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Students are required to post a reply and a response per discussion in order to earn the 5

points. Each post must be a minimum of ________words and maximum of _______. If the
minimum criteria are not met per discussion, no points will be earned.
C. 50,150

#2How many points do you receive for each skill builder you submit?
C. 5

#3You have __________ attempts to pass each quiz with a passing grade of _________%.
D. 2,70%

#4 What activity should you start each module with?

C. Overview
#5 What should you do while reviewing the seminars?
B. Take notes

#6 The topics and activities in MDC are designed to inspire you to deliver service
excellence by developing the:
C. Amazing Hospitality Attitude

#7There are __________ MDC modules.

E. 10

#8 Each module can contain which activities?

E. All the above

#9 What does MDC stand for?

C. Managing Diversity in a Multicultural Workplace

#10 The final examination covers what modules?

C. Modules 6-10

#11Students must have a minimum grade of _________% to earn the MDC certificate from
C. 70%

Module 1.
1. Dimensions of Diversity include all of the following except:
B. Attitude and personality

#2Which one of the statement(s) below is a benefit of cultural diversity in the workforce?

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E. All the above

#3 Which lodging company was ranked #1 by Forbes Magazine as the top company for
C. Wyndham

#4 What has been the greatest influence in the 21st Century on the development of
management skills and practices deemed essential for someone to become an effective
D. A and B

#5What are the four primary functions of management?

A. Planning , Motivating, Directing , Organizing

#6The ultimate goal of diversity management is to:

D. Create a high performance multicultural team

#7 A manager � s __________________ and _______________in the workplace determine

how cultural diversity is viewed and handled.
C. Attitude and actions

#8 Effective global leaders manage diversity by doing all of the following except:
A. Learning how to lead on the outside first and create an exclusive multicultural

#9The management approach taken by AHA for this course is:

B. People � Centered

#10Leadership Guru, Peter Drucker once said that �The only thing that differentiates one
business from another in any given field is the quality of its ________________________
on all levels."
C. Management

Module 2
#1What does AHA mean when it refers to the word leadership?
E. A and C

#2 Genuine Leadership or leadership with a little �I� is shown through the following:
C. Your everyday interactions with people and your influence

#3 The leaders most admired by their people do the following:

E. A and B

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#4 By simple definition � leadership with or without a title means:
E. Influencing others to follow

#5 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of leader?

B. Leaders take credit

#6 Kouzes and Posner, authors of the bestselling leadership book titled The Leadership
Challenge stated this about leadership: In the past 15-20 years, the ______________has
not changed but the ______________has and in some cases, changed dramatically.
C. Content, Context

#7What is the main leadership premise in today �s globally connected world?

B. The human network makes things happen.

#8 Which of the following set of traits were not listed in the top 20 characteristics of
leaders according surveys conducted by Kouzes and Posner in their book titled: The
Leadership Challenge.
B. Closed minded, driven, dependent, competitive

#9 Which of the traits in the list was named as the top trait people look for in their
E. Honest

#10 Complete the following quote by leadership expert, John Maxwell: If you can become
the leader you ought to be on the ______________, you will be able to be the leader you
ought to be on the ________________.
B. Inside, outside

Module 3
1. Your true character is revealed by which of the following:
E. All the above

#2 What is the top character trait selected most often as the trait people look for in their
C. Honesty
#3Empathy means all of the following:
B. You try to genuinely see the world as they see it

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#4Which of the following traits makes it possible for people who might seem ordinary to
achieve extra ordinary things?
D. Passion

#5The term Moral Courage means:

D. Both B and C

#6Which of the following is a quality of Servant Hood?

E. All the above

#7What did Theodore Roosevelt, an American President, say was the most important
ingredient in the formula of success?
B. Knowing how to get along with people

#8Secure leaders with high self-esteem are able to believe in others because they believe
B. Themselves

#9Which one of these words does not define the term �humility � in the dictionary?
C. Arrogant

#10Which of the following words are the letters in the word T-R-U-S-T built on?
A. Time, Respect, Unconditional Acceptance, Sensitivity, Touch

Module 4

Which one of these statements is correct?
B. The culture in which we have grown up in and live, does influence and guide the way
each of us sees, thinks, feels, and responds to our interactions with others

#2Challenges in communication begin to arise when people begin talking about

D. Values
What does an � aha � experience mean inter terms of genuinely being able to understand
and accept another culture?

C. Seeing another culture for what it really is

How do most people interpret behavior in others?

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A. They interpret what is happening through the filter of what their culture tells them is
In the iceberg exercise, which one of the following aspects of culture would not be
considered visible?
D. Values
Anyone responsible for managing a group of people of diverse backgrounds, must have a
high level of ______________________in order to be effective.
B. Self-awareness

What is cultural conditioning?
A. Acquiring your own culture � s behavior

#8Which sentence best describes an individualistic culture?

E. A and B

#9Which of these steps is not one of the 5 steps of cultural conditioning?

E. Interpretation

#10What is the most fundamental of all cross-cultural problems?

A. The fact that two people look upon the same reality, the same situation, the same
example of behavior, and see two entirely different things.

Module 5
Which one of following words is not in the �vocabulary of divisiveness? �
D. Diverse

#2Which of the following words is not considered a �word of acceptance? �

A. Ethnocentrism

#3What is the first step to dispelling stereotypes?

C. Learning to identify your own stereotypes

#4 Which one of the following is a part of the ongoing process that managers use to
breakdown stereotypes in the workplace?
E. All the above

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#5 Which one of these is an example of a misleading assumption that can occur in
multicultural workplaces?
D. A and B

#6What is the definition of Heterogeneity?

B. We are all not the same, there are many culturally diverse groups.

#7 Which of the following is not an effective learning situation to create a more positive
and productive workplace?
B. Decrease employee � s awareness of each other �s cultural values.

#8 What do the 4 C � s stand for in terms of breaking down stereotypes and creating a
more accepting and positive workplace environment?
B. Compassion, Compromise, Consensus, Collaboration

#9Which of the following values that form the basis for breaking down stereotypes is the
most difficult to discuss?
B. Respect

#10What is the Platinum Rule?

A. Treat others the way they would like to be treated

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