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Test Evaluation
© 2022 Keytorc

Author [author]

Title [title of the document]

Keywords [keywords of the document]

Abstract This document describes the evaluation of the [project name] test
project. The document starts with a brief introduction and some
background information regarding the [project name] test project.
Subsequently a summary product quality, planning versus actual
planning, evaluation of the test process, and risks during the test
project are described. The document finishes with an overview of
test deliverables made during the test project.



Total of pages 13


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Version control

Date Version Name Description

1 Introduction..................................................................... 3
1.1 Target audience, objective and scope ............................. 3
1.2 Sponsor and test co-ordinator .......................................... 3
1.3 General product information and related
documents ........................................................................ 3
1.4 Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions ......................... 4
1.5 Overview........................................................................... 4

2 Summary ......................................................................... 5
2.1 Test objectives ................................................................. 5
2.2 Tests executed ................................................................. 5
2.3 Major findings and results ................................................ 5
2.4 Deviations from Test Plan ................................................ 5
2.5 Test process ..................................................................... 6

3 Product Quality ............................................................... 7

3.1 Total number of findings ................................................... 7
3.2 Found defects per week ................................................... 7
3.3 Quality Functional specifications ...................................... 7

4 Actuals versus planning ................................................ 8

4.1 Progress test activities ..................................................... 8
4.2 Time spend per person .................................................... 8

5 Evaluation of Test Process ........................................... 9

5.1 Test Life cycle .................................................................. 9
5.2 Techniques ....................................................................... 9
5.3 Organisation ..................................................................... 9
5.4 Infrastructure & Tools ..................................................... 10

6 Risk Management ......................................................... 11

7 List of test deliverables ............................................... 12

1 Introduction
Note from the editor this document is a template for creating a Test Evaluation
Report. It provides the author(s) the essential ingredients for a
test evaluation report: its structure, the basic text for each
paragraph and help texts in italic, like this one, to explain the
purpose of each paragraph. The basic text brackets like these [ ]
indicate that the text inside them must be tailored to the actual
test project. Most paragraphs provide examples and
enumeration’s of relevant items that also must be tailored to the
current situation.

This test evaluation report must be used at the end of the test
project and will amongst other be the input for test process
improvement activities.

The notes that start each paragraph must be deleted.

1.1 Target audience, objective and scope

Target audience Described are the intended readers and users of the test
evaluation report and its content.

This document is intended for the [project name] project leader,

project manager, testers involved in the test projects, person
who is responsible for the test process improvement and for all
people that will start/lead a test project in the future.

Objective Described is the objective of this document and the objective of

evaluating the test process.

The objective of this document is to give visibility, by means of

documenting the findings, into the test project. Described are the
results, strong and weak points and what we can learn from it,
so that the quality of the test projects in the future will improve.

Scope Described is the test levels that falls inside and outside the
scope of the test evaluation report. It may also mention the
releases and such that are addressed by this evaluation report.

This evaluation addresses the test activities of the [test level]

test of the [project name] test project.

1.2 Sponsor and test co-ordinator

Sponsor Described is the sponsor or principal of the testing.

The project leader ([name project leader]) was responsible for

testing within the [project name] project, and was therefore the
sponsor of the [test level] test.

Test co-ordinator Described is the test co-ordinator of the test project.

Responsible for both meeting the objectives and carrying out the
test plan was the test co-ordinator [name test co-ordinator].

1.3 General product information and related documents

General product information Gives background information on the product that has been

Related documents Lists the documents that are referred to.

Within this document references are made to the following


Ref. Document Document ID

[1] Test Plan
[2] Test and quality reports
[3] Testen volgens TMap, Pol, ISBN
Teunissen en Van Veenendaal, 90 72194 33 0
Tutein Nollthenius 1995
[4] Functional specifications
[5] Project Plan

1.4 Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions

Purpose of this section List the used definitions and abbreviations.

Abbr. : Abbreviation

1.5 Overview

Purpose of this section Gives on overview of the document.

Chapter 1 is introduction of the test evaluation report.

Chapter 2 is a summary from the test project

Chapter 3 describes the product quality results during testing.

Chapter 4 describes the evaluation of the test process, per


Chapter 5 describes the risks identified during the test plan

phase and managed throughout the test project.

Chapter 6 describes all deliverables that have been established

during the test project.
2 Summary
Purpose of this section in this chapter a brief (mostly qualitative) overview of the test
project is provided. The most important results will be described.
What has been tested and what were the major findings. An
overview is provided of the quality of the test object and the
documentation, the test process that was followed and the most
positive and negative experiences. Also significant deviations
according to the test plan and the test strategy are described in
this chapter.

2.1 Test objectives

Describe the test objectives as stated in the test plan and the
test assignment, also mention which non-functional
characteristics were part of the test. If applied, and defined, this
paragraph can also mention the acceptance criteria defined in
the test plan.


