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at all.

Online Safety and Security

Spyware- a software that runs in
 The internet, truly is a powerful tool. It can be used to promote
business, gain new friends, and stay in touch with the old ones. the background without you
 The internet is defined as the information highway. knowing it.
 This means that anyone has access to this highway, can place
*Keyloggers- used to record the
information and grab that information. Any information, even
things that you have set privately, can be accessed one way or keystroke done by the user.
 Adware- a program designed to
Tips to stay safe online
send you advertisements, mostly a
 Be careful of what you share and what site you share it to.
 Do not just accept terms and condition: read it.
2. SPAM- e-mail sent to thousands and
 Check out the privacy policy page of a website.
 Know the security features of the social networking site you use. sometimes millions of people without prior

 Do not share password with anyone. approval, promoting a particular product,

 Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi.
service or a scam to get other people's
 Do not talk to strangers whether online
or face to face. money.
 Never post anything about future
 vacation. 3. PHISHING - term used to describe a
 Add friends you know in real life.
 Avoid visiting untrusted website. malicious individual or group of individuals
 Install and update an anti virus software
scamming users by sending e-mails or
on your computer.
 If you have a Wifi at home, make it a private creating web pages that are designed to
network by adding password.
 Avoid downloading anything from untrusted collect an individual's online bank, credit
 Buy the software; do not use pirated ones. card, or other login information.
 Do not reply or click links from suspicious
PHARMING – a more complicated way
of phishing where it exploits the DNS
Internet Threats
1. MALWARE- stands for Malicious
Protecting Reputations Online
In the past, doing something embarrassing
Virus- program designed to replicate
was not much a big deal.
itself and transfer from one computer to
Nowadays, embarrassing moments are
captured using any device you could
Worm- a malicious program that
transfers from one computer to
Once you post something over the internet,
another by any types of means.
search engines keep them in their archives
Trojan- a malicious program that is
for search results.
disguised as a useful program but once
Fair Use
downloaded or installed , leaves your PC
Refers to the copying of a copyrighted
unprotected and allows hacker to get your
material, with the purpose of using it for a
review, commentary, critic, or parody,
*Rogue Security Software – tricks the user
without the need to ask permission from the
into posing that it is a security software. It
copyright owner.
asks the user to pay to improve his/her

security but in reality, they are not protected

Copyright answered. If it is a series of questions, start with one.

A legal device that gives the creator of a Never search everything on one go.

literary, artistic, musical, or other creative Narrow it down. Search engines like Google, Bing, or

work the sole right to publish and sell that Yahoo use several filters to determine the most

work. appropriate result for you. These search engines use

COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT your previous search history and your geographical

Intellectual Property location, and send you to the result which is the most

If you create something – an idea, an invention, related to you.

a form of literary work, or a research, you have Advanced Search. The best way to filter information

the right as to how it should be used by others. you get from search engines is by using the advanced

Copyright Law search. This will allow you to filter out information you

Includes your rights over your work, and anyone do not need.

who uses it without your consent is punishable Look for Credible sources. Some wikis, though filled

by law. with updated information, are not a credible source.

Copyright Page “No part of this book may be This is due to the fact that anyone can edit its content.

copied, reproduced” When using wikis, check out the link of the cited text

TIPS THAT COULD HELP YOU AVOID COPYRIGHT (indicated by superscript number) to be navigated to the

INFRINGEMENT footnote where the list of sources is located. Click the

Understand- Copyright protect literary source of the information and see if it is credible.

works, photographs paintings, drawing, films, Give Credit. If you are going to use the information from a

music choreography and sculptures. source for educational purposes, give credit to the original

Be Responsible- even if a material does not author of the page or information. To properly cite a

say that it is copyrighted, it is not a valid reference, you may use the format below:

defense against copyright. Name of the person or organization (the author of the

Be Creative- ask yourself whether what information). Title of the home page in italics (title is shown

you are making is something that came in title bar but is sometimes missing or unrelated) Give Credit. If you are
going to use the information from a
from you or something made from
source for educational purposes, give credit to the original
somebody else creativity.
author of the page or information. To properly cite a
Know the Law- there are some
reference, you may use the format below:
limitations to copyright laws.


