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Submitted by:

Shahab Shah
Faisal Saleem

Supervised by:

Mr. Saqib Shahid Rahim

A final year project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CS)

May 2023
This is certified that this project report entitled “Web Based Sky Enterprise
Management Information System (SEMIS)” is developed and submitted by
Shahab Shah registration number AUP-18SG-BSCS-12619 and Faisal Saleem
registration number AUP-19SG-BSCS-14612 meets the required standards for
warrant its acceptance by the department of computing, Abasyn University
Peshawar in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Science in Computer
Approval Committee:







Head of Department:


We hereby declare that this project report entitles as “Web Based Sky Enterprise
Management Information System (SEMIS)” is based on original work except
for citations and quotations which have been duly acknowledged. We also declare
that it has not been previously and concurrently submitted for any other degree or
award at Abasyn University Peshawar or any other institutions.
We hereby undertake that if any part of this work is proved to be copied or found
to be a part of some other work, the Abasyn University Peshawar reserves the right
to withdraw/revoke our degree.

Shahab Shah


Faisal Saleem

This work is dedicated to our Parents.
We are thankful to Almighty Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful and most glorious, for
enhancing our courage for the completion of this work successfully. It is matter of great honor
and pleasure for us to express our deep gratitude and profound indebtedness to Mr.Saqib
Shahid Rahim for his kind supervision valuable suggestions and intellectual activities,
inexhaustible energy to steer forth the students. Words are lacking to express our humble
obligation to our parents whose hand always rises in pray for our success and because of whole
moral support. Lastly, we are thanking all our family and friends who helped us during our


Shahab Shah


Faisal Saleem

The purpose of the project title as ―Web Based Sky Enterprise Management Information
System (SEMIS)‖ is to computerize the medicine company to develop software which is user
friendly, fast, simple, cost effective. It deals with the collection of customer information,
company details, medicine information, purchase details, inventory, and report. Current system
of medicine company is manual. It is difficult for the staff to keep record in one place. Medicine
company staffs are also facing difficulties to search weekly, monthly and annually reports. They
use various registers to keep and retrieve their record which is time consuming and contain error
prone. The information generated by various transactions takes time and efforts to be stored at
the right time system input contains customer details, invoices details and system output is to get
these details on the screen. The Sky Enterprise Management Information System can be login
using user name and password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. It
includes medicine company records that facilitate users to keep track of medicines that come in
the store and are given to the customers. The project can add, update data into database and
retrieved the data easily. The data are well protected for medicine company use and makes the
data processing very fast. It also provides functionality of reports with the parameters that enable
users to generate daily, weekly, monthly and annually reports.


APPROVAL FOR SUBMISSION ................................................................. ii

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ......................................................... iii
DEDICATION ................................................................................................. iv
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. vii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ viii
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................... ix
LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS……………………………………………….. x


1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement ............................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope of the Project ............................................................................. 2
1.4 Goals and Objectives ........................................................................... 3
1.5 Modules ............................................................................................... 4
1.5.1 Medicine Company ............................................................................. 4
1.8 Summary ............................................................................................. 6

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 7
2.2 Existing System .................................................................................. 7
2.3 Previous Work done ........................................................................... 8
2.4 Disadvantages of Existing System ..................................................... 8
2.5 Problems with Existing System .......................................................... 9
2.6 Proposed System............................................................................... 10
2.7 Significance of Proposed System ..................................................... 11
2.8 Software Specification ...................................................................... 11
2.9 Summary ........................................................................................... 11
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 13
3.2 Data Collection Method.................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Primary Source.................................................................................. 13
3.2.2 Observation ....................................................................................... 13
3.3 Feasibility Study ............................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Economic Feasibility ........................................................................ 14
3.3.2 Operational Feasibility ...................................................................... 14
3.4 Front End and Back End Selection ................................................... 14
3.4.1 Front End Selection........................................................................... 14
3.4.2 Back End Selection ........................................................................... 15
3.5 Proposed Project Model……………………………………………15
3.5.1 Incremental Model…………………………………………………15
3.6 SQL Server 2018…………………………………………………...17
3.6.1 Features of SQL Server…………………………………………….17
3.6.2 Why to Use SQL Server……………………………………………17
3.7 Work Distribution Schedule………………………………………..18
3.8 Summary ....................................................................................... …18

4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 20
4.2 Requirement Engineering ................................................................. 20
4.3 Requirement Engineering Process .................................................... 21
4.4 System Specification ........................................................................ 22
4.4.1 Hardware Requirement ..................................................................... 22
4.4.2 Software Requirement ...................................................................... 22
4.5 Functional Requirements .................................................................. 22
4.6 Non Functional Requirements .......................................................... 23
4.7 Login………………………………………………………………..23
4.8 Customer Registration……………………………………………....24
4.9 Header………………………………………………………………24
4.10 Sidebar………………………………………………………………25
4.11 Footer………………………………………………………………..25
4.12 Dashboard………………………………………………………….. 26
4.13 Invoices……………………………………………………………...26
4.14 Products ……………………………………………………………..27
4.15 Users…………………………………………………………………27
4.16 Add new user ………………………………………………………28
4.17 Summary……………………………………………………………28

5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 29
5.2 Dataflow Diagram ............................................................................. 30
5.2.1 Zero Level DFD ................................................................................ 30
5.2.2 First Level DFD ................................................................................ 31
5.2.3 Second Level DFD ............................................................................ 32
5.3 ER Diagram ...................................................................................... 33
5.4 Database Design ............................................................................... 34
5.5 Summary ........................................................................................... 35


6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 36
6.2 Types of Testing ............................................................................... 37
6.2.1 Unit Testing ...................................................................................... 37
6.2.2 Integration Testing ............................................................................ 37
6.2.3 Functional Testing ............................................................................ 38
6.2.4 System Testing .................................................................................. 38
6.2.5 White Box Testing ............................................................................ 38
6.2.6 Black Box Testing............................................................................. 39
6.3 Test Strategy and Approach ............................................................. 39
6.3.1 Test Objectives ................................................................................. 39
6.3.2 Featured to be Test………………………………………………...39
6.3.3 Acceptance Testing………………………………………………...39
6.4 Testing of Login Table……………………………………………..40
6.5 Summary ....................................................................................... …42


7.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 43
7.2 Contribution ...................................................................................... 44
7.3 Future Work ...................................................................................... 44


