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SHEM Competency Name





SHEM-07.01 Over Speed Trip Testing

T&T Valves and Care Handling Procedure
Vibration Monitoring

SHEM-07.02 Compliance With relief valve

SHEM-07.03 Protective Instrumentation System Testing

SHEM-07.06 Car Seal Valves & Blinds

SHEM-07.07 Safe Use of Utility Stations, Utilities & Chemical


SHEM-07.08 Bypassing of SHE Critical Instruments, Devices

and Systems
SHEM-08.01 General SHE Rules (Traffic Safety, Plant SHE
Rules, Identification Signs)

SHEM-08.02 Laboratory She Rules

SHEM-08.03 Handling and Storage of Flammable Liquids

Safe Handling of Nitrogen, Steam & Air

Handling & Storage of Compressed Gas


Safe Lifting Practices

SHEM-08.05 Electrical Safety
SHEM-08.06 Safe Lifting of Mobile Eq.

SHEM-08.07 Tools Handling



SHEM-08.09 Working at Height

SHEM-08.10 Work Permit

Confined Space



SHEM-11 Emergency Response

SHEM-12 Illumination
Ionizing Radiation Safety

Hazard Communication & Carcinogen Control

SHEM-13 Hazardous Waste Management

SHEM- Corrosion prevention

Being aware of the PHA procedure
Being able to recognize and report the risk related to
the process hazard in his area
Being aware of Guide Words associated with the PHA
Being aware of Sadaf RAM

Being aware of the JSA procedure

Being able to recognize the need of JSA related to
tasks in his area
Being aware of how to use Sadaf RAM
Being able to implement JSA requirement

Being Aware of health risk associeted with materials

used in his area
Being aware of health risk associeted with his job.
Being able to recognize the need for a PSSR to start a
Being able to differentiate between complete PSSR
and mini start up review checklist
Being able to assist in implementing the mini start up
review checklist
Being able to list procedures related to PSSR
Being able to recognize the consequence of starting a
system with meeting the PSSR requirements

- Defrentiates between the equipment types and

major components (ex. Pump, motor, compressor,
turbine, T&T valve, etc)
- States the monitoring programs available and type
(ex. PM, vibration monitoring, T&T test, overspeed trip
test, etc)
- Aware of related Sadaf procedure

- States the purpose of releafe valves (PSV & PSE)

- Explains how releif devices operates and its set-up
- State the difference of different type of releif valves
(pilot, conventional, etc)
- State the hazards associated with the removal of
releif devices or inappropriate line-up
- Aware of PSV removal procedure
- State the protection purpose of each SIF
-State what document will be refered to during SIF
component testing
- State what permits are required before testing of SIF
component testing can start
- State how SIF equipment is physically is defrentiated
from measurement and control equipment.

- Aware of Car seal and operation blinds procedure.

- Aware when to use car seals and blind list
- Aware of the system for car seal and blind removal
and installation
- Aware of proper application of car seals

- List situations where hoses can be safely used

- List types of hoses types and use
- States the frequency of hose inspection
- List situations when permition is required to use a
- List failure modes and consequences of hose failure
- List basic checks before using hoses
- Recall Sadaf applicable procedure

- lists the types of override used by operation or

instrument technicians
- Lists situations that allow the use of override
- Lists the main action to be taken before an override
is used.
- List situations when permition (MOC) is required
before by-passing SHE critical devices.
- Aware of Sadaf procedure for by-passing SHE critical
Being aware of traffic safety rules
Being aware of house keeping rules
Being aware of sign and tags rules
Being aware of office safety rules
Being aware of smoking policy rules
Being aware of disciplinary action related to deviation
from safety rules
Being able to report violation to SHE rules

Being aware about general information about

laboratory SHE Rules.
Not authorized to perform any activity inside the lab.

Able to identify hazards of flammable liquids.

Aware about precautions for handling flammable

Recognize the hazards of each service.

Recognize the color coding, labeling, and connections
of each service.

Recognize the hazards of Compressed gas cylinders.

Recognize the labeling of the compressed gas

Recognize the main hazards associated with electrical

Recognize static electricity and how it is generated.
Recognize the main precautions to be taken when
working with electrical equipment.
State HSE procedures related to lifting/mobile
Recognize the HSE requirements for the use of
lifting/mobile equipment.
Recognize risks related to the operation of
lifting/mobile equipment.

Understand risks associated with tool handling.

Understand the safe use of the tools.
State all safety procedures related to tool handling.
Able to select the right tool for the job.

Able to identify the PPE requirements for:

1 Foot Protection.
2 Eye and Face Protection.
3 Head Protection.
4 Hand Protection.
5 Hearing Protection.
6 Fall Protection.
7 Work Clothing Protection.
8 Respiratory Protection.

