Mind Action Series Book Gr12 AnalyticalGeometry

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CHAPTER 7 — ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY THEORY (GRADE 10-11) REVISION EXERCISE 1 Length of line AB: ay - a4) +(¥e Ya or AB = f(x, — 4) #(9p Ya)” with A(x,394) and B( x93 Formula for any point M, the midpoint of a line segment AB: Yat¥a) ae | with A(x.) and B(x; y) M(x Yap ‘The gradient of line AB: myy with A(x,;y,) and B(x,; 5) If © is the angle of inclination of line OR then: tan® = gradientoy (a) Parallel lines: Non-vertical lines with gradients m, and m,are parallel if their gradients are equal. (rm, = m,) (b) Perpendicular lines: Non-vertical lines with gradients m, and m, respectively are perpendicular if ma, = (©) IfA,Band C are collinear then gradient sy = gradientye = gradient yc Equation of a straight line @ yemrte mis the gradient and c is the y-intercept (Gradient-intercept form). (b) (x—x,) straight line with gradient m passing through the point (x,;y,) (©) Vertical line: x= number gradient is undefined (Horizontal line: y= number gradient is zero y F Inthe diagram, A(-2;-3), B(45—5) and C251) are vertices of a triangle in a Cartesian plane. CG is a line such that AG = GB and AE LBC AC2;-3) ins 217 BAS) @ Calculate the coordinates of G, the midpoint of AB. (b) Calculate the length of CG. Leave your answer in surd form. (©) Calculate the value of @ , the angle of inclination of BC, rounded off to ‘one decimal digit, (@) Determine the equation of the straight line FA, which is parallel to the line BC. (e) Determine the equation of AE. (© Calculate the y-intercept of AE. 2. Consider the following points on a ‘artesian plane: A(I;2), BG; 1), C(-3;4) and D(2;~3). Determine the value(s) of k if (a) (153) is the midpoint of AC, (b) ABis parallel to CD. (©) ABLCD. @_A,BandC are collinear. (@ cD=sV2 A(1;4), B(-2;2), C(4:1) and M(x; y) are the points on the Cartesian plane. Use analytical methods to determine the coordinates of M so that ABCM, in this order, is a parallelogram, y 4. Determine: 6 (a) the size of a 6 (b) the size of p (©) the size of @ 3 CIRCLES A circle is a set of points which are equidistant from a fixed point, the centre of the circle. The distance from the centre to any point on the circle is the length of the radius while the distance around the whole circle is the circumference or the perimeter of the circle CIRCLE WITH CENTRE THE ORIGIN hy Suppose P(x; y) is always r units from the origin, (0; 0) (This implies P(x; y) lies anywhere on the circle) From the distance formula we know that: oP? =(x-0)' +(y-0)? OP? =x? + y? But OP =, and therefore OP? = veyer The equation of the circle centre (0; 0) is therefore 2? + y’ 218 EXAMPLE 1 (a) Determine the equation of the circle with centre the origin and radius 5. Baye (equation of a circle with centre the origin) ayes (substitute r= 5) cP ty 225 ) 4 (b) Determine the equation of the circle with centre (2:4) the origin passing through the point (-2;4) Sketch the graph first. way (state the equation) (-2)'+(4)' =r? (substitute the point (~2;4) that lies on the circle) Ael6=r? P=20 v fore the equation of the circle is: x° + EXAMPLE 2 (b:-V8) is a point on the circle with equation x? + (@) Determine the possible values of b (b) Determine the x and y-intercepts of the circle. (©) Find one other point with integer coordinates that lies on the circle. Solutions @ xsy'-17 (state the equation of graph) 2b? +(-V8) =17 (substitute point (6:8) bry 8417 Bao ob= aN .b=3 orb (b) Finding the x-intercepts: Let y =0 Finding the y-intercepts: Let x =0 et 40 217 elt xeavi7 exeVIT ot x=-VI7 (©) This will be done by inspection. Consider any integer x-coordinate that lies within the domain [Ai AIT | 219 (substitute x=1 (part of the domain) ;4) are points with integer coordinates that lie on the circle, If the first value you substituted didn’t produce an integer value then you continue substituting x-values in the domain until it produces an integer value, EXERCISE 1 I. Determine the equation of each of the following circles Ae Ay @ ) \ , © v @ v a” Ay 2. Draw sketch graphs of the following circles and show at least one point other than the x or y-intercept on the circle @ xv 4y =25 ) Key Bax 42 @ 8 4y?