The information that we need is more

likely already in the Internet. It is just a

matter of how to look for it and how to

use information from the most credible

source. Energy Resources

Here are some tips in conducting online research: Fossil Fuel & Geothermal Energy
What are Fossil Fuels?
Have a question in mind. Focus on a question you want
Primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants -Natural gas was formed from the remains of tiny sea animals and plants that
and animals. died millions of years ago. The gas then became trapped in layers of rock like
water in a wet sponge.
Organic materials converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas by exposure to heat
and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years. -Raw natural gas is a mixture of different gases. Its main ingredient is

-The smell of natural gas (like rotten eggs) comes from a chemical natural gas
companies add called mercaptan. This is added so leaks are easily detected.

Geometrical Energy
-Geothermal energy is heat within the earth.

-The word geothermal comes from the Greek word geo (earth) and therme
Types of Fossil Fuels
-Geothermal energy is a renewable energy source because heat is continuously
produced inside the earth.
-Hard, black colored rock-like substance
Production of Geometrical Energy

-It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and varying amounts of They drilled into underground reservoirs to tap steam and very hot water that
sulfur. drive turbines linked to electricity generators

-It is the main source of energy in Luzon and Mindanao. On the other hand, There are three types of geothermal power plants: dry steam, flash, and binary
more than half of Visayas’ power requirements is supplied via renewable power plants.
Flash Steam Power Plant
-52 percent of the currently proven reserves are located in the tiny island of
Semirara between the islands of Mindoro and Panay. Flash power plants pull deep, high-pressure hot water into cooler, low-
pressure water. The steam that results from this process is used to drive the
Binary Cycle Power Plant
In binary power plants, the hot water is passed by a secondary fluid with a
-Formed from the remains of tiny sea animals and plants that died million much lower boiling point than water. This causes the secondary fluid to turn
years ago. The organic material was then broken down into hydrogen and to vapor, which then drives a turbine. Most geothermal power plants in the
carbon atoms and a sponge-like rock was formed, full of oil. future will be binary power plants.

-Petroleum production, distribution, and consumption can contribute to air -Geothermal energy is generated in over 20 countries. The United States is the
and water pollution. world’s largest producer, and the largest geothermal development in the world
is The Geysers north of San Francisco in California.
-Drilling for oil can disturb fragile ecosystems, especially when there is a
spill. Advantages and Disadvantages
-Leaking underground storage tanks pollute the groundwater and create toxic Advantages
fumes. Even burning fuel in our cars emit pollutants.
It can be extracted without burning a fossil fuel such as coal, gas, or oil.
Natural Gas
Geothermal fields produce only about one-sixth of the carbon dioxide that a
relatively clean natural-gas-fueled power plant produces.
Binary plants release essentially no emissions. Proper maintenance of gutters, downpipes and drains will prevent leaks
ensuring that water is safely diverted away from your foundations.
Geothermal energy is always available, 365 days a year. It’s also relatively
inexpensive; savings from direct use can be as much as 80 percent over fossil To Avoid Landslides
fuels. Planting trees can help stabilize an area, but if planted in the wrong place they
can add weight, which may initiate a slide.
Vegetation also helps slope stability as plant roots bind up soil particles,
The main concern is the release of hydrogen sulfide, a gas that smells like making them less prone to erosion – although the effectiveness of this may
rotten egg at low concentrations. vary depending on the type of vegetation.
Another concern is the disposal of some geothermal fluids, which may contain Air Emissions
low levels of toxic materials. Although geothermal sites are capable of
providing heat for many decades, eventually specific locations may cool Geothermal power plants do not burn fuel to generate electricity, so the levels
down. of air pollutants they emit are low.

Different Environmental Issues concerning the use of Geothermal Energy Geothermal power plants emit 97% less acid rain-causing sulfur compounds
and about 99% less carbon dioxide than fossil fuel power plants of similar
Subsidence size.
It is most commonly thought as the slow, downward sinking of the land Geothermal power plants use scrubbers to remove the hydrogen sulfide
surface. naturally found in geothermal reservoirs.
Can damage facilities such as roads, buildings and irrigation systems, or even Most geothermal power plants inject the geothermal steam and water that they
cause tracts of land to become submerged by nearby bodies of water. use back into the earth. This recycling helps to renew the geothermal resource.
Occur as a result of the extraction of subsurface fluids, including groundwater,
hydrocarbons, and geothermal fluids.

