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Tropical Pest Management

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Review of the biology and control of the Asian

corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Lep: Pyralidae)
a a
D. M. Nafus & I. H. Schreiner
Agricultural Experiment Station , University of Guam , Mangilao, Guam , 96923
Published online: 13 Nov 2008.

To cite this article: D. M. Nafus & I. H. Schreiner (1991) Review of the biology and control of the Asian corn borer,
Ostrinia furnacalis (Lep: Pyralidae), Tropical Pest Management, 37:1, 41-56, DOI: 10.1080/09670879109371535

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TROPICAL PEST MANAGEMENT. 1991, 37(1), 41-56

Review of the biology and control of the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia
furnacalis (Lep: Pyralidae)

(Keywords: Ostrinia furnacalis, corn borer, biology, control, parasitoids, parasites, biological control)


Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam 96923

Abstract. The biology and control of the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia and Spilodes kodzukalis. Many other variants and combina-
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furnacalis Guenée, is reviewed. This insect is distributed from China tions of these names are present in the literature.
to Australia and the Solomon Islands. In northern parts of its range
the moths have one or a few generations per year, but in the tropics,
generations are continuous and overlapping. The caterpillars 2. Distribution
can cause severe yield losses in corn, both by damage to the kernels
and by feeding on the tassels, leaves, and stalks. Survival and In Asia the range of the ACB extends from India eastward
growth of the caterpillar is highest on the reproductive parts of the through Southeast Asia and north into China, Korea and
plant. Other economic plants attacked include bell pepper, ginger Japan (Mutuura and Monroe, 1970; Lewvanich, 1973). It is
and sorghum. Recently, the Asian corn borer appears to have
become an important pest of cotton. A number of wild grasses are
present in Australia and on a number of islands in the
also used as hosts. Information on predators and parasites is Western Pacific including Java, Sulawesi, the Philippines,
summarized. Egg parasitoids are relatively effective in some Borneo, New Guinea, Solomons, and Western Micronesia
tropical areas, but no significant larval or pupal parasites have been (Mutuura and Monroe, 1970).
found. In temperate parts of the Asian corn borer's range, larval
parasites are more abundant, having their greatest impact during
the diapausing generation. A variety of techniques have been 3. Yield losses
used to control the borer. Insecticides are used in many countries,
but are not totally reliable. Augmentative release of egg parasitoids The ACB has caused severe yield losses to corn in some
is widely used in China and has been tested elsewhere. Mechanical countries, but in others it is a minor pest. Sanchez (1971)
removal of the tassels can reduce borer populations 50%, and this
reported yield losses of 20-80% in the Philippines. High yield
procedure is used in the Philippines. Field corn varieties
which are relatively resistant to the ACB have also been found. losses have also been reported from the Marianas, up to
100% (Schreiner and Nafus, 1987) and Taiwan, 95% (Tseng,
1981). Arunin (1964) listed ACB as one of the two worst pests
of corn in Thailand, but W. Young (1979) stated that it was
sporadic, being relatively uncommon except at lower
In the Asian-Western Pacific region, the Asian corn borer
elevations in the central plains and at Sisaket and Uthong.
(ACB), Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée (Lep: Pyralidae), is prob-
Apparently the borer has declined in importance in Thailand
ably the most serious insect pest of corn, Zea mays, and
as the incidence of growing heavily treated cotton has
only maize downy mildew is potentially more severe in
decreased, and other crops, primarily sugar cane, have
Southeast Asia. The larvae feed on virtually all parts of the
been substituted. The decline of the ACB was suggested to
plant, but the worst damage is caused by boring in the ears
be due to an increase in natural enemies in the less heavily
and stalk. Since O. furnacalis has been recognized as a
treated crops (Anon, 1974). In Papua New Guinea the ACB
distinct species from the European corn borer, Ostrinia
is a severe problem in subsistence gardens In certain
nubilalis (Hubner), research on the ACB has intensified.
locations (O'Sullivan and Bourke, 1975). In plots at the
Unfortunately, much of the research is not easily accessible.
research centre in Papua New Guinea, G. Young (1979)
These factors have inhibited exchange of information, and
found an average of 16 holes per plant. Yield losses of
prompt this review.
10-40% have been reported from Indonesia (Chu, 1979).

1. identification 4. Economic thresholds

Originally, the ACB was described as Botys furnacalis by Economic thresholds have not been satisfactorily de-
Guenée in 1854. Subsequently it was re-described by a termined for either grain or sweet corn. In the Philippines
series of authors or repeatedly misidentified as the yield losses of grain were reported to be 0-95% per tunnel
European corn borer, O. nubilalis. Much of the literature (Medrano and Raros, 1975), but in Thailand much higher
prior to 1966 treats it as that species. Mutuura and Monroe losses were found by Prachuabmoh (1975a). His data show
(1970) revised the genus Ostrinia, confirming the status of a linear increase in yield of grain of approximately 30% as
O. furnacalis as a valid species separate from the European the number of ACB holes per stalk declined from about 3 to
corn borer and synonymizing it with Botys (Pyrausta) 0-75 per plant. G. Young (1979) thought that corn could
damoalls, B. (Pyrausta) salentialis, P. polygoni, P. vastatrix. tolerate up to five holes per stalk without significant loss of