-9-0 © e4y?=1 Determine the equation of the circle with centre at the origin, and: (a) aradius of 4 units — (b)_aradius of V10 (© passing through the point (-2;~4) (passing through the point (V3 :1) (©) _ passing through the point (5:-1) (f) aradius of 2V5 units 220 4, (a) Point (-2;6) lies on the circle x7 + y? =13. Determine the values of b. (8) Point (4:8) tes on he cise x+y = 21. Determine the values of a. 5. P(-5;12) lies on the circle with centre the origin: (a) Determine the equation of the circle (b) Determine the coordinates of Q if PQ is a diameter. (©) Show that the point M(0;~13) lies on the circle (©) Show that PKIQ = 90" CIRCLES NOT CENTRED AT THE ORIGIN Let P(x; y) be any point on the circle with centre M(a ;b) and radius r. From the distance formula we know that: MP? =(x-a)' +(y-b)" But MP =r, and therefore MP? = c(x-a)’ +(y=b) =? The equation of a circle with centre (a;b) is (xa) +(y-8)' «4 Another standard form of a circle’s equation with any centre is wadery seytf You can manipulate this equation to (x-a)' +(y-b)’ =r? so that the centre and radius of the cirele can be determined. EXAMPLE 3 Determine the co-ordinates of the centre and the length of the radius of each of the following circles: @) (x4) +(y +3) =18 ee (©) YP +2x+y?-10y41=20 6x+5y—4=0 Solutions @) (x4 +(y 43) (xa) +(y-€3)) Contre: (45-3) with r? =18 reVI8 = 32 (b) To find the centre and the radius of any circle you have to manipulate the above equation to the form (x- a)’ +(y-b) =r? Firstly, move the constant over and group all the terms with x's and y's together. ¥ -6r+y'+5y=4 22 Secondly, complete the square for the expressions in x and y separately. Ki n6rty +Sya4 coefficient of 2) 6)) #3) (feos cient of 4) ~[gO0) -o* ana Add the above constants to both sides of the equation: ¥xore(-a)'syt4sye(3) ~ae(ay (3) © (2) -10 ¥ 42xe(2) +9? -0y-[ 7) } A x + 2x4(I)' + y?-10y4(-5)* = -1+(1) +(-5) o (xe) +(y=5)" =25 Centre: (. EXAMPLE 4 (Finding the equation) (a) Write down the equation of the circle with centre (~1;3) and radius 23 {b) Determine the equation of the circle with centre M(-1;3) and A(— point on the circle Ia Solutions @ (x-a)'+(y-b) ‘Substitute the centre (-1;3) and r= 2V3 -(x- bY +(y-3) o.(x4l) +(y-3) 222 eMAt #(-1-(-8))'+(3-C)) 144)' +(341)° EXERCISE 2 1, Determine the coordinates of the centre and the length of the radius of each of the following circles: (@) (x4) +(y +3) =25 (b) xP +(y-2) =10 (x 42x4y? @ x -8x+y? +6y=2 (©) Srey? +oy=9 () Sexey-4y-400 (g) 4 y? +10x-3y 41-0 (hb) x +y*=2x-y-12-0 @ 2x? +2y*-6x-12y=3 2. Determine the equation of the circle in each case: (a) with centre (~2;-1) and radius 4 (b) with centre (3;-3) and radius 3V5 (©) with centre M(-3;1) and A(2;-2) a point on the circle. (@ with centre(I;-1) and (-3;4) a point on the circle. The equation of a circle with radius 3V2 units is x” -6x+y’+2y-m=0 (a) Determine the coordinates of the centre of the circle. (b) Find the value of m. 4. Make rough sketch graphs of the circles below (a) Determine the equation of the circle with BC as diameter if B and C are the points (2;~3) and (6;~1) respectively (b) Determine the equation of the circle with centre (4:6), (b > 0) whic cuts the y-axis at (0;1) and the x-axis at (7;0) 5. Accirele with centre M(5:2) touches the y-axis at E and passes through F. (a) Write down the coordinates of E and F. (b) Determine the equation of the ci (©) Determine whether the point (— lies inside or outside the circle. 