Table 6.1 Login 39

Table 6.2 Customer Registration 40

Figure 3.1 Incremental Model 16
Figure 4.1 Requirement Engineering Process 21
Figure 4.2 Login 24
Figure 4.3 Customer Registration 24
Figure 4.4 Header 25
Figure 4.5 Sidebar 25
Figure 4.6 Footer 25
Figure 4.7 Dashboard 26
Figure 4.8 Invoices 26
Figure 4.9 Products 27
Figure 4.10 Users 27
Figure 4.11 Add new user 28
Figure 5.1 Level 0 DFD 31
Figure 5.2 Level 1 DFD 32
Figure 5.3 Level 2 DFD 33
Figure 5.4 ER Diagram 34
Figure 6.1 Login Form 40
Figure 6.2 Customer Registration Form 42


Words Abbreviation

SEMIS Sky Enterprise Management and Information System

SQL Structure Query Language

ERD Entity Relation Diagram

DFD Data Flow Diagram

DR Disaster Recovery

RDBMS Relational Database Management System

CNIC Computerized National Identity Card

1.1 Introduction

Medicine companies are the essential part of our lives, providing best medical facilities to people
suffering from various ailments, which may be due to change in climate condition, increased
work load, emotional trauma stress etc. it is necessary for the medicine company to keep track of
its day-to-day activities & records of its customers, invoices, products, purchase orders etc. But
keeping track of all these activities and their records on paper is very difficult and error prone. It
is also very inefficient and a time consuming process observing the continuous increase in
population and number of people visiting the medicine company. Recording and maintaining all
these records are highly unreliable, inefficient and error prone. It is also not economically &
technically feasible to maintain these records on paper. Thus keep the working of the manual
system as the basis of our project. We have developed an automated version of the manual
system, named as ―Web Based Sky Enterprise Management Information System (SEMIS)‖. The
main aim of our project is to provide a paper-less Medicine Company up to 90%. It also aims at
providing low cost reliable automation of the existing system. The system also provides excellent
security of the data at every level of user system interaction and also provides robust & reliable
storage and backup facilities. The project includes registration of users and customers, storing
their details into the system, and also computerized the medicine company. The software has the
unique id for every customer and stores the details of every customer and user automatically. It
includes a search facility to know the details of customers and invoices etc by searching all
record and specific record. The Medicine company project can be entered using username and
password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. They can add, update data
into database and retrieved the data easily. The interface is very user-friendly. The data are well
protected for personnel use and makes the data processing very fast.

Sky Enterprise Management Information System is powerful, flexible and easy to use and is
designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to company. Sky Enterprise
Management Information System is Multi-specialty Company, to cover a wide range of company
administration and management processes. It is an integrated end-to-end company management

system that provides relevant information across the company to support effective decision
making for customer care, company administration. Sky Enterprise Management Information
System is a software product suite designed to improve the quality and management in the areas
of company process analysis and activity-based costing. Company management enables you to
develop your organization and improve its effectiveness and quality of work. Managing the key
processes efficiently is critical to the success of the company helps you manage your processes.
[1] Visual C# provides and advanced code editor, convenient user interface designers, integrated
debugger, and many other tools to make it easier to develop applications based on the C#
language and the .Net framework.[2]

1.2 Problem Statement

Medicine Company has been facing problems due to its paper-based system with the increase in
the number of customers visiting, it has become difficult to manage the management system
manually recording of invoices and creating registers by pen and paper has become a tedious
task. It’s difficult to manage huge number of customer and invoices.
Following are the problems, which are as follow;

 The information is difficult to retrieve and to find particular information. Such as to find out
about the customer’s history, the staff has to go through varies registers.
 This result inconvenience and wastage of time.
 The information generated by various transactions takes time and efforts to be stored at the
right time.
 Various change to information like customer details, invoices details are difficult to make as
paper work is involved.
 Manual calculation is error prone and takes a lot of time this may result incorrect
 This becomes difficult task as information is difficult to collect from various registers.

1.3 Scope of the Project

Following are the scope of the project:

 Information of customer’s is done by just typing the customer name, address and contact
details etc. whenever the customer comes up his/her information stores freshly.
 Receipts are generated by recording price for each product providing to customer on a
separate sheet and at last they all are summed up.
 Information about invoice is also recorded and at the end generates result report.

1.4 Goals and Objectives

Following are the goals of the project;

 Admin enters customer and product records and takes the print of invoice.
 It also helps to maintain invoice history and invoice charges automatically and maintaining
the customer record and its invoices
 Planned approach towards working: - The working in the company will be well planned
and organized. The data will be stored properly in data stores, which will help in retrieval of
information as well as its storage.
 Accuracy: - The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All operation
would be done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the center
is accurate.
 Reliability: - The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated
reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be
proper storage of information.
 No Redundancy: - In the proposed system utmost care would be that no information is
repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of storage space
and consistency in the data stored.
 Immediate retrieval of information: - The main objective of proposed system is to provide
for a quick and efficient retrieval of information. Any type of information would be available
whenever the user requires.
 Immediate storage of information: - In manual system there are many problems to store the
largest amount of information.
 Easy to Operate: - The system should be easy to operate and should be such that it can be
developed within a short period of time and fit in the limited budget of the user.

1.5 Modules

The proposed project consists on the following modules, which are as:

 Pharmacy Information

 Sales and Purchases Orders

 Account Information

 Customers

 Users

 Reports

1.5.1 Medicine Company

Medicine Company is the health care service, which comprises the art, practice, and profession
of choosing, preparing, storing, compounding, and dispensing medicines and customers on their
safe, effective and efficient use.

1.6 Asp.Net
ASP.Net is a web development platform provided by Microsoft. It is used for creating web-based
applications. ASP.Net was first released in the year 2002. The first version of ASP.Net deployed
was 1.0. The most recent version of ASP.Net is version 4.6. ASP.Net is designed to work with
the HTTP protocol. This is the standard protocol used across all web applications.

ASP.Net applications can also be written in a variety of .Net languages. These include C#,
VB.Net, and J#. In this chapter, you will see some basic fundamental of the .Net framework. The
full form of ASP is Active Server Pages, and .NET is Network Enabled Technologies. The
architecture of the.Net framework is based on the following key components Language – A
variety of languages exists for .net framework. They are and C#. These can be used to
develop web applications. Library – The .NET Framework includes a set of standard class
libraries. The most common library used for web applications in .net is the Web library. The web
library has all the necessary components used to develop.Net web-based applications. Common
Language Runtime – The Common Language Infrastructure or CLI is a platform. .Net programs

are executed on this platform. The CLR is used for performing key activities. Activities include
Exception handling and Garbage collection.