Land slides

Landslides which occur naturally in certain areas of geothermal activity such

as volcanic zones, are produced by a combination of events or circumstances
rather than by any single specific action.

Air emissions

The geothermal sulfur dioxide derived from hydrogen sulfide emissions, is

one of the most significant pollutants emitted from geothermal power plants

Induced Seismicity or Earthquake activity

The development of geothermal fields, through both production and injection


The resulting seismicity has been low-magnitude events known as “micro


How can we address to these different environmental Oral com

Issues concerning the use of Geothermal Energy?
-Non verbal cues may lead to communication breakdown too. If people do not
To Avoid Subsidence share the same meaning of those cues, they may misunderstand each other. It
is suggested that before using verbal communication, make sure that you are
Trees absorb water from the soil causing clay particles to dry and shrink. aware of the culture of other people.

Carefully selecting your planting locations and managing the trees in Examples of other Non-verbal communication:
proximity to your buildings will reduce your risk of subsidence.
Eye contact- it can be positive or negative. Eye contact shows sincerity. Eye
The improper discharge of rainwater may cause subsidence by washing away contact can be malicious.
fine soil particles.
Olfactics- refers to the transmission of message through smell without being -A friend is comforting your sister who is
verbally told. A smell can make you remember memories.
feeling down.
Chromatics- refers to the communication of message thru colors. From the
color of flowers that someone receives can be associated with meanings. Small Group - refers to communication that involves at least three but not
more than 10 people engaging in a face-to-face interaction working to achieve
Chronemics- refers to time. It is a non-verbal signal which is not directly a desired goal
stated, but communicates a characteristic of a person. People value time
differently. Examples:

Facial expressions- it is according to their emotions. Sometimes words are not - Health workers are having a discussion on how to combat COVID-19.
present but expression on one face tells it all.
-You are planning your debut party with
Haptics- touching/tapping
your mom, dad, and eldest sister.
Proxemics- provides us ideas from how close or far people are from each
other. Public –type of communication that requires you to deliver or send the
message before or in front of more than 10 people; unlike small group
Posture and physical appearance- You may know the person’s mood just by communication, the voice is louder and the gestures are more expansive
looking at the way he/she walks, sits or stands. An attitude of a person may be because the audience is bigger
perceived by looking at one’s appearance.
Gesture- it is the use of body parts to convey a message. Hand gestures or
head movements may mean something. It is advised that we must be aware of -You deliver a speech during graduation day.
using gestures because not all culture shares the same meaning.
- A candidate for election is giving his/her platform.
Paralanguage- about how something is said, not what it said. It includes the
Mass Communication –refers to communication that takes place through
tone, intonation, pitch, volume, or even rate.
television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, and other types of
Non-verbal communication media.

Communication is not limited to utterances. Even without saying a word, we Examples:

may be understood by others. However, misinterpretation may lead to
- You are watching news updates about pandemic on your television.
communication breakdown. If people are not sharing the same meaning of the
non-verbal cues used. -You attended an online meeting with your teacher and classmates.
Nonverbal communication refers to an interaction where behavior is used to TYPES OF SPEECHES AND SPEECH STYLE
convey and represent a meaning. Flores (2016) enumerates the nonverbal
communications that shows above. Intimate - This occurs between or among family members or intimate

CONTEXT SPEECH individuals. The message in conversation may not be shared in public.

Speech context is the environment, situation, and circumstances in which Example:

communication occurs. It is a personal or public consideration that helps
people to understand the true meaning of an utterance or discourse. A child is having a conversation

TWO TYPES OF SPEECH CONTEXT with his/her parent.

INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION- This refers to a communication Casual- This communication is common among peers and friends. Jargon,
which focuses on one person and acts both as sender and receiver of the vulgar words, or street language are used.
Other forms include:
Workmates are talking about the news they heard during their break
- doodling

- making gestures while thinking

3. Consultative – This style is a standard one. Professional or mutually
- interpreting signs and symbols accepted language is used.

- writing journal or reflections Example:

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION-This communication focuses on A patient consults her doctor because she is feeling the symptoms of COVID-
two or more people. 19.

