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Results Service Quick Guide

Preparing csv file for upload to Results Service


As Results Service is now open, you will have received a csv file for each mode of delivery – Face to
face, Online and Blended. Use the csv template for the tuition delivery mode for which you are
approved. If you are offering Online or Blended tuition temporarily, we will allow for these csv
templates to be used. Use the codes for the mode of delivery you are approved for even if you are
using the Online or Blended csv template.


As Results Service is now open, you will have received a csv file which you will populate with your
student data in preparation for uploading to the Results Service. This Quick Guide gives you the key
points to assist you to ensure a full and accurate upload of your data.

Both ALPs and SLPs

We encourage that you use this quick guide in conjunction with the Results Service Guidance where
you will find screenshots and more detailed instructions.

Gathering data for your csv file – page 5 of the Results Service Guidance

Before creating your csv file, you will need the following:

• The ACCA ID number and date of birth of each student (DD/MM/YYYY)

• The exam(s) each student is sitting (including On-Demand exams)
• The delivery mode for the tuition offered to each student (i.e FT, PT, RV, OL, BL)
• Permission from the student to use their details for the Results Service

Note – leaving any of these blank will result in errors with your upload

Creating your csv file– page 5 of the Results Service Guidance

Please find below tips for a successful csv file:

• Follow the format of the csv file (do not re-arrange the column order or add extra columns)
• Ensure that the ACCA ID is 7 digits long (explained below)
• Ensure the date of birth is entered in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
• If a student is sitting more than one exam, please enter their exams across one row of the
csv file. Do not add each exam as a separate row.
• Ensure that you have entered the correct exam codes for each exam sat (i.e FIA exam
codes are FBT, FMA, FFA. ACCA qualification exam codes are BT, MA, FA etc)
• Do NOT add variants to exam codes. The student will select the variant when choosing
their exams.
• Ensure there are no extra spaces entered into cells (explained below)
Common formatting errors – pages 7-9 of the Results Service Guidance

Please find below a brief outline of the errors that can prevent a csv file from being uploaded or will
prevent all exams for a student being uploaded. A more detailed description can be found in the
Results Service Guidance.

• An ACCA ID begins with ‘0’ or ‘00’. – Please right click the cell containing the ID, select
‘Format Cells’ and then select ‘text’.
• Date of birth format – If entered in a different format than mentioned above, please right
click the cell, select ‘Format cells’ and select the format DD/MM/YYYY. Additionally, double
check that the year 2022 has not been entered in error.
• Exam code format – Exam codes must be capitalised i.e AA instead of aa or Aa.
• Exam codes – Do not use old exam codes or variants – see list of exam codes in Results Service
Guidance. Using old exam codes or adding variants will cause an error with the upload
• A student is sitting more than one exam - To check if you have listed a student’s exams over
more than one line, select the ACCA ID column and use the ‘Highlight duplicates’ function.
From there you can enter the student’s exams into the appropriate column i.e ‘Exam 2’,
‘Exam 3’ and so on. Please check the name of the student is the same before deleting the
additional rows
• Duplication – Please ensure that no exam is repeated for a student. For example, make sure
that you haven’t entered the same exam twice for a student.
You may also have used the same Registration number for more than one student in error.
This must be checked.
• Mode of delivery format – The mode of delivery must be capitalised ie. OL instead of ol. The
mode of delivery must be entered as a code and not the full word i.e OL instead of Online
• Extra spaces within cells – For example, if you enter an exam code within a cell, then hit the
space bar on your keyboard, this creates an extra space. To remove extra spaces quickly, use
the ‘Find and Replace’ function on Excel. In the ‘Find what’ box, enter a space. In the
‘Replace with’ box, make sure there are no spaces. When you select ‘Replace all’, the spaces
will be removed
• Save as a csv file. Excel formatted files cannot be uploaded
• Adding/removing students manually - Students can be added or removed manually to the
Results Service – See the Results Service Guidance for more details on how this is done.


If you experience any difficulties when accessing your myACCA account, please contact us with a
screenshot. For ALPs – For SLPs –

It is your responsibility to ensure students’ permission has been collected before uploading to the
Results Service.

If you require assistance in uploading student data and this will include sharing your CSV file, please
make sure the data is encrypted. You can either ZIP the csv file and password protect it or save as an
Excel file and password protect it. Please send the password in a separate email.

Once you’ve uploaded your file, there may be exceptions that need to be resolved before re-
uploading. Please see pages 7-9 of the Results Service Guidance for information on the exceptions
that can occur and how to resolve them.

Now you are ready to upload your csv file to the Results Service.

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