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Production Planning

1. Sales Forecast per Month

Output per month

Average sales forecast per month Sale forecast

Average sales price All sale price / number of type

Number of output per month Average sales forecast / sale pprice per


Table 7.4.1 sales forecast

per month formula

Products Average sales Average sales Number of output

forecast per price per month

month (RM) (units)


Fruit Juice 13500 9 1500

Mix Juice 13200 12 1100

Smoothies 16150 9.50 1700

Indulgence 10800 12 900


Snacks And 1200 3 400


Total 5600

Table 7.4.1 sales forecast

per month
2. Number of output per day

Number of working days per month 28 days (6 days/week)

Number of Output per Day No of output per month / No of working

Days per month

Table 7.4.2 number of

output per day formula

Products Number of output Number of Number of output

per month working days per per day

(units) month (units)


Fruit Juice 1500 28 53.57

Mix Juice 1100 28 39.29

1700 28 60.71

Indulgence 900 28 32.14


Snacks And 400 28 14.29


Total 200

Table 7.4.2 number of

unit per day
3. Number of units per hour

Daily working hour 12 hours (10.00am-10.00pm)

Number of units per Hour No of output per day / daily working


Table 7.4.3 Number of

units per hour formula

Products Number of output Number of working Number of output

per day days per days per hour

(units) (days) (units)

White chocolate 53.57 12 4.46

with mix berries

Milk chocolate with 39.29 12 3.27

almond flakes

Macchiato 60.71 12 5.06

chocolate with oreo


Mix of white and 32.14 12 2.68

dark chocolate

Premium dark 14.29 12 1.19


Total 16.66

Table 7.4.4 Number of

unit per hour

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