FOUR TYPES OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Formal – This is used in a formal setting. Formal language is also observed.

(According to Sipacio and Balgos, 2016) Example:

Dyad communication –refers to a communication occurs between to people News report, SONA, and homily of priests.

Examples: Frozen – This style is frozen in time and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs
in ceremonies.
- You advised your friend to invest on a
reciting Panatang Makabayan, Preamble, or The Lord’s prayer to present an award and many more.

Different types of Speech TYPES OF SPEECH ACTS

According to Purpose - As the receiver of the message, you must identify Speech act theory is concerned with the ways in which language can be used.
the purpose of the sender in his/her message. The sender should be clear with Austin and Searle believe that the language is not only used to describe things,
the purpose of his/her speech. This helps the receiver to understand the but also it is often used to do things. In other words, actions are performed via
message correctly. The four basic types of speeches according to purpose are: utterances which are generally called speech acts.
Informative, demonstrative, persuasive, and entertaining. Informative –this
type provides information to your audience According to Austin (1962), there are three types of acts in every utterance,
given the right circumstances or context. These are:
Informative –this type provides information to your audience
1. Locutionary act is the actual act of uttering.
“Please close the door”
Speech of the Nation Address (SONA) wherein the president’s speech is about
relevant information during his/her administration. 2. Illocutionary act is the social function of what is said. By uttering the
locution “Please close the door”, the speaker requests the receiver to close the
Demonstrative –a demonstrative speech has a similarity to informative. This door.
speech teaches you something. Demonstrative teaches you how to operate or
do things the speaker is telling. 3. Perlocutionary act is the resulting act of what is said. This effect is based on
the particular context in which the speech act was mentioned. “Please close
Example: the door” would let the receiver close the door

How to wash your hands properly, how to cook adobo, how to create a Searle’s Classification of Speech Acts
YouTube channel, and etc.
Balgos and Sipacio (2016), explains Searl’s five distinct classifications of
Persuasive –seeks to provide the audience with favorable or acceptable ideas speech acts; assertive, directive, commisive, expressive and declaration.
that influence their own decisions.
Assertive – a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses belief
Example: about the truth of proposition. Some examples of an assertive are suggesting,
putting forward, swearing, boasting, and concluding.
“Join us in our daily exercise and improve your lifestyle.”
Entertaining –in this speech, the speaker provides pleasure and enjoyment that
makes the audience laugh. “We can also try to change the background of our presentation to capture the
attention of our listeners.”
Directive – a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker tries to make the
The humorous speeches of comedians and Performers. addressee perform the action. Some examples are directive as asking,
ordering, requesting, inviting, advising, and begging.
According to Delivery – refers to the way a speaker delivers his/her message
Impromptu– this is known as unrehearsed speech and without advance
preparation. The message should be focused and brief. “Please observe social distancing and wear mask during the meeting.
Example: Class recitation or job interview Commissive –a type of illocutionary act which commits the speaker to doing
something in future. Example of commissive are proposing, planning,
Extemporaneous– the speaker is given a limited preparation to organize the
ideas. The speaker is given a 3-minute preparation and a 5-minute time to vowing, and betting.
deliver his/her speech.
Example: Campaign speech with a topic given during the event
“I am planning to have my vacation at beach with
Manuscript– speaking with advance preparation. It is planned and the speaker
reads aloud the written message. my family after this pandemic.”

Example: Expressive –a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses his/her
feelings or emotional reactions. Thanking, apologizing, welcoming, and
News casting and reading the rules and criteria in a contest deploring are examples of expressive.
Memorized– like the manuscript, this speech is planned and rehearsed. It is Example:
reciting a written message from memory.
“Thank you for staying at home for us. Together, we can beat COVID-19.”
Declaration– a type of illocutionary act which brings a change in the external
Declamation and other stage play situation. Some examples of declaration are baptizing, blessing, firing,
bidding, passing a sentence, and excommunicating.
According to Occasion – these are
speeches during occasions.
“Because of your habitual absences and irresponsible action in this company,
Examples are:
you are fired!
speech of introduction, toast, roast, speech
Many of us assume that truth is a simple term with a singular meaning. But
unfortunately, just as a reality is a super abundantly rich, truth is just as rich
that very few of us really understand and appreciate its richness. Many people
From a combination of two Greek words which are PHILO and SOPHIA, equate truth with scientific truth. Which means we often say that something is
which means Philo means love and Sophia means wisdom. true because it is based on facts. Like the Sun is hot, the Earth is round, the
Moon is the Earth’s satellite.
It means love of wisdom/knowledge, systematic investigation.
Truth in this sense is related to science because it is the field that delivers
-uses human reason to investigate the ultimate, causes, reasons and principles knowledge about the natural world. Natural, we mean here is the totality of the
which govern all things. physical real. Like biological world, human body, human actions.

