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Robotic Surgery Breaking New Ground in helicopter. Though effective in uniform dispersal, this
Cancer Treatment procedure is the root cause of the present malady.
The droplets of the insecticide would have traversed
To create awareness about how robotic surgery
several kilometres beyond the boundary of the
is bringing about a revolution in treating upon
plantation. This would naturally adversely affect
patients suffering from cancer, the Rajiv Gandhi
other life forms, including humans. Thus, aerial
Cancer Institute and Research Centre organised a
spraying has to be abandoned and spraying with hand
seminar on “Robotic surgery is no more a science
machines is more desirable even though it is labour
Dr. Sudhir Rawal said: “With the use of robots
The story of DDT was the wake-up call. Traces
there is enhanced surgical precision, minimal blood
of this compound were noticed even among the
loss, lesser pain, smaller surgical scars, faster recovery
penguins living in the South Pole, where no spray of
and earlier return to work.” He said using a robot
DDT was ever carried out. In other words, the spray
provides 10 times more magnification and a three-
from the habited land mass has crossed the
dimensional view.
continental borders and reached almost the entire
Why Endosulfan, All Insecticides are Poison globe. It has also crossed the placental barrier and
The pathetic plight of the people of Kasaragod new babies are born with DDT contamination. Even
in Kerala, in the wake of the endosulfan fiasco, brings the mother’s milk contains a small dosage of DDT.
into focus an issue which is a ramification of the This is the fate of a chemical thought to be
green revolution. Whatever the technical grounds for marvellous in controlling insects and to have
its acceptance or rejection, the fear engulfing the contributed immensely to the agricultural revolution
minds of people can be removed only if a full-fledged of the 1950s and 1960s.
assurance is given on the complete ban on the Another mode of transport is by water and this
pesticide. may find access to the nearby river. This
Insecticides which kill the worms that destroy contamination will have a deleterious effect on
crops are seldom selective in their action. Most of marine life. Further, bio-magnification to a lethal
them affect other life forms though at a higher dose. dose may take place in the higher life forms. The
An insecticide is basically a poison. By its very mode Minamata disease that occurred in Japan is a standing
of action, a poison is detrimental to all life forms; example of such maladies. In this case, marine
only the dosage to manifest the adverse effects varies. organisms bio-accumulated mercury that causes
Several external agents are continuously nervous diseases. Thus continuous analysis of soil,
destroying the vital molecules in the body of living water and air samples has to be carried out around
forms. But in most cases, especially in higher life the area of insecticide spray to understand the
forms, these are restored through a repair mechanism. imminent impact and retain it within tolerable limits.
When the repair mechanism is weak or not able to Even after a ban on endosulfan, it is necessary to
cope with them, different diseases develop. In resort to other forms of insecticides. Several
Kasaragod, endosulfan was aerially sprayed from a constraints and precautions have to be exercised in
the usage.
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1. Spraying is a technically skilled job and the trigger for 10-20 per cent of the cases, Dr. Kabra
has to be carried out manually by skilled said. CAP is the biggest cause of death in children
personnel on the ground. These personnel worldwide accounting for about 1.5 million children
have to be certified by the Agricultural under five annually. It is particularly rampant in
department. developing countries where the acute respiratory
2. They shall wear special protective clothing infection accounts for 151 of the 156 million global
and respirators. A mere mask is not cases annually. India alone records 43 million cases
enough. a year, Dr. Kabra said.
3. After the spray, the clothing and respirator 20 per cent Increase in Consumption of
have to be cleaned up and stored after Iodised Salt
packing on the farm itself. It is even
desirable to bury the cloth in the Use of adequately iodised salt has increased
plantation itself. by 20 per cent in the rural households as against the
4. The personnel have to be fully last country-wide survey conducted under the
decontaminated (which includes bathing) National Family Health Survey (2005-06). The
before they go home. Children and Iodised Salt Coverage Study 2010, released, suggests
pregnant women at home are likely to be that use of iodised salt in rural India has jumped to
more susceptible to these poisons. 47.3 per cent from 27 per cent.
5. Simultaneous scientific investigations on NACP-VI should not be a Cut-and-paste Job
the flora and fauna around the plantation As joint owners of the national response to
should be carried out throughout the year HIV/AIDS, civil society groups have called upon the
in addition to the analysis of air, water government to take proactive steps to meaningfully
and soil samples. involve civil society in all aspects of
6. Contamination may spread to waterbodies conceptualisation, design, planning and
around the plantation and affect marine implementation of National AIDS Control
life. Land erosion and leaching in the Programme-IV. They also want the National AIDS
sprayed area have to be arrested with Control Organisation (NACO) to put in place
appropriate action. transparent mechanisms to inform civil society of the
7. If any adverse effect is noticed, the process in the run-up to the planning and
insecticide has to be discontinued. It is development of NACP-IV. In a memorandum, the
not necessary to wait until a human civil society organisations have called for
catastrophe of unmanageable magnitude collaboration to ensure that the drafting of NACP-
surfaces to rouse the conscience of IV is transparent, inclusive and participatory. The
society. process of NACP-III conceptualisation, design and
Not only endosulfan, but most other planning has been globally recognised for its
insecticides are poison to all forms of life. inclusivity and transparency and its strategic
Need to Differentiate between Bacterial, integration of human rights in all its aspects, says
Viral forms of CAP Stressed the memorandum. India is on the verge of developing
NACP-IV that will define the national response over
Paediatricians need to differentiate between the next five years. Early indications are that there
bacterial and viral forms of community-acquired are no evident plans for consultation and involvement
pneumonia (CAP) to plan an effective antibiotic of civil society; the lack of transparency in
strategy, S. K. Kabra, Professor, Paediatric constitution of working groups is a case in point.
Pulmonology Division, AIIMS, New Delhi, said. Moreover, there is no indication of wider
It is estimated that bacterial infections account consultation with civil society and community as
for 40-60 per cent of pneumonia and viruses for 40- was the case in the design of NACP-III. This is a
44 per cent of the cases while atypical pathogens are disturbing trend as it ignores what has been learnt

