formats row size distributions [2].
though not with very good size control [2]. Criti- Adhesion of nanoparticles onto the
cal parameters affecting the size of metal microfluidic channel walls can be minimized by S
nanocrystals include flow rate, temperature, and enclosing the nanoparticles inside droplets of
the concentrations of the precursor a carrier fluid. In the case of segmented flow,
compounds used. slugs of aqueous carrier fluid can be introduced
The microfluidic format employed in metal into the microfluidics between slugs of oil and in
nanoparticle synthesis is also critical to the qual- a more hydrophobic carrier fluid such as toluene
ity and size consistency of the particles produced. (Fig. 2) [9]. This approach relies upon fast mixing
The main options are to use a batch-based within the aqueous slugs and so has been shown
microreactor format, continuous flow in to result in narrower particle size distributions. It
microfluidic channels, or segmented flow is possible to perform the segmented flow syn-
[2]. The microreactor approach allows for the thesis method using spiral microfluidic reactors
inclusion of mixing architectures such as radial over a heated surface [9]. Synthesis of gold
interdigitated mixers, but this approach some- nanorods using droplet-based microfluidics has
times produces polydispersity and may be prone shown great promise as a technique where the
S 3194 Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics

Synthesis of Particles in
Microfluidics, Fig. 3 A
high-pressure microfluidic
system for the production
of CdSe quantum dots
using a heating block and
silicon/glass microfluidics
(Reprinted with permission
from Marre S, Park J,
Rempel J, Guan J,
Bawendi M, Jensen
K (2008) Advanced
Materials 20(24):
4830–4834. # 2008
GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Weinheim [10])

aspect ratio of the nanorods can be altered by and sizes of the particles produced. This can
changing the flow rate and concentration of minimize the effects of drag from higher molec-
reagents [2]. Many of the metal nanoparticle syn- ular mass solvents and thus partially counteract
thesis systems include spectroscopic modules the effects of dispersive flow on broadening par-
that can be added onto the outlet of the ticle size distributions. In systems using lower
microfluidic channels to assess the optical prop- molecular mass solvents, this effect can be less-
erties of the nanoparticles and deduce their parti- ened by lateral diffusion improving homogeneity
cle sizes or geometries. across the channel.
A key part of research efforts in metal nano- Another approach for quantum dot synthesis is
particle synthesis in microfluidics has been the to use segmented flow, similar to that outlined for
efficient production of quantum dots, typically microgels earlier. By breaking the reaction phase
nanometer-scale particles of semiconductor into smaller slugs or droplets, diffusion within
material where the electrochemical properties of each droplet is more efficient and greater control
the particle are defined by its constrained dimen- can be exerted over particle size. CdSe quantum
sions. One of the most common quantum dots is dots can be synthesized using segmented flow in
CdSe, and these have been synthesized in a high- a gas/liquid reactor where either a gas such as
pressure environment using a continuous flow argon is introduced to separate the reaction slugs
microfluidic chip in contact with a heating block or a volatile organic compound such as an amine
and with nonpolar organic solvent as the contin- is used to separate the slugs through in situ gas
uous phase (Fig. 3) [10]. By using high pressures, generation. In these cases significant reductions
one can keep the carrier solvent in a supercritical in particle size distributions could be achieved
state and so, by preventing vaporization, greatly based on optical properties of the particles.
expand the range of solvents and use the viscosity Nanocrystals can also be synthesized in
of different solvents to control the diffusion rates a microfluidic reactor using nanoclusters as
Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics 3195 S

Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics, Fig. 4 Stop- flow to flush out the resulting microhydrogel particles
flow lithography applied to the synthesis of several different (top). The various particles shapes are shown (bottom)
shapes of microhydrogel particles. A polymer precursor (Reprinted with permission from Hwang D, Oakey J,
solution with photoinitiator is flowed into the PDMS Toner M, Arthur J, Anseth K, Lee S, Zeiger A, Van Vliet
microchannels; flow is then stopped and photopoly- K, Doyle P (2009) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131(12): 4499–4504.
merization achieved with a UV source before resuming Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society [7])

