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Role of Electronic Health Record (HER) in supporting evidence-based practice in clinical decision

Evidence-based practice is the use of the best available evidence together with the clinicians
expertise and patients values and preferences in making healthcare decisions. Thru HER, it
provides a reliable and comprehensive patient health information in real-time and providers are
given a truly complete data of a patient’s medical history as well as analyze disease conditions
and review important trend comparisons over time thereby helping the clinician to arrive at an
excellent decision making.

Clinical decision support tools are a core component of EHR’s. These tools can alert you to
potential errors, remind you to provide preventive care, help you make diagnosis and assist you with the
treatment plans. So with this decision support tool, in coordination with the EHR’s reliable and
comprehensive patient health information will enhance the quality and safety of patients healthcare.

2. Ethical and legal considerations of EHR implementation in your own organization

Strategies and policies that you can use during implementation to ensure the responsible and
ethical use of EHR systems
In our hospital (District Hospital) we are not yet using the electronic Health records
totally. Paper records are still used.
An EHR is a record of patient’s medical details
In digital format. Although our institution is yet to adopt the EHR fully, we still follow the ethical
and legal considerations of health records which are as follows
1. Privacy and confidentiality
- Patient’s information are released only with patients consent or required by law
2. Security breaches
- This is a threat to patient privacy so records should be kept in a safe place
3. System implementation
- Requires adequate funds and involvement of many individual w/c is the reason
why EHR is not yet implemented in our hospital
4. Data inaccuracies
- This is due to faulty entry into the records (Human error)

In order to ensure the responsible and ethical use of EHR Systems, we should make sure to educate
staff members, only authorized personels should have access to EHR’s, security measures and as
firewalls, antivirus software and intrusion detection software must be included to protect data security
and put up a team to check the accuracy of transferred data into the computer.

3. Concept of EHR and their role in transferring healthcare delivery

Advantage/ Challenges with the adaptation and implementation of EHR systems in your own
Discuss their impact on patient-care and outcomes

EHR is an electronic version of patient’s medical history that is maintained by a provider

over time and may include all of the key administrative clinical data relevant to the person’s care
under a particular provider including demographics, progress notes, problems and medications.
Its concept is to help providers better manage patients and provide healthcare by providing up
to date and complete information about the patient at the point of care. Enabling quick access to
patients records for more coordinated & efficient care.

- Advantages of EHR
a. Convenient management of patient needs
b. Accessible cloud-based system
c. Efficient generation of report and billing processes
d. Compliant to data privacy and security
e. Equipped with regular automated back-up
- Challenges of EHR
a. Costly
b. Require staff training
c. Security risk from cyber attacks

With the readily available, reliable and comprehensive patient health information in
real-time and with the clinical decision support tools as its core component which alerts
clinicians of potential errors, helps in making diagnosis and assists in treatment plans, it provided
a positive impact on patients care with excellent outcomes.

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