To understand philosophy is to engage in it. This entails opening ourselves to Truth- this way is what the philosophers call objective truth they point to the
the experience of questioning our own established beliefs, of looking with the descriptions of “state of affairs” which means the idea or the thing will remain
mind beyond what we “see” with our senses. If philosophy has a “basic true regardless of who is viewing. Example: the earth is the third planet in the
requirement” before one can change in it, that would be courage to break open solar system, the sun is hot.
our partial perspective in order to have a glimpse of a broader truth. Doing
These truths that matters because they define the direction of our human lives.
philosophy entails a holistic rather than a partial perspective. With holistic
Philosophy has been aware that “ang katotohanan tungkol sa katotohanan ay
perspective, we are able to see the connectedness of parts to see a meaningful
mananatiling tanong libong taon na ang nakakaraan”
whole. Having a glimpse of the whole allow us to see the meaning of the
activities that we do every day- from rising to working to sleeping. Like the Jurgen Habermas (1979)
puzzle that gets scattered, we will just see the reality and truth and the beauty
of it when we put all the pieces into their right place and see their Scientific truths- covered by the objective domain. This pertains to the natural
connectedness. world that maintains a relative independence from the perspective and attitude
of human being that perceive them.
There is so much reason for sure that is why you must learn also to see and
how a thing is related to everything else. This is a mark of holistic perspective. Example: water’s boiling point remains 100 degrees Celsius and will remain
so even if a powerful tyrant wants to change it.
The Six Blind Men and the Elephant
Social domain- “truth is analogous” (not the exact equivalent) of a general
There were once six blind men who stood by the road-side every day, and begged from the people who
passed. They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one; for, being blind, how could agreement or consensus on what is right as opposed to what is wrong.
they? Example: chapel is for prayer and meditation, we say maintaining silence is
good, but in a basketball game, we say we should cheer for our team as loudly
It so happened one morning that an elephant was driven down the road where they stood. When they
were told that the great beast was before them, they asked the driver to let him stop so that they might as we can to keep them motivated.
see him.
Personal domain- the truth is analogous with sincerity.
Of course they could not see him with their eyes; but they thought that by touching him they could learn
just what kind of animal he was.
Example: when you say “I am telling the truth” what you usually mean by that
The first one happened to put his hand on the elephant's side. "Well, well!" he said, "now I know all statement is that our statements are consistent with inner thoughts and
about this beast. He is exactly like a wall." intentions. This is a precarious domain of truth because no one can ha be a
access to our minds and our thoughts except ourselves. Truths that we claim in
The second felt only of the elephant's tusk. "My brother," he said, "you are mistaken. He is not at all like
a wall. He is round and smooth and sharp. He is more like a spear than anything else." this domain need corresponding actions that will establish trust. A person who
proves to be consistent with what he declares about himself is regarded as
The third happened to take hold of the elephant's trunk. "Both of you are wrong," he said. "Anybody authentic and can therefore be trusted or trustworthy.
who knows anything can see that this elephant is like a snake."

The fourth reached out his arms, and grasped one of the elephant's legs. "Oh, how blind you are!" he
said. "It is very plain to me that he is round and tall like a tree."The fifth was a very tall man, and he
chanced to take hold of the elephant's ear. "The blindest man ought to know that this beast is not like any FACTS- a thing that is known or proved to be true.
of the things that you name," he said. "He is exactly like a huge fan."