1.7 SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that supports a
wide variety of transaction processing, business intelligence and analytics applications in
corporate IT environments. Microsoft SQL Server is one of the three market-leading database
technologies, along with Oracle Database and IBM's DB2.

Like other RDBMS software, Microsoft SQL Server is built on top of SQL, a standardized
programming language that database administrators (DBAs) and other IT professionals use to
manage databases and query the data they contain. SQL Server is tied to Transact-SQL (T-SQL),
an implementation of SQL from Microsoft that adds a set of proprietary programming extensions
to the standard language.[1]

The advanced security features supported in all editions of Microsoft SQL Server starting with
SQL Server 2016 SP1 include three technologies added to the 2016 release: Always Encrypted,
which lets user update encrypted data without having to decrypt it first row-level security, which
enables data access to be controlled at the row level in database tables; and dynamic data
masking, which automatically hides elements of sensitive data from users without full access

Microsoft offers SQL server in four primary editions that provide different levels of the bundled
services. Two are available free of charge: a full featured Developer edition for use in database
development and testing, and an Express edition that can be used to run small databases with up
to 10 GB of disk storage capacity. For larger applications, Microsoft sells an Enterprise edition
that includes all of SQL Server’s features, as well as a standard one with a partial feature set and
limits on the number of processor cores and memory sizes that users can configure in their
database servers.

Other editions include a Standard version, Web version and a Business Intelligence version. The
Business Intelligence version provides Self Service and Corporate Business Intelligence tools
with the Standard Edition capabilities.

1.8 Summary

Medicine Companies are the essential part of our lives, providing best medical facilities to
people suffering from various ailments, which may be due to change in climate condition. It is
necessary for the medicine company to keep track of its day-to-day activities & records of its
customers, invoices, products, users, expenses and purchases etc. Proposed system is a software
product suite designed to improve the quality and management in the areas of company process
analysis and activity-based costing. Sky Enterprise management enables you to develop your
organization and improve its effectiveness and quality of work.

2.1 Introduction
This section describes the essential problems currently confronted by the Medicine Company. To
keep track of customers, invoices, purchase orders, expenses, inventory, Employees etc. The
other downside of the current system is which paper based is that report cannot be generated.
Reports can be created manually by inspecting each and every record but it is very tedious, time
consuming and prone to error. The user wants such a system which can remove all the
discrepancies. Manually keeping the records are prone to human errors while computer system is
not if programmed accurately. Random access is not available. Duplication of the same records
that consume the time of clerical staff. The new system developed according to the standard
proposed theory defined below;

2.2 Existing System

The medicine company currently uses a manual system for the management and maintenance of
critical information. The current system requires numerous paper forms, with data store spread
throughout the company management infrastructure. Often information (on form) is incomplete,
does not follow management standards. Forms are often lost in transit between departments
requiring a comprehensive auditing process to ensure that no vital information is lost. Multiple
copies of the same information exist in company and may lead to inconsistencies in data in
various data stores. A significant part of the operation of any company involves the acquisition,
management and timely retrieval of great volumes of information. This information typically
involves; customer personal information and invoices history, staff information, purchase orders,
expenses, employees and inventory. All of this information must be managed in an efficient and
cost wise fashion so that an institution’s resources may be effectively utilized and error free. It
aims at standardizing data, consolidating data ensuring, data integrity and reducing

2.3 Previous work done
Similar medicine company management system that we used for the helping purpose. The Bahria
enterprise system and technologies limited offers a very comprehensive and tightly integrated
company management information system, which is designed to help improve cost control,
increase the timeliness and accuracy of customer care and administration information, increase
service capacity, reduce personnel cost and inventory levels, and improve the quality of customer
care. It is composed of 40+ modules, with related various sub modules to automate all the
functionalities of the company.

Some of the module used in this system is as follow;

 Customer Registration
 Medial Entitled Card (Bar Code)
 Appointment and Queuing
 Inventory
 Specialties / Consultants etc.

2.4 Disadvantages of Existing System

Manual systems put pressure on people to be correct in all details of their work at all times, the
problem being that people aren’t perfect, however much each of us wishes we were. With
manual systems the level of service is dependent on individuals and this puts a requirement on
management to run training continuously for staff to keep them motivated and to ensure they are
following the correct procedures. It can be all too easy to accidentally switch details and end up
with inconsistency in data entry or in hand written orders. This has the effect of not only causing
problems with customer service but also making information unable be used for reporting or
finding trends with data discovery.
Reporting and checking that data is robust can be timely and expensive. This is often an area
where significant money can be saved by automation. It takes more effort and physical space to
keep track of paper documents, to find information and to keep details secure. When mistakes
are made or changes or corrections are needed, often a manual transaction must be completely
redone rather than just updated. With manual or partially automated systems information often

has to be written down and copied or entered more than once. Systemization can reduce the
amount of duplication of data entry.
Another impact of manual systems is on Customer service. Customer queries can be difficult to
respond to as information is stored in different places and may even require that you find the
right person before being able to respond. This is no good if they are out to lunch or only work
part time.

 Inconsistency in data entry, room for errors.

 Large ongoing staff training cost.

 System is dependent on good individuals.

 Reduction in sharing information and customer services.

 Time consuming and costly to produce reports.

 Lack of security.

 Duplication of data entry.

Which raises the question if systemization has such benefits, why isn’t all business running fully
integrated systems? There is always the obvious balance of cost vs. benefit, as an organization
grows and adds people and functions the benefits of systems increases. Often when an
organization is growing it’s the time that they need to put in a new system, however this is also
the time that there is significant pressure on existing resources and it’s the hardest time to make a

2.5 Problems with Existing System

Following are the problems in existing system
 Lack of immediate retrievals
The information is very difficult to retrieve and to find particular information like- E.g. - To find
out about the customer’s history, the user has to go through various registers. This results in
inconvenience and wastage of time.

