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TOPIC: Week 2 - Task: Assignment – Let me introduce my family


Alexa Itati Lujan Tipacti Flavio Tineo Romero

CODE: 22100989 CODE: U22206645



Alexa: Hello Flavio, how are you?

Flavio: Hi Alexa, I´m fine and you?

Alexa: Great, hey, I'll show you a photo of a family event of mine

Flavio: What a nice photo, what were you doing at that moment?

Alexa:It was my dog's birthday, her name is Catalina, she is 2 years old.

Flavio:How beautiful, and where did they celebrate it?

Alexa: We celebrate it in a park near my house.

Flavio: How old were you when it happened?

Alexa: Well, at that time I was 16 years old.

Flavio: When did the event happen?

Alexa: Well it was a few years ago, it was when we just adopted her and she was 2 years old and

we celebrated with a party.

Flavio: I imagine, it was important.

Alexa: Yes, totally since she was in a shelter for a long time and we wanted to celebrate. Since

then, she has a home, she is now 4 years old and she is just as playful.

Flavio: Who appears in the photo?

Alexa: Well, he's my older sister and my sister's boyfriend, he's like his parents.

Flavio: How beautiful, Look, I'll show you a photo too.

Alexa:I guess that must have been very important to you

Flavio: The truth is that that day I could not sleep from the emotion

Alexa: I imagine, but tell me what happened that day

Flavio: That day was special because my parents got married

Alexa: Aw how cute and where did they celebrate it?

Flavio: We celebrated it in a church in Pachacamac. I tell you that getting there is very complicated
because the road was very dangerous

Alexa: Really?
Flavio: Yes, but happily my dad drove carefully and we arrived on time

Alexa: What day was your parents' wedding?

Flavio: The wedding was on November 25.

Alexa: What was your age at that time?

Flavio: At the time, I was 16 years old

Alexa: How incredible that we share those moments as a family

Flavio: You are so right alexa!

Alexa: Well Flavio I say goodbye I have to finish my English homework we'll talk another time

Flavio: Alexa the pleasure was mine take care, bye

Alexa: See you!

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