Essay Ethics

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The case study, ethical or not ethical, the civil engineer is about Ahmed and his boss

about a road project for the government. Ahmed wants to do a straight path on the road
since it is cost-effective. But his boss wants to be the road to have two bridges because
it is close to the government's official land, and Ahmed thinks that is not practical since it
would require more resources and money to build. Now Ahmed is in a situation where
he must follow his or his boss's idea with a twist.
The ethical dilemma of the engineering case is about the moral obligation dilemma
because the moral dilemma talks about the moral agent must choose a moral situation
wherein there is more than one obligatory action. This means that Ahmed could follow
his boss or his proposal; depending on his choice, it's his obligation to choose one of
the two dilemmas.
Suppose I was in the position of Ahmed and was put in the same situation as him. I
would choose to follow my boss since the boss stated that there would no longer have
future contracts with the government, and the staff would lose their jobs. I would see
this as ethical since the team would lose their jobs if I followed Ahmed's choice. The
government would not have contracts with the company, which would ruin my reputation
in the future. to me. It is ethical to follow Ahmed's boss since I am not in the position of a
leader. The boss would know the company better than anyone, and they would take
care of you when you did their order or job.
Also, leaders have the quality of taking care of their staff's jobs, company, and quality.
So, I wouldn't mind if the road would cost more resources than following Ahmed's
proposal with a cost-effective highway at the cost of the company and staff losing their
jobs and future contracts by the government. Not following your boss would be bad for
your reputation as an employee in the company and your relationship with your boss.
And yes, your boss might not have the power to fire you, but it would ruin your
If I were Ahmed and was put in the same situation as him, I would choose what the best
moral dilemma is, and in my perspective, that is following the boss's proposal since the
boss knows what is best for the company and would not risk anything that would
jeopardize the staff or the company. So, I would see this as an ethical and clear choice
to choose the moral dilemma of following Ahmed's boss.

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