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• 1) VLC bài VII

• 2) Chép đọc và suy nghĩ bài IV
• 3) đọc to và suy nghĩ bài VI ( nhớ ghi ở
phận xét em đã đọc to và suy nghĩ bài
• 4)Đặt câu cẩn thận, tâm huyết
• 5) Làm phiếu HW
• 6) Chép –đọc –suy nghĩ và kẻ bảng RN
• 7) Làm sách Olympic+ collo unit 60
1. choose
2. private
3. 20 / twenty percent
4. healthy
5. bones
6. lecture
7. Arretsa
8. vegetarian
9. market
10. knife
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. E
15. D
16. B
17. G
18. C
19. H
20. I
31. B
32. A
33. C
34. D
35. B
36. A
Total 6 – Errors / 0.6
I.1. B
They seemed to be indifferent to the
criticism and just carried on as before.
2. C
3. C
They are very good friends but in
terms of sports they are worlds apart. =
to be completely different
4. A
The operation was doomed to failure
from the word go.
The plan was doomed to failure.
Their marriage was doomed from the
(Right) from the word go = From the
very beginning
5. B
Sth to come in handy = to be useful
Don’t throw that away. It might come
in handy.
6. D
7. B
To be outspoken in sth = to be blunt
An outspoken opponent of the leader
Outspoken comments
She was outspoken in her criticism of
the plan.
8. A
9. A
To generate electricity/ heat/ power
To generate income/ profit/ ideas
The proposal has generated interest.
10. A
11. B
She has no manners whatsoever = to
behave very badly
12. B
She is only expected to come fourth
at best.
13. C
To be in no mood = Not to be in the
mood for sth/ V-ing/ to V
To be in a good/ bad mood
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. D
I don’t make as much as I would if I
worked in private industry.
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. B
22. B
23. D
24. B
A lot of money goes for AIDS research.
25. C
Luck is of the same importance as
26. C
27. B
28. C
29. D
30. D
31. A
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. A
I don’t know how you manage to get
by on only $50 a week.
36. D
37. A
I’m afraid I haven’t got time to go into
the matter right now. = examine
38. D
39. D
The government is to bring in the
necessary laws to deal with the
40. B
II. 1. B
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
The research will provide a better
understanding of why the percentage
of overweight students in Britain has
increased in the last decade.
11. A
12. A
13. D
Small changes in their children’s diet
can affect their future health.
14. D
15. A
Easily develop bad eating habits at this
III. 1. A
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. A
Because of the expense of traditional
fuels and the concern that they may
run out, many countries have been
investigating alternative source of
IV. 1. Intentionally
2. Breathtaking
The scenery along the coast was
3. Breakdown
Because of the car breakdown, she
didn’t get to the airport in time for her
4. Impoverished
The impoverished need assistance
from the whole society.
5. Pleasantly
6. Reductions
7. Preferential
Sb to get preferential treatment from
sb/ their teachers.
8. Deadly
Explosives are deadly weapons = fatal
= lethal
9. Captives
10. Refusal
11. Non-existent
Health care was non-existent in
ancient time. There was no hospital or
doctor then.
12. Attendance
13. Management
The company went bankrupt on
account of inefficient management.
14. Aquariums
15. Empower
The educational program we are
launching is to empower teenage girls in
rural areas. =
To empower sb = To give sb more control
over one’s own life.
Part V)
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. A
VI. 1. Unable
2. Used
3. The/one’s
4. Who
5. Nothing/ Little/ None
6. Advanced/ Developed
In technologically advanced/
developed countries
7. Make
8. Yes
9. Mercy
10. Technology
11. Time
12. As
13. Unless
14. Future
15. Work
1. (Had it) not been for her mother’s
encouragement, she wouldn’t have
2. She stands a (very) good chance of
3. …… up to their expectation(s).
4. ….. on/in the label, this product isn’t
environmentally friendly.
5….to cream for fear of waking
6. … (your) arrival,…
7. … are estimated to have been
manufactured/ turned out (by the
8. There has been a decrease in the
number of people who….
9. …..two laptops, neither of
which worked.
10. ……. late it is when you arrive at
the airport, do phone us.
Total : 115

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