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in the last five years of programming. “NACP-IV has beta lactamase-1), a bacterium with multidrug-
to build on the gains of NACP-III and should not resistant gene, was the newest genetic mechanism.
become a cut-and-paste job of the earlier strategy,” “The reason for the emergence of this
say the civil society groups. mechanism is that there has been a large-scale
At India’s Insistence, Mental Health misuse of antibiotics, resulting in high resistance.
There is need for a more disciplined use. We need
Included as Non-communicable Disease
to preserve the antibiotics available to us.
India achieved a major success on the global International monitoring is necessary,” she said.
platform by pushing for inclusion of mental health The British medical journal The Lancet, in a
in the list of non-communicable diseases. India report in August 2010 said NDM-1 was found in
fought alone to get mental disorders included in the sewage and drinking water samples in Delhi. The
non-communicable diseases (NCDs) list at the just- causes of NDM-1 could also be that there was
concluded first Ministerial Conference on Healthy immunodeficiency among patients, Dr. Bharadwaj
Lifestyles and Non-communicable Disease Control said. “NDM-1 can be treated with the anti-bacterial
in Moscow. The principal non-communicable drug, Colistin, which is very expensive.”
diseases are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,
cancers and chronic respiratory diseases, which are Mixed Stem Cell Transplant done Successfully,
the leading causes of preventable morbidity and Claims Institute
disability, and currently cause over 60 per cent of A Kolkata-based cancer research institute
global deaths, 80 per cent of which occur in claimed that it had carried out the country’s first
developing countries. By 2030, the NCDs are successful mixed stem cell transplant on a five-year-
estimated to contribute to 75 per cent of global old boy suffering from HbE-Beta Thalassemia. A
deaths. Pleading for its case, India argued that “like mixture of cord blood and bone marrow cells
all non-communicable diseases, mental disorders collected from the boy’s younger sister was
required long term treatment and affected the quality transplanted to his body, it said.
of life.” The feat assumes greater significance in the
Global Agenda light of the fact that the transplant could be
successfully done even as the blood groups of the
Mental disorders will now form part of the
siblings were dissimilar, according to researchers at
global agenda and get attention. It will also be
the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Cancer Research
brought up at the World Health Assembly in Geneva
later this month, and at the United Nations Summit Institute and stem-cell bank CordLife.
on Non-Communicable Diseases. India is also Draft Policy wants Centre to take over UIP
working towards framing a mental health policy Warning of the risks involved in totally
based on internationally-accepted guidelines. depending on external sources for funding the
Superbug NDM-I, a Result of Misuse of country’s Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP),
Antibiotics the draft National Vaccine Policy has recommended
that the government take ownership of the
A recent survey in the Sassoon Hospital showed programme for ensuring vaccine security and equity
that 20 out of 3,172 patients were carrying the by creating fiscal and legislative provisions with
superbug, NDM-1 gene. Sixty-six per cent of the appropriate support from external donors. The draft
patients also showed multidrug resistance. While it policy says that as such funding depends heavily upon
is not a cause for immediate worry, experts say, the donor countries and the UIP has yet to recoup from
high level of resistance to drugs could mean that soon the impact of the recent global financial crisis. It is
there will be no antibiotics which can fight diseases. important that India creates and strengthens its own
Renu Bharadwaj, Dean of the BJ Medical mechanisms and systems for long-term sustenance
College which conducted the study on the 3,172 of programmes for vaccine-preventable diseases. The
patients over two months, said many such UIP targets 2.7 crore infants and 3 crore pregnant
‘superbugs’ existed and NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo-
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women annually. It is one of the largest programmes radio frequency electro-magnetic fields such as those
in the world. The country also has a vaccine industry emitted by wireless communication devices.
that caters to 43 per cent of the Expanded Programme Now a study conducted by WHO and the
for Immunisation vaccines as well as some of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
new vaccines purchased by Global alliance for has placed cell phones on a par with the carcinogenic
Vaccines and Immunisation. Thirty-five per cent of hazards category as lead, engine exhaust and
the country’s population buys the vaccines through chloroform. The type of radiation coming out of a
the private market. Recommending changes in the mobile phone is called non-ionizing. It is not like
existing immunisation schedule to accommodate an X-ray, but more like a very low-powered
new vaccines and for broader utilisation of some microwave oven. Results from the largest
vaccines or changing the number of doses, the international study on cell phones and cancer was
proposed policy draws attention towards the shortage released in 2010. It showed participants in the study
of trained manpower to manage the UIP at the Centre who used a cell phone for 10 years or more had
and State levels, disease surveillance and doubled the rate of glioma. To date, there have been
procurement and effective vaccine management. no long-term studies on the effects of cell phone use
A Litchi a Day to Keep the Doctor Away among children.
A new research paper has claimed that litchi No Need to Panic over WHO Report on
is not just a rich source of vitamins and minerals but Mobiles: ICMR
a powerful antioxidant as well and could be a A day after the World Health Organisation
panacea for various ailments. Scientists from the (WHO) warned of the possibility of mobile phone
National Research Centre for Litchi, Muzaffarpur, in handsets causing cancer, the Indian Council of
Bihar, says the fruit contains Vitamin K, Vitamin B6 Medical Research (ICMR) said that there was “no
and more Vitamin C than citrus fruits. “Minerals like reason to panic” as a study conducted in the Western
magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus and countries could not be extrapolated on the Indian
potassium are abundant in Litchi. It is low in sodium, population.
saturated fat and cholesterol. They are also purported “The people are genetically different, the
to have some anti-inflammatory properties, aid in technology in India is different, so are the
gastrointestinal health and have as much fibre as an environmental conditions,” R.S. Sharma, a senior
apple,” it said. Scientists have also found that other scientist of the ICMR and chief coordinator of the
parts of the fruit like the seed, root, bark and flowers ICMR’s study on health impacts of radiation from
could also be used for various medicinal purposes. - mobile phone towers and cellular phones, said
PTI India now follows the WHO-approved
Cell Phone Radiation Possibly Cancerous: International Commission on Non-ionising
WHO Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines. But
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and
Confirming the worst fears of mobile phone
Russia have adopted stricter guidelines. Though the
users all over the world, the World Health
Department of Telecommunications has fixed Rs. 5
Organisation (WHO) has warned that radiation from
lakh in penalty for each mobile phone tower emitting
cell phones is possibly cancerous. It has classified
radiation above the prescribed norms, it has failed
the radio frequency electro-magnetic fields as
to implement these guidelines.
“possibly carcinogenic to humans, based on an
increased risk for glioma – a malignant type of brain New Molecule may
cancer – associated with wireless phone use”. The Lead to Better Drug for TB
number of mobile phone users globally is estimated Scientists at the Tuberculosis Research Centre
to be 5 billion and over the past few years there has (TRC) have hit upon a new molecule with anti-
been mounting concern about the possibility of bacterial and anti-viral properties that could
adverse health effects resulting from exposure to potentially lead to a better drug for the treatment of