0143-6147/91 $3.00 © 1991 Taylor and Francis Ltd

42 D. M. Nafus and I. H. Schreiner

yield. Mekongsee et al. (1979) and Mekongsee and 6. Development and diapause
Kongkanjana (1980) suggested treating corn when the
The length of the life cycle varies with host, diet (Table 1)
number of masses reached 15/100 plants as no yield losses
and weather conditions (Buligan, 1929; Lee etal., 1980; Saito
were found at these or lower densities. Mekongsee et al.
and Oku, 1985). Saito and Oku (1985) reported the
(1979) found an increase in the number of borers per plant
temperature threshold for development in Japan was 6-8°C
as the number of egg masses increased, but the effect was
and a total of 457-3 degree-days were necessary to complete
not linear. At low densities, 0-05 masses per plant resulted
development. They reported a regression to determine
in 0-24 holes per plant, or about 4-8 holes per mass. At
length of the larval period: V= 0005 Τ- 0Ό69, where Vis
higher densities only two holes resulted from each mass,
development velocity (1/days required for development) and
although the overall number of holes per plant increased.
7" is temperature as °C heat unit accumulation above the
In the Philippines, current recommendations are that corn
threshold point. Thresholds and degree-days have not been
should be treated when larval densities are greater than
reported for other areas as most rearing has been done
one per plant (Morallo-Rejesus and Javier, 1985). A sample
under ambient temperature. In tropical areas, and in the
of 100 plants was suggested. No information was presented
warm part of the summer in temperate zones, thé larval
to relate these figures to yield loss.
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stage lasts 16-18 days and has five or six instars. Eggs
We strongly suspect that yield losses do not increase usually develop in 3-5 days (Table 1).
linearly as ACB densities increase when a wide range of
The number of instars is variable, and is affected by host,
borer densities is considered. Data on yield losses in
season, and general conditions for growth. Schreiner et al.
relation to the timing of the infestation, plant density, and
(1989) found that 17% of the larvae reared on corn ears had
other factors are needed.
six instars, with the remainder having only five instars. On
In sweet corn tolerance levels are lower, since even a
Sorghum halepense 25% of the larvae had six instars, and
single borer in an ear can make it unmarketable. Typically
on other hosts higher percentages were found. On less
about half of the borers in a plant will be found in the ear.
preferred hosts, survival was poor and some larvae required
Prachuabmoh (1975b) got no yield at densities of nine or
six instars, suggesting that poor-quality food results in extra
more holes per plant. At lower densities the number of
instars. In Korea, Lee etal. (1980) found seven instars in the
harvested ears increased. At a damage level of four holes
first generation when temperatures were low. At higher
per plant, 1Ό5 ears per plant were harvested.
temperatures there were six instars.
In cotton in China, the economic thresholds for the first,
The pupal period fasts from 6 to 8 days (Table 1). Adults
second and third generations were 2-8, 1-1 and 3-1 egg
emerge between 4 and 8 p.m., and mate 19-24 h later.
masses per 100 plants respectively (Liu and Yuan, 1981).
Oviposition begins 1 or 2 days after mating (Buligan, 1929;
On ginger, no information is available on economic
Camarao, 1976b). Adults are active throughout the night, but
thresholds. However, three or four insecticidai treatments
the peak of activity is in the early evening and in the morning
applied weekly after the first injury reduced the proportion
before sunrise (Calora etal., 1965). Adult females live from
of damaged stalks from 33% to 2%, and increased yield
4 to 11 days in the laboratory (Table 2), but improved
about 14% (Ichihara, 1975).
techniques have now increased longevity (Hirai and
Legacion, 1985).
In the northern part of its range the ACB diapauses, but
5. Life cycle: number of generations not in tropical areas. In northern Japan, larvae in both the
first and the second generation enter diapause. The
In tropical areas the ACB is continuously active (Buligan,
number of first-generation larvae which diapause is
1929; Camarao, 1976a, b; Nafus and Schreiner, 1986a) and
inversely related to heat accumulation, and varies between
can have from 9 to 12 generations per year (Camarao, 1976b;
22% and 88%, depending on weather conditions (Saito and
Buligan, 1929; Hua, 1966; Yunus and Hua, 1969). Generations
Oku, 1985). The incidence of diapause was the most
are overlapping with continuous oviposition throughout the
important factor in determining the population size of the
crop season (Hua, 1966; Meksongsee et al., 1979; Tseng,
second generation. Mortality associated with prédation and
1981). In subtropical and tropical areas with distinct wet and
parasitism was relatively unimportant (Saito and Oku, 1985).
dry seasons, populations and damage levels are highest
In ACBs collected from Qinshui province in China (35-36°N)
during or immediately following the wet season (Tseng,
the critical day length was 14-5 h at 25CC (Gong etal., 1984).
1981; Morallo-Rejesus, 1985). In temperate areas, ACB
At shorter daylengths diapause was induced. Obviously,
populations undergo diapause and there are fewer, more
depending on latitude, there will be variation in the critical
synchronized generations per year. In northern Japan, Saito
temperatures and daylengths necessary to initiate diapause.
and Oku (1985) reported two generations in corn, one in
Research in this area is needed.
June/July and a second in late August and September. In
southern Japan (Ichihara, 1975 and South Korea (Lee et al.,
1980) there are three generations. In northern Japan eggs
are first found in late June and early July and then again in
7. Sex pheromones
mid-August. The first generation takes about 1 month for In 1980 the sex pheromone of O. furnacalis was reported
development and the second slightly longer (Saito and Oku, to be a mixture of (2)- and (£)-12-tetradecen-1-ol acetate by
1985). In Korea the first generation takes about 45 days and several groups of workers (Ando et al., 1980; Cheng ef a/.,
the next two take about 1 month each (Lee ef a/., 1980). 1980; Klun et al., 1980; Cheng et al., 1981). Exact ratios of
Biology and control of Asian corn borer 43

Table 1. Development times of the Asian corn borer on different hosts or host parts in various countries

Guam1 Korea 2 Malaya 3 Philippines 4 Philippines 5 Thailand 6 Guam 1 Philippines 7 Philippines 4

Host Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Sorghum cotton Vigna
ears ? stalk stalk stalk halpense pods
Temperature °C Ca. 28 Ca. 21 Ca. 27 N.R." N.R. N.R. N.R. ca. 28 N.R. N.R.
Sex Both Both Both Both Male Female Both Both Both Male Female Male Female

Instar 1 3-4 30 22 3 30 3-6 3-6 3-3 4-7 3-3 3-5 2-4 2-4
Instar 2 30 2-8 20 3 2-2 2-3 3-6 30 20 3-7 3-8 2-3 20
Instar 3 20 3-4 20 2 20 2-1 3.8 3-5 30 3-8 3-9 2-1 2-7
Instar 4 2-8 3-8 2-7 4 2-1 2-3 3-9 3-9 3-3 3-4 3-6 2-3 2-8
Instar 5 4-8 4-8 2-5 6 5-4 60 4-6 3-3 7-1 3-7 3-9 7-6 7-7
Instar 6 50° 50 60 — — — 11-5 — 10Ό 1 0 — — — —
Instar 7 — 7-5 — — — — — — — — — — —

Total larval 16-2 30-4 17-4 18 13-7 16-4 28.9 1 1 17-1 220 17-9 18-7 16-7 17-5
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Pupa 8-6 9-4 6-7 6 6-8 7-2 8-3 5-3 8-4 3-5 5-8 6-8 6-3
Preovi positional — — — 2 — 20 1-8 — — — — —
Adult longevity — 10-9 8-2 6 — 70 8-5 4-2 — 3-5 4-1 — —
Total — 45-8 29-3 27 25-5 28-6 41-712 30-4 — 26-9 280 — 28-8
Schreiner and Nafus, unpublished data.
Lee etal., 1980.
Hua, 1966; Yunus and Hua, 1969.
'Camarao, 1976b.
Buligan, 1929.
"Areekul el ai, 1964.
Valdez and Adalla, 1983,-
* N.R. indicates temperature is not reported and is assumed to be ambient.
Ca. 17% of the larvae moulted to sixth Instar. The rest only had five instars.
Ca. 25% of the larvae moulted to sixth instar. The rest only had five instars.
This is a seasonal average. The larval period varies between 18 and 41 days with the longest period in Oct./Dec. and the shortest in June/July.
Total life cycle varies between 29 and 56 days depending on temperature. Temperatures are not given.

Table 2. Fecundity of Asian corn borer and hatching times for eggs

Country Average Number Total eggs Incubation Reference

number masses/ female days

eggs/mass female
Range Average

Thailand 10-25 2-12 300-600 3-4 Lewvanich, 1973

Philippines 36 — 115-1193 465 4-5 Buligan, 1929
Philippines 24 18 up to 579 313 3 Camarao, 1976a
Malaya 27 24 230-1474 638 3 Yunus and Hua, 1969
Malaya 30 14 — 400 3-4 Hua, 1966
Korea (spring) — — 242-810 602 40 Lee etal., 1980
Korea (summer) — — 605-1128 817 3-2 Lee etal., 1980

the two enantiomers varied from ca. 1:1 in the Philippines there was an additional, unidentified component. Jackman
(Klun etal., 1980), to 53:47 from China (Cheng etal., 1981) er al. (1984) reported an undescribed attractant soluble in
and 3:2 from Japan (Ando er al., 1980). Attraction of moths acetone. They suggested that the acetone-soluble compo-
to traps using either individual components or mixtures of nent was a long-range attractant, and the previously isolated
the pheromone was reported from China (Klun et al., 1980; heptane-soluble components were short-range attractants.
Cheng etal., 1981; Jiang and Klun, 1981; Cheng etal., 1982). Further work on the sex pheromone is needed.
An additional component in ovipositor washes, tetradecyl
acetate, was not demonstrated to possess any attractiveness
8. Oviposition: in relation to growth cycle
(Cheng ei ai., 1981 ; Ren er al., 1982) and was not thought to
be an important component of the pheromone (Klun et al., The first eggs are normally found when the crop is
1980; Cheng etal., 1981). In the Philippines (Jackman etal., between 2 weeks and 1 month old (Yunus and Hua, 1969;
1983,1984) and in Japan (Ando etal., 1980), researchers did Camarao, 1976b; Nafus and Schreiner, 1987). Oviposition
not get attraction to pure synthetic pheromone, and felt that increases sharply about 1 month after planting, and is
44 D. M. Nafus and I. H. Schreiner