 Lack of immediate information storage
The information generated by various transactions takes time and efforts to be stored at right
 Lack of prompt updating
Various changes to information like customer details are difficult to make as paper work is
 Error prone manual calculation
Manual calculations are error prone and take a lot of time this may result in incorrect
information. For example calculation of customer’s bills based on various invoices.
 Preparation of accurate and prompt reports
This becomes a difficult task as information is difficult to collect from various registers.
 Too Much Money
Manual data entry takes a lot of money to conduct efficiently. Employees need to be properly
trained for any kind of data entry and training is a huge amount of time and money for the
 Human Error
The next really important problem in relation to data entry is human error. Everyone knows that
humans are not perfect and there are going to be times when mistakes are made, whether it is
spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Using automation will reduce the margin of error.
 Time Consuming
When entering information manually, it takes up a lot of time, no matter how fast one can type or
process information, it will never be as fast as it needs to be. Typing in a lot of information can
be tricky and cause individuals to lose focus and this will also add to the time it takes for data
entry. Not being fast enough leads to a big delay in data availability.
2.6 Proposed System
The proposed system is fully automated. It will provide customers, invoices, expenses,
employees, inventory, purchase orders and reports information. Data can be save, update, delete
and search easily. It also provides the record of employees’ salaries. The most important feature
of the proposed system is to provide annual report. It also includes weekly and monthly report
records. It will also keep the record of pharmacy that how much medicines are available in the
company and given to the customers.

2.7 Significance of Proposed System
The proposed system is fully automated that produces ease for the user to save, update, search
and delete the record. It have friendly user interface. It is also very efficient and fast. The system
is composed of the following modules that include customer registration, invoices, purchase
orders, expenses, employees, inventory and reports etc. In customer registration module only
have the personal details related to customer such as name, address, CNIC, contact number and
date. The first time ID of customer will be used through his/her invoice in the company that
produces ease for the employee to find the customer by just typing his/her ID. The proposed
system can also generate report as per user requirement as by setting date parameters like from
date and to date. And report then can convert into PDF, Excel, and Word file as what the user

2.8 Software Specification

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that describes what the software will
do and how it will be expected to perform. It also describes the functionality the product needs to
fulfill the needs of all stakeholders (business, users).You and complete picture of your entire
project. It provides a single source of truth that every team involved in development will follow.
It is your plan of action and keeps all your teams — from development and testing to
maintenance — on the same page. Microsoft SQL Server 2018 is a relational database
management system (RDBMS) designed for the enterprise environment. Always On: Users can
fail over multiple databases and read secondary copies, enhancing disaster recovery (DR)

2.9 Summary
In this chapter we discuss the existing system of the medicine company which is manual system
to store the records which is difficult and there is 90% chance of errors because going through
different register is not easy and also not efficient. Functionality of the new system when a
customer reports to the registration point, the employees on duty must establish whether the
customer has an id and whether a file exists as a result of a previous attendance in the system. In
many instances it will be possible to establish that a file exists by obtaining the number from the

customer’s company ID. So the proposed system will overcome these difficulties and manage
the data as good as possible. It produces ease for the user to manage the information efficiently.
From a technological perspective, it was found that workers using project has better access and
data management compared to the previously used manual system. The human issues analysis
reveals positive attitudes toward using project among the users.

3.1 Introduction
In this chapter the methods that are used to gather, analyze and process information will be
discussed. As the proposed project is medicine company management system gathering
information is not so easy for us. We visited company many times as their requirements changes
day by day. This chapter also includes the phases as we gone through them. Following are the

3.2 Data collection Method

In data collection method we analyze the existing system of the medicine company that they are
using the manual system i.e. paper based. This is done by communicating with the staff members
such as company operators, and IT supervisor. The staff were cooperative and friendly so that we
didn’t find any difficulty during this time period. Following are the methods which are as follow:

3.2.1 Primary sources

In order to get facts Sky Enterprise Management Information System an official introductory
letter from the department introduced us to the interviewees; this enabled them to give out
information without hesitating and we also observed the current system of Medicine Company
that was fully manual or paper based.

3.2.2 Observation
The existing system in Medicine Company is manual or paper based. We observed that
information is difficult to retrieve and to find particular information. Such as to find out about
the customer history. For this purpose we have developed an automated version of the manual
system, named as ―Sky Enterprise Management Information System‖. The main aim of our
project is to provide a paper-less company up to 90%. It also aims at providing low cost reliable
automation of the existing system.

3.3 Feasibility Study
The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase and business proposal is put forth with a
very general plan for the project and some cost estimates. During system analysis the feasibility
study of the proposed system is to be carried out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is
not a burden to the company. For feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major
requirements for the system is essential.

3.3.1 Economic Feasibility

This study is to carried-out to check the economic impact will have on the system will have on
the organization. The amount of fund that company can pour into research and development of
the system is limited. The expenditure must be justified. Thus the developed system as well
within the budget and this was achieved because most of the technologies used are freely
available. Only the customized product has to be purchase.

3.3.2 Operational Feasibility

The aspect of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the user. This includes
the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user must not feel threatened by
the system, instead must accept it as necessity. The level of acceptance by the users solely
depends on the methods that are employed to educate the user about the system and to make him
familiar with it. His level of confidence must be raised so that he is also able to make some
constructive criticism, which is welcomed, as he is the final user of the system.
3.4 Front-end and back-end selection
An important issue for the development of a project is the selection of suitable front-end and
back-end. When we decided to develop the project we went through an extensive study to
determine the most suitable platform that suits the needs of the organization as well as helps in
development of the project. The aspects of our study included the following factors.
3.4.1 Front-end selection
It must have a graphical user interface that assists employees that are not from IT background.
Scalability and extensibility.
 Flexibility.
 Robustness.
 According to the organization requirement and the culture.

 Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support.
 Platform independent.
 Easy to debug and maintain.
 Event driven programming facility.
 Front end must support some popular back end.
According to the above stated features we selected Visual Studio (C#) as the front-end for
developing our project.
3.4.2 Back-end Selection:
 Multiple user support.
 Efficient data handling.
 Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.
 Stored procedures.
 Popularity.
 Operating System compatible.
 Easy to implant with the Front-end.
According to above stated features we selected SQL Server as the backend. The technical
feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. It is essential that the
process of analysis and definition be conducted in parallel with an assessment to technical
feasibility. It centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software etc.) and to what
extent it can support the proposed system.[6]

3.5 Proposed Project Model

As the requirement we have gathered from the company were not clear at first meeting and some
of the things that we have added to it by own because they are not familiar with computer stuff
and we have gathered complete requirement in 3 to 4 months eventually some of the
requirements are not clear. As the requirements are changing day by day so use incremental
model that enable to make changes.

