FE & DEBT Rebuttals

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FE Rebuttals

Hi (Lead Name)? Hello, this is (Rep Name) with Senior Services for (State). I am calling in
regards to the state regulated burial benefits for seniors. Seniors could now qualify for a
program that would cover 100% of their final expense. We will have the licensed burial
specialist to explain you the details of this new program.
Final expense insurance, or burial insurance, is an alternative to life insurance, offering
different benefits. The popularity of burial insurance has increased in recent years. Many
individuals and families have found final expense insurance a dignified and affordable way to
deal with the inevitable.
Right now, the cost for the plot, clothing, funeral & burial expenses averages between $10,000
– $20,000.
Unlike standard life insurance policies, final expense insurance is considered a guaranteed
issue. In this case, the applicant typically does not have to have a medical exam. As a result,
the insurance company may issue a policy to any person who applies.
Life insurance policies are simply not offered in low face amounts like $10,000 – $20,000. This
is why final expense policies are important for people who only want to cover their funeral
DEBT Rebuttals
There are several ways to manage debt. Some opt for debt consolidation or go the opposite
route by declaring bankruptcy. However, one of the most common routes is debt settlement.
If you are in debt and cannot pay your bills, Debt settlement program is the cheapest way out
of debt.
Debt settlement can save consumers money by allowing them to resolve their debts for less
than the full balance. And it can be a way out of debt for some individuals who can’t afford to
pay back the full amount they owe.
The more money you have available to settle, the sooner you can resolve the debt. The longer
your debt goes unpaid, the greater the risk of being sued.
Making minimum monthly payments on high-interest debt is not a good option for consumers
who want to save money. It can take years—decades, even—depending on how much debt
you have and what the interest rate is. Interest compounds every day on your entire balance,
and with minimum payments, you make little progress paying your balance down each month.
The Bottom Line is Debt settlement may indeed the least expensive way to get out of debt for
many consumers. And that’s why we are here to help you out.

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