highest during the mid-whorl to silk stages of the corn with Hua, 1966; Areekul ef a/., 1964; Yunus and Hua, 1969;
the peak at the tassel stage (Meksongsee et al., 1979). In Camarao, 1976b; Nafus and Schreiner, 1987). The most
tropical areas, oviposition is continuous with either one important feeding sites are the whorl, tassel, ears, and stalk.
(Meksongsee and Kongkanjana, 1980; Nafus and Schreiner, The eggs within a mass hatch synchronously, and the
1986a) or two main peaks (Areekul era/., 1965; Hussein and larvae remain near the mass between 20 min and 5 h
Kamaldeer, 1988). A high proportion of the eggs laid, even (Buligan, 1929; Calora era/., 1965; Camarao, 1976b). At the
late in the crop cycle, is probably by immigrants (Camarao, site of the mass the larvae often do not feed, except for
1983; Nafus and Schreiner, 1987), and the number of masses consuming parts of the egg shell, but occasionally they will
laid is a function of the attractiveness of the stage of the eat a little leaf tissue near the mass (Nafus and Schreiner,
plant (Nafus and Schreiner, 1987). Plants from the late whorl 1987). After leaving the hatching site the larvae wander until
through the silking stage, a period of 15-20 days, are most they find a suitable feeding site. Larvae readily follow silk
attractive for oviposition (Cheu, 1941 ; Nafus and Schreiner, trails and will cross silk bridges between plants. Some
1987). Plant tissues in these stages support the best ACB larvae disperse on silk threads in the wind (Calora et al.,
growth and survival (Camarao, 1976b; Saito, 1980). Larger 1965; Hasse, 1981; Tseng, 1981). The final location depends
plants are preferred for oviposition (Cheu, 1941 ; Medrano on the age of the plant, shifting from inside the whorl to the
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and Raros, 1975). tassel and ear, and finally to mostly in the ear, once the
tassel loses its pollen (Nafus and Schreiner, 1987).
As with the European corn borer (Brindley and Dicke,
9. Fecundity 1963), on young corn the larvae establish in the leaf spaces
in the whorl, where they feed on the developing leaf tissue
The eggs are laid in white, scale-like masses, which
(Buligan, 1929; Areekul et al., 1964; Yunus and Hua, 1969;
average from 20 to 40 eggs (Table 2), although means as
Camarao, 1976b; Saito and Oku, 1976; Patanakamjorn et al.,
high as 62 (Calora et al., 1965) eggs have been recorded.
1978a; Nafus and Schreiner, 1987). A few larvae may
Sizes of masses range from as few as two eggs to over 200
establish in folded exposed leaves (Nafus and Schreiner,
eggs (Buligan, 1929). Rearing conditions and host plants will
1987) or on sheath and collar tissue (Camarao, 1976b; Saito
affect fecundity. Females reared on corn normally lay
and Oku, 1976), but this is uncommon.
between 313 and 817 eggs (Table 2), although as many as
The second and third instars continue to feed in the whorl
1474 eggs can be laid (Yunus and Hua, 1969). In the
until the tassel develops. The tassel is the primary feeding
laboratory an average of around 600 eggs per female is
site until the pollen has been shed, after which it is less
possible, but unusual. On other hosts, fecundity is lower.
attractive and the larvae move to other parts. In the tassel,
Females reared on bush sitao laid an average of 187 eggs
first and second instars bore into the florets and eat the
(Camarao, 1976b), and on cotton only 63 eggs (Valdez and
developing anthers. Third and fourth instars web florets
Adalla, 1983).
together or bore into the ramets or the main stalk. If
populations are very high, the entire tassel and the last two
10. Oviposition sites leaves can be webbed together. A few larvae remain in the
tassel through pupation, but most leave (Nafus and
The oviposition sites on corn shift as the plant grows and
Schreiner, 1987).
changes phenologically. The majority of the eggs are laid
At silking, a few third instars bore into the stalk or leaf
underneath the leaves (Buligan, 1929; Hua, 1966; Yunus and
midribs, but most of the first to third instars are in the tassel
Hua, 1969) near the midrib (Camarao, 1976b). On Guam over
or associated with the ear (Saito and Oku, 1976; Nafus and
80% of the masses are under the leaves with the rest
Schreiner, 1987). In the ear the young larvae are divided
primarily on the top surface (Nafus and Schreiner, 1987).
between the silk and husk. On the husk most are found
However in Malaysia, Hussein and Kamaldeer (1988) found
inside, between the sheath leaves in the upper third of the
that nearly 40% of the eggs were on the upper surfaces of
ear, although some are on the exposed leaves near the top
the leaves. Masses are rarely found on the sheath or collar
of the ear. In the silk the larvae are generally on the strands
(Nafus and Schreiner, 1987). Most of the eggs are laid on
outside the ear. Initially the larvae feed on individual
leaves intermediate in age. Young, not fully emerged, leaves
strands, but later the silk is webbed together, creating
from the whorl or very old leaves are less preferred
clumps which are attractive to new arrivals, and may house
(Buligan, 1929; Calora et al., 1965; Camarao, 1976b; Nafus
mixed ages. A few fourth-instar larvae remain on the silk,
and Schreiner, 1987). In consequence, the position of the
mostly between the tip of the ear and the outer husk. Most
leaves with the largest number of eggs gradually shifts
of the older larvae feed in the ear on developing kernels or
upward as the plant grows. By the silk stage, most of the
tunnel in the developing cob, but some also eat the husk or
eggs are on the 8th to 12th leaves. Eggs occasionally can
stalk (Nafus and Schreiner, 1987). A few may bore into the
be found on the husk at this stage (Hua, 1966; Yunus and
shank or feed in the leaf sheaths (Nafus and Schreiner,
Hua, 1969).
Older larvae are often found in the stalk. The majority feed
in holes just above the nodes (Camarao, 1976b; Nafus and
11. Biology of larvae on corn
Schreiner, 1987), although some feed in the sheath (Saito
Virtually all parts of the plant are eaten, depending on the and Oku, 1976). Normally only one larva is found per hole,
phenology of the plant and the larval instar (Buligan, 1929; although more than one can be found if densities are high
Biology and control of Asian corn borer 45

(Nafus and Schreiner, 1987). Pupation takes place inside the Which clues trigger movement of larvae from one feeding
hole with the cephalic end facing downward (Calóra ef a/., site to another is unknown. Saito (1979) found that chemical
1965). composition of the plant was not important, but light and
Survivorship (Saito and Oku, 1985) appears to follow the physical contact were. At low light levels, 150 lux, all instars
same pattern as in the European corn borer (Brindley and were attracted to light. As the light level increased to 9700
Dicke, 1963). Mortality is highest in the first instar and lux, first and second instars remained attracted, but third
declines in later instars. Egg mortality can also be high, but instars and older became neutral. At 90 000 lux the oldest
varies between years from about 5% to 40% in Japan (Saito larvae were negatively phototactic. Light, however, was less
and Oku, 1985). Camarao (1983) also found high mortality in important than physical contact with the substrate. Second,
the larval stage and relatively less mortality in the egg and third, and fourth instars preferred physical contact with the
pupal stages. She did not examine survival of the plant and were attracted to sheltered areas regardless of
early-instar larvae. Most mortality was from unknown the light levels. First and fifth instars were less responsive
causes, and there was low prédation and parasitism. to shelter and continued to be attracted by light at certain
Survivorship, plant age and ovipositional peaks are intensities.
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generally correlated. Survivorship is poor on vegetative