3.5.1 Incremental Model

Process of software development where requirements are broken down into multiple standalone
modules of software development cycle. Incremental development is done in steps from analysis
design, implementation, testing/verification, maintenance. Each iteration passes through
the requirements, design, coding and testing phases. Each subsequent release of the system adds
function to the previous release until all designed functionality has been implemented. The new
system requirements are defined in as much detail as possible. This usually involves interviewing
a number of users representing all the departments or aspects of the existing system. The system
is put into production when the first increment is delivered. The first increment is often a core
product where the basic requirements are addressed, and supplementary features are added in the
next increments. Once the core product is analyzed by the client, there is plan development for
the next increment.[7]

Figure 3.1: Incremental Model

Use of Incremental model:

 Requirements of the system are clearly understood

 When demand for an early release of a product arises
 When software engineering team are not very well skilled or trained
 When high-risk features and goals are involved
 Such methodology is more in use for web application and product based companies

Advantages of Incremental model:

 Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.
 This model is more flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements.
 It is easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
 In this model customer can respond to each built.
 Lowers initial delivery cost.

 Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during it iteration.[3]

Disadvantages of Incremental model:

 Needs good planning and design.

 Needs a clear and complete definition of the whole system before it can be broken down and
built incrementally.
 Total cost is higher than waterfall.

3.6 SQL Server 2018

Microsoft SQL server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a

database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and receiving data
as requested by other software application which may run either on the same computer or on
another computer across a network (including the internet).[10]

3.6.1 Features of SQL Server

Following are the features of SQL Server:
 Internal and Portability
Written in C, C++.
Tested with the broad range of different Compilers.
Works on many different platforms.
Uses multi-layer server design with independent modules.
 Security
A Privilege and password system that is very flexible and secure, and that enable host based
Password security by encryption of all password traffic when you connected to a server.
 Scalability and Limits
Support for large databases. We use SQL server with database that contains 20 million records.
We also know of users who use SQL server with 200,000 tables and about 5000,000,000 rows.
Following are the reason that we are using SQL Server,
 Leading open source RDBMS.

 Ease of use- No frills
 Fast
 Robust
 Security
 Multiple OS support
3.7 Work Distribution Schedule
Following are the work schedule that helps to complete our project.

 Requirement Phase

We have gathered requirements in approximately 3 months. We have faced a lot of difficulties

while gathering requirements because some of their staff members were not present all the time.
The requirements changes day by day as they were familiar with the computerized management

 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

We have completed ERD in approximately 2 months because of the changing requirements.

ERD is very essential part of the database without ERD database don’t work properly.

 Interface

Interface of the proposed system has been completed in approximately 1.5 month as we have
looked many previous systems to make it more users friendly that can be easy to understand by

 Coding

Coding phase of the proposed system is completed in approximately 2.5 months. Coding is the
important phase but we have tried to decrease the line of code as much as possible to make it
more professional and easy to detectable.[8]

3.8 Summary

In this chapter the methods that are used to gather, analyze and process information is discussed.
This chapter also includes the phases as we gone through them. We collect data and analyze with
existing system of the company that they are using. We analyze the feasibility of the project and

select Proper Process Model for our Project. In this chapter we discussed about features of SQL
Server and C Sharp and also specify our work schedule.

4.1 Introduction
Requirements analysis is the identification and documentation of the real requirements for a
system or change. This is a critical step to ensure success in the development of the project.
Requirements analysis encompasses those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions
to meet for a new or altered product or project, taking account of the possibly
conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, analyzing, documenting, validating and
managing software or system requirements.

Requirements analysis is critical to the success or failure of a systems or software project. The
requirements should be documented, actionable, measurable, testable, traceable, related to
identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system
design[9]. Requirements analysis includes three types of activities

 Eliciting requirements

Business process documentation and stakeholder interviews this is sometimes also called
requirements gathering or requirements discovery.

 Analyzing requirements

Determining whether the stated requirements are clear, complete, consistent and unambiguous,
and resolving any apparent conflicts.

 Recording requirements

Requirements may be documented in various forms, usually including a summary list and may
include natural-language documents, use cases, user stories, process specifications and a variety
of models including data models.
4.2 Requirement Engineering

The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build. No
other part of the conceptual work is as difficult as establishing the detailed technical

requirements. No other part of the work so cripple the resulting system if done wrong. No other
part is a difficult to rectify later[12]. The inability to produce complete, correct, and
unambiguous software requirement is considered the major cause of software failure today.
Requirements are statements of what the system must do, how it mist behave, the properties it
must exhibit, the quantities it must possess, and the constraints that the system and its
development must satisfy. The requirement engineering defines as follow; a condition or
capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objectives a condition or capability
to satisfy a contract that must be met or possessed by a system or imposed document.
Requirements engineering emphasize the use of systematic and repeatable techniques that ensure
the completeness, consistency, and relevance of the system requirements. Specifically,
requirements engineering encompasses requirement elicitation, analysis, specification,
verification, and management.

4.3 Requirement Engineering Process

The requirement engineering life cycle compacts by the real world objective for purposes and
restrictions on software systems. Requirement engineering activities are bond tightly with other
system engineering activities that complex interaction between requirements practices and other
processes may exist in an organization. Life cycle activities that are associated to requirements
that have major actions are assembly, verifying, and working requirements. In figure 4.1 we have
requirement engineering process. The activities of requirement engineering process are
elicitation, analysis, validation, management. Actually the requirement engineering emphasizes
the use of systematic and repeatable techniques that ensure the completeness, consistency and
relevance of the system requirements.

Figure 4.1: The Requirement Engineering Process

4.4 System Specification
When need to be distinct from a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a structured
collection of information that embodies the requirements of a system.

4.4.1 Hardware Requirement

Following are the hardware requirements

Core i3 (Processor)


500 GB Hard Disk

4.4.2 Software Requirement

Following are the software requirements

Operating System Win 8.1, 10

Programming Language C#
Front End visual studio 2019
Back End SQL Server 2018

4.5 Functional Requirement

Following are the functional requirements of the proposed system:

 Customer Registration

A company customer registration specialist is often one of the first people a customer sees when
entering a company. In addition to accurately gathering information from clients, company
customer registration specialists execute various administrative functions, such as reception and
clerical work. In this module of customer registration, the information related to customer will be
managed. Following are the functions that will be done in customer registration form.

Managed customer information.

Retrieved customer information.

