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Name : NORMA

Attendance List Number : 11

Class (A/B/C 2020) : PBI B 2020



Point: ..... / 10

Experience-based Conditions/Problems
Teachers only use whiteboard media as a medium in explaining material to students. When the
teacher delivers lessons by the teacher, only using a conventional model model so that it seems
boring and does not attract students' interest, some students chat with their friends and pay
attention to the material presented by the teacher. This is due to the lack of interest of students to
follow the lessons. and the questions given by teachers are partly answered by students who are
classified as smart and always active. The rest of the students just kept quiet without being actively

Point: .../20

Theoritical-based Conditions/Problems (at least three similar research)

i.e. Munawir (2017) found that ............... (explain the summary of the research finding)

Firosa Nur ‘ Aini (2018) found that a game based learning affects the interest in learning.

Nindia Puspa Dewi & Indah Listiowani (2019) found that games are media that can be used in the
learning process to stimulate students in teaching and learning activities in the classroom.

Point: .../20

Please briefly explain access to People/Object for the research

My access to people or research objects is by approaching the object to be studied, then asking
permission for the object to be researched by contacting several related parties after that, then
making observations.

Point: .../15
Please explain the prospective conditions of Time, Resources and skills

the prospective conditions of Time, Resources and skills look at the condition of the class and how
the teacher uses skills and skills in managing the class, because the class is not conducive because the
teacher's resources and skills are inadequate.

Point: .../15

Please explain the novelty of your problems (what makes it new)

The novelty in my problem is that there are many teachers who are less knowledgeable.

Point: .../20


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