stage plants, and improves on plants of reproductive age
12. Alternative hosts
(Camarao, 1976b; Saito, 1980). Camarao (1976) found that
20% of the larvae survived on plants 27-54 days old while The ACB is polyphagous and feeds on plants in several
76% survived on plants older than 55 days. Saito (1980) families. In addition to corn, several other crops are attacked
found that larvae fed on corn in the tassel stage had the including ginger, sorghum, millet, bell pepper, cantaloupe,
highest survival rates and the greatest body weights. rice, and rhubarb (Table 3). Recently strains of the ACB have
The timing of oviposition reflects the survivorship pattern been reported on cotton in both China and the Philippines
of the larvae. Few eggs are laid in whorl stage corn. As the (Liu and Yuan, 1981; Delattre and Pauly, 1982; Valdez and
tassel develops, the number of eggs laid increases to a Adalla, 1983). Around Shanghai, China, the ACB is now
maximum when pollen and silk are available. After silking, considered to be more damaging on cotton than pink boll
fewer eggs are laid. Survival rates of larvae feeding on late worm, once the major pest (Liu and Yuan, 1981). Early
stage corn decline, and pupal weights of surviving larvae instars scrape the leaves while third instars and older larvae
also decrease, although both continue to be higher than on bore in the stems, leaf petioles, flowers and squares. Stem
vegetative stage corn (Saito, 1980). The length of the larval boring can cause wilting of the tips. Damaged bolls may
development period also varies depending on the part of the become secondarily infected and drop (Delattre and Pauly,
host the larvae feed on. Yunus and Hua (1969) reported that 1982; Valdez and Adalla, 1983).
larvae fed on ears rather than stalk had a faster development In Chiba prefecture, in Japan, the ACB is the most
time. important pest of ginger (Ichihara, 1975). The eggs are laid

Table 3. Hosts of the Asian corn borer excluding corn. Other hosts have been reported but recent revision of the genus Ostrinia requires
verification of the species of borer

Host Country Reference

Amaranthus sp. Australia D. Waterhouse, personal communication

Brachiaria mutica Guam, Mariana Isl. Schreiner et al., 1989
Capsicum sp. (bell pepper) Guam, Mariana Isl. Schreiner etal., 1989
Cucumis melo Tinian, Mariana Isl. Mutuura and Monroe, 1970
Emex australis Australia D. Waterhouse, personal communication
Gossypium spp. (cotton) Philippines Valdez and Adalla, 1983; Delattre and Pauly, 1982
China Liu and Yuan, 1981
Hibiscus cannabinus Thailand Lewvanich, 1973
Oryza sativa Papua New Guinea Young, G., 1979
Panicum miliaceum Japan Mutuura and Monroe, 1970
Phytolacca octandra Australia O. Waterhouse, personal communication
Polygonum sp. India Mutuura and Monroe, 1970
Polygonum tinctorium Japan Mutuura and Monroe, 1970
Populus deltoïdes angulata Australia D. Waterhouse, personal communication
Rheum rhaponticum Australia D. Waterhouse, personal communication
Saccharum officinarum Papua New Guinea Young, G., 1979
Guam, Marianas Isl. Schreiner et al.. 1989
Saccharum spontaneum Guam, Marianas Isl. Schreiner et al., 1989
Setaria italica Beauver Japan Mutuura and Monroe, 1970
Sorghum sp. Japan Saito, 1981
Sorghum halepense Guam, Marianas Isl. Schreiner et ai., 1989
Sorghum vulgäre Thailand Lewvanich, 1973
Philippines Buligan, 1929
Vigna sinensis Thailand Lewvanich, 1973
Zingiber officinale Japan Mutt ura and Monroe, 1970
46 D. M. Nafus and I. H. Schreiner

on the underside of the leaves. The larvae bore into the leaf bean diet also avoids problems with high tryptophan, which
veins and stalks, causing the shoots to die. In Chiba there lowers survival, or low lysine.
are three generations a year, but only the second generation Much of the improvement in egg production obtained by
attacks ginger in significant numbers. Hirai and Legacion (1985) was due to improvements in the
The ACB has several wild hosts (Table 3), the most design of the cage. Humidity is critical for good adult survival
important being grasses (Schreiner et ai, 1989). On Guam, and to induce oviposition. By using foam pads above and
in the absence of corn, high populations of ACB can be below the cage, and plastic rather than screen sides, nearly
maintained on wild hosts such as Sorghum halepense twice as many eggs were obtained.
(Schreiner et al., 1989). The moths can then move into corn
fields and completely destroy plantings.
The ACB is listed from many other hosts (Kuwayama, 14. Natural enemies
1930), but these are not included in Table 3 because of the
problems in identifying ACB prior to the revision of Ostrinia. 14.1. Parasitoids
Many are probably hosts, but need verification.
Many species of parasitoids and predators are associated
In India and Australia the ACB is listed from a variety of
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with the ACB (Table 4), and there are probably many more.
hosts, but does not attack corn (Mutuura and Monroe, 1970;
In the 1930s American scientists, working under the
D. Waterhouse, personal communication).
impression that the ACB was O. nubilalis, conducted
extensive surveys to find larval and pupal parasites in
Japan, Korea and northern China. Cartwright (1933) found
13. Artificial growth media that the overall parasitization rate was low. The aggregate
Several synthetic media have been developed. Rangdang parasitization by all species rarely exceeded 10% and
(1971) developed a diet based on ground soy beans, generally was less than 5%. On one occasion late in the
brewers' yeast, and wheat germ. He got about 70% survival season, a sample of corn in Hokkaido had a parasitization
of the larvae. Patanakamjorn et al. (1978b) tested several level of 35%. There were differences among crops. In
diets, but none was entirely satisfactory for mass rearing. Hokkaido he found that less than 1 % of ACBs in hemp were
The best diet yielded about 80% larval survival and was parasitized, but in corn and millet, parasitization was 4%.
based on agar, corn-leaf powder, and mung beans. Adding Millet and corn have recently been re-confirmed as host
pollen enhanced survival. The ingredients in these diets are plants for O. furnacalis in Japan (Saito, 1981), but the
not readily available. Saito and Nakayama (1981) found that species of Ostrinia in hemp may not have been furnacalis. In
the ACB could be reared on the diet developed for Kyushu, Cartwright (1933) found seasonal variation in the
Spodoptera litura F. This diet is based on wheat germ and species of parasitoids present. Trathala flavo-orbitalis
kidney beans. However, only about 70% of the larvae (Cameron) was dominant in June, Macrocentrus gifuensis
survived. Some improvements were reported by Yoshio and Ashmead in July and Lydella thompsoni Herting in August.
Saito (1982) and Hirai and Legacion (1985), who substituted Saito and Oku (1985), working in Northern Japan, found that
mung bean for kidney beans and added low amounts of M. gifuensis parasitized 6-7% of fifth-instar larvae in the first
methyl paraben, sorbic acid, and propionic acid (0-1-0-5% generation on corn, 3-3% in the second generation, and
dry weight of diet) to retard fungal growth. These additives 21-32% of overwintering larvae. In Korea, Lee er al. (1980)
did not affect ACB growth or survival. Aureomycin was reported about 6% of the first-generation, 14% of the
added as a bactéricide. They obtained survival rates of 90% second-generation, and none of the third-generation larvae
for the larvae and 95% for the pupae. Egg production was were parasitized by a tachinid. Macrocentrus grandii
over 300 eggs per moth. The survival of ACBs on this diet Goidanich killed about 1 % of the larvae of each generation.
was better than on a corn-based diet used by Camarao Parasitization rates in the tropics are also low. In the
(1976b) and Ceballo and Morallo-Rejesus (1983). The mung Philippines (Camarao, 1976a) and Papua New Guinea (G.

