PET Plus Reading P5, 6, 2

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Part 2 ‘Questions 6 - 10 For each question, choose the correct answer. The young people below all want to watch a documentary series about the natural world, On page 12 there are descriptions of eight documentary seriss, Decide which series would be most suitable for the people below. ir "| Edwin is keen to know more about animals that ive in cold Places. He'd like to find out about what lives on beaches: ‘and coasts, and he likes programmes with soundtracks by famous musicians, 8 [ag] Uliika likes learning about nature in mountain ranges and would preter to see a series that was filmed around the world. She wants to know hovr different landscapes were formed. 6 Lis doing a project on rare animals and would like to see a Series that includes information about them. She loves learning ‘about deserts and would also like advice about helping the environment. = 8 Tee (| Marco would love to find out how humans ate affecting wilde, He'd lke the saries to show life in jungles, including species that no one has filmed before, 10 ‘Stacey is looking for a series that’s presented by a famous scientist. She enjoys seeing animals that live in the sea and wants to find out how climate affects animals that live in different places, 2: READING PART 2 Nature documentary series Watch Nature ‘The Watch Nature team spent two years filming in and around the Aftican rainforest. Presented by famous biology expert Magnus Green, the series focuses as much on People’s influence on the wildlife as on the lives of the creatures themselves. Sevaral of ‘the animals appear for the first time on flim, Nature Planet With an amazing soundtrack provided by famous guitarist Stella Murray, Nature Planet focuses on species that live in the driest places on Earth and whose numbers are ‘s0 low they're in danger of disappearing altogether. It includes information on what we Can all do to care more for the natural world, Fragile Earth With a focus on how people and climate change are affecting nature worldwide, this ‘series is not only beautiful to fook at, but sounds great too, with music provided by the Word-famous Capital Orchestra, it shows the damage humans are doing but also suggests solutions, ‘Channel Nature This wonderful series shows how several major landscapes were created. With beautiful music provided by well-known singers George and Hans Severin, we fcllow the lives of animals that make their homes on shores around the world. Several prograrnmes look at how the wildlife of the Antarctic survives the freezing PART 2 READING B_ Wild World ‘There's film of some unusual sea creatures in this fantastic series. Some of the species ‘are shown for the frst time on film. There are ‘amazing pictures of extremely rare sharks ‘swimming under ice near Greenland, The series was filmed in all of the world's oceans. ‘Our Planet | Tom ie eso 0 he chaps: ean, this series has everything. Recorded in over ty courts, Our Peet expan how the ography of ach repon ena up eng so ifn, las soning ue the eof tne anal ing ther. The Swe pogeranes about ite inthe wre highest peas eet to be missed. | Third Planet from the Sun You'te sure to have seen Dr Joys Ange! ‘on TV before. In this series, the university physics professor explains why weather, | more than anything elsa, influences what lives in each region. See how creatures in the world’s oceans and mountain ranges are affected by small changes in temperature. Earth Central Fimed on all seven ofthe world’s continents, Earth Central is science researcher and | presenter Larry Halliwell’ latest series. We fellow a family of monkeys in thejungie Inone ofthe episodes, ara ciscover how | animals that lve on beaches are affected by | large numbers of people using them during | the summer in another. } | Questions 21 - 26 For each question, choose the correct answer, Alaska ——— Alaska is the largest of the fifty states that make up the USA. Although itis part of the | United States, it doesn't actually have a land 1) states. I actually (22). between with any of the other forty-nine 2 oe | Canada tothe east and he Pacific and Artic Oceans to the south, west and north. thas a | total 2a) Although Alaska is huge, its population is (24), .. of over 1.7 million square Kilometres. tiny, with well under a millon people living in this enormous state. What probably (25), a greater | number of people from wanting to move there is the climate. In the state's largest city, Anchorage, the maximum daily temperature in summer is only around 18°C. In |_Mary parts of the siate, temperatures of -20°C are (26). in winter, _| 2A time B border «edge D cide 2 A rests B stays remains Des 23 A axea B region © section =D district 24 A conainy = Btotally © absolutely —D — detfritely_ 25 A interupts. Bends © avoids D provents 26 A common = Bnatural «= familiar §=—Dragular 20 PART 5 READING 2 PART 6 READING Questions 27 ~ 32 For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. To: Yasmin | Hi Yasmin, hope you and your farmily are doing well. 'm going to the big firework display next weekend with my family and (27), wondering if yau want to come with us? We went last year and we all really enjoyed it. (28). were so many different fireworks! A few (29)... them were incredibly loud, especially the ones near the end of the display. | Hfyou want to come with us, can you let me know (30), | soon as possible? (31), fact, i's actually free to get into the event, but we need to book tickets because the organisers put 2 limit on how (82)... people can attend. | really hope that you can come, Write back soon! Questions 6 ~ 10 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘The young people below all want to find a campsite to go to with their families. (On the opposite page there are eight descriptions of campsites. Decide which campsite would be most suitable for the people below. 