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Dumela, mma!

On hearing afro phrases, my imaginative horses unbuckled themselves entered into

savannah and into the Dark continent where Curly hairs and click languages are so popular.
Africa, where once our common ancestors were roaming with barefoot and broad lips that spoke

Knowing about South Africa, where once apartheid was in practice and now harmony has
its place. There are numerous clans of tribes who live in south Africa, Bushmen or Khoisan and
Masai are my favorite in particular. They speak Bantu languages, one of the earliest recorded
languages of the world.

On the other day, we were looking at a map of Botswana, no sooner had I looked at the
map than flashed in my mind the African tribes dressed in their traditional attire. I scarcely spent
time to notice the cartography and I preferred to imagine the tribes.

There was a drill by the coordinator, indeed new phrases were being employed for
conversation. On random, I was chosen to utter the Phrase with modulation. The Phrase was
Dumel rra! that made me to feel merry as it was more like a nursery rhyme. Everyone had a
chance to have joy of saying the tsawanian/Setswanian phrases.

The time i spent was reaped with two benefits viz., Joy and Knowledge. The Gestures
were innately adopted on speaking tswanian language and the drill totally was associated with
gestures as well. It was a new and wonderful experience.

The hardships that i felt was mimicking the sounds properly. Well, not an easy deal to
master bantu languages. I was wondering what if bushmen language was part of a drill instead of
Setswanian. The session would have been filled Click sounds and complete fun.
Not a new language, but the exposure was new and experience too.

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