 Inventory
Inventory is the raw materials, work-in-process products and finished goods that are considered
to be the portion of a business's assets that are ready or will be ready for sale. Inventory is
commonly thought of as the finished goods a company accumulates before selling them to end
users. But inventory can also describe the raw materials used to produce the finished goods,
goods as they go through the production process (referred to as "work-in-progress" or WIP), or
goods that are "in transit."

In this module of inventory, the details related to inventory will be managed.

4.6 Non-Functional Requirements

Following are the Non Functional Requirements of the proposed system:

 Product Requirements:

The registration module shall include three types of users; Administration, Manager and user.

To login to the system username and password is required. The user name shall be what they

The system shall be implemented with visual studio (C sharp) interface for it to be easy to
understand and easy to learn.

The actions which cannot be undone should ask for confirmation.

4.7 Login

This is the login page of the application. User cannot access this application without login.

Figure 4.2: Login

4.8 Customer Registration

This is the Customer registration page of the application. User can register new customer in
this page.

Figure 4.3: Customer Registration

4.9 Header

Header of the system will show the top area of the application.

Figure 4.4: Header

4.10 Sidebar

Sidebar of the system will show the Page navigator of the application.

Figure 4.5: Sidebar

4.11 Footer

Footer of the system will show bottom area of the applicaton.

Figure 4.6: Footer

4.12 Dashboard

Dashboard of the system will show the summary of data and some more important
information related to current day

Figure 4.7: Dashboard

4.13 Invoices

In the below picture, the list of added invoices are displayed.

Figure 4.8: Invoices

4.14 Products

In the below picture, the list of added products are displayed.

Figure 4.9: Products

4.15 Users

In the below picture, the list of added purchase users are displayed.

Figure 4.10: Users

4.16 Add new user

In the below picture new user form is displayed.

Figure 4.11: Add new user

4.17 Summary

Requirements analysis is very critical process that enables the success of a system or
software project to be assessed. Requirement engineering activities are bond tightly with
other system engineering activities that complex interaction between requirements practices
and other processes may exist in an organization.

5.1 Introduction

The purpose of design phase is to plan a solution for problem specified by the requirements.
System design aims to identify the modules that should be in the system, the specification of
those modules and how the interact with each other to produce the results. The goal of the design
process is to produce a model that can be use later to build that system. The produced model is
called design of the system.

System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules interfaces and
data for a system to satisfy specified requirements.

Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques and principles for the
purpose of defining a device, a process or system in sufficient details to permit its physical
realization. Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified the software
design involves three technical activities. Such as design, coding, implementation and testing
that are required to build and verify the software. The design activities are of the main
importance in this phase, because in this activity, decision ultimately affecting the success of the
software implementation and its ease of maintenance are made. These decisions have the final
bearing upon reliability and maintainability of the system. Design is the only way to accurately
translate the customer’s requirements into finished software or system.

Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software design is a process
through which requirements are translated into a relationship of software. Software design is
conducted in two steps. Preliminary design is concerned with the transformation of requirement
into data.

Normally the design proceeds in two stages

 Physical Design
 Database Design

The physical design is a graphical representation of a system showing the system internal and
external entities and the flow of data into and out of these entities. An internal entity is an entity
within the system that transforms data.[13]

To represent the physical design of the system, we use diagram like data flow diagram, use case
diagram etc.

5.2 Data Flow Diagram

The data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information
system. Data flow diagrams are used by system analysts to design information processing system
but also as a way to model whole organizations. The main merit of DFD is that it can provide an
overview of what data a system would processes, what transformations of data are done, what
data are stored and which stored data is used, and where the result is flow.

5.2.1 Zero Level Data Flow Diagram

This zero level DFD of the system where we have elaborated the high level process of medicine
company. It is a basic overview of the whole company management system or process being
analyzed are modeled. It is designed to be an at a glance view of medicine, invoices etc showing
the system as a single high level process, with its relationship to external entities of company,
company employee and customer. it should be easily understood by a wide audience including
company, customer and medicine in zero level DFD of company management system. We have
described the high level flow of the company system.

Following are the High level Entities and Process flow of HMS:

 Managing all the company employees.

 Managing all the company products.
 Managing all the company inventory.
 Managing all the company customers.
 Managing all the company invoices.
 Managing all the company purchase orders.
 Managing all the company expenses.
 Managing all the company reports.

Web Based Sky
Personal Details Management invoices
Admins Information System
Report Details (SEMIS) Generate Reports

Figure 5.1: Level 0 DFD

5.2.2 Level - 1 DFD

First level DFD of system shows how the system is divided into sub systems (Processes) each of
which deals with one or more of the data flows to or from external agent and which together
provide all of the functionality of the medicine company management system as a whole. It
represents graphically a flow of data within a system. It illustrates how data is input and output
from the system. It also identifies internal data stores of every module. Customer that must be
present in order for the company system to do its job and shows the flow of data between the
various parts of customers and other system modules. Medicine of the system DFD level 1
provides a more detail breakout of pieces of the first level DFD. You will high light the main
functionality of medicine companies.

Following are the Main Entities and Output of First Level DFD

 Processing company record and generate report of all company.

 Processing customer record and generate report of all customers.
 Processing invoice record and generate report of all invoices.
 Processing purchase orders record and generate report of all purchase orders.
 Processing expenses record and generate report of all expenses.

Customer Management
Generate customers
User Reports
Invoices Management
Generate Invoices
Inventory Management
Generate Inventory
Purchases Management Generate Purchases

Expenses Management Generate Expenses


Figure 5.2: Level - 1 DFD

5.2.3 Level 2 DFD

DFD level 2 then goes one step deeper into parts of level one Medicine Company. It may require
more functionality of company to reach the necessary level of detail about the medicine company
functioning. First DFD of system shows how the system is divided into sub system (Processes).
The second level DFD contains more details of Customers, Employee, Invoices, Purchases,
Inventory and Expenses of Medicine Company.[14]

Manage Company Details
Username & Password Login to Check
Admin System roles of Manage Customer Details
Manage Employee Details
Authentic User User Role
Manage Invoices Details

Manage Manage Purchases Details

Manage Inventory Details
Manage Reports Details

Manage System Admin Manage Roles of User Manage User Permission

Manage Pharmacy Details

Figure 5.3: Level 2 DFD

5.3 ER Diagram

An entity-relationship model (E-R model) is a detailed, logical representation of the data for an
organization or for a business area. The E-R model is expressed in terms of entities in the
business environment, the relationships (or associations) among those entities, and the attributes
(or properties) of both the entities and their relationships. An E-R model is normally expressed as
an entity-relationship diagram (E-R diagram, or ERD), which is a graphical representation of an
E-R model.

