House of Ashwath

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House of Ashwath


When we wanted to propose our marke1ng plan to House of Ashwath, we started our
research about the industry, market size, target audience mindsets and concluded the

Market Research:

Real estate industry has seen an immense rise in the investments and the size of Indian real
estate market is USD 236.67 Billion in 2022 and is expected to register a CAGR of 20.51% by
Considering this, it is obvious that there’s immense scope for interior design hardware. It is
es1mated that the market size of just door handles is approximately valued at USD 7.35
Billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 4.1% by 2030.

Understanding the target audience:

We also observed that the way people like to build their house has completely changed.
Customiza1on has become very prominent, and people are more interested in geUng their
house renovated or building a new one with the help of interior designers. A lot of interest
has been shown in using an aesthe1c approach while choosing the interiors.

Target audience:

For B2B: As you men1oned, our main target would be interior designers, Architects, Hotels,
We feel we can also partner with Design studios, Construc1on companies.
For B2C: As you rightly men1oned we can target Upper-middle- or Upper-class people who
are living in Tier 1 and Tier 2 ci1es of India. An avg age group of 30-60

Proposed Strategy:

As you’ve men1oned your current products for the launch would be Doorknobs, cabinet
handles, curtain holders, pull handles, and mor1se handles, we’ve done our research on the
search volume for the some of the keywords and few of the results are:

• Knobs: Monthly search volume – 33,000

• Doorknobs: Monthly search volume – 8100
• Cabinet handles: Monthly search volume – 9900
• Curtain holders: Monthly search volume – 2400

Considering the above shared search volume, we feel SEO is one strong source to get visitors
on to the website and improve the visibility on search engines.
KPI’S we can achieve with SEO: Organic Traffic, Sessions, Page views, Engagement Time,
Conversions & Leads, Spam score, Device performance, Domain Authority, Backlinks &
Keyword Performance.

Content MarkeGng:
We can also leverage on content marke1ng, and I feel content marke1ng would work beber
for House of Ashwath than social media posts to an extent.

As we’re just launching our products, it is important for us to make as much noise as
possible on the digital sphere to get visibility.

So, we can write blog posts on educa1ng people with how House of Ashwath is different
from other interior design hardware’s, uniqueness in the design and various other topics and
publish them as blogs.

Input: Website ArGcles

How we do with Content MarkeGng:

Keyword research> topic idea1on>wri1ng the ar1cle> op1mize for SEO> Publish> Sharing &

Some of the Examples Given Below:

“Hardware for the Hospitality Industry: Enhancing Guest Experience through Design”
“Top 13 Luxury Home Decor Ideas for a High-End Interior”

Performance MarkeGng:
We take the content and adver1se it on all the digital plaforms like Google, LinkedIn,
Outbrain / Taboola etc

Campaign Model: PPC (Pay Per Click, Impressions etc)

• Google search ads
• Display Ads
• Na1ve ads
• LinkedIn Ads
*This is just a reference of how we can leverage on carousal ads

How do we do it?
• Setup: Google ad account tracking mechanism.
• Target audience: Interior Designers, Architects, Hotels, Procurement Avenues,
Resorts, construc1ons companies, builders, and design studios
• Target LocaGon: Tier 1 and Tier 2 ci1es across India
• Expected Outcome: generate website traffic, brand awareness, Lead genera1on.
• Strategy: We perform A/B tes1ng with mul1ple campaigns, test and see which
campaign beber performs for us.

LinkedIn AutomaGon MarkeGng:

• Profile designing to convey the brand message.

• Profile Scrapping for Target Audience.
• Data Segmenta1on - Data Enrichment.
• Automa1ng Friend Requests to the target audience.
• Automa1ng auto likes & comments on target audience > Making them visit our
• Automa1ng Messaging to the target audience.
• Measuring the results between industries and loca1ons.

Email MarkeGng AutomaGon:

Email marke1ng is a great way to target B2B target audience. We have an internal database
through which we can segregate the emails based on various buyer personas and run
automated campaigns effec1vely.

For example,
• Email campaigns targe1ng consumers who’re interior designers.
• Campaigns targe1ng interior designers, design studios, architects, construc1on
companies, hotels, procurement avenues etc.
KPI’s we track:
• Delivery ra1o, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, open rate, click through rate,
conversion rate, email forwarding rate etc.

Note: We’ll measure each data point to measure and prepare the next phase of marke1ng.

With all the research we’ve done, we feel the following services would assist House of
Ashwath to kick start with the marke1ng.

Proposed Services:
• Performance MarkeGng
• Content MarkeGng
• LinkedIn AutomaGon MarkeGng
• Email MarkeGng AutomaGon

Considering the amount of work that’s involved and the resources needed to be deployed
on the project, we’re proposing the following budgets.

Agency Fee: Rs. 1,50,000/-

MarkeGng Budget: yet to be discussed.

This is just an interim proposal. The actual proposal will be shared once we proceed further.

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