223 TANGENTS TO CIRCLES A tangent is a straight line which touches a ‘graph (in this case a circle) at one point only. A secant is a straight line which cuts at two distinct points. ‘An important principle from Euclidean OF = | Geometry is that: radius 1 tangent circle EXAMPLE § ‘Show that the straight line y =-x—4 is a tangent to the circle (x-1P +(y41f =8 Solution How does one show that a line is a tangent to a circle? Remember that a tangent to a circle intersects (touches) the circle at one point only. Therefore it will be necessary to show that the two graphs intersect at one point only. and A (x-1)h+(y+1) 8B Substitute A in B: (x-1) +(Cx-4) +1) (x1) +(-x-3) =8 P= 2et lea? + 6x4 =8 2x +4x42=0 Divide by 2 to make the factorising easier x 42x+1=0 (x+i)(x+1)=0 1 Substitute x= n-4 =3 1 into A ye Therefore straight line y = -x-4 is a tangent to the circle (x-1)° +(y-1) =8 because the straight line intersects the circle in one point only which is (-1;~3). 224 ‘THE EQUATION OF A TANGENT TO A CIRCLE EXAMPLE 6 Find the equation of the tangent to the circle x” -6x+ y? +2y =0 at (4;2) Solut n Firstly you have to find the centre of the circle: Secondly you have to find the gradient of the radius through the centre(3;—1) and the point (4:2) where the tangent touches the circle. Gradient of radius = Mas Now it is possible to find the gradient of the tangent: (gradient of radius)» (gradient of tangent) «=I (radius 1 tangent) 1 Mag == 3 Thirdly you substitute the point that lies on the tangent and the gradient of the tangent, into the standard form of a straight line: y— y, = m(x-x,) Equation of tangent: y~y, = ma (x=) (substitute m,, =-— and (4;2)) 1 3 225 EXAMPLE 7 yeexctl The line defined by y+2x=11 is a tangent to a circle with centre P(;=1) at the point Q(x; y). (a) Determine the equation of the radius PQ and hence the coordinates of Q (b) Determine the equation of the circle through Q with centre P. Solutions (@) To determine the equation of any straight line you need to find the gradient of that line and a point on that line to substitute into the equation. yoy om(x—x) Let us write the equation of the tangent in the form y =mx+e ye2xell hys-2eell 2 We know that m,, Xj =-1 (radius tangent) Ll Mag = 2 “Therefore the equation ofthe radius PQ is yn Mag (¥-%) yoy d(x) 2 Substitute the point P(1;-1) that lies on the radius: The point Q(x; y) is where the radius and the tangent meet (intersect). ‘Therefore we have to solve these two equations simultaneously. ye2eell A and yets-3 Substitute B into A 1 Soyo LCD: 2 22 226 Substitute x =5 into B The coordinates of Q are: (551) tb) (x-a)+(y-2)? PQ-=r and therefore PQ? = r* and: 1-5)°+(-1-1)" (distance formula) Pa (Les) 4 (1-1)? r=20 ‘The equation of the circle is: (x1) +(y+1)° =20 EXAMPLE 8 Consider a circle with equation x° -2x+(y +3) =13. A tangent is drawn from (2; 4) to point A(x; y) on the circle. Determine the length of the tangent TA. Solution In the diagram, TA 1 MA since the radius is perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact. From Pythagoras, TA? = TM = AM* The coordinates of centre M are required in order to determine the length of TM, and hence the length of TA. 2x4 (y +3)? 227 2x (1? + (+3)? 2134-1? (x1 + (43)? =14 ‘The centre is ML; ~3) and radius AM = 14 TM? = (1-2) +(-3-4)' =50 ‘TA? = TM? - AM? Ta’ =50-(Via) 1, Determine the equation of the tangent which touches the circle: (x+y? #13 at the point (3;=2) (b) (x-2)? +(y +3)? =17 atthe point (131) (©) (x+4)'+(y-1)' =20 at the point (-2;-3) 1) (@ xP -2x4y? +4y-5~0 at the point (~ (@) x7 +6x+y?+12y =13 at the point (-6;1) 2, Find the equations of the tangents to (x=2)° +(y +3)" =16 which are: (a) parallel to the y-axis. c (b) parallel to the x-axis. 3. The straight line y = x+2 cuts the circle ax? 4+y? = 20 at A and B. (a) Determine the coordinates of A and B (b) Determine the length of the chord AB (c) Determine the coordinates of M, the midpoint of the chord AB. (@ Show that OM AB if Os the origin. (©) Determine the equations of the tangents to the circle at A and B. (Determine the coordinates of C, the point of intersection of the tangents found in (e). 