6 Amjad wants to go to a campsite which has a restaurant and that has a beach nearby. He'd like there to be organised day trips to places of interest. eT iT Jing would lke to find @ campsite in the mountains which has a aos 'swimming pool. She would ike to laa how to do some water restaurants but da they sports wile she's there. aes neice momnaien about bere? How sla car you descr & reaaurant | Question 7: Which texte mention orgie acces, | 8 Pascal would lke to hire bikes at the campsite he goes to. He sports! Do these texts wants a campsite that’s near a big city and that has a disco ses aay yng boar every week, tremounbine ‘Question 8: Sera {xs menthn bes, bat ich other ards can see efor ble? Shot do youdoat adsca? = 9 Karolina wants a campsite with entertainment for her six-year- uation teh 4 cid bother co she doesn't have to lok ater him so much eaecuirer yee A Her family are travelling by plane and like having tents that are blrer Ithere ao already set up. infrmetin asa ere tare akeads sep! ‘Question 10: \vnch Capstes we dosete rer ther ako eigiecrine = 10 Michael would lke to go to a campsite that's close to a river and that he can travel to by tran, He'd Ike there to be different activities for teenagers available every day. “4 The Ridge B This small campsite located in beautiful mountains is great for families. t's only a 10-minute taxi ride from the nearest airport. ‘and you won't even need to pack or put up tent, as these are all provided for you. There are activities and shows for under-10s every day, and for teenagers, too, on weekdays, The Pines D Situated by a lake among beautiful mountains, The Pines offers activities for alll ages, Including swimming, sailing and windsurfing from the campsite's beach. The ‘owners arrange visits to several ctties and 10 ‘many historical buildings in the area. It has cone of the best places to eat in the region. Freetime Camping ef Dofinitely a campsite for the more active ‘family, Freetime Camping has three large pools to choose from, as well as mountain bike hire and day trips to the seaside or to the famous national railway museum, There's something for everyone, whether you're six years old or sixty The Granary H ‘The Granary has one of the best waterslides and pools in the country, as well as a beach only a five-minute walk away. There are dally organised activities for everyone, from the youngest chikiren to adults. The weekly disco is incredibly popular, especially among teenage campers. Campsites ‘Camping Deluxe Just 200m from the sea, Camping Deluxe is great place for those who love water sports. | or just relaxing on the beach. There’s bike > hire at the campsite that's reasonably priced It’s only @ short bus ride from the town of Dannbury and its railway station, Country Camping Perfect for families, Country Camping organises things to do for all age groups daily. Perhaps you'll love the weekly disco, or maybe sailing or swimming in the river nearby ie more your thing? t's just 1 km to the nearest railway station and only 500m to the shops and restaurants of the local village. Camp Best Bring your own tent or use one of the many that Camp Best provides for quests ~ it’s up to you! From music and dancing every Saturday to cheap cycle hire, Camp Best has itall. Only Skm outside the capital, with its restaurants, shops, train stations and airport, it's a great place to be. Habitat Camping ‘Agreat place for lovers of the outdoors= | quests can take classes in windsurfing and | sailing, or rent a bike and spend the day riding on one of the many mountain paths in the local area. They can cool off afterwards in the pool and then eat at the site’s convenient restaurant. READING TEST 2 45 Questions 21-26 For each question, choose the correct answer, The history of sur Surfing is one of the oldest sports on the planet. No one realy knows (21).. when i frst started but its (22)... that people Rave used wooden boards to ride waves for about three thousand years. The fist surters were probably fishetmen from islands in the Pacific Ocean, wino found that bringing the fish they | had (23), to shore was much easier if they rode waves onto the beach in their small boats. Over timo, this developed from part of the working day into a (24)... activity. ‘Question 21: Waien of tessa sudo ‘The first (25), records of surfing appeared in the late eighteenth certury. grow enarire every acre | English explorer Captain James Cook wrote in his diary about seeing locals ding Question 22:44 the waves fF (26)... 09 & Pasific island called Tahit ofthe versa nears ‘aio? Wine carly twentieth century, surfing spread to the US state of California and Question 23: Wrich of ‘Australia. t's now popular all around the world. those verbe de you use ote SS ————— Question 4 Wich vores orertses 21 A certciny —B_comecty, «exactly «=D totaly wesc tomesn semi aa A thought supposed ited Bee Question 25: Which 23 A gained B kept Cc held D caught iene efestn something that we study 24 A rest B leisure Cs telaxation D entertainment tid abautte ee 25 A ancient «= storcal «antique «Dold CQueon 26 Wich word has a similar 26 A pleasure B happiness CG wish D choice searing? "fun? TEST 2 READING Part 6 Questions 27 - 32 For each question, write the correct answer, Write one word for each gap. My drama club | In my blog today, 'm going to tel you about the drama club | go to. | frst found out 7)... item a fend of mine. He recommended it to me around six months (28). and joined immeciataly. {really love going because I think the teacher there isthe (28), amazing center ove The ates we don lasses area rteesing and Im gating SO | much better (20), acting, thanks to all the things we do there. ($1). I got the chance, I'd really like to become a professional actor in the future, but | know (32). difficutt it can be to become successful. So many people want to become actors but very few actually achieve their dream. ‘Question 27: hich sword aomesafierthe ‘incon? ies worsen ve put here at tele us thie be =n theres? Question 29: whieh ‘nord goes ree to indie superlative? ‘Question 30: Which short wore do jouneed inthepbrace good someting? ‘Question 31: hich word do we often use in corona! sentences Tg this one Question 32: Vien questi word de you redo use hen? READING TEST 2 5) For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘The young people below all want to do art courses during their school summer holidays. On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight art courses, Decide which art course would be most suitable for the people below. 