2.2 Tests executed

Describe an overview of the tests specified and executed. State

the number of test specifications documented (preferably by test
objective) Indicate the number of times tests were run and any
tests that were specified but not executed.

Also indicate the total time planned and used for test
specification, preparation and management.

Activity Planned Actual Deviation

Test Specification
Test Execution
Test Management

2.3 Major findings and results

Provide an overview of the number of findings, classified by

severity and possibly sub system and/or test objective. If
important the showstoppers that were found can be listed and
explained in a one liner including their status.

2.4 Deviations from Test Plan

Describe here any major deviations according the test plan, their
impact on the tests executed, the test process and finally the
test results.

2.5 Test process

Describe on a high level the followed test process (think of

the items such as life cycle, test approach, test strategy,
organisation, usage of certain standards (e.g. checklists,
templates), tools applied etc.

Briefly indicate the most positive elements of the test

process followed and the drawbacks that have occurred
and provide a summary of the suggested improvements.
3 Product Quality
Note of the author in this paragraph an overview is provided on the quality of the
test object by providing quantitative figures on the findings.

3.1 Total number of findings

Subsystem Showstoppers1 Critical Serious Minor Low Total


3.2 Found defects per week

In the graph below the found defects (showstoppers, Critical and

Serious) per week and the status of the defects at that time is

15 Found
10 Open


3.3 Quality Functional specifications

This paragraph can be used to describe the quality of the

documents that were used (test basis), the results of the intake
activities etc. Also state the consequences that occurred of poor
or late functional specifications.

Showstopper : external, customer has serious problem with this defect
Critical defect : internal serious problem, customer has no problem
Serious defect : internal and workaround is possible
Minor : not a functionality problem
Low : layout problems
4 Actuals versus planning
Purpose of this section In this chapter the planned and actual effort of the test activities
is provided (see also the Work breakdown in test plan). The
major deviations are identified and the reasons for these
deviations are given e.g. what was the impact, what can be
learned from it for further test projects.

4.1 Progress test activities

This paragraph shows the activities carried out and the

effort spent.

Act. Description Del. Person Start date End date Hours Actual Actual Actual Dev.
ID ID planned Start date End date Hours

Explanation Major deviations


4.2 Time spend per person

This paragraph shows the time planned and spent per


Name tester Time planned Time spent Deviation

Explanation Major deviations

5 Evaluation of Test Process
Purpose of this section In this chapter the test process evaluation is described. The
results of the evaluation can be used for future test projects .

Do the templates, procedures and other available

standards used during the test process reflect what was
expected. If not, describe why not. What were pro’s and
what were con’s of the approach used. What are
suggestions to improve the whole test process (think of
the preparation, specification, execution and completion
phase), the templates, procedures etc.

In this chapter an overview will be given from the test

process that was followed throughout the test project
5.1 Test Life cycle

Describe here how the test life cycle was set-up (think of
the following: division into phases, activities done during
each phase, by whom, when, etc). The usage of a master
test plan, phase test plan etc. Also describe what can be
done better for test projects in the future.
5.2 Techniques

Describe techniques and checklist that were used, e.g. for

test strategy, estimation etc. Specifically describe the test
techniques used for testing the (sub)-system, why some
techniques where used for some parts of the system. (See
also the strategy matrix). What were reasons for using
these testing techniques?

Describe the practical experiences using these techniques

and recommendations for future projects.
5.3 Organisation

Describe here how the test organisation was setup and

performed during the test project (think about the following
items: roles, responsibilities, methodical support, and
Where their changes in roles compared to the test plan,
describe them here (why?), and describe the impact of the
changes on the test project. What can be done better the
next test project regarding the organisation?

Also describe the relationship from the test team to the

project and to the regular organisation, training received
and procedures used.

Describe the practical experiences using this

organisational structure, the training and the procedures
and recommendations for future projects.
5.4 Infrastructure & Tools

Describe here the used platforms and used (test) tools

during the test project. Also mention any specific training
received on the infrastructure and/or tools.
If they’re where deviations from the test plan describe
them here and also describe the impact of it on the test

Describe the practical experiences using the infrastructure

and tools and recommendations for future projects.
6 Risk Management
Purpose of this section Indicates the risks described in the test plan. Think of the
following items when writing this chapter: what where the risks
according the test plan, what was the trigger, how were the risks
managed (monitored, issue in test reports), what was the impact
on the test process, did they actually occur and what where the
actions to reduce or eliminate the risks.

Risk table Test Plan

# Risk description Likelihood Effect Trigger Contingency Action

7 List of test deliverables
Purpose of this section In this chapter all test deliverables, that must be considered for
re-use or learning, made during the test process will be
mentioned in the following way: Deliverable name, Identification,
Author and Status. The documents listed in this paragraph
should be under configuration management. For detailed
information see the progress reports and the work breakdown.
Also describe if there where deviations from the initial list of
deliverables and why these occurred.

Deliverable Identification Author Status

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