From What World Are From?

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From What World are from?

Created and Published - Nicola Fidaily Herath (Director of Articles


The question, “What world are you from?”, defines your

clumsiness or unsuitability in the general public, but my idea is
not so. This question, defines that your location is unknown and
people don’t seem to know your identity which is why you’re
unique. I’ve been hearing this question a lot of times myself, But
I don’t really lose my confidence. In 90% of the lectures, I’ve
heard around the world, I ‘ve been hearing the statement, “You
are unique”, It is true that we have different personalities and
capabilities, and this explains why were unique. But also, this
fact is slipping away unnoticed, because it affects your esteem.
When somebody asks, “What world are you from?”, Never arise
the guilt from the bedrock of your confidence! This question or
phrase explains that you are unique and no one knows who you
really are. Show them what world you are from by working your
capabilities and making a big achievement.
It was a bright morning arising the sweet warmth of the dawn, or
was it? Julien was extremely disappointed for his clumsy head
for forgetting the science project which was due today.
Rolling his eyes around the room, He surfed for some clue for
an emergency science project. His eyes reached a pair of dirty
socks which blew up smokes of disgusted odor. All of a sudden,
an idea popped in his head.
“Let’s use one of my ideas for once.” He gleamed with
Excitement. He held his dirty socks Infront of his nervous
nostrils. He was undoubtedly gagged by the woven smell of the
damp cotton. Grinning at this observation, his eyes reached the
two hands of the clock moving towards 7am. Rushing his
movements, He slipped his socks into a box of marbles, and
buried it inside his bag. He dashed past the opened door towards
the bus. He managed to roll in just as the wheels began to make
its move. The passengers of the bus were exchanging looks of
curiosity with each other as the intolerable odor reached their
nostrils. They were released from the suffocating curse of the
mysterious spell when Julien finally slipped off the bus.
He rushed his feet swiftly towards the hall to see hundreds of
students displaying experiments of various colors and principles
at their allocated positions. Julien walked to the table and placed
his box of a complete nightmare on his table next to Liza.
Unlike Julien, Liza had come prepared with the realistic display
of the stages of a butterfly. Julien felt his stomach aching with
shame. He gazed around the astounding projects of all his fellow
Just then, the footsteps of the Judging committee was heard.
They entered the hall and started inspecting all projects one by
one. Julien could hear the waves of compliments bringing joy
and hope of the participants winning the competition while rains
of fear washed away all hope in Julien. The committee reached
Julien and the five eyes fell on the cardboard box.
Julien gained some courage and started his presentation,
“I am Julien of 6B. I will be presenting a result of combined
bacteria which usually occurs in our life.
(Julien opens the box and the Judges cover their noses)
This is a pair of socks about 10 weeks old, I assume. This is
common for sport players but it is a project for scientists,
gentlemen! This is a cause of   microbial growth on cloth due
to the moisture gathered in the layers of cotton thread.”

Concluding his speech, Julien bowed at the confused and angry

judges. They gestured Julien with disgusted looks to close the
box. They shouted at him and asked, “What world are you
from?” The disgusted odor cleared off and the Judging
committee gasped for air.
The announcement of “Show Dismissed!” made all competitors
glare at Julien with fury. Under all the depression and Shame, A
beautiful woman approached Julien and commented on his
project. This time, it was a shower of encouraging compliments.
“It was such a unique project. To be honest, I expected all
projects to be the same as last years. Eruption of Volcanoes, Life
stages of animals, Electric circuits… These are very common.
And yes, all were those common little projects except yours.
Even though you won’t win the
competition, I am sure you will be an
amazing scientist in the future with
your incomparable innovativeness.
Remember those judged asked, ‘What
world are you from?’ Don’t let it
depress you. I suppose they do not
know that you are from Planet Earth and they don’t know who
you really are. Now, WORK HARD AND SHOW THEM WHO
Her words gave Julien loads of encouragement and hopes for his

15 years later…
“Dr. Julien, your project is published on the newspaper.”
Reported James, His assistant.
“Is it the Rat Eye experiment?”
“No, it is the Wire of Kinetic Explosions!”
“Oh, that was brilliant, Was it, James? Can you please come
help me with the Giraffe secretions?
“Right away, Dr. Julien.”

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