Table 4. Natural enemies known to attack immature stages of the Asian corn borer

Parasite, parasitoid, predator species Stage Country Percentage Reference

attacked attacked

Hymenoptera: Trichogammatidae
Trichogramma australicum Girault (probably Egg Thailand 15-100 Areekul era/., 1965
actually T. chilotreae)
Trichogramma chilonis Ishii Egg Taiwan Chiu and Chen, 1986
Guam 13-19 Nafus and Schreiner, 1986b
Philippines Alba, 1988
Trichogramma chilotreae Nagaraja and Nagarkatti Egg Thailand D. K. Reed, personal communication
Trichogramma evanescens Westwood Egg Korea 0-63 Lee era/., 1980
Trichogramma forcipiformis Zhang and Wang Egg China Zhang and Wang, 1982
Biology and control of Asian corn borer 47

Table 4. (continued)

Parasite, parasitoid, predator species Stage Country Percentage Reference

attacked attacked

Trichogramma nr. plasseyensis Egg New Guinea 98 G. Young.1979

Trichogramma ostriniae Peng and Chang Egg China 0-θΟ Ν AS, 1977
Taiwan Chiu and Chen, 1986
Trichogramma tielingensis Zhang and Wang Egg China Zhang and Wang, 1982
Trichogramma nr. papilionis Nagarkatti Egg Malaysia 98 M. Y. Hussein, personal communication
Trichogramma sp. Egg Japan 31-73 Saito and Oku, 1985
Trichogrammatoidea armigera Nagaraja Egg Philippines Alba, 1988
Trichogrammatoidea sp. Egg Taiwan Chiu and Chen, 1986

Hymenoptera: Braconidae
Apanteles sp. Larval Korea Cartwright, 1933
Apanteles thompsoni Lyle Larval Manchuria, Low Clarke, 1934
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Bracon atricornis (Smith) Larval Japan Low Clarke, 1934, Baker er al., 1949
Chelonus communis Baker Larval Philippines Buligan, 1929
• Macrocentrus gifuensis Ashmead Larval Japan, Korea 1-32 Cartwright, 1933; Saito and Oku, 1985
Macrocentrus grandii Goidanich Larval Korea 1-2 Lee etal., 1980
Microgaster tibialis Nees Larval Manchuria, 1-5 Clarke, 1934; Cartwright, 1933

Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae
Campoplex alkae (Ellinger and Schachtleben) Larval North China, 7-12 Clarke, 1934; Cartwright, 1933; Baker er
Korea al., 1949
Echthromorpha sp. Guam 0-2 Unpublished data
Eriborus sinicus (Holmgren) Larval Japan Kusigemati, 1981
Eriborus terebrans (Gravenhorst) Larval Hokkaido rare Kuwayama, 1930
North China, 10-20 Clarke, 1934; Baker etal., 1949
Exeristes roborator (F.) ? Pupal Hokkaido Kuwayama, 1930
Itamoplex sp. Hokkaido rare Kuwayama, 1930
Phaeogenes nigridens Wesm. Pupal Japan, Korea Cartwright, 1933
Phaeogenes sp. Pupal Japan 11 Clarke, 1934
Trathala flavo-orbitalis (Cameron) Larval Japan <1-30 Cartwright, 1933; Clarke, 1934
Larval, Philippines 2-1 Camarao, 1976a
Trichomma sp. pupal
Larval, Taiwan 2 Clarke, 1934; Baker etal.. 1949
Trichomma cnaphalocrocis Uchida pupal
Larval, Taiwan Cartwright, 1933
Xanthopimpla punctata (F.) pupal Guam, Tinian <1 Nafus and Schreiner, 1986b
Larval, Taiwan 2-80 Clarke, 1934; Cartwright, 1933
Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg) pupal
Philippines 1-2 Camarao, 1976a
Malaysia 1 Yunus and Hua, 1969; Hussein, 1986

Hymenoptera: Chalcididae
Brachymeria albotibialis (Ashmead) Pupal Guam <1 Nafus and Schreiner, 1986b
Brachymeria euploeae (Westwood) Pupal Japan Clarke, 1934
Brachymeria lasus Walker Pupal PNG 4-5 G. Young,1979
Brachymeria lasus Walker Pupal Malaysia 15 Hussein, 1986
Brachymeria obscurata (Walker) Philippines <1 Camarao, 1976a
Malaysia Yunus and Hua, 1969
Brachymeria sp. Pupal Taiwan Cartwright. 1933
Chalcis euploeae Hope Pupal Philippines Buligan, 1929

Hymenoptera: Eulophidae
Tetrastichus Tmferens Yoshimoto Pupal Guam <1 Nafus and Schreiner, 1986b

Diptera: Tachinidae
Exorista tritaeniata Rondani Hokkaido 10 Kuwayama, 1930
Exorista sp. Hokkaido 2-4 Kuwayama, 1930
Lydella thompsoni Herting Larval China, Korea 0-1-17 Cartwright, 1933; Baker etal., 1949
Nemorilla floralis (Fallen) Larval Japan, Korea Baker etal., 1949
Paradrino laeviculus (Mesnil) Larval Philippines Shima, 1984
Pseudoperichaeta erecta (Coq.) Larval Japan Baker etal., 1949
Tachinid sp. Larval Korea 0-15 Lee etal., 1980
Tachinid sp. Pupal Papua 1-2 G. Young,1979
New Guinea
48 D. M. Nafus and I. H. Schreiner

Table 4. (continued)

Parasite, parasitoid, predator species Stage Country Percentage Reference

attacked attacked

Tachlnid sp. Larval Taiwan 40-60 Tseng,1981

Nematoda (Mermithidae)
Hexameris meridionalis Steiner Japan, 0-30 Cartwright, 1933

Hemiptera: Harpactoridae
Phemius tibialis Westwood Larval Philippines Buligan, 1929
Sphodronyttus erythropterus Burmeister Larval, Philippines Buligan, 1929
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Hemiptera: Anthocoridae
Orius sp. Egg Philippines rare Hasse, 1981
Onus niobe Herring Egg Guam Unpublished
Hemiptera: Pentatomidae
Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff) Larval Thailand D. K. Reed, personal communication
Menida formosa Westwood Egg Philippines rarely Hasse, 1981
Dermaptera: Chelisochidae
Chelisoches morio F. New Guinea common G. Young, 1979
Proreus slmulans Stål. All stages Philippines sometimes Buligan, 1929, Camarao, 1976a
Thailand common Patanakamjorn et al., 1978c
Dermaptera: Carcinophoridae
Euborelia stali (Dohrn) Larval, Philippines Hasse, 1981
Dermaptera: Labiduridae
Labidura riparia (Pallas) All stages Philippines Situmorang and Gabriel, 1988
Coleoptera: Histeridae
Carphophyllus foveicollis Murr. Larval, Philippines Buligan, 1929
Coleoptera: Coccinellidae
Menochilus sexmaculatus (F.) Egg Philippines Camarao, 1976a
Micraspis crocea Mulsant Egg Philippines common Hasse, 1981
Coleoptera: Carabidae
Plochnius sp. Larval Japan Clarke, 1934
Chaenius sp. Hokkaido Kuwayama, 1930
Hymenoptera: Formicidae
Solenopsis geminata (F.) All stages Philippines Hasse, 1981
Guam Schreiner and Nafus, 1988
Monomorium minutum Mayr Egg Guam
Hymenoptera: Sphecldae Schreiner and Nafus, 1988
Sceliphron madraspanatum cospicillatum Philippines
Areneida: Argiopidae Camarao, 1976a
Araneus inustus (L. Koch) Larval Philippines
Areneida: Oxyopidae Hasse, 1981
Oxyopes javanus Thorell Larval Philippines
Areneida: Theriidae Hasse, 1981
Therlld sp. Larval Philippines
Areneida Hasse, 1981
Anystls sp. Egg Japan
Saito and Oku, 1985
Beauveria bassiniana (Bals.) Vuillemans Larval China, Japan Clarke, 1934
Nosema furnacalis Wenn Larval China 0-92% Wenn, 1986
Nosema sp. Guam 0-10% Unpublished data
Metarrhizum anisopliae (Metchnikoff) Larval Taiwan Chiu and Chen, 1985
Biology and control of Asian corn borer 49