a starting point. This has been applied to synthe- restoring stresses that would favor droplet coag-
sis of CdSe nanocrystals and can result in ulation. Typically nanoemulsions are stabilized
enhanced reaction yield and high product repro- by the use of surfactants and demonstrate
ducibility while maintaining excellent control a particularly large elastic modulus. Semisolid
over temperature and reaction exposure times. polymers can also be used to help stabilize
nanoemulsions produced in microfluidic homog-
Nanoemulsions and Microcapsules enizers. Nanoemulsions can also be enclosed
Nanoemulsions are attracting particular attention inside microgel particles by first synthesizing
for their efficacy in drug delivery. Microfluidics the nanoemulsion particles ex situ and then
has a unique role to play in the synthesis of mixing them with the microgel precursor droplets
nanoemulsions where an immiscible fluid droplet in situ in the microfluidics and setting the poly- S
of <100 nm diameter is suspended in a supporting mer using stop-flow lithography. A variety of
fluid. When high-pressure injections of the fluid different microgel particle shapes can be synthe-
are made into microfluidic channels, extreme sized including squares, triangles, and z-shaped
shear forces can be generated to break up the particles. An example of stop-flow lithography
immiscible liquid into nanoscale droplets. Using applied to microgel particle synthesis is
multiple passes of fluid, very regular particle shown in Fig. 4.
diameters can be obtained and polydispersity Microcapsules are micron-sized particles with
can be reduced. a hollow interior that can enclose active ingredi-
Nanoemulsions do not form spontaneously ents such as drugs. Microfluidics is widely used in
and so the droplet structure is predominantly the synthesis of microcapsules to achieve homo-
a product of the sequence and magnitude of geneous size. A typical microfluidic system for
shear stresses used in their formation. These microcapsule synthesis may involve injection of
shear stresses have to work against the interfacial the polymer precursor or monomer through a first
S 3196 Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics

injection port followed by injection of the con- projection photolithography or microdroplet

tinuous phase through inlet channels at an 80 emulsification and setting. Metal nanoparticles,
angle to the main channel and then injection on the other hand, can often be produced from
of cross-linking reagent through another set of single-phase liquid synthesis.
inlet channels. This approach is sometimes To produce core-shell microspheres, a coaxial
referred to as a flow-focusing configuration and fluid injection approach can be used, and for
has been used for producing proteinaceous Janus particles parallel streams of precursor
microcapsules. fluids can be used along the microfluidic chan-
Templating using droplet-based microfluidics nels. In considering specific examples of particles
is by far the most common approach to the pro- produced in microfluidics, microgels represent
duction of microcapsules and can be applied to a major category. The key considerations here
both capsules where a polymer forms a mesh are the balance between the jetting and dripping
enclosing a solvent-filled inner space and designs flow, the flow rate, the viscosity, and the polarity
based on core shells where the polymer consti- of the phases. The hydrophilicity of the
tutes the shell while the core is left hollow. Such microfluidic channels can also play an important
techniques can be used to encapsulate drugs and role in ensuring consistent fluid flow. Metal
live cells. Alginate hydrogels can be particularly nanoparticles are another important category
useful for the encapsulation of live cells using that can be synthesized in various shapes using
microcapillary-based approaches with typical either batch-based or continuous flow systems
sizes in the 60–230 mm range. Nanofibrous self- each having their own advantages and disadvan-
assembled peptide-polysaccharide matrices can tages. Q-dots are most efficiently produced under
be formed into microcapsules that are used as high pressure, and a segmented flow model has
three-dimensional environments for cell culture. also been considered for their synthesis.
It is also possible to produce pH-sensitive micro- Nanoemulsions can be produced by multiple
capsules using copolymerization of methacrylate passes of precursor fluid through microfluidic
and histidine-based polymer precursors as drug channels achieving high shear forces, and micro-
delivery devices. capsules are produced principally through
droplet-based microfluidics.

Key Research Findings

Future Directions for Research
Microfluidics offers a unique opportunity to pre-
cisely define the size and shape of micro- and Micro- and nanoparticle synthesis in
nanoparticles by in situ synthesis using a range microfluidics has only been widely reported for
of microfluidic channel and reactor geometries. about 10 years and so there is significant scope to
Synthesis of these particles is possible using both develop still more sophisticated micro- and nano-
single-phase mixtures and multiple-phase mix- scale architectures to produce fluid droplets with
tures. With a single-phase approach, consistent finer control over diameter and in ever smaller
particle production is achieved by rapid and effi- sizes. Particular attention could be focused on
cient mixing and for multiple phases, through constructing smaller fluid orifices with carefully
using microfluidic formats that allow for highly designed geometries for even more consistent
reproducible combination of the phases. Rapid size and shape. Another largely underexplored
setting of polymers in the microfluidics is also area is the use of nanofluidics to synthesize
critical and so UV photopolymerization is pre- nanogel particles. Finally, another key challenge
ferred. In the case of metal nanoparticles, special is finding new ways of scaling up the production
steps often need to be taken to prevent fouling or of micro- and nanoparticles to ever higher parti-
deposition along the microchannels. Polymer cle outputs suitable for commercial production on
particles are generally produced by flow an industrial scale.
Synthesis of Particles in Microfluidics 3197 S
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