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TB and common HIV sub-types. The team at TRC orphaned children. Koraput district in Orissa has the
extracted the molecule, Transitmycin, from the highest child vulnerability index followed by
marine microorganism Streptomyces sp. isolated Balaghat district in Madhya Pradesh and Godda,
from a soil sample off the Rameswaram coral reef. Giridih and Pakur in Jharkhand. Vulnerable children
The brominated and pigmented (yellow) are defined as ones most likely to lose parental care
antibiotic was found effective during in vitro tests and support due to reasons like poverty, social unrest,
against dormant and active forms of Mycobacterium HIV/AIDS and disability. The child vulnerability
tuberculosis — the pathogen that triggers one of the index was arrived at after an analysis based on the
leading infectious diseases worldwide. The most common causes of child vulnerability. Five
Transitmycin molecule also exhibited promising hundred and ninety-three districts in the country were
inhibiting capability against certain common HIV ranked on the basis of key variables like HIV/AIDS,
sub types such as clade B and C (HIV clade C is the social unrest and poverty. The sum index value
most common HIV strain in India) and pathogens determined the degree of child vulnerability for each
such as E. Coli and Staphylococcus aureus. district. The estimate was arrived at on the basis of
Now, Contraceptives on the Doorstep the Census and population projection data.
To encourage the use of spacing methods by Report Sought on Genitoplasty Cases
young women, the Centre proposes to provide Taking cognisance of a newspaper report about
contraceptives on their doorstep. Accredited Social several hospitals and clinics in Indore performing
Health Activists (ASHAs) will be given monetary surgeries on baby girls to change their sex, the
incentives for motivation, follow-up and retention National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
of Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs) and for supplying (NCPCR) has asked the State government to
oral and emergency contraceptive pills to prevent undertake an investigation with a team of doctors,
unwanted pregnancies. If the client retains the IUD known for high professional competence and ethical
at the end of 12 months from the date of insertion, standards.
the AHSA will be given Rs.100 in a lump sum. The Commission has sought a detailed report
Statistics show there has been no increase in within 15 days, giving facts, figures and
the acceptance of IUDs in the country over the years. circumstances of the cases, list of doctors/hospitals
Lack of follow-up care after insertion, lack of practising genitoplasty and action taken or
screening facility to prevent reproductive tract contemplated against them.
infections and technical incompetence in IUD India has to Play a Critical Role in HIV
insertion are held responsible for the unpopularity Prevention, says UNAIDS Official
of IUDs. Often, complaints of spotting and lower-
back pain after insertion have forced women to get The world can achieve the vision of ‘zero new
the IUD removed rather than suffer the side-effects. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infections,
The scheme, expected to cost Rs.6 crore zero instance of stigma and discrimination, and zero
annually, will be rolled out across the country. The AIDS-related deaths’ if India plays a critical role in
acceptance of the IUDs, irrespective of their Total bringing about this transformation, domestically and
Fertility Rates (TFR), is poor in all States. on the world stage, Michel Sidibe, Executive Director
of UNAIDS (a joint United Nations programme on
Orissa’s Koraput District has Highest Child HIV/AIDS) has said. The world’s 86 per cent of HIV-
Vulnerability Index infected population in low and middle-income
Nearly 100 districts across the country have countries are now being treated for HIV with generic
been listed as child-vulnerable areas wherein children drugs manufactured in India. Reminding of the
are at a high risk of losing parental care and getting International AIDS Conference in Vancouver in
exposed to difficult circumstances, according to a 1996, where India was branded the future AIDS
new survey conducted by SOS Children’s Villages capital of the world, with infection levels projected
of India, a non-government organisation that helps to reach 20 million people living with HIV by 2010,

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Mr. Sidibe said India had reduced the rate of new through to policy advice on bulk water supply and
infection by 50 per cent. He also asked India to reduce the implications of climate change. The last edition
its dependence on external funding which often made was released in 2004.
good programmes vulnerable. The new edition is based on the latest scientific
PM for Multi-sectoral Approach to Tackle evidence and includes hundreds of risk assessments
on specific waterborne hazards. It is estimated that
two million people die from waterborne diseases and
Calling for a multi-sectoral approach to billions more suffer illness around the world, and
respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Prime Minister most of them are children under five. Much of this
Manmohan Singh said there should be greater is preventable, the WHO said.
integration of resources in dealing with the problem.
“Linkages should be made between the HIV/AIDS
Impressive Drop in Maternal, Infant
programme and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Mortality Rates
Employment Guarantee Programme to facilitate India has impressively brought down its
employment of HIV-positive persons. Nutritional maternal and infant mortality rates, an indication that
needs of HIV-positive people, especially women and it is close to achieving the Millennium Development
children should be tackled by linking them with the Goals (MDGs) set by the United Nations though the
Integrated Child Development Scheme and other total fertility rate (TFR) has remained static after
developmental programmes,” he said. showing a decline during the past few years.
The larger health system should also contribute The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) — number
to providing a wider platform for greater reach of the of women dying due to maternal causes per 1,00,000
HIV/AIDS programme. All healthcare providers, livebirths — came down to 212 (2007-09) from 254
including ASHAs, should be involved in this gigantic in 2004-06. The MDG target for India is to bring
task. Primary and community health centres should down maternal deaths to 109 by 2015. Similarly, the
be made fully capable of providing treatment for infant mortality rate (IMR) — the number of infant
opportunistic infection, the Prime Minister said. deaths per 1,000 livebirths — has registered a 3 point
WHO Releases New Guidelines on decline at 50 from 53 in 2008, though every sixth
death in the country is of an infant. The mortality
Drinking Water Quality
rate of girls is higher than boys, indicating a
The World Health Organisation (WHO) “worrisome trend” for the government.
launched an updated edition of drinking water The under 5 mortality rate (U5MR), denoting
guidelines on July 4 to push water suppliers to the number of children aged 0-4 years declined by 5
systematically manage the potential risk of points over 2008 to touch 64 in 2009 as against 69
contaminants entering water, from the catchment to in 2008. However, the average number of children
the consumer. Launched at the Singapore born to a woman during her entire reproductive
International Water Week. “Countries have an period or the total fertility rate (TFR) remained
opportunity to make substantial public health unchanged at 2.6 during 2008-2009.
progress by setting and applying effective and The maximum infant mortality rate has been
appropriate standards for ensuring safe water,” said reported from Madhya Pradesh (67) as against the
Maria Neira, WHO Director of Public Environment national average of 50, while Kerala, again, is among
and Health. The guidelines, which have been the the earliest to achieve the MDG target of 28, well
most authoritative framework on drinking-water ahead of the set date. Kerala’s IMR is 12, with Tamil
quality and often form the basis for national laws Nadu just at 28. While Delhi is at 33, Maharashtra
and regulations, require “a paradigm shift in drinking- at 31 and West Bengal at 33 are within the reaching
water management for many countries,” the WHO distance. The TFR for the country remained constant
said. They contain comprehensive good practice at 2.6 during 2008-09 with Bihar reporting the
recommendations for the first time at different levels, highest rate at 3.9, while Kerala and Tamil Nadu
from household rainwater harvesting and safe storage continued their outstanding performance with the