Young, 1979), 7% or less of the larvae and pupae were populations were low. In Thailand, undetermined predators
reported to be parasitized. In the Mariana Islands, less than were found to remove 33-50% of the egg masses before
0-1 % of the larvae and pupae were parasitized (Nafus and hatching (Mekongsee et al., 1979). In northern Japan only
Schreiner, 1986b). The highest parasitization rates reported 0-3% of eggs were lost to predators and another 1-3%
were in Taiwan, where an unidentified tachinid seasonally became dislodged or failed to hatch (Saito and Oku, 1985).
parasitized as much as 40-60% of the larvae (Tseng, 1981). On Guam only 4% of marked egg masses were lost (Nafus
Normally it was present at much lower levels. and Schreiner, 1986a). The predators observed feeding on
Egg parasitoids are present throughout the region, and the egg masses were the ant Monomorium minutum Mayr,
may play an important role in reducing numbers of O. the fire ant Solenopsis gemlnata (F.) and a species of
furnacalis. In China the predominant parasitoid in corn fields anthocorid bug. Hasse (1981) found 5. geminata and several
is Trichogramma ostriniae Pang and Chen (this may be a species of spiders preying on small, exposed ACB larvae.
junior synonym for T. chilotreae Nagaraja and Nagarkatti). Only earwigs were observed to follow the ACB into their
In Beijing province, infestation rates are initially low, but rise tunnels. The ladybeetle Micraspis crocea Mulsant was the
to about 20-30% in July, and 80% towards the end of the most common egg predator.
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growing season (USDA, 1982). In Korea a Trichogramma Several species of earwigs are reported as predators. In
species (reported as evanescens) was absent in the the Philippines, Islam (1981) reported the earwigs P.
first-generation eggs, but parasitized 62-8% of the eggs in simulans, Euboriella stali, and Labidura riparia (Pallas). P.
the second generation (Lee et ai, 1980). In Taiwan three simulans and Labidura riparia were voracious feeders on
species of egg parasitoids were found, 7". ostriniae, T. ACB larvae and pupae, but they were rare in the fields
chilonis Ishii and Trichogrammatoidea sp. (Chiu and Chen, studied. Euboriella stall (Dohrn) was the more common,
1986). T. ostriniae was the predominant parasitoid, and increasing in numbers when ACB populations were high.
appears to be better adapted as it is able to more fully utilize Though it fed on ACB larvae, and particularly pupae, it was
masses when it discovers them. In laboratory tests, T. also phytophagous. He was unable to correlate earwig
ostriniae parasitized a greater proportion of the eggs in a numbers with the number of consumed ACB larvae and
mass (over 85%), whereas T. chilonis parasitized less than pupae in the tunnels. Situmorang and Gabriel (1988) found
5%. T. ostriniae was also more tolerant of the pesticides that L. riparia would also consume eggs as well as all instars
used in corn fields. In the Mariana Islands, 13-20% of the of larvae. In the laboratory, individual L riparia killed many
eggs were parasitized by T. chilonis (Nafus and Schreiner, more larvae than they ate. In the field L. riparia colonized
1986b). This percentage increased late in the growing corn fields after the plant reached the whorl stage, if the soil
season, after the number of ACB eggs laid on the plants fell was moist. The earwigs would climb to the top of plants and
due to unsuitability of the host plant. In Papua New Guinea, attack both eggs and larvae.
7". sp. nr. plasseyensis parasitized up to 98% of the egg P. simulans has been reported to be an efficient predator
masses (G. Young, 1979). In Thailand, T. australicum Girault, of ACBs. Camarao (1976a) found that, in a cage, P. simulans
was found to parasitize about 8% of the egg masses when and ants would eliminate an ACB population within two
moth oviposition began, but this increased to 80% the generations. In the laboratory in Thailand, P. simulans
following week and remained at that level or higher consumed large numbers of ACB. In the field, however,
throughout the growing season (Areekul era/., 1965). Recent increases in P. simulans populations were correlated with
information from Thailand identifies T. chilotreae as the most aphid rather than ACB numbers. Still, Patanakamjorn er al.
important parasitoid of O. furnacalis, and it is probable that (1978c) thought prédation by P. simulans was efficient
the name Γ. australicum was incorrectly assigned to the enough to hamper the establishment of sufficiently high ACB
parasitoid. No data were available for either PNG or Thailand populations for host resistance work.
as to what percentage of the eggs within a mass were In Papua New Guinea, Chelisoches morio (F.) has been
parasitized. observed feeding on ACB (G. Young, 1979). This species has
A summary suggests that egg parasitoids are relatively also been observed in ACB tunnels in Guam, and
more effective in tropical than in temperate areas. No larval occasionally damaged pupae were observed.
and pupal parasitoids appear to have a significant effect on
ACB populations. In temperate parts of the ACBs range,
14.3 Diseases
larval parasitoids are more abundant, having their greatest
impact during the diapausing generation. Native diseases of the ACB have been investigated to a
limited extent. Camarao (1983), in the Philippines, found
about 1 % of the larvae and 4% of the pupae died from
14.2. Predators
bacterial diseases. Fungi killed less than 1%. She also noted
Predators have been studied in the Philippines. Camarao a linear increase in the number of larvae in corn with
(1976a) observed Proreus simulans Stål (Chelisochidae), the incidence of bacterial diseases (Camarao, 1976a). Saito
Menochilus sexmaculatus F. (Coccinellidae) and several ant and Oku (1985) did not find any disease in larvae during the
species preying on the eggs. She pinned eggs onto plants summer months in northern Japan, but 12-13% of
and found that over 60% of the eggs were lost, presumably overwintering larvae were killed by disease.
to predators. Islam (1981) reported that M. sexmaculatus Several diseases have been identified in China. A strain
populations in corn fields were responding primarily to of Beauveria bassiana was isolated from ACBs in Jilin
aphid populations, and only ate ACB eggs when aphid Province (USDA, 1982). The fungus is cultured by farmers
50 D. M. Nafus and t. H. Schreiner

and used for control. It is formulated with sand or cinders in Thailand) was imported from Taiwan for control of
and applied to piled, infested corn stalks, where it kills sugarcane borers. They were mass-reared for several years
overwintering larvae. By treating stalks and stubble piled and became established on the islands of Luzon, Negros
near villages, damage to crops in the following year can be Occidental and Panay (Baltazár, 1981). However, according
reduced by about 70% (Cooperative group of ACB control to Alba (1988) the species actually introduced from Taiwan
by Beauveria bassiana of Kirin Province, 1977). The fungus was T. chilonis, which was already present In the
can also be applied to field populations of moths. Depending Philippines. In China, Trichogramma nubilale Ertle and
on the method of application, 60-80% kills are reported Davis (imported from the USA where it parasitizes O.
(NAS, 1977). nubilalls) has been field-tested, and was found to parasitize
Wenn (1986) found a species of microsporidian, Nosema eggs of O. furnacalis and other insects (Li et al., 1984).
furnacalis Wenn, Infecting the ACB in China. Wenn et al. The microsporidian Nosema pyraustae was imported to
(1986) surveyed 12 provinces and found the incidence of the Philippines from the USA and tested in the laboratory
infection by N. furnacalis varied from 0% to 92%. Heavy against the ACB, but no infection developed (Baltazár, 1963).
infection rates occurred in areas with one ACB generation This organism was also imported from the USA and applied
per year, and lower rates in areas with two and three to rice and cane borer eggs and larvae in West Java,
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generations. In Guam, a survey showed larvae to be infected Indonesia (Dressner, 1958).