Figure 5.4: ER Diagram

5.4 Summary

In this chapter we discussed about system design. Normally the design proceeds in two stages
Physical Design and Database Design. The physical design is a graphical representation of a
system showing the system internal and external entities and the flow of data into and out of
these entities. An internal entity is an entity within the system that transforms data. To represent
the physical design of the system, we use diagram like data flow diagram, Entity Relation
Diagram etc. In DFD We show that how the data will flow, while in ERD we show the
relationship between tables.

6.1 Introduction

The purpose of testing is to discover error. Testing is the process of trying to discover every
conceivable fault or weakness in a work product. It provides a way to check the functionality of
components, sub-assemblies, assemblies or a finish product. It is the process of exercising
software with the intent of ensuring that the software system meets its requirements and user
expectations and does not fail an unacceptable manner. These are various types of test. Each test
type addresses a specific testing requirement.

 Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors.
 A successful test is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error.
 Once source code has been generated, software must be tested to uncover and correct as
much as possible before delivery to customer.
 The intent of finding maximum number of errors with the minimum amount of efforts and
time. [6]

After giving some brief definition of testing, the question arises that, why testing has been so
important? The answer to the question is that software testing is a critical element of software
Quality Assurance and mainly represents the ultimate review of specification, design and code
generation. Therefore, it is not astonishing for a software development organization to spent its
30% -40% of overall project efforts on testing and can increase in certain situation up to 5 or 6
times but it depends. Testing process follow some well-defined and engineered disciplines.
Broadly speaking, software is tested from two different perspectives.

Internal program errors are exercised using ―White Box Testing‖.

Software requirements are exercised using ―Black Box Testing‖.

To perform testing, a set of Test Cases are design to exercise. Both internal logic and external
requirements. Test cases are documentation and design of internal logic and external
requirement. The expected results are defined and the actual results are recorded. Sometimes the
techniques also refer to Cold tests. Therefore, testing and test case design is an admission if

failure, which instill a good dose of guilt. Before we move on, let’s see some important yet
known testing principles. All tests should be traceable to customer requirements. Testing should
begin ―In Small‖ and slowly move towards testing ―In the Large‖. Exhaustive testing is not
possible. Poor tested software may cause several problems as user function which result in a
serious threat to the organization developing the software, the threat may cover in a serious
disaster that may intent the software towards failure. In our information system, we have tested
many aspects of our system. First of all Unit Testing is applied i.e. Unit Testing for OO software
is equivalent to module Unit Testing unconventional engineering. Also validation testing is done
which prevents the end user to enter the wrong data in the application. Then the result are
compared with actual result accuracy of the product. Testing done here in this section is by class
level testing method. For this purpose test cases are designed to check the behavior of software
in different situation. Test cases are organized in the form of table as shown below:

6.2 Type of Testing

Following are the types of testing,

6.2.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing involves the design of test cases that validate that the internal program logic is
functionality properly, and that program inputs produce valid output. All decision branches and
internal code flow should be validated. It is testing of individual software units of the
application. It is done after the completion of an individual before integration. This is a structural
testing, that relies on knowledge of its construction and is invasive. Unit tests performs basic test
at component level and test a specific business process, application and/or system configuration.
Units tests ensure that each unique path of a business process performs accurately, to the
documented specification and contains clearly defined inputs and expected results.

6.2.2 Integration Testing

Integration tests are designed to test integrated software components to determine if they actually
run as one program. Testing is event driven and is more concerned with the basic outcome of
screen or field. Integration tests demonstrate that although the components were individually
satisfaction, as shown by successfully unit testing, the combination of component is correct and

consistent. Integration testing is specifically aimed at exposing the problems that arise from the
combination of component.

6.2.3 Functional Test

Functional test provide systematic demonstration that functions tested are available as specified
by the business and technical requirements. System documentation and user manuals.

Functional testing is centered on the following items:

 Valid Inputs: identified classes of valid input must be accepted.

 Invalid Inputs: identified classes of invalid input must be rejected.
 Functions: identified function must be exercised.
 Output: identified classes of application outputs must be exercised.
 Systems/procedures: Interfacing systems or procedure must be invoked.

Organization and preparation of functional tests is focused on requirements, key functions, or

special test cases. In addition, systematic coverage pertaining to identify business process flows;
data field, predefined processes, and successive processes must be considered for testing. Before
functional testing is complete, additional tests are identified and the effective value of current
tests is identified.

6.2.4 System Testing

System testing ensures that the entire integrated software system meets requirement. It tests a
configuration to ensure known and predictable results. An example of the system testing is the
configuration oriented system integration test. System testing is based on process description and
flows, emphasizing pre-driven process links and integration points.

6.2.5 White Box Testing

White box testing is a testing in which the software tester has knowledge of the inner working,
structure and language of the software, or at least its purpose. It is used to test areas that cannot
be reached from a black box level.

6.2.6 Black Box Testing
Black box testing is a testing without any knowledge of the inner working, structure or language
of the module being tested. Black box tests, as most other kinds of tests, must be written from a
definitive source document such as specification or requirements under test is treated, as a black
box you cannot see into it. The test provides inputs and responds to output without consideration
how the software works.

6.3 Test Strategy and Approach

Field testing will be performed manually and functional test will be written in details.

6.3.1 Test Objectives

 All field entries must work properly.

 Pages must be activated from the identified link.
 The entry screen, messages and responses must not delay.

6.3.2 Featured to be tested

 Verified that the entries are of the correct format.

 No duplicate entries should be allowed.
 All links should take the user to the correct page.

6.3.3 Acceptance Testing

User acceptance testing is a critical phase of any project and requires significant participation by
the end user. It also ensures that the system meets the functional requirements.

Table 6.1: Login Table

Field Data Entered Expected Data Actual Result
USERNAME Null Field validation does Please Enter the
not allow null value. Username.
A,B,C,,Z Field validation does The data entered to
a,b,c,.,z allow any string data accepted as valid
!@#$%^&*()- to be entered. data for the field

PASSWORD Null Field validation does Please enter the user
not allow null value. password.
!@#$%^&*()-+=’;. The data entered to The data entered to
1, 2, 3,… accepted as valid accepted as valid
data for the field data for the field.