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lowest rate at 1.7. A TFR level of 2.1 has been be a tool to identify people at high risk of diabetes,
attained by nine States and Union Territories, with a study from Chennai has shown that the test was
Andhra Pradesh at 1.9, Karnataka (2.0), Kerala (1.7), highly predictive of future diabetes in Asian Indian
Maharashtra (1.9), Punjab (1.9), Tamil Nadu (1.7) subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).
and West Bengal (1.9). At present, on average, a rural The study by A.Ramachandran et al, published
woman, (having a TFR of 2.9) at the national level, in Diabetic Medicine, concluded that HbA1c could
would have about one child more than an urban show who among the pre-diabetics would go on to
woman (having a TFR of 2.0). A uniform decline of develop diabetes later. A.Ramachandran, founder,
about 5 points is seen in the male and female under India Diabetes Research Foundation, and
5 mortality rate, with the maximum reported from A.Ramachandran’s Diabetes Hospital, explains that
Madhya Pradesh (89) and the minimum in Kerala about 55 per cent of pre-diabetics (or IGT) in the
(14). As of now Kerala, Tamil Nadu (33), Maharashtra Indian population go on to develop diabetes in the
(36), Delhi (37) and West Bengal (40) have achieved next three years. “The HbA1c will tell you which of
the MDG target of 42 set for 2015. the 55 per cent will go on from pre-diabetes to
$1 b. World Bank Credit for Rural diabetes,” he says.
While the oral glucose tolerance test continues
Livelihood Mission
to be the gold standard for detecting diabetes, the
The World Bank has approved $1 billion as American Diabetes Association had recently
credit for the recently reframed National Rural recommended HbA1c testing for the diagnosis and
Livelihood Mission (NRLM), a Centrally-launched monitoring of diabetes, along with the existing
programme that seeks to improve livelihood diagnostic criteria including fasting plasma glucose,
prospects in the country’s rural economy. and the oral glucose tolerance test.
The World Bank intends to support specific Among medical practitioners in the U.S., the
additional investments in 12 States, which have a HbA1c is seen as having advantages over the oral
high number of poor people. Bihar, Chhattisgarh, glucose tolerance test, which is painful (since it
Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, involves consuming a glucose solution) and time-
Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar consuming for patients, he says. Besides, the time
Pradesh and West Bengal have the highest number spent at a hospital for the GTT is seen as having an
of absolute poor and account for almost 85 per cent impact on indirect costs for the patients. The HbA1c
of India’s rural poor, according to the World Bank. on the other hand requires only blood from the vein,
The organisation stressed that its project would and takes lesser time. However, laboratory tests can
help the NRLM scale up the successes of past be expensive and the measurement of HbA1c is not
initiatives to other lagging regions of the country. The standardised, like many other values, in Indian labs,
World Bank has supported other such projects in Dr. Ramachandran points out.
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan
and Tamil Nadu, and has mobilised some 35 million
Newborn Deaths Account for 41% of Child
rural poor since 2000. The World Bank claimed that Mortality
its projects had so far resulted in household savings Increased global focus on maternal and child
in excess of $1 billion and that self-help groups had health too often overlooks newborn deaths, which
leveraged credit worth nearly $7.5 billion from account for 41 per cent of child deaths, according
commercial banks, and had achieved an annual to a new study published in the medical journal PLoS
turnover of $500 million through the collective Medicine . India has the greatest number of newborn
marketing of farm and non-farm produce. deaths — more than 9 lakh a year. Just five countries
now account for more than half of the world’s 3.3
HbA1c Test Highly Predictive of Future million newborn deaths — India, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Diabetes in Asian Indian Subjects: Expert China and Democratic Republic of Congo.
Even as the world debates over whether the Each year 3.3 million babies still die in the first
three-month average of blood sugar (HbA1c) could four weeks of life — despite the existence of proven,

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cost-effective interventions that could save these Committee recommendations of 1946 — which
newborns, said the study’s co-author, Dr. Joy Lawn relate to ways and means of building a public-funded
of Save the Children’s ‘Saving Newborn Lives’ allopathic health system for the entire population —
programme. While the United Nations reports indicates the low priority given to public health in
annually on deaths of children under ages 5 and 1 policy. The consequence of this disastrous neglect
years, estimates for newborn deaths are released only is that Indians have among the highest out-of-pocket
occasionally. expenditures on health anywhere. The Planning
Free Services for Pregnant Women Commission is now considering a universal health
insurance scheme. The goal is laudable but the
To increase institutional deliveries in both rural premise is wrong. As the workshop of the Kolkata
and urban areas of the State, the Government has Group chaired by Amartya Sen pointed out in
issued an order to provide free and cashless medical February 2011, influential policymakers seem to
services to pregnant women at government health think that private health care with proper subsidies
institutions. The services include normal deliveries, or private health insurance subsidised by the state
Caesarean sections and treatment for babies up to can meet the challenge. This is unlikely to happen
30 days after they are born. because of the asymmetry of information between
The facilities will be provided for pregnant providers and users, and the absence of patient
women from both above and below the poverty line, empowerment. Moreover, costs and quality of care
at government-run hospitals across the State and are poorly regulated. If the central government is
government hospitals attached to medical colleges. sincere about building a strong health care system
The healthcare would be provided under the Janani- during the 12 {+t} {+h} Five Year Plan (2012-17),
Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) scheme. it must accept the primacy of public-funded
National Rural Health Mission “A Minor provision, invest heavily in both preventive and
Success” curative spheres, and introduce strong regulation.
The High Level Expert Group on Universal
An official review of the Union Government’s Health Coverage headed by K. Srinath Reddy has the
ambitious National Rural Health Mission has important task of prioritising the initiatives to be
described it as a “minor success”, adding that the taken up during the 12 {+t} {+h} Plan. Universal
results have been heartening compared to past health insurance is one stated goal. Here it is relevant
experience in public health programmes. If this to point out that some classes of citizens, such as
promising programme is not to splutter to a stop, a children, the elderly, and women, can be
renewed commitment for at least another period of comprehensively insured first. By focussing on these
seven years is essential, it says. vulnerable groups, the National Rural Health
A report on “The National Rural Health Mission can take on an expanded role while new
Mission: Performance and Prognosis” by former urban schemes can be launched to cut out-of-pocket
Union Health Secretary Javid A. Chowdhury says the expenditure substantially. There is also a felt need
Mission’s programmed outcomes have not been for oversight in the case of private health care
achieved, but in the past no other State programme providers. In the absence of benchmarking and
in the health sector has achieved such radical and scrutiny, hospital costs have hit patients hard. It is
significant outcomes, even though the achievement worth pointing out that the Affordable Care Act
is short of what was envisaged. The report has been enacted last year in the United States emphasises
brought out by the National Institute of Health and patient rights through special provisions and
Family Welfare. mandates the spending of 85 per cent of large insurer
Funding Health Care premiums on actual care to prevent diversion to
Rising India’s lack of progress towards administrative overheads, salaries, and executive
provision of universal, equitable health care for its bonuses. Additionally in India, non-profit initiatives
people is distressing. The sidelining of the Bhore in health care can be invited to play a bigger role.