The sixth was very blind indeed, and it was some time before he could find the elephant at all. At last he -reality -certitude
seized the animal's tail. "O foolish fellows!" he cried. "You surely have lost your senses. This elephant is
not like a wall, or a spear, or a snake, or a tree; neither is he like a fan. But any man with a par-ti-cle of -actuality -truth
sense can see that he is exactly like a rope."
-factuality -naked truth

Then the elephant moved on, and the six blind men sat by the roadside all day, and quarreled about him. OPINION- a view or a judgement formed about something, not necessarily
Each believed that he knew just how the animal looked; and each called the others hard names because based on facts or knowledge. An opinion is a judgement, viewpoint, or
they did not agree with him. People who have eyes sometimes act as foolishly. statement that is not conclusive, rather than facts, which are true statements.
As we can see the six blind men has different perspective and how they Similar:
perceive or saw (not literally since they are blind) what do an elephant looks
like. All of them saw the elephant in different parts and for them it was -belief -school of thought
already the realty of an elephant. How would they appreciate each part of the
elephant as a whole and each part make up one thing. What is lesson there? -judgement -thinking
We come closer to the truth about a thing or someone when we look at the
thing or person in various perspectives. (The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit)


The domains of truth The Body as a Source of Limitation and Possibility Human limitations.

Abstraction Transcendence- come from the Latin prefix trans-, meaning “beyond”, and the
word scandre, meaning “to climb”. When you achieve transcendence, you
have gone beyond ordinary limitations. The word is often used to described a immaterial principle" which “animates (gives life to) the body" (Augustine,
spriritual or religious state, or a condition of moving beyond physical needs 1995:259). In the Confession, St. Augustine says the human person is created
and realities. in the image and likeness of God, and what makes him as such is his power of
reason and will. "For the will is in them all; indeed, none of them is anything
Human Existence- is embodied existence: many things that are related to our else than will" (Augustine, 1945:245). Through man's thinking and willing we
existence as persons are related to our bodies-ages, sex, race, relationship. get a glimpse of who God is.

EXAMPLE: our age count began as so as our embodied existence , not the The Modern Period and The Primacy of the Mind Over the Body
image existence began. It simply means that our age did not begin when our
parents imagined, fantasized, or dreamed to have a child. Even in our Rene Descartes
biological relationship-mother, father and siblings—are connected to our
embodied existence. As we have seen with Plato and St. Augustine, this secondary position of the
body to the soul is a unifying thread in the history of philosophy of the
Cofine- came from the Latin word confinis made of two words: embodiment. With Descartes however, the divide between the body and soul
con-“together” + finis-“end” became ever more pronounced. This is specially through the formulation of
the concepts res cogitans (thinking thing) and res extenza (extended things).
Limit or territory- it is as if our bodies are made up of fixed boundaries that
we cannot transgess. Res Cogitans-refers to the soul

As Limitations- the body related aspects about ourselves are not products of Res extenza--- refers to the body
our free choice. They have, in a sense, been given to us on a permanent basis.
The Body as Subject
We may not be everything, but we have to start of something in order to make our existence count in the
world. Limitation and possibility teaches us to be thankful that we cannot be everything, because trying Among the things that we claim to have, the body is the only thing that we can
to be so would end us up being nothing at all.
never detach from Other objects are subjected to what he calls the tragedy of
The Body as Transcendence having. What is this tragedy he is talking about? It is that no matter how much
we try to keep the things that we have like gadgets, pets, house, car etc.....even
While we mostly complain about how there are so many things that we can't to the extent of attaching it to our bodies, these things are bound to detach and
change about our lives because our bodies, we hardly see that the body also separate from us. This tragedy we are all bound to experience. You try to
open possibilities. While the body limits us, the very same limitations create recall the very moment when you were able to buy your dream gadgets. You
opportunities for us. EXAMPLE: since the pandemic is still present, many of took care of it as if it is part of your body. The body, however, the body is not
us are restricted specially the old and young ones to do the normal things that something that we can simply lose. If we lose our bodies we cannot say that
they were doing before pandemic. It limits them inside their homes, because we are still ourselves because to lose our bodies literally is to die. In this way
you know very well the danger of going outside. But to look at the bigger we begin to understand that our bodies are not just objects. It is our being. I
picture of what is happening, the limitation opens opportunity. Because you am my body.
are, your body is limited to one place which is your home, and you are forced
to stay at home. Because of this limitation of your body you are opened to DIFFERENT APPROACHES IN UNDERSTANDING OUR
possibility of learning something new. That is why many of us learned how to RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ENVIRONMENT
cook, how to clean
1. Cosmo-centric Approach. It shows that human
beings are microcosm of the cosmos ('micro'-small+ 'cosmos'- universe). It
CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT means that the universe is reflected in us; we are all small version of the
universe. The same cosmic patterns that govern nature also govern our being.
Ancient Greek Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle What do we mean by this? It means that, when these natural laws and cosmic
patterns are tampered like global warming and climate change that lead to
Plato (428-348 B.C), Socrates' student, wrote about the nature of the human imbalance will also affect the balance within us humans because it will
soul. In Plato's eyes, man has an immortal soul and a mortal perishable body. directly affect us by this imbalance.