6 TEST 3 READING ‘Asha wants to do an art course that also includes photography and has an exhibition of students" work. She'd like to stay at the place where the course is held, Jack can only attend on weekdays and would like a course which focuses on painting people. He'd like to leam about the livas of famous artists. Humera would like a course that is run by a professional artist where students learn how to paint animals. She can only go to classes in the moming, Morio would lke to lear how to make sculptures as well as paint, and needs advice: ‘on buying equipment. He wants a course which includes trips to various places so students can paint them, Giulia wants a course that teaches her about painting landscapes. She'd like to eam about paintings from other countries and go on trigs to galleries to look at professional artists’ work. ‘Summer art courses Venture Art School B You'll lean about art from many countries on ‘our summer course, with a focus on creating pictures of wildlife. The teacher is well-known . painter Jeremy Silk, who will guide you through all you need to know about art. Runs ‘weekdays only from 9.30 to midday for a ‘whole month in the summer. ‘Tempest Art Summer Course D Situates in a huge house in some of the country’s nest landscapes, there's nowhere better to lear about painting the natural world than Tempest Art. Our students stay in the house, as well as leaming there, and can ‘choose to concentrate on creating pictures or sculptures of people, places or animals. Palace Art School F Students just love having the opportunity to paint scenes in the city and countryside on cour many half-day trips. Study the work and. lives of artists such as Picasso and Pollock and be part of your own exhibition too, which friends and family are welcome to tend Classes are 9 a.m. to noon daily. Xero’s Art School H Whether it's photography, painting, drawing oF sculpture you love, our summer school will provide you with what you want. Learn how to paint or photograph people ~ or perhaps animals are more your thing. Weekly trips to galleries are included. Classes run from late morning to 5 p.m., seven days a week. Artist's Dream This year’s summer course is run by professionel painter Sally Green anc well-known photographer Mike Riley. They're the perfect people to teach about their own special subject. The students’ accommodation atthe college Is comfortable and cheap. Parents mustn't miss the end-of- course show of thelr children’s amazing art. Brushwork (Our summer course is for anyone wanting to know about art from around the world. Artist and teacher Kate Figgis will teach you everything, from choosing the best brushes and paper, to creating pertect pictures of the local countryside. The price includes visits ‘to see several exhibitions by well-known painters. Riley's Art Academy I's scenes from the local countryside you'd like to create, in paint or as sculpture, then Riley's is for you. Welll take you to some of ‘the most beautiful places in the region to do it. Allpainis, brushes, etc. are provided, but we'll tell you which ones are best to gat for you to use at home. Holly Granger's Art College At Holly Granger's, we concentrate on painting the human face and body. Our ‘summer school also covers other topics, ‘rom finding out about the greatest painters ever to studying international art. Classes are both mornings and aftemoons, five days @ ‘week, with weekends free. = READING TEST 3 a cy TEST 3 READING Questions 21 - 26 For each question, choose the correct answer, The bicycle ‘The bicycle is one of the world’s oldest forms of transport. In fact, the first successful bicycle was (21) over two-hundired years ago, in 1817, by Baron Karl von Drais. He made it almost (22). cut of wood, even the wheels! This meant that it wasn't (23), comfortable to ride, but on flat ‘ground it could travel at twice the speed of someone walking. Various different designs were used during the nineteenth century, (24), machines with three and four wheels, Perhaps the most important (25), of this time, however, was introduced by Scottish engineer, John Dunlop. He created the first tyres that were filled with air. With these, bicycles were far more comfortable to ride, so they quickly became more popular as a (26), of transport. Since this time, the design of the bicycle has changed surprisingly little. 21° A invented = BB started © discovered ~D intended 22 A extremely BB absolutely fully D completely 23° A mainly B particularly — mostly D largely — 24 A involving —-B_containing © C ~— including ~=—-D—_ consisting 25 A dovelopment B progress C_~—sincrease. «= @D issue: 2 A style Bway © method =D technique: Part 6 Questions 27 - 32 For each question, write the correct answer, White one word for each gap. | saw a film called The Drive recently and Id like to tell you about it | think The Brivo is (7). of the best fms I've ever seen. Ityou're into action, adventure and creat characters, then I'm sure you (28), love it too. The story (29).. set about 100 years in the future. The heroes are two doctors, Jem and Mary, (30), mest a young patient called Seb. Seb has a rare ilies and must travel across the country to another hospital to get special help for it. Jem and Mary agree to drive Seb. (Seb can’t travel on aeroplanes because G4), his iliness.) However, they must drive through many dangerous areas to get there, | won't tel you what happens in (82)... end, but I'd like to suggest one thing. Go and see this film! | READING TEST 3 €

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