with a microsporidian which appeared to be Nosema, but
the incidence of infection in any field never exceeded 10%
(unpublished data). Wen (1984) found that Infection could be
16. Augmentative biological control
increased by artificial infestation, the most efficient
transmission occurring at the silking stage of corn. Mortality In China, augmentative biological control with a number
of larvae increased if moderately resistant corn varieties of species of Trichogramma is successful. Two widely used
were used (Wen, 1985). species are Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura and T.
ostriniae. T. dendrolimi kills the ACB eggs but is unable to
complete development and cannot recycle (NAS, 1977;
USDA, 1982). 7". ostriniae does recycle and is widely used,
15. Classical biological control
but is harder to mass-rear economically. T. dendrolimi is
Limited attempts have been made to use classical reared on the eggs of the giant silkworm moth Antheraea
biological control against O. furnacalis. The most extensive pernyi (Guérin-Ménéville), which is raised on oak in the
efforts were in the Mariana Islands. In the 1920s and 1930s, forest regions of northwest China and sold to biological
Exerlstes roborator (F.) (Ichneumonidae) was introduced to control stations. T. ostriniae will not accept this host and
Guam from the USA (Vandenberg, 1930), and Campoplex must be reared on Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton). C.
alkae (Ellinger and Sachtleben) (Ichneumonidae), Lydella cephalonica is fed rice bran. The efficiency of production is
thompsoni Herting (Tachinidae) and Trathala flavoorbitalis much less for T. ostriniae than for T. dendrolimi (Cock,
(Cameron) (Ichneumonidae) were brought in from Japan and 1985).
Manchuria (Vandenberg, 1933). The latter two established: T. evanescens Westwood, T. japonicum, T. chilonis and T.
T. flavoorbitalis only on leaf rollers attacking grasses closterae Pang & Chen have also been used (Cock, 1985).
(Swezey, 1946) and L. thompsonlon the ACB. Swezey (1946) Care is taken to maintain quality stocks, regardless of
reported that by 1936 Lydella was parasitizing a high species. Stocks are renewed every year and only active,
proportion of the ACB and that there was little damage to healthy wasps are reared (Institute of Agricultural Science
corn. However, in 1951, Peterson (1955) collected several of He-j'ang District, Heilkungkiang Province, 1976; USDA,
thousand ACB larvae from which only one tachinid emerged. 1982; Cock, 1985).
Peterson (1955) imported and released L thompsoni, The Chinese have developed a management system using
Macrocentris grandii Goidanich (Braconidae), Eriborus early releases and later spot follow-ups as needed.
terebrans (Gravenhorst) (Ichneumonidae), Chelonus annu- Emphasis is on reducing the first generation as much as
lipes Wesmael (Braconidae) and Agathis agilis (Cressman) possible. To do this the Chinese forecast the expected time
(Braconidae) from the USA, but none became established. when the moths will begin ovipositing. Three releases of
Trichomma cnaphalocrocis Uchida was introduced from Trichogramma are then made. The first is made several days
Taiwan in 1986; however, ants consumed all the parasitized prior to expected beginning of oviposition by ACB, and the
ACB pupae in the field preventing establishment (Nafus and next two releases at 4-day intervals. Where there are two or
Schreiner, 1989). L. thompsoni, E. terebrans, and C. more generations per year, additional releases are made,
annulipes were released on Saipan in 1956, but did not timed to coincide with the beginning of oviposition of the
establish (Gardner, 1958; Nafus and Schreiner, 1986b). second and third generations if ACB populations are high
In the Philippines, Macrocentrus gifuensis Ashmead, (USDA, 1982). Successful control of the later generations
Horogenes punctorius Roman and L. thompsoni were may not be as good, possibly due to the effects of high
introduced from the USA In the 1950s. The former did not temperatures and rainfall on the parasitoids (Cock, 1985).
establish. One male of each of the latter two species was Releases are made by a variety of methods. Parasitized
reared from the field several months to several years later, eggs may be placed in the fields on cards pinned to the
but no further sign of establishment was observed (Baltazár, plants, or by other methods if the stalks will be used as cattle
1963). T. australicum (reported as a parasitoid of corn borers feed (NAS, 1977). Alternatively, plastic capsules may be
Biology and control of Asian corn borer 51

used. Fifteen release stations are used per hectare. The range of the ACB extends from temperate, seasonal
Depending on the wasp species and other factors, from 12 environments to both non-seasonal and seasonal tropical
to 38 wasps/m2 are released at each station (Cock, 1985). areas. Where the ACB diapauses, or where generations are
Originally, a larger number of release stations, 75 per ha, synchronized by wet or dry seasons, planting dates can be
were used, but the number was reduced after the Chinese effectively manipulated. In central Shensi province, in China,
discovered there was an optimum height for release. Using corn is planted in the early summer after winter wheat. ACB
these procedures, AC6 numbers are estimated to be populations are minimal because the corn is planted too late
reduced 60-80% (Institute of Agricultural Science of He-jiang for the overwintering ACB. In contrast, in northern Shensi,
District, Heilkungkiang Province, 1976; Feng et al., 1977; where corn is planted in the spring, ACB can be a problem
NAS, 1977; USDA, 1982). (NAS, 1977).
Augmentative releases of Trichogramma have also been In the tropical parts of its range, generations are
tried in Taiwan, where up to 95% of the ACB eggs were continuous and overlapping, but population levels vary
parasitized (Tseng, 1981). Chiu and Chen (1986) found that seasonally if there is a distinct wet and dry season. In the
release of T. chilonis at rates of 40 000-80 000 did not affect Philippines, ACB populations are higher during the wet than
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yield or appreciably increase parasitization rates. T. chilonis the dry season (Camarao, 1979). In the wet season, Viado
parasitized 19% of the eggs in the non-augmentation plots et al. (1958) reported that infestations were higher in the
and 27-36% of the eggs in the augmentation plots. Grain early part than in the middle, when rainfall was heaviest. In
yields were similar, although infestation rates were slightly Guam the likelihood of severe infestations is highest at the
lower in the augmentation plots. They concluded that T. end of the rainy season, and lowest if the corn is planted at
chilonis was much less effective than T. ostriniae. the end of the dry season (unpublished data). This probably
T. chilonis is also much more susceptible to insecticides relates to the biology of the ACB in its alternative hosts,
than T. ostriniae (Chiu and Chen, 1986). Furadan, commonly many of which die back during the dry season. For the
used to control the ACB in Taiwan, is extremely toxic to both Philippines, Bato etal. (1983a) recommend that corn should
species, as is Dursban. Carbaryl, EPN, and Lannate are also be planted as early as possible in the cropping season.
moderately toxic. Maneb and Zineb were the least toxic.
Because of its inefficient parasitization and susceptibility to
77.3. Other cultural controls
insecticides, T. chilonis is probably of limited use for
augmentation purposes. Taiwan has recently completed a Overfertilization of corn can result in higher ACB
facility to mass-rear Trichogramma for use in ACB control. populations early in its growth. Saito (1985) found that corn
In the Philippines, Trichogramma evanescens has been fertilized at double the normal rate in Japan had more ACB,
tested for use in augmentative releases (Hassan, 1984). and the larvae had slightly faster growth rates. The higher
number of ACB in the heavily fertilized corn was probably
a function of its size. The fertilized corn grew faster and was
17. Cultural controls taller than less fertilized corn. Cheu (1941) has shown that
the ACB prefers taller corn. Later in the season, when the
17.1. Intercropping second generation emerged, the less-fertilized corn was in
a growth stage which was more attractive for oviposition
Augmentation of Trichogramma without rearing has been
and it received more eggs. Survival was about the same
tried. In Guam an attempt was made to increase field
regardless of fertilizer level, probably due to the increased
populations of T. chilonis by intercropping corn with sweet
suitability of the stage of the unfertilized corn. By
potatoes. Sweet potatoes are a host for Agrius convolvuli
the end of the season, because of the shifts in the
(L.) (Sphingidae), a highly suitable host for T. chilonis. The
attractiveness of the plants, fertilizer levels had no effect on
moths colonize the potatoes earlier than the ACBs colonize
the final densities of ACB.
the corn, providing time for one to three generations of 7.
chilonis before ACB eggs are abundant. The percentage of
parasitized ACB eggs was higher in the intercrop, but not
significantly, and there was no reduction in damage to the 18. Mechanical controls
corn (Nafus and Schreiner, 1986a).
In many areas of China, light traps are used to catch ACB.
Intercropping corn with peanuts or soy beans reduced
In Honan province, 8000 permanent blacklight traps were
populations of the ACB in the Philippines (IRRI, 1973, 1974;
built on 20 000 acres. The traps caught about 200 ACBs per
Hasse, 1981). Hasse (1981) found that ACB larvae were more
night, corresponding to a total catch of 33 000 kg in 1974.
successful at colonizing corn plants in monoculture rather
The number of infested plants was claimed to be reduced
than as an intercrop. He hypothesized that the intercrop
by 50%, leading to a reduction of 67-90% in insecticide cost
acted as a barrier which slowed dispersal of the first-instar
and 77-80% in labour costs (NAS, 1977). However, in the
larvae and exposed them to predators, of which there were
Philippines, ACB adults were not found to be attracted to
more in the intercrop.
light traps (Camarao, 1979; Hasse, 1981).
In both the Philippines and Guam a folk method of
77.2. Planting dates
controlling ACB is to remove the tassels before or at pollen
Manipulating planting dates to break links between crop shed. Felkl (1988a) found that two-thirds of all first-,
and pest cycles is commonly used to reduce pest problems. second- and third-instar larvae and one-fourth of the
52 D. M. Nafus and I. H. Schreiner

