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farah masry

farah masry
by Nefertari School

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5,632 895 59 3 min 34 sec 6 min 53 sec
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Score Writing Issues

76 68 12 56
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 76%

of all texts checked by Grammarly


7 6

7% of your text matches 6 sources on the web

or in archives of academic publications

Report was generated on Sunday, Dec 11, 2022, 09:22 AM Page 1 of 12

Report: farah masry

Writing Issues
24 Correctness
4 Punctuation in compound/complex
1 Misuse of semicolons, quotation marks, etc.
1 Text inconsistencies
4 Incorrect verb forms
4 Wrong or missing prepositions
1 Comma misuse within clauses
4 Faulty tense sequence
3 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
1 Pronoun use
1 Faulty subject-verb agreement

25 Delivery
25 Inappropriate colloquialisms

18 Clarity
11 Wordy sentences
4 Passive voice misuse
3 Unclear sentences

1 Engagement
1 Word choice

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Report: farah masry

Unique Words 37%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating
the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 33%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are
not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.7

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 15.2

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: farah masry

farah masry
ElMasry 2
ElMasry 1
Farah ElMasry
Ms. Ola Gabr
World of Deception

Injustice in the world is a topic people have yet to discuss, argue, and disagree
about, however, George Orwell chose to out the truth in his novel 1984,
moreover, the novel informed its readers about something that was about to
face them, in addition, he describes how injustice affected him personally and
proceeds to describe the effects of it on other people.

69 3
Martin Luther King once said "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
70 4
everywhere." "I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr; August 28, 1963."
Human beings all over the world somehow struggle with finding justice. People
struggle with finding justice differently. Some people don't acknowledge the
fact that they are facing injustice, so they do nothing about it. The struggle
8 9
against justice is when someone's rights are being violated and they have no
power to stop such unfairness.
In 1984, George Orwell described his point of view of an unjust world. Orwell
expressed the injustice in his story by showing how Big Brother and the party

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Report: farah masry

suppressed individuals' right to thoughts and emotions. He was foreshadowing

the high levels of injustice in the future world. Animal Farm, a well-known
fictional novella by George Orwell, describes how the ruling pigs changed the
seven commandments of animalism for their own benefit. The injustice in
Animal Farm showcased how animals or citizens are oblivious to the injustice
12 13
71 around them since they are programmed to only satisfying their basic needs of
14 15 16
food and shelter. In The Help, a novel by Kathryn Stockett, depicted how a maid
gets to raise a child on her own and still has to throw that bond away due to the
fact that she is an African American. All these forms of injustice show how little
power one has over injustice that comes from the world. Orwell decided to
describe this world of injustice in 1984 because he knew how dangerous
totalitarianism is for the people. He knew that people would be unable to fight
this type of injustice. Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning to the people about the
injustice that is yet to face them in the future. He described the people in the
novel to be brainwashed, deceived, and propagandized. The people in 1984 lost
the ability to form connections with each other and experience emotions due to
the brainwashing the party did to them. Citizens in 1984 lost their sense of self
because the party damaged all their memories of what life was before the
69 24
party. No one remembered life before the party in the novel, as a result, no one
saw a problem with what the party had to offer. Orwell used the term "Double-
think" in his novel to describe how the citizens subconsciously accepted two
contradictory beliefs as correct. The party stole their citizens' privacy by
watching them through telescreens, brainwashing their beliefs, and claiming
control over their thoughts. All these ploys from the party showcased how
people can struggle with injustice and can never know it. Orwell tried to frame a
picture for the readers of what was about to happen to them.

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Report: farah masry

The injustice in Orwell's novels shows how affected he is by the situation and
26 27
how it affected others as well. Orwell prioritizes self-actualization. He believed
in the presence of a government, yet he also prioritizes his mind being well
aware of his surroundings. Orwell depicted that the people who lack self-
29 30 31
awareness are easy to push around. When someone deprives you from your
32 33 34
71 right to speak your mind freely, you become captured in what they want you to
believe. The effects of injustice on a person can lead to deformation in one's
35 36 37
personality. When someone dispossesses you from your ability to feel human
38 39
emotions, you only feel what they allow you to feel. Stockholm Syndrome is a
coping mechanism that helps people in captive situations. You tend to feel
41 42 43 44
captivated around someone who doesn't fully give you the right to speak your
45 46 47
mind or process your emotions. You catch positive feelings towards your
48 49 49
capturer since you only feel emotions towards that person only. The captivation
doesn't necessarily have to be physical. It can be psychological.
72 51
People struggle against justice every day in different ways and in different
places. Everyone face their struggles differently since we are all human beings
53 54
with different approaches when it comes to a problem. The struggles in finding
justice in our lives will remain a concern. In 1984, George Orwell was warning
69 56
people about what is yet to come. He wanted to portray a picture to the readers
70 57 58
about how life will be in the future. Orwell explained how people can be
59 60 61
deceived. He depicted how injustice affects all people. Even if the justice isn't
62 63 64 65
directed to you, it will still somehow affect you. Your lack of self-awareness can
66 67 68
weaken your personality and make it easier for someone to control your own

