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Introduction to JavaScript Array Methods
iOS app development
In JavaScript, an array is a built-in data structure that includes a list of elements that
store multiple elements in a single variable. A JavaScript array can be used in Android app development
various ways and perform several functions thanks to JavaScript array methods.
Other Programming Languages
What are JavaScript Array Methods? Visual Basic
JavaScript provides array methods that can be used to modify and calculate arrays.
Every array method has a distinct function that executes a change or calculation to
an array and saves developers from writing standard functions from scratch.
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let subjects = ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics", "Physics"];
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// find the length of the subjects array
let len = subjects.length;


JavaScript Array reverse()

It is used to return the array in reverse order. 

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let subjects = [English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics];

// reversing the subjects array

let reversedArray = subjects.reverse();


[ Physics, Mathematics, Hindi, English ]

Explore more- Top JavaScript interview questions and answers

JavaScript Array sort()
This method is used to sort the items of an array in specific order i.e, ascending or

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let ages = ["52", "47", "56", "64"];

// sort the ages array in ascending order

let sortedArray = ages.sort();
['47', '52', '56', '64']

JavaScript Array fill()

After filling the elements with a static value, the method returns a modified array.

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// defining an array
const subjects = ['English', 'Hindi', 'Mathematics'];

// filling every element of the array with 'Physics'




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['Physics', 'Physics', 'Physics']

Javascript Array join()

This method returns a new string by concatenating all the elements in an array,
distinct by a specific separator.

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Let message = ["All", "Is", "Well."];
// join all elements of array using space
let joinedMessage= message.join("");

All Is Well.

JavaScript Array pop()

When we use arrays, we can add and remove elements to them. 
This is what the pop and push methods do.
Popping elements out of an array and pushing the elements into an array. 
The pop method removes the final item from an array and then returns it.

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let subjects= ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics", "Physics"];
//remove the last element
let removedSubjects= Subjects.pop();

console.log(subjects) // ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics"]

Console.log(removedCity); //Physics

[“English”, “Hindi”, “Mathematics”]
Also read: Java vs JavaScript: Difference between Java and JavaScript.
JavaScript Array push()
In this method, the array is expanded by one or more elements, and the new size of
the array is returned.

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const subjects= ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics"];
console.log(subjects.push(“Physics”)); //3
console.log(subjects); // ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics", "Physics"];

[“English”, “Hindi”, “Mathematics”, “Physics”]
JavaScript Array shift() 
The shift() function eliminates first item from an array and returns the removed item.
The array’s length is altered using this approach.

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let subjects = ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics", "Physics"];
// removes the first element of the array
let first = subjects.shift();

['Hindi', 'Mathematics', 'Physics']

JavaScript Array unshift()

The unshift() method integrates a new item to an array (at the starting) and
“unshifts” the previous elements.

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let subjects = ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics"];

// add "Physics" at the beginning of the array


['Physics', 'English', 'Hindi', 'Mathematics']

JavaScript Array concat()

The Concat() method connects two or more additional arrays that results in the
creation of a new array without interrupting with the other arrays.
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let studentNames = [Riya, Ram, John, Farhan]
let Ages = [25, 20, 21, 23]

// join two arrays

let joinedArrays = studentNames.concat(Ages);

Riya, Ram, John, Farhan,
25, 20,21, 23

JavaScript Array splice()

The splice() methods return an array by changing, adding or removing its items in

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let colors = [Black, White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Pink];

// replace 1 element from index 4 by Red

let removedElement = colors.splice(4, 1, Red);

[ Green ] [ Black, White, Blue, Yellow, Red, Pink]

JavaScript Array indexOf()

It shows the first index value of the array or -1 if it is not available.

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let subjects = ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics", "English"];

/ Find the index of first apperance of word "English"

let index = languages.indexOf("English");


JavaScript Array lastIndexOf()

A lastIndexOf() method finds the last appearance of an item in an array.
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let ages = [12, 8, 13, 11, 09, 12, 07];

// searching the index of the last occurrence of 12

let lastIndex = priceList.lastIndexOf(12);



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JavaScript Array find()
The find() function returns the value of the first array item that fulfills the given test

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let numbers = [1, 3, 4, 9, 8];

// function to check even number

function iseven(element) {
return element % 2 == 0;

// get the first even number

let evenNumber = numbers.find(isEven);


JavaScript Array findIndex()

The index of the first number is returned by this procedure.

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const array1 = [1, 6, 4, 130, 34];
const isSmallestNumber = (element => element > 13);


Javascript Array filter()

The filter() method creates a shallow copy of an array that is only comprised of the
elements from the array that pass the test set forth by the supplied function.
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const words = ['screen', 'heavy', 'less', 'past', 'rectangle', 'mouse'];

const result = words.filter(word => word.length > 4);

// expected output: [ 'screen', 'heavy', 'rectangle', 'mouse'

[ 'screen', 'heavy', 'rectangle', 'mouse' ]

JavaScript Array map()

The map() function returns a new array that includes the results of performing a
function on each element of the original array.

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let numbers = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

// function to return the cube of a number

function cube(number) {
return number * number;

// apply cube() function to each element of the numbers list

let cube_numbers =;

[ 8, 27, 64, 124, 216 ]

Check out: JavaScript Functions

JavaScript Array of() Method
The array of() method forms a new Array instance based on the arguments

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// creating an array named vowels with elements A, E, I, O, U
let vowels = Array.of("A", "E", "I", "0", "U");

// display contents of vowles'


['A', 'E', 'I', '0', 'U']

JavaScript Array slice()

Slice() creates a new array object by making a shallow copy of a specific portion of
an array.

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let numbers = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30];

// form another array by slicing numbers from index 1 to 4

let newArray = numbers.slice(1,4);
// console.log(newArray);

[ 10, 15, 20 ]

JavaScript Array includes()

Include() in an array contains a specified element or not. 

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// defining an array
let subjects = ["English", "Hindi", "Mathematics"];

// checking whether the array contains 'Hindi'

let check = subjects.includes("Hindi");



Javascript Array reduceRight()

The reduceRight() method executes a callback function on two array values (from
right to left) to reduce the array to a single value.

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let numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8];

// function that adds last two values of the numbers array

function sum_reducer(accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue;

// returns a single value after reducing the numbers array

let sum = numbers.reduceRight(sum_reducer);



Javascript Array reduce()

The reduce() method performs a reducer function on each array element and returns
a single output value.
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const title = ["Winners ", "Never ", "Quit."];

// function to join each string element

function joinStrings(accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue;

// reduce join each element of the string

let joinedString = title.reduce(joinStrings);

Shiksha Online Blogs.

Wrapping It Up!!
We can use the JavaScript array method to write cleaner codes which ultimately
makes JavaScript manipulation easier. So, use the above array methods and create
more accessible codes.

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Chanchal Aggarwal
117 Blogs
Chanchal has a keen interest in writing and loves to experiment and explore different
genres of it. She chooses her passion as a full-time profession and became a
content creator. Using her experience, she curates content for aspirants seeking
guidance to fulfill their aspirations.

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