fourth-instar larvae are in the tassel at the early tasselling sometimes used together with B. bassiana. A synergistic
stage. In the Philippines, Bato et al. (1983b) removed the effect of about 10% between B. bassiana and carbaryl was
tassels from four out of every six rows of field corn and found found (NAS, 1977).
that it reduced the numbers of cavities in the stalk and
increased yield in some instances. Morallo-Rejesus and
Javier (1985) report that the effect of 75% detasselling on
yield was comparable to two or three insecticide sprays 20. Breeding for resistance
applied before the tasselling period. Numbers of borers at
Many Asian countries have programmes to develop
harvest and yield were comparable whether the tassels left
varieties of corn resistant to the ACB. Resistance to ACB in
in the field for pollination were sprayed or not. Felkl (1988b)
vegetative stage corn has been demonstrated in several
reported that removing the remaining tassels after pollen
breeding lines (Guthrie era/., 1982; Charoenying era/., 1979;
shed did not increase yield. In her experiments the
Mekongsee et al., 1979; Adaila, 1987) and several varieties
application of carbofuran after detasselling did increase
have been released (Kim ef al., 1978a, b). In comparative
yields compared to detasselling alone. However, under
trials between selected inbreds in Taiwan and Iowa, in
Philippine conditions, detasselling alone provided a higher
Downloaded by [UZH Hauptbibliothek / Zentralbibliothek Zürich] at 13:02 30 December 2014

pre-reproductive corn, inbreds with resistance to the

marginal return than did detasselling plus the use of
European corn borer scored similar ratings against the ACB
(Guthrie et al., 1982). Some resistance was present in 14 of
In Guam, detasselling reduced the number of ACBs 104 breeding lines tested. In the Philippines, corn varieties
significantly on sweet corn, but marketable yield was with high DIMBOA contents were demonstrated to be more
obtained only if effective insecticides were also used at resistant to the ACB (Santiago and Mendoza, 1983).
weekly intervals. Insecticides alone were not as effective as
In reproductive stage corn, little resistance has been
the combination of 75% detasselling and insecticide use. If
reported. Two inbreds which showed resistance to the
ACB numbers were very high, no combination of treatments
European corn borer did not show resistance to the ACB
resulted in any marketable yield (Schreiner and Nafus, 1987,
(Guthrie ef al., 1982). Feeding habits between the two
species differ to some extent at this stage (Nafus and
Schreiner, 1987), so this is not surprising, Antigua Group 1
has been identified as a good source of general resistance
19. Chemical controls to the corn borer in the Philippines, and current breeding
work there has concentrated on a number of elite lines of
Numerous insecticides have been tested against ACB on
IPB VAR 1 x Antigua Group 1 (Adalla, 1987). These lines
corn. In com still in the whorl stage the larvae can be
have been found to be tolerant of corn borer damage to the
effectively controlled by the application of granular
leaves, stalks and tassels.
insecticides into the whorl (Kongkajana et al., 1972;
O'Sullivan and Bourke, 1975; Young, W., 1979). However,
Nickle (1966) found that control at the whorl stage did not
significantly reduce subsequent stalk tunnelling or yield
21. Conclusion
loss. In the Philippines, Felkl (1988b) reported the application
of carbofuran at the whorl stage with no further treatment Since the revision of the genus Ostrinla, research on the
resulted in a negative net-marginal return. ACB has increased markedly. Progress is being made in a
In older corn, insecticides are less reliable (Litsinger ef number of areas including general biology, host-plant
al., 1980). Methomyl and decamethrin were among the most resistance, and biological control. Some disturbing trends,
effective non-chlorinated-hydrocarbon sprays tested, and including switches to new hosts such as cotton, are
Bacillus thuringiensis also provided relatively good control apparent. Host-plant resistance has been found, and
(Litsinger and Dela Cruz, 1980, 1981; Nafus and Schreiner, prospects are good for developing better resistance in
1985). Third-instar larvae were the most resistant to vegetative stage corn. Detasselling is an aid to controlling
insecticides in toxicity tests (Rodriguez and Sanchez, 1975). the ACB in tropical areas, and is inexpensive for small-scale
Chitin inhibitors may prove to be effective as ovicidal agents farmers. It is also compatible with other strategies in a
(Chen et al., 1982). On cotton no effective insecticides have management programme. Inundative releases of Tricho-
been reported (De I attre and Pauly, 1982). gramma and of diseases have been demonstrated to work
In the rainy season it is often not possible to control the in China.
ACB with insecticides. Areekul (1965) found that endrin, There are many gaps. Better understanding of the natural
carbaryl and endrin + malathion provided some reduction enemy complexes where the ACB is not a severe pest is
of the ACB if rainfall was around 1-5 mm, but not at 3·5-4·9 needed. Interactions between alternative, wild hosts,
mm. immigration into farm fields, and the population dynamics of
Insecticide use varies. In the Philippines, small-scale the ACB need to be better understood. The relationship
farmers do not use insecticides to control the ACB (Litsinger between yield losses, ACB infestation levels, and timing of
et al., 1980). In China, several insecticides are widely used ACB infestation needs more research. In tropical areas,
in areas where there is more than one generation of ACB more information on the contribution of early infestations to
per year. These include BHC, Dipterex (trichlorfon), granular the development of reproductive stage infestations is
carbaryl and Phoxim (NAS, 1977). Insecticidal materials are needed.
Biology and control of Asian corn borer 53

Acknowledgements Lepidoptera). Ph.D. thesis, University of the Philippines, Los

Banos, Philippines.
We thank K. Hsiao, C. T. Lee and M. Marutani who CAMARAO, G., 1976b. Population dynamics of the corn borer,
assisted us in translating documents in Chinese and Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée), I. Life cycle, behavior, and
Japanese. The retrieval of documents was funded by USDA generation cycles. Philippine Entomologist, 3, 179-200.
Special Grants in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Agriculture CAMARAO, G. C., 1979. The tropical corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis
(Guenée) and its control. In Developments in Pest Management
83-CSRS-2-2167. This is publication 83 of the Guam
in the Philippines. Pest Control Council of the Philippines, pp.
Agricultural Experiment Station. 73-90.
CAMARAO, G. C., 1983. Development of sampling plan and
population table for corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)
(Pyralidae: Lepidoptera). Philippine Entomologist, 6, 485-518.
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