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Report: farah masry

Works Cited

71 "Big Brother and Other Terms from '1984.'" Center for the Arts,
Maes-Jelinek, Hena. "George Orwell." Criticism of Society in the English Novel
between the Wars - George Orwell, Presses Universitaires De Liège,
74 4
"The Power in Controlling the Past: Orwell's 1984 & Big Brother." LEO, 10 Oct.
Stockett, Kathryn. The Help. Penguin Books, 2016.
"Stockholm Syndrome: What It Is, Symptoms & How to Treat." Cleveland Clinic,



Report was generated on Sunday, Dec 11, 2022, 09:22 AM Page 7 of 12

Report: farah masry

1. , however → . However, ; however Punctuation in Correctness

compound/complex sentences

2. , moreover → . Moreover, ; moreover Punctuation in Correctness

compound/complex sentences

3. said, Misuse of semicolons, quotation Correctness

marks, etc.

4. August 28; 10 Oct. Text inconsistencies Correctness

5. with finding → to find Incorrect verb forms Correctness

6. don't → do not Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

74 7. the fact Wordy sentences Clarity

8. being violated Passive voice misuse Clarity

9. , and Punctuation in Correctness

compound/complex sentences
10. point of Wordy sentences Clarity

11. own Wordy sentences Clarity

12. are programmed Passive voice misuse Clarity

13. satisfying → satisfy Incorrect verb forms Correctness

14. In Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

15. Stockett, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

16. depicted → depicts Faulty tense sequence Correctness

17. due to the fact that → Wordy sentences Clarity

because, since

18. the injustice Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


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Report: farah masry

19. them Pronoun use Correctness

20. Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning to Unclear sentences Clarity

the people about the injustice that is
yet to face them in the future.

21. to be → as being Incorrect verb forms Correctness

7122. He described the people in the novel Unclear sentences Clarity

to be brainwashed, deceived, and
23. what life was → life Wordy sentences Clarity

24. , as → ; as, . As Punctuation in Correctness

compound/complex sentences

25. was about to → would Wordy sentences Clarity

26. affected → affects Faulty tense sequence Correctness

27. as well Wordy sentences Clarity


28. the people Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


29. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

6930. from → of Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

31. your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

32. your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

33. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

34. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

35. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

36. from → of Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

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Report: farah masry

37. your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

38. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

39. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

40. You Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

41. doesn't → does not Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

42. fully → entirely Word choice Engagement


43. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

44. your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery


45. your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

46. You Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

47. your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery


48. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

49. only feel or person only Wordy sentences Clarity

50. doesn't → does not Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery


7051. in Wordy sentences Clarity

52. face → faces Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

53. Everyone face their struggles Unclear sentences Clarity

differently since we are all human
beings with different approaches
when it comes to a problem.

54. in finding → to find Incorrect verb forms Correctness

55. was warning → warned Wordy sentences Clarity

56. is → was Faulty tense sequence Correctness

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Report: farah masry

57. about → of Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

58. can → could Faulty tense sequence Correctness

59. be deceived Passive voice misuse Clarity

60. the justice Determiner use (a/an/the/this, Correctness


61. isn't → is not Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery


62. isn't directed Passive voice misuse Clarity

63. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

64. you Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

65. Your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

66. your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

67. your Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

68. own Wordy sentences Clarity

69. Martin Luther King once said Essay.docx - Martin Luther King Originality
69 "Injustice anywhere is a threat to once said, “Injustice anywhere is
justice everywhere. a ...

70. I Have a Dream by Martin Luther I have a Dream by Martin Luther Originality
King, Jr; August 28, 1963. King, Jr; August 28, 1963

71. In The Help, a novel by Kathryn The Importance of Writing in The Originality
Stockett, Help, a Novel by Kathryn Stockett

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Report: farah masry


72. every day in different ways and in Relationships with Robots: Good Originality
different or Bad for Humans? - Forbes

73. Criticism of Society in the English Criticism of Society in the English Originality
Novel between the Wars - Novel Between the Wars

74. The Power in Controlling the Past: The Power in Controlling the Past: Originality
Orwell's 1984 & Big Brother." LEO, Orwell’s 1984 & Big Brother




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