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Energy Conservation Low- carbon biodegradable mined.

This, in turn, would reduce

Natural Sustainable
1. Use the given word bank to fill in the costs of consumers
Recyclable Reusable
the blanks of the following
3. energy conservation plays an 5. Write at least 10 Ways to conserve
manufacturing Eco Energy important role in saving non- energy
efficiency Green Organic _____________________________
renewable energy resources.
environment-friendly _____________________________
conservation Furthermore, non-renewable energy
Low- carbon consume cool, sources take many centuries to _____________________________
biodegradable Natural regenerate. Moreover, humans _____________________________
preservation Sustainable _____________________________
regenerate Recyclable Reusable consume energy at a faster rate than
it can be produced. Therefore, _____________________________

energy conservation would lead to _____________________________

the preservation of these precious _____________________________

non-renewable sources of energy _____________________________

1. Energy efficiency is the use of less _____________________________
energy to perform the same task or 4. Energy conservation will reduce the
expenses related to fossil fuels. _____________________________
produce the same result. Energy-
efficient homes and buildings use Fossil fuels are very expensive to _____________________________
less energy to heat, cool, and run _____________________________
mine. Therefore, consumers are
appliances and electronics, and
required to pay higher prices for _____________________________
energy-efficient manufacturing
facilities use less energy to produce goods and services. Energy _____________________________
goods. _____________________________
conservation would certainly reduce
2. Find out 10 words that are similar
the amount of fossil fuel being _____________________________
in meaning to Energy efficient.
Eco Green Organic _____________________________
environment-friendly _____________________________

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