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School Camarin High School Grade Level Grade 7

Teacher Genrev C. Garcia Learning Area English

Date March 23, 2023 Quarter 3
Section: Empathy Checked by: Ma’am Mary Jane L.
Efficiency Corañez
Dedication Date checked:

I. Objective
A. A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s
identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and
associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past
perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short
narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings
through various formats; and enriching written and spoken communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive
voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.
C. Learning Competency/ LC code
EN7RC-IV-g10.4 Cite evidence to support a general statement.

II. Content
 Cite Evidence to Support a General Statement
 Using Quotations
III. Learning Resources
A. Reference/s
- Teacher’s Guide
- Learner’s Manual
- Self-Learning Module
B. Other Learning Resource/s
C. Teaching Material  Printed Pictures
 Bond Paper
 Manila Paper
 Chalk
Teaching Strategies
HOTS, Substitution, Inductive and Deductive Method
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Daily Routine
 Prayer and Greetings The mayor will lead the prayer
- Mayor, kindly lead the prayer. Good morning, Sir Genrev, good morning, ma’am
- Good morning, everyone Candice, good morning, ma’am Corañez, its nice to see
you again.

 Classroom Management (The students pick up the pieces of paper and trash under
- Before you take your seats, kindly arrange your the chairs and arrange the chairs properly.
chairs and pick up the pieces of paper under your

 Checking of Attendance -None, Sir!

- Do we have any absents?
A. Reviewing a previous lesson /Presenting new
Let’s have a review of our last topic. What was our last topic -Types of Evidence Sir
all about?
Correct! So, our last discussion is all about Citing Evidence
especially the Types of Evidence.
-They are Quotations, Statistics, Facts, Examples, Maps,
So, what are the types of Evidences? and, Charts.

Very good, everyone! now we are going to start with our

next topic.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

At the end of our lesson, learners should be able to:

 Identify the different types of evidences.
 Extract the main idea from the given text.
 Cite the supporting evidences from the given text
using quotations, and The students will listen attentively.
 Answer the task given with specific details by
differentiating general to specific statements.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

The teacher will present some statements from the famous

people or personalities and the students will try to change it
into cited evidence.

“I shall return” --- Douglas McArthur said that he shall
return. (Students answer may vary)

1. “There is a big possibility that it will rain today.” -

Mang Tani
2. "There was never an us.” - Kathryn Bernardo
3. “Walang himala” -Nora Aunor

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skills # 1

Using QUOTES- How to quote?

1. Find a detail or fact from the text that supports your main
point or main idea. The students will listen attentively to the discussion.
2. Copy the sentence exactly the way it is written in the text.
3. Show that you are using a direct quote by using quotation
marks around the copied words.
4. Provide credit by citing the author or the text.
Cite text evidence to support your answer using a quote
from the text.
1. The author stated …
2. According to the text…
3. Based on the text …
4. The text mentioned that …
5. On page …, the text stated …
6. In the second paragraph, it stated that …
7. An example from the text is …


Quote it:
The country’s contact tracing czar, Baguio City Mayor
Magalong said, "The seriousness of this pandemic is
something that we should not take for granted."

Cite it:
In Metro Manila CNN Philippines news, the country’s
contact tracing czar Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong
said that the seriousness of this pandemic is something that
we should not take for granted.

Paraphrase it:
According to Magalong, the country’s contact tracing czar
of Baguio City said that the seriousness of this pandemic is
something that we should not take for granted.
A. Find evidence in the text to support your answer or point.
¹According to a history book, “Kites were invented in China
about 3,000 years ago.” ²The first kites were made-out of
leaves. ³Over the years, kites have been used in different
ways. 4For the military, they have been used for target
practice, for carrying spies, and for delivering letters. 5Kites
are also used for fishing, for weather forecast and for sea
rescues. 6Kites are still popular today for fun! 7More adults
than children fly them.

1. Which sentence tells when and where kites were

A. The first kites were made-out of leaves.
B. Kites were invented in China about 3,000 years ago.
C. Over the years, kites have been used in different ways.
D. Kites are still popular today for fun! More adults than
children fly them.
I love this sport!
2. Which sentences from the passage above best support this
statement- Kites have been used in different ways. Choose
the correct numbers of sentences.
A. #1 2 3 B. # 2 3 4 C. # 4 5 6 D. # 7 6 1
3. Supposing the point is: The author says, “Computer is a
necessity at my home.” Which of the following evidences or
supports are relevant and which are irrelevant? Write R for
relevant and I for irrelevant.
_____A. Computer facilitates the writing of reports and
other documents.
_____B. A computer enables one to gain access to varied
reading materials.
_____C. Yesterday, I heard that all my friends and
classmates have computers.
_____D. A computer is useful for students and teachers
during pandemic period.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills # 2
F. Developing Mastery

G. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about

the Lesson
To make sure that the lesson is learned, the teacher will call
students to answer and
complete these statements: (Answers may vary)
“I have learned that…”
“Knowing verbal and nonverbal communication is important
To make sure that the lesson is learned, the teacher will call
students to answer and
complete these statements
To make sure that you have learned our lesson, I want you to
complete these statements:
 I have learned that ….
 Knowing the types of evidences is important
H. Evaluating Learning
Now, before we end our discussion. I will give you a 15-
item quiz. You need to choose the correct answer from the
given choices. Write your answer in your notebook.
Answers only. The students will listen attentively to the instructions.

I will give you fifteen minutes to answer.

Directions: Select the best answer to each question by

writing the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.
1. What does cite mean?
A. Analyzing data B. Something I can see
C. A place I can go D. Saying what my source or
evidence is
2. Evidence is also known as ____.
A. citing B. proof C. metaphor D. support
3. What is textual evidence?
A. My opinion after reading.
B. A word for word quote from the article/story.
C. Proof from the text to support your answer.
D. Answers B and C.
4. What is an inference?
A. an educated guess B. evidence that supports your
claim The students will write their answers on their notebook.
C. what the story is mostly about
D. having a gut feeling about
5. When answering a question using textual evidence, what
does my support look like?
A. It is a citation. B. It is another answer.
C. It is proof from a text. D. It is a concluding
. 6. What is the definition of support?
A. Back up an answer with details. Prove. Provide
B. Give the short version: main idea + the beginning,
middle, end.
C. Take your best guess on what will happen next.
D. Tell how something happened. Tell the steps.
7. What type of evidence is this? Dr. Cruz stated, "When
students are given healthy options at school, they are more
likely to eat a well-balanced meal."
A. fact B. quote C. statistic D.
8. What does every quote need to have?
A. two sentences B. quotation marks C .capital letter
D. long words that make it sound complex
9. Which sentence is cited correctly?
A. It wasn't me! B. "It wasn't me!"
C. "It wasn't me"! D. "It wasn't me"
10. Why is it important to provide textual evidence?
A. It makes your paragraph longer.
B. It shows that you know what you are talking about.
C. It makes your claim stronger and helps prove your point.
D. It allows reader to get the important facts from the article
without reading the whole thing.
Alternate Response: Write the word TRUE if the statement
is correct, FALSE if it is not correct.
11. It is necessary to put quotations around textual evidence.
12. It is not right to put quotations in our own words.
13. Words, phrases, or sentences from a text that support an
idea is textual evidence.
14. Text analysis is using textual evidence to support an
opinion or ideas based on a text.
15. An article about COVID vaccine is an example of a text

V. Assignment/ Homework

VI. Reflection

A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the

B. Number of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners

D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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