4. The straight line y AG»), (a) Determine the equation of the radius through A. (b) Determine the coordinates of A and hence the value of c. =2x-+e is a tangent tothe circle (+1) A circle with centre M is given, BE and EL are tangents to the circle at D and N respectively. The equation of the circle is: x* -8x+ L oxte 2 dy+15=0 ¢ equation of the tangent BE is: (2) Determine the centre M and the radius of the circle 228 (>) Determine the equation of the radius MD and hence show that the coordinates of D are (3; 4). (©) I the coordinates of L are (9 ;0) calculate the length of LN. 6. Acircle with centre P(—4;2) has the points O(0;0) and NC circumference, The tangents at © and N meet at R. Determine: » (@) the equation of the circle. (b) the value of b (© the equation of OR. (d)_ the coordinates of R. 5) on the REVISION EXERCISE (GRADE 11 AND GRADE 12 WORK) 1. P@:1) lies ona circle with centre (-1; 4) (@) Determine the equation of the circle (b) Determine the coordinates of Q if PQ is a diameter. (©) Show that the point M(-4;8) lies on the circle, (d) Show that PMQ = 90° 2. Determine the equation of the circle with BC as diameter if B and C are the points (-3;2) and (1; 6) respectively. 3, Determine the co-ordinates of the centre and the length of the radius of each of the following circles: @ x 43r-6y+y? =9 (b) P+y?-6y-3=0 4, Determine the equation of the tangent which touches the circle: (@) (0? +y" #13 at the point (3; 2) (b)x°-10x+4 y? +3y-10=0 at the point (1; 6) 5. Determine the value of p if A(~3;p) is equidistant from the points €(7;-1) and D(4;-4) 6. Determine the values of x andy if (~ between the points (4;3) and (x;7) ) is the midpoint of the line 229 MQ:4) Refer to the diagram alongside. AMNP is given with M(2:4) , N(-3:-2) and P(-9;-1) Determine the size of angle M. Given: ABCD is a rhombus with A(=I-2) and C(3:4) (@) Determine the equation of AC. (b) Determine the equation of BD. (©) If Dis the point D(6; y) , determine the value of y and hence the coordinates of B. The equation of a straight line AB is ‘The equation of a straight line CD is py = 3x-2. Find the value of p in each case, if: (@) ABICD (6) AB cuts CD at (2;1) (©) the angle of inclination of CD is 120° Given: x? +y? +8x-12y+27=0 (2) Calculate the centre and the radius of the circle. b) Calculate if a second circle with the equation x? + y*48x-12y+1=0 has a radius twice that of the original ‘The straight line passing through P(1;3) has an angle of inclination of 45° and cuts the circle x* + y* = 20 at Hand G. ‘Show that the co-ordinates of Hand G are (~4;-2) and(2;4). 230 SOME CHALLENGES 1. Consider the diagram below and then determine the area of APQC. 2. Amy stands by a pool. She throws a pebble in the water and watches the ripples that form. The ripples are represented by 6 circles, all with the same centre, ‘The equation of the smallest circle, ws, is x+y? +4x—6y+k =O and the equation 87 of the circle, Wo, is x? + y? +4x-6 If the circle We has a radius which is 5 times that of wi, calculate the value of k 3. Show that the following two circles touch each other at one point: W—4xty’ +4y+320 and (x-4)' +(y-2)" =5 4, Determine the equation of the circle going through the points D and C(-4;8) 23 Refer to the diagram below. O is the centre of the circle, E lies on the y-axis and G(3;~4) lies on the circle. EF and FG are tangents to the circle 4 v Determine the coordinates of F 6. Accircle with centre M passes through the points A(0;7), D(4;~2) and F(x) Determine the coordinates of F in surd form. Show all working out 232

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