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AlHuda International School

Head Office

Registration Form (For School use only)

Receipt No.
This level of detailed information is for the S.No. Photograph
benefit of your child, therefore fill the form Received by
with complete and accurate information. Receiving Date
Incomplete forms will not be considered.
(45 mm * 35 mm)
SMS Reg Adm

Campus: Head Office

Applying for: S. Montessori


Full Name: Sehan Shariq

Date of Birth 10/15/2018
Gender: Male Principal Language Spoken at Home: English
Religion: Muslim Nationality: Pakistan
Present School(if applicable): International learning hub
Reason for Leaving Present School (if applicable):

Have you applied for admission of this child in AIS before? No YesYear:__________Month:_________

FAMILY- SectionA

Father/Guardian Mother
Name Sharique Zafar Ahmed Mehwish Sheikh
CNIC 42000-0108938-3 61101-1961439-4
Date of Birth 1976-01-13 1984-03-08
Home Address House 18, street 140, G13/4, Islamabad
Home Phone 03009821210
Cell Phone(Tick one preferred
no. for school sms) 03111525262 03009821210

Work Phone 03135047334

Organization Digital Store Associates House wife

Designation Manager
Islamic Eduction Nazra Tajweed, Arabic Language Nazra Tajweed, Alhuda Summer course
AlHuda International School
Head Office

Marital status of the chlid's parents: Married Other

If Other then tick the appropriate box below:

Status: Separated Divorced Widowed Remarried Living Abroad

Child lives with ? Father Mother Other__________

Who has the legal custody of the child? Father Mother Other__________

Please attach relevant documents.


Was there any complication at the time of birth ? No Yes If yes, please explain

Does the child have any of the following medical

conditions :

Physical Neurological Muscular Psychological

Learning Difficulties Phobia of_______ Allergies_______ Asthma

Disability Holds Breath Fits Other

Please provide relevant documents and additional details at the time of assessment.

Is the child under regular medication ?: No Yes If yes, please provide details.

Doctor's Name: Doctor's Clinic/Hospital:

Doctor's Cell Phone: Doctor's Work Phone:

EMERGENCE CONTACT (Other then Parents)

Name: Waqar Zafar Ahmed Relationship: Uncle

Home Phone: 03135047335 Work Phone: 03008567587 Cell Phone: 03008567587
AlHuda International School
Head Office

SIBLINGS (16 year and under)

Sibling1 Sibling2 Sibling3

Name: Rayan Shariq Maryam Shariq

Age 13 11

Gender: Male Female

Current School: AIS H11 AIS H11


Provide details of family member/relative who have studied/are studying or have worked/are working at Al-Huda

Name Relationship Status/Designation Branch/Institute

Summer Course and

Mehwish Sheikh Mother F8/ H11
Tarbiah Sessions

Zainab Waqar First cousin Student Passed out H11


4 Passport Size Photographs Copies of Parent's/Guardian's CNIC

Evidence of Vaccination Copy of Birth Certificate

Copie's of first two pages of passport and visas of Parents/Guardian (if foreign National)

DECLARATION (To be signed by Parents/Guardian)

1. I acknowledge that this application does not automatically admit my child to AlHuda International School (AIS). Academic
result, interview and testing record are taken into consideration. AllHuda International School reserves the right to make
the final decision.
2. I acknowledge that, should this application be accepted, my child and I undertake to abide by the policies and regulations
of AIS and agree to pay the applicable fee. I also understand that in serious instances of infraction, e.g. damage to school
property, inappropriate behaviour, bodily harm to another student/ teacher, my child may be asked to leave the School.
3. I acknowledge that the School will take reasonable care and exercise due diligence within its premises and during school
activities and will bear no responsibility should my child exercise any reckless and/ or careless behaviour that may
endanger his / her sefety and others around and as such cause harm or injury to himself/ herself and others.
4. I will make sure that my child attends all classes and is punctual. I will provide transportation for my child to and from the
5. I allow my child to participate in events, outdoor activities and trips as required by the AIS program.
6. On leaving the School, my child will return library books and any School property he/she may have borrowed during
his/her stay at the School

7. I agree and undertake to give one month's notice of withdrawal of my child or one month's fee in lieu thereof.
AlHuda International School
Head Office

Father/Guardian's Sign:____________________ Mother Sign:____________________


AlHuda International School

Address:7-A.K.Brohi Road, H-11/4,Islamabad Telephone:+92(51)4866124 Facebook:AlHudaIntSchool

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