Soul- has tripartite nature consisting of: Pope Francis wrote:

a. A soul or an immortal rational part- which existed before it became part of The continued acceleration of changes affecting humanity and the planet is
the body coupled to-day with more intensified pace of life and work which might be
called geared to the common good or to integral and sustainable human
b. A courageous or spirited-part - these parts of the soul are mortal and they development.
"rapidification". The goals of this rapid and constant change are not
c. An appetitive part-when man dies necessarily
Giver of life to the body, the permanent, changeless and divine element as "...avoiding the use of plastic and paper, reducing water consumption,
opposed to the changing, transitory and perishable body. These makes the separating refuse, cooking only what can reasonably consumed, showing care
human being " a soul using the body". The life of being for Plato is a for other living beings, using public transport or car pooling, planting trees,
continuous ascent towards the world of ideas, a journey in which the soul tries turning off unnecessary lights, or any numbers of other practices.
to free itself from its imprisonment in the body (Plato, 1992).
All of these reflects a generous and worthy creativity which brings out the best
Medieval Christian Philosophy: St. Augustine in human beings. Reusing something instead of immediately discarding it,
when done for the right reasons, can be an act of love which expresses our
St. Augustine (354-430), the human person is a restless being, continuously
own dignity." (#211)
searching for restful waters, wanting to attain a restful life. Augustine
attributes this restlessness to the distractions of body's urges and appetites. 3. ANTHROPOCENTRIC APPROACH. Anthropos (man)
What does St. Augustine say about the human being? + centric, is like the theocentric approach that puts the human person in
dominion over the earth, but de emphasizes the role of God. What do we mean
he says that "man consist of soul and body, a soul is in possession of a body",
by this? It simply tells us that we, humans manipulate and intervene over the
which "does not constitute two persons but one man". "The human soul is an
things in the natural world from the tiniest to the largest things. No wonder
how are the things in our environment rapidly changing. The mountains,
forests, seas, rivers everything are now not in their natural state. All of these
are because humans tend to be in control of everything.


Learning from all these approaches, we can see that it is possible to put them
all together. The cosmos centric approach emphasizes human being as a
balance between heaven and earth. This relates to the anthropocentric
approach which shows how we are earthy beings in need of resources, and the
theocentric approach that emphasizes our heavenly role as stewards of

2. Theocentric-God Centred; God is the source and centre of life. All meaning
comes from our relationship with God. The purpose of life is to find
relationship with God.


Theo (God)-centric approach refers to an understanding coming from a

religious interpretation. This especially applies to the Judeo Christian tradition
as specified in the creation story. The creation story tells us of God entrusted
the earth to man and woman by giving them the role of stewards of creation.
Which means God wants us to look over, manage, take care of his creations
and not to abuse the responsibility he had given to us. We are not just
consumers of the earth's resources. We are its co-creator.

Anthropocentric reality

It is the concept that man is over nature. Nature is there for the man to
maintain, manipulate and to control for his own well being and his good.

Example; just see around you........




-relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its

Example: "acid rain may have caused major environmental damage"

-relating to or arising from a person's surroundings.

Example: "environmental noise"


PRUGALITY -means the quality of being economical with money or food;


"he scorned the finer things in life and valued frugality and simplicity"

PRUDENCE is defined as the act of being careful, often with money. An

example of prudence is checking your bank account before you spend money.


The Greeks philosophers studied man in the plane of nature, of the cosmos;
for them man realizes himself only when he behaves according to the laws of

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