Recognize HSE risks associated with working at height.

Identify safety procedures related to working at
Identify fall protection devices.
Aware of Safe use of ladders & scaffolds.

Supervise & Approve scaffold erection.

Conduct risk assessment and apply control measures
for special working at height situations (safe lifting of
personnel, scaffolds with special arrangements).
Understand what confined space is.
Recognize the hazards associated with confined space
Recognize precautions associate associated with
confined space entry.

Understand what excavation is.

Recognize risks associated to excavations.
Understand what excavation is.
Recognize risks associated to excavations.

Being Able to recognize a change

Being aware that temp change reduces the protection
of barier effectiveness
Being able to enlist all the change procedures
Being able to differentiate between various MOC
Be aware that change cannot implemented without
approved MOC package
Being aware that disciplinary action will in place upon
noncompliance with MOC procedures


- Aware of the imporance of adequate illumination.

- Aware of the risks of ionizing radiation
- Aware of the risks of chemicals
- Aware of ionizing radiation locations in his area
- Undestands the importance of knowing the
properties of the chemical before handling chemicals
- Aware how to find MSDS
- Can recognize Sadaf hazard signs (chemical labeling,
hearing signs, radiation signs, etc.)
- Aware of the imporance of adequate illumination.
- Aware of the risks of ionizing radiation
- Aware of the risks of chemicals
- Aware of ionizing radiation locations in his area
- Undestands the importance of knowing the
properties of the chemical before handling chemicals
- Aware how to find MSDS
- Can recognize Sadaf hazard signs (chemical labeling,
hearing signs, radiation signs, etc.)

- Defrentiate between the different types of waste

- Lists the sources of waste generation
- Identify the applicable Sadaf pricedure number
- Identify the need for labeling of waste
- Identify the proper location of waste (ex, chemical
yard, hazard waste, metal waste, etc)

- State the different types of corrosion (external, CUI,

internal, etc.)
- State the definition of corrosion and its impact on
pipes and tanks
- State the programs for corrosion prevension (ex.
Cathodic protection, painting, TML, etc.)
Being able to explain the PHA Guide Words with definitions and
Being able to implement the recommendation arising out of the
Being able to recognize the need for a PHA changes in existing
operation and maintenance process
Being able to play a role of PHA team member
Being able to explain and apply Sadaf RAM

Being able to explain the JSA requirements with examples

Being able to assure the implementation of JSA requirements
Being able to recognize the need for a JSA for certain activity
Being able to play a role as JSA team member
Being able to explain Sadaf RAM

Being able to diferentiate the health risk associated with specific

Being aware of the health risk associated with a specific job.
Being able to explain the health risk.
Being able to recal certain procedure associated to HRA
Being able to use PSSR checklist effectively
Being able to differentiate between A and B PSSR items
Being Able to close the indented A items before the start up
Being able to close B items as per established due date
Being able to explain with definition and example the PSSR
Being able to effectively carry out the mini checklist procedure

- Can list the main components of rotating equipments and its

- Explains the failure mechanisim for the the main
componements of totating equipments.
- Eplains what should be done if any of the results of condition
mintoring are unacceptable.
- with the help of skilled person, he can conduct condition

- Explains the equipment operating parameters.

- Explain the removal and replacement procedure
- Explains the purpose and use of the PSV removal procedure
- Explain the functionality of a particular trip system
- Explain the test procedure that will be used for the SIF test
- Explain the scope of the vitual inspection of SIF component
- Explain all trip initiation condition for a particular trip system
- Explain how to access all necessary documentation and
- Explain the concept of fail to danger and fail to safe.
- Explain psss & fail criteria for SIF compotent testing

- Explain the steps for removal and installation of car seals and
- Utalilze the car seal and blinds removal and installation form
- Properly install car seals
- Properly check the installation of blinds

- Explain action to take before hose is used as a perminant

- Explain the action to be used when a hose if used for a
temporary connection
- Explain the imporatnace of periodic inspection of hoses
- Explain the different of color coding of hoses
- Carry proper houskeeping for hoses
- Cleans and empty hoses after use

- Identifies the types of override (ESD by-pass, electrical by-pass,

- Identify the conditions requiring permission before by-passing
SHE critical devices
- With help, Initiates an MOC to by-pass SHE critical devices.
- Aware of Sadaf procedure for by-passing SHE critical device
- Explain the actions to take when threats of runing outside
operating window occurs during the period of an active
Being able to recall procedures related to the general SHE rules
Being able to enforce the compliance to SHE rules
Being able to implement disciplinary action related to deviation
from SHE rules
Being able to explain the SHE rules

Knowledge about all HSE related requirements & to be able to

apply these requirements.
Authorized to perform activities inside the lab

Explain the hazards and risks associated with handling & storage
of flammable liquids.
Explain the minimum requirements for safe handling & storage
of flammable liquids.
Explain The importance of signs & labeling in use.