Figure 6.1: Login Form

Table 6.2: Customer Registration Table

Field Data Entered Expected Data Actual Result

Customer ID Auto Generate The number which Number is

number is generated displayed.
automatically will

Customer Name Null Field validation Please enter the
does not allow null Customer name.
A,B,C,…,Z Field validation The data entered
a,b,c,…,z only allow will accepted as
1,2,3,….. alphabets valid data for the
~!@#$%^&*(-+=’;/ Field validation The field remains
does not allow blank
characters except
Address Null Field validation Please enter the
does not allow null Address.
A,B,C,…,Z Field validation The data entered
a,b,c,…,z allow Digits, will accepted as
1,2,3,….. characters and valid data for the
aphabets. field
~!@#$%^&*(-+=’;/ Field validation The field remains
does not allow null. blank
Contact no Null Field validation Please enter the
does not allow null Contact no.
A,B,C,…,Z Field validation The data entered
a,b,c,…,z only allow Digits will accepted as
1,2,3,….. valid data for the
~!@#$%^&*(-+=’;/ Field validation The field remains
does not allow blank
CNIC Null Field validation Please enter the

does not allow null CNIC
A,B,C,…,Z Field validation The data entered
a,b,c,…,z allow Digits, will accepted as
1,2,3,….. characters and valid data for the
aphabets. field

Figure 6.2: Customer Registration Form

6.5 Summary
Testing is one of the most challenging and satisfying jobs in the IT industry. When done
properly, exploratory testing is a strategic challenge and a match of wits between the manual
tester and an application to discover hidden bugs, usability issues, security concerns, and so
forth. For far too long, such exploration has been done without good guidance and has been the
realm of experts who have learned their craft over many years and decades.[15]

7.1 Introduction
It is necessary for the medicine company to keep track of its day-to-day activities & records of
its customers, invoices, purchases, employees, expenses and inventory etc. But keeping track of
all these activities and their records on paper is very difficult and error prone. It is also very
inefficient and a time consuming process observing the continuous increase in population and
number of people visiting the company. Recording and maintaining all these records are highly
unreliable, inefficient and error prone. It is also not economically & technically feasible to
maintain these records on paper. Since we are entering details of the customers and invoices etc
electrically in the ―Web Based Sky Enterprise Management Information System (SEMIS)‖, data
will be secured. Using this application we can retrieve invoice’s history with a single click. Thus
processing information will be faster. It guarantees accurate maintenance of invoices details. It
easily reduces the book keeping task and thus reduces the human efforts and increase accuracy
speed. The development of company management system went smooth, allowing focusing on the
important aspects of the application and not having struggle with the platform or the application
frame work itself most of the time. In this report, (MIS) Management Information System
software was explained regarding different aspects like its requirements, specification, proposed
design and its implementation. Tools such as Visual Studio 2019 and SQL Server 2018 Express
Edition were used for the system development and C# coding. The incremental model was
successfully implemented for the automated processing of subsystem such as customer and
invoice report, purchases report, and inventory etc.

The system also provides excellent security of the data at every level of user system interaction
and also provides robust & reliable storage and backup facilities. The project company
management system includes registration of customers, storing their details into the system, and
also computerized the other modules. The software has the unique id for every customer and
invoice and stores the details of every customer and invoice and staff automatically. It includes a
search facility to know the details of customers and invoices by searching all record and specific
record. The medicine company management system can be entered using username and
password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. They can add, update data

into database and retrieved the data easily. The interface is very user-friendly. The data are well
protected for personnel use and makes the data processing very fast. A significant part of the
operation of any medicine company involves the acquisition, management and timely retrieval of
great volumes of information. This information typically involves; customer personal
information and invoices history, staff information, purchases and inventory etc. All of this
information must be managed in an efficient and cost wise fashion so that an institution’s
resources may be effectively utilized and error free. It aims at standardizing data, consolidating
data ensuring, data integrity and reducing inconsistencies.

7.2 Contribution
We have developed an automated version of the manual system, named as Web Based Sky
Enterprise Management Information System (SEMIS). The main aim of our project is to provide
a paper-less Medicine Company up to 90%. It also aims at providing low cost reliable
automation of the existing system.

7.3 Future Work

Web Based Sky Enterprise Management Information System (SEMIS) can be further modifying
in future by adding new features to the proposed system. As the medicine company requirements
changes day by day we can also update the details as per requirements. There is a chance of
increasing branches of the medicine company which also include some new features that can be
useful to operate the medicine.

[1] Jeffrey A. Hoffer, V. Ramesh and Heikki Topi,‖Database Application‖, Modern
Database Management System Tenth Edition, Page No 3.

[2] Anders Hejlsberg, Scott Wilt ―The C# Programming Language‖ Issue. 2003-10-
[3] Roger Pressman, titled ―Software Engineering – a practitioner’s approach‖ [4] (pg-13).

[4] Kivuti-Bitok, 2014, ―Attitudes of nursing staff towards computerization‖:a case of two
companies in Nairobi, Kenya.

[5] Jeffrey A. Hoffer, V. Ramesh and Heikki Topi,‖ Reporting Services Enhancements‖,
Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2 Tenth Edition, Page No 165.

[6] Eric Brown,‖ Basic Window Forms‖, Window Forms Programming with C#, Page No
[7] Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell and Rajib Mall,‖Software Process and Process Model‖,
Software Project Management Fifth Edition, Page No 75.

text-boxes. wner: Stack Exchange, Inc Launched: September 15, 2008; 9 years ago Created
by: Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood Content license: CC-BY-SA 3.0

[9] Roger Pressman, titled ―Software Engineering – a practitioner’s approach‖ [4] (pg-13).

[10] Molina, H., Ullman, J. & Widom, J. Database System The Complete Book 2nd edition
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[11] Yang Hongqiao, Liu Xihua, Wu Fei and Li Weizi, ―Multi-agent based modeling and simulation
of complex System in Pharmacy‖, in Proc. Sixteenth Int. Conference on Industrial Engineering
and Engineering Management, pp. 1759-1763, 2009.

[12] Himss Analytics, 2010. The 2010 HIMSS Analytics Report: ―Security of Customer Data
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[13] Makori, A. C., Musoke. M., and Gilbert, M. 2013. User issues on the adoption of health
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[14] Marques, A., Oliveira, T., and Martins, M. O. 2011. Medical Records System Adoption
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