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Raising public expenditure on health to 2.5 per cent Hoffmann identified receptor proteins that trigger the
of GDP by the end of the 12 {+t} {+h} Plan will molecular cascade which is the innate immune
be a start; it needs to rise progressively. A cess to system. This defence is a generalised call to arms,
fund health care can scale up the effort rapidly. mustering platoons of immune cells to initiate
Three immune pioneers share Medicine inflammation, a chemical process that seeks to
establish a physical barrier against penetration beyond
the microbe’s entry point. The next line of defence,
For centuries, physicians believed that diseases the innate system, is slower to respond but more
were caused by an imbalance in the “four humours” adaptive. It teaches immune cells through a process
— blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. These called antigen presentation to recognise and
notions were swept away in the 19th century by the remember the specific intruder for future alerts.
advent of modern medicine. Bit by bit, it laid bare a
realm of microscopic warfare where the body’s
India leads in rotavirus infection deaths:
complex — but also sometimes flawed — defence Lancet
fought in close-quarter combat against germs and Close to one lakh children below the age of
viruses. The 2011 Nobel Prize for Medicine was five years died of diarrhoea attributable to rotavirus
awarded to three scientists who have done more than infection in 2008, accounting for 22 per cent of the
anyone to lay bare the two-tier structure of the total deaths reported globally, reports the latest
immune system. edition of the Lancet Infection Diseases magazine.
They are Bruce Beutler of the U.S., Jules Diarrhoea related with the rotavirus infection
Hoffmann, born in Luxembourg but a naturalised resulted in 453,000 deaths worldwide in 2008 among
French citizen, and Ralph Steinman of Canada. children younger than five years—37 per cent of
Working separately, they discovered key secrets in deaths attributable to diarrhoea with five countries
“innate’ immunity, our first-line response to accounting for more than half of all deaths
pathogens, and its dovetailing with the second-line attributable to such infection: Democratic Republic
defence known as “adaptive”, or acquired, immunity. of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.
Their achievements are central to vaccine Introduction of effective and available rotavirus
development, which depends on priming the vaccines in other countries, mostly middle-income
immune system to target pathogens, and to new or poorer, could substantially reduce worldwide
treatments against cancer, a process in which deaths attributable to diarrhoea, the paper has
tumorous cells proliferate unchecked. “[It’s] very suggested.
important work, which has opened not only our New found Bacteria get Indian
understanding of the immune system but also led to
some practical new ways to target immune responses,
including more potent vaccines,” said Seth Berkley, Named in honour of the country, the imposing
head of the GAVI Alliance, which promotes Himalayas, Aryabhatta and the icy continent of
immunisation in poor countries. Antarctica, these are among the 70 bacteria
In a case with few parallels in medical history, discovered from diverse habitats ranging from the
cold regions of Antarctica, Arctic, stratosphere and
Mr. Steinman harnessed this knowledge to design an
ancient Lonar lake (in Maharashtra) that was formed
experimental drug to treat his own pancreatic cancer, when a meteorite hit the earth millions of years ago
said Rockefeller University in New York. Mr. and the deep sea. Led by Dr. S. Shivaji, Director-grade
Steinman died on Friday at 68, just three days before scientist from the Centre for Cellular and Molecular
the announcement. But the drug extended his life Biology (CCMB), the researchers have discovered
by four years after diagnosis, beating the odds for a these bacteria over the past decade, including five
disease where patients often die within months. The this year. The majority of the microbes, however,
immune system can be described as an intricate and were from the cold habitats and are considered
dynamic network of millions upon millions of cells, unique because of their ability to survive at
each with their speciality. Mr. Beutler and Mr. temperatures below the freezing point of water.

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Excellent Model Systems the survivors about 30-40 per cent suffer from physical
With their ability to survive, grow and divide and mental impairment. Between 70 and 75 per cent
in freezing climes, these psychrophilic or cold-loving of the cases are from Uttar Pradesh. The GoM was
bacteria serve as excellent model systems to in agreement on the issue that a “multi-pronged
understand molecular basis for cold adaptation. strategy encompassing prevention, case management
They could be used to generate as enzymes or and rehabilitation measures are needed to deal with
bio-molecules with application in biotech industry, it.’’ This could be implemented only through the
medicine and agriculture. For instance, in the pharma active engagement of various Ministries.
industry such enzymes could help in cost-cutting, BioAsia-2012 to focus on Vaccines, IPR,
and in agriculture, the low-temperature growing CROs and Investments
bacteria, when added to soil, have shown improved
yields of plants growing in cold regions. The ninth edition of the annual global event,
‘BioAsia-2012’ held in Hyderabad. It is set to focus
Anaemia is per se not a on vaccines, Intellectual Property Rights, Contract
Disease at All Research Organisation and Investments.
There is a general notion that anaemia is due K.V. Raghavan, vice-president, Federation of
to iron deficiency and this could be remedied by Asian Biotech Association (FABA), told reporters here
taking iron-rich medicines and good quantity of on Monday that already representatives of top 16
greens. But it should not lead to a situation in which MNCs in bio-pharma have confirmed their
the anaemic patients would resort to self-medication. participation. More business support elements like
Caution ought to be taken that if the iron level workshops, company presentations, luncheons and
exceeds the permitted limit it might result in poor BioBazaar would be part of ‘BioAsia 2012’. For the
health conditions. first time, Sri Lanka would participate as a ‘partner
hesaid that anaemia was a manifestation of a country’.
disease and not a disease per se. Anaemia was In another new initiative, the organisers have
defined as a low level of haemoglobin in red blood decided to sponsor the visit of top regulator in the
cell. Three major causes of anaemia were iron life-science field from SAARC countries like Nepal,
deficiency, malaria and helminthes infections. Maldives and Bangladesh.
Multi-pronged Approach to Contain Strong Reactions against Halting of Global
Encephalitis Fund Flow
Concerned over the high mortality and Health activists have reacted strongly to the
morbidity because of Japanese encephalitis (JE) and decision of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
acute encephalitis syndrome (AES), the Group of Tuberculosis and Malaria to cancel new grants to the
Ministers (GoM) held its first meeting here to discuss three pandemics until 2014. The decision was taken
short, medium and long-term measures needed to at the 25 {+t} {+h} Board of the Global Fund as a
deal with the disease. Already 861 lives have been consequence of donor governments’ failure to fulfil
lost to the disease – with over 470 in eastern Uttar their financial pledges to the Global Fund. This will
Pradesh alone. The disease has been reported from impact funding of AIDS, TB and Malaria programs
the national capital for the first time with the Ministry in over 140 countries immediately. The Global Fund
of Health and Family Welfare confirming five cases cancelled applications for the 11 {+t} {+t} {+h}
of JE/AES. round of funding that would have provided money
The GoM, constituted, agreed to involve the for 2011-2013. The Board also announced it did not
Ministries of Human Resource Development and have the cash on hand to fund some previously
Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (HUPA) to approved grants. This financing shortfall has created
tackle the disease, which has become an annual affair an emergency in the international fight against HIV/
in Poorvanchal since 2005. AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria—the world’s three
The disease affects mostly children below the leading infectious disease killers.
age of 15 years, of which 25 per cent die, and among