Explain the hazards & risks of each service.

Identify all required PPE’s for each service.
Allowed to use these different types of services.

Explain the hazards & risks of Compressed gas cylinders.

Be able to inspect (when received/in service) the compressed
gas cylinders and ensure they are meeting the requirements.
Allowed to use compressed gas cylinders.

Explain the main hazards associate with electrical equipment

and static electricity.
Explain procedures and controls in place to control electrical
and static electric hazards.
Explain the mechanism for isolating electrical equipment before
work can be carried out.
Can correctly identify and isolate electrical equipment prior to
Know the HSE requirements for the use of lifting/mobile
Explain hazards associate with lifting/mobile equipment
Perform rigging, forklift operation, & mobile/overhead cranes
Participate in lifting plan development.
Inspect lifting/mobile equipment.

Conduct tool inspection program.

Identify hazards associated with power tools.
Allowed to use power tools or deal with machinery/rotating
Explain precautions related to tool handling.

Being able to have thorough knowledge and understanding in

the use and importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Able to ensure the safety of everyone inside the premises of
SADAF by recominding the use of the proper personal
protective equipment.
Able to inspect the PPE

Explain the risk of working at height.

Explain the general safe practices related to working at height.
Explain the requirements for maintenance and inspection of fall
protection devices.

Explain the work permit system.

Explain the different types of equipment isolations.
Explain the gas testing requirements.
Explain hazards associated to work conditions.

Explain the required PPE for confined space.
Explains the isolation processes for confined space entry.
Explain the required breathing apparatus to be used for
confined space entry.
Allowed to enter inside confined space.
Explain the necessary steps of the rescue plan.

Explain the excavations requirements.

Identify hazards associated with excavations.
Identify the underground services (piping, electrical cables)
before conducting excavations.

Being able to explain with definitions and examples

Being able to explain the difference between various MOC
Being able to explain the consequences of reducing the barrier
effectiveness as a result of temporary changes
Being able to differentiate a specific requirement per each MOC
Being able to understand document changes associated with
the MOC
Being able to understand the document required to implement
the change
Being able to impart training on specific MOC
Being able to conclude that there is no practical alternative exit
other than MOC

- Knows what to do during an emergency

- Identify the types of plant alarms and the response method.
- Identify the safe assimble areas
- Knows how to take a safe route during emergency based on
wend direction
- Knows how to report an emergency
- Knows how to report his location during an emergency
- Aware of fire equipments locations (escape units, fire hoses,
fire extingishers, etc)

- Able to read and understand MSDS terminologies

- Knows how to safely handle radio active sources (as
applivcable to his job).
- Understand and interpret Sadaf hazard signs (chemical
labeling, hearing signs, radiation signs, etc.).
- Knows the chemical types in his area, its hazards, and proper
- knows how to take a corrective action for improper
illumination, unsafe chemical condition, high noize, etc..
- Able to read and understand MSDS terminologies
- Knows how to safely handle radio active sources (as
applivcable to his job).
- Understand and interpret Sadaf hazard signs (chemical
labeling, hearing signs, radiation signs, etc.).
- Knows the chemical types in his area, its hazards, and proper
- knows how to take a corrective action for improper
illumination, unsafe chemical condition, high noize, etc..

- Defrentiate types of waste and apply proper waste segregation

- Prepared proper labeling of waste

- Understand the types of corrosion (ex galvanic corrosion, etc.)

and corrosion mechanisims
- Importance of operating parameters limits in controling the
corrosion rate
- Understand conditions that could negatively impact corrosion
rate (ex. water splash, steam leaks, etc).
- Identify corrosion in equipments and report it to the
appropriate discipline
- Identify wither cathyodic protection rectifier is functioning or
Being able to develop and update new PHA Guide Words as
per SABIC standard
Being able to lead PHA process
Being able to advise and guide other into application of the
PHA process
Being able decide if PHA process is needed
Being able to review the risk level and recommend the
required action
Being able to contribute to the update/modify the PHA
Being able to contribute in developing/modifying Sadaf

Being able to develop and update new JSA as per SABIC

Being able to lead JSA process
Being able to advise and guide other into application of the
Being able decide if JSA is needed
Being able to review the risk level and recommend the
required action
Being able to contribute to the update/modify the JSA
Being able to contribute in developing/modifying Sadaf

