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My name is Ankita Dargad and I am a third year MSc-PhD Dual

Degree student. I am standing to be elected as the General Secretary of
the Mathematics Department. I have interacted with a lot of students
across the department which gives me a fair idea of the problems faced
by students in the department. I have also been a Student Companion
and a Core Team Member in Mathematics Olympiad’22 which gave me
experience of PORs. If elected, I will ensure that the best interests of you are met. I intend
to serve the students within the best of my capabilities. Following tasks are key points of my

❑ Will work on opening a room as 24×7 self study room for PhD freshers in the department
❑ Will organize ’Department Day’ which includes several talks by Alumni/Faculty followed
by fun-filled activities which encourages interaction among the students
❑ Will work on getting high capacity WiFi routers and add more computer systems in
Research Scholar rooms along with the AC
❑ Will work on getting high capacity WiFi routers and add more computer systems in
Research Scholar rooms
❑ Will work on having relaxation on restrictions on printer usage for Research Scholars

❑ Will continue to organize Mathematics Olympiad with the help of council team
❑ Will get Department t-shirts/hoodie designed and available to all by end of odd semester
❑ Will organize a department trip for at least 2 days* in spring semester

❑ Will request department to have bridge courses for BS students to fill the gap of under-
standing between courses of 2nd and 3rd semester
❑ Will request to have consistency in number of qualifiers for each subject
❑ Will propose to have elective courses from statistics for MSc math students
❑ Will organize workshops on R/Python to improve coding skills
❑ Will organize guidance session by Research scholars for MSc/BS students

❑ Will organize Cult Night and Sports Day at department level
❑ Will ensure departmental celebrations for different festivals
❑ Will organize freshers day and farewell party across the department

*: Terms and conditions apply

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