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Largest International Financier infected with HIV in Asia in 2010 were considerably
The Global Fund is the world’s largest fewer than the 4,50,000 estimated for 2001.
international financier of programs to treat TB and Pentavalent vaccine to be Launched in State
Malaria, and the second largest for HIV/AIDS. January from December 14
2012 is the 10 {+t} {+h} anniversary of the Fund’s
existence. So far India has been allocated just over a Kerala will become the first State in the country
billion dollars in grants. A total of US $658,768,825 to roll out pentavalent vaccine as part of the
has already been disbursed between 2004 and 2010 Universal Immunisation Programme on December
to Indian grantees. “This step takes place even as the 14. The Union Health Ministry is rolling out the
recently released UNAIDS World AIDS Report 2011 pentavalent vaccine, which introduces the vaccine
outlined steadily declining rates of HIV infections. against Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib)
In India new HIV infections fell by 56 per cent infection in the national immunisation schedule for
between 1996 and 2010,’’ said John Mathai, infants for the first time, only in Kerala and Tamil
Country Director, Global Health Advocates India (an Nadu in the first phase. Tamil Nadu is expected to
NGO that works towards the formulation and launch the vaccine on December 17. The pentavalent
implementation of effective public policies to fight vaccine is a conjugate vaccine which combines the
disease and ill-health in India). antigens against five infections — Diphtheria,
He said this funding gap would affect TB Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT), hepatitis B and Hib —
programs in Odisha, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh in a single shot
where large successful programs have been run using The National Technical Advisory Group on
this mechanism, and will cause the National TB Immunisation in 2008 itself had recommended that
Control effort to suffer, along with the HIV/AIDS and Hib vaccine be introduced as pentavalent vaccine in
Malaria programs. the UIP because of the high mortality due to
Half of HIV Patients in meningitis and pneumonia caused by Hib infection.
Asia live in India It suggested that that as two States with excellent
immunisation coverage and good vaccine delivery
India houses half of Asia’s HIV patients and system, the vaccine be introduced in Kerala and
is way ahead of China in disease burden. It also finds Tamil Nadu first.
a place in the list of 22 countries prioritised for
preventing mother to child transmission infection, New Treatment for Elephantiasis
according to the latest UNAIDS report, drafted jointly A team of doctors from the Institute of Applied
with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Dermatology (IAD) in Kasaragod, Kerala, has come
and the World Health Organisation (WHO). out with a successful treatment for elephantiasis
About 48 lakh people were living with HIV (filarial lymphoedema) by integrating allopathy with
in Asia in 2010 and nearly half of them – 49 per ayurveda and yoga. The pilot project, sanctioned by
cent to be precise – are in India, says the report the Centre in Gulbarga and in Alappuzha district in
released on the eve of World AIDS Day. The Kerala, focussed on providing free treatment for 1,000
percentage of pregnant women who tested positive poor patients in 18 months. The International
for HIV infection in India also rose from 2 per cent Lymphoedema Congress in London had awarded
in 2005 t0 23 per cent in 2010. Seven Asian Excellence in Lymphoedema Care Award 2009 to
countries report an estimated 100,000 or more IAD.
people living with HIV in 2009, collectively India source for U.S. Execution Drug?
accounting for more than 90 per cent of people with
HIV in the region. India tops the list followed by When Indian pharmaceutical company Kayem
China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and dispatched stocks of sodium thiopental to the U.S.
Vietnam, though the highest prevalence rate, one per early this year, they thought it was a golden chance
cent, was observed only in Thailand. In Asia, the rate to bring in good business and build a reputation.
of HIV transmission appears to be slowing down. What came, instead, was, in the company’s words,
The estimated 3,60,000 people who were newly “a bouncer.” Little did Kayem know that the drug
they so eagerly parcelled off to the U.S. was being
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injected into prisoners on death row for their disease reported for the first time — the National
execution in the prisons of Nebraska and South Commission for Protection of Child Rights has
Dakota. The truth about the use of sodium thiopental recommended that Japanese encephalitis vaccination
for non-medicinal purposes was uncovered by Maya be included in the national immunisation
Foa, investigator from a U.K. legal NGO ‘Reprieve’. programme and an eradication programme launched
“The medicine is being used in large parts of nationwide against Japanese encephalitis and acute
the world for medicinal purposes, but in the U.S. it encephalitis syndrome.
is being diverted for executions,” Ms. Foa told a press A team of the child rights panel, headed by
conference recently in the city. This “misuse” of the commission member Yogesh Dube, visited
drug, its shortage in the U.S. and attempts by the Gorakhpur, Kushinagar and Deoria districts in Uttar
country to obtain the drug from various European Pradesh, the worst-affected by Japanese encephalitis
nations has given rise to a body of controversy that and acute encephalitis syndrome.
soon threatens to engulf the Indian pharmaceutical Health Regulatory Bill Tabled in Rajya
industry, Ms. Foa pointed out.
It’s a Considered Decision on Pentavalent
A Bill for regulation of standards of health
Vaccine education, and determination, maintenance,
The government said non-availability of the coordination and promotion of human resources in
pentavalent vaccine in the public health programme the country’s health sector was tabled in the Rajya
had equity implications for the poor who could not Sabha. The National Commission for Human
afford the vaccine in the private sector. Resources for Health Bill, 2011 seeks to establish
Seeking to put at rest doubts raised by a section the National Commission for Human Resources for
of society over the utility of the pentavalent vaccine Health, which will also regulate professional councils
in the universal immunisation programme — in various disciplines of health sector.
launched in Kerala — the Ministry of Health and Introduced by Union Health and Family
Family Welfare said pentavalent was available in the Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, the Bill
private market for over a decade now with three proposes to replace independent regulatory bodies
Indian manufacturers producing it. such as the Medical Council of India (MCI), Dental
The pentavalent vaccine contains five antigens Council of India (DCI), Pharmacy Council of India
— Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and and Nursing Council of India with new national
Hib—with Hib being the new addition to the councils, including a Paramedical Council.
immunisation programme. The Hib vaccine is The Bill seeks to consolidate the law in certain
available in both monovalent and combined disciplines of health sector and promote human
formulations. India becomes the 171st country to resources in that sector and provide for mechanism
introduce vaccination against Hib with the United for the determination, maintenance, coordination
States and Finland starting it in the early 1990s. and regulation of standards of health education
The pentavalent formulation has several throughout the country. It would also be the task of
programmatic advantages as it halves the number of the Commission to ensure effective use of linkages
injections per child and reduces the requirement of in the entire health system.
cold chain storage space, besides the ease of Council on Declining Child Sex Ratio
management of logistics and data. Hib infection
causes pneumonia and meningitis that kill close to Formed
5 lakh children every year in India. Meningitis can Alarmed over the declining child sex ratio
also result in crippling disabilities. across the country, the Union government has set up
a Sectoral Innovation Council to look into the entire
Panel wants Japanese Encephalitis vaccine gamut of issues connected with the sharp drop in
in Immunisation Programme the number of girls per thousand boys in the ages of
0-6. The council will identify interventions that have
Even as New Delhi grappled with the worked and those which did not and also suggest
increasing incidence of Japanese encephalitis — a innovative strategies, approaches and methods of

