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PAM os tie eta aC @ Read the flyer. Then, mark the foo, true (T) or false (Fi. 1 __ Tre hogptals begining constuction to repair damages. Vocabulary © Write a word that is similar in meaning to the undertined part. 1 Andows soni sick 9 he takes him to the deparmart that als wih the care of chicren. dtc. 2 The patent needs modicne sohe gots to tha place where adaunmsibastalitodnsteondisalsbee » = ‘3 Enoloyees in the danariment shat stules and diagnoses ‘senses must woar gloves and goggles. a. 010 -— 4 Doctors in amasial fit that wees octneneet a searaie ‘sngstinta need very steady hands. 2 9-—¥ 5 Saul works on an ambulance, so he sbes plenty of stvatons ‘pwhch someota’s Hes incanow, ..¢.9--c-—8 =~ Construction Notice St. Sebastian's Hosplial wants to give ts Dalits the best care o0ssbIo. In cer to do hs. we neod to undte curfacities from lene to tine. As a result, wo are staring some constuction pojecs today Sore doparererts are verperrty mong Gung constuction, The cardiowogy {epartmert snow nthe besernent across from tne radiology ard. pathology eparrments Upsterrtes 9.0n the 38c0%0 "ieor next to pectatrcs. ‘Access to other denartmants ie kmted ‘Tho enrance to erthopediee now through the dermatology department The surgery wing of the hostel is oly accossile tough the ly elovaters ‘Tho omergeney room and tho Pharmacy are vtfocted, © Check (7) the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly 1 A aie tte carSlogs dopant bone He tears borg atremaly 8 Doctors it the pattonyceoarment espond 0 erergercy stitons 2 A Francesa is gong toe surges copatment to pick wher weseraion —B iene ha a broken log to sn go othe setopeica Saparmeri. 2 A The proprent woman en the shataina dopertment, pay y NY Get ready! — 8 Doctors who work in the pathology department ori cao lo cnkeon © Before you read the {alk about meso questions. ‘§ A voctors usury peor surgery n me poumnacy, 1 What senicws do patent got in —B Gregory takos ays into adloay deartment Sic tual cope, 5 A The ceritics ceoacment 5 where docirs spect 2 Wnch Postal ceparments roars io dacnese dseases. a — 8 doe i te coumatslgr deaadment te goth ash examned,

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