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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Communication

Name: Medina, Chandra Micole P. ID#: 2022-01728-MN-0

Section: 4D Activity #03:

Intellectual revolutions that defined society: Information Age both parts A and B

A. Demonstrate how the events of Information Age unfolded by creating a fishbone timeline
like the one provided. Pick only five major events from the timeline discussed, just make
sure you appropriately labeled them, and that they are chronological. Note that the years
on the example provided is only to provide you a guide and NOT MANDATORY years
to accomplish. Feel free to change the years according to the timeline you have created.
(10 points)

B. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please do not
forget to COPY the question you have chosen. (5 points)

c). What is the future of our technology? Do you think that it will continue to develop
endlessly, or will it eventually reach a certain point and stop?

Future technology will be extremely advanced and fundamentally alter the way
we live in many ways. By that day, we will all undoubtedly be dependent on technology
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Communication

if some of us are impacted by the digital divide. Whether technological advancement will
go on indefinitely or come to an end is a question that I don't believe will ever be
answered. Because of our own curiosities, I think the human intellect is constantly
looking for new discoveries. Additionally, because technologies are not always well-
made, it will grow. According to the circumstance in which it will function most
effectively, there will be room for improvement. For instance, it is predicted that flying
buses and cars would be commonplace in a few decades. Since it requires more
sophisticated tools, it is actually not an easy invention. Once it has arrived, it is possible
that the mentioned transportation vehicle's initial attempt will fail and call for a better
setup. That causes humans to consider a solution and is related to the development of

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