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interference to address the problem in a time-bound strains of the virus, can be a bit like riding a tiger.
and effective manner. Discontinuing them, without risking a resurgence of
The Census 2011 has shown a sharp decline polio that would undo all that has been achieved, is
in the child sex ratio, compared to the previous going to be a tricky exercise. The endgame for
census. It has declined to 914 in 2011 from 927 in complete polio eradication could well involve
2001 and has been continuing unabated since 1961 incorporating the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV),
despite improvements in other social indicators such which must be administered as an injection, into the
as literacy, gender gap in effective literacy rate, and immunisation programme.
the overall sex ratio. The decline in the child sex ratio Massive Coverage
has spread to 22 States and 5 Union Territories, with
the highest decline in Jammu and Kashmir. With the oral vaccine, two drops help raise the
immunity of children who receive it. The ease of
Infant Mortality Rate on Decline administration meant that gigantic mass
The infant mortality rate (IMR) has shown a 3 immunisation campaigns could be carried out. In
point decline, dropping from 50 deaths per 1,000 India, each round of national immunisation had,
live births to 47 and moving a step closer to achieving according to the Union Health Ministry, 24 lakh
the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) target vaccinators under 1.5 lakh supervisors visiting over
of 30. However, IMR increased by one point in 20 crore households to ensure that the nearly 17.2
Kerala, Mizoram and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. crore children under 5 received the vaccine. Other
According to the latest Sample Registration System teams immunised children at railway stations, bus
(SRS), conducted by the Registrar-General of India, stands, construction sites and in market areas.
the two worst performing States — Madhya Pradesh Apart from blocking the polio virus from
and Himachal Pradesh — have shown an impressive invading nerve cells and causing paralysis, the oral
5 point decline. In the former, the figure dropped vaccine, by duplicating a natural infection, is said
from 67 in 2009 to 62 in 2010 and in the latter, it to raise immunity in the mucosal lining of the gut.
was from 45 to 40 . That makes it more difficult for the virus to replicate
While the IMR national average is 47, it stands there and spread through faeces to others.
at 51 in the rural areas and 31 in the urban regions. But the oral vaccine has its drawbacks also. In
However, neo-natal deaths continue to be a challenge rare cases, the live but attenuated viral strains in the
where 34 babies are still dying for every 1,000 born. vaccine can themselves cause polio. Moreover, these
The Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram, viruses can revert to virulence, resulting in what are
providing for free transport, food and drugs and known as vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPV). A
diagnostics to all pregnant women and sick high proportion of those immunised with OPV
newborns, would further promote institutional excretes revertant viruses, noted Neal Nathanson of
delivery and eliminate out-of-pocket expenses, which the University of Pennsylvania and Paul Fine of the
act as a barrier to seeking institutional care. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Importantly, the government intended to set up in a commentary published in the journal Science in
facilities such as Special New Born Care Units, New 2002. Significantly, their commentary was titled
Born Stabilisation Units and New Born Baby Corners ‘Poliomyelitis Eradication — A Dangerous Endgame.’
at different levels with at least one at the district While no child in India has been crippled by
level. The mother and child tracking system had a wild polio virus during the past year, the country
evoked a huge response, with 1.32 crore women and saw seven cases of paralysis caused by VDPV during
82.6 lakh children already registered. 2011. Such VDPV can readily circulate and spread.
At present, the intention is to stop immunisation
Challenges of Stopping Oral Polio Vaccines with the oral vaccine globally once the wild polio
With oral vaccines, India appears to have viruses have been eradicated.
achieved what was once thought a Herculean task
— decisively breaking the circulation of wild polio
Make Silicosis Notifiable Disease: NHRC
viruses that paralysed countless children. But the use Taking a serious note of the increasing silicosis-
of oral vaccines, which contain live but weakened related deaths in the country, the National Human

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Rights Commission (NHRC) has recommended that International Canine Congress in Bikaner
silicosis be made a notifiable disease. Once notified, from February 9
all government and private health facilities will have
to report confirmed as well as suspected silicosis An international congress on modern concepts
cases to the government. in canine health and diseases was held in Bikaner in
Silicosis is an incurable lung disease caused Rajasthan. The three-day event, also to coincide with
by inhaling of dust containing free crystalline silica. the IXth annual convention of Indian Society for
The potential victims of silicosis are poor migrant Advancement of Canine Practice, is being hosted by
workers employed in quarries, mines, gem cutting the Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal
and other hazardous occupations such as construction Sciences, Bikaner.
sites, a majority of whom are likely to die for lack Pranab Unveils National Policy on
of specialised treatment. Narcotic Drugs
WHO Meet Adopts Mental Health The Union government unveiled a
Resolution comprehensive policy on narcotic drugs and
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has psychotropic substances, as announced by Finance
adopted a resolution that focuses on the global Minister Pranab Mukherjee during the budget
burden of mental disorders and the need for a presentation last year. The need for such a policy
comprehensive, coordinated response from health assumes significance in the light of the fact that
and social sectors at the country level. United States trafficking in narcotic drugs also contributes to
of America and Switzerland supported the resolution generation of black money in the country.
moved by India at the just-concluded Unveiling the policy, Mr. Mukherjee said the
130{+t}{+h}executive board meeting of the WHO. deleterious effect of black economy, generated in the
This marks the first time in over a decade that the world through drug trafficking, could well be
WHO has, at its highest levels, taken note of this imagined and the money could finance several other
very major public health concern. Mental disorders forms of criminal activity, including terror financing
account for 13 per cent of the global burden of the and other forms of transnational organised crime. The
diseases and, in keeping with the latest thinking, the policy recommends the production of Concentrate
resolution recognises the importance of early of Poppy Straw (CPS) in India by a company or body
identification, care and recovery, the problems of corporate that would enable the country to retain its
stigma, poverty and homelessness and the need for status of a traditional supplier of Opiate Raw
community-based intervention including Material (ORM) to the rest of world, while remaining
deinstitutionalised care. competitive.
India had played a key role in getting mental While the consumption of poppy straw by
disorders included in the non-communicable addicts is to be gradually reduced and finally stopped
diseases (NCDs) list at the first Ministerial in a time frame decided by the States, the policy
Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and Non- emphasises use of satellite imagery for detection of
communicable Disease Control in Moscow last year. illicit poppy and cannabis crop and its subsequent
Pleading for its case, India had argued that “like all eradication and development of alternate means of
non-communicable diseases, mental disorders livelihood in respect of cultivators in pockets of
required long term treatment and affected the quality traditional illicit cultivation.
of life.” India is already working towards framing a Alongside, while the private sector may be
mental health policy based on internationally allowed production of alkaloids from opium — at
accepted guidelines. A 12-member group entrusted present alkaloids from opium are produced only in
with framing the National Mental Health Care Policy Government Opium and Alkaloid Factories (GOAFs)
and Plan will prepare a situational analysis of the — non-intrusive methods of regulating the
need for mental health care, taking into account the manufacture, trade and use of such psychotropic
issues of human resources, essential drug substances will be introduced.
procurement and distribution, advocacy, prevention, The policy attempts to curb the menace of drug
and rehabilitation of patients. abuse and contains provisions for treatment,

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rehabilitation and social re-integration of victims of India has succeeded in eradicating Rinderpest
drug abuse. Implementation of the provisions of the and the Contagious Bovine Pleuro-Pneumonia but
policy will lead to reduction of crime, improvement has fallen behind in controlling FMD due to shortage
in public health and uplifting of the social milieu. of relevant vaccine.
IIL to Develop vaccine for Chikungunya, AYUSH to be Included in National Health
JEV Schemes
Indian Immunologicals Limited (IIL), a leading The Centre is planning to launch a special
vaccine manufacturer, has joined the league of a very scheme for delivery of healthcare services in 100 out
few companies in the world to develop a vaccine of 264 focus districts across the country where the
for Chikungunya, which is currently undergoing pre- health indicators are very low, by integrating
clinical toxicology studies. The IIL is developing the allopathic and other Indian systems of medicine
vaccine for this disease using a virus strain isolated soon. Under the scheme, joint teams of doctors of
by a laboratory in the USA. The company is also allopathy, Ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, Unani,
developing a live vaccine for Japanese Encephalitis Siddha and homoeopathy systems of medicine will
Virus (JEV) for the first time in the country. visit villages frequently to bring about an
Every year, several outbreaks of these diseases improvement in the general health condition of
occur in India, resulting in thousands of cases of people. Modalities were being worked out to include
hospitalisation and innumerable deaths. In 2006, AYUSH systems of medicine in all national health
there was a large outbreak of Chikungunya affecting programmes within two years, he noted.
many States and over 74,000 cases were reported in India no more a Polio-endemic Country:
Tamil Nadu and Orissa. In 2011, Uttar Pradesh
reported over 4,000 cases of JEV with 376 deaths. WHO
India Committed to Controlling Foot and The World Health Organisation (WHO) has
removed India from the list of polio-endemic
Mouth Disease countries, suggesting that the wild polio virus had
India reinforced its commitment to controlling been totally eliminated from the environment. The
the contagious “foot and mouth disease’’ (FMD) in disease paralysed thousands of children every year
cattle as a crucial measure to enhance productivity for several decades. However, India will have to
of the livestock. FMD causes viral fever and it is remain polio free for two more years before it is
accompanied by blisters in the mouth and foot of declared polio-free by the WHO.
the affected animal. If untreated, it may probe to be There were only four countries in the WHO
fatal. The direct economic loss from the disease is endemic list, including Pakistan, Nigeria and
estimated at Rs. 20,000 crore a year. It also affects Afghanistan. India reported its last polio case on
the export potential of the livestock industry. The January 13, 2011 in West Bengal. In 2009, it reported
indirect loss due to decline in the work capacity of 741 polio cases, more than anywhere else in the
the animal, higher incidence of abortions, reduced world. In 2010 only 42 cases were reported against
production of milk from infertility and sterility have 1.5 lakh in 1985. Recounting how India reached the
not even been quantified. first step for becoming a polio-free country, Mr. Azad
“Controlling the disease will help improve the said 27 per cent of the global expenditure on polio
livelihood of small, marginal and resource poor eradication came from the country’s domestic
farmers. It will also help lift the trade barrier with resources. More than 99 per cent coverage of children
countries that are free from the disease,’’ Minister in the two remaining endemic States of Bihar and
of State for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Harish Uttar Pradesh was unprecedented, not witnessed
Rawat said at an international conference on anywhere else in the world on such a large scale.
‘Scientific Developments and Technical Challenges Measles and Neonatal Tetanus, Next Target
in the Progressive Control of FMD,’ organised jointly
by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research and after Polio
the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Emboldened by the remarkable success
Organisation (FAO). achieved in its drive against polio, the government

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will now focus on elimination of measles and The MDR-TB prevalence is estimated to be 2.3
neonatal tetanus in the country. Thousands of per cent among new cases and 12-17 per cent among
children die of these two diseases in India every year. re-treatment cases. However, due to the size of
India has been removed from the list of polio- population and number of TB cases reported
endemic countries by the World Health annually, India ranks second among the 27 MDR-
Organisation (WHO) after it did not report any polio TB high-burden countries worldwide after China.
case for a year. Extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) cases
have also been reported from India, Bangladesh,
NRHM to soon become National Health
Indonesia, Nepal and Thailand from the region.
Mission Considerable efforts are required to expand capacity
The government proposes to convert the for quality-assured drugs susceptibility testing in the
National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) into a region in order to more accurately estimate the extent
National Health Mission to provide health care to of drug-resistant TB. Given the widespread
the urban poor also, in the course of the 12th Plan. availability and use of second-line drugs, and as
Universal access to free generic essential medicines laboratory capacity to conduct second-line drugs
in public health institutions in a phased and time- susceptibility testing increases, additional number
bound manner will be ensured. of patients with XDR-TB are likely to be identified,
Announcing major initiatives to provide the report warns.
universal healthcare, President Pratibha Patil said the The estimated percentage of the MDR in new
government would endeavour to increase both Plan TB cases in India is 2.1 (1.7- 2.5) per cent, while
and Non-Plan public expenditure in the Centre and the percentage of MDR among previously treated
the States taken together to 2.5 per cent of the gross cases was 15 (13 -17) per cent. By the end of 2009,
domestic product by the end of the 12th Plan. treatment services for the MDR-TB patients were
The Infant Mortality Rate declined from 58 per available in sites of ten States. Enforcement of
thousand live births in 2005 to 47 in 2010 and regulations for prescribing and sale of anti-TB drugs,
Maternal Mortality Ratio from 254 per one lakh promoting rational use of first-and second-line anti-
deliveries in 2004-2006 to 212 in 2007-2009. The TB drugs outside the programme to prevent the MDR
Janani Suraksha Yojana registered impressive gains and the XDR-TB are some of the major challenges
with 1.13 crore women benefiting during 2010-11. for India, it says.
Polio has been almost eradicated from the country. The Revised National Tuberculosis Control
The World Health Organisation has decided to take Programme has developed a plan to scale-up
India off the list of countries with active endemic considerably MDR-TB services in order to treat
wild poliovirus transmission. annually at least 30 000 MDR-TB patients in the
Pointing out that in spite of increased country, supported by the Global Fund Round 9 and
investment in the health sector over the last 7 years, the UNITAID to enable a rapid expansion of the
public expenditure on healthcare continues to be MDR-TB services in the next few years. As on
low, the President said the government would September 2011, 34 States are providing MDR-TB
strengthen district hospitals to provide advanced level diagnostic and treatment services and a cumulative
secondary care under the National Programme for total of 5810 MDR-TB cases have been started on
Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, treatment, according to the report.
Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke and The National With a population of about 1.2 billion, India
Programme for Health Care of the Elderly. is the largest country in region and the largest TB
burden country in the world in terms of absolute
India has Highest Number of MDR-TB numbers of incident cases that emerge each year and
Cases in South East Asia, says WHO it contributed one-fourth of the estimated global TB
cases in 2010.
India had an estimated 63,000 cases of
notified multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) Clinical Establishments Brought under Act
in 2010, the highest in the South East Asia region, Almost two years after it was passed by
the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said. Parliament, the Clinical Establishments (Registration

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Current Affairs News for UPSC, IAS, Govt Exams:

and Regulation) Act, 2010, has now been notified will facilitate policy formulation, resource allocation
by the Union Government. Notified on February 28, and determine standards of treatment, in addition
it has come into force in Arunachal Pradesh, to helping create an accurate database of such
Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim and all Union facilities available in the country. The Act will lay
Territories from March 1. down Standard Treatment Guidelines for common
The Act makes it mandatory for all clinical disease conditions, for which a core committee of
establishments to provide medical care and treatment experts has been formed.
necessary to stabilise any individual who comes or A National Council for Clinical
is brought to the clinical establishment in an Establishments, a multi-member body under the
emergency medical condition, particularly women chairmanship of the Director-General of Health
who come for deliveries and accident cases. It Services, with representatives of various stakeholder
provides for mandatory registration of all clinical institutions, is being notified shortly while work on
establishments, including diagnostic centres and the categorisation of clinical establishments and
single-doctor clinics across all recognised systems of development of minimum standards has been
medicine both in the public and private sector except initiated in association with the Quality Council of
those run by the Defence forces. The registering India and the Indian Medical Association. A
authority can impose fines for non-compliance and committee has also been formed for the development
if a clinical establishment fails to pay the same, it of Standards for Electronic Records Maintenance
would be recovered as an arrear of land revenue. It systems to be adopted in the hospitals.

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