Being able to reconise health risk and analyse different

tasks accordingly.
Being able to contribute to developing plocedure related to
health risk associated with certain jobs.
Being able to recognize boundaries of systems that will be
subject to PSSR.
Being able to form and lead multidisciplinary team to
effectively carry out PSSR review
Being able to assure management that PSSR has been
completed and all requirement (including identified A
items) has been meet before requesting authorization
Being able to contribute to the update/modify the PSSR
Being able to assist if a system start up requires PSSR or not

- Famiiar with gray areas in rotating equipments such as

- Conducts conduition monitring (ex, T&T test, vibration, as
applicable to his job)
- Follow-up any unacceptable results

- Understands the implication of changing the inspection

- Complete the necissary PSV change package
- Identify safe isolation plans for the PSV
- Confirm correct PSV/PSE installation compared to
specification and drawings
- Implement the test procedure that will be used for the SIF
- Conduct vitual inspection of SIF component
- Troubleshoot and determine all trip initiation condition for
a particular trip system
- Access all necessary documentation and drawings
- Understand the concept of fail to danger and fail to safe.
- Use psss & fail criteria for SIF compotent testing and
communicate results to the appropriate people and record
results in Meridium
- Validate the test equipment is validated

- Checks the utalilze the car seal and blinds removal and
installation form
- Authorize the removal and installation for car seals and

- Identify the diference type of hoses (utility and chemical

- Select the correct type of hose to be used
- Recognize situations where permitoion (MOC) is required
before use of a hose
- Carry out basic check of hose to secure safe use of the
- Labels, removes and distory improper hoses
- Carry out adminstration of hoses documentation
- Recognize hose with mandatory inspection or expiary of

- Provide process safety information when override are

- Check diables alarms before an override is used
- Register use of override in supervisor log
- Communicate override during shift handover
- Follow Sadaf procedure for using override
- Follow precautions risk mitigation
Being able to meet SABIC standard implementing general
SHE rule
Being able to highlight the consequences of departing from
general SHE rule
Being able to modify/update SHE rule procedures
Being able to advise on applicability of the SHE rules
Being able to advise solution for day to day SHE rule

Provide coaching and training.

Provide procedures and guidelines for lab trouble shooting
and decision making.

Provide coaching & training on safe handling & storage of

flammable liquids.
Conduct the risk assessment & appropriate control
measures for handling & storage of flammable liquids.
Able to decide special PPE’s when required.

Provide coaching and training for the use of SWAN stations.

Provide guidance for when & where to use these services
for any activity (cleaning, decontamination, ..etc)
Conduct risk assessment and apply the control measures.

Provide coaching and training for the use of compressed gas

Conduct risk assessment of the usage of gas cylinders in
Confined Space.

Conduct risk assessment for use of electrical equipment in

special environment.
Select the correct electrical equipment for hazardous
environments such as confined spaces or electrical
restricted zoned areas.
Ensure that static control equipment is re-installed correctly
after maintenance activities.
Approve lifting plans.
Conduct risk assessment for lifting activities and apply
control measures.
Qualifying all forklifts & cranes operators and riggers

Develop tool inspection program/standard

Being able to identify the denger associated with an area

and recommend PPE required.
Able to identify the need for a speciel PPE for a spcified
danger associated with specific job.
Able to physically inspect PPE and decid its validity.

Supervise & Approve scaffold erection.

Conduct risk assessment and apply control measures for
special working at height situations (safe lifting of
personnel, scaffolds with special arrangements).

Coach & train the work permitting system.

Define the requirements of the precautions required in the
work permit.
Approve the isolation method.
Identify confined space.
Conduct risk assessment and apply controls for confined
space entry.
Approve rescue plan.

Approve excavation plans.

Being able to challenge requested change and assure no

other alternative
Being able to use the appropriate MOC to assist the change
and produce the MOC package that meets all the
Being able to identify, assess and mitigate all HSE risk
associated with the change
Able to advise and guide others into specific details in
relation to MOC package
Being able to contribute to the update/modify the MOC
Being able to lead multidisciplinary team to assist and
produce MOC package
Being able to diversify and adjust effectively to new
situation arising from an MOC procedures

- Can use/operate the basic fire equipments (ex. escape

units, fire hoses, fire extingishers, fire hydrants, etc)

- Take corrective action for for improper illumination,

unsafe chemical condition, high noize, etc..
- Take corrective action for for improper illumination,
unsafe chemical condition, high noize, etc..

- Prepare waste mainfest for the waste disposal

- Identify the appropruate waste disposal method for each
waste type

- Can read corrosion loops

- Take action to ensure that the process is kept within
control limits
- Explain the link between changes in materaials and